The meaning of the star of Rus' amulet and the rules for its manufacture. Methods for making an amulet

The Star of Rus' occupies a place of honor among ancient Slavic amulets. The amulet of the goddess Lada with the image of the square of Svarog helps its owner to reveal the mystery of the universe and look at the world with different eyes. What is the significance of the amulet for men and women and what can it be made of, how to charge it correctly and how to wear it - all these details are very important for proper operation amulet.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol - the amulet of the Virgin Mary

The Star of Rus' symbolizes the unity of the real and divine worlds. It connects the future, past and present. Our ancestors were endowed with sacred knowledge, lived in harmony with themselves and nature, understood how the Universe works and respected its laws. They revered their Gods and were under their protection.

The amulet is a symbol of the unity of spirit, soul and body, and also personifies the inextricable connection of the past, present and future. Earthly life continues only through the unity of these symbols. At first it is difficult for an unprepared person to understand what the amulet is. True understanding comes after looking at the amulet for a long time.

Externally, the talisman symbol resembles a square placed on one of the corners; two ovals passing through it are connected to each other in the center.

The amulet involuntarily attracts people's gaze: its image is symmetrical, has a beautiful ornament and a finished appearance. If you look at it more closely, you can understand that the masculine and feminine principles are connected here (the spindle and the circle). Only through the connection that arises between representatives of opposite sexes is the continuation of the human race possible. The four lines that extend beyond the perimeter of the square symbolize the four cardinal directions. This indicates that the goddess Lada watches each of us and sees what actions we commit. It can not only ward off trouble and warn of impending danger, but also make a person unhappy.

According to legend, the patroness of the amulet was the goddess Lada, who is considered the mother of the Slavic people

Just a note. The sun sign, denoting movement in time, constant development and improvement, became the basis of the symbol.

The amulet got its name due to the fact that it really looks like a star in some way. In addition to the traditional one, it has two more names:

  1. Svarog Square. If you look at the symbolism for a long time, you can see a hearth and a flame blazing above it. The symbols of the hearth, which sensitively guard the fair sex, are the square and the oval.
  2. Star of Lada the Virgin. This is a female symbol that embodies regularity, wisdom, the ability to understand the laws of nature and live in accordance with them. These qualities have always been important for Slavic women. They helped them find personal happiness, intuitively feel the impending disaster and avoid it, and also become true keepers of the hearth. Lada was the wife of Svarog. Thanks to their strong union, all the Gods of Rus' were born. In addition, the patroness of the family is the Mother of God. In prayers to her, women ask for well-being in everyday life and family happiness.

The hammer of Svarog is often combined with other Slavic symbols. The combination with the Star of Rus' is quite popular.

The origin of the Star of Rus' amulet goes back to ancient times. It is known that the symbols were embroidered on the clothes of princes Vladimir the Saint and Svyatoslav Igorevich.

According to legend, our ancestors made this talisman in order to pass on their wisdom and knowledge gained during life to future generations. There is another legend. According to her, the Star of Rus' was a personal amulet of the strong-willed Slavic goddess Lada.

The Star of Rus' is often combined with the Hammer of Svarog. This Slavic amulet looks like a blacksmith's hammer. On one side it depicts the Alatyr rune, and on the other - the sign of the sacred flame of Svarog. This combination allows you to enhance the effect of talismans many times over. They will awaken in their owner the ancient memory of the family, give them the knowledge of their ancestors, wisdom and strength.

Amulet Star of Rus' for men and women

According to legend, this talisman was intended for women who wanted peace and comfort in their home. In addition, the symbol helped fight depression and laziness, and calmed.

Girls and young women who dreamed of getting married wore a talisman in order to attract love into their lives and find personal happiness.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men. Sometimes this amulet is presented as a gift to a child, but this is not entirely correct. And all because the owner must understand the deep meaning of the symbol, only in this case it will bring him goodness and help him in life. Children cannot understand the essence of symbolism.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men.

The Star of Rus' has various magical properties. The amulet can be used:

  1. As a talisman for the whole family. To do this, you need to place it on the wall in the room where all family members most often gather (for example, in the kitchen or living room).
  2. As a personal amulet. Then the symbol is transferred to a pendant that is worn on the chest in the area of ​​the heart.
  3. Men, but then it will be called Svarog Square.

