Sour ranetka jam in slices. How to make jam from ranetki in slices

Apple jam for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways. This is a five-minute jam without much hassle, and a complex jam with unusual ingredients, and just a preparation for pies. In any case, the principle of preparing apples in almost any recipe is the same. Apples must be thoroughly washed, cut into 6-8 pieces and the core and seeds removed. If the skin is hard, it is better to remove it, although this will deprive your jam of a noticeable dose of vitamins. Especially if you are preparing “quick” jam. To soften the skin and especially hard apples, it is better to blanch the fruits in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and then cool in cold water. The water in which apples were blanched can be used to make syrup. For simplicity and speed, a wonderful device has been invented with which an apple is cut into 8 parts in one step and the core is immediately removed. Let's try to make apple jam, and in winter we will enjoy the wonderful aroma and taste.

1 kg peeled apples,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water,
3 g citric acid.

Cut the seeded apples into slices and place in salted or acidified water to prevent them from darkening. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Throw the apples into a sieve, dip into boiling syrup, shake the bowl so that all the apples are covered with syrup, and leave for 5-6 hours. Then place the bowl of jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat again and leave for 5-6 hours. Repeat again. If the jam turns out too sweet, add citric acid at the end of cooking.

Antonovka jam

Cover the seeded apple slices with sugar in layers and leave for 6-8 hours (or overnight). Then put the bowl of jam on the fire, pour in water at the rate of 1 cup per 1 kg of apples, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 10-12 hours. Then cook the jam until ready.

1 kg apples,
1.2 kg sugar,
2 stacks water.

Cut off the stalks of ranetki or china by about ⅔. Prick each apple in several places, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool in ice water. Place apples in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Repeat 2-3 more times, letting the jam sit for 10-12 hours.

1 kg of paradise apples,
1.5 kg sugar,
1 stack water.

Shortly trim the stems of the apples, prick the fruits with a wooden toothpick and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Cool in cold water. Use the water in which the apples were blanched to make syrup. Place apples in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and let stand for several hours. Then put on fire and cook the jam until the apples become translucent. Keep the finished jam in a cool place for 24 hours, then transfer it to prepared jars and seal.

3 kg apples,
2 cups sugar.

Cover the apples cut into slices with sugar, shaking the bowl so that the apples are evenly covered with sugar, and leave for 1-2 days in a cool place (not in the refrigerator). During this time, stir the apples several times. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 7-10 minutes. Place hot in sterilized jars and seal.

3-4 kg of apples,
1 - 1.5 sugar,
1 sachet vanilla sugar or 1 vanilla pod,
cinnamon, citric acid - to taste.

Place the apple slices in a thick-bottomed pan, sprinkling with sugar. Leave it overnight. The next morning, put the pan on the fire and cook for about 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool. Repeat 2 more times. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon, vanilla and citric acid, place while hot in sterilized jars and seal.

1 kg apples,
1 kg oranges,
2 kg sugar,
1 stack water.

Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds. Peel the oranges and cut into slices. Make syrup from sugar and water, boiling it for 10 minutes. Place fruit in boiling syrup, bring to boil three times and cool. Pour the jam into sterilized dry jars and seal.

1 kg apples,
2 oranges,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water,
cinnamon - to taste.

Cut the oranges with the peel into quarters, add boiling water (1 cup) and cook until the peel softens. Then add sugar and cook the syrup. Cut the peeled apples into slices, remove the seeds and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. Place apples in boiling syrup with oranges and simmer over low heat until apples are tender. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon to taste. Roll it up.

2 kg apples,
2 lemons,
750-850 g sugar,
1 tsp citric acid,

Cut the peeled and seeded apples into slices, cut the lemons into half circles along with the peel. Pour a little water over the fruit and cook over medium heat until tender. When the fruit is soft, add sugar, increase heat and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Shortly before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars and seal.

2 kg apples,
700 g sugar,
1 stack water,
1 tbsp. ground cinnamon.

