Jam from pitted apricots with kernels is a delicious recipe for the winter. Apricot jam with pits recipe for the winter Apricot jam with pits simple recipe

At the height of summer, every housewife who has a summer cottage or a village garden and vegetable garden prepares homemade jam. Due to the lack of their own plot, many people buy berries and fruits at markets in order to stock up on several jars of aromatic delicacies for the winter.

Basically, when preparing various dishes, housewives adhere to proven recipes. This gives you confidence in achieving the desired result, however, sometimes you want to try something new. Based on tips from other housewives in the kitchen, you can easily diversify the preparation of familiar dishes.

The most delicious apricot jam is usually obtained from wild ones. It is much healthier than other artificial varieties, and has a richer taste. In addition to the honey sweetness characteristic of all apricots, it is characterized by a slight sourness and piquant bitterness. Such taste qualities make the jam a masterpiece with an unusual bright taste.

Wild apricots are not the pale yellow fruits from Armenia, but are bright orange with red sides. Usually the wild game is small and unsightly in appearance in comparison with its garden relatives. Occasionally, the fruits of wild apricots are covered with small black dots (brown rust). This once again confirms them naturalness and usefulness, as well as the fact that there were no chemicals when processing the trees. When there are too many of these points, it is better to cut them out with a knife, although they are not dangerous. Such fruits can be safely eaten fresh, dried, or made into jam.

What are the benefits of apricots?

These southern light orange fruits not only have a great taste, but also great benefits for the body. Apricots contain a lot carotene(provitamin A), beneficial for vision, hair and skin. Carotene is best absorbed by the body together with fats. Apricots also contain a lot potassium, which is beneficial for kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Containing large amounts of magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine, the fruit is recommended for preparing baby food. But sweet fruits containing a large amount of carbohydrates will not be good for diabetics.

What is a bone

Cosmetologists and doctors value apricot kernels very much. Kernel oil used for the manufacture of moisturizing lotions and creams. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, rejuvenate it and give the face a pleasant, fresh tint.

Apricot kernels contain a large amount of vitamin B17, which is used for the prevention of cancer. Medicines needed for respiratory diseases are also prepared from the seeds.

Fruit kernels can be used instead of nuts in confectionery, eaten raw, used as an additive in tea, or you can make apricot jam with them. This addition gives the dessert an original taste and aroma with a hint of almond.

In our article we will talk about unusual ways of making jam from apricots with pits.

Recipes for apricot jam with pits

Apricot jam

The main thing in this recipe is to remove the fruit from the heat in time, otherwise the beautiful whole fruits will turn into porridge.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of fresh apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 3.5 liters of water;
  • 1/4 teaspoon citric acid.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits.
  2. Boil syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Place fruit in boiling syrup and leave for 7 hours, reducing heat.
  4. Bring everything back to a boil.
  5. Cool and pour the dessert into pre-sterilized jars.

Apricot slice jam

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash the apricots well and cut them in half or into quarters.
  2. Chop the seeds and remove the kernels and set them aside for now.
  3. Boil syrup from sugar.
  4. Pour it over the fruit and apricot kernels.
  5. Skim off the foam and leave to sit for about eight hours.
  6. Bring to a boil again.
  7. After the jam has cooled, pour it into sterile jars.

Apricot jam with kernels royal style

This jam must be eaten within one year, since apricot kernels release hydrocyanic acid, harmful to humans.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • whole almonds (optional)

Preparation procedure:

Fruits are better to use mature, soft, but at the same time elastic, otherwise they will turn into jam during cooking.

Spicy apricot jam with pits and lemon

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of apricots;
  • 3 medium lemons and 1 green lime (optional);
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of cloves or cinnamon.

Preparation procedure:

Jam with apricot kernels in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a little citric acid.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash and dry the fruit.
  2. Remove the seeds and kernels from them.
  3. Place the kernels back into the apricots.
  4. Transfer the fruits to a slow cooker and cover with granulated sugar to release the juice.
  5. After three hours, add water and let it boil at low temperature.
  6. Cool the finished dessert, let it brew for 24 hours and only then put it into jars.

