All about surganova and arbenina. Celebrity couples: fashion for homosexuality

Modern music lovers greatly value talented performers. Artists with an excellent ear for music and a very unusual voice are Svetlana Surganova and Arbenina Diana, who performed as part of the group “Night Snipers” from 1993 to 2002, but then their paths diverged.

Fans of talented performers are still wondering why Arbenina and Surganova broke up, which was the reason for the severance of their creative relationship.

Surganova and Arbenina met in 1993. For both, this acquaintance became truly fateful. They organized the group "Night Snipers", whose leader was Arbenina. The orientation of this girl aroused the interest of the public.

Both performers wore short hair and showed with their entire appearance that they belonged to sexual minorities. Fans were sure that the two singers were connected not only by business and friendship, but also by love.

The girls did not hide their sympathy for each other, however, they said practically nothing about their personal lives and tried to avoid this topic. Svetlana Surganova took part in protests more than once. Together with her like-minded people, she demanded to stop infringing on the rights of people with non-traditional sexual orientation.

As part of the "Night Snipers" Surganova and Arbenina gave many concerts, they performed at the most prestigious rock festivals and recorded albums. It seemed to fans that these two performers would always delight them with new compositions.

In 2002, it became known about Svetlana Surganova’s departure from the group. This came as a real shock to her fans. Some fans, having learned about this only before the start of the concert, very loudly expressed their protest, after which Diana Arbenina asked them to leave the hall.

It turned out that it was Diana who made such a difficult decision. As she admitted in an interview, it was unbearably difficult for her to ask her colleague to leave the group. At this moment they were drinking cognac. Svetlana understood and accepted this decision and left the team.

Fans of the group and all those who followed and are following their work were sure that the reason for Svetlana’s departure was a personal conflict. According to one version, Diana Arbenina became jealous of her friend and could not continue working with her. But this is just a version, not supported by facts.

The performers themselves never mentioned that personal relationships or jealousy prevented them from working together.

As one of the singers admitted in her interview, it was simply difficult for them to write music together. They both have difficult characters.

Surganova and Arbenina, whose kiss was captured at several concerts, used to love to talk about their non-traditional sexual orientation. Currently, Diana Arbenina is already a happy mother of twins, and Svetlana Surganova only dreams of motherhood.

Surganov and Arbenina, whose relationship was discussed throughout the country, broke up without any loud scandals or litigation.

Both performers are very strong personalities and this is what prevented them from compromising. Very often quarrels broke out between them, and they swore even without reason.

According to Diana Arbenina, their continued existence in one group was simply impossible. After all, each of them saw the further development of the team in their own way.

As music critics say, the breakup of this creative tandem was simply inevitable. They performed together for 9 years and this is a very decent period. Cases when strong personalities perform together for decades are very rare. Most teams still break up at some stage. This is exactly what happened with the Night Snipers group.

Each performer wanted to perform their own music and they had completely different ideas for the further development of the group.

For Surganova, leaving Night Snipers was not the end of her career. Already in 2003, she began performing as part of the group “Surganova and the Orchestra”. Svetlana graduated from music school and plays the violin beautifully. This was reflected in the music she began performing and writing.

Diana Arbenina still performs as part of the Night Snipers. Performers began giving interviews in which they began to voice the nature of their relationships only recently.

As they both admit, they do not experience negative emotions towards each other, but they also do not communicate as before. Svetlana Surganova sometimes goes to Night Snipers concerts. Diana Arbenina has said more than once that she is unable to follow the creative activities of her former friend, but she really likes what she does. Arbenina is sure that as part of the “Night Snipers” Svetlana would not have been able to realize herself the way she has now.

Tell us whose solo career was more successful: Surganova or Arbenina. Probably, each of them simply found its viewer and listener.

Journalists several times asked questions to the two performers about their possible reunion. In her interview, Svetlana Surganova assured that she considers this quite possible. They say that you cannot step into the same river twice, but this is definitely not the case. They had experienced too much together, too many warm memories remained. That's why fans can hope for a reunion of the group.

Diana Arbenina, whose orientation is of interest to many of her fans, assures that she is a versatile person. It is for this reason that she does not deny that she may well be interested in a woman, although she currently has a boyfriend.