Cover the prepared apples with sugar and leave for 6 hours. After this, put the bowl with apples on the fire and bring to a boil. Add cinnamon, boil for another 5 minutes and pour into jars. Roll it up.

1.5 kg apples,
1 stack black currant berries,
1 stack dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots or prunes),
2 kg sugar,
1 stack water,
1 lemon.

Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds, rinse the dried fruits thoroughly with hot water and dry, cut the lemon into slices. Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, boil it and put all the ingredients into it. Cook from the moment of boiling for 30 minutes, pour hot into jars, roll up.

1 kg apples,
1 kg sugar,
400 ml water,
zest from 1 lemon,
a little vanilla.

Boil syrup from sugar and water, boil it until thick drops (when a drop of syrup does not spread on the plate). Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into cubes or slices. Place the apples in the syrup and simmer for 30 minutes, being careful not to let the apples become mushy. Remove the zest from the lemon and add it to the jam along with a pinch of vanilla. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Preparing apples for the winter. Cut the peeled and seeded apples into small pieces and simmer under the lid. First pour a little water into the bottom of the bowl to prevent the apples from burning. When the apples soften, add sugar to taste, stir and let simmer for 5 minutes. Quickly pack the hot mixture into sterilized jars and roll up.

1 kg peeled apples,
150-200 g sugar.

Cut the apples into pieces and add sugar. Leave for an hour, stirring occasionally. After the juice appears, place the container with the jam on low heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and place in sterilized jars. Roll it up.

3 kg apples,
2 stacks Sahara.

Grate the seeded apples onto coarse grater(or using a food processor - it's faster). Moisten the bottom of the bowl for making jam with water, lay out the apple mixture and cover with sugar. Place on the fire, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Quickly pour into sterilized jars and seal immediately. Turn it over, wrap it up.

Five-minute jam from apples and oranges

1 kg prepared apples
1 kg sugar,
1 orange.

Pass the orange through a meat grinder along with the peel (after removing the seeds). Cut the apples into cubes. Place the fruits in a container for making jam, add sugar and stir. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally, simmer for 5 minutes and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

1 kg prepared apples,
150-200 g sugar.

Sprinkle the apples with sugar and place the bowl in the oven over medium heat. Stir the jam periodically. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the apples become translucent, place the jam in sterilized jars and seal.

Apple preparation without sugar

Grind apples without peels and seeds in a meat grinder or using a blender into a homogeneous mass. Place in a bowl and cook until thickened. To prevent the apple mixture from burning during the cooking process, make a water bath and cook the workpiece in it. When the apple mass has boiled down sufficiently, place it in sterilized jars, cover with lids and set to sterilize for 10-15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Roll it up.

3 kg sweet and sour apples,
2 stacks Sahara.

Cut the seeded apples into slices, place them in a bowl or pan and cover with sugar. Leave it overnight. In the morning, place the bowl of jam over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling and immediately place into sterilized jars. Roll it up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Whole ranetka jam is very easy to prepare and amazing tasty treat. Every housewife wants to pamper her household with something unusual on a winter evening during a family tea party. This task will be easy to cope with if you manage to stock up on a very successful delicacy in the summer - pink and delicate jam with whole sweet apples in a transparent, but at the same time viscous, syrup. Of course, ranetki can not be seen very often in gardens or on sale, but still, those who want them will definitely find them.
The taste of jam from heavenly apples, which scientific language called ranetki, it is impossible to put into words, because it is completely different from the jam we are used to from other varieties of apples. Even those people who count calories in their diet cannot resist it. In this delicacy you will feel a pleasant sweetness, moderately diluted with a slight sourness, which will pleasantly dissolve and give you heavenly pleasure.
There are a huge number of ways to prepare amazing jam - you can even cook it in a slow cooker, but the simplest and most correct is considered to be cooking such jam in the old proven way - in a thick-walled pan with a wide bottom, heating the mass in several batches. Apple in classic recipe It is poured whole with tails, although many people prefer ranetka jam in slices. To be fair, it is worth noting that jam made from sliced ​​ranetki is suitable for drinking tea and making fillings in homemade pies, and a delicacy made from whole apples will be an appropriate decoration for various gourmet baked goods: cupcakes, muffins and festive cream pies.
Simple step by step recipe with colorful photographs will help even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife to prepare everyone’s favorite delicacy at home with her own hands, and get real pleasure even from the cooking process itself. Yes, the praise of loved ones and household members will not take long to arrive. Enjoy your tea!


