Payments to a children's card. What documents will parents need to apply for a child’s card - list of documents for a St. Petersburg child’s card

Anyone who has minor children, sooner or later is faced with the need to transfer funds to their child for independent spending transactions. A children's card from Sberbank will allow a child to legally spend money, and the parent can be sure that the child has enough funds.

Basic rules of use

This measure allows a minor to get used to independent shopping in retail stores and learn to make the best choice. Additional Sberbank cards for a child are issued linked to the parents’ bank account, providing the ability to control expenses incurred by children. The emission of plastic by the Savings Bank can be done for children whose age has already reached 7 years and up to 14 years. If the child is older, the bank is ready to issue a bank card separately from the parent’s account.

To take advantage of Sberbank's offer, parents must be holders of the main plastic card. The essence of the program for issuing additional cards for a child is to allow a teenager access to funds in his own account with certain reservations and restrictions. The end result of receiving an additional card for a child is the possibility of cashless payments in places where payments are available through special terminals, or online payments (for example, purchasing goods in online stores, paying for services, etc.)

Parents planning to take advantage of the additional issue offer should find out whether they can link their children's card to their own. Please note that this program is not designed for the use of credit cards; it may also be necessary to issue a basic plastic product for an adult.

The service is available for any of the debit products issued by Sberbank. It is planned to issue a personalized debit card, i.e. the name of a minor is written on the front side of the plastic, who will then legally be able to pay independently.

There is no exact fixed amount of payment for a year of servicing additional plastic, since it is subject to the same tariff as the parents.

Receipt procedure

A children's card from Sberbank can only be ordered by the teenager's legal representatives by personally contacting employees at the nearest bank branch.

To issue a debit card, you will need to follow the following procedure:

  1. The parent is the holder of a plastic product issued by this credit institution.
  2. You must provide a civil passport and birth certificate.
  3. When visiting a branch, a bank employee is informed of the need to attach an additional plastic card to the main parent one.
  4. After a two-week wait at the selected branch, you can pick up the ordered product. Sometimes a bank card for a child is produced much faster - within 3-4 days the bank will notify you that it is ready.
  5. Next, the child’s card is activated and the mode of use is configured. It is recommended to sign up for the SMS notification option, mobile banking, and monthly limit. These measures will make the use of an additional Sberbank card absolutely transparent and will allow you to control the process of spending funds within acceptable limits. For a child, such options will allow you to plan your expenses and distribute funds within a specified period (one month).

Thanks to the additional product, parents will always be able to finance their minor teenager by quickly replenishing the account or opening access to the main funds in the account.

By transferring bank cards for children to their wards, the parent provides them with the following opportunities:

  1. Payments for purchased goods with a high degree of security both in retail chains and online. Each expense transaction on the Internet requires entering a password, which is sent to the number linked mobile phone. A parent, whose plastic card is linked to an additional card for a child, can track the teenager’s expenses and, therefore, control him.
  2. The established limits will allow a minor child to use only a limited amount. Spending beyond the current limit is not possible. You can update the limit when the next calendar month begins. Changing the card limit for a child at Sberbank is allowed by contacting a branch employee.
  3. The SMS notification function will allow you to see all expenses made by minors. Mobile banking can also be connected at the nearest branch.
  4. Since the card can be issued on the basis of the Visa and MasterCard payment systems, holders of a plastic product have the right to take advantage of current discounts and promotions for holders of this type of plastic.
  5. If you have any questions regarding maintenance and use, you can get comprehensive advice and prompt assistance, day or night.

You can top up a card for a child in Sberbank using any of the following methods:

  1. Transfer from the main plastic product of the parent.
  2. IN personal account"Sberbank Online".
  3. If you have a smartphone, use the mobile application.
  4. Through mobile bank(by sending SMS).
  5. Deposit cash through an ATM or other Sberbank self-service device.
  6. By transfer from a third-party bank - with preliminary indication of the exact details for the transfer. Funds will not be credited to your account immediately; as a rule, they will be credited within the next business day.

If there are difficulties replenishing a child’s account, parents will receive qualified assistance at a bank branch. To send funds, you only need the additional card number.

