Types of social science discipline 7. What is a discipline? Why does a person need it? Discipline, will and self-education

This social studies lesson "Why discipline is needed" is designed for 7th grade students. It is no secret that children learn the concept itself even at primary school age, but in the senior school years the topic is revealed more deeply. The work is planned in such a way that students themselves acquire knowledge about what discipline is needed for through group work, the use of critical thinking technology, and interactive learning.

Goal: get acquainted with the concept of “discipline”. Find out what discipline is for and what role it plays in people's lives.

Let's look at the course of the lesson.

Start of the lesson

Hello guys. Today in class we will discuss a very important topic for human life. It is impossible to do without this in any field of activity. Think about what it could be and make your guesses.

The teacher divides the children into three groups. In one of them, he appoints a “keeper of silence” - a person who will monitor the behavior and order within the team. The second group is given a list of rules that they must adhere to in their work, and the third group is allowed to work as they see fit, that is, without any specific framework or rules.

Repetition of what has been covered

"Hot chair" technique. A chair is placed in front of the board and one of the students sits on it. The class asks him questions about the topics covered:

1) What is law?

2) What are responsibilities?

3) What is debt?

4) Why is it necessary to obey laws?

Studying the material

Teacher: please read the quote you see on the board

"Discipline is the first sign of victory."

How do you understand its meaning? Give examples from life to which this quote can be applied?

So what are we going to talk about today? (about discipline)

That's right, the topic of our lesson in your 7th grade is "Why discipline is needed."


Let's remember what rules and requirements we need to know when we work in teams. Let's recall them and voice them:

1) You need to work quietly, because noise can disturb neighboring groups, and order will simply be disrupted.

2) The response of each participant must be considered.

3) You cannot “sit back” in groups; you need to take an active part in the work and provide all possible assistance to your teammates.

4) There should be no quarrels.

Let's try to find out what discipline is and why it is needed. Now each group will form clusters. From the word "discipline" you will draw arrows and write the words with which it is associated.

(Order, respect, control, education and other associations that children have.)

Each group selects a speaker to represent and defend the team's work.

Now open a dictionary and look up the definition of the word “discipline.”

“Discipline is the rules of individual behavior that comply with accepted social norms or the requirements of routine rules.”

Give examples where discipline should be present.

(At school, army, public transport, etc.)

Yes, discipline is everywhere, and without it there would be chaos everywhere. However, discipline will vary from place to place and area to area.

Group work

Now I offer you the following assignment: “Each of you gets your own type of discipline, information about which you must familiarize yourself with, present to the class and perform a small dramatization in accordance with the topic.”

1 group "Military discipline".

Strict, timely execution of orders from superiors, military regulations and the oath. The consequences of violations of military discipline can be very serious, such as a decrease in the protection of troops, lack of control over them, defeats in military operations, and the safety of people will be at great risk.

Group 2 "Labor discipline".

Arrive and leave work on time, perform your duties, and adhere to ethics.

What consequences await us if we violate labor discipline? As a rule, this entails material damage to production and business, and the relationship in the team goes wrong, which leads to poor-quality and uncoordinated work of the enterprise.

Group 3 "Technological discipline".

Compliance with the rules for using equipment, safety, maintaining order in work.

What consequences might arise here? They can be the most terrible: from environmental disasters to mass deaths.

It turns out that the discipline is divided into compulsory and special. Think about how they differ from each other and give examples with justification.

Task "Fill in the table"

Write what the consequences of violation of discipline may be.

Are you familiar with the word “self-discipline”? Let's figure out what two words it was formed from?

"Self-discipline" means... (children's answers):

  • Discipline yourself.
  • Look after yourself.
  • Stick to order.
  • Control yourself.
  • Don't let yourself relax at the most crucial moment.

Now listen to the parable and try to think about how it relates to the topic of our lesson.

