Belobog's sign - Belbog: history, action, who suits. Belobog is the god of light, goodness and justice in Slavic culture

No matter how many rivers flow, carrying in their waters legends about the greatness of past years, no matter how many leaves rustle in the thickets of the forest, black and white forces will creep along the ground in invisible streams. And there is this great contradiction, for evil without good does not spill over into the shores of human souls, and good is not appreciated until the path is traversed with a heavy burden and unwritten grief.
From the birth of its kind, the human world divided into a world full of different benefits, and a world where great evil lurks. And people believed that each side of the world has its own deity. Where good lived, the hand of Belobog the Mighty stretched, and where light was lost in the darkness, his brother and eternal enemy Chernobog reigned. People prayed for good luck to Belobog and asked for his protection in their endeavors. They wore white clothes to appease and win over their Belobog.

And in the face of old age Belobog appeared to people. A kind of sage in white clothes, with kind and laughing eyes, with a gray, long beard. Travelers, who were lost in the impassable forests and feared the fangs of the wild beast, asked Belobog for help, because only he was able to defeat the darkness of Chernobog, in which faithful death lurked.

Belobog is a white, light god. The name of this deity contains the very concept of goodness by the ancient Slavs. White means kind and light. The expression "white day" or "white light" means not just the presence of physical light that illuminates everything, but also the presence of the primordial matter of good. What is visible, what inspires hope and faith. No wonder our ancestors feared the coming of night, and put off all their affairs until the onset of a new day. Night is a time of evil, and deeds that happen under the cover of night are dark and evil. Day is the time for good and light deeds. Therefore, Belobog is the embodiment of primordial goodness, light and everything accompanying and positive.

Belobog is the supreme deity and the embodiment of one of the two forces that underlie the universe. For some

assumptions Belobog is the collective embodiment of all the supreme gods of the world of Prav: Svarog, Lada, Perun and others. On the other hand, some researchers consider Belobog as one of the personalities of the great Family. According to the third theory, Belobog does
is a reincarnated version of Sventovit - the spiritual light of the universe. Many more theories can be put forward, and each of them will be as correct as it is wrong. It is impossible to agree with accuracy and complete certainty about something that happened many centuries before our birth. In the humble opinion of the author of this article, Belobog is what our ancestors called good. Our ancestors, not having the proper education and other benefits of modern civilization, subconsciously singled out two forces that are always opposing each other: Good and Evil. What gives birth to life and what destroys it. So, Belobog was in the views of the ancient Slavs one of these fundamental forces - Good.

Belobog does not stand out in the Slavic pagan pantheon as a separate character. He is like the totality of all deities, and all deities are carriers of the face of Belobog. He is not mentioned in any divine battle against the dark forces, that is, he is defined as a higher power that has nothing to do with the more ordinary and base strife between the inhabitants of the world of Prav. From this point of view, the statement that Belobog is one of the hypostases of the Great Family sounds quite convincing. In general, one should not forget that the Slavic pantheon of gods, in fact, is one matter with a single and multiple consciousness, which was responsible for one or another aspect of human life.

The idols of Belobog

Throughout the history of the Slavs, they were an indispensable component of most triglavs, it was believed that they bring good luck and happiness. Belobog was considered to be analogous to the original principle of the universe, but at the same time there was a clear separation with the original demiurge - the prototype of the Family. Belobog is rightfully considered the god of Reveal, not the Universe. If you look at the surviving images of Belobog, then this is a tall old man with long hair and a beard dressed in perfectly light clothes. One of its features is blue eyes that see right through a person, as if piercing him. Belobog leaned on a staff made of wood, at the top of which is the rune of the same name. In Belarus, this god is known as Belun, who helped the poor with money for a small favor - to wipe his nose.

Belobog and Chernobog

The main antagonist for Belobog in Slavic pagan mythology is Chernobog - the embodiment of everything that contradicts the essence of Belobog. According to one of the Slavic legends about the creation of the world, in the beginning there was nothing and there was only the sky and an endless ocean of dead waters. Three falcons flew across the sky. One of them was in front and chose the heavenly path for his fellows. One falcon, which flew to the right of the first, held ears of grain in its beak, and its gaze was directed to the sky, the very height. The third falcon, which flew to the left of the first, carried a lump of earth in its beak and looked down at the smooth surface of eternal waters. The first hawk was the Great Rod himself and he was the first, for he gave rise to all living and nonliving in this world. The second was Belobog himself, and he was on the right side of the fact that he was righteous and his spirit was bright and pure. The third falcon that held a clod of earth was Chernobog.

At the behest of Rod, Chernobog dropped a lump of earth in the water of the endless ocean and, turning into a drake, he raised the Buyan island from the bottom. And that mighty and great oak grew on the island, and Rod sat on it in order to see everything around better. And that oak became the tree of life. The Sun and the Moon circled around this tree, and this is how the sacred circle of the first day was closed, when day and night were born and the cradle of Time swayed.
Belobog soared into the sky as an eagle and his eyes became the stars that followed the world. The grains protected by him were thrown into the earthly firmament, and with the gentle hand of the Yarila-Sun they sprouted with the first grasses and forests. Then Rod ordered Chernobog and Belobog to take up the pier and beat the mountain that he had erected on Buyan Island and give birth to all kinds of life: mortal and immortal. And from the blows of Chernobog snakes and vile creatures crawled along the ground. From the blows of Belobog, birds were born that flew in the heights and animals that were beautiful in their face and temper. And then Rod commanded the brother-gods to give souls to people and gods, and to the souls of those eternal to enclose his seed. So it happened that in the world of Rule, where Belobog reigns, souls are pure and righteous, and the seed in their souls is ripe and good. Chernobog, in the world of Navi, rules over crooked and dark souls, and the seed in those souls is rotten.
The confrontation between Chernobog and Belobog for the Slavs was represented in a clash of opposites: life and death, day and night, cold and warm. In essence, these are two opposites of the same phenomenon - being. Good and evil, two forces that move the universe and rule the fate of people. In the view of the ancient Slavs, everything that pleased the eye and the soul was the act of Belobog - the embodiment of absolute goodness, and everything that could cause pain, cause fear, was the intrigues of Chernobog.

