Venezuelan women. Be beautiful the Venezuelan way

The plane has landed. Alexander stepped onto the ramp and immediately received a blow of hot air to his chin. Having stood on his feet, the guy turned on his hearing and smell. Completely new sounds and smells were mixed around. The heavy air smelled of industrial oil. Somewhere in the distance the jungle rustled. And this was fundamentally different from the noise of our forest. He expected income, career growth and exoticism from Venezuela. However, in the end, the first place on this list was taken by passionate, like a Latin American series, transatlantic love.

It was 2012. Alexander worked at the enterprise, which became the product of passionate Belarusian-Venezuelan friendship. Europeans raised industry in South America and built quarries. Sasha had graduated from Foreign Languages ​​by that time. The main language is English, the minor language is Spanish, which life forced me to finish learning.

- Imagine, for example, the classical Belarusian language and “Trasyanka”. So, the Spanish we are taught at university and the Spanish spoken by native speakers are fundamentally different things. In Venezuela it is called latino. At first I couldn't understand anything at all.

While Sasha indulges in South American memories, Melissa brews coffee brought from her homeland. The kitchen is filled with a rich and, as Ivars Kalnins said in some prehistoric advertisement, an enchanting aroma.

Knowledge of basic Spanish made Alexander stand out from the general background of his newcomer compatriots.

- I was working in a mobile phone store at the time.- chirping Spanish starts up in the kitchen. - Many Russian-speaking people came to us. They did not know Spanish and communicated only with gestures. Sasha was the first who understood at least something. He couldn’t catch my words the first time, so he kept asking funny questions.

It was in the state of Barinas, and the city was also called Barinas. 300 thousand population, 500 kilometers from the capital - such a Venezuelan Bobruisk. True, with the crime rate confidently breaking through the ceiling. Melissa says that everyone lost their cuckoo about ten years ago. Back then you could still walk the streets alone at any time of the day. Before moving to Belarus, the girl moved around the city only in the car of friends or relatives. Sometimes I ordered a taxi, which could wait three hours. Still, you can’t trust anyone, so you had to wait until the driver you knew was free.

- No rings or jewelry. Unless you want to become bait, to which they will definitely react. I was once stopped on the street. They squeezed everything out. That's all. But I still got off easy. My brother’s girlfriend was “cleaned” like this three times. Dad, who was driving a car at 7 am on a weekday, was stopped right on the road. A man and a pregnant woman were sitting on a motorcycle. Dad tried to resist, but the man hit him in the head. The car was eventually taken away with all the documents. Then I had to buy her. Naturally, everything was torn out of the car to the maximum.

Stirring his coffee with a spoon, Alexander recalls his horror story about Venezuela:

- Guys I know say that according to statistics, someone is killed there every hour. I don't know how official this information is. But I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be true. There was a guy at our enterprise. His uncle worked as a taxi driver. He pulled over at an intersection at 8 a.m. and was hit in the door. A motorcyclist crashed into a car. The taxi driver began to make claims: “Don’t you know how to drive?!” The motorcyclist said nothing in response. I just pulled out a gun and fired two shots.

The guys are sorry that this is happening. Still, Venezuela is a beautiful country with a full set of tourist “goodies” such as the Caribbean Sea, the Amazon, mountains, jungles, deserts and all sorts of historical places. However, due to crime, it is impossible to make money from them.

- We have a joke: if someone attacks a Venezuelan abroad with a knife, he will start laughing and move on. This won't surprise us. One girl worked with me in the store. Somehow the guys with knives wanted to “raise” her. The girl began to fight back. Yes, she was left scratched and a little beaten, but she didn’t give up hers. She kicked and bit those bandits as best she could.

Surprisingly, of course, but purely outwardly, the offenders of Venezuela look friendlier than the law-abiding citizens of Belarus. Melissa may have gotten used to it, but she is still surprised at our gloominess.

- Plus the Russian language sounds very harsh. It feels like you guys are constantly freaking out. It took me a long time to get used to this. It’s also difficult for Belarusians to smile. As if we needed a special occasion. The faces are always very serious.

Sasha says that the Latin American theme interested him even before his first flight to Venezuela. And in confirmation, he shows his tightly “packed” legs.

- The locals didn’t really react to my tattoos. They said: “Well, you’re white.” True, we never managed to do anything for ourselves in Venezuela. Craftsmen from Caracas make real art. And the queue for them is scheduled for years in advance.

Alexander's work was impetuous and intermittent. Two months in Venezuela, two in Belarus. From 2012 to 2016, the guy spent about a year and a half in South America. The affair with Melissa could not be called rapid. Last year they hardly communicated, maintaining contact by correspondence.