It is better to cook on a special jam mode.

Apricot jam with pits and orange

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 900 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 200 grams of water;
  • peel of one large orange.

Preparation procedure:

Best suited for this kind of jam hard, small fruits with a slight greenish tint.

Apricot jam with pits and walnuts

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of water;
  • a handful of walnut kernels.

Preparation procedure:

In the “correct” jam, the pieces of fruit should remain intact, easily separated from each other, while they are thoroughly saturated with transparent thick syrup, which should not be very much. To get just such apricot jam, you need to choose slightly unripe and elastic fruits, which will be easier to cut with a knife than to divide in half with your hands.

At the height of the summer season, all women who have country or country gardens and vegetable gardens at their disposal begin to make jam. Those who do not have their own plot can also prepare several jars of aromatic dessert for the family if they buy fruits and berries at the market. Royal apricot jam with pits is rightfully considered one of the most exquisite.

How to properly cook apricot jam with pits

The secret of this delicacy is the special, slightly bitter taste and delicate aroma that arises from apricot kernels. However, variations are possible here: if you preserve the whole fruit without removing the seeds, then the resulting dessert can only be served separately with tea. If you want to use apricot jam to prepare pies, casseroles and other dishes, try mastering the recipe for royal jam with kernels: it requires enormous labor, but it turns out very tasty!

Flavorful five-minute apricot jam

For your first experiment, try a simple recipe. The main thing here is not to overcook the fruit on the fire, otherwise, instead of beautiful whole fruits, you will get an unattractive porridge. To prepare you will need:

  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Any housewife who has made jam at least once in her life will cope with the task. Do this:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits.
  2. Boil strong sugar syrup for 3-4 liters of water. When it boils, add the fruits, reduce the heat, and leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. Then let it boil again.
  4. Cool and pour into pre-sterilized jars.

Recipe for apricot jam in slices

To prepare this simple dessert you will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 500 g.

Preparatory work takes the most time. Do this:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut into four parts or halves. Apricot pits need to be split, the kernels removed and set aside.
  2. Boil strong sugar syrup, pour in fruit slices and apricot kernels. Skim off the foam, let it sit for 8 hours, then bring to a boil again.
  3. Cool and pour translucent apricot jam with pits into sterilized jars.

Royal apricot jam with kernels

The most complex recipe is called royal. The peculiarity of this dessert is that it must be eaten within the first year, since during long-term storage the apricot kernel begins to release hydrocyanic acid and is harmful to humans. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • a little citric acid.

In addition, a small amount of whole almonds can be added to this recipe, which give the jam a spicy, tart flavor. Do this:

  1. Whole fruits need to be washed, dried, then carefully squeeze out the seeds (use a sharp pencil or awl).
  2. Split the bone and remove the kernel. The shell can be thrown away.
  3. Place the kernel inside the fruit. It is better to take fruits that are not too ripe so that they do not turn into jam when cooked.
  4. Boil the syrup. You need to pour the fruit carefully so that they do not stick together. Boil, skim off the foam.
  5. Cool and repeat the procedure 2-3 times. To prepare apricot jam with pits, a large enamel pan or a comfortable basin is best suited.
  6. Reduce the jam by about half. When ready, cool and pour into jars.

How to cook with lemon

The original recipe for a piquant, gourmet jam involves adding lemon, which gives any fruit a pleasant sour taste. If you want to make apricot jam with pits, but reduce the sugar concentration, use lemon. For this delicacy you will need:

  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • lemons – 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon or cloves.