Symbol (amulet) of Belobog

Belobog is the supreme Slavic deity, identified with good itself. Naturally, the path of Belobog is the path of honest and good deeds. Anyone can experience at times terrible temptations and doubts that will ultimately lead him to the righteous path, to the path of falsehood. It was for the protection of one's own soul and mind that the Belobog amulet was used.
This amulet is designed to disperse in the soul of its bearer the darkness sown by Chernobog, and return a person to the path of righteous deeds and pure thoughts. This amulet brings good luck and prosperity, but this does not mean that this amulet will help, for example, gamblers. No, this amulet was created for those who, by their deeds, strive to benefit not only themselves, but also those around them, for those who do not accept dirty ways and treachery in their struggle.
Belobog's amulet brings good luck, but this does not mean that this luck was taken away from someone. The amulet draws grace from the cornucopia for those who truly deserve it, and for those who humbly endured all adversity and did not fall under the onslaught of dark forces.
The amulet of Belobog is primarily intended for men, so that they can adequately continue the deeds of their ancestors and leave behind worthy descendants of the great Family. Belobog is for just and strong-minded men who do not tremble before the face of danger.
Also the amulet of Belobog, you need to take it with you on the road. The further a person is from his home, the thinner the connection between him and his family. Therefore, the amulet of Belobog is indispensable here, since it is called upon to maintain precisely this connection. It strengthens the spirit of a person, through the grace and power of all his Kin. The amulet does not allow you to forget for a minute about your origin and roots, it literally pulls the soul of the bearer to the Family.
The amulet of Belobog is also a defender and ally in the fight against his inner dark I. Each person fights daily with his laziness, aggression and other dark feelings. It is in this struggle that man needs the amulet of Belobog. Because it mutes the influence of the dark I, and allows the divine principle of each soul to take up.

Rune Belobog

The rune of Belobog is called the rune Mir. This rune ranks first in the Slavic runic alphabet. Some researchers also call this rune the rune of the Tree of Life, which, thanks to the very image of the rune, may be quite correct.
This rune expresses the essence of God, not as a separate being, but as that matter that has been personified in every phenomenon in this universe. This rune also expresses the essence of Man, created in the likeness of God. Here we are talking about that part of human consciousness that we call the soul. The soul is a particle that makes us equal to God, because we are an extension of his being and thoughts. We

are called to create and create new things, like our Creator. Fleece Mir clearly unites in itself this spiritual principle of God in every person.

If you look closely at the graphic image of the rune itself, you can see two sacred meanings. On the one hand, the rune reminds a person that he raised his hands to heaven. This is both prayer and repentance. This is conscience - the very matter with which, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, every detail of their existence was impregnated. In this meaning, the rune Mir acts as an ardent proof that man is a continuation of the divine essence of heaven. And man is sinful and imperfect, and heaven is his way to salvation.
On the other hand, the image of the rune of the World gives a reference to the single beginning of the entire universe - the Tree of Life. From this point of view, the rune Mir resembles a tree with a crown, which seems to support the heavens. This can be interpreted as the single beginning of all that is, that is, God himself.
Rune World is two-dimensional. This is the rune of both the Creator and his Creation. The cosmos becomes a reflection of the human soul, and man himself reflects the cosmic forces. The rune of Belobog also denotes Truth. The truth that is known to every person, albeit unconsciously. It is a belief in the supreme power that created man and the world around him. That is, it implies the embryonic knowledge of the human soul about its divine origin, which gives a person the realization that he was not born by himself, as a result of a mythical cosmic explosion, but as a result of divine will. The rune Peace symbolizes the human instinct to believe in higher powers.

The God of the White Light - Belobog - is close to the bright and kind people walking the path of Rule. Belobog's symbol is a complex pattern made up of a rhombus and horizontal lines. In the sign of God Belobog, solar symbolism is noticeable, suitable for the God of the White Light. The light of this pattern seems to diverge from the center, which depicts Belobog himself. The bright Slavic God himself is the source of the creation and development of our world.

What is the power of Belobog?

Belobog is a Slavic God who was loved by everyone: people and other Gods. How not to love the white light itself, purity and truth? Belobog is the son of Rod, responsible for the creation, development of the world, movement forward. He is the brother of Chernobog, the ruler of Navi. It is not for nothing that the brothers began to represent light and darkness: a person understands the significance of light, only comparing it with darkness, only where there is destruction, one wants to create something new.

Everyone loves the truth, but not everyone tells it. Therefore, God Belobog is not close to every person, but only to those who are pure in soul. Listen to the names of this Slavic God: Svyatovit, Belun, Sventovit, God of the White Light. There is not a drop of darkness in the soul of Belobog. This God has a pure and open character, therefore he cannot justify any evil, does not believe that there could be a reason for him.

Belobog, as the God of Creation, is able to give people a lot. For happiness, good luck, health, fertility, wealth, they turned to Belobog since ancient times. Often people choose the sign of this God as a talisman, they consider Belobog their patron. To receive the help of the God of the White Light, one must be a pure soul, follow the path of Rule, observe the laws of the Gods and the customs of the Ancestors.

Why is the symbol of Belobog worn?

If you feel the strength to walk the path of Pravi, Belobog will help!
The power of the sign of God Belobog has been known to the Slavs since ancient times, this amulet will protect a person:
• from darkness, bad mood, adversity, troubles;
· From your own mistakes, going out of the way of the Rule, however, you will have to correct mistakes yourself in order to return the patronage of Belobog.

The sign of the Slavic God Belobog will give to the one who wears it:
• wealth, prosperity, good luck in work and other affairs;
• happiness, light temper, the ability to rejoice in trifles, to please loved ones - the pure White Light will dispel any sorrow, the one whom Belobog helps has no room for sadness;
Love of other people, friendship, good relationship with family - as everyone loves the Sun and the bright Belobog, so they love those to whom this God turned his attention.

The light sign of Belobog will help illuminate life with pure white light, leaving no room for anything bad in it, however, and the requirements of the God of Creation are high. To those who are patronized by Belobog, he says: "Live honestly, do your duty, be kind to people and observe the laws of the Gods, then a well-deserved reward will find you!"

How do you know which Slavic God is close to you? The Northern Fairy Tale will help you with this. Read articles and fairy tales about the characters of the Gods, see who is similar to you, or drop by our house and go

Since the time of the ancient Slavs, there has been a symbol of Belobog. He is revered to this day for his strength and power. It appeared under the influence of legends about a powerful spirit, one of the leading Slavic gods in the pantheon. Belobog was worshiped earlier, prayers are offered to him today. Even in modern world there are many followers of the spirit left. After him, a special amulet remained.

The place of God in Slavic mythology

In Slavic myths and legends, there was a strict classification of deities. All of them were divided into three large groups:

  • kind - help people and animals, they bring joy and happiness, they are the overwhelming majority in mythology;
  • evil - harm people, make them suffer and suffer;
  • conquering the elements of the gods - usually take a neutral position, do not interfere in the life of people.


Belobog, according to the classification, belongs to the kind. The ancient Slavs worshiped him. If you ask him well, then he could give happiness, carelessness, prosperity, material and non-material benefits, so temples were erected for him.