After the child turns 14 years old, he will be able to issue a card separately from the parent’s. Registration takes place upon presentation of the teenager’s passport, because from the point of view of legislation, a minor who has received a passport is recognized as quite independent.

Additional plastic is issued when it is necessary to quickly provide a growing teenager with funds, even while at a distance, as well as for educational purposes, accustoming him to independent spending and planning. own budget. When a 12-year-old teenager goes on a trip or is simply far away, the most in a simple way An additional children's bank card will provide him with financial support.

What benefits are available for the birth of a child in 2016 in St. Petersburg?

Birth certificate

To receive the maternity payments and benefits you are entitled to, you must first apply for documents for a newborn. Here is a list of documents that need to be completed for a child at birth and how to do it. Among the innovations of 2016 - parents can now submit an application for registration of a child at their place of residence through the MFC! On the official website of public services of St. Petersburg you can see the entire list of MFCs in St. Petersburg by district and choose the one that is most convenient for you. You can contact any center!

Now to the payments.

Child benefits...

List of childbirth benefits in St. Petersburg 2016:
  • One-time benefit for the birth of a child 2016
  • Child benefits for child care up to 1.5 years
  • Payment for registration in early dates pregnancy
  • Maternity capital for a second child
  • Benefits for low-income families
  • Children's card (One-time payment at the birth of a child) Only in St. Petersburg!
  • The one-time payment at the birth of the first child in St. Petersburg in 2016 is equal to 15,512.65

  • Who is entitled to a lump sum payment upon the birth of a child? To one of the parents, to all Russians without exception. (If the parents divorce and the child is left to be raised by the father, then the benefit not paid earlier will be due to him)

    At the birth of a second child, the payments are the same. If two or more children are born at the same time, this amount is paid for each.

    It turns out at the work of the husband or wife, if one or both of them work. If both do not work or one individual entrepreneur and the other does not work, single parents who do not work, etc. - in the department social protection.

    What documents are needed to apply for childbirth benefits?

    Passport, child’s birth certificate, marriage certificate, application for benefits. Birth certificate from the registry office. Issued when registering a child at the registry office in exchange for a certificate from the maternity hospital. A certificate from the other parent’s place of work stating that benefits were not provided if both parents work. If one of the parents works and the other does not, a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child is assigned and paid to the one who works. In this case, the same certificate is required from the social protection authority at the child’s place of residence.

    One-time payment at the birth of a child for unemployed people and students:
    If both parents do not work or are studying full-time education, a one-time benefit at the birth of a child is assigned and paid by the social protection authority at the place of residence of one of the parents. In this case, you will need extracts from the work book about your last place of work.

  • Monthly payments after the birth of a child in 2016:

  • equal to the amount of 2908.62 rubles for the first child, and 5817 rubles for the second and subsequent children. When submitting documents, they ask where you want it to be transferred. You can receive it monthly by mail, on a savings book (in this case, bring it to make a photocopy) or on a children's card. Employees receive 40% of their salary, but not less than the amounts indicated above. That is: if you leave work on parental leave, you receive 40% of your salary, no less than the amounts indicated above, but no more than 21,554 rubles! If you were unemployed, then 2908, etc. (Maximum amount 11643 for military personnel).

    If you work and count on your 40%, then for you - a very detailed article on how to calculate your monthly allowance, I advise you to double-check accountants, because they make mistakes quite often. How to calculate the amount of child care benefits up to 1.5 years old!

    Few people know that not only the mother, but also the father can take parental leave! That is, then you will receive 40% of his salary. And yes - in our country this is possible) I personally sent my husband on official paid parental leave with all payments) Since at that moment I was an individual entrepreneur with no income, and he was at work with a good official salary, from this job he was just about to be fired. Thus, the payments received were several times higher than if they had been paid to me as an unemployed person or an individual entrepreneur, and employment history he had it there for another year and a half. The law is on your side and not a single accountant will tell you anything) To assign him a benefit from his work, I took a certificate for myself (I don’t remember where) that I, as an individual entrepreneur, did not pay this benefit to myself and did not assign it), the rest documents are standard.