Whole ranetka jam - recipe

Let's start the process of preparing heavenly jam by preparing the ranetki. There is nothing complicated about this - you just need to be a little patient in order to sort through the apples well. Be sure to leave the tails on the fruits (this will not spoil the taste)- this is the calling card of jam; you only need to get rid of the remaining flowers on them so that there is no unnecessary sediment in the delicacy. We wash the sorted apples in warm water, and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the washed apples to dry on a table covered with a lint-free towel made of natural fibers. The most labor-intensive part of the work is done.

We measure out the amount of granulated sugar, and then pour it into a bowl in which we will subsequently cook ranetka jam. It should be deep enough and retain heat well. Pour water into the sugar in a saucepan and stir it until completely dissolved, and then put the future syrup on the stove. We select medium heat and heat the caramel to a boil, and then boil it for two minutes after boiling over low heat and remove from the stove. Many people use a multicooker to make jam, but it is advisable to do this only if you have a spare bowl in your arsenal, because the main one will be occupied with jam for a couple of days.

Dip the prepared apples into the hot syrup and leave them to soak for six to eight hours until the syrup cools completely.

To understand whether it is possible to begin the process of making jam from paradise apples, you need to carefully remove one thing, holding it by the tail, and look at it carefully. A soaked apple, suitable for further heat treatment and capable of retaining its shape during cooking, will look like the one in the photograph.

You need to cook whole ranetka jam in three steps. Your actions will be monotonous, there is nothing complicated in the process. Place the pan with apples in syrup on the stove, select medium heat and heat all the jam to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for three to four minutes, stirring constantly. Remove the hot pan from the heat onto a heat-resistant board, cover with a lid and leave the jam to cool in it. This may take another eight hours. Be sure to wait until the jam has cooled completely - this will make the apples firm and the syrup clear. By repeating the operation three times, you will see that the tender ranetki jam is ready! It is very important to add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid during the last boiling - this will help the jam not to become sugary during storage and will give a complete taste to the aromatic delicacy.

Half an hour before you decide to boil the entire ranetki jam for the final time, start preparing the dishes in which you plan to seal the delicacy for the winter. Jars must be washed in warm water with soda, rinse in large quantities running water and sterilize them in a way convenient for you: steamed, in the oven or in the microwave. Pour the finished ranetka jam, still hot, into jars and seal them with lids, boiled for two minutes in boiling water. After this, we turn the rolled up jars onto the lid and wrap them in a warm blanket or cotton blanket for even heating. P After complete cooling, the finished jam should be stored in a cool place. You don’t have to roll up about a portion, but serve it for tea in a beautiful transparent bowl with freshly brewed aromatic black tea!

Jam from ranetki and small apples with the addition of lemon, an excellent filling for cakes, pies, puff pastries and buns. In winter, it can be consumed with tea to boost immunity. With its smell and taste of lemon, it will charm every guest who visits you. The resulting jam is thick, amber in color, and lemon will give it a refined taste. This recipe is very easy to prepare. In the autumn, when fallen ranetki and apples lie under the apple tree, it would be a pity if they disappeared. They make a wonderful jam with a citrus flavor.

Not everyone likes apple jam, but if you add lemon, you get an excellent preparation for the winter that hardly anyone will refuse. On long winter evenings, it will be pleasant to sit and drink aromatic tea with amber jam with citrus flavor. Try baked buns or muffins with this wonderful filling. If you make jam according to this recipe once, you will remember it every year. If you have apples and apples in your garden, then you will only spend money on lemon and sugar. In stores, you will no longer find such a valuable product for this price.