It was believed that the closer the temple is to the heavenly body, the more supportive the deity will be. To appease God even more, his temple was decorated with all kinds of patterns.

Wealthy settlements could afford to decorate the walls and ceiling of the temple with precious stones and precious metals.


The image of the deity corresponded to his name. He was very often depicted as a grandfather, an elderly man, or an ancient old man. He has a white beard and long robes, mostly white or light gray in color. An embroidered pattern in blue tones was often painted along the edge of his cloak.

If the Slavic god took on a human form, then he could not be distinguished from a real old man. If they turned to him for advice, he did not refuse anyone and helped everyone.

Helping people

Travelers who lost their way and needed help turned to Belobog. In folklore, this deity plays an important role. Many legends and stories have been created about him. He appears in both proverbs and sayings.

From the earliest days, a saying has come down to us about a person whose life is like honey: everything is going well for him, the house is a full cup, the children delight. Then they say: "As if Belobog is in the house."

There is also a reverse saying. If nothing happens in a person's life, he is pursued by failures, then the people say: "Belobog does not shine anymore."

The magic of the sign

Images of the symbol of a good and strong deity are common today. Followers of the Belobog can apply this rune to clothing and headwear.

Many have a talisman that symbolizes Belobog. It is worn around the neck. Modern craftsmen place the symbol on jewelry: rings, seals, necklaces, earrings.

There are five main areas of life in which the Slavic amulet can help.

  1. With many problems in the family and with friends, the amulet will protect the aura from bad influences and direct thoughts in a positive direction. The talisman can influence a person's mood, bringing back joy to life and positive thinking.
  2. The amulet will help correct those mistakes that a person made on his life path, gradually guiding the ward on the right path.
  3. If there are discord in the work, there are financial difficulties, failures in career growth, the amulet will help to fix all the problems.
  4. If a person always has difficulty accepting himself, God can increase his fortitude so that he believes in himself.
  5. If the Slavic amulet is worn by a single guy or girl, it can help them find sincere and pure love.

How to make an amulet

The sign of God is depicted in the form of a complex rhombus. First, a small rhombus is depicted, from the side corners of which there are oblique lines, forming 2 more rhombuses on the sides. All this is enclosed in a large diamond with curls at the tops.

This symbol has such a complex structure as to enhance the protection of the person who wears it. Its meaning is most effective when this symbol is enclosed in a circle. Round-shaped objects symbolize the sun - one of the signs of Belobog. Modern craftsmen, when they make a charm in the form of a pendant, often place a rune in a yellow circle.

The rune must be depicted in red. In the mythology of the Slavs, the meaning of this color is protection. If you follow all the rules for making this amulet, then it will protect its owner from any misfortunes.

How to wear a charm

When wearing, there are no restrictions on age and gender, Belobog takes care of both old and young alike. For children, it is better to embroider a symbol on clothes, and for more mature people, an amulet in the form of a body talisman is ideal.

For women, you can put the symbol in earrings and hide it under your hair to enhance the god's protection. It is preferable that the symbol is made of natural materials: wood or metal, then the protection of the deity Belobog will be more effective.

Who shouldn't use the sign

Not everyone can wear such an amulet. Its significance and power are very great, therefore, this sign can harm people with evil thoughts, insidious plans. Belobog does not like dishonest, vile people. He is always ready to prepare punishment for them, despite the fact that he is a representative of the good and bright gods.

If a person sincerely wishes good for other people, he himself is always ready to help, such a talisman definitely suits him.

The Belobog symbol is a symbol of the ancient Slavic god Belobog, who was a symbol of light, the god of goodness, happiness and good luck. He personified the daytime and clear spring sky. Also, the sign of Belobog is a sign of goodness and well-being, it protects the family from quarrels, and also creates a harmony in the soul of a person. The one who wore this sign will always be with money and at harvest.

Good god Belobog

The ancient Slavs had many gods, and they were all divided into three main groups: good, evil, and the spirits of nature and elements. Belobog is one of the good gods who symbolized warm radiance, happiness, joy, a pleasant sense of justice, enjoyment of life's benefits, etc. The Temple of Belobog, like many other temples, was usually built on the elevation of the highest hill so that it was as close to the sun as possible. The walls were decorated with decorative silver and gold products, and they were arranged so that they reflected the rays of the sun and the moon, so that not a single shadow could penetrate into the temple of goodness, light and sun.

A bright old man who brings good luck and light

Belobog, like many other Slavic gods, had many names: Belbog or Belun. Especially Belobog was revered in the present territory of Belarus. They portrayed him as a gray-haired old man with a long white beard, who, with his kind word and correct advice, helped travelers who got lost in the forest. In his appearance, he resembled the old sorcerer, who at that time often traveled the world in search of answers to their questions.

Respect for Belobog has taken root among the Belarusians since ancient times, even in folklore, and there is even a saying among the people “It’s like making friends with Belun” - when a person is happy and good, and vice versa, when everything is bad, they say “It's dark in the forest without Belun ".

Belobog's generous hand

The ancient Slavs believed that Belobog was able to bestow a person with happiness, wealth and fertility. In addition to giving a person light, he himself often volunteers to help with his own hands. For example, in Slavic folklore there is a story about the god Belobog, who, during the harvest, often appears in the field in the form of an old man, and offers to help the reapers to finish their work. When exactly material assistance is needed, he again appears in the form of a gray-haired old man, but already with a full bag of various money. Whom to give the money to, Belobog decides for himself. First, he chooses the poorest of the villagers, and asks him to wipe Belobog's nose. If a person does not refuse and helps, then money begins to pour out of the bag, and God himself gradually disappears.

Belobog as a symbol of the ancient Slavs

The Belobog symbol is a symbol that attracts good luck to a person. The glory of Belobog was so famous that even in our time, places that were named in his honor are still preserved: in Poland, the famous places Bialoboz and Bialobozhnitsa, in Ukraine in Galicia Belbozhnitsa, in Pomerania there is even a mountain called Belobog, in the Czech Republic - Belozhitsa, not far from Moscow, near the city of Radonezh, there are remnants of the ancient sanctuary of Belobog.

Belobog and Chernobog

If Belobog attracts good luck, happiness and fertility to a person, that Chernobog is his complete opposite, but together they are the Creators of everything visible and invisible. They can only be compared with the real embodiment of good and evil, Yin and Yang, light and darkness. The symbol of Belobog is a very powerful amulet, and a person who will wear it and regularly cleanse it from filth, as well as recharge it with their own energy, will abruptly turn their life in a completely different direction. What can I say here: Belobog is the embodiment of light, its symbol is an impenetrable shield.