Fans of famous performers still cannot understand why Surganova and Arbenina broke up. The popular singers themselves do not regret that each went their own way. They believe that at that moment they simply needed it.

This is probably the hundredth concert of the fairly famous rock band “Night Snipers”. In the light of the spotlights, a pretty woman with a black guitar hanging around her neck moves across the stage, shaking her head to wipe the acrid drops of sweat from her face. The permanent leader of the group is Diana Sergeevna Arbenina. She occasionally smiles at the fans, who scream loudly, dance and raise signs with the words “We love you!” Arbenina brushes wet locks of hair from her forehead, runs up to the microphone, and begins to sing, hitting the strings of the poor instrument harder.

Among the crowd of people, in a hood, more or less inconspicuous clothes and with a guitar over his shoulders, a short figure quickly slips through, stopping near the wall and fixing his gaze on the stage. He looks at how Diana, as usual, breaks the strings. Smiles. His gaze rests on his neck, slightly reddish from the heat, with veins that stand out brightly due to tension. He sighs heavily, catching the notes of a familiar song and observing such familiar and at the same time unfamiliar movements. Still the same fervor and energy, but less crazy gestures. The singer is terribly hot, she grabs water at any opportunity, pouring water on herself, the stage and a few spectators. The observer smiles again, watching as Arbenina shakes off the drops, jumps up and, with renewed vigor, rushes into battle with her army of words and sounds to convey love to the people. Once upon a time she conveyed this love with songs, gestures, words, kisses to a short figure against the wall. Surganova sighs again, but continues to watch the performance with a soft smile, restraining herself from rushing onto the dance floor.

Come on guys. - Diana says goodbye to the musicians, giving everyone a high five and smiling. The tour is over, she is in St. Petersburg, where she has not been for a long time, so she decides to walk along the almost deserted streets, relax in the pleasant darkness and humidity of the city.

The woman walks slowly, where there are no people, she is fed up with autographs on tour. She looks at houses that she has seen a hundred times, but for some reason they continue to attract her. Excerpts of her own songs are spinning in her head, she hums quietly to herself, exposing her face to the rare drops of rain.

Dinka. - A very familiar, once familiar, quiet and joyful voice stops Arbenina. The frontwoman of the “Night Snipers” slowly turns around.

Svetka. - He exhales in surprise. - How are you here? - He looks Surganova up and down, noting the army-colored jacket and the guitar over her shoulders.

I went to the concert. Great presentation, Dian. - Svetlana comes closer, smiling with her warm and infectious smile. - How are you?

Thanks for the praise. - Arbenina involuntarily shudders when she sees steps towards her. Don't come, Surganova, don't. - I'm fine. How are you? By the way, why are you wearing an army jacket?

Everything is fine, thank you. Listen, what else should you wear to a Night Snipers concert? - Quiet chuckle. - Remember, we only performed in them.

I remember. - He answers dissatisfied, not wanting to remember the past.

Arbenina’s green eyes light up with an unkind fire.

No need, Light. Only if it's for work. Stop though. We don't even work together. Can I go? - He wraps his coat tighter and moves forward with heavy steps. She doesn't want to meet Surganova. Yes, they don’t seem to be at odds, they congratulate each other on their birthday, they meet occasionally, but it’s too painful to look into those gray-blue eyes that used to give the whole palette of feelings only to her.

Her heart skips a beat when Diana hears the guitar chords of a very familiar song.

- I love someone who won't come...- Sveta’s gentle but strong voice tugs at the strings of Arbenina’s inner neck. She remembers how this voice sounded together with hers, remembers how they had fun at concerts, clung to each other, gave rare fleeting kisses...

- Who doesn't sit down to drink tea at the same table...- Diana herself doesn’t notice how she begins to sing along. And Svetka seems to be deliberately holding out the melody to hear Dina start singing.

Arbenina comes closer to Surganova, the two of them sing a song that is close to everyone. They will never come to each other, sit down for a cup of tea, or talk. But they love.

The rain is drizzling, rolling down drops on faces and on the guitar. The melody of a song, permeated with general sadness, rings in time with him.

Light... why did you come? - Diana finishes singing, Svetlana stops playing, they make eye contact.

Diane, I told you, I wanted to talk. Well, watch the performance. - Sveta smiles.