- I showed my parents the photographs. They said: “Oh, what a wonderful girl!” But I think they hardly believed that their son would decide to take any serious steps. And so I thought: if you want to do something, you need to take it and do it. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is no point in waiting for outside advice. It's my life. I took a leap into the unknown, but in the end it turned out to be a leap of faith.

Melissa thought about the unexpected proposal to get married and move to Belarus for two months.

- I have five brothers. Three of them are involved in extreme cycling - well-known people in the country. My father has eight brothers, my mother also has eight. Each of them has five or six children. There are about ninety relatives. When we gather at the end of the year, the table is so huge that you can get tired while walking from one end to the other. We have fun until dawn, and then we go our separate ways. And they all had to be left behind. But I made up my mind.

Naturally, decision caused a wave of panic. What kind of Belarus is this? Will a Southern woman like this land of stern faces? How will Alexander's family accept her? Yes, far from ninety people were announced relatives (and ten times less), but still. As a result, the young people landed in Minsk on December 22.

It was around zero degrees. True, by mid-January the thermometer hit a specific minus. It's snowy. Melissa perceived what was happening as a miracle. She played with the snow like a child. Still, she had never seen anything like this before.

- I always wanted to see snow. Yes, we have snowy peaks in Venezuela. But by the time you get to them, all the blood will boil away from the pressure. After his business trips, Sasha also sometimes froze at +15. And after our usual +37, I completely suffered. By the way, at night in Barinas it’s cool - only +30.

The couple thought for a long time about how and where to get ringed. And yet young people decided to do it in Belarus. True, in the end I had to wade through the bureaucratic jungle.

- If a foreigner marries an Italian, she automatically receives citizenship. Unfortunately, we don't have that.- Alexander argues. - We ended up celebrating the wedding modestly. Lavish celebrations will take place in Venezuela for the anniversary.

Alexander works as a manager at one of the Minsk enterprises. Its functionality involves organizing receptions for international delegations. Melissa is still leading a home lifestyle and getting used to her new surroundings.

- At first it was very difficult for me here because of the silence. Let’s say I’m used to training in Venezuela. Not gym fitness, but home aerobics. Naturally, everything is accompanied by music.

- And their music is speakers up to my chest, which are difficult to lift,- Sasha interjects. - Two pieces. The laptop is connected, the volume is turned up to maximum. So much for training. Melissa, having arrived in Belarus, tried to organize the same activity. Luckily I stopped it quickly. Otherwise, I would have to explain myself to the police.

“Now I’m used to calm in every sense. I'm really enjoying it. To be honest, I don’t know how I’ll feel about noise in Venezuela. I have big house- five rooms, a large courtyard the size of an average one country cottage area in Belarus. There is a metal cutting shop nearby. The music is constantly blaring. Mechanisms rattle. Noise was a necessary background in my life. I'm surprised I got out of the habit of it.

If they still try to involve Melissa in communication, she retorts: “I don’t speak Russian.” True, one day the system crashed. An unfamiliar grandfather asked how to find Lenin Square. It was a victory for Venezuela over Belarusian navigation. The man was escorted to the requested address.

Initially, Melissa didn't understand our cuisine. What is buckwheat? How can you eat white fat, which the locals call lard?

- And now he loves it all,- Alexander laughs.

The international family has an interesting language situation. The wife speaks only Spanish, the husband speaks Spanish and Russian, and his parents speak only Russian. True, the father-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law manage to have a wonderful time together. If Melissa doesn’t know something, she “Googles” it as the conversation progresses. Friendship of Peoples.

- Our mentalities differ almost mirror image,- the head of the international family argues. - But Belarusians have a lot to learn. Everything is always good with them. They are happy. God gave you one more day - it's worth being happy. We must be happy about what is, and not sad about what is not.

One of my friends made crazy money in Russia by selling equipment to the whole world. But he was so unhappy that he told everyone about it and wrote on Facebook, drinking an 18-year-old Chivas while writing his complaints. Another friend of mine (from Venezuela) has been married several times. He has many children that he cannot figure out. And at the same time the person is incredibly happy. He earns 30 bucks, owes everyone, but says: “I have everything I need. There is somewhere to come after work, there are beloved women and children. That's it, I'm happy."