It is proposed to use not whole fruits, without tails, or cut ones, then the ranetki jam will be transparent or amber.

how to make clear jam from ranetki


  • ranetki and small apples - 1200 g,
  • sugar - 900 g,
  • medium-sized lemon - 1 pc.,
  • drinking water - 200 gr.

Cooking process:

Let's collect the ranetkas and sort through them. It's better to take durum varieties. Wash them thoroughly under running water and cut them into thin plastic pieces. Discard the core. There is no need to remove the peel; it will give the jam a rich color. Place the cut slices in a small bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Grind the washed lemon together with the crust in a blender. It is advisable to remove the seeds from the lemon so that they do not impart bitterness to the finished product.

Add the lemon mixture to the chopped ranetkas. Mix everything and leave for two hours. Then, over low heat, continuously stirring the contents in the cup with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. Once it starts to boil, turn it off and, without stopping, stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Let the jam sit for another couple of hours so that the apple pieces are soaked in the sweet syrup. When the time is up, turn it on and cook for 25 minutes on the lowest setting. Turn off the heat and let the jam sit for a while until it cools down. It turns out to be a beautiful and appetizing jam from ranetki in slices.

Place the thickened mass, similar to jelly, in a clean, sterilized container. glassware, close with sterile lids and put in a cool place.

This preparation is perfect as an addition to pancakes, pancakes or cheesecakes.

Ranetki is a variety of small apples. Despite this, the fruits contain a lot of pectin, which is used to make jam, marmalade or marmalade. The taste of apples is tart and sour.

When apples are cooked, the characteristic viscosity disappears and a sweet, delicate flavor remains. For cooking, they are used either whole or chopped into pieces. It’s not difficult to make tasty, aromatic and clear jam from ranetki in slices for the winter. You need to stock up on the required ingredients, time and know the tricks.

Before you start harvesting apples, read the important points:

  • The structure of the fruits is dry. Therefore, during cooking, water is added, preferably spring water, but filtered water is also possible.
  • Slicing must be done quickly so that the slices do not have time to darken and spoil appearance jam.
  • To enhance the taste, you can add vanilla or ground cinnamon.
  • It is allowed to store both in the cellar and in a cool pantry.

So, let's look at several options for preparing ranetka preparations:

Apple jam with orange

In this recipe it is better to use large apples, it is more convenient to cut them and clean the seed box.


  • Ranetki - 2 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • Clean water - 2 glasses.

Pour the collected apples into a large bowl and fill with cold water. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Place on a dry, clean towel and dry. Cut each apple into 2 equal parts and remove the seed box. Cut into slices.

Place the chopped apples in a large enamel bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar.

We wash the orange, carefully remove the zest from it and chop it. We get juice from the pulp. Add the prepared components. Cover and leave for 2-3 hours.

Remove the apple slices from the resulting juice using a slotted spoon. Pour the required amount of water into the fruit juice, put it on the stove and bring to a boil with constant stirring.

Place the slices in the syrup, cook for a quarter of an hour, stir gently with a wooden or plastic spatula.

Turn off the stove and put it on the table, after covering it with a lid. Leave for 6-8 hours at room temperature.

Place the container with the contents back on the burner and cook on medium heat for another half hour. During this time, the jam acquires an unusual caramel color.

To check for readiness you need to take a teaspoon and a saucer. We drip jam onto the surface and watch: if the drop spreads, cook further. Otherwise, turn it off and put it in sterile jars.

Recipe with ginger and lemon

You need to prepare:

  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Filtered water - 1 glass;
  • Light variety of ranetki - 1 kg;
  • Ginger root - 30 g;
  • Lemon - 1/4 pcs.

Rinse apples under running water, dry. Using a special knife, cut out the core of the fruit. Cut into medium-sized slices.

Wash the ginger root and remove the surface peel. Chop the lemon into small slices and cut the clean lemon into half rings.

Now let's move on to preparing the syrup.

