Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Or are we all children of God?

For the sake of peace on earth I am ready forgive Jews have a lot. The atrocities committed by this religious-ethnic community So MANY, and the Jews perform them under the leadership of the Jews like this FOR A LONG TIME that there are already two sacred religious books - Christian Bible and Muslim Koran- dedicated to them transfer And description. How many “non-canonical” books are there describing Jewish crimes? A huge number of them have been written in the last century alone!

Just think about it!

Even Christ the Saviorcame to the Jewsnot so much to tell them the truth about God, but toinstruct them on the righteous path! He thought that through enlightenment and the rite of repentance he would make these hardened criminals -righteous!

However, Jesus Iosifovich got excited. Two thousand years have passed since his attempt to correct the (as we now understand incorrigible) people, and it has only gotten worse! For 100 years, starting from 1914, this public managed to start two world wars (!) and is now trying to start a third!

Think about it! "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel..." (Matthew 15:24).

Here is the proof that Jesus was sent only to Jews!

The Savior considered it his duty to teach them to be wise, not us, the Russian Slavs!

The purpose of Christ is already indicated in these words: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance!” (Mark 2:17). What a noble mission this Man had! Save those mired in terrible sins "the lost sheep of the house of Israel"! So him, the Savior, for this noble cause (!) crucified in the end! Literally sacrificed so that later the Jews could say to the Jews: “If the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, through sprinkling, sanctify the defiled, so that the body may be pure, then how much more will the Blood of Christ, Who through the Holy Spirit offered Himself blameless to God, CLEANSE OUR COUNCIL FROM DEAD WORKS, to serve the living and true God!” (Heb. 9:13-14).

What monstrous thinking! Literally an example of a unique Jewish logic! This is it KHUTZPA in its purest form!

The enlightening and literally sacrificial feat of Jesus Christ, these moral monsters equalized(!) in your mind with ritual animal sacrifice, which was traditional in Judaism!

The crucified Christ the Savior, as artists depict him in religious painting and literature.

How can one not remember the proverb: “There’s a black sheep in a family, and because of the black sheep, everything is not pleasing!”

Because of this, in fact, the whole centuries-old so-called "anti-Semitism"(“dislike specifically for Jews”).

I repeat, for the sake of peace on earth I am ready to forgive Jews a lot!

And I am ready to forgive them the revolution of 1917, in which Jews took an active part and were after it majority (Bolsheviks!) in the first Soviet government . And I am also ready to forgive the Jews for the collapse of the USSR, committed in 1991, and the subsequent privatization, as a result of which 85-90% of former national property ended up in their hands.

I am ready to forgive the Jews even the reform of the Slavic calendar! After all, this to please them the chronology of the Russian Slavs was subjected to circumcision for 5508 years!

When the calendar of the Russian Slavs showed 7208 years, at the same time the year 5460 appeared in the Jewish calendar. With such a difference in numbers, the Jewish leaders were extremely uncomfortable PR their “chosenness” and Jewish “birthright” on the planet. After all, a simple and obvious comparison of the Slavic and Jewish calendars clearly spoke of primogeniture Russian Slavs!

To remove this "interference" on the path to world domination Jews with Jews, All-Russian Emperor Peter I, who, judging by his lifetime portrait, was Jewish blood, in the 7208th summer according to the Slavic calendar and made a decision expose Slavic chronologycircumcision. And a suitable excuse was found for this. On the one hand, Tsar Peter I seemed to have a “good intention,” but of course: “in many Christian surrounding nations who hold the Orthodox Christian Eastern faith in agreement with us, years are written as the date from the Nativity of Christ,” on the other hand, the king, by his willful decision, then considered it necessary to abolish alien in spirit .

As a result, because of this pop-eyed “Russian Tsar”, in 1700, according to the new chronology, there was , and now in the calendar of the Slavs the year is 2015, and in the calendar of the Jews- 5775!

The Jews, of course, did not even think of starting their chronology “from the Nativity of Christ.” They did not care at all about Christ and the memory of him, although, judging by the Gospels, he came specifically to them and wanted to save"the lost sheep of the house of Israel"!

And now even on the federal central television channel, the Jew Vladimir Solovyov claims live on air that we, the Slavs, are in Russia "visiting the Jews", and therefore asks us, Slavs, "behave decently"!