    Documents for applying for child care benefits up to 1.5 years:

    Application for granting benefits, certificate of birth of a child, work record book, marriage certificate, passport, form 9. In addition, you need to provide a certificate confirming that the second parent no longer receives benefits for this child, if the mother worked before giving birth - a copy of the order that the employer has provided parental leave. If the benefit is issued on the occasion of a second or subsequent child, you must also provide a birth certificate for the previous children.

  • Payment for registration in the early stages of pregnancy in 2016: 581.73 rubles

  • Appointed if you officially worked.

    What documents are required to apply for benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy?
    The main one is a certificate from the antenatal clinic about early registration, since this payment is applied for at work along with the childbirth allowance, the rest of the documents will be collected anyway. Those who are not working do not receive this payment.

  • Additional payments for the birth of a child in St. Petersburg: Children's card
  • Preschool card

    In St. Petersburg, mothers are given a children's card (One-time compensation payment for the birth of a child in St. Petersburg) - a gift for children's things. Please note that the card is given if one of the parents is registered in St. Petersburg and the child is registered with him. If the parents have registration, that is, in simple terms - registration - in another city or country, and the child has just been born in St. Petersburg, the card is not required. You can buy things with the card in children's stores in the city; usually there are additional discounts with it.

    The amount of payment at the birth of a child in 2016 per card at the birth of the first child is 26,237 rubles, at the birth of the second child 34,984, at the birth of the third and subsequent children 43,729 rubles. With this card you can buy children's goods in most large stores, and with good discounts (usually about 25%). They do it for about 1.5-2 months. The easiest way to get it is at the Multifunctional Center in your or any other area.

    What documents are required to issue a child card?
    The MFC took from me both birth certificates of my children, Form 9 from the passport office, a passport, a certificate from the antenatal clinic about early registration, an application for benefits, a marriage certificate, and SNILS. They made copies, took only the certificate from the housing complex and form 9. The application is filled out on the spot.

    If you registered after 20 weeks, you will not be given a card.

    You can apply for all benefits and payments before the child turns 1.5 years old and receive them within the last 6 months from the date of application. That is, if you remember in a year that you didn’t receive something, you will receive it in the last six months.

  • Benefit low-income families in 2016 in St. Petersburg:
  • Low-income family (i.e., having an average per capita income below 1.5 times the size of living wage per capita) still has the opportunity to apply for benefits to low-income families in 2016. The official salary is taken into account. If each family member (husband, wife and children) receives less than 15,029 rubles, then you are also entitled to an allowance as a low-income person. Specifically: if only the husband works in the family and your official income for three (you and a child) is less than 45,087 rubles, then you can apply for benefits. And this is an additional 2,718 rubles per month for the same children’s card for the first child and 3,768 rubles for the second and subsequent children. It is issued there, in the multifunctional center. Appointed before the child’s next birthday, the next day after the baby’s birthday you can submit documents again.

    What documents are required to apply for benefits for the poor?

    My husband needs to take a free form certificate from work, no! 2NDFL about the official salary for the last 3 months. Your work record. Passports, birth certificate of the child (children), marriage certificate, form 9, husband’s passport, application for benefits. You can register at the Multifunctional Center.

    If you do not work, but are not considered low-income, you will not receive any payments in St. Petersburg from one and a half years, even if the place is in kindergarten you were not provided.

    Low-income people can also apply for compensation for paying for an apartment; check with the MFC; they calculate it so that the rent does not exceed a certain percentage of income. A friend receives 3000 extra monthly)

  • If you have a second child, you can register maternal capital.
  • Certificate for maternity capital

    The good news is that you can now receive maternity capital if your second child is born no later than December 31, 2018.
    It’s not very joyful that the amount of the certificate in 2016 was not indexed (In 2016, maternity capital is 453,026 rubles.

    What documents are required to obtain a maternity capital certificate?

    They asked me for two passports - mine and my husband's, photocopies on separate pages of the first page with a photo and registration, Birth Certificates of both children plus their photocopies, an application, SNILS - a green card. Exactly three weeks later, the Maternity Capital Certificate was ready. I picked it up in the morning and went to the notary (to draw up the Obligation) and immediately submitted it back to pay off the mortgage without any problems. No later than 2 months later, the state will transfer the money to the bank. Perhaps even 2 weeks earlier.