"I always felt sorry for people who fail. Well, they seemed so unhappy to me, because they were simply unlucky in life. Some were born into a poor family, and some into a rich one. Some were blessed by nature with abilities, but someone is not. But I thought so until two twin boys, Tim and Tom, lived next door. They both had health problems, were very often sick, and received ridicule from their peers.

Tim woke up every morning at 5 a.m. and went for a run, did gymnastics, he wanted to improve his poor health. At times it was very difficult for him, but he did not think of giving up, but continued intensive training and sports.

Tom felt very sorry for himself, because he knew that he was often sick and physical activity was certainly not for him. He loved to sleep, eat, and once again tried not to go outside in order to protect himself from the outside world.

And if I didn’t know the backstory of these two boys, then I could envy Tim, and pity and sympathize with Tom..."

Guys, what did this parable make you think about?

Which boy would you like to be like and why?

Which of them has clearly developed self-discipline?

What conclusion can be drawn?

7th grade, why is discipline needed for each of you?

Reading a poem

Today I invited 2nd grade student “G” Ekaterina Afanasyeva to our lesson, who, despite her young age, already knows perfectly well what discipline is for.

"So that everyone has a wonderful life,

The innocent people did not suffer

And the danger disappeared away -

Maintain discipline!

Be a diligent student

Don't be naughty and don't swear,

Become the country's hope

And try to teach others.

Don't be late for work

It's so bad

Always treasure your friendship

The one I found.

Treat your work

You are always serious

Nothing bad seems

And then you look: trouble!

Know that where there is discipline,

Success will definitely await you,

Our life is a long journey,

Respect yourself and everyone."


Our lesson is coming to an end. Remember how at the very beginning in one of the groups I chose the person responsible for discipline, in another I gave a list of rules, and in the third there was nothing. I invite the participants of each group to speak about how you worked in your team, how things were with discipline, what difficulties arose? What conclusion can be drawn? Why is discipline needed? Discipline is important everywhere, including in the classroom, you need to be able to listen and hear each other, and where clear rules were announced in advance, there were no difficulties, but in a group where everyone behaved as they usually behave, there were difficulties, since one was distracted, the other did not work, and the third broke the silence with loud laughter.

There are self-assessment sheets on your desks. Complete each of the phrases based on your own knowledge gained in the lesson:

  • I found out today...
  • It wasn't entirely clear to me...
  • I didn't understand at all today...

Your homework will be to prepare a report on the topic of the lesson, you need to format its title page in this way: “What is discipline for, 7 “A” grade, school No. 145, last name, first name of the student. You are allowed to put some of the information on a poster or presentation, prepare a defense This concludes our lesson “Why discipline is needed” I urge you to always and everywhere observe order and generally accepted laws. Goodbye, guys.

This social studies lesson in the 7th grade, “Why is discipline needed,” is compiled taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children of middle school age.

Discipline is a word that is synonymous with the concept of “order.” The rules of social existence are based on people's understanding of discipline, compliance with special requirements, norms and legal provisions.

What is discipline?

Grade 7 Social Studies suggests looking at the term from different angles, which is why there are several definitions of the concept. Discipline is:

  • compliance with certain rules established in society (group, team);
  • the order that was required to be observed in society: the rules of morality and law;
  • the requirements underlying the code of professional relations of a particular organization;
  • the boundary that separates the norm from the offense.

V. Dahl gives his interpretation of discipline. He considers the concept only military: the order of subordination of one rank to another, obedience and strict obedience.

Discipline changes people's behavior, introduces order and a system of control over their actions and actions.

Types of disciplines

Scientists divide the discipline into 2 large groups: mandatory and special.

TOP 3 articleswho are reading along with this

  • Mandatory . This discipline is a set or system of rules for government agencies and organizations. They must be observed by officials, government officials, and ordinary citizens.
  • Special . Its rules apply only to a specific team. School, army, production - impose their own special requirements of discipline on people's behavior.