How to tie nauz Belobog "End of Darkness"

They say that at the Beginning of Time

When Rod as He Himself has not yet created the World out of Himself,

When He has not yet filled him with His Spirit, uniting the created Plurality,

When there was no Earth and Heaven yet,

When the Rod itself was not a Rod,

Bo was not one who could call Him that,

Then one Part of Him (people like the Prophetic after they will call the Right Hand of the Family)

I rushed in one direction (who will be called "Horseback" after that),

And the other Part of Him (now recommending Shuitsa Rod)

I rushed to the other, OPPOSITE side (which later will be called "Bottom").

Such beings became two Great Beginnings, two Faces, two Sides of the One and All-Existing Kin of the Almighty - Belobog and Chernobog.

And since then EVERYTHING in the World exists from THEIR INTERACTION ...

First word

Knowledgeable people know that all the deeds done by man in the White World have as their root two main aspirations: the desire to preserve and the desire to acquire (acquisition, from a philosophical point of view, is nothing more than a change, and we will also specifically say about that below - approx.Stavr). These two desires, two Faces of the One (two Sides of Being) lead us all our life. The desire to preserve things, knowledge, skills, the desire to preserve oneself and one's kind - this is what is necessary and what is inherent not only in man, but also in every other belly that exists in the White World. The striving for Acquisition in a high sense (something there is a need not only for the belly, but also for the Spirit to grow rich) is inherent only in man, as in the Grandson of Dazhdbozh.

The harmonious combination of these two aspirations in a person is that Lad of the World (Dynamic Harmony), which many are trying to find, but not everyone succeeds. Therefore, these aspirations are truly inseparable, like "plus" and "minus", like Day and Night, like Summer and Winter, like Life and Death, like Belobog and Chernobog ...

Second word

Chernobog and Belobog are the first Sons of the Family and His Higher Faces. Manifesting through the Essences of Chernobog and Belobog, the All-Existing Clan conceives in the Beginning of Time the creation from Nothing - All. With the dissolution of the Rod in the Faces of Chernobog and Belobog, the Great Rotation into the World is conceived (and the World itself too).

Chernobog is the personified Symbol of everything Secret, On-Tu-Side, Hidden, Unknown. He is the Symbol of Uncertainty, Uncertainty, which frightens some of them immensely, others - beckons with him, awakens in them a passion for Knowledge. Belobog, on the other hand, is the personification of everything Obvious, Determined, Clear, open to every inexperienced eye. He is the Symbol of all that is already known, already consciously ...

The third word: Triglav of Childbirth, Source

The Wise Know the Great Triglav of Clans: KIND - CHERNOBOG - BELOBOG.

Where Rod as Itself is the Source, as well as Being, consisting of Life (Belobog) and Death (Chernobog).

From the "Scroll of the Family": "They know Wise Essences Kind, dissolving in whom, He unfolds in Time and Space.

The essence of the Sort is:

Chernobog - Darkness,

Belobog - Light.

Belobog is the Giving Hypostasis of the Family.

Chernobog is the Punishing Hypostasis of the Family.

Chernobog and Belobog, merging into one at the End of Time, will create the Clan as Himself, just as the Clan disintegrated into TWO Parts at the Beginning of Time gave birth to Them.

Chernobog and Belobog, as the Higher Faces of the Family, fill Time and Space with Their Essences.

Their essences:

Belobog - Life (in Yavi)

Chernobog - Death (Genesis in Navi)

Belobog - Day

Chernobog - Night

Belobog - Summer

Chernobog - Winter

Belobog - Peace

Chernobog - Movement

Belobog - Immutability

Chernobog - Change

Chernobog and Belobog, filling Time and Space with Their Essences, create the Great Rotation, the Rotation of Forces into the World.

The Rotation of Forces is Movement: Change of Day - Night, Summer - Winter, Life - Death.

The Rotation of Forces is also the Process of Reincarnation, Rebirth in a new Quality through the Dying of the old qualities "

From this Great Triglav there are Zhiva (Life, Reality) and Mara (Death, Nav), the same in Lada, as well as Dolya and Nedolya, the same Makosh.

The fourth word. Separation

The Rod as Itself is the Origin, from which there are two Gods Roads in the Universal Existence: the White Gods Rope - the Light Gods, the Gods of Reveal, whose Will begins its Manifestation in the spring and is fully embodied in the summer.

Rope of Chernobog - Dark Gods, Gods of Navi, manifesting Their Will in autumn and reigning supreme in cold winter. And that is Separation.

Fifth word. Unity

The Rope of Chernobog (Will Navi) and the Rope of Belobog (Will of Reveal), through Creative Interaction between itself creates the Rule (Lad of the World), balancing, UNITING between itself Reality and Nav and not allowing their disorderly mixing.

Just as the All-Existing Clan, dissolving into the World and the All-God, fills them with His Spirit, so the White and Black Gods, being the Highest Faces of the Clan, fill the All-God and World of the Clan with their Will. Therefore, existing in their eternal Unity are such, at first glance, opposites, like Alive (Life) and Mara (Death), as Share and Nedolya, which are Two Sides of the All-One Being. And that is Unity.

Sixth word: Svetovid and Veles

In the All-Divine Ancestral personification of the Will of Belobog, Svetovid can be thought of, which, according to Ancient Legends, fights at night with the Spirits of Navi, who penetrate into Reality. It is especially necessary to note that if other Light Gods have true Power only during daylight hours and in their own period of the Annual Kolo, then Svetovid has Power both at night and in Winter, during the reign of the Dark Gods. Therefore, He is the Guardian, the Guardian of THIS SIDE, THIS World - Reveal, the White Light, not allowing Navi to swallow it.

The personification of Chernobog can be Veles, or rather, His Dark Side (Veles Naviy), as the Keeper of the Kalinov Bridge over the Currant River, which serves as the Border, the Limit (Cromyu) between Java and Navu. Veles also has Power in all Worlds, at any time of the day and at any period of the Annual Colo. Therefore, He is the Guardian of THAT WORLD, the Guardian of THAT Side - Navi, who, like Svetovid, prevents the mixing of Worlds and manages the Series of the World, which was laid down from time immemorial.

Word Seven: Creation of the World, Interaction

Ancient Legends say that having dissolved in the Faces of the Black and White Gods, who, in their turn, think

some in the form of a falcon - black and white, others - in the form of such swans, or doves, the All-Existing Rod created Reality - the White Light:

They sat down - two blue people fell

Two blue cakes for two dumplings

Give yourself a gladiti

Radu raditi and gukotati:

How do we light the foundation?