The Star of Rus' amulet symbolized harmony, rebirth and fertility for our ancestors

The amulet is suitable for military personnel or those who make something with their own hands. It will bring good luck to these people in their endeavors and help them make new discoveries.

Sketch of the Solar Shield ornament - for embroidery and tattoo

This amulet is not made for oneself personally. It is made as a gift for a loved one. It is believed that the most effective amulets are those made by a blood relative. The main thing is that the person who will be engaged in manufacturing does it of his own free will and from the bottom of his heart. Only in this case will you achieve the desired effect.

You can make a talisman from different materials. Wood, clay, genuine leather, stone are suitable. The symbol can also be drawn on thick cardboard or embroidered.

It is important that the image is correctly transferred to the surface and that all proportions are respected.

If desired, the Star of Rus' symbol can be embroidered

What material is chosen does not really matter. While working, you need to constantly think about the person for whom you are making the amulet. Thoughts should be positive. Then you will be able to charge the artifact with positive energy. It is advisable to work in a quiet and calm environment, with no distractions. Concentrate and transfer your energy to the amulet. Only then will it become reliable protection for a person dear to his heart.

The main thing when creating is to believe in healing properties amulets.

Embroidery pattern of a talisman for the home with the Star of Rus' symbols

How to charge the sun amulet of the goddess Lada

To activate and charge the amulet, you can use the power of air. To do this, the talisman must be left outdoors for several days. If you live in a private house or in a country house, then the amulet can be hung on a tree. If this is not possible, then leave it on the balcony.

You can also use the element of water. To do this, place the amulet in running water. If you can’t visit the reservoir in the near future, place the talisman under the water tap and let the water flow in a thin stream.

The ritual of charging the amulet with earth, fire, air and water can be performed in the place where you loved to play as a child. The child very clearly feels those places that are suitable for him in terms of energy. This way, the amulet can receive the most correct power for you.

The ideal moment to charge the amulet is the waxing Moon

How to wear a talisman correctly

The amulet can be worn as a talisman. To do this, a pendant with the image of the symbol is placed on the chest. If desired, symbols can be embroidered on your clothes. Some people prefer to use the amulet to protect their home. In this case, it is hung on the wall as a drawing.

The amulet will give its owner courage, initiate him into the knowledge of his ancestors, but only if the person honors his ancestors, treats his family with respect, and lives according to his conscience. If the owner leads an inappropriate lifestyle, behaves unworthily towards other people, then the goddess Lada will severely punish him for this.

In ancient times, the symbol was applied to women's amulets: it was responsible for consent, for a calm and measured life. The amulet protected personal relationships and the female womb, guaranteeing its owner that she would become a zealous housewife and a good mother for her children.

The symbol can also be depicted on paper. But due to the fact that this material is short-lived, the amulet will not last for a long time.

Body image is applied exclusively to men

Men, if desired, can apply a tattoo with the image of the Star of Rus': on the arm, shoulder or shoulder blade. This tattoo serves not only as decoration. It indicates that its owner is involved in Slavic culture. The symbol means faith in the One God, as well as justice and honor.

Video: Star of Rus' - a mysterious Slavic symbol

Ancient Slavic amulet The Star of Rus' symbolizes the strong union of a man and a woman, and also connects the past, present and future. It gives its owner balance and tranquility, helps to build harmonious relationships in the family and achieve professional success.

Among the Slavs, amulets have their own history and meaning. The Star of Rus' is also known under other names - the Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary, the Square of Svarog. Studying the Slavic amulet will allow you to understand its strength, effect on the world around us and people.

History of origin

The Slavic amulet has been used since ancient times. The outfits of princes were decorated with it; the symbol is known as the Lada of the Virgin Mary. She was the ancestor of some of the gods of the Slavs.

When creating the amulet, her honor, the memory of the past were glorified, and a connection was established with future generations. This made it possible to leave a trace of the Slavic people and prevent them from disappearing.

Another version of the origin of the symbol says that the amulet belonged to Lada the Mother of God, who bestowed her own and family protection on those around her.

Symbolism of the amulet Square of Svarog

The unity between reality and the other world, the present and the unknown past is shown by the Star of Rus' amulet. The ancient Slavs imagined it this way, only taking into account the unity of all worlds:

  • people - Reveal;
  • the bright gods, the creators of all things - Rule;
  • dead - Navi.