If anyone today does not believe that before Peter I the Slavs had 5 thousand more years in their calendar, here is indisputable proof of this - a page from an ancient book "The statute according to which trial and punishment in all cases in Russian State are being produced". (The book was published in times of the king Alexey Mikhailovich(1629-1676), second tsar of the Romanov dynasty).

"In the summer of 7156, July, on the 16th day" .

So, I say again, I'm ready to forgive the Jews and this.

ABOUT however, what am I I can't forgive the Jews no way, is depriving Russian citizens of their tribal(genetic) identity, once called nationality. This discriminatory act was committed again to please the terrible “biblical sinners”!

What prompted the new Russian government a decade ago to abolish the line in Russian passports? "NATIONALITY", I learned from the interview Olga Kryshtanovskaya, head of the Center for the Study of Elites, Institute of Sociology Russian Academy Sciences:

"The main reason for the cancellation was anti-Semitism. This applied to a lesser extent to other nationalities, and to a greater extent to Jews, because even at the end of the life of Stalin, the head of the USSR, and immediately after his death, anti-Semitic policy: Many people were not hired because they were Jews. It was impossible to enter universities with this notorious “fifth column”, and of course, large number people were embarrassed by their Jewish origin because of such discriminatory policies.

I know that the Germans had similar problems. For example, shortly after World War II it was dangerous to write “German” on your passport. People were looking for some relatives to change their surnames, change their nationality, in general, problems were created for them...

There were even jokes about this topic. I really like the joke about how Petrov came to change his last name:

-What surname do you want to have?
- Ivanov.

- Why? You have such a wonderful Russian surname.
-​ This is true, but if they ask me what my last name was before, I will have to say
And now, if they turn to me with such a question, I will say - Petrov.

Like this, in multinational "family", which is called Russia, because of one "freak", a member of this "family", never lived calmly and honestly(which, I repeat, is written even in the holy books - the Bible and the Koran!), all normal law-abiding citizens were deprived of their tribal (genetic) identity!

Reason found: Stalin's and subsequent "anti-Semitism"!

As if there was no anti-Semitism in Russia before Stalin?!

“Anti-Semitism” has always been there and it was absolutely everywhere where Jews lived, because “anti-Semitism” is the flip side of their way of life and their relationships with the surrounding non-Jewish population.

This is proven today by the words of Herbert Wells, a world-famous science fiction writer, who back in the 19th century outlined this problem as follows: “Would it make sense to seriously analyze and figure out how it is that in every country where Jews live, anti-Semitism arises?”

Regarding the wishes of the Jews "Withcover or change last name, or not advertise what they are Jews" , yes and this is not new! This desire of theirs, for example, is mentioned in the resolution of the All-Russian Congress of the Union of the Russian People, which was held on November 21 - December 1 1911. This phrase from there, from 1911 : "It is illegal for Jews not to be allowed to wear christian names, behind which they hide their Judaism" .

And this is a “photo greeting” from today’s Ukraine: "The Slavs are beginning to see the light!"

I believe that depriving all normal law-abiding citizens of their tribal (genetic) identity (nationality) is the crime of the century! And this crime can be called one of the forms of genocide of the entire non-Jewish population of Russia!

The Russian authorities committed this crime solely for the purpose of enabling Russian Jews, during Gorbachev’s criminal perestroika and the total privatization of public property, to get lost in the faceless, but essentially in bezrodnaya crowd of Russian people.

I should note thatthe matter was not limited thenjust by abolishing the “fifth column” (nationality) in the passports of citizens of modern Russia.

In the Moscow City Duma, deputies with Jewish faces went further! At one of their meetings they came up with a new initiative "prohibit journalists from mentioning the nationality of criminals in the media" . Such a measure, in their opinion, "will help support interethnic tolerance among citizens".

Duma Speaker Vladimir Platonov then said: " Prohibited mention nationality of the criminals exists in many countries, for example in the USA, and I am sure that it is necessary in multinational Russia.” .

Vladimir Platonov.

That's it, radically decided in Russia "national question", which arose after the collapse of the USSR oligarchic Russian government protected herself on all sides from the notorious "anti-Semitism". Plus, in the Criminal Code of Russia appeared Article 282, according to which everyone instigators of "anti-Semitism"(“dislike for Jews specifically”) was guaranteed a significant prison sentence.