What can we talk about, Surganova? - The leader of the “Night Snipers” does not want to talk because he can guess what the conversation will be about. Tries to push away with rudeness.

About you and me, Arbenina. - Surganova is not angry, but only smiles wider. Dinka has always been like this.

Which “us”? Don't you think that "us" has been gone for many years? - Steel appears in the eyes. - Light, you cheated on me. To put it in banal movie phrases, you broke my heart. What do you want to talk about after this? - The calm voice breaks into something like a scream, and the fingers clench into fists.

I know, Dean. I understand everything...

No way, Surganova! - He shouts, waving his hand. - You don’t understand a thing.

Okay, so be it. But... I want to return what was. - Svetlana looks straight into Diana’s eyes, inside of which rocks are collapsing under the influence of a storm, sparks from volcanoes are flying up and tsunamis are rolling over the cities. Arbenina grins.

Are you kidding me? Return? You know that I will not forgive, that I have not forgiven. You fucking know how much it hurt me! What, why did I not suit you? - He tries with difficulty to scream not too loudly, but it practically doesn’t work. - I loved you, Surganova. Loved it! - The last word is shouted right in your face.

I know, Dink. I know. And I loved you. I love you even now.

I don't care.

Don't lie to me. You care. - Sveta comes close, takes the cold hand into her palm, but Arbenina snatches the hand away and quickly puts it in her pocket.

Even so. I watched your interview. Your phrase “they say you can’t step into the same water twice, but I think that this is possible”... No, Light. Impossible. I got burned, that's enough already.

Do you watch my interviews? - Svetlana arches an eyebrow.

Occasionally. - Arbenina mutters quietly under her breath.

What about the songs?

What songs?

Are you listening?

Silence. Diana turns away and looks longingly at the sky covered with black clouds.

You know I'm listening.

How should I know? - Surganova comes up from behind, ruffles short hair, remembering their smell, and hugs.

I have no idea. It just feels like you know. - Contrary to the voice of reason, Diana takes her hands out of her coat pockets and places them on top of Sveta’s hands.

No. But I'm pleased. - Presses his cheek against the rough fabric of his coat.

Of course. - Dinka grins, slowly turns around in his arms and looks straight into gray eyes, now seeming somehow steely because of the darkness. - Light, it hurts. Damn, it hurts like hell. From what you did. From what you do. I don't want to return anything. Not with you, Surganova.

Maybe you're right. - Always cheerful eyes instantly go out, as if the light from inside had been turned off.

What were you hoping for? What for, Light?

I don't know. It's hard for me without you.

Me too. - Arbenina presses her whole body against Svetlana, exhaling heavily into her ear.

Dean, can I? - Surganova moves away a little, bows her head and looks with hope.

Can I... - He whispers quietly, closing his eyes. The next second, warm lips cover Diana’s lips, smearing the raindrops. The kiss is not deep, the lips lightly touch each other, tenderness and unbearable melancholy cover the women completely. Surganova can’t stand it, a single tear rolls down her cheek.

I have to go. - Arbenina disentangles herself from the hug and moves away.

Yes. I'm sorry, Dean. - Sveta doesn’t want to let go, her hand reaches out in an attempt to grab the coat, stop, hold. But he stops. Diana doesn't need this.

Dinka smiles bitterly and shakes her head.

You know I can't.

Bye. - Arbenina quickly turns around and literally runs away. Treacherous tears sting my eyes.

For now... - Surganova stands in the growing rain. He unbuttons his jacket and exposes his face to the streams. Suddenly he hears a voice.

You'll catch a cold, Surganova. - Diana screams from afar, stopping halfway and looking at Sveta.

I'm a doctor, I'll get better. - Svetlana smiles. Her warm, affectionate smile... Arbenina cannot resist, she runs as fast as she can to to a loved one, presses him, furiously kisses him on the lips, greedily absorbing every moment, clinging to the collar of his shirt. Then he lets go, bows his head and slowly walks away without saying a word.

Surganova runs her fingers over her lips, smiles again, puts her hands on the guitar and, turning around, walks along the empty sidewalks, striking the strings. The words of the song reach Diana. Both their hearts clench into a ball and beat faster.

It didn't work out. They remained strangers to each other forever.

"There is no sky, no sun without you.
Like a field in winter without snow, my soul.
And somewhere there is a prophetic dream, my dream.