    By the way!!!
    If your second child was born or adopted before January 1, 2016 and you have not yet spent your maternity capital, and also have not previously applied for such compensation, then you have the right to receive 20,000 rubles in cash until March 31, 2016! Hurry up)

    To receive compensation (to your bank account), you need to contact the Pension Fund (branch of your district) or the MFC. You need to provide a passport, SNILS, certificate, document from the bank confirming your details for transferring the payment.

    And lastly - “maternity leave”. Read more in the article

  • How to calculate childbirth benefits for working mothers in 2015
  • If you have any questions on payments for the birth of a child in St. Petersburg in 2016, on the documents that need to be provided, etc., the only one who will answer them clearly and correctly is the operator of the multifunctional center in St. Petersburg by toll-free number 573 90 00)))

    In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are social assistance programs for families with children, based on the use of special bank cards points Their owners have the opportunity to reduce costs for children by purchasing the goods they need. This article is intended for those who do not know enough about the innovation.

    Children's money on bank cards - what's the point?

    Bank cards to which money is transferred for children were previously called “Children’s” and “Preschool”. Starting from July 3, 2017, in St. Petersburg they were combined into a single “World” card. Old-style cards that were issued before 07/01/2017 continue to be valid until the expiration date indicated on them. They are designed to transfer money to children of different ages.

    Compensation is transferred first. The amount depends on which baby was born in the family. In addition, the card is replenished monthly with payments until the child is one and a half years old. In St. Petersburg, such a card is issued to women who have given birth to a baby, and in Moscow, a pregnant woman who registered before the 20th week can also receive it. If you apply for a card after giving birth, it will also be issued.

    From 1.5 years to 7 years, a preschool card is valid, which was previously issued in both cities, now only in Moscow. In St. Petersburg it was replaced by a single version. The money allocated to children at this age was transferred to him. After July 3, 2017 in St. Petersburg, they continue to arrive on old-style cards or on new ones. The process of issuing cards and transferring money to them is regulated by the law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation.” The state has granted regional authorities the right to develop acts on the provision of assistance to persons in need of it. Children's cards are issued to precisely the category of the population that is entitled to them in accordance with regional regulations.

    The social card is a debit card; it is impossible to withdraw cash from it. The source of income is only those bodies specified by law that pay compensation to children. It is not possible to top up your account with money from other sources. Money transfers can be spent immediately after they are deposited. If they are not spent within three months, they are returned to the city budget. The money remaining on the child’s card after the baby turns 1.5 years old is transferred to the preschool. You can only spend money in partner stores of this program. Products offered for payment with children's cards are intended exclusively for children.

    Who is eligible to receive the card?

    Women who have given birth to a child and are entitled to a one-time benefit can receive a child card. The following may apply for it:

    • residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg who have permanent residence in these cities;
    • pregnant women who registered at a city medical institution no later than three weeks before giving birth;
    • persons who adopted a child under one and a half years of age;
    • disabled people and families with many children receiving assistance for this reason.

    The card will definitely be issued to a mother whose child needs special nutrition (he should not be more than 3 years old at the time of registration of documents). Families who, in addition to one-time compensation, receive monthly assistance as needy and low-income people have the same right.

    A preschool card can be obtained by low-income people, that is, those whose income per person is less than one and a half times the subsistence level. The program is valid until the child turns 7 years old. Then payments stop, but you can manage the transferred funds for another 3 months. They are provided to the poor, who may be citizens of the Russian Federation, including those without permanent residence. Refugees living in Moscow and St. Petersburg can also be recognized as poor. This also includes foreigners living in these cities whose income allows them to be classified as low-income.

    • if there are three or more children in the family;
    • the child requires special nutrition;
    • there is a disabled child in the family;
    • the child is HIV-infected;
    • parents are disabled: one or both.

    For adopted children, you can also get a card: a child’s card, if the adoption occurred before the age of one and a half years, or a preschool card - up to 7 years.

    Where to apply for registration and what documents are needed?

    If a family has the right to a child card, and there is a desire to get one, you should start by collecting all the necessary documents. Then the documents for obtaining a child card are sent to the MFC or social protection authorities. It can be taken in person during office hours or first certified by a notary and then sent by mail. The obligatory method of postal services is registered mail with notification.