The unity of the worlds will help maintain balance, it will guarantee the continuation of life on earth. This indicates the existence of a connection between generations through what was, is and will be. The symbol is a square in which figures similar to ovals with pointed ends are intertwined.

The intersection of figures is a Slavic symbol of gender confusion and the infinity of the Universe. The Slavic amulet Star of Rus' is the unity of body, mind and spirit, this guarantees the extension of life on earth.

Depending on the figure, the decoding of the symbol is presented below:

  • the square implies soil fertility, so the symbol largely repeats the symbolism of Mokosh - the Goddess of Fertility;
  • 4 lines outside the perimeter of the square - human qualities: freedom, justice, honor, faith, they also characterize the 4 cardinal directions.

The Star of Rus' has the ability to warn people about danger or bad events. With a deep analysis of the symbol, you can find in it a circle and the Kolovrat sign, which means male and female unity; they cannot be without each other.

Kolovrat among the Slavs means the sun, which moves regularly, just like human life, only development and new achievements.

The meaning of the talisman

The symbol has different meanings:

  • the connection of the Slavs with the past generation - you can count on their intelligence, wisdom, support, protection;
  • help in understanding your place and role in life;
  • support of the gods, their help in the fight against evil forces;
  • develops intuition, logic - with their help people accept right decisions in different situations.

The Star of Rus' protects a person and all his family and friends.

How to wear a talisman

Despite the fact that this amulet is suitable for men, women, and children, it has its own wearing characteristics.


In ancient times, the Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary was worn by the Slavs only by female representatives due to the fact that they acted as guardians of family comfort and hearth.

The main symbol was petals of flame. It charged the woman with a positive mood, patience, and skills to maintain living conditions in the house.

Free girls also had the Star of Rus' amulet with them; this influenced their meeting with their lover and marriage to him in the future.

For men

The male amulet is called the Svarog square. It was named in honor of the god of fire, sky, and the blacksmith god Svarog. A special feature of the amulet is 4 flames located under the main symbol of fire.

The main meaning of the symbol is the successful flow of affairs, assistance in the creative endeavors of masters and warriors. Svarog provided assistance to people without magical influences, he did everything with his own hands:

  • created a plow for cultivating the soil and gave it to people;
  • gave weapons to men to protect themselves from enemies;
  • got fire.

For children

In reality, the symbol should not be put on a child; it is considered difficult for a child’s perception and carries a powerful energetic effect that harms the baby. It is better for a child to receive the Star of Rus' amulet after adolescence, when behavior and character have already formed.

On the walls, for personal use

An image of a talisman is also hung or painted on home walls. His photograph has power, which protects the house from misfortune, bad deeds, and brings goodness, success, good luck. It is better to install the photo in the most crowded place of the house - the kitchen is best suited for this purpose.

For personal purposes, you should use the amulet as jewelry:

  • earrings with the Star of Rus' symbol;
  • ring;
  • suspension.


A common phenomenon today is the application of a tattoo in the form of a Slavic amulet. A tattoo in the shape of the Star of Rus' gives success and good luck in business to its owner. There is a peculiarity in this image of the symbol - it is always with the owner.

Methods for making an amulet

The Star of Lada amulet is sold in special stores. You can make it at home, but not for yourself. Relatives and friends can do it if they have their own desire. Materials suitable for work:

  • clay;
  • leather;
  • tree.

When choosing a tree, you should decide on its variety. Knowledge of the horoscope is used for this, so the symbol will have magical properties. During the manufacturing process, you should think positively about the owner for whom the amulet is being made.

The work process should be in a calm environment, silence, in a good mood and good spirits. The work should be done during the day, then the amulet will have powerful power.

The drawing cannot be distorted, it must be depicted accurately and proportionally. Otherwise, its effect will be negative and will not bring success and good luck to its future owner.

The Star of Rus' symbol has significant power; it should be used carefully, with good thoughts, intentions, and an open soul. The amulet will help a person become successful in business, give powerful protection and goodness in all areas.

The meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet has strong sacred symbolism. The ancient Slavs put a special mystical meaning into it. It is believed that this talisman personifies the harmony of the universe, symbolizes the spirit of the family, the union between a man and a woman, and carries the meaning of continuous life on earth.

Talisman Star of Rus'

Our ancestors believed in the divine powers of the Universe. Now it is difficult for us to explain their worldview and understand what guided them, but an idea of ​​the culture of the ancient Slavs will help to penetrate their views and secrets.

