Vedic numerology - influence of nine planets.

Numbers and planets

Numerology (sometimes called a numerical horoscope), prediction by numbers, is a part of astrology that is based on ancient knowledge - mathematics and observation of celestial bodies. People have been observing stars and planets for a long time, and at the same time they used mathematical calculations. This is how numerology was born. The birth of numerology is associated with Pythagoras, but he rather developed the first popular numerological horoscope. Apparently, numerological calculations have been done before. In numerology, everything comes down to numbers: date of birth, place of birth, name and date of current events.

From intermediate significant, or vibrating, numbers, the number of the current event is added up, which means the current situation - the sum of all influences, indicated by a number from one to nine. Some astrologers use the numbers 10, 11, 12 and 22 as corresponding to the higher planets.

Astrologers claim that each number has an analogy with a planet. Each planet has its own characteristics of influence. Therefore, in numerology, influence numbers are calculated using different methods, and interpretation is carried out using the planets corresponding to these numbers. The most important numbers are the numbers of the name and date of birth. They determine the basic qualities of a person that are inherent in him from birth. The birthday number is the most important number in a person's life. It cannot be changed, and it has the greatest influence on a person’s destiny and life. The remaining numbers - first name, full name, last name and patronymic, in combination with the birth number, give a result that allows you to make a forecast regarding certain influences.

Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number. The numbers of the letters of the name are summed up until a number is greater than 0 and less than 9. Each such digital result corresponds to a planet and certain qualities and properties.

Naturally, people with the same birth number are not the same. Birth number is an initial characteristic that reflects innate inclinations and character traits. It influences other qualities and events in life, but does not determine everything. And then, there is also a first name, patronymic, and last name.

Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number. The table of correspondence between numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet is given below.

1 = AND TO

2 = Z Yu

3 = WITH U Kommersant

4 = G SCH Y

5 = A P R


7 = E D H N T E

8 = M Sh b

9 = AND C

0 = B Y I

In practice, numerological calculations do this.

The numbers in numbers add up to each other. This is how the number of birth is determined. For example, 03/17/1978 = 1+7+0+3+1+9+7+8 = 36 = 3+6 = 9.

Astrological characteristics of numbers:

Number 1. Corresponds to the Sun

One is the number of leadership and power. Depending on other characteristics, this may be leadership among people; with bad additions, such a person can become a tyrant and easily go over their heads to achieve a goal. But he can also be a spiritual leader. There is a possible option for an independent loner who is able to achieve a lot without falling into dependence and without needing help. Such people are educated 15 erudite, but sometimes they are simply firm in their views and have an innate compass that directs them in the right direction - to power, which is their main goal.

But one is the beginning. Such people should learn. However, they are often the ones who do not listen to other people’s advice, and inattention to detail and excessive confidence in their abilities can let them down.

The “unit” person loves clarity and order, but only that which he establishes himself. Due to the fact that he leads a fairly active life, he values ​​the home very much and often turns it into a fortress. He doesn’t like it when people meddle in his business and family, although in the company he is considered a cheerful and witty interlocutor, a circle immediately forms around him.

Any profession can be, but a management position is preferable. Such people make good independent experts.

People of “one” should not choose areas of activity in which there are no opportunities for career growth or too many restrictions.

Number 2.Corresponds to the Moon

Two fully possesses all the qualities of this soft, contemplative planet. The eternal duality of this sign can bring both benefit and harm. If duality is expressed in internal contradictions, it is very difficult for such people. These are restless, ever-doubting natures who cannot make a choice at the decisive moment, give in to obstacles, and are subject to fears and depression.

But if duality turns into harmony, these are completely different people. When their life does not require quick reactions, they are contemplative, inspired, wise.

They are practically devoid of ambition, appreciate beauty and are talented in the arts.

They love all living things. People of the Moon make good gardeners, veterinarians, and trainers. If a person correctly understands his Karma, he will not swim against the current, but will learn to use it and will be able to achieve worthwhile success in such “surfing”. In any case, these are artistic, gentle and non-aggressive people.

Number 3. Planet - Jupiter

Talented speakers and leaders who can clearly express thoughts and ideas in any form, and in the interpretation of these people, any thought looks attractive. Famous actors, teachers, merchants, cheerful and optimistic, confident in appearance, but emotionally very vulnerable. Under bad conditions, they can become intriguers, clever swindlers and can mislead a huge number of people.

Under good influences, these are regal, generous people, sometimes even too generous. They are confident that the world belongs to them, and success sometimes comes to them on its own, without any effort.

Brave and risky people who are not afraid to embark on various large-scale enterprises, but are diplomatic enough to avoid mistakes. They intuitively sense danger and really don’t like to show their weaknesses.

In general, three is a lucky number, so “threes” are often just lucky. The main thing is that they do not rely entirely on luck, but try to make their own efforts and do not forget about caution.

Number 4.Planet - Uranus

Death and rebirth, the transition of quantity into quality - this is what the number four means. This is the number of endless efficiency and diligence. These people grasp everything on the fly, they have a lot of ideas. They don’t listen to anyone and get into trouble, but this doesn’t stop them, although sometimes it hurts them. Such people are characterized by sensitivity and emotional “vision”. What they do not understand with their minds, they try to comprehend with their senses.