Let me drink your springs of speech to the dregs.
Take me into your arms, into your hot captivity - I won’t escape.
I can save, fulfill,
Everything that happened, everything I remember.
Fill my life again.
If I can save it, I can fulfill it.

There is no sky, no sun without you.
Like an abandoned dog on the road, my soul.
And again a prophetic dream wanders, my dream.
He is so anxious, he is restless.

Give me hopes of gray clouds above my head.
Only the wind brings your voice to me from above.
Sea, do you hear, my eternal brother,
Forget your carelessness.
On the waves of your omnipotent
Take me back to my beloved.

There is no sky, no sun without you..."

Diana Arbenina, singer, songwriter, leader of the group “Night Snipers,” gave a frank interview on the air of the “Alone with Everyone” program. She talked about her separation from Svetlana Surganova, who left the team just in December 2002. Diana shared that it is very difficult for her to part with loved ones, but when she understands that she needs to move forward, and someone is stopping her from doing this, she leaves him without regret.

Diana Arbenina could not even remember exactly the time of their last meeting. She remembered that after breaking up they drank coffee several times, but she couldn’t say that. She only remembers that during the breakup they were drinking cognac, and Diana told her friend that she needed to leave the group.

However, Surganova did not forget about Diana. She sent her a video greeting that was broadcast during the TV show. Svetlana wished Diana not only to move forward, but also to maintain what she had achieved. at the moment. Arbenina also recorded a video in which she conveyed greetings from herself and from the viewers of the program.

When Diana was asked a question about the father of her two children, she avoided answering, saying that he was very handsome, but not public. In addition, their relationship is very complex, so she does not intend to mention his name. Arbenina also confirmed rumors that she was going to adopt a child after some time. She said that she felt the strength to bestow someone else with care and attention, except for her children, whom she doted on, so almost the entire program was only about them. Diana also said that a woman’s main purpose is to become a mother.

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The love story of Surganova and Arbenina has haunted all fans of the Night Snipers group for many years. Svetlana’s sudden departure from the team and outright ignoring of her former colleague Diana suggests some mysterious reason for this behavior. What really happened, and is it possible for two talented women to reunite? Let's find out!

Diana Arbenina

The singer’s biography and personal life are replete with blank spots. It is known that the singer was born on July 8, 1974 in Belarus, and lived in the city of Borisov, Minsk region, until she was 3 years old. Then the family moved to Chukotka, from there to Magadan, where the girl graduated from a pedagogical institute. By that time, her parents had been divorced for a long time, Diana lived with her mother.

Music was in Diana's life from a young age - she learned to play the guitar. Since 1991 she has performed at school and student events. At the same time, she began to write poetry and successfully set it to music. In 1993, she married Konstantin Arbenin, a well-known musician in the northern capital. The frontman of the group “Zimovye Beasts” was needed as a spouse only for St. Petersburg registration. They quickly divorced, but Diana decided to keep her husband's surname.

Svetlana Surganova

Singer, violinist, poet - this girl has enough talent for several people. From birth she had to learn what human cruelty is. On November 14, 1968, her mother gave birth to her in Leningrad and immediately abandoned the baby. At the age of three, the girl was adopted by Liya Surganova, a childless woman and a candidate of biological sciences. Having successfully completed school, Svetlana studied at medical school and Pediatric Academy. Was this a tribute to his adoptive mother? Be that as it may, the girl did not work in her specialty. Svetlana Surganova tries not to advertise her biography and personal life. At the age of 27, she learned that she had sigmoid colon cancer. After numerous operations and clinical death, she was an ostomy patient for 8 years (1997-2005).

Only music truly captivated and attracted her. While still studying at school, she became the lead singer of the “League” group. The group quickly became popular and won all possible prizes at music competitions in the northern capital. Then there was the group “Something Else” and the joint creative work with Svetlana Golubeva. 44 songs were recorded as a duet with the St. Petersburg poetess. Before her significant meeting with Diana Arbenina, Svetlana Surganova was already known in the city on the Neva, but in 1993 a truly historical event took place in the lives of both girls.

"Night Snipers"

The art song festival in St. Petersburg brought together two girls who tried to perform several songs together. Talented and gifted, they should no longer be separated. But Diana drops out of school and goes home to Magadan. A new friend promises to visit her and soon comes to visit. It is not known exactly when the love story of Arbenina and Surganova began, but it is generally accepted that it was at this time that a completely unfriendly relationship arose between them.