If you ask a foreigner what he associates with Venezuela, he will most likely name the country's extravagant President Hugo Chavez, oil and, if a resident of the Western Hemisphere is polled, baseball. And for the Venezuelans themselves, the indisputable symbol of their country are local women, whose beauty is recognized throughout the world. In Venezuela, where almost everyone also strives for an ideal shape, they begin to care about appearance almost from childhood. It is no exaggeration to say that participation in various beauty contests has become a national hobby for Venezuelan women. Beauty, as we know, requires sacrifices, including material ones. It is not surprising that Venezuelans are in first place in the world both in purchasing cosmetics and in the number of plastic surgeries. The most popular gift for a 16th birthday there has long been considered surgery to correct the nose or breast, best friends girls are not diamonds, but plastic surgeons, and the main Venezuelan dream is the crown of a beauty queen. For the first time in the history of the Miss Universe contest in 2009, two Venezuelan girls were recognized as the most beautiful in the world. And they pass the crown to each other. Probably no other country in the world pays so much attention to female beauty, and all of it is for export. For many years now, Venezuela has been a champion in supplying the world market with beauty queens.
No one can really explain this. A mystery of nature, mixing of blood or achievements plastic surgery. Most likely, all together. Local men, in general, don’t even think about it. Resident of Venezuela:"Oh yeah. I love big breasts. And the more, the better. Venezuelan women don't even go outside without makeup. They feel attractive." Miguel Dempere, plastic surgeon:“This is Daniela, Miss Young Venezuela - 93. We did a good job with her in our clinic.” Miguel Dempere knows what he's talking about. For decades, he has been working miracles with his own hands and, of course, with a scalpel in a plastic surgery clinic in Caracas. The doctor has a trained eye. According to the doctor, for a Russian girl to become like a Venezuelan, it is not enough to have her breasts enlarged. Miguel Dempere:“In Venezuela, the so-called “Cuban style” is very popular - curvaceous. Women like their buttocks to be big and stand out." The two most popular plastic surgeries in Venezuela - nose job and breast augmentation - are the best and most common 16th birthday gift for a Venezuelan girl. Moreover, everything here is not as expensive as, for example, in the neighboring United States. Most young Venezuelans have already adjusted their appearance in one way or another. Those who seem to have nothing to change set out in pursuit of their dream - the crown of a beauty queen. First selection in the Miss Young Venezuela competition. Competition participant:“Here we learn to present ourselves, to produce good first impression. We all dream of becoming beauty queens from early childhood.” However, even here, where the participants are barely 15 years old, the first to be selected is a plastic surgeon. Isurs Acuña, plastic surgeon:“My clinic sponsored the competition" Best Figure“. You know, at first glance I can tell which of the girls has potential. We don't always choose the most beautiful one. More often than not, one that has a foundation for the future.”
Of all the applicants, the 15 best will be selected, and then the beauty pageant industry will work at its full potential, naturally, in close cooperation with plastic surgeons. Well, it’s just a stone’s throw away from the fulfillment of your most cherished dream - the queen’s crown. After all, the myth that Venezuelan girls are the most beautiful in the world should never suffer.

If you ask yourself what you associate with, what will you answer? Surely, many of us will immediately think of the permanent “people’s President” - Comandante, huge deposits of “black gold”, and of course Venezuelan girls, famous throughout the world for their unique beauty and sexuality.

Indeed, it is the Venezuelans who are the undisputed record holders for victories in all kinds of international competitions beauty. Representatives of Venezuela have as many as 6 victories in the Miss World competition, and the same number of victories in the Miss Universe and Miss International competitions. They are very proud of their beauty and know how to demonstrate it perfectly, correctly emphasizing their seductive and appetizing forms.

What is the secret of their beauty? Most likely in a violent mixing of blood, because Venezuela is a country created by huge flows of emigrants during the Spanish Conquest. A characteristic eye shape, long straight hair, a strong and independent character, an obstinate look - all this is characteristic of Venezuelans.

Of course, it cannot be said that absolutely everything Venezuelan women- owners of unearthly beauty. Unfortunately, this is just a stereotype in our minds. Venezuelans probably cannot be called the most beautiful nation in the world. Many girls here, unfortunately, will not be able to meet the high expectations of men, because... extreme poverty, early entry into family life, the abundance of not very healthy food (dough, meat), as well as the lack of a developed sports culture, make themselves felt. In general, everything is probably the same here as everywhere else.

To tell the truth, Venezuelan girls are far from being the same or Ukrainian girls in mass terms. But nevertheless, there are plenty of young ladies with unique natural (and not so) beauty in this country.

Speaking of naturalness: most of them have a great love for bright makeup and plastic surgery. You heard right, many Venezuelans have adjusted their appearance in one way or another, mainly in regards to nose jobs and breast augmentation.

Photo gallery

In this collection we tried to collect the most selected real photos young attractive Venezuelan women. Our constantly updated photo collection has already collected more than 2000 photos. No debauchery - only aesthetics, only the most beautiful girls Venezuela!