Uranian people see what others cannot understand. Because of this, they are constantly in conflict with someone, trying to prove that they are right. But if you stop searching for truth and don’t lecture anyone, but go your own way, then if you have enough perseverance and faith in your own strength, you can be considered a seer. Fours should realize that others will not understand their motives. If they cannot come to terms with this and demand the impossible from people, they will face a difficult path alone or with those closest to them - those who blindly believe them. It is very difficult for others to understand Uranus people.

Four is not a very good number. Everything comes through difficulties. Often these people, based on generally known information, make unexpected conclusions that become discoveries. The desire for success and position in society is completely alien to them. They classify all people according to their intelligence and creative potential, they hate and despise careerists and fools, which often greatly hinders them in life.

Often Uranus people have a special purpose, being chosen to bring a new idea or invention into the world. They always relate to global changes in people’s consciousness and are not at all surprised by this.

Number 5. Planet - Mercury

Five is the number of change and independence from fate. The movement itself and communication skills. Splashes with ideas and plans like a fountain.

The meaning and karmic role is the transfer of information and knowledge. Excellent diplomats and writers. Everything connected with a word and a letter is their part. Very smart and erudite, they grasp everything on the fly.

They are emotionally vulnerable, but their feelings are more of curiosity than passion.

Rather proud than sarcastic, as some may think. They consider it unworthy to feel sorry for a person, but most likely they will silently come to the rescue and then silently leave. This makes them rise in their own eyes. Most often they play a role, and woe to anyone who wants to play friend or foe with them.

Mercury people are just playing, and anyone who doesn't realize this can ruin their life. But at the same time they are noble and generous.

The A's lack perseverance and determination. They can achieve success by working as a team so that they are not tempted to quit when they lose interest.

They are constantly busy with something, mainly getting money, but not for the sake of hoarding, but in order to realize their plans. Most often, however, the money itself goes into their hands. Excellent accountants, but also crooks and hoaxers. They can confuse a person in three pines.

Money, mathematics and information are the elements of these people. Talented businessmen, financiers and engineers, diplomats, journalists and psychologists.

Number 6. Planet - Venus

The people of Venus fully correspond to the name of this planet. They understand what love and responsibility are. Their element is working with people. These are people who definitely inspire trust. They are neat and tactful, but they do not make very good bosses.

Venus people do not bother themselves too much with work and do it only when they are confident that the result will exceed the amount of work performed. They love to cook and appreciate good food.

They get along well in a team, are excellent performers, but are not suitable for leadership due to lack of initiative. Personnel workers, the social sphere, the deputy of any boss - this is their place.

In their personal life they are very devoted to their family and can make their chosen one happy.

Number 7. Planet - Neptune

Simply extraordinary people. Discoverers, inventors, famous predictors and mediums. Neptune people often seem capricious and difficult to understand to others. They begin to criticize their parents early.

They are irresistibly drawn to space, both mentally and literally. Seven is a magical number that reflects a mystery, as well as the desire to solve it. These people are in control of the secrets of the universe. They are somewhat thoughtful and seem absent-minded. But they always have complex scientific calculations in their heads. These are hard-working scientists who explore world problems and make discoveries even where no one expected them. Scientific insight, the magical submission of secrets and treasures to such people create an aura of mystery around them. The need for knowledge for such people is completely disinterested, out of curiosity.

The karma of these people is scientific and research activities, in which luck always accompanies them. If these are representatives of creative professions, then they will not only try to penetrate the secrets of craftsmanship, but also influence the souls of people.

Often such people become travelers and discoverers. But if they do not receive proper education or do not find a field for activity or discovery, all their extraordinary qualities can turn into a dark side. Then they begin to engage in occult practices, they can get stuck in a sect or get a mental disorder.

Number 8. Planet - Saturn.

The most accurate characteristic is law and experience, expediency and justice. Saturn people always have a clearly defined purpose in life, and they rarely manage to change their purpose. Fate is always strict with such people and does not forgive mistakes. But at the same time, the best areas of activity are judicial practice, diplomacy and teaching. Representatives of this sign are outwardly cold, but the feelings that rage within them can be compared to a volcano. If their anger spills out, it will destroy everything in its path.

They spend a lot of energy trying to curb their passions, and most often they succeed. Saturn people are born wise, surprising their parents with their balance and willpower even in childhood. Their spiritual potential is extremely high. They often make self-sacrifice. Life experience and balance are what sets them apart from others. True, they are often not very flexible and, rather, stubborn, are not able to compromise, and because of this they have problems. But others respect them for their integrity and honesty. Saturn people should never break the law, even in small ways. Any such attempt will be severely punished. To succeed, such a person needs to respect the law and be fair, and in accordance with this, choose a specialty.

The presence of several “eights” in a horoscope or date of birth speaks of being chosen and having a special purpose. Such a person may turn out to be a conductor of new spiritual values, or a martyr, or a hero. Astrologers say that children born in 88 are special, they are destined for an extraordinary role, this influence is significantly enhanced if there are also eights in the date of birth.

Number 9. Planet - Mars

Warriors of the spirit or bloody criminals - these are the “nine” people in their purest form. This is a complete number, and in Mars people all qualities are taken to the extreme. If a person is smart, he will go to the stake for his idea, but rather, with fire and sword he will force everyone to believe in it. If he is kind, he will embrace the whole world and will never understand someone who does not need his kindness.

This is the number of a warrior and a person who goes ahead and does not look back, because he has already decided everything and does not doubt that he is right. If such a person is smart and has managed to curb his emotions and is captivated by the idea of ​​making the world happy, he will conquer it.