There are many special disciplines. Some of them are discussed at school.

  • Military discipline . These are rules based on the greatest rigor of execution. All norms are approved in the Charter. Laws and requirements cannot be discussed or changed at one’s discretion; they are simply followed unquestioningly. The oath and order are not changeable. Military and state secrets are protected and become one of the requirements of military discipline.
  • Labor discipline . These are the rules of labor activity, relations in the production team. Standards for working hours, rest periods, and the beginning and end of the working day are established here. This type is enshrined in labor laws. But each specific work collective, on the basis of the Law, develops its own labor rules and collective agreements. The rules are prescribed in various instructions.

Violations of military discipline have their own system of punishment, which is not similar to labor offenses, but both lead to damage. The first within the country and a specific sector of the army. The latter cause economic problems.

Classification of discipline

Society requires people to follow rules. Why is discipline needed? Philosophers for many centuries have tried to understand its essence. Their work necessitated the division of the discipline into two more groups:

  • external;
  • internal.

External discipline. This is control by other people. Using the example of school discipline, these are the requirements that the administration and teachers make of students. This type is undergoing changes. You can compare the school rules of the past with the modern state of affairs and make sure that they have become simpler and more democratic. External discipline is fear of punishment. Someone is constantly monitoring her.

Internal discipline - another type. Here everything happens inside a person. He creates the rules himself, implements them himself, and chooses the punishment for their violation. It is called self-control, self-discipline or consciousness.

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. Grade 7">§ 5. Why discipline is needed
  • What are the rules for people's lives in society?
  • Why is it important to follow these rules?
  • What are norms and sanctions?
  • Does everyone have to be disciplined?
  • What is external and internal discipline?

Compulsory and special discipline

Discipline is a necessary condition for the normal life of society. Thanks to discipline, people's behavior takes on an orderly character, they get used to controlling their actions and feeling the line that separates them from crime. Discipline is always aimed at observing certain rules.

    Discipline is a certain order of behavior of people that meets the established norms of law and morality in society or the requirements of any organization.

You can often find the words “discipline” and “public order” together. In these cases, discipline means compliance with the rules established by the state. In accordance with these rules, all government bodies, organizations, officials and citizens must fulfill the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them. This discipline is compulsory.

Along with it, there is a special discipline, mandatory only for members of a certain organization (labor, school, military, etc.) - V.I. Dal in his dictionary considers discipline as “military obedience, obedience, order of subordination, veneration of rank.” In the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, one of the meanings of the word “discipline” is “upbringing, a set of mandatory rules at school.”

What are the features of certain types of special discipline?

Military discipline is characterized by the greatest severity. And this is understandable: the combat effectiveness of the troops, the clarity in their control, their actions in a combat situation, and most importantly, the lives of many people depend on it.

Military discipline obliges every serviceman to strictly observe the laws, fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath, military regulations, and orders of superiors. It is necessary to keep military and state secrets, observe the rules of military courtesy, behave with honor and dignity outside the unit's location, and avoid violations of public order.

In the feature film “Officers” there is an episode with the participation of Suvorov soldier Ivan Trofimov. The boy was from a family of hereditary military men. His grandfather is a military general, his father died at the front. One day Vanya was late for school after leaving leave and thereby violated military discipline. The boy was at the zoo, stared at the hippopotamus and forgot about the time. The punishment was being dressed out of turn.

    Compare the punishment that Ivan suffered, for example, with what awaits someone who is late for school. Which one is stricter and why?

The relationship between people's work activities is consolidated by labor discipline. It provides for timely arrival at work, compliance with the established working hours, rational use of working time, and accurate execution of administration orders. Labor discipline requirements are enshrined in labor laws, labor regulations, discipline regulations, collective agreements, job and technical instructions.

Violation of labor discipline is manifested in an unfair attitude towards work, failure by an employee to fulfill his labor duties. It causes material damage not only to an individual enterprise, but also to the economy of the country as a whole.