We will go down to the bottom to the sea,

Take out a si dribbnogo squeak,

Mushroom squeak, blue stone -

Dribbny pisochek poi eme mi

Sitiy Kamyanets

From a drizzling squeak - a black earth,

Studena voditsya, green grass

From the blue fireplace - the blue sky,

Blue sky, si tle soneyko,

Svi tle soneiko, Yasen mi syachok,

My syachok and all the stars are clear

The same process of Creative Interaction, which was mentioned above, is clearly visible here. And this is typical not only of the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie, but of the entire Aryan (Indo-European) Tradition. As an example, here is a passage from the Younger Edda. “And if cold and fierce weather came from Niflheim, warmth and light always reigned near Muspellheim. And the Abyss of the World was quiet there, like the air on a calm day. When frost and warm air met, so that that frost began to melt and flow down, the drops revived from the calorific power and took the form of a man, and that man was Ymir, and the frost giants call him Aurgelmir. " (Younger Edda; "Vision of Gulvi").

Everyone knows what happened as a result of Ymir's appearance:

From the meat of Ymir

the earth is done

the sea is of his blood,

mountains - made of bone,

forest - of hair,

from the skull - the vault of heaven.

The world from his eyelashes -

Midgard to the sons of men,

The gods have done good,

From his brains

Have created good

Puffy clouds clouds

(Elder Edda

Grimnir's Speeches; 40-41)

In fact, Niflheim is thought to be the “analogue” of the Essence of Chernobog, and Beloboga, respectively, is Muspelheim. Their interaction results in New Life. It is noteworthy that separately neither the first nor the second of these Aspects are capable of this ...

The eighth word

From the above, it follows that Belobog and Chernobog, in spite of their dissimilarity, are not a symbol of irreconcilable enmity of opposites, but they are the true Embodiment of the Creative Interaction of two Forces, through which the Rod unfolds in the World, giving birth, filling and

binding him together by his Spirit. About the same rekut and ancient sources. Helmold in his "Slavic Chronicle" writes: "The Slavs have an amazing delusion. Namely: during feasts and libations, they let a round sacrificial bowl, uttering at the same time, I will not say a blessing, but rather spells on behalf of the gods, namely, a good god and an evil one, believing that all successes are good, and all misfortunes are directed by an evil god ... Therefore, in their own language they call the evil god the devil, or Chernobog, that is, the black god. " If you do not pay attention to the purely Christian, dualistic assessment of the observer (and as you know, every person evaluates any phenomenon according to his personal yardstick, therefore Helmold approaches this action with his own yardstick, calling it a "delusion" - Stavr's note), the key point here is that both Chernobog and Belobog are revered equally - "... spells on behalf of the gods, namely, the good god and the evil ..." Therefore, those who, out of their own ignorance, transfer the qualities of the biblical Satan to the Image of Chernobog, are deeply mistaken now, attributing everything to him the worst in this world (and, ultimately, trying to blame someone for their own imperfections and failures - approx. Stavr). “Cursing” Chernobog is all the same, that curse the Night, Winter, all the same, that curse your own “dark side” (I will especially say that it is not “bad”, namely the Dark, Inner), which everyone certainly has.
Chernobog is the Dark Face of the Family, Its Other Side, personified by Nav, representing the same Part of the World, Part of the Rule, like Reality. It is also true that Chernobog is a visible Image of every change, every dying - from the physical death of the body to the "dying" of everything old, bad, and obsolete in ourselves. Chernobog by His Will kills the unnecessary in us, making room for the New. For those who do not live in harmony, whose nature is torn apart by internal and external contradictions, Chernobog will bring nothing but destruction in its purest form ...

Therefore, in each of us, and in each of the Native Gods, there is a Part of Chernobog - even such a purely Bright Face of the Family, like Dazhdbog, has its own Dark Side - the Sun is not only necessary for life, It can burn out crops. The task is for the Light and Dark sides of our nature to be in harmony, in harmony with each other, because the Lad of the World begins with a harmony in each individual person.

Therefore, the rekut are still the ancestors, who walk the Path of Truth and the Ancestors with the Gods who honor such words to Belobog, turning their faces at sunrise or at noon (south):



Chernobog is called, turning his face at midnight (north):

Serve Black God a different essence

Ninth Word: Development

The incarnations of the Clan in the Faces of Chernobog and Belobog, together with their subsequent Creative Interaction, is a conceivable image of the Rotation in the World, as well as a symbol of human development, a descendant of the Clan in the White World.

The essence of development is the interconnection of the three most important actions.

The first of them is the acquisition of new skills or qualities that are useful for a person.

The second is the assimilation (preservation) of useful skills or qualities (both newly acquired and already existing).

The third is getting rid (destruction) of both harmful and simply unnecessary qualities.

The sequence of these actions is given here conditionally, for the essence of the World is such that everything new comes

in place of the old, displacing the old (in another way - DESTROYING it). Therefore, the Essences of Chernobog (destruction) and Belobog (preservation) exist in eternal alternation, as Day and Night, Summer with Winter, Life with Death alternate, and it cannot be said that some of these Essences are "first", and some - "Second". This is what is called the Swinging of Forces in which the Action of the Will of the Black and White Gods is clearly displayed, but already the first of the above actions - the acquisition implies a CHANGE, because acquiring new skills or qualities, a person inevitably changes, becomes ANOTHER - wiser, stronger, more more skillful than himself in the past.

This is the action of the Will of Chernobog, for one of his Essences is change.

The second action - the assimilation of the new and the preservation of both new and existing useful qualities - is a manifestation of the Will of Belobog, for His Essence is preservation and immutability.

The third action - deliverance, the destruction of qualities harmful to a person is entirely a manifestation of the Will of Chernobog, for His Essence is destruction and annihilation.

Let us especially say that in the very process of human development, not two, but three Forces are involved. The third Power, in addition to the will of Chernobog and Belobog, is the Will of the person himself. For he inherits from his Ancestors - the Native Gods - the most important Gifts, which are Will, Spirit and Reason. About that - a small digression:

The old Pocon teaches that everything that exists in the World has its own feelings, even if it does not seem to another "alive" in appearance. Man, being a part of the World, possesses both feelings and Reason, having not one, but two ways of comprehending the World and developing one's own in it. In the White World, however, a man makes his Path in accordance with his understanding. And in accordance with his understanding, he is free to choose which qualities and skills are useful for him and which are harmful. In this, firstly, the essence of man is revealed, as a part of the World (in Reality - Nature), and secondly, his essence as a Personality with its own Will. After all, the Native Gods are, on the one hand, the Faces of the Sort (and part of the World), and on the other hand, the Personalities as such.

When talking about development, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of development as such from the concept of change. For change can be both for good and for bad, and is a Manifestation of the Will of Chernobog alone. Development, however, implies a change to the good, and there is a manifestation of the JOINT ACTION of the Will of Chernobog and Belobog.