The Star of Rus' characterizes the connection between three worlds.

Reality is the material world (the present).

Nav is a hidden world, filled with souls and energy (past).

Rule - the world of the Gods (future).

This is the basis on which the ancient philosophy of the world order is built. The Star of Rus' is an alliance that binds body and spirit together against chaos on earth. The symbolism carved on the amulet indicates the circle and Kolovrat, which together mean the feminine and masculine principles.

Unique properties

Previously, the talisman had two names and, depending on its wearer, had certain properties. At first it was given the name Lada Star. Only women wore it; it brought them health and strength to support the family hearth. The amulet was also used to balance and harmonize energy. The star of Slavic Rus' helped women find feminine happiness; unmarried girls wore it on themselves to attract their betrothed.

Later, men began to wear it too. If the amulet belonged stronger sex, it was called Svarogov Square, and then the amulet betrayed strength, courage and fearlessness. It was worn by craftsmen and warriors, believing that the artifact brings good luck in business and protects against evil forces.

Nowadays the Star Ancient Rus' It is recommended to be worn by people who are not too confident in themselves. This magical symbol will give wisdom, prudence, hard work, and will protect you from someone else’s negative energy. If there have been failures in the family, he will return peace and love to the house, help save the marriage and strengthen the family bond between relatives. It is suitable for craftsmen, craftsmen and military people.

Lada Star

The importance of the amulet is rooted in old Russian beliefs. First of all, this is the protection of the home and all family members from various negative impacts both physically and on the energetic level, but the name Lada of the Virgin Mary did not come just like that.

This name is aimed primarily at mothers and wives. Even in ancient times, a large burden fell on women’s shoulders: maintaining a household, teaching various women’s skills, raising children, honoring traditions, keeping a home. A woman’s dignity was based on wisdom, understanding, following her husband, and the ability to give warmth and care to the whole family. The Lada Star helped in difficult times. For example, when a girl got married, she had to establish a connection with another family, absorb the energy of a new home, get used to a new environment and, perhaps, even learn to live by different rules, which did not have the best effect on her health and state of mind. It was believed that the amulet did not allow the spirit to weaken even in the most stressful moments in life. It eliminated irritation, fatigue, and heaviness in the soul. Slavic women believed that the Star of Lada would help one become like a goddess and would not allow them to fade away.

Svarog Square

The Square of Svarog has minor differences from the Star of Lada, but is listed as a male amulet. This talisman has sharper angles in its symbolism, which speaks of straightforward, sharp and sharp masculine energy. The Slavs believed that the human race originated from the union of Svarog and Lada. According to the writings of old legends, Svarog created the earth, seas and mountains. Previously, the magic symbol was applied to various items household items, engraved on weapons and jewelry. It was believed that the Svarog square radically changes a man’s life.

Some applied it to the body, which helped to overcome all difficulties, protect their family and withstand the bloodiest life-or-death battles.

How to make an amulet

You can make the Star of Rus' with your own hands, although there is a version that it can only be made by close person, with whom there is a family connection, and then - according to your personal desire. But still, a person who honors his ancestors will be able to put his soul into production.

  • The amulet must be made with good thoughts and in a good mood.
  • First of all, you need to lay down the intention of protection and strength of the family, and then another necessary goal.
  • Intentions must be bright and pure, so before work you need to properly tune in.
  • If a product is made for a relative, you need to constantly think about him.
  • The symbol of the Star of Rus' should be clearly conveyed, maintaining all the proportions of the picture.
  • When manufacturing, it is better to use natural materials: wood, leather, metal.
  • The process must take place from start to finish continuously to maintain an energetic mood.
  • It can be drawn, cut out of cardboard, embroidered, carved out of wood, made from natural materials at hand: threads, straw, clay, etc.

At the end of the work, you need to mentally turn to your ancestors for help in endowing the talisman with special properties.


This amulet should not be treated as a beautiful decoration; you need to clearly understand what it is for. Possessing such a strong thing implies observing family traditions, honoring the older generation, connecting with loved ones and the desire to preserve family happiness. Without respect for your family, the amulet will not work, and if you commit bad deeds towards relatives, it can turn its powers against the wearer. This is practically a living element, which is a chain between physical world and the abode of spirits.