    Journey into the past
    In June 1988, the city of Arzamas experienced a terrible tragedy. There was an explosion of monstrous force: three carriages of a freight train exploded. They contained about 120 tons of explosives intended for mining enterprises. A crater the size of a nine-story building formed. Almost 2,000 people were affected - dead, wounded, people left disabled, children who became orphans. An entire microdistrict was wiped off the face of the earth... Someone, contrary to the rules for transporting dangerous goods, ordered these cars to be attached immediately behind the locomotive, and the train manager did not decide to re-staff the train.
    An Il-76 cargo vehicle crashed and crashed into a residential building. The reason was that they took on board more cargo than was specified by the rules.
    An Aeroflot Il-86 plane with more than a hundred passengers on board landed without its landing gear extended. Why? Some of the crew members were annoyed by the sound of the siren, reminding them of the moment of their release. He turned off the siren, and without its sound, the commander forgot to lower the landing gear. Fortunately, there were no tragic consequences.
    The Interstate Aviation Committee analyzed two thousand flights and identified a number of serious violations. Some pilots are arrogant about safety requirements, overestimate their capabilities, and violate flight rules.

    What unites all these facts? Have you ever encountered anything similar in your life?

External and internal discipline

What motivates people to be disciplined? On the one hand, the rules that exist and society itself, which monitors compliance with these rules. “Coercion,” wrote the German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804), “limiting and ultimately eradicating the constant tendency to deviate from certain rules is called discipline.”

If the rules are followed only due to outside control, we can talk about external discipline. In this case, people feel outside control, strive to receive material or some other reward or avoid punishment.

For example, your parents, and even more so your grandparents, remember what discipline existed in all schools at the time they studied. The school administration strictly ensured that boys had short hair, girls had skirts that were not too short, and that everyone wore a school uniform. Some people liked it, others didn't. Not everyone wanted to comply with such requirements, but they were afraid to violate them.

Sometimes external discipline is based on fear. For example, an employee is afraid of being reprimanded, losing his salary, or being fired from his job. An even stronger incentive is the fear of criminal punishment and loss of freedom.

On the other hand, demands on oneself can motivate a person to follow certain rules. In this case, the person himself is both the author of such requirements and the controller. No stranger will remind him of them, will not reprimand him, will not threaten him. If a person follows the rules according to his own inner motivation, without external sanctions and coercive measures, we can talk about internal discipline.

Internal discipline is the result of a clear understanding of what, how and why to do. In this case, a person experiences an internal need to follow accepted norms of behavior, and in case of non-compliance, he experiences remorse and a feeling of guilt. Such discipline is based on the conscious decision of the person himself and self-control. Therefore, it is often called conscious discipline or self-discipline.

Speaking about internal discipline, we should highlight the rules established by each person personally for himself. These rules are the basis of self-education.

Discipline, will and self-education

You probably already know about the possibilities of self-education. You've probably thought that it would be nice to cultivate certain qualities and habits in yourself. Is there a connection between pursuing such desires and discipline? Let's figure it out.

First, evaluate whether you have managed to develop clear rules of behavior aimed at developing the desired quality or habit. Secondly, check whether you managed to comply with these rules. And not from time to time, but every day, strictly. This is how discipline is developed. This is difficult: you need to win difficult victories over yourself every day. And for this it is important to call on all your will as an ally.

Will helps to overcome weakness, the habit of not completing difficult tasks. Thanks to it, you can overcome the humiliating dependence on the desire to do nothing or do only something pleasant, to do only what you want. The French writer O. de Balzac (1799-1850) said this: “A strong will is a victory every minute over instincts, over drives that the will curbs and suppresses, over the whims and obstacles that it overcomes, over all sorts of difficulties that she heroically overcomes.” Will helps in case of failure not to give up, but to “pull yourself together” again and go towards the goal.