Word Ten: Ancient Tales

The tale of the blacksmith

They say that one blacksmith lived in times immemorial. As it should be, Chur Belobogu stood in the forge, in the proper place. And he went to the forge like that on the Temple of Chernobog, saw there Chernobogov Chur, and decided to install a small likeness of it in his forge. No sooner said than done. Since that time, every time before extinguishing Fire in the forge, the blacksmith regularly put Treb not only on Belobog, but also on Chernobog. And all right, yes, the blacksmith lived just fine, however - everything has its own Term. Term came to the blacksmith, therefore he went to the Other World - to his Ancestors and to the Native Gods. Blacksmithing was continued by his son. And he was less perspicacious than his father, therefore, every time before starting work, he put Treb only on Belobog. Chernobog, on the other hand, will spit once or twice on the missal, thinking that he will deserve all the more Benefit from Belobog - and that's the end of it! ..

For a long time, for a short time this indecency continued, but they say that a good fellow came to that blacksmith somehow, and he says: “Hello, blacksmith! But won't you take me as your disciple, as an apprentice? I’ll inflate your furs, carry coal, and what kind of work do you want to do ... ”The blacksmith was delighted and replied:“ Why not take it? I'll take it! Two hands is good, but four is always better. " And the good fellow began to comprehend blacksmithing wonderfully quickly. Time has passed - nothing at all, but lo and behold - he rules the work better than the blacksmith himself. The blacksmith, it seems, is the only thing he needs - sometimes he doesn't even go to the forge for days - he is young and alone will cope!

And so, just on one of these days, when the owner was not in the forge, a good fellow sees - an old old woman walks past the forge. He came out, and let’s call out: “Kind people, you are welcome to our smithy! Here wondrous divas are created - the old turn into the young! " The old woman is at once to him - are you a breach, they say? ...

How is the truth! If it hadn't been used, I would have kept silent!

And the old woman was delighted to find youth again. She agreed to this miracle; it is not surprising - not everyone has such a thing - to turn back his life and return the young years.

And the good fellow grabbed her by the legs, threw it into the burning furnace, and burned everything clean, only bones and

remained. Then he turned those bones, took them out of the forge and threw them into a tub of milk - lo and behold, a little time had passed - an old woman comes out of the tub - not an old woman, young but beautiful!

She came to her old man - and he did not recognize her. She told him: “What, old, bulging eyes? You don’t see - I’m young and stately, and you, as you were, are an old man. We are not a couple, as we are - not a couple. Now go to the blacksmith, let him beat you into a young one too. Otherwise I don't want to know you! "

There is nothing to do, the old man got ready, took a roadside shalyga, and to the blacksmith. It’s the business — have you seen it, what a miracle, what a wonderful, marvelous miracle — to reforge the old into the young at the same time!

At this very time the blacksmith came to his forge - lo and behold, but the disciple is still not there. I looked around, asked around, spat on the matter, and got down to work as before - alone. Here and the old man keeps up, but from the doorway to the blacksmith: "Break me, they say, on the young!" The smithy sat down: “Are you in your mind, old one? Where have you seen this happen? " Old man: "He reforged my old woman - bite me too!" The blacksmith was more surprised than ever: "I, they say, have never seen your old woman!" The old man for the hook, and to the blacksmith: "Now I’ll sweat you with a shalyga, and you’ll remember at once!" The blacksmith does not know what to think at all - he has not seen, they say, your old woman, and that's it.

You have not seen, your disciple has seen!

Who taught him blacksmithing? Are you not? Come on, reforge it, or I'm not responsible for myself!

There is nothing to be done, the blacksmith agreed to reforge the old man, only asked him to wait a bit. And meanwhile he himself quietly asked the old old woman how and what the disciple did him, and he thinks: I will do the same - the Gods will give, good and it will come out.

As usual, the blacksmith told Treba Belobog about the good outcome of the case, spat on Chernobogov's missal out of habit, ordered the old man to undress, after which he put him in the forge, and well, let's blow the furs. Only the bones from the old man remained. He turned those bones over, took them out, threw them into a tub of milk, and let’s wait - when, instead of the old man, a good fellow would jump out from there. And he still does not exist. The blacksmith looked into the tub - and there only burnt bones float ...

... and the Light Gods from Iriya were ripe for this, and at first Svarog, the Patron of every craft, especially blacksmithing, wanted to help the blacksmith with something, but then he reasoned: “The Black God teaches a lesson just right, it’s worthless for anyone to erect blasphemy in vain from the Native Gods! .. ”And left everything as it is ...

The old man's wife, meanwhile, was alarmed - there has been no husband for a long time, neither young nor old. He comes to the blacksmith and asks: "Where, they say, is my rejuvenated old man?" The blacksmith only throws up his hands in response - "does not come to life, and that's it." Wife in a voice - have you ever seen a man in broad daylight worn out! She dragged the blacksmith to the prince's court; so, they say, and so, the prince and you, good people, burned out my husband's blacksmith, for that, judge him according to Truth, according to the Russian Row. It is well known that the conversation with murderers in Russia is short. They dragged the blacksmith to punishment. Lo and behold - meet them the same blacksmiths apprentice goes that forged an old woman into a young wife and, slyly squinting, asks the blacksmith - "Where are you being led, master?" He told him everything as it is from beginning to end. The good fellow answered: “Ah, and you have trouble, master, ah, and trouble… Well, now, tea, you won't spit on Chernobogov's missal, or how? Your father, over there, was wiser and more perceptive than you - both the White and the Black God rightly rendered honors. That's why I lived a good life. You honor the Black God every day, blasphemed, for that and now get it ... ”He said - and disappeared, as it was not ...

The princes dragged the blacksmith further. And they just wanted him to take the head off his shoulders - they look, and the former blacksmith trainee goes along with the rejuvenated old man: “Don't touch, he says, the blacksmith. There is no guilt on him. Here's your wife, your husband. " The people of the princes let the blacksmith go.

Since then, the blacksmith, every time before heating the Fire in the forge, regularly rendered honors to both Belobog and Chernobog and raised the required Treb.

The same husband and wife, the old man and the old woman, began to live and get on, worship the Gods and the Ancestors.

... And if Chernobog himself took on the guise of that good fellow, that he asked to be a blacksmith as a disciple, or who is from His Vervi - we now do not know. The essence of this tale, according to everyone, is unchanging - a bad deed, even if it was created with the best intentions, but always the worst one who has done it and turns around.