At the same time, his burden is heavy because he does not want to cause harm, but his way of life and goals usually force him to sacrifice something or someone. He grieves because he is not usually angry, but he simply does not know how to act differently.

Typically, a "nine" person is fanatically dedicated to his work. He is aggressive, but incapable of betrayal.

A Mars person should not choose a quiet life, because it will destroy him and plunge him into depression. He must want a lot and be able to sacrifice for the sake of it. Ups and downs are what he needs.

To be a tyrant or a hero, a martyr or a spiritual leader is a worthy destiny for “nines”.

Number 10.Planet - Pluto

This number, if obtained during calculations, must be considered separately. Pluto rules destructive transformations. Those who are under his influence have a tendency to reform. But it seems to them that everything in the world is wrong, and before they can remake everything in their own way, they need to destroy, break and scatter everything that was before. Pluto imparts mysticism, often from its dark side.

But if a person is sufficiently developed, he can become a healer, a medium or a great reformer. If angels had birthdays, then Lucifer was definitely born under the influence of Pluto.

Number 11.Proserpine A

This number can be considered as an interpretation of the number 2. However, if it is 11 in the calculation, then this gives more opportunities for development, but also greater fragmentation, inconsistency and duality. Similar to the influence of number 2, but with greater potential. People who have this number in numerological vibrating numbers are slightly similar to both the number 2 and the number 10. But, unlike the people of Pluto, the people of Proserpina are capable of creating something from the ruins of their destruction. True, what exactly is the big question. One way or another, the number of Willows in the numerological horoscope speaks of a person’s great potential.

The main thing is that before he creates something, do not let him destroy everything that came before.

Number 22.This number corresponds to Vulcan

According to legend, people who have Vulcan in their horoscope will bring true and harmonious order to the world. Astrologers believe that such people have entered the scene of history since 2003, so check if you are one of them!

The name is the key of the soul and destiny; it is a genuine, unchanging reflection of our “I”. We are often called differently in different situations (at home, at work, friends, loved ones, etc.), and it turns out that in such cases you will have another planet as your patron, but still the most important name is the one with which you identify yourself.

Computational signs and celestial bodies are strongly interconnected. It is impossible to calculate a numerical code without taking into account the planet, which in one way or another affects both life and the number associated with it.

Each number from one to nine corresponds to a planet. This calculation gives us the opportunity to know ourselves and those around us. By calculating your personal code, you can determine the planet that influences a particular life. To do this, add up all the numbers of your first and last names. The corresponding meaning of the letters can be found below:

1 - A, I, C, B

2 - B, J, T, S

3 - B, K, U, b

4 - G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Y

6 - E, N, C, Z

For example, let's calculate the number of the name Yuliy Ilyin:

5+4+1+6=16 1+4+3+1+6+1=16 16+16=3+2=5

Having received one number in this way, you need to correlate it with a specific planet in order to form the most complete picture of your destiny.

We operate with only nine numbers. (Zero is not used in our calculus). Zero means that this numerical cycle has ended and the next one has begun, and of a higher level.

Any arbitrarily chosen date can also be reduced to its root number obtained by the cross sum. This simple calculation in concentrated form, just like in astrological analysis, makes it possible to know yourself. With the help of such calculations, you can compare characters, determine which people are in harmony with each other and which are in conflict.


The Unit is the original, the source of everything. This number is part of any other number. People whose patron planet is the Sun are very strong personalities by nature, and as a rule, they are leaders. They are characterized by impulsiveness, they will never go unnoticed. They achieve success in almost any endeavor. People of the Sun are characterized by such character traits as the desire for power, generosity, justice, responsibility, and initiative. This category will develop harmonious relationships with people of the same group.


The moon gives emotionality to those under its control. These people are open and naive. They easily come into contact with others and, accordingly, easily and quickly adapt to surrounding circumstances. They have a highly developed intuition, thanks to which they achieve their goals without bothering too much, do not go ahead, but find easier, but no less worthy ways to achieve their goals. The character is generally uncomplicated, but there are mood swings, which can be helped by people, for example, of the first type, who are stronger emotionally. Moon people are serious about family and marriage. They are faithful to their spouse and home-loving. In addition, they are introverts, sometimes withdrawn and taciturn. The problems they try to solve within themselves often lead to mood swings. Among other things, these are individuals with character; it is not so easy to force them to dance to someone else’s tune. They are independent, diplomatic and responsible.


Planet Jupiter gives people optimism. They treat others with respect and expect the same attitude towards themselves. These people, like a magnet, attract happiness and harmony to themselves. They are not assertive, but they know how to get their way. They are prone to self-examination, and this leads to good results. They have a fairly good understanding of themselves and can correctly assess a person literally from the first moment of meeting. Realizing that a person is not ideal, they strive for self-improvement, but do not demand the same from others. They stand up for those and help those who require help or support, are selfless, and prone to travel. They harmonize well with people of their own, sixth or ninth types.


People belonging to this category are very stubborn and willful. They have their own ideas about the world and life principles, which they follow, neglecting generally accepted norms of behavior. Their main quality is independence. They are responsible, love nature and seek friends with similar qualities. They have a lot of friends and are always happy to chat with them. People of this type are active, sociable, and hardworking. They have an excellent memory, but they are often irritable and nervous. Among other things, they have excellent organizational skills.