Here's how to prepare this unusual delicacy:

  1. Wash the apricots, dry them, cut them into halves. Remove the kernels from the seeds.
  2. Pass the lemons through a meat grinder. If you don't want a bitter taste, peel them first and use only the pulp. Original option: add one green lime.
  3. Boil the syrup. When it boils, you need to add the lemon mixture, keep it covered for 5 minutes, and then add the fruits and kernels.
  4. Let it boil, skim off the foam. The jam must be kept until it has been reduced by approximately half.
  5. Then cool and put into jars.

How to cook with oranges

If you want a sweeter but unique jam flavor, use oranges instead of lemons. The zest of these fruits is less bitter, so they can be boiled without peeling. Use the same recipe as above. In addition, you can try using equal parts of apricots and peaches to make the taste of the dessert more unusual and delicate. Remember that oranges release a lot of juice, so you will need to boil the mass very carefully.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

A housewife who has modern kitchen appliances can significantly reduce her hassle time in the kitchen and spend the saved hours usefully. The step-by-step recipe for apricot jam in a slow cooker differs little from the classic one, and the number of calories in the dessert will not change. You will need:

  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • citric acid.

Here's how to cook in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, separate the kernels. Place them back into the pulp (as in the photo).
  2. Place in a multicooker bowl, add sugar to release the juice.
  3. After 3 hours, add water and bring to a boil at low temperature. It is better to use a special mode for jam.
  4. Cool the finished jam and leave it for a day, then you need to place it in jars.

Video recipe for apricot jam with pits

Apricot jam can be made in several ways. Apricots are sometimes cut into slices, cubes or left whole. For a variety of taste and color, you can add additional ingredients to the dish. So there is plenty to choose from. But the main thing in this matter is to find good, whole apricots. The variety can be any, but the fruits are always firm, and sometimes unripe, so that they do not fall apart during cooking.

Features of preparing apricot jam

Apricot jam

Apricot jam for the winter will turn out very tasty, with a rich aroma, only if you follow the recipe.

  • There are a wide variety of apricot varieties for jam. Typically, preservation is made from the variety that is available in the garden or on sale. And yet the varieties “Parnas”, “Iceberg”, “Lel”, “Black Velvet” and “Alyosha” are considered favorites. It is these that housewives try to get hold of to make the best jam for the winter.
  • It is advisable to take fruits of the same size. The fact is that depending on the size of the apricot, it can be soaked in syrup for a long time or quickly!
  • Jam jars should be washed well before use (with baking soda) and sterilized.
  • If the apricot is soft, then you can make jam from it in the form of puree. It will taste no worse than jam in slices!
  • To make jam, a copper or stainless steel container with a thick bottom is usually used.

The less you stir the jam and the more carefully you do it, the more intact the apricot slices will be.

  • To prevent the apricot from falling apart during cooking, it is necessary to cook in several stages.
  • Not everyone likes candied jam. To prevent this, you need to add a little citric acid (4 g/1 kg of fruit) at the end of cooking.

Apricot jam recipe for the winter

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Photo of apricot jam

The first step is to outline the simplest type of apricot jam, which can be made easily in any kitchen.


  • Firm apricots – 3 kg;
  • Sugar – 3 kg.


  1. Apricots are washed and cut into halves (you can also cut them into quarters or cubes, if desired). The bone is removed.
  2. The fruits are covered with sugar, covered with a lid or towel and left until the apricot releases juice.
  3. When the apricot juice appears, you need to place the container with them on medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil the apricots for no more than 5 minutes and leave to cool.

Different apricot varieties may produce juice at different times. This does not depend on sugar or its quantity, but only on the juiciness of the fruit, their density and many other nuances.

  1. The cooking procedure is repeated again when the apricots have cooled. And cook them for 5 minutes.
  2. While the jam is hot, pour it into jars, turn the lids down and cover with a warm blanket.

The jam will cool down within 24 hours, and then it can be taken to the pantry.

Recipe for apricot jam with orange slices

Apricot jam slices with orange

Apricot jam with orange has not only the aroma of orange, but also taste! The apricot in this dish is almost completely overwhelmed by the taste of citrus, and yet the pleasant, sweet taste of apricot remains unchanged.