    You can use the State Services portal: first you need to register on the site, then scan the documents. An electronic application is filled out and sent along with scanned documents. The applicant will be informed in the manner chosen by him of the date and time when it will be possible to receive the card. Children's cards are issued no later than when children turn one and a half years old. The following documents are provided:

    • parents’ passports with a note that they are registered in Moscow or St. Petersburg;
    • marriage or divorce certificate;
    • metric per child;
    • a certificate confirming registration indicating parents - one or two (form F9) or F8, F3 - for temporary residents;
    • certificates of pension and health insurance;
    • confirmation of timely registration in the residential complex.

    Also submits birth certificates of other children (if any) and a certificate of income for the last 3 months.

    To apply for a “Preschool” card, you need to submit the same documents as for the “Children’s” card, except for a certificate of registration in the residential complex. You should also present documents indicating special circumstances in the family, if any:

    • husband in compulsory military service;
    • death of one of the parents or recognition that he was missing;
    • deprivation of parental rights;
    • serving a sentence;
    • child's disability;
    • HIV infection of the baby;
    • having many children;
    • certificate F25 from the registry office that the father is recorded according to the words of the mother, or with a dash.

    Card production goes through two stages. Documents are preliminarily studied. If the applicant meets all the requirements, the necessary documents are submitted to the bank. In total, no later than 1.5 months, the parent will be informed that they can pick up the card.

    Money in the account - what is transferred there?

    In 2017, a parent or guardian is paid a lump sum benefit for a newborn baby. If it comes from the budget, it can be transferred to the children's card. If issued at the place of work, this is not possible: transfer to the card is allowed only from budget funds. If the child was born before February 1, 2017, the amount of the state benefit is 15 thousand 512 rubles, and after indexation from 02/01/2017 - 16 thousand 350 rubles. Regional surcharges have also been established for lump sum benefit, monthly and other payments for women who have permanent registration. Federal and regional assistance can be transferred to children's and preschool cards.

    Money credited to the children's card:

    • one-time compensation for a newborn;
    • monthly benefit up to 1.5 years;
    • assistance to a low-income family with a child under 1.5 years old;
    • a disabled child;
    • if the baby is HIV-infected;
    • if the parents are disabled.

    The "Preschool" card receives transfers paid to a child from 1.5 years to 7:

    • from a low-income family;
    • disabled person;
    • with HIV infection;
    • parents are disabled people of groups I-II.

    The funds can be used for another three months after the child reaches 1.5 or 7 years.

    What is the balance - four ways to find out the balance

    Cards are issued by banks, so the balance on them is easy to check: checking using a terminal, by phone, on the Internet, by check. To find out the amount of your account balance using an ATM, you should know the PIN code, which is located in the envelope issued with the card. A PIN code is required not only to find out the balance, but also to make purchases. This is confidential information that only the cardholder can know. The PIN code should not be shared with anyone else to prevent illegal use of the card. In the ATM PIN code entry field, select “Check balance”.

    If the terminal cannot be used, you can call: in St. Petersburg - 329-50-12. When making a call, you should have the card in front of you. The robot will ask for her number and ask her to come up with a four-digit code that she should remember. This is how services are processed for the client, after which you can use the auto-informer by entering your code. Residents of St. Petersburg can use Internet banking. First you need to connect it, which requires visiting a bank branch to get a login and password, or this can be done on the website. After registration, the service becomes available.

    You can also find out the balance by checking your receipt after making purchases: the “Available balance” column.

    How to use the card - cashless payments only

    Among other bank cards, the young mother has one with funds for the child. It includes an amount that can be used for the baby’s needs, and at a discount. But this card is specific: it is supposed to be used only for non-cash payments, and even then not everywhere. Purchases using it can be made in individual stores and purchased strictly specific goods. Their list is based on the principle: this is vital for the child. Thus, toys, for example, although they are children's goods, are not considered vital, therefore they cannot be purchased with a children's card.

    The second feature: it is impossible to top up your account. If you have spent everything you have, you can use the card next time only when a transfer from the city budget arrives. For example, you have spent your lump sum compensation, expect monthly payments. And the third limitation: money cannot be stored forever. If they are not used when the child turns one year and 9 months or 7 years and three months, the money will be returned to the city budget. To prevent this from happening, immediately after 1.5 years of age, apply for a preschool card, then the remaining money on the child’s card will be transferred to it.