People of this type have a highly lively and resourceful mind. They tend to take initiative, love novelty and frequent changes of environment. Routine is alien to them. They take on any job, and it literally burns in their hands. Everything works out for the Mercury, everything works out. Swiftness is simply in their blood. They act quickly, think quickly, and make decisions quickly. People under the influence of the planet Mercury are drawn to knowledge, are self-critical and know how to criticize friends, but they do it gently and appropriately, without offending the person in any way. As a rule, everything works out for them, but if they suddenly fail in business, they quickly become despondent. The charm that these people possess replaces many other qualities necessary in family life. They do not like to run a household, but show interest in all aspects of life. People of this type find a common language with representatives of almost all types.


It is quite natural that representatives of this type are sensual and loving, since Venus is their patron planet. They are so charming that this helps them in very difficult life situations, when they need to show strength of character and resourcefulness of mind, that is, qualities that these people do not naturally possess. They love everything beautiful and sublime. They often achieve recognition in one or another field of art. They always have enough money for their favorite activities, since they are often married to wealthy people. Outwardly, these people are very attractive, they have refined taste. They love everything beautiful, but are often arrogant. They often keep up with the times and are receptive to everything new. If they are faced with a specific task, they are capable of showing extraordinary diligence. But most of all they love to indulge in rest with their soul and body. The character is peaceful and accommodating. They can get along with any of the nine types.


Neptune is interconnected with the Moon, so Neptune people harmonize well with individuals of the second type. As a rule, they are compliant, with a gentle character. They are interested in religion and philosophy. But they are impractical, which is typical for individuals with a philosophical mindset. Therefore, they don’t have money, and if they do, it quickly melts away. They have extraordinary mental abilities, they often have brilliant thoughts, but due to their lack of concentration, Neptunes do not complete any of their undertakings. They are prone to gambling. By nature, these people are very receptive and sensitive, showing compassion and mercy to their neighbors. Physically, as a rule, they are weak and have difficulty making decisions. They have a capricious nature, and it is difficult for them to deny themselves anything. They do not accept scandals and quarrels, as they have a subtle and sensitive soul.


People of this type are lonely, they often face misunderstanding from others. Outwardly they are cold, but this is just a mask to hide their natural craving for warmth and well-being. Saturn people do not like anything superficial and do not make rash decisions. They are prone to stability, to a stable financial situation. But although they manage to achieve all this, it is only with their sweat and blood; nothing comes easy to them. They are constant in everything: in connections, in habits, in work. By old age, they are most often financially secure. Among other things, they are stubborn, which helps achieve any goals. These people are punctual, prudent in the good sense of the word, careful, methodical, and hardworking. As a rule, Saturn people subjugate rather than being subjugated themselves. They are always faithful and constant, you can rely on them. Harmony is achieved with people of the second type.


Like the patron planet, the people of this planet are ready to conquer everything for themselves on their own. If Mars encounters any objections or resistance from the outside, they will never take them into account; rather, on the contrary, this will make them even more fierce in the fight. They will begin to resist these obstacles with renewed vigor. People of Mars are courageous and have an iron will, but it often happens that their impulsiveness, the habit of acting on the fly without weighing their strengths, ruins the whole thing. In addition, they are very proud, which leads to problems in family life in general and in relationships with partners in particular. Possessing excellent organizational skills, Mars cannot stand a subordinate position. These are leaders by nature. They are enterprising, proactive, active and energetic.

Numbers and planets of the solar system. How are they related? And if they are connected, then which numbers correspond to which planets? This will be discussed in this article.

ABOUT connections between numbers and planets There is a lot of information on third-party resources dedicated to numerology and astrology. However, if only half of this information were true!

It is generally unclear who creates and introduces such materials into the network. For what? Out of stupidity? For self-promotion? Or, perhaps, for the sake of deliberate misinformation of people - those who are really looking for hidden knowledge, those who really NEED it?

This article was written by me for those wonderful people who, not for the sake of idle curiosity, but for the sake of gaining genuine knowledge, think about the meaning of their existence and the meaning of the world in which we live.

Relationship between numbers and planets

Numbers and planets actively interact with each other, although we do not notice it. Of course! How can we notice this if we don’t even think about the fact that both numbers and planets have consciousness. By the way, (the system of in-depth thinking using numbers) is exclusively a product of Number Consciousness.

Of course, the consciousness of planets and the consciousness of numbers are not human consciousness; they are of a completely different nature. However, there would be no connection between numbers and planets if neither of them had consciousness. Why?

Because numbers and planets interact with their Energies. And everything that has energy also has consciousness. Without understanding this fact, it is completely pointless to raise the question of which numbers correspond to which planets.

Which numbers correspond to which planets?

- Sun

The sun is not a planet at all, but a star. However, we simply cannot ignore it! The unit na means Energy. One contains the energy of life. One is the number of strength.

In higher order numerology, the number 1 represents the original spiritual (masculine) impulse of the Universe. Our light, our life, everything we do is controlled by the sun and depends on it.

Moreover, the sun is the Greek god Helios, who rides his chariot across the sky. This is the Egyptian god Ra, who is born anew every day.

The sun controls our entire solar system. Every day we see this familiar face in the sky, saturating our world with its energy. The sun creates energy - every second it converts a million tons of matter into energy. Just as the number 1 transforms into energy the entire material essence of our concepts about the world (it doesn’t matter to one what exactly is in the world, only the ESSENCE of what is important).