  • Apricots – 2 kg;
  • Oranges – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Apricots are washed and pitted. Clean halves are converted into puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Pour apricot puree into a saucepan or bowl with a thick bottom, add sugar and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Oranges are washed, cut and seeds removed. There is no need to cut off the peel; it gives off a strong citrus aroma. Now you need to pass the oranges through a meat grinder and add the resulting puree to the apricots, but only when they have boiled a little.
  4. Together with the oranges, cook the jam for another 5-10 minutes and turn off. All that remains is to pour it into jars, roll it up and leave it to cool.

This jam is not only tasty and healthy, but also has a unique amber color.

Apricot jam without seeds with cognac

Photo apricot jam with cognac

For those who really love apricot jam, it’s always interesting to try something new. Apricot jam for the winter with lemon and cognac has an atypical cognac aroma and a pleasant lemon sourness.


  • Apricots – 2 kg;
  • Cognac – 300 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 300 ml;
  • Sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Apricots are washed and pitted. They need to be cut into 2-3 parts so that there are fairly large pieces, then they will not fall apart during the cooking process.
  2. The peeled fruits are placed in a container with a thick bottom, lemon juice, cognac are added and only 200 g of sugar are added. Cover this entire mixture with a large towel and leave for 5-10 hours.
  3. After time, the apricots will release juice and need to be placed on the stove. Boil the jam for 10 minutes until the fruits become soft. Then you need to add the rest of the sugar (1800 g) and wait until it dissolves in the liquid.
  4. Now the jam is cooked over medium heat for half an hour. It should start to thicken. It is sometimes stirred.
  5. The jars for this jam need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  6. After 30 minutes, the jam can be distributed into jars and rolled up.

Recipe for apricot jam with pits for the winter

Jam made from whole apricots is often more flavorful. And whole fruits are less likely to boil over and keep their shape in jars, so this kind of preservation can be called more aesthetically pleasing.


  • Apricots, firm, small – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • Water – 375 ml.


  1. Apricots are sorted and washed. All damaged and spoiled fruits must be removed - they are not suitable for preservation!
  2. Apricot fruits are pierced with a fork in different places so that they are quickly soaked in sugar.
  3. In an enamel bowl, water is heated to 85-90 degrees. Apricots are immersed in it and blanched for about 2 minutes. Then the water needs to be drained.

Apricot jam with pits is made only from hard, small fruits. If you take an overripe apricot, it will fall apart during cooking and the pit itself will fall out of the pulp.

  1. In a separate container, begin to cook syrup from water and sugar. It must be brought to a boil and boiled for 2 minutes. It is important to ensure that the syrup does not burn, so it is constantly stirred with a wooden spoon.
  2. Blanched apricots are poured with the prepared syrup and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the stove is turned off, the jam is left for 8-10 hours to brew. During this time, the apricots will be able to soak up the sugar syrup and soften a little.
  3. At the end of the specified time, place the jam on medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. That's it, the jam is ready. All that remains is to pour it into sterile jars and roll it up.

Recipe for apricot jam with kernels

Apricot jam with kernels from the seeds has an exceptional taste and almond aroma. If the cooking technology has not been violated, the kernels will not be bitter and will only complement the taste of apricots.


  • Apricots of the “Vladimirovka” variety (they have large kernels) – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 750 g.


  1. Apricots are washed and cut into slices.
  2. After cleaning, the seeds are not thrown away, but split and the kernels are removed.
  3. Apricot slices are placed in a bowl for making jam and covered with sugar. They must infuse for 4 hours.
  4. Now you need to put the bowl on the fire (small) and bring the mixture to a boil. Then turn it off and repeat the procedure again. The jam should boil for at least 5 minutes. During this process, it is stirred with a wooden spoon to prevent it from burning.
  5. During the second cooking, kernels are added to the jam.
  6. Now you can pour the jam into jars and roll up.

