Detention of the chairman of the Soligorsk executive committee. Ministry of Internal Affairs: the mayor of Soligorsk was detained while receiving a bribe

He is accused of taking a bribe. Rimashevsky faces from 5 to 15 years in prison.

According to the investigation, the former head of the Soligorsk district executive committee received $16,900 as illegal remuneration for lobbying the interests of the Belrosagroservice company. The company specializes in the supply of seeds and plant protection products, as well as agricultural machinery.

Rimashevsky is accused of receiving money from a company representative for agricultural enterprises to pay off their debts to this supplier first.

The employee of the company who transferred the reward is being considered in the case as a witness for writing a statement against the ex-mayor.

♦ Alexander Rimashevsky headed the Soligorsk district for 11 years.

According to investigators, at the beginning of 2016, Alexander Rimashevsky met with a representative of the Belrosagroservice company. The Soligorsk farms had a debt to this company for the goods supplied.

Vladimir Mikhalyuk, company employee, promised to pay the official for helping to pay off the debt.

At the initiative of the chairman of the district executive committee, at least 637,000 rubles were allocated from the budget to agricultural enterprises so that they could pay Belrosagroservice.

Agreements were also signed under which the Soligorsk branch of the Slutsk cheese-making plant had to pay the debts of the collective farms (we are talking about 969,000 rubles).

In addition, Rimashevsky ordered agricultural enterprises to pay Belrosagroservice through counter deliveries (233,000 rubles).

The case contains four episodes of bribery. Vladimir Mikhalyuk handed over money to Rimashevsky in the district executive committee, at the official’s house, on the highway. Total $16,900.

The former head of the Soligorsk district executive committee was charged with receiving a bribe in special large size. The accused stated that he did not admit guilt. Mikhalyuk is a witness in the case, as he wrote a statement against Rimashevsky.

Telephone conversations Mikhalyuk began to be tapped six months before the head of the Soligorsk regional executive committee was included in the operational development.

♦ Work colleagues sent a letter in defense of Rimashevsky, in which they characterize him on the positive side as a strong and talented leader, under whom the Soligorsk district has significantly improved its performance, reports.

Let us remind you that on September 27, the case of Alexander Rimashevsky took place. The official remained in custody. Investigators arrested cash and property of the accused.

The former head of the Soligorsk district executive committee on May 30 on the road near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district. According to law enforcement officers, the official was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of $2,700. Alexander Rimashevsky for a long time abused his power when resolving issues related to the purchase of plant protection products, seeds and spare parts for agricultural machinery, the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated in a statement.

A criminal case has been opened against the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee.

The case was initiated based on materials from the Main Directorate for Organized Crime and Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under Part 3 of Art. 430 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (receipt of a bribe by a person occupying a responsible position).

On May 30, employees of the GUBOPiK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the highway near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district, Minsk region, while receiving a bribe, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee, A.B. Rimashevsky, was detained.

An official was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe in the amount of 2.7 thousand US dollars. According to investigators, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee for a long time abused power and official authority when resolving issues related to the purchase of plant protection products, seeds and spare parts for agricultural machinery of agro-industrial enterprises and organizations of the Soligorsk region.

As reported by the Main Directorate for Organized Crime and Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rimashevsky A.B. systematically received bribes from representatives of commercial structures for resolving issues of priority repayment of debts of local agricultural enterprises in settlements for delivered products. This information is currently being verified.

The investigation of the criminal case was entrusted to the Main Directorate for Investigation of Crimes in the Sphere of Organized Crime and Corruption of the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee.

The suspect has been detained and investigators are working with him. The issue of application to official preventive measure.

Investigators carry out a complex of investigative and other procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime committed.

As it became known, the search of the head of the district executive committee took place the day before. After the search, the official was detained.

Alexander Rimashevsky has headed the Soligorsk regional executive committee since November 2006. Awarded the medal "For Labor Merit".

Alexander Rimashevsky. Photo: Vladimir Amelchenya / Infa-Kur"er

Alexander Rimashevsky, head of the Soligorsk district executive committee, was detained on May 30 near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district. He comes from the neighboring village of Trukhanovichi, and as a child he went to Kamenskaya school. This is where he began his career - as the manager of the engine yard. He was deputy chairman of the Slutsk district executive committee and was later appointed head of the Soligorsk district.