Comments on the Tale of the Blacksmith

It should be added that this tale has its own reflection in the Traditional Slavic Rituals. If you look at the Annual Kolo, then across the circle, directly opposite Kupala, there will be the Holiday of Kolyada - the Birth of the New Sun. The entire complex of Ritual Actions dedicated to this most important period of the Year Circle begins on December 22-25 and continues until January 6th. On the shortest night of the year - from the 24th to the 25th cut, friction produces "New Fire", from which "Badnyak" is ignited - an oak log almost as tall as a man, decorated and dressed with various rags and

ribbons, "fed and watered" with food and drink, which certainly had to burn, without extinguishing, until the end of the Veles Christmastide (6th section). Therefore, special people, alternating one after another, had to "watch" over it day and night - if "Badnyak" flared up, it had to be watered ("watered") with milk, honey or beer, if it started to go out, it was necessary to turn on the heat. "Badnyak" was a visible personification of the "New Sun", therefore, according to beliefs, both extinguished and burnt out ahead of time, "Badnyak" foreshadowed the onset of a bad year.

Returning to the Image of the Blacksmith, “forging the old into the young”, we note that it was during the Veles Christmastide that the Ritual Mystery was performed - the game “Into the Blacksmith”. It was created mainly in a hut, but not in the open sky. A specially chosen person announced that he would "reforge the old to the young", after which several people dressed up as "old" went under the canopy, threw off the masks of old people there, and went out "young." The essence here is in the same "Passage through Nav", in Renewal by way of "dying", for the path of Life always passes through Death, the path to Light - through Darkness, the Path to Reality - through Nav.

Nav is a Symbol, a conceivable personification of the Unconscious, Misunderstood, Invisible, On-Tu-Side - like That (Other) Light and its Dark Gods and, outlasting another Chernobog - Black Volodetel of the World, the Other Side of the All-Existent All-Holder of the Clan, throwing into His Possessions of the "old men" and releasing them to the White World as young ...

To this we add that, according to popular beliefs, blacksmiths are often presented as possessing the Sorcerous Power, along with healers, sorcerers, etc.

Another most important Action captured in the above tale about a blacksmith is "Turning bones" in the oven. Al-Masudi, an Arab author of the X century, who was in the Slavic lands, describes the Temple of Chernobog (according to the tradition of those times, calling all the Ancient ("pagan") Gods by names borrowed from Greco-Roman mythology: "Another building was built by one of their kings on the black mountain (...) In it they had a large idol in the form of a man (or: Saturn), represented in the form of an old man with a stick in his hand, with which he moves the bones of the dead from the graves ... ”The tale of the blacksmith says the same - but it is not a blacksmith, then the Black God Himself in the Sacred Kingdom raises the Dead, Outdated, renewing it, preparing it for the New Life ...











(Veleslav; "Iskon Vera-Vedanya")

The Tale of Dol, Nedol and Mokosh

Among the people, it is as if two brothers once lived - one is hard-working and skillful, the second is lazy and dissolute. They lived like this that the always lazy man got everything at the expense of his working brother. We would have lived together as long as the Prophetic one measured out for each of them, but only once the hardworking thought a lot: “Evon, it’s how it comes out - I’m, you know, work day and night, and consider it a gift to my dissolute brother!” He took it, and began to live separately. And everything would not be bad, but only since the very time he left his dissolute brother, everything went wrong with him - and no livelihood will be born, and the cattle is translated. He prayed to the Native Gods, to Veles the Rich, he put the proper treasures - everything was not for the future. His brother, even though he was known as dissolute and lazy, day by day he is getting richer and richer.

It dawned on the hard worker that only ports and a darned shirt remained….

He walks like that, and sees a marvelous thing - a noble flock grazes in the field, and instead of a shepherd, a maiden-beauty sits and spins a golden thread on a spindle. The thread comes out okay and even. He marveled at such a miracle, and even asks the girl: "Who are you, maiden beauty, but whose flock is this?"

And the girl answers him: "This herd is your brother, but I am his share."

Even more surprised than ever before, the brother asks her: "And where is my share?"

“Where, well done, is your Share - I don't know. I only know for sure that I am not close to you. Go look for her. "

There was nothing to do, my brother hung a bag on his back with a bag of uncomplicated grubs, took a roadside shalyga in his hands, put demands on a good road to the Native Gods, and went wherever he looked - to look for his share, after all, the whole economy was in complete disarray.

Whether he walked for a long time, or for a short time, we now do not know. And they only say that he saw an old woman sleeping under a tree alone in the forest - gray-haired and hunched over. In her hands she holds a spindle, but the thread is all crooked, rotten and uneven.

And he asks the old woman: “You don’t know, they say, where can I find my share?”

The same one, waking up, replies: "I know, they say, I am your share, and there is, only they call me more often Nedolei."
Outraged, the good fellow says: “So that Perun kill you with a Thunder Arrow, old one! Who gave me such a wretched one? " Nedolya answers: “I know who is Makosh, the Mistress of Destiny. Ask Her. ” There is nothing to do, the fellow went further - to look for the Mistress of Fate. But the Wise know that the true Halls of the Gods are not known to everyone, but only to a few. Therefore, only the Gods know exactly how much the young man wandered, walked straight roads, cross-paths, swampy urmans and endless fields ...

He was already desperate to find Terem Mokoshi, but he only met him like that in a thicket of forest gray-and-white old man - a considerable growth, a brada almost hanging down to Zemi, a hairy hide on his shoulders, in his hands a carved staff with a two-horned pommel.

The wanderer bowed to him in the belt, but asks: "Father, show me, I conjure with the Light Names of the Native Gods, where is Terem Makoshi? .."

The elder, however, did not say anything in response, only looked with an eye - and immediately it was as if the Earth shook, as if the centuries-old trees were shaking, as if the stones were heavy with a human tongue! She was taken aback, he was not himself, and suddenly, without realizing how it happened suddenly, he found himself in a wondrous mansion. Right in front of him, he sees a woman who is okay - not old, and not young. She sits on a carved bench, holding a wonderful spindle in her hands. From the spindle of that thread, apparently invisibly diverges - which shine with gold, which cast silver, which seem to be ordinary-looking wool, and which seem to be about to break off from decay.

It came to the traveler here that before him there is the Many-wise Makosh herself - the Great Mistress of the Destinies of everyone's belly, in reality. And he repulsed Her an earthly bow, and began to talk about his unfortunate misfortune.

Makosh listened to him to the end, but speaks in response: “You, they say, were born at a bad hour - on a moonless night, therefore Nedolya pursues you everywhere. As long as you lived with your brother, his share was enough for you two. Now, having departed from his brother, His share with him remained, but Nedolya has been leading you through life from that time on ... "

“Mati-Makosha! - the traveler says to her - so how can I be now? How can I get rid of my own? Is it really worthwhile to toil in nonprofit until the hour of death? "

Makosh answers him: “This is what you are, take your brother's daughter, Guslyana, to you. Bo Share it and help her. When will someone ask you about your good - "Whose, they say, is this?" - answer every time - "Not mine, Guslyanino!" - so you will put your Nedolya to sleep

The young man listened to the wise advice, and did everything as the Wise God said. And from that time on, everything went well for him - and the economy became just fine, and there was always a profit in the house, and every time the livelihood was spiky and vigorous.