Apricot jam can be used in a variety of ways. They spread it on bread, eat it with pancakes, cheese cakes or pancakes, and add it to pies and other baked goods. In addition, if you get beautiful jam slices, they can be used to decorate cakes and other desserts!

Apricot jam is a bright, sunny and very tasty homemade product. I suggest you pamper yourself and prepare a delicious variety of it - apricot jam stuffed with sweet apricot kernels. You can also use sweet shelled almonds instead of apricot kernels.

Making such jam is not difficult - just a few minutes of active cooking, and then the fruits rest, soaking in sweet syrup without any participation on your part.

The finished jam has a memorable piquant taste. The fruit retains its shape and bright golden-orange color. The aroma and taste of apricots becomes more complex, and subtle nutty, spicy notes are added.

For its beauty and refined taste, jam made from apricots with pits is also called royal or royal.

Pamper yourself and your loved ones, have a royal tea party with royal apricot jam with pits!

Combine water with sugar and place on low heat. While we prepare the apricots, the sugar will dissolve and the resulting syrup will boil.

Sort and rinse the apricots. To make jam, use dense, whole, not overripe fruits.

Using a suitable utensil, squeeze out the pits from the apricots. I use the handle of a wooden spoon. We press on the apricot pit from the side of the stalk, applying a little force. The stone is easily separated and pressed through the pulp, and the fruit retains its shape.

We don’t throw away the apricot pits, but clean them and try them.

If the seeds are sweet, they can be used in further jam preparation. Bitter seeds are also sometimes used, but in very small quantities - 1-2 seeds per jar of jam. Bitter apricot kernels in large quantities are hazardous to health and can also spoil the taste of the finished jam. However, in small quantities they are great for flavoring apricot jam and giving it a zesty taste.

To easily remove the core of an apricot kernel, place the kernel on the rib and gently hit it with a hammer or other heavy object at hand.

Place the peeled pits again inside the prepared apricots. Instead of apricot kernels, you can use peeled sweet almonds.

Pierce the apricots in several places with a wooden skewer or toothpick. This way, the skin of the apricots will not burst due to exposure to temperature, and the fruit will retain its shape.

Place the prepared apricots in boiling syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and turn off the heat. Leave the apricots to cool and infuse in the syrup for 10–12 hours.

Repeat the procedure 2 more times. Each time you bring the apricots to a boil, try not to boil the jam for more than 1-2 minutes. If the temperature is too active, fruits may lose their shape and the seeds may float to the surface.

Bring the jam to a boil for the last time, add lemon juice and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes.

Carefully remove the fruits from the syrup and place in prepared sterilized jars.

Pour hot syrup over. Seal with sterilized lids. Turn over and wrap until cool.

Royal apricot jam with pits is ready. Further sterilization of jars filled with jam is not necessary. Jam is stored equally well both in a specially equipped cool room and in a city apartment.

What could be better than taking out a jar of golden thick jam in the middle of a cold winter day, opening the lid and inhaling the sweet honey aroma of your favorite apricots? Perhaps the only thing better is the note of bitter almonds, ideally accompanying the fragrant sweetness. How to prepare this royally exquisite winter delicacy?

Surprisingly, this jam is quite easy to make; you only need two ingredients – apricots and sugar. Yes, it's that simple. Of course, such a wonderful dessert can be supplemented with various spices, fruits or herbs, but the basics remain simple and always delicious.
The apricot pit, which is left during cooking, helps to achieve the richest taste and aroma. But spitting out the seeds is not aesthetically pleasing and it spoils the effect of the dessert, so you will have to be patient and remove all the seeds. There are already three options left here - you can boil and infuse the jam along with the pit and remove them when rolling, you can roll them up with the pits on the surface and just leave them in the jar, or you can peel them and stuff the kernels back into the apricots. The last option is quite dreary, but, believe me, it’s worth it, because it is the kernels that give the taste such a resemblance to almonds.
Another reason to serve this jam to the table and surprise guests is its unusually beautiful appearance. If you know some secrets, which we will certainly tell you, you can cook it in such a way that the berries retain their neat, spherical shape and rich, sunny-bright color. Well, shall we get started?