— Mercury

A smaller, sun-scorched planet Mercury. The temperature on it rapidly changes from -170 degrees at night to +400 during the day. Burnt today, frozen tomorrow...

In astrology, Mercury symbolizes the human mind, how it thinks and how it develops. The number 2 in spiritual numerology means a flat, simplified system of thinking. A system of thinking within the framework of “right - wrong”, “good - bad”, “yes - no”.

— Venus

From the darkness appears the friendly face of the goddess of love - Venus. Morning star, evening star. Venus welcomes the new day in the east and says good night in the west.

In astrology, Venus symbolizes love. The constellation in which Venus is located in a person will depend on his love for those who have the sun in a similar constellation. In spiritual numerology, the number 3 is the number of love, as in astrology, Venus is the planet of love.

In addition, in spiritual numerology, the number 3 also symbolizes spiritual-intuitive thinking (as opposed to the logical, primitive thinking of two). Therefore, based on the correspondences of planets and numbers, it is fair to say that Mercury and Venus together reflect all the total faculties of our mind.

Venus reflects the intuitive abilities of the mind, and Mercury reflects the rational and logical ones. Why does Mercury patronize magic? Because magic is an attempt to rationally use spiritual forces for the sake of material benefits. That is why, according to religious canons, magic is considered a sin.

- Earth

Planet Earth corresponds to the number 4. In the language of numbers, four means equilibrium, balance. The number 4 can also be called the number of material perfection, since the only type of perfection available to Matter is Balance. What is “material balance” in its true sense? This is a wise interconnection of all components of the physical world.

Everything on our planet is in balance, or is rapidly striving towards it. After all, a necessary condition for the existence and prosperity of the material (visible) world is balance. The more stable it is, the more stable the perfection of the material world.

Another meaning of the number 4 is a judge. We so love to judge everything “from the heights” of our life experience. It is at this moment that we exactly match the energy of the number 4 and are internally in touch with the energy of planet Earth. Therefore, our ability to judge (about people and things) is natural and even necessary, from a physical point of view.

However, one must keep in mind: a true judge is characterized by impartiality of judgment; he does not care who is in front of him - a slave or a master. Therefore, the energy of planet Earth calls for justice. And our physical health directly depends, firstly, on internal balance, and secondly, on the fairness and impartiality of our judgments about the world around us.

— Mars

The Red Planet is undoubtedly Mars. For centuries, humanity has been looking for company and traces of life on Mars. There is something alive on it - huge sandstorms, much larger than any possible tornadoes on earth.

The number 5 in spiritual numerology has two main meanings: creativity and war. In astrology, the planet Mars determines what views a person will adhere to throughout his life: aggressive or not so aggressive.

Mars is responsible for the manifestation of human will, the desire to fight, prove, defend one’s position, and therefore the ability to Create history. And not only history.

Any creativity is a struggle with the past, future and present. Strictly speaking, creativity is the enemy of Time. And it is useful for astrologers to take this fact into account... Mars is the personification of Chaos, as well as an implacable enemy of Order and Time.

— Jupiter

Jupiter, a real monster, could contain all the other planets; in astrology, it controls a person’s physical activity and gives the desire for the fullness of being. It also controls physical activity in our solar system; it is so huge and heavy that its gravity prevents asteroids from turning into planets.

Six in the language of numbers symbolizes the victory of Matter over Spirit. Jupiter, in fact, too. In astrology it symbolizes: expansion, success, wealth, increase.

The number 6 represents in spiritual numerology the passions for the accumulation of material wealth, for sexual satisfaction and control (ownership) - the driving force of our “I” as an individual. Jupiter, by analogy with the number 6, represents the same thing.

— Saturn

The planet Saturn has firmly captured our imagination; it manifests itself in our dreams. Saturn is the jewel in the crown of the solar system. To know it means to endow your existence with a special meaning.

The number 7 in the language of numbers means this “special meaning” - Divine intervention in human destiny. Saturn in astrology is the planet that forms a system of spiritual values ​​in people. The number 7 in spiritual numerology is an active defense of spiritual truths. Saturn, accordingly, too.

– Uranus

The planet Uranus is invisible from Earth and unknown for most of history. The meaning of the number 8 is also difficult to see with inner vision and extremely difficult to comprehend.

Uranus, an inverted, wandering planet, rotates retrograde, as if lying on its side slightly upside down. In astrology, Uranus symbolizes wisdom, sacred knowledge, telepathic abilities, intuition and clairvoyance.

The number 8, energetically corresponding to the planet Uranus, is translated from the language of numbers as “everything in the world changes in form, but does not change in essence, there is nothing new under the sky and there will not be.” Eight in spiritual numerology is the personification of the highest degree of Wisdom that the Mind, enslaved by the physical needs of the body, is capable of.

In modern astrology, unfortunately, this fact is not taken into account. Like modern numerology, astrology has become carried away with all kinds of calculations, losing its original depth. It is this kind of astrology and this kind of numerology that is

— Neptune

A strange monster shrouded in methane, the god of the sea Neptune. Storms and fierce winds reaching speeds of up to 1500 km/h. On the nearest planets, the winds are controlled by the sun, but Neptune is too far away, something else is accelerating its atmosphere, but no one knows what exactly.