Internal discipline, based on volitional efforts, is both the key and the result of successful self-education. After all, you also need to cultivate conscious discipline in yourself. This must be done from childhood, achieving the expedient organization of one’s studies, free time, and mutual understanding with family and friends. And there is only one way - to set yourself and solve specific tasks, the implementation of which depends not on external circumstances, but on your own efforts.

When you first hear the rule “Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility for violating it,” you feel uneasy. What happens: in order to be law-abiding, you need to know absolutely all the laws? It is certainly useful to know the laws. But even specialists cannot keep them all in their heads. This is where discipline comes to the rescue. Anyone who is accustomed to following the rules, who knows how to feel the very nature of prohibitions and restrictions, will not become a violator of the law.

Let's check ourselves

  1. What is discipline? Why is it needed?
  2. What is discipline?
  3. What are the consequences of violation of discipline?
  4. How do you understand the expression “discipline is lame”?
  5. Which section of the paragraph is associated with Leo Tolstoy’s statement: “The one who firmly decides to win wins the battle”?

In the classroom and at home

  1. Determine what kind of discipline we are talking about: a) strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws and military regulations; b) strict adherence to the established procedure in production; c) compliance with the rules for students.
  2. Observe the people around you and draw a conclusion which discipline is manifested more often: external or internal. Why do you think this happens?
  3. Remember if there have been times in your life when you decided to do something important. For example, I thought: “Starting tomorrow I’ll do my homework right after school” or “Starting tomorrow I’ll start writing down everything in detail during the teacher’s lesson.” Did you manage to carry out your plans? What helped or hindered?
  4. Think about which discipline more reliably protects against breaking the law - external or internal. To do this, remember the examples of violation of norms and rules known to you from books and films and draw a conclusion which discipline was lame in each case.
  5. Based on the facts of social life and life experience, give examples of non-compliance with discipline. What is the harm in each specific case? Turn to Internet resources and select material related to the dangerous consequences of violation of discipline. Explain how discipline and responsibility are related.
  6. Andrei claims that he personally does not need discipline; sometimes it even interferes with creativity. Anna does not agree with him; she believes that discipline helps a creative person not to waste extra effort and achieve success. Whose opinion do you support? Discuss the situation described in class. Take part in the discussion.

Learning to be disciplined

  1. Get used to controlling yourself. Ask yourself questions in the evening: what did I plan to do today? Which of these plans depended only on me? What has been done and what has not? To what extent did internal discipline help the implementation of plans?
  2. Observe the people around you. Record individual, then minor, violations of discipline. Note for yourself which violations occur most often, why they occur, and what they can lead to.
  3. Try not to stand aside if violations of discipline occur near you that threaten the life and health of people. Tell an adult or call the police. This will also show your internal discipline and demands on yourself.
  4. Watch yourself. You behave a certain way when you know that you are being watched, when you are in the public eye. And when no one is there and no one knows what you are doing? In this case, does your behavior always coincide with what others see? What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Why is discipline needed?

Target: realize the social and personal significance of discipline, the role of discipline in human life.


Educational:give a theoretical explanation of the concept of “discipline”, show the attractiveness of self-discipline (internal discipline), provide motivation for self-education.

Educational: teach students to distinguish between compulsory and special disciplines, and continue to develop skills in working with educational texts.

Educational: teach respect for the law, the law, focus students’ attention on responsibility for failure to comply with discipline.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson; textbook “Social Studies”, 7th grade, ed. Bogolyubova L.N.; visual material; task cards.

Key terms: as a rule, discipline, compulsory discipline, special discipline, internal and external discipline, norms, sanctions.

Expected learning outcomes. After studying the topic, students should:

Know, what discipline is, what it is like;

Understand, what role does discipline play in human society, and what are the consequences of violation of discipline;

Be able to search for information, highlight the main thing

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

Discipline is the mother of victory. A.V. Suvorov, Russian commander

Without discipline there is no way and there can be no benefit in business.