If the Star of Ancient Rus' is purchased in a store, you need to take the choice of product very seriously. You should pay attention to the material from which the amulet is made. After purchasing it, you need to charge it with your energy. It should never be used without cleansing. To do this, you need to leave it overnight in holy water or from a clean source. After the night, you should light a candle and hold it over the flame three times. At this time, you need to think about your ancestors and the strength of your family, ask them for what you want. Next, you need to hold the talisman in your hands for a while and direct your energy to it, invest what it was intended for.

Only after such a small ceremony can it be used for your needs.


When purchasing a product, many people wonder which material is better, silver or gold. In fact, both metals can be used, as long as they are natural.

The Star of Rus' made of silver is suitable for reserved, peaceful, calm natures. They will radiate quiet, harmonious energy and give people warmth and care.

The Star of Rus' made of gold is more suitable for bright people who love to attract the attention of others. This symbol will channel their positive energy into love and kindness.

The Star of Rus' amulet is traditional Slavic symbol, occupying a special place among other magical signs. Not everyone knows what this sign means and what it is used for. We want to tell you about the sacred meaning of the amulet, its scope of application and how to make it yourself in this article.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs are distinguished by their uniqueness: they were able to collect the wisdom of our ancestors and brought it to the present day. Each amulet was under the protection of a specific divine entity, and also played a huge role in the life of our ancestors. It was amulets that helped the ancient Slavs bring their lives into a harmonious direction.

The Star of Rus' talisman has enormous power, which is manifested in the connection of three worlds (Reveal, Navi and Rule).

  • Reality is the physical world in which we live;
  • Nav is an otherworldly world inhabited by spirits and various entities;
  • Rule - Divine peace.

The ancient Slavs were convinced that harmonious interaction between these three worlds was important for the stability of the universe. Therefore, the Star of Rus' amulet was filled with both mystical energy and earthly power. The result is a talisman that represents the union of the physical, spiritual and mental.

The amulet also indicates a person’s relationship to his family. It combines the past, present and future. It is due to the inextricable connection between the three worlds that the continuation of life on earth is possible.

Taking a close look at the symbolism that adorns the amulet, you will find there a manifestation of both feminine and masculine energy– roundness and . It turns out that the Star of Rus' represents not only the unification of three worlds, but also the connection between male and female, and therefore symbolizes new life. And the integrity of the amulet testifies to the power of the Slavs as a race that was able to cope with chaos and evil forces.

You can find a lot of interesting information about this symbol in the following video

For whom is the Star of Rus' amulet suitable?

You can safely use this symbol for all those who want to know how our universe is built. The talisman is suitable for both sexes. True, there are some differences in how the symbol works on men and women:

  1. For representatives of the stronger sex, using an amulet will help you take the right path in life, improve your intuitive abilities and help you achieve self-realization. It is worth taking a closer look at this amulet for those men who suffer from self-doubt. The amulet works on the power of the great Svarog, therefore it strengthens character through various trials and difficulties so that masculine energy develops to the maximum.
  2. And women usually turn to the described amulet for help when difficult situations arise in their lives (especially when a man is not around). Today, a modern representative of the fair sex can wear a symbol to receive her ancestral power if she is forced to occupy complex and responsible positions or raise a child on her own.

What is another name for an amulet?

In various sources, the Star of Rus' is also called the Lada of the Virgin Mary and the Square of Svarog. Let's take a closer look at the description of each of these names.

Lada Star

Often the star of Rus' was hung on the chest as its own talisman, then it received the name Star of Lada the Virgin Mary, there was also the option of applying it to a fabric carrier, using it as a painting. In the latter versions, the use of a magical symbol helped maintain harmony in family relationships.

Svarog Square

The name “Svarozhich” was used to refer to an amulet that was used for the stronger half of humanity. 4 petals and a rhombus in the sign were personified with Svarog’s forge. This amulet has a particularly good effect on men associated with the military sphere.

Also traditionally, Svarozhich was suitable for those men who are responsible for restoring clan unity. The symbol filled them with self-confidence, wisdom, attracted luck into their lives, improved their natural abilities, plus gave them hard work.

How to make a talisman with your own hands

Today, any person who respects Slavic tradition and honors Slavic deities, he can make the Star of Rus' amulet himself.