    You won’t be able to cash out the funds either: the bank won’t issue money using such a card. This restriction makes sense: the authorities want to be sure that the funds will go only to children. The nice thing is that most stores that work with these cards set significant discounts: up to 20% of the purchase amount. Many, by the way, have learned to cash out cards: they are looking for a person willing to give cash in exchange for a card. Circumstances vary, such people exist. Such actions are not prohibited, and therefore not illegal.

    Shopping – what products are available?

    Mom can spend money from the card in specialized stores that have received permission to work with children's cards. Products can also be purchased in supermarket branches and individual online stores. The list of stores can be found in the insert that is issued with the card, or on the city government website. There are quite a lot of them now, and the number is growing: there are about 200 in St. Petersburg.

    There you can buy a variety of products for children from the first days of life. Among them are breast milk substitutes, both regular and preventive and therapeutic. Various cereals, meat, fish, vegetable, fruit purees, juices, and water are offered. Non-food products include furniture for children, strollers, cribs. In stores you can also dress your child: socks, underwear, sewing and knitwear, outerwear, hats, and shoes are available. The card can be used to purchase hygiene items for care and cosmetics for children. You can purchase educational children's games, sports equipment, and a bicycle. The products have quality certificates and sanitary and epidemiological documents.

    Residents of St. Petersburg raising children are supported by the city authorities. The basis for carrying out relevant activities is the social code approved on November 9, 2011 (No. 728-132). Parents falling under a certain category are issued a social children's card. Targeted budget funds are transferred to it, which can be spent at certain retail outlets.

    Download for viewing and printing:

    Registration of a children's card in 2019

    There are two types of plastic cards for families with children:

    1. “Children’s”, the basis for which is the right to receive:
      • lump sum benefit for the birth of a baby;
      • monthly payments up to one and a half years.
    2. “Preschool” is issued to families receiving preferences for children from one and a half to 7 years and 6 months.

    A bank plastic card is provided to citizens who have a child. It is issued when one of the types of benefits associated with the birth of babies is assigned.

    Important: the amount of budget subsidies for up to one and a half years is calculated on the basis of family income for the previous period (3 months). It is recommended to apply for his appointment early so that the amount of earnings before the birth is included in the register.

    A children's card is issued under the following conditions:

    1. The applicant must reside permanently in St. Petersburg from the moment the child is born.
    2. Confirm that you went to the antenatal clinic before the 20th week of pregnancy.
    3. She has been legally assigned one or more types of benefits.
    4. The citizen expressed her desire to receive the card within the time frame specified by the social code.
    For reference: social cards in St. Petersburg are issued by a banking institution determined during the competition. Currently, this work is entrusted to Bank St. Petersburg.

    Payment amount per child card

    The amounts of budget subsidies specified in Articles 18 and 19 of the Social Code are transferred to a plastic medium. The amount of these payments is subject to annual indexation. In 2018, the following values ​​of benefits for the birth (adoption) of children were recorded:

    • for the first - 28,257 thousand rubles;
    • for the second - 37.678 thousand rubles;
    • for the third and subsequent ones - 47,096 thousand rubles.
    Important: when twins are born or adopted, the payment is calculated for each baby separately.

    The benefit for the birth (adoption) of children is independent of other circumstances. All families can apply for it, which cannot be said about subsidies for children under one and a half years old.

    Monthly allowance for a plastic card in St. Petersburg

    Support for families from the birth of a child to one and a half years is differentiated. This means that the right to it is obtained by:

    • families recognized as low-income based on calculation of the average income per member. This indicator must be lower than one and a half times the subsistence level established by the government of St. Petersburg for the previous quarter to the date of application;
    • certain categories of citizens, including:
      • raising a disabled child;
      • families in which parents are disabled;
      • large families;
      • members of single-parent families;
      • caring for an HIV-infected child;
      • a minor needs specialized milk-containing nutrition for medical reasons;
      • family of a military man.