Royal apricot jam with pits - a classic recipe

3 kilograms of sweet, fresh apricots;
1.7 – 2 kilograms of sugar.

How to cook?
Step 1. You need to prepare the apricots.
Please note that the fruits must be ripe but firm. Otherwise, when you remove the seeds, there is a risk of damaging the shape of the fruit and the appearance will be lost.
The sweeter the fruit, the less sugar you need to use and, accordingly, vice versa.
The fruits should be thoroughly washed and lightly dried with a towel or simply in the air.
Now, using a pencil, pen barrel, or similar long, hard object, press out the seeds. Be careful. Now, pierce each apricot with a needle in several places, this will allow it to retain its shape during cooking.

Step 2. Place a fairly large saucepan, pour sugar into it and add just a few tablespoons of water. Boil the syrup.
Step 3. While the syrup is boiling, carefully lower the fruits and seeds into it, reduce the heat and simmer for about five minutes. Do not stir the jam; when foam forms, remove it with a spoon, but very carefully - the fruits may be damaged at the slightest touch at this stage.
Step 4. Remove the jam from the heat, close the lid tightly and leave for about 8 - 12 hours. If, after this period, the jam does not seem thick enough to you or the berries have not become transparent, repeat the 5-minute cooking and standing as many times as necessary.

Step 5. Roll the prepared jam into pre-sterilized jars and store in a dark and cool place. We recommend that you first catch the seeds and place them on the surface of the jam jar. During storage, the taste will only become richer and more intense, and at the same time, when putting the jam in a vase, you won’t have to bother for a long time with the unwanted removal of seeds - you just need to collect them with a spoon from the surface.
There you go. Now you have a great ready-made treat for any occasion that will instantly transport you to a colorful summer with its incredible aroma.
Bon appetit!

Apricot jam with kernels and royal cinnamon

In this recipe we will remove the shells from apricot kernels and stuff the fruit with kernels. In this version of the jam you will have to tinker for quite a long time, so call your husband with pliers or a bench vice and get him to help.

The almond bitterness of the kernels and the honeyed sweetness of the pulp are perfectly combined in a passionate dance by spicy cinnamon. It is better to use sticks - they look beautiful in jars and give a stronger taste. If you are using jars up to a liter in volume, put 1 cinnamon stick per jar, if the volume is larger - two.

3 kilograms of fresh, sweet apricots;
1.7 – 2 kilograms of sugar;
cinnamon sticks.

How to cook?
Step 1. Wash and dry the fruits, squeeze out the seeds and set the fruits aside. All seeds need to be carefully peeled from the shell - we need whole nucleoli - and the film removed from the nucleoli. Let's move on to the fruits. They need to be pierced with a toothpick or a thick needle in at least three to six places to maintain the spherical shape of the fruit. Now, insert the kernels back into the apricots. Ready.

Step 2. Boil the syrup by adding a couple of tablespoons of water to the sugar. You can use a few crystals of citric acid or a couple of drops of lemon juice to give the future jam uniformity and prevent sugaring.
Step 3. Carefully lower the fruits into the boiling syrup. You need to be very careful, first of all, so that the kernels do not fall out and remain in place when immersed in the pan. Then the fruits will shrink and there will be no such risk. Cook for 7-8 minutes over low heat. It is strictly forbidden to stir; remove the foam very carefully with a tablespoon.
Step 4: Remove the pan from the heat and submerge the cinnamon sticks in the syrup until they are completely covered. Cover tightly and stand for 12 hours. There is no need to re-cook, pour the finished jam into a sterilized container, distribute the cinnamon sticks so that there is at least one for each jar, 2-3 for a large one.

Store in a cool, unlit place until winter. Bon appetit!