He has held this position for 11 years.

The fact that Alexander Rimashevsky was detained at 13.47 was reported by Radio Liberty with reference to local residents. “He’s not at work, he wasn’t there this morning. We don’t know when it will be. We don't know the reasons either. Yesterday I was at work, but today I’m not. Is it true that he was detained? I can’t say anything,” the secretary of the district executive committee noted to Radio Liberty. The press service of the KGB and the Investigative Committee did not comment on the information about the detention of the chairman of the district executive committee at that time.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs neither confirmed nor denied the information to our correspondent: “Follow our website, information will be available today.”

What the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports

On Tuesday, May 30, employees of the GUBOPiK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the highway near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district, Minsk region, while receiving a bribe, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee, Alexander Rimashevsky, was detained, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.

An official was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe in the amount of $2,700. According to investigators, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee for a long time abused power and official authority when resolving issues related to the purchase of plant protection products, seeds and spare parts for agricultural machinery of agro-industrial enterprises and organizations of Soligorsk district.

By this fact The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 430 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (taking a bribe). Its sanction provides for imprisonment for up to 15 years with confiscation of property.

Who is Alexander Rimashevsky

Added at 16.03. Alexander Rimashevsky studied in Kamenskaya from 1971 to 1981 high school, graduated with a gold medal.

After graduating from the Belarusian Institute of Mechanization in 1986 Agriculture returned to his homeland. Worked in the village Stone head of the engine yard, chief engineer, chairman of the local collective farm named after Suvorov.

Afterwards he was appointed acting head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Slutsk District Executive Committee. And in May 2002, he was appointed to the position of first deputy chairman of the Slutsk district executive committee, head of the department of agriculture and food.

What will happen to him next?

“The investigation of the criminal case has been entrusted to the Main Directorate for Investigation of Crimes in the Sphere of Organized Crime and Corruption of the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee. The suspect has been detained and investigators are working with him. The issue of applying a preventive measure to the official is currently being decided,” reports the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Help "Kur"era

Rimashevsky Alexander Bronislavovich was born on July 8, 1964 in the village of Trukhanovichi, Kopyl district, Minsk region.

  • In May 2002, he was appointed to the position of first deputy chairman of the Slutsk district executive committee, head of the department of agriculture and food.
  • Since November 17, 2006 - Chairman of the Soligorsk District Executive Committee.
  • In 2006 he was awarded the medal “For Labor Merit”.

The detention of Alexander Rimashevsky, who headed the Soligorsk regional executive committee for ten years, was like a plot from a detective series.

Photo by Vladimir Amelcheni /

On Tuesday, May 30, the official, having been at work, went in the direction of his family nest - the village of Trukhanovichi, Kopyl district. On the way to his small homeland, a man with 2.7 thousand dollars was waiting to meet him. The capture group lurked in ambush. The arrest of the official was being prepared, and it seems that Lukashenko was in the know.

Alexander Rimashevsky was caught red-handed. At the time of transfer of money. In Soligorsk.

Only a day later, June 1: yes, detained, yes, for bribes. He was being followed. Suspected of receiving illegal money from representatives of commercial structures.

According to the investigation, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee for a long time abused power and official authority when resolving issues related to the purchase of plant protection products, seeds and spare parts for agricultural machinery of agro-industrial enterprises and organizations of the Soligorsk region.

Based on this fact, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 430 of the Criminal Code (taking a bribe) - an official faces imprisonment for up to 15 years with confiscation of property. Investigators from the Central Office of the Investigative Committee are investigating the case of Alexander Rimashevsky. Rimashevsky has the status of a suspect. The issue of applying a preventive measure to the official is being decided.

1. The head of the Soligorsk district was arrested not far from his home school

Alexander Rimashevsky was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of 2.7 thousand dollars on the highway near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district. In this village there is a school where the future head of the Soligorsk regional executive committee studied. From here to the native village of Alexander Bronislavovich - Trukhanovichi - less than 3 km.

2. Career path

In the village of Kamen, Rimashevsky was in charge of a machine yard. Then the detained official worked as a chief engineer, chairman of a collective farm, and acting head of the department of agriculture and food of the Slutsk regional executive committee. According to investigators, bribes were also given to Alexander Bronislavovich in the agricultural sector.