Whether this story is true or not, we do not know now. And only to this day it happens that everything seems to go into the hands of one by itself, while the other apparently does not run to work, and does not see all the profit.

Bo taco by the All-Existing Kinship from the ages is supposed that it is easy to be born with the Share, but it is hard to give up Nedol.

Eleventh word: Zarod and Kolorod

Those who know know that Life in the White World is an eternal succession of Changes. Many times in his life, each person crosses the Threshold, the Line separating his old from his new. However, in All-Existence (Existence, not limited only by the framework of the material World) there are only two Changes, most importantly different for each person. These are Belobog and Chernobog, Birth and Death, Zarod and Kolorod, two Paths, united in the Main, in both cases, a person crosses Krom, through the very Line that separates (but does not separate) the Worlds, Bo and That , and the Other - Parts of the All-One All-God of the Kind.

And those who know know that Life itself, our Path itself in the White World is only a part of the Path of our Spirit in the Eternal Wheel of the World, the Path of the Spirit, which is ETERNAL, for it is a Part of the Spirit of the Clan, a part of Eternity Itself. And those who know that there is no Death, not Life, that there is only Eternal Change, Life - the Path from Zarod to Kolorod - is just one of the knots on the Endless Rope of All-Existence, only a small particle on one of the Coils of the Veles Spiral ...

And the Great Rotation is accomplished, for all Worlds are born from a Single Source ...

Glory to Rod!

Twelfth word: Dazhdbog and Koschey, Zhiva and Mara

On the example of one of the legends, the interaction of Vervi Belobog and Vervi Chernobog is clearly displayed, which are two sides of the One Kolovrat of All God.

According to Ancient Legends, sometimes in the golden autumn, the Light Spouse of Dazhdbog - Alive - is abducted from this World by Koschei (which is from the incarnations of Chernobog Himself) and descends with Him into the Koschnoe Kingdom, where she turns into the dark Mara - the Lady of Death.

Mara is waiting in the Lower World for Her husband - the Trisight Sun-Prince - Dazhdbog. And Dazhdbog transplanted from His Solar Chariot into the Golden Boat, and floats along the Forget-River to meet His Narrowed One ...

In the Explicit World, the reins of the Solar Chariot are picked up by Dazhdbog's brother Khors - the personification of the Cold Winter Sun. And He rules that Chariot all the time allotted by the Rod for reigning in the White Light of the Navi Gods.

And every day He straightens the Path of the Solar Chariot through the Heavenly Firmament, and He looks at and protects the birth of the New Young Sun in the Unknown Abodes of the Ancestors, which happens at the end of the cold-December month.

And in the red spring comes the Young Vernal Sun into the Clear World - golden-haired Yarilo in hand with Lelei-Virgo. And They disperse the cold spells of the Wealthy Gods, and that is why Mara Lunolikaya turns into Light-haired Live, and Dazhdbog wakes up in the Osh Halls ...

Yarilo, having given all His Life-giving Power, all Yar to the Earth turns into a gray-bearded Elder and leaves for the Other World.

And the relatives meet, in the White World, their bellies lasting, Dazhdbog Solntselikogo yes I Live Light at the end of the month of June-June ...

And the Kolo Svarozhie taco turns from century to century. Days give way to nights, Summer of Light Gods - Winter of Chernobog, years and centuries pass by, Kolovrat of the All-Divine Rodov moves and revolves relentlessly. And we are a PART of it ...

Top off

Images of Chernobog and Belobog - Images of the two Higher Faces of the Family - cannot be imagined one without the other. And everything in the World stands on the unity of these Great Principles, everything has a dual nature.

The unity and interaction of opposites is the essence of one of the Laws of Rule (the World). Any interaction, any UNITY is the emergence of something new, just as the result of the interaction (unity) of the Masculine and Feminine principles is the emergence of a new Life (child).

It is also true that the Essence and Will of the two Great Principles are not constantly in an unshakable, once and for all fixed state - the Will of Chernobog and Belobog is non-static both in relation to each other and in relation to the World as a whole. For Harmony is in motion. As an example: from time immemorial, the right hand (right hand, right side) is thought of as the symbol of Belobog, and of Chernobog - shuitsa (left hand, left side), one of the manifestations of the Will of Chernobog is change, and Belobog is immutability. Woman, Feminine Principle in Traditional Slavic representations is associated with the left side, left hand (in Slavic

wedding ceremonies, the bride is always on the left hand of the groom). And this is the full correspondence of the feminine principle with the symbol of Chernobog - Shuytsya Roda. But in the process of interaction between the female and

of the masculine principle, the feminine principle is considered passive (motionless, unchanging), which already corresponds to the Will of Belobog, and the masculine is active (moving, changing) - which is also the Will of Chernobog.

Therefore, at different moments of the Genesis of the World of Kin, one of these Great Principles complements the other, one moves, the other moves, and vice versa. And there is no end to this Movement ...

To be so from Kolo and Do Kolo, from Time to Time, for the True Being of the Kin is Eternity.

I know that!

Pisano Stavrom

at the end of the month of breast-November

summer 4411 from

Founding of Slovenska the Great.

(2002 A.D.)

/ Revised anew,

corrected and supplemented with his own hand

in the summer of 4413 from O.S.V. (2004 A.D.) /

To the Glory of the Family and the Family Gods!

© Rodnovercheskaya Community "RODOSLAVIE"

© Commonwealth of Communities "VELESOV KRUG"

Everything is like everything. The Lad of the World begins with the Lad in each individual person. Therefore, like the World of Clan, which is in constant motion, human nature, being a Small World, is also constantly moving ("what does not move, it is dead"). This can be seen in the example of the movement of blood through the veins, this is the rhythm of the heart, and nerve impulses, and even the movement (development) of thoughts. And the whole life of a person in all senses is a continuous movement. From this, following it is especially necessary to say that Lad (Harmony) is not a STATE of a person, but a PROCESS. Bo STATE implies immobility, STATIC. The PROCESS is a movement, that is, DYNAMICS.

The following belief is told about the connection between Navi spirits and the left side among the people: When the Terrible God Perun thunders in the Sky, there is only one place on Earth where the unclean gloom can always hide. And here's what: when plowing a field, the layers of earth usually fall off to the right side. But sometimes it happens that part of the land can fall off to the left side. It is just under such layers that the undead can always hide from Perunov Molonii ...

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