This is the case with the number 9 - the spiritual nature of man. Sometimes whole storms, indomitable hurricanes arise in the soul. But it is almost impossible to understand their source with your mind, to identify and formulate the cause.

In astrology, Neptune is the planet of idealism and spirituality. His sphere of influence is the world of the subconscious, deeply hidden memories and clairvoyance.

The number 9 in the language of numbers means spiritual wisdom that surpasses human capabilities - at least superior as long as there is at least something physical and material left in a person.

author of the book and this website Iosif Lazarev


Vedic numerology, also known as Sankhya Shastra, is the science of numbers. Sankhya Shastra translated means numbers, dates and counting. This is ancient knowledge that amazes with its accuracy.
Vedic numerology is the key to understanding astrology. Unlike the latter, it is simpler and clearer to study. She is able to reveal a person’s character, give recommendations regarding partnerships and help choose the most successful dates.

Vedic numerology and its features

When analyzing a person, the main ones for Vedic numerologists are only 3 numbers. most accurately characterizes a person’s personality. This number tells about a person’s character and his interaction with the world around him. It is by the number of souls that they look and select. This is a very simple way to extract information about a person and does not require complex calculations. However, a feature of Vedic numerology is the moment of the onset of a new day. Or rather, a new day begins only with sunrise. This causes confusion and some difficulties in interpretation.

an indicator of karmic debts and tasks of human incarnation. This is the most important number that cannot be changed in any way. is subject to change. Depending on the person’s environment, the form of the name changes. Accordingly, the number of the name and the planet change. The character of a person remains unchanged. The individual, as it were, changes social masks, gives free rein to a certain facet of his personality.

In addition to these three numbers, Vedic numerologists use and, but they are not so significant in a person’s life. The combination of these numbers affects the success and harmony of a person. How to find out how compatible numbers are with each other? There is nothing complicated about this - each number carries the vibration of a specific planet. Each planet has its own friends and enemies. Let’s say if the number of fate and the number of the soul are in enmity, a person will suffer from internal contradictions and will be less fortunate than a person with a harmonious combination.

As for compatibility in partnerships, a slightly different principle applies. Interaction between representatives of friendly numbers often relaxes and makes both partners inert. Representatives of warring numbers create quite fruitful alliances. For each number, compatibility is individual, see below in the characteristics of the numbers.

Friendship and enmity of planetary energies of numbers

1 (Sun): Enmity: 4, 6, 7, 8 Friendship: 1, 2, 3, 9 Neutral: 5

2 (Moon): Enmity: 4, 7 Friendship: 1, 2, 5 Neutral: 3, 6, 8, 9

3 (Jupiter): Enmity: 5, 6 Friendship: 1, 2, 3, 9 Neutral: 7, 8, 4

4 (Rahu): Feud: 1, 2 Friendship: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Neutral: 3.9

5 (Mercury): Feud: 2 Friendship: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 Neutral: 9, 3, 8

6 (Venus): Feud: 1, 2 Friendship: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Neutral: 3.9

7 (Ketu): Feud: 1, 2 Friendship: 4, 7, 8, 6, 5 Neutral: 3.9

8 (Saturn): Feud: 1, 2, 9 Friendship: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Neutral: 3

9 (Mars): Feud: 5 Friendship: 1, 2, 3, 9 Neutral: 4, 6, 7, 8

Exalted numbers in Vedic numerology

In Vedic numerology there is such a thing as exalted numbers. What is it? For every simple single-digit number, there is a two-digit number whose components combine very harmoniously. This exalted number is the luckiest of the numbers in its category. For example, under the protection of the Sun (1) are the numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28. But the number 28 of all is more harmonious, more precisely strengthened or exalted.

Characteristics and correspondence of numbers

Number 1 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Sun
Day of week: Sunday
Element: Fire
Heyday years: 22-24
Exaltation number: 28
Lucky number: 1, 19, 28
Health: Strong
Metal: Gold
Stone: Ruby
Color: Gold
Taste: Spicy
Dosha: Bile (Pitta)
Business compatibility: 1, 4, 8, 9
Marriage compatibility: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9
Compatibility in love: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8
Happy years: 1, 2, 4, 7
Characteristics: Greatness, strength, power, courage, authority, discipline, originality.
Good as a destiny number, but not very good as a soul number.

Number 2 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Moon
Day of week: Monday
Element: Water
Heyday: 22 – 25
Exaltation number: 29
Lucky number: 2, 20, 29
Health: Weak
Metal: Silver
Stone: Pearl
Color: White
Taste: Salty
Dosha: Liquid (Kapha)
Business compatibility: 2, 7, 8
Marriage compatibility: 1, 2, 7, 8
Compatibility in love: 2, 3, 7, 8
Happy years: 2, 1, 7, 4
Characteristics: Femininity, variability, inconstancy, partnership, second roles, delicacy, sociability.
As a number of fate, it causes difficulties, but it is good as a number of the soul.

Number 3 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Jupiter
Day of week: Thursday
Element: Ether
Heyday: 12 – 22
Exaltation number: 12
Lucky number: 3, 12, 21, 30
Health: Good
Metal: Gold
Stone: Yellow sapphire, topaz
Color: Yellow
Taste: Sweet
Dosha: Liquid (Kapha)
Business compatibility: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Marriage compatibility: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Compatibility in love: 1, 3, 6, 9
Happy years: 3, 1, 6, 9
Characteristics: Selfishness, self-sufficiency, discipline, friendliness, ability to win.
Being a fate number creates problems, but good as a soul number.