And now, when the passage of time has brought all of humanity to the hour X, which is called differently in different religions: “Apocalypse”, “Armageddon”, “Harvest of Christ”, “Burning of snakes”, “Global financial crisis” and so on..., suddenly it turns out that our “freak”, because of whom everything is not pleasing to others, there is nothing at all that they deprived us all of - nationality !

Jews, it turns out, are a community without family or tribe!

This is the second rabbi speaking openly about this today! I first heard this stunning news from this lady - Elena Rubinstein.


Elena Rubinstein: "...I will talk today about the greatest mission entrusted to us - to spread faith in the one Creator and spread the light of the Torah to all nations. Our people were born, without having a genetic code! Who was the first Jew? Abraham! Was there in Abraham even a drop of Jewish blood? There was no genetic Jewish code! He simply believed in a single Creator! So, without being a genetic Jew, without having a drop of Jewish blood, Abraham becomes a Jew! He was the first "hero" on earth! His wife quite naturally becomes the second “hero” on earth. And together they begin to work. They are opening a school conversion..."

From the further explanation of Elena Rubinstein, it follows that even today, in order to become a Jew, it is enough for a representative of any nation, any race, be it a Negro, a Japanese, or a Chukchi, to undergo the rite of circumcision of the “foreskin” and take an oath of allegiance to the commandments of the Jewish “Torah”. And that’s it - you’re already a Jew!

And this, as it turned out, is not a joke, not a joke. The same information was confirmed word for word by Jewish Kabbalist Michael Laitman.

The word "Jew"- states a member of the “World Council of Sages”, - means only “transition”, “transition from comprehension of only our world to the spiritual.” As for the word “Jew,” it comes from the Russian word “to expect,” “waiting for the Messiah!”

Struck by this interpretation of famous words, the journalist interviewing Laitman in the studio could not contain his feelings and exclaimed: “It turns out that there are no Jews in principle?!”

To which Michael Laitman replied: "it turns out that Jews are not a nationality, these are not representatives of some people, this is a state of mind!”

I just want to say after these REVELATIONS: these are freaks without clan and tribe!!!

Truly all evil comes from the Jews!

And parts of the Jews!

All evil comes from the Jews (Jews) because they twist the brains of the Jews and are their criminal “spiritual authorities-mentors”; all evil from the Jews is because from century to century they carry out everything that the Jews dictate to them and where they direct them!

Meanwhile, the same Christ who once tried to SAVE the Jews told them clearly and clearly: "Leave them alone: ​​they are blind leaders of the blind; and if a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit" (Matt. 15:14).

Judging by how rapidly our world is approaching the Apocalypse and how political tension is growing in the world, a deep hole with stakes at the bottom, which the Jews dug for themselves under the strict guidance of the Jews, is already waiting for them. What's new "Savior of the Jews" It’s still not happening, and it’s unlikely to happen! Because this thing turned out to be ungrateful...

In any case, Jesus Iosifovich failed to save the Jews. And this salvation ended with the murder of the Savior!

Wanting to justify the appearance of an ungodly person in big family, we habitually say: well, it happens - there is a black mark in a family. Or let’s give it a different shade: in any company there is bound to be one unlucky person. But our language speaks differently: “freak” means standing “at the clan”, under its reliable protection and patronage. And that’s why “freak” used to be called not a sick disabled person, but the first child - the strongest, the most beautiful, the smartest, who took everything first and best from his young parents. And the couple was called a family only after the birth of their first child. “Uroda” means “beauty” in some Slavic languages. That is, initially the proverb had a very deep meaning: “without a child, this is not a family,” “a family cannot exist without its first child.” Thus, the whole village, all the relatives seemed to convince the young spouses to give birth to an heir as soon as possible in order to become a full-fledged family and increase the strength of their clan-tribe.

How often do idle people use this expression! They like it. Although full version The saying goes like this: work makes horses die, but people grow stronger.

Incorrect interpretation: “move away, leave me alone, I don’t know anything.” Today we say this, but previously those people whose huts stood on the edge of the village had a special responsibility - they were the first to meet any danger, be it an attack by enemies, a forest fire, a spring flood of a river or a rapidly racing herd of horses. They were the ones who had to fight back. Therefore, the most courageous and strong people. When choosing a place for a house on the edge of the village, its owner seemed to be saying to his fellow villagers: “I will protect everyone’s peace.” The readiness for self-sacrifice has always been characteristic of the Russian people, which is captured in this proverb.