In 1986 he graduated from the Belarusian Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. In 2006 he was awarded the medal “For Labor Merit”. On November 17, 2006, the president appointed him chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee. The 53-year-old official worked in this position for almost 11 years.

3. Did the president consent to the arrest?

A week before Rimashevsky’s arrest, Lukashenko scolded law enforcement agencies who broke into the house of another of his proteges, Chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee Leonid Penkovsky.

“Who gave the right to a person agreed to be appointed president to break into a house? The operatives burst in and began to clarify something, - Lukashenko said. - After all, in order for law enforcement agencies to even conduct any investigations into a person included in the presidential personnel register, we need the president's consent».

Based on this, it turns out that law enforcement officers could not detain Alexander Rimashevsky without the approval of the president.

4. Rimashevsky won a libel lawsuit

In the fall of 2014, Alexander Rimashevsky had to prove through the court that he was an honest person and restore his reputation. Several websites published articles reporting that the head of the Soligorsk district was the winner of a lottery held by the Raduga retail chain, and thus acquired a new car - a Toyota Land Cruiser SUV.

The police officers found out that this car was not played in advertising games, and the chairman of the district executive committee did not take part in them. The court also recognized as slanderous the information disseminated earlier that Alexander Rimashevsky won a tour package to the UAE (trip packages were actually awarded in 2007 and 2013, but to Egypt and Turkey).

Alexander Rimashevsky and Alexander Rybak at the bottom of the city on August 27, 2016. Photo

5. Robin Hood for the milkmaid's family

In 2011, the family of milkmaid Victoria Evstegneeva from the village of Starye Terushki, Soligorsk district, received new house. According to Victoria, her two small children and husband would have remained living in the old, crumbling house if Alexander Rimashevsky had not intervened. “The mayor of Soligorsk threatened to fire my bosses if they didn’t give me a new house,”- said the milkmaid "Salidarsnasts". At that time, Vasily Kupa, the head of the Decisive agricultural enterprise, did not want to lose his job and allocated a house to the Evstegneeva family.

On May 30, the head of the Soligorsk district executive committee, Alexander Rimashevsky, was detained.

Let us remind you that in a car near the village of Kamen, Kopyl district. On the way, he was supposed to receive 2.7 thousand dollars in bribes. Rimashevsky was caught red-handed while receiving the specified funds.

On June 1, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the arrest. According to the investigation, the chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee abused power and official powers for a long time. A criminal case has been initiated against the official under Part 3 of Article 430 of the Criminal Code. Now he faces up to 15 years with confiscation of property.

Ironically, Mr. Rimashevsky was detained 3 kilometers from the village of Trukhanovichi, where he was born, and not far from the village of Kamen, where he once went to school. In the village of Kamen, Rimashevsky later managed the machine yard, then worked as chief engineer and chairman of the collective farm.

Rimashevsky is 53 years old. At one time, he served as acting head of the agriculture and food department of the Slutsk regional executive committee. In 2006, he received the medal “For Labor Merit”. In the same year, Lukashenko was appointed to the post of chairman of the Soligorsk district executive committee.

Alexander Rimashevsky and Alexander Rybak at the celebration of the city day of Soligorsk in 2016

In 2014, with the message that Rimashevsky won the lottery of the Soligorsk retail chain “Raduga” and received a free Toyota Land Cruiser SUV, which cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Soligorsk residents believed that in this way local businessman Andrei Zayats – through a “lottery” – simply issued a bribe to Rimashevsky. It was noted that the Raduga chain of stores enjoys special patronage from the Soligorsk authorities.

After the scandal, Rimashevsky defended his honor and dignity in court. The court declared the information defamatory. Police officers found out that the specified car was not raffled off in advertising games, and the chairman of the district executive committee did not take part in the lottery.

The court, in addition, recognized as defamatory the information that Alexander Rimashevsky won a tour package to the UAE, which was also reported in the media at that time. It turned out that trips were indeed given out in 2007 and 2013, but to Egypt and Turkey, and Rimashevsky had nothing to do with the draws.

However, the media also received information about Rimashevsky’s noble deeds. So, in 2011, on his order, the family of milkmaid Victoria Evstegneyeva with two small children from the village of Starye Terushki, Soligorsk district, received a new house to replace the old one that was falling apart.

Alexander Rimashevsky at festive events in Starobin in 2014

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