Number 4 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Rahu
Day of week: Sunday
Element: Fire
Heyday: 27 – 41
Exaltation number: 31
Lucky number: 4, 13, 22, 31
Health: Physical strength
Metal: Gold
Stone: Hessonite, carnelian powder
Color: Gold
Taste: Spicy
Dosha: Air (Vata)
Business compatibility: 1, 4, 6
Marriage compatibility: 1, 4, 6, 8
Compatibility in love: 1, 4, 6, 8
Happy years: 1, 3, 9, 6
Characteristics: Secretiveness, isolation, impulsiveness, rebellion, tendency to suppress.
Well as a soul number, being a destiny number creates difficulties and disappointments.

Number 5 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Mercury
Day of week: Wednesday
Element: Earth
Heyday: 25 – 33
Exaltation number: 23
Lucky number: 5, 14, 23
Health: Excellent
Metal: Gold
Stone: Emerald
Color: Green
Taste: Spicy
Dosha: Air (Vata)
Business compatibility: 3, 5, 9
Marriage compatibility: 3, 5, 9
Compatibility in love: 3, 5, 6, 8
Happy years: 1, 3, 5
Characteristics: Cunning, resourcefulness, ingenuity, youth, fun, speed, superficiality.
Good as a destiny number.

Number 6 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Venus
Day of week: Friday
Element: Water
Heyday: 25 – 28
Exaltation number: 24
Lucky number: 6, 15, 24
Health: Weak
Metal: Silver
Stone: Diamond
Color: Silver
Taste: Sweet
Dosha: Liquid (Kapha)
Business compatibility: 3, 6, 9
Marriage compatibility: 3, 6, 9
Compatibility in love: 2, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9
Happy years: 6, 3, 9
Characteristics: Diplomacy, measuredness and slowness, romance, receptivity, desire for comfort and pleasure.
Very successful as a soul number for women.

Number 7 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Ketu
Day of week: Monday
Element: Water
Heyday: 36 – 42
Exaltation number: 25
Lucky number: 7, 16, 25
Health: Weak
Metal: White gold
Stone: Cat's Eye
Color: White
Taste: Hot, spicy
Dosha: Bile (Pitta)
Business compatibility: 2, 3, 6, 7
Marriage compatibility: 2, 3, 6, 7
Compatibility in love: 2, 3, 7, 9
Happy years: 7, 1, 2, 4
Characteristics: Intuition, mysticism, daydreaming.
Being a soul number makes a person selfish and dreamy, but good as a destiny number.

Number 8 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Saturn
Day of week: Saturday
Element: Air
Heyday: 36 – 42
Exaltation number: 26
Lucky number: 8, 17, 26
Health: Very weak
Metal: Iron
Stone: Amethyst, blue sapphire
Color: Black
Taste: Spicy
Dosha: Air (Vata)
Business compatibility: 1, 2, 8
Marriage compatibility: 1, 2, 4
Compatibility in love: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
Happy years: 1, 3, 6
Characteristics: Wisdom, hard work, diligence, patience, fortitude.
It is bad as a number of fate, but as a number of the soul it is favorable.

Number 9 in Vedic Numerology

Planet: Mars
Day of week: Tuesday
Element: Fire
Heyday: 26 – 33
Exaltation number: 27
Lucky number: 9, 18, 27
Health: Good
Metal: Copper
Stone: Coral
Color: Red
Taste: Spicy
Dosha: Bile (Pitta)
Business compatibility: 1, 3, 6, 9
Marriage compatibility: 1, 3, 6, 9
Compatibility in love: 1, 3, 7, 9
Happy years: 3, 6, 9
Characteristics: Militancy, strength, passion, rebellion.
As a number of the soul it is problematic - especially in marriage, but not bad as a number of fate.

Characteristics of numbers at the planetary level of information

Numbers are combined into two groups: even and odd. Odd numbers are not divided in half and do not form a whole number during such division, but even numbers are divided in half. The manifestation of even and odd numbers is associated with the duality of our world, its division into plus and minus, into masculine and feminine principles. All even numbers are symbolically feminine in nature, while odd numbers are masculine. Therefore, these two groups of numbers are very different in their information.

Numbers can also be compared with astrological concepts and associated with certain characterological indicators with planets and zodiac signs. But it cannot be assumed that such a connection is genetic, that some number completely coincides in characteristics with the functions of some planet or sign. It’s just that at some point the multidimensional information contained in the number coincides in description with the astrological concept.

However, numbers include much more information, they are more multifaceted than planets or zodiac signs. Astrological concepts are exhaustive, they are limited to a certain symbolic series. For example, Neptune is associated with secrets, music, the subconscious, the highest ideal love, cosmic harmony, the sea, etc. And the number 9 is also associated with secrets, transcendental information, but it contains much more that is not related to the functions of Neptune. Numbers are located above cosmic symbols, above all astrological analogies, above the Zodiac. The information of the Zodiac signs and planets is enormous, but exhaustible, and numbers are completely unknowable, inexhaustible, since they are manifestations of Zervan in our world.