    Currently, the following benefits are transferred to the “Children’s” social card:

    • one-time compensation payment at the birth of a child;
    • monthly allowance for a child aged from birth to one and a half years;
    • monthly allowance for a disabled child from birth to one and a half years;
    • monthly allowance for a child from a family where both parents (legal representatives) and the only parent (legal representative) are disabled people of disability group I or II aged from birth to one and a half years;
    • monthly allowance for an HIV-infected child aged from birth to one and a half years.

    For 2018, the amount of benefits for up to one and a half years transferred to plastic cards was approved at the level:

    1. For the first child - 3,145 thousand rubles.
    2. For the second and subsequent ones - 4,058 thousand rubles.
    3. For families with a military parent or single parents:
      • upon the birth of the first baby - 3,552 thousand rubles;
      • for the second and subsequent ones - 4,058 thousand rubles.
    Attention: if a family has a child with health limitations, benefits up to one and a half years are paid in an increased amount (as for single-parent units of society).

    Benefits transferred to the “Preschool” card

    Some families living in St. Petersburg continue to receive benefits after the child reaches one year and six months.

    These include:

    • low-income;
    • large families;
    • families raising disabled children;
    • families in which both parents are disabled;
    • incomplete units of society in which a child under 3 years of age is raised;
    • if the child, for medical reasons, needs special milk-containing food.

    The amount of accruals in 2018 was:

    • 913 rub. - for all;
    • 1318 rub. - for children of military personnel and single-parent families.
    Important: the process of obtaining a social card “Children’s” and “Preschool” is identical. In addition, the rules for using funds are the same.

    Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

    How to get a social card

    There are two ways to apply for a plastic social card:

    • in person by visiting the multifunctional center (MFC);
    • remotely, through the government services portal.

    Attention: you can get a social card in St. Petersburg within a period of one to three months from the date of application:

    • one month is given for data processing and issuance of a plastic card;
    • she is waiting for two more at the applicant’s MFC.

    If a citizen does not pick up the card within the specified time frame, it will be returned back to the banking institution. To apply for a new one, you will have to submit a separate application.

    This method is ideal for single mothers and fathers, as it does not require going to the city with a baby who has no one to leave with.

    The algorithm of actions is simple:

    1. Register on the St. Petersburg government services portal.
    2. Log in to your personal account and select the required section (by service name).
    3. Carefully fill in all required data in the application form.
    4. Upload scanned copies of documents.
    5. Submit your application for consideration.
    6. Receive a notification that it has been accepted.
    7. Wait for further instructions and follow them.
    Attention: the card can only be obtained in person at the nearest MFC. To do this you will need to present your passport.
    Package of documents for obtaining a social card

    A social card is issued along with the assignment of a certain type of benefit. A preference related to the birth of a child is issued on the basis of the following documents:

    1. a copy of the passport pages (with photo and registration);
    2. a certificate from the antenatal clinic stating that the registration was completed before 20 weeks of pregnancy;
    3. confirmation of the child’s registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg;
    4. certificates:
      • about birth;
      • on registration or dissolution of marriage;
      • about establishing paternity;
      • about the adoption of a baby up to six months;
    5. other documents in exceptional cases.
    Important: you can apply for this type of benefit before the child reaches one and a half years old.
    Documents for assigning monthly payments

    Some categories of citizens are entitled to receive additional budget support. To do this, you must submit the following documents:

    • a copy of the passport pages (with photo and registration);
    • information about the income of all family members;
    • certificates about:
      • the birth of a baby;
      • conclusion or dissolution of marriage;
    • additionally if available:
    • certificate of a large family;
    • certificate of medical and social examination about disability;
    • medical information:
      • about the need to receive specialized milk-containing nutrition;
      • about diagnosing a child with HIV infection.

    Families with one parent are required to provide one of the following documents:

    • a certificate stating that information about the father is included in the documents according to the mother (issued by the registry office according to form No. 25);
    • evidence of the absence of one of the parents:
      • death certificate;
      • court decision:
        • about recognition as missing;
        • about deprivation of rights to raise a child.

    Attention: military families are required to attach the appropriate document confirming their service:

    • contractual;
    • urgent.