But there are a number of important points that must be adhered to if you want the amulet to work as efficiently as possible:

  • You can make a talisman for your relative, but making it for yourself is unacceptable;
  • you must have sincere intentions regarding the person for whom you are creating a magical symbol;
  • The amulet that is made for your blood relative will have greater power;
  • according to its source material, the amulet can be metal, clay, leather or wood;
  • when you make a symbol, constantly keep in your thoughts the image of the one for whom you are creating it;
  • It is important to maintain the proportional ratio of all images of a given symbol.

The most suitable material for making a symbol is wood (but the correct choice of wood is important when taking into account the personal characteristics of its future owner). There are a lot of methods for making an amulet, the main thing is not to forget the most important rule– strictly adhere to the proportional ratio and select the material wisely. And, of course, you must sincerely believe in the power of the amulet, ask for support from the Deities and respect the Slavic tradition.

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Star of Rus' or Svarog Square. Among the Slavic amulets, it is the Star of Rus' or, as it is often called, the square of Svarog that is one of the most ancient and filled with secret meaning. Due to the fact that it consists of several parts that are integral and pervasive. Most historians involved in the study of Slavic symbols agree that this is an encrypted symbol of the family hearth with four flames that burst out of it. In some sources you can find information that the Star of Rus' and the Star of Lada are one and the same. This statement is incorrect - they are very similar, but the significant difference is the intertwined ellipsoidal petals - in the Star of Rus' they are sharp, in the Star of Lada they are rounded. Accordingly, these two Slavic amulets have different meanings.

The meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet

There are several main theories about the meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet - this is a stylized image of the family hearth, and an encrypted swastika. The swastika meaning of the Star of Rus' is not so easy to notice, since it can be traced in magical fields that are intertwined and hidden from the gaze of an ignorant person; they are visible only to those who have certain knowledge.

One of the meanings of the symbol is the division of the world into three parts - Nav, Prav and Yav (there is no need to talk about these worlds for a long time, since every descendant of the ancient Slavs knows perfectly well the basics of the structure of the world). The Svarog Square is very important for those who strive to understand the secrets of the universe, comprehend the features of nature and understand it on an intuitive level, without additional interpretations. The presence of developed genetic memory allows one to comprehend the whole mystery of the sign of the Star of Rus'.

We should not forget the parallels between the Star of Rus' and the family hearth. The pointed parts of the star symbolize flames, each of which has its own meaning. The first is the desire to achieve a goal, the second is freedom, the third is a faithful assistant in protecting the country and faith, and the fourth will provide an opportunity to resist troubles.

Who should wear the Star of Rus' amulet?

The Slavic amulet Star of Rus' or the Square of Svarog will become a real assistant to those who seek to understand the secrets of the universe and appreciate the perfection of nature. You can buy the Star of Rus' amulet for both men and women. But at the same time, there are several peculiar points regarding wearing such an amulet. If a man wears it, then he takes the righteous path, develops his intuition, and gives the opportunity for self-realization. Women traditionally wore such a talisman in the most difficult life situations - especially in those moments when there was no male support nearby (today such a talisman will help modern woman gain the strength of the clan in difficult and responsible positions, when raising children independently and in case of discord in the family).

Buying a Svarog Square makes sense for men who are not confident in themselves - the power of the amulet is based on the heavenly forge of the great Svarog (one of the meanings of the amulet is the symbol of the Svarog forge), and therefore is capable of forging character through trials and difficulties so that one can say about a man - "Flint Man" The amulet will help those who are engaged in physical labor and military affairs.

Where can the Star of Rus' be depicted?

Every day the number of people who want to buy the Slavic amulet Star of Rus' is growing in geometric progression. This is not surprising, since the Star of Rus' amulet, the meaning of which is very symbolic, is an opportunity to touch the memory of ancestors. The Star of Rus' amulet can be made of silver or gold, since these noble metals have original powerful energy. Regardless of whether you buy a Star of Rus' pendant or a Star of Rus' bracelet, such a talisman will help many men concentrate their internal energy and gain access to their ancestral memory. An equally popular option is Svarog’s hammer with the star of Rus' - this is a real man’s amulet.

The fact that the Star of Rus' tattoo is popular among young Slavs deserves special attention. The Star of Rus' tattoo brings its owner good luck in business. And at the same time, it has one peculiarity - you can forget to put on the Star of Rus' ring, but the Star of Rus' rune is always with a man.

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