In zervanism, the approach to each number varied depending on the task at hand. At one level you can see the correspondence of numbers to the functions of the planets, and at another to the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac. The task itself determines the most appropriate astrological analogies of numbers that help a person understand his destiny. The Zervanites, as keepers of ancient knowledge, distinguished different sections of information from numbers, but realized that at some levels numbers were beyond the capabilities of human understanding.

Let's consider how the numbers correlate in their information with the functions of the planets.

Unit- at the planetary level, this number can be compared with the Sun, a symbol of self-awareness, spirit and creativity in man.

Deuce- the first even female number. It indicates dependence on external circumstances, which can be either favorable, providing excellent opportunities, or unfavorable. This number is associated with choice and on a planetary level corresponds to the Moon, symbolizing the human soul, emotional perception of the world around us, the principle of motherhood, procreation.

Troika- the first odd number, since the unit occupies a special place in the number series and is associated with Zervan. Three is an odd masculine number that carries a huge passionary charge, frantic energy. This number is associated with enormous power given to carry out specific tasks, but also with responsibility for observing moral commandments. At the planetary level, this number corresponds to Mars, an active male planet that determines passion, overcoming obstacles and volitional impulse.

Four- the second even number, which provides an ideal opportunity to perceive information and accumulate knowledge. This is the universal number of knowledge. On the planetary cross-section of information, the four is comparable to Mercury, the planet of apprenticeship and information transfer.

Five is an odd masculine number, and therefore there should be a lot of activity associated with it. This is the number of enormous potential power and energy, as well as the distribution of this power in the form of law, examples to follow. At the planetary level, Jupiter is associated with the five, symbolizing power, law, teaching and authority in society.

Six- an even, passive inert number. Connected with the six Good Creations of our world - fire, sky, water, earth, plants and animals, which man must protect. Brings to mind the concept of balance and harmony of the universe. At the planetary level, this number corresponds to Venus - the planet of love, beauty and harmony.

Seven- an odd number, with which very ancient symbolism is associated, leading to the sevenfold nature of the world, to the seven heavens, etc. This is a kind of self-sufficient system, which at the planetary level has a correspondence with Saturn, the planet of divine wisdom and the achievement of a higher goal.

The number seven ends the first circle of numbers, which are called dynamic numbers. These numbers should guide a person in the world and constantly set new current tasks for him. The first seven prime numbers are associated with the seven septenary planets - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The orbits of these planets are located relatively close to the Sun, they are visible from Earth with the naked eye and were well known in ancient times. The septenary planets have the greatest influence on a person’s personal destiny.

The remaining three numbers are associated with the distant planets of the solar system, which have cycles of revolution around the Sun that exceed the duration of human life. Therefore, they influence the formation of entire generations, and in the fate of individuals they play a large role only when they occupy a significant place in the horoscope. These include two giant planets whose orbits are located beyond Saturn - Uranus and Neptune. Ancient astrologers had an understanding of these planets, which were rediscovered in 1781 (Uranus) and 1846 (Neptune). Another distant planet - Pluto - was also known to ancient astrologers, and then rediscovered in 1930. The Zervanites believed that Pluto was introduced into our solar system late in its formation. Modern astronomers even excluded it from the category of planets.

Eight- indicates what is beyond the seven heavens. It gives a desire for something new and a search for ways to a better future. But it can often turn out that the best is the enemy of the good. Eight is the number of adventures and desires for greater perfection. But you have to be worthy of what can unexpectedly come as a gift, otherwise everything will be reset. At the planetary level, this information corresponds very well to Uranus, since it is also associated with the search for new things, happy occasions and adventures.

Nine- this is three squared, the number of huge secret forces and sources of energy. This number also indicates what is beyond the knowable. Since the characteristics of this number contain information about secrets, on a planetary level it can be associated with Neptune, the planet of secrets, mysticism and divine love.

Ten- a very noble and good number, since it contains together one and zero, two numbers through which Zervan manifests itself. Ten returns you to the primary source and makes it possible to gain transcendental strength, a second wind. On a planetary level, it can be associated with Pluto, the planet of collective energies, which unites the individual with a huge number of beings and gives him the opportunity to benefit from common forces. A planetary cross-section of number information is used to study the cyclical patterns of our lives. The first seven prime numbers form a dynamic series, a closed but developing system. These are constantly repeating numbers that return to normal. The division of a week into seven days has been preserved since very ancient times, therefore, it is embedded in the collective unconscious of our civilization. To determine the planetary rulers of the days of the week, a planetary slice of information from the first seven prime numbers is used. At different times and among different peoples, the beginning of the week was associated with different days. Currently, the counting of the days of the week in many countries begins on Monday. But among the ancient Aryans, the week began with Sunday, which is ruled by the Sun, which gives life to all living things in our solar system. And on the planetary cross-section of information about numbers, one corresponds to the Sun. And the second day of the week - Monday - is ruled by the Moon, the third day, Tuesday, by Mars, the fourth, Wednesday, by Mercury, the fifth, Thursday, by Jupiter, the sixth, Friday, by Venus and the seventh, Saturday, by Saturn. To determine the rulers of the days of the week, they used the seven-pointed star of the magicians, which came down to us from ancient times (see Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Star of the Mages

The days of the week were written on the sides of the star, starting from the Sun, and clockwise to the Moon, then to Mars, etc. (the symbols of the planets are given in Table 1. The higher planets, which controlled the days of the week at the highest level of information, were also taken into account. The planet ruling the day shows the rhythm of this day, allows you to better understand it and tune in to it.

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