Enjoy your viewing!

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Venezuelans are very patriotic and they are very proud of their country and the beauty of their countrymen. Indeed, Venezuela ranks first in the number of Miss World titles won, and ranks second in Miss Universe pageants won. Being beautiful here has become a tradition and almost an obligation. There are many special courses and schools open in the country where they prepare for beauty contests in order to first become Miss Venezuela and then Miss Universe.

Participants of the Miss Venezuela 2012 pageant

From an early age, Venezuelans learn to look their best. Their ears are pierced at birth, and school years their heads are decorated with all sorts of complex hairstyles with colorful hairpins and ribbons. We must pay tribute to the Venezuelan mothers who manage to get their daughters ready by 7 a.m., when school starts. Growing up, girls do not forget to take care of themselves. They are always well dressed, made up, and ready to conquer princes even in pajamas. So if you are planning to visit Venezuela, here are some beauty tips to fit into this amazing "flower garden".

Perfect skin and nails are a must have!

It is difficult among Venezuelan girls to meet anyone with unkempt skin with blackheads and bright pimples. If there are any defects, they can only be noticed upon very close examination. All sorts of newfangled cosmetic procedures plus are being used. The main thing is to get a perfect result.

Diana Mendos - Miss Universe 2008 (Venezuela)

Girls from Venezuela take their makeup seriously and don’t even go out to throw out the trash without it. Despite all the brightness of the makeup, it cannot be called pretentious and provocative. Tons of plaster are absolutely not welcome. Venezuelans are well aware of the rules and emphasize either their eyes or lips. Nails are always well-groomed and painted according to the latest trends in world fashion.

Long hair better than short ones

On weekends, it is very difficult to get into hairdressers in Venezuela. Untidy hairstyles are practically unacceptable for the female (as well as male) population of this country. Their long dark hair always neatly and smoothly combed. Chemical products, like short haircuts, are not in trend. Stylers are often used for hair care.

Andriana Vasini (Venezuela) – second runner-up of Miss World 2010

Venezuelans prefer natural hair color. Even in hot weather, they like to let their hair down or put it in a regular ponytail. The main condition is shine and health of hair.

Among the figures, the “inverted triangle” is the leader

Of course, every Venezuelan woman strives for a perfect figure. Senoritas from wealthy families regularly visit gyms, and girls from the slums often jog and swim in the ocean. But if sports don’t help, then a surgeon will always save you. Many parents give their daughters plastic surgery on their 15th birthday. Correction of the nose, breasts and buttocks is popular.

Stefania Fernandez (Venezuela) - Miss Universe 2009

The body type of Venezuelans is more reminiscent of an inverted triangle: wide shoulders, large breasts and neat hips. However, at the back, appetizing curves are welcome. Even jeans in Venezuela are made according to a special cut, taking into account the shape of the buttocks of local residents.

The main thing in clothes is comfort and sexuality

Shoes with high, wide heels and platforms are an essential part of the image of a typical Venezuelan woman. Ultra-thin stilettos are worn only special occasion. On weekends, women allow themselves to relax and walk around in comfortable ballet flats, sneakers and flip-flops.

Among the accessories there are more inexpensive, rather massive jewelry: earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces. On ordinary days, women rarely wear it, for fear of robbers, of whom there are plenty in Venezuela. The clothes are dominated by trousers, shorts and tops with revealing necklines that show off a chic bust. If you choose a dress, then it should be as simple and comfortable as possible, usually plain or with a small pattern.

Need to hear Piropo (Piropo)

This concept refers to the admiring whistles and comments of men on the street who are released in the wake of a passing beauty. The word "piropo" has a rather affectionate and mischievous connotation, but in no way is it rude and vulgar, associated with obscene harassment of the male population in some southern countries. This is more like a competition game: women try to hear “piropo” in their direction to make sure of their own attractiveness, and men practice eloquence. For example, a pretty Venezuelan senorita may hear: “Your father is a thief, he stole the most beautiful stars in the sky and put them in your eyes.”

Such compliments, as a rule, are not taken seriously by girls, but only cause a satisfied and slightly embarrassed smile. Having given you a nice compliment and whistled admiringly, men are then unlikely to pursue you and pester you.

Besides the fact that Venezuelan women are very feminine and charming, they have a very strong character and independence. Matriarchy is noticeably developed in the country. There are many women leaders in the public and private sectors. But above all, in Venezuela the role of the mother is praised. Therefore, every girl dreams of becoming a very good, and, of course, beautiful mother.