F.F. Ushakov

« - You should try to discipline yourself because after a certain age no one will do it for you»

  1. Discipline is a commendable quality.Erich Maria Remarque, twentieth century German writer,

« ...discipline is a fair, correct thing, and you can’t escape it just like measles...”

John Steinbeck, American novelist

Please read the quotes and aphorisms. What are we talking about?

Konstantin Podverbny “Discipline”

You say that I am strict...

But discipline is the basis:

For music, for words, for lines,

To build a family and a home!

It’s impossible to live even a day,

No discipline on the planet!

Let her motivate you

So that the children are happy!

Don't judge! I ask:

In plain text... Face to face...

The whole world, pictures of brochures,

Studied by children. What a joy!

Let the children rest... Yes!

But, so that it stays in my head,

Disciplinary star!

Well, at least a little. A little.

So that the child understands in future,

simple axiom of life:

The Earth's firmament rotates,

By discipline, and not in any other way!

So, what will we talk about in today's lesson?(That's right, about discipline). What do you think you will learn about the discipline?(It is true what discipline is, why it is needed, what happens when it is violated).Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook and the plan according to which we will work.

Lesson plan:

1.What is discipline.

2. Compulsory and special discipline.

3. External and internal discipline.

1. Please select an association for the word “discipline” (sun with rays)

(For example, order, army, responsibility, rules, obedience, strictness, barracks, service, economics, physics, science, strictness, teacher, violation (violator), compliance)

2. Explanation of the new term “discipline”.

Now let's look at a few definitions of the word discipline.

1) The meaning of the word Discipline according to Efremova’s dictionary:
1. Discipline - subordination firmly established rules, mandatory for all members of a given team. 2. Branch of scientific knowledge.
2) The meaning of the word Discipline according to Ozhegov’s dictionary:
1. Discipline - obligatory for all members of a groupsubordination established order, rules. 2. An independent branch, a section of some science.

3) Discipline in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
1. Discipline - (lat. disciplina) - definite order rights other organizations. 2. Branch of scientific knowledge, academic subject.

4) The meaning of the word Discipline according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
1. Discipline is mandatory for all members of a teamsubordination firmly established order. 2.Consistency, habit to strict order (book).

Choose a definition of the term “discipline” in the broad sense of the word.

Discipline isdefinite order human behavior that meets established social normsrights and morality, as well as the requirements of one orother organizations.

3. Mandatory discipline (Christina)

Discipline is a necessary condition for the existence of human society. It allows you to ensure the orderly nature of a person’s life, giving him the opportunity to exercise control over his actions, desires and feelings. Compliance with the basic requirements of discipline allows a person to separate his actions from offenses, thereby maintaining public order.

In the case of maintaining public order, a person follows the rules established by the state. Thus, all his actions come under the control of government agencies. In turn, government bodies and officials themselves must fulfill the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them. This type of discipline in which everyone must follow the rules established by the state is calleduniversally binding.

Assignment to group 1

Make a diagram using words.









Assignment to group 2


special disciplines


violations of discipline

Military discipline

Distinguished by the greatest rigor, clear and precise fulfillment of the requirements of the military oath, orders of commanders and superiors, military regulations

Reduced combat effectiveness of troops, lack of clarity in their control, threat to the lives of many people

Labor discipline

Provides for timely arrival at work, compliance with the established working hours, accurate execution of administration orders, and maintaining the highest labor productivity

Causes material damage to production and the economy of the country as a whole

Technology discipline

Compliance with the rules of equipment operation, order in the workplace, sequence of operations in the production process

Leads to industrial accidents, which result in people dying,

environmental disasters causing material damage

Task for group 3

Choose pairs that make sense.