    Step-by-step instructions for applying for a social card

    The algorithm for obtaining a plastic card is as follows:

    1. Collect all necessary documents, including those confirming your preferential category.
    2. Select a convenient contact option:
      • St. Petersburg public services portal;
    3. Make appropriate copies.
    4. Contact a specialist using the chosen method.
    5. Carefully fill out the application in the prescribed form.
    6. Attach copies of documents.
    7. Wait until a specialist checks everything.
    8. Receive a notification that the application has been accepted.
    9. Check the date and list of attached papers to ensure there are no errors.

    Attention: citizens who are refused a card are:

    • failed to provide the necessary documents;
    • not eligible for assistance;
    • deceiving government agencies.

    Rules for using a social card

    The St. Petersburg government is responsible for the control and distribution of budget funds allocated to provide social benefits in the territory under its jurisdiction.
    Its functions include defining:

    • a banking institution that carries out financial transactions with cards;
    • enterprises that accept them as payment for children's goods;
    • citizens - recipients of benefits.

    The rules for using cards state that:

    1. all payments are made in cashless form;
    2. the bank issues cards and transfers funds to them within one day from the moment the institution receives the necessary information;
    3. There is no fee for servicing social cards;
    4. The card is used from the date of receipt until the end of the month its validity expires.


    • make attempts to cash out social benefits;
    • top up the balance on the card with personal money;
    • transfer a social card to another person;
    • Use these funds to pay for purchases that are not children's goods.

    Additional bank services

    If a citizen has lost or damaged the card, it can be replaced.
    The service costs 60 rubles. A new storage medium is issued by the banking institution within five working days. Fund balances are subject to monthly interest accrual at the rate of 1.5% per annum. The operation is carried out on the last day of the month.

    Attention: if there is money left on the card after its expiration date, it does not disappear:

    • from “Children’s” they can be transferred to “preschool”;
    • otherwise, it is allowed to issue an entrusted card (valid for 3 months) to use the remaining funds.

    Information about the balance of the children's card

    Information about the balance and movement of funds on the account is available:

    • in a banking institution;
    • in your personal account “Internet Banking”;
    • through the services of an autoinformer (by telephone).
    Attention: all purchases using a social card must be made by check (paper or electronic). This document contains information about the account balance.

    Attention: the bank carries out verification within a month. The applicant is informed about the results.

    What and where can you pay with a children's card in St. Petersburg

    The government of St. Petersburg annually carries out work to select organizations that sell high-quality children's products.
    Its procedure, as well as the list of goods allowed for purchase with budget money, is contained in the city government’s resolution No. 343 dated May 22, 2013.

    The following are allowed to participate in the competition:

    1. Legal entities operating in St. Petersburg, selling goods corresponding to the list:
      • providing acceptance of non-cash funds;
      • having retail outlets in the city;
    2. Remote organizations whose warehouses:
      • located within the city;
      • have an area exceeding 300 sq. m.
    In 2018, in St. Petersburg, children's cards were accepted by 35 organizations carrying out trading activities through 200 stores. These include 6 online stores. Download for viewing and printing:

    Approximate list of goods purchased with a children's card

    You can use your social card to pay for food, namely:

    1. mixtures for breastfeeding(milk substitutes);
    2. porridge and milk;
    3. dairy products, including:
      • yoghurts and kefir;
      • curds for baby feeding;
    4. a variety of purees for babies;
    5. fruit drinks and water for children.

    The group of non-food products includes:

    • furniture for kids;
    • strollers and other devices;
    • bedding made only from natural fiber;
    • items of clothing for little ones, including socks and tights;
    • accessories (hats, scarves, scarves, etc.);
    • shoes;
    • pacifiers and other specialized devices;
    • utensils, including food warmers;
    • diapers, baths and the like;
    • diapers;
    • children's cosmetics;
    • educational games (age group from 0 to 7 years);
    • sports equipment for kids, including a bicycle.
    Important: goods paid for by card are subject to return in accordance with the law. In this case, the funds are returned to the account in non-cash form.

    For reference: in 2018, such retail outlets in St. Petersburg as Detsky Mir, Lenta, Okay, Mir Detstva and others were allowed to sell children's goods through a social card. Pharmacies: Violet, Ocean. Online stores: Votonya, Varna, Yulmart.

    Watch a video about what a children's social card is

    June 13, 2017, 13:15 Apr 23, 2019 12:57

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