I want to focus on people different countries South America (write down impressions, observations, look for illustrations of what you read), so that they become not just “South Americans”, but somehow stand out, individualize and clarify.

For example, Venezuelans. It seems to me that the people of Venezuela (and South Americans in general) are exactly the way they are in many ways... out of ignorance, or something. People read catastrophically little. This is noticeable in the quantity and quality of books (mainly religious literature), and in personal observations of people. Most people read the press and watch TV. As a result, a not very flexible and lively mind, lack of intelligence and lack of that vital tension that “knowledge” gives. There are both pros and cons to this. On the one hand, people are more naive, but also calmer and more satisfied. But on the other hand, they are more manageable and more susceptible to patterns. Sensuality and emotionality, but not intellectuality, are the strong point of the Venezuelan nation.

Three quarters of the country's population (approximately 75%) are dark-skinned, dark-haired, dark-eyed people. The majority of them are mestizos - descendants of European (primarily Spanish) settlers and indigenous Indians. A minority are mulattoes, heirs of white people and black slaves from Africa. The most “tanned” and fewest comrades are Sambo, the children of Indians and blacks. By the way, it is in Venezuela that black roots are almost invisible. But you won’t find a real black man during the day with fire. But it’s quite common to meet someone familiar to us on the street.” white man"(though, as a rule, of Spanish-Portuguese appearance). Venezuela has had several waves of immigration from Europe, especially after the Great Patriotic War, so 20% of the locals are Europeans and Creoles (descendants of immigrated Europeans). The indigenous Indian population has almost disappeared and amounts to 1-2%.

Take a look at the faces of the boys at the religious parade - here is a cross-section of the ethnic and racial composition of the country.

Most Venezuelans look something like this. These are mestizos and mulattoes.

But those same white people, painfully reminiscent of the Spaniards, are Creoles.

The defining national trait is, perhaps, relaxation, combined with a constant readiness to joke and laugh. It seems that people are not stressed either at work or at home - for any reason at all. Words such as “dedication”, “ambitiousness”, “careerism” are hardly applicable to Venezuelans. But at the same time they are not lazy. They just live and work in their own measured rhythm on the verge of eternity))) Maybe that’s why the average life expectancy in Venezuela is statistically higher than in Russia.

One gets the impression that all city residents are employed in tiny, unserious enterprises - workshops, shops, hotels, or even just in the street selling fruit, coffee, or cleaning shoes for passers-by... Large corporations, offices, factories, factories are not visible at all. Of course they exist, but this is the specificity of the Venezuelan economy - everything rests on small private businesses (and also on oil exports, of course).

The life of an ordinary Venezuelan is devoted to home, family and children. This is the main value, and it is thanks to it that the population of citizens is growing rapidly. It seemed to me that the leader in a relationship is often a woman. Venezuelan girls are confident, self-sufficient. Perhaps the same socially significant status of the expectant mother gives inner confidence. After all, even among religious images in Catholicism, the focus is not on a man, but on a woman - the Virgin Mary and Child. Men, on the contrary, are very gentle, caring and even sentimental. I didn’t have a chance to encounter “machismo” as a demonstration of hypermasculinity. The nation is rather feminine, “Yin”. This is manifested in a universal passion for small dogs and in increased attention to one’s own appearance. Guys completely wax their hair, girls wear heavy makeup, everyone smells delicious and strives to dress fashionably and sexy.

Venezuelans live and work surrounded by many attributes of religiosity. In every home, office, store there is an image of the Virgin Mary. Many concrete niches with a figurine of the holy virgin are installed along the roads and passengers, including the driver, cross themselves every time they pass by. You can regularly see religious parades on city streets. But at the same time, Venezuelans are not puritans at all. The same religious parades, for example, are opened by fiery dancing dark-skinned women in tops and miniskirts. People love to flirt, have fun, eat, and also sing and dance.

But apparently they dance less than they eat pies and corn cakes. So we have to sadly admit that the bulk of the Venezuelan population suffers from excess weight. True, I’m not sure that they are exactly “suffering”))) Being sick in front of the TV is yeah, but going out for a run is somehow undignified. Drinking coffee, sitting for a couple of hours in a leisurely conversation - this is my favorite pastime.

The local Indians are somewhat reminiscent of our gypsies. Grown women wear long dresses and constantly lead a flock of children with them. In the cities, Indians perform the simplest and lowest paid jobs. Indian settlements, as a rule, are poor and located “on the outskirts” of the country (in the mountains and jungles). In general, there is “color differentiation of pants” in Venezuela and is noticeable even to a superficial tourist eye. The whiter the pants, the luckier you are.

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