Technology discipline

Execution of the commander's order

Compulsory discipline

Worker late for shift

Labor discipline

Failure to comply with fire safety rules on board an aircraft

Military discipline

Mandatory start of classes at 8:20 am

School discipline

The administration of the Dubensky district fulfills its duties.

Assignment to group 4

  1. Define internal and external discipline
  2. Match the examples with the types of disciplines.



A). Control by other people.

B). Conscience.

IN). The desire to win a prize.

G). Fear of being reprimanded.

D).Feeling of guilt.

AND). Dismissal from work.

H). Demand on yourself.

Discipline, will and self-education.

How does discipline manifest itself: in observing certain rules from time to time or regularly and strictly. It is in regular and strict observance of the rules that the main meaning of the connection between discipline, will and self-education lies. What is planned does not work out right away, and only will helps a person not to give up, but to continue moving towards the goal.

Read a fragment from the book of modern psychologist N. Kozlov.

“I used to treat the Weak and Unhappy with pity - that’s how bad they are, how unlucky they are. And then I looked at how they lived, how they made their lives, and saw that there was no bad luck in their lives. There is laziness in their lives and there is an unwillingness to make their life happy and strong. I saw two very weak and sickly boys growing up next to each other. But one of them began to do exercises every morning - through pain, through “I don’t want to”, through the laughter of his peers - and the other lay around every morning and felt very sorry for himself. He lay there and felt sorry...

And ten years later, the first became a slender and wiry man, and the second - a sickly slob. And if you don’t know the background, then you want to envy the first, and sympathize with the second.”

Which of these two boys would you like to be like? Why? Which of the boys showed will and self-education, and which did not? Do you feel sympathy for the man who grew up from the second boy? If not, why not? Conclusion: you need to learn to be disciplined.


Continue the sentence:

Today I found out...

It was interesting...

It was difficult...

I learned...


1. Explain why discipline is a necessary condition for the existence of society.

Because without discipline there is no order, and order is the basis of any social system. Discipline is the rules of individual behavior that comply with accepted social norms or the requirements of routine rules. Strict and precise implementation of the rules accepted by a person for implementation.

2. Fill out the table “Means of maintaining discipline” using the examples below (write down the numbers under which the means are indicated in the appropriate column).

Examples: 1) control by other people; 2) conscience; 3) desire to win a prize; 4) fear of being reprimanded; 5) desire to get a new job; 6) feeling of guilt.

3. Read the text of the textbook and fill out the diagram.

4. Analyze the following situation:

Lena and Natasha were fond of ballroom dancing and devoted all their free time to it: they went to classes, watched performances of dance couples on TV. Six months passed, and one friend’s attitude towards her favorite business changed. Lena, picking up Natasha on the way to class, heard more and more often: “I really want to go to the cinema today, I won’t go to class” or “It’s cold today, I want to sit at home with a book.” Two years later, the dancing couple Lena and Sasha won the tournament. Natasha said with envy: “How lucky you are, you became the winner of the competition! I wanted it too, but... it didn’t work out.”

Explain Lena’s “luck” using the following concepts: discipline, will, self-education. What qualities would you advise Natasha to cultivate in herself?

Lena got her way. She wasn't lazy. She had a will that allowed her to achieve a lot. Lena walked towards her goal purposefully, with the will to win. She brought up a purposeful person in whom discipline came first.

Natasha needs to cultivate determination, will and winning qualities. And the main thing is to learn to suppress laziness in yourself. Natasha must learn to see things through to the end. If she started doing something, then she needs to achieve results. In addition, she should not be jealous, but only be happy for her friend.

5. Have you ever met a person who encourages others not to litter, turn off the lights, save money, although he himself does not do this, reprimands for offenses that he himself commits when no one sees him? Why do you think it is easier for a person to maintain external discipline than internal discipline?

External discipline is influence on your actions/habits from the outside. In his daily life, man is subject to many laws and principles. They can be moral or fixed by the legislation of the state in which people live. All these rules (laws) are mandatory, therefore every person follows them, understanding that he is under control. To some extent, this is a feeling of fear that if some rules are not followed, punishment may follow.