For almost a year the girls have been successfully touring Far East, giving concerts in clubs and visiting apartment buildings. Their performances were a great success - at that time, women in rock and roll could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Moreover, this is a duet! And quite mysterious. If Svetlana never hid her orientation and actively participated in all actions protesting against the infringement of the rights of sexual minorities, then Diana did not make any statements about this. The girls come up with a name for their group (“Night Snipers”) and return to St. Petersburg.

Success, fame and a lot of music

In the cultural capital, they continue to give performances at various venues, but in addition to this, they are simultaneously writing their first album in the studio. “A drop of tar” instantly pulled them out of the abyss of obscurity. Songs from the album hit the radio, and the country learned about the existence of the group. Real concerts began, which could not only improve the financial situation, but also provide an opportunity to work on the second album.

Between 1999 and 2002. “Night Snipers” release three albums, songs from which enter the music charts and become instant hits. Success, millions of fans and well-deserved fame make the band members rock stars of the first magnitude. The songs “31st Spring”, “You gave me roses”, “Catastrophically”, “Frontier”, “Perfume” are played on all radio stations. The team is invited to such prestigious national concerts as “Invasion”.

At this time, Svetlana Surganova and Diana Arbenina practically do not hide their relationship - they kiss in public and appear everywhere together. Short haircuts, no dresses or makeup - what other evidence is needed to believe in the love story of Arbenina and Surganova? The fans are rejoicing - these are not staged kisses and hugs of young girls under the direction of Ivan Shapovalov. Two grown women would not create such an image for themselves.


In 2002, fans of the group came to the next concert, where they were presented with a fact - Surganova is no longer a member of the group, and now this is Diana’s solo project. The public's indignation led to the audience chanting the violinist's name. Arbenina reacted calmly to this and asked everyone who expressed their dissatisfaction to leave. She did not expand on the reasons for the separation, limiting herself to the fact that it was simply time for each of them to go their own way. Fans could not believe that the love story between Surganova and Arbenina was over.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations

The separation hit both of them hard - Svetlana disappeared for a while, and Diana was blamed for the collapse of the group. She did not hide the fact that she asked the violinist to leave the group. Much later she revealed some details - it happened in the evening, when the girls were talking in a calm atmosphere. The reason was also revealed - Surganova cheated on her lover, and Diana could not forgive the betrayal. The girls went their separate ways.

Diana has already released 8 albums and taken part in many television projects. Successful collaboration with the Bi-2 group brought her even greater popularity. At the moment, Arbenina is not married, but is raising twins - daughter Marta and son Artem (b. 2010).

Svetlana Surganova's albums ("Strangers as Our Own", "Isn't It Me", "See You Soon", etc. - 9 in total) were no less successful.

She created the group “Surganova and the Orchestra”, with which she continues to tour successfully to this day. 15 years after the breakup, both girls declare that a reunion is possible, which cannot but please fans of their work!

The love story of Surganova and Arbenina has haunted all fans of the Night Snipers group for many years. Svetlana’s sudden departure from the team and outright ignoring of her former colleague Diana suggests some mysterious reason for this behavior. What really happened, and is it possible for two talented women to reunite? Let's find out!

Diana Arbenina

The singer’s biography and personal life are replete with blank spots. It is known that the singer was born on July 8, 1974 in Belarus, and lived in the city of Borisov, Minsk region, until she was 3 years old. Then the family moved to Chukotka, from there to Magadan, where the girl graduated from a pedagogical institute. By that time, her parents had been divorced for a long time, Diana lived with her mother.

Later, in 1994, she moved to live in St. Petersburg and transferred to the philological faculty of the state university.

Music was in Diana's life from a young age - she learned to play the guitar. Since 1991 she has performed at school and student events. At the same time, she began to write poetry and successfully set it to music. In 1993, she married a well-known musician in the northern capital. The frontman of the group “Zimovye Zverey” was needed as a spouse only for St. Petersburg registration. They quickly divorced, but Diana decided to keep her husband's surname.