Chopped apricot jam with kernels and orange for the royal table

Whole fruits in jam are very beautiful, but sometimes large balls are not very convenient. For example, they are inconvenient to place on bread or a piece of finished pie. Therefore, in this recipe we will cut the fruits into small appetizing cubes, and leave the kernels “free floating”.

But we don’t want to limit ourselves to this either! One day we decided to experiment and added to this jam another sunny-bright gift from the south - a juicy orange. But we won’t use the zest; the bitterness comes from the kernels. Only pulp

2.5 kilograms of fresh, sweet apricots;
2 kilograms of sugar;
3 oranges without peel.

How to cook?
Step 1. Wash the apricots and oranges and dry them slightly. The apricots should be chopped into small cubes and set aside, covered with cling film. Peel the oranges and chop them finely. It is advisable to remove the seeds. Place the oranges in the bowl with the other fruits.
Step 2. Crack the apricot kernels and carefully remove the kernels. There is no need to cut them, but you need to remove the protective film.

Step 3: As with previous recipes, prepare the syrup in a large saucepan. You don’t need to add a lot of water to the sugar, just a tablespoon is enough. Do not add citric acid or juice either, the acid of the orange will be enough.
Step 4. Pour the pieces of fruit into the hot syrup, cook for no more than 7 minutes, during which time the fruit will have time to fully cook. Do not stir so as not to turn the lie into jam, although if you like this option even better, you can. Remove the foam with a spoon. Remove the pan from the heat, place the kernels on top, cover with a lid and leave overnight. In the morning, roll the jam into sterilized jars and put it in the pantry or refrigerator until winter.

Happy summer memories!

A little about the benefits of apricots...

As you probably know, these wonderful gifts of the south are not only good for their sunny color and brightness, amazing taste, but also very healthy. Most of all they contain vitamin A - carotene, which is known for its invaluable benefits for vision. Moreover, the condition of hair and skin improves significantly thanks to it.

But don’t forget one useful piece of advice - fats promote better absorption of carotene, which is why eating fruit pulp is much more effective with its kernels, nuts or butter - for example, on a piece of fresh bread.

Apricot fruits also contain a lot of potassium, which is essential for maintaining excellent kidney condition and preventing cardiovascular diseases. But even this is not all, the bright and juicy native of the sun contains reserves of iodine, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

That is why baby food is often prepared with its addition. But, alas, apricots are not suitable for everyone. For example, diabetics need to be extremely careful with it, as it contains a lot of fructose.
...and their nucleoli.

Few people know that apricot kernels, which usually fly so easily into the trash, contain a lot of benefits. Cosmetologists and even doctors actively use his gifts. The fact is that the oil is very nourishing for the skin and therefore is used to make lotions and cosmetic creams. The moisturizing properties of apricot kernels are amazing! Moreover, the oil gives the skin elasticity, smooths out wrinkles, evens out the complexion and nourishes it.

Apricot kernels are so desperate to help people that they even fight cancer, as they contain a considerable supply of vitamin B17. Eastern sages noticed this before us and therefore now in Chinese medicine the seeds are used to treat respiratory tract ailments.

However, a coin always has two sides and abuse even in this case can lead to disastrous consequences. Despite the fact that no cases of poisoning have been recorded so far, the danger of an overdose of hydrocyanic acid - the source of this mind-blowing almond aroma - has been proven. The maximum dose is quite high, but it is still worth mentioning. An adult can eat no more than 15-20 kernels per day. Although let's be honest, their oiliness and satiety are unlikely to give you the opportunity to eat more than 5-10 pieces.

It is not at all necessary, and for medicinal purposes it is even undesirable, to heat treat apricot kernels. Raw kernels are excellent at fighting worms - try this remedy as a natural one. The kernels can be used as a snack along with nuts, added to confectionery, and even used as an additive to tea or coffee. As you can see, these precious kernels are not only not inferior, but also superior to almonds in almost all qualities - taste, healing, and cosmetic.
Eat apricots and be healthy!

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