To do this, pour the required amount of water into a small enamel bowl and pour in sugar. Place on a hot burner and bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Add finely chopped ginger and lemon. After boiling, continue cooking for a quarter of an hour.

Then add the chopped apples, mix and boil. Remove the container with the contents from the stove, cover and cool for 8 hours.

Then put it back on the burner, boil for 15 minutes and put it in sterile jars.

Classic recipe


  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Pure water - 200 ml;
  • Ranetka apples - 1 kg.

First of all, you need to prepare the apple fruits: remove the seeds, cut out the inedible parts. Cut into pieces, if necessary, pre-blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Let's move on to preparing the syrup.

Pour the required amount of liquid into a small bowl, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Place on the stove and boil.

Then lay out the apples. Warm up for a quarter of an hour, turn off the heat on the stove and leave on the table for 60 minutes.

After the time has passed, bring to a boil again, cool for 60 minutes, taste for readiness and taste. If desired, you can add lemon juice.

We put the finished jam into jars, screw on the lids and put them in a cold room.

Transparent jam in a slow cooker

Let's prepare the following components:

  • Ranetki - 1 kg;
  • Filtered water - 250 ml;
  • Sugar - 200 g.

Wash the apples thoroughly, remove the stems and the middle. Cut them into slices. Pour the liquid into the bowl and add sugar, stir. Place in the multicooker, turn on the “Cooking” mode and bring to a boil, stirring from time to time.

Place the slices into the hot syrup, cover and turn off the heat, leaving the contents of the bowl closed for 8 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the composition must be heated again in the “Cooking” mode for 5 minutes. Then turn it off and leave it again for 6-8 hours. We repeat the process 3 more times.

Place the jam in sterilized jars and screw the lids on tightly.

Store ranetki jam in a cool room.

Small ranetki apples look great in jam if you make it not from crushed fruits, but from whole ones. In addition, if you prepare them with tails, then the apples will make a wonderful decoration for baking. For information on how to prepare the whole recipe - the basic recipe, as well as some of its variations (including with other fruits) - read our article. The main thing is that when choosing apples, pay attention to ripe specimens without damage, signs of worms, and so on. And now we can get down to business.

Whole ranetka jam

To prepare you will need:

  • a kilogram of fresh apples;
  • 1.2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of filtered water;
  • a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

Sort the apples, wash them, the tails can be cut off, but it’s best to leave them. Now pierce each fruit with a toothpick or a match through and through in several places. Make a syrup from sugar, water and citric acid, let it boil for 3-5 minutes, after removing from the stove, strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Pour the syrup over the apples, put the dish back on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for about a quarter of an hour. Attention! Do not stir the contents of the pan, otherwise the apples may crack or fall apart. After adding the tails (we agreed earlier that it is better not to remove the stalk), remove from the stove, cover with a towel and leave to stand for a day. After the specified time has passed, place the pan with the preparation on medium heat again and boil for a quarter of an hour. How to check readiness? Take out the largest apple, cut it in half and look: if the pulp is completely soft, divides easily, and its consistency resembles marmalade, then the ranetka jam is completely ready. If not, then let it stand again, but this time for 5-6 hours, and then boil it. The resulting supply should be poured into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids and stored, like other canned goods, in a cool and fairly dark place.

Whole ranetki jam with wild berries and lemon

To get a vitamin preparation, add cranberries or lingonberries to apples, as well as a little fresh lemon. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of ranetki;
  • 200 g berries;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • half a lemon.

Wash and sort the apples; there is no need to remove the stem. Pierce each one with a toothpick or awl in several places. Remove the seeds from the lemon, cut the pulp and skin into cubes, rinse the berries and dry them on a towel. Now place all the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and let stand for 12 hours (you can leave it overnight). Then place the pan over medium heat, bring the jam to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Leave again for 12 hours, then boil again, only this time for half an hour. Cool slightly and pour into jars. That's it, quite simple and tasty.

Now choose the recipe for ranetka jam that you like the most, and in winter you will be happy to serve a vase of beautiful and fragrant apples for tea.

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