Svetlana Surganova

Singer, violinist, poet - this girl has enough talent for several people. From birth she had to learn what human cruelty is. On November 14, 1968, her mother gave birth to her in Leningrad and immediately abandoned the baby. At the age of three, the girl was adopted by Liya Surganova, a childless woman and a candidate of biological sciences. Having successfully completed school, Svetlana studied at a medical school and a pediatric academy. Was this a tribute to his adoptive mother? Be that as it may, the girl did not work in her specialty. Svetlana Surganova tries not to advertise her biography and personal life. At the age of 27, she learned that she had sigmoid colon cancer. After numerous operations and clinical death, she was an ostomy patient for 8 years (1997-2005).

Only music truly captivated and attracted her. While still studying at school, she became the lead singer of the “League” group. The group quickly became popular and won all possible prizes at music competitions in the northern capital. Then there was the group “Something Else” and joint creative work with Svetlana Golubeva. 44 songs were recorded as a duet with the St. Petersburg poetess. Before her significant meeting with Diana Arbenina, Svetlana Surganova was already known in the city on the Neva, but in 1993 a truly historical event took place in the lives of both girls.

"Night Snipers"

The art song festival in St. Petersburg brought together two girls who tried to perform several songs together. Talented and gifted, they should no longer be separated. But Diana drops out of school and goes home to Magadan. A new friend promises to visit her and soon comes to visit. It is not known exactly when the love story of Arbenina and Surganova began, but it is generally accepted that it was at this time that a completely unfriendly relationship arose between them.

For almost a year, the girls have been successfully touring the Far East, giving concerts in clubs and visiting apartment buildings. Their performances were a great success - at that time women in rock and roll could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Moreover, and quite mysterious. If Svetlana never hid her orientation and actively participated in all actions protesting against the infringement of the rights of sexual minorities, then Diana did not make any statements about this. The girls come up with a name for their group (“Night Snipers”) and return to St. Petersburg.

Success, fame and a lot of music

In the cultural capital, they continue to give performances at various venues, but in addition to this, they are simultaneously writing their first album in the studio. “A drop of tar” instantly pulled them out of the abyss of obscurity. Songs from the album hit the radio, and the country learned about the existence of the group. Real concerts began, which could not only improve the financial situation, but also provide an opportunity to work on the second album.

Between 1999 and 2002. “Night Snipers” release three albums, songs from which enter the music charts and become instant hits. Success, millions of fans and well-deserved fame make the band members rock stars of the first magnitude. The songs “31st Spring”, “You gave me roses”, “Catastrophically”, “Frontier”, “Perfume” are played on all radio stations. The team is invited to such prestigious national concerts as “Invasion”.

At this time, Svetlana Surganova and Diana Arbenina practically do not hide their relationship - they kiss in public and appear together everywhere. Short haircuts, no dresses or makeup - what other evidence is needed to believe in the love story of Arbenina and Surganova? Fans are rejoicing - these are not staged kisses and hugs of young girls under the direction of Two grown women will not invent such an image for themselves.


In 2002, fans of the group came to the next concert, where they were presented with a fact - Surganova was no longer a member of the group, and now this was Diana’s solo project. The public's indignation led to the audience chanting the violinist's name. Arbenina reacted calmly to this and asked everyone who expressed their dissatisfaction to leave. She did not expand on the reasons for the separation, limiting herself to the fact that it was simply time for each of them to go their own way. Fans could not believe that the love story between Surganova and Arbenina was over.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations

The separation hit both hard - Svetlana disappeared for a while, and Diana was blamed for the collapse of the group. She did not hide the fact that she asked the violinist to leave the group. Much later she revealed some details - it happened in the evening, when the girls were talking in a calm atmosphere. The reason was also revealed - Surganova cheated on her lover, and Diana could not forgive the betrayal. The girls went their separate ways.

Diana has already released 8 albums and taken part in many television projects. Successful collaboration with the Bi-2 group brought her even greater popularity. At the moment, Arbenina is not married, but is raising twins - daughter Marta and son Artem (b. 2010).

Svetlana Surganova's albums ("Strangers as Our Own", "Isn't It Me", "See You Soon", etc. - 9 in total) were no less successful.

She created the group “Surganova and the Orchestra”, with which she continues to tour successfully to this day. 15 years after the breakup, both girls declare that a reunion is possible, which cannot but please fans of their work!

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