Inner discipline is actions/habits controlled by your willpower.

Internal discipline allows a person to be adequate, corresponding to external factors and principles of society, and at the same time maintain internal human freedom. This is largely facilitated by self-education, self-control and human will.

6. Why does a person need to comply with the requirements of discipline?

Imagine what can happen to a person in the absence of discipline. Everything will be in chaos. Chaos, such a person will interfere not only with himself, but also with society.

For example, let’s take a busy street with intersections. If all drivers start moving not according to the Rules of the Road, and this is their discipline, then there will be chaos and countless accidents and casualties on the road. If the Army is deprived of discipline, then it becomes incapable of combat and the defense of the country is at risk and endangers the lives of all residents of the state.

7. Read the text and complete the tasks.

“In the Russian language, the word “conscience” comes from the Old Slavonic “to know oneself”, “to know oneself”... Indeed, in a conversation with one’s own conscience, a person seems to be face to face with himself and therefore has the opportunity (or is forced) to be extremely frank . You can deceive others, you can keep silent about something unwanted, especially if there were no witnesses, but it is impossible to deceive your own conscience...
You often hear: “It’s easy to think abstractly, but in life it’s much more difficult to be completely honest, principled, and highly moral.” This idea is widespread. But is it really easy to live by putting to sleep, trampling, drowning out your conscience? You can, of course, find an excuse for yourself - this is, they say, the circumstances. But there are people who never compromise with their own conscience and do not deviate from the highest moral principles!
Of course, there are circumstances that truly justify a person. But it also happens that circumstances serve as a cover for compromise, for self-justification. This has always been and will be the case in life: circumstances force us to make a choice. Conscience should serve as the selection criterion. The problem is to make it the supreme judge of our entire life. In this capacity, it acts as remorse - shame for what was done, for what I wanted to do, for the consequences that could have been or were. This is compassion for the victim, resentment for oneself, shame for humiliated dignity (one's own or someone else's). Remorse and pangs of conscience are awareness of one’s guilt, comprehension of the immorality of the actions committed.”
T. V. Mishatkina

1) What is conscience?

Conscience is a person’s adaptation to life in society, which consists in the internal need of a person to adhere to the moral and ethical standards formed in the society in which he grew up; one of the expressions of a person’s moral self-awareness. It manifests itself both in the form of rational awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, and in the form of emotional experiences - feelings of guilt or “remorse”, that is, it links together the mind and emotions.

2) Suggest why people sometimes act dishonestly. Give some explanations.

Many people try to act according to their conscience, but there are such things as fear or simply indifference that cause people to retreat from their principles.

Conscience torments us, reproaches us after a bad deed, a lie, and the like. Namely, it makes us think, “Was it necessary to do this?” We understand this, we become ashamed of ourselves and try not to repeat it next time.

4) The author writes that there are people “who never compromise with their own conscience and do not deviate from the highest moral principles.” Think about which of the literary heroes, historical figures, and your contemporaries can be called such a person. Explain why.

Evgeny Bazarov (novel Fathers and Sons). Firstly, he was an ardent nihilist (he denied everything: love, friendship, etc.). Secondly, he never compromised with his own conscience and only obeyed his principles (remember the case of the affair with Odintsova). Thirdly, even when he realized that he was wrong, he never admitted it and never went against his own principles.

Joan of Arc. For her, first of all, there was loyalty to the principle, loyalty to the truth, loyalty to her word - all this was part of herself, her flesh and blood.

8. Give examples of self-control that you know.

For example, your friends are going to a disco, you want to go with them, but you have to study for a test, and you go home to do your homework.

The coach gave the athletes a task: run 10 laps around the stadium. The coach leaves. The athletes ran some 5 and some 7 laps. But only one completed the required 10 laps.

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