Yes, unfortunately, many contemporaries today have acquired the false belief that their own interest is most valuable, and nothing should harm personal gain. However, our ancestors pronounced these words in a completely different environment. At the funeral of a warrior who died honorably in battle, his brothers took off their linen or linen shirts and placed them in the grave - as close as possible to the body of the deceased relative. Thus they showed how much they loved him, how dear he was to them...

“Take your time, lie down, rest, work will wait” - this is the meaning of this proverb in the modern Russian language. However, its original meaning was not at all to indulge one’s laziness by postponing important things for later. It was just the opposite! In the old days, when a wolf ran into a village, women and children immediately hid in their houses and waited for the animal to run into the forest. And their work, abandoned for a while, will not run away, will not go anywhere. Therefore, what to expect? As soon as the danger has passed, you must immediately begin work left in the garden, in the yard or around the house.

“Everyone loves to eat someone else’s food for free” - we filled this proverb with such narrow and harmful content today. But the story here is again of the exact opposite nature. There used to be a custom: before everyone sat down at the table, the owner would go outside from the hut and shout loudly: “Is anyone hungry?” That is, the owner opened his mouth wide open and invited all the hungry to his loaf: neighbors, relatives, beggars, random passers-by. It’s no good when everyone eats, but someone remains hungry.

Perhaps this is one of the most frequently used proverbs today: many creditors angrily demand that debtors give back what they have taken, calling them, harassing them, threatening them. Trouble, and that’s all... In fact, this proverb teaches you to forgive debts. Our wise ancestors acted in a simple-minded Christian way: when lending something to someone, they never expected a return, much less asked or demanded it. They were sincerely happy to help everyone in need just like that, without any self-interest. When the debt was finally returned, they blushed deeply: they were ashamed to accept it back.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
From the fable “Elephant in the Voivodeship” (1808) by I. A. Krylov (1769-1844):
Even though elephants seem to be a smart breed,
However, there is a black mark in the family:
Our voivode
My family was fat,
Yes, he was not like his relatives.

Playfully and ironically: and in the best team there will be a person who casts a shadow on it, acts contrary to its principles and traditions.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “There’s a black sheep in a family” in other dictionaries:

    There's a twist in the bread, there's a black mark in the family. Wed. Two brothers, both Ivanovichs, one is Don, and the other is Shat (smart, the other is a connecting rod, an allusion to the rivers Don and Shat, both flowing from Lake Ivan). Wed. Yes, among the priesthood there there are unworthy people...

    See: A big family has its black sheep...

    There's a black mark in the family. There's a twist in the bread, there's a black mark in the family. Wed. Two brothers, both Ivanovichs, and one Don, and the other Shat (delicate, the other connecting rod, an allusion to the rivers Don and Shat, both flowing from Lake Ivan). Wed. Yes, between... ...

    1. Unlock About a person who stands out from what kind of people for his shortcomings. group, team. BMS 1998, 521. 2. Jarg. Arm. Iron. About an excellent student in combat and political training. BSRG, 534 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. A large family has its black sheep. See KIND TRIBE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    The family has its fair share of blacks, and the freak is not always favored. See FAMILY RELATIVES... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Bread has its share of defects, and the family has its share of black sheep. See KIND TRIBE... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed. But just as there is no rule without an exception, then here, in this painful period of my early memories, there is one exception... Leskov. Sovereign court. 2. Wed. Although he, of course, knew people, And generally despised them; But (there are no rules without exceptions): Others he... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    There is no rule without exception. Wed. But just as there is no rule without an exception, then here, in this painful period of my early memories, there is one exception... Leskov. Sovereign court. 2. Wed. Although he knew people, of course, and them in general... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    What kind, tribe? What are you, kings of princes or kings of princes? Shem's bone is holy, Afet's is white, Ham's is black. The laymen are nobles by birth: there is no onion in the cabbage soup, but the button is light. As in the title when there is nothing in the box. A woman lives for... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • History of the group "Sounds of Mu"
  • History of the group "Sounds of Mu", Guryev Sergey. “Sounds of Mu” appeared when Soviet power was in the prime of its powers, but six years of their music-making was enough for the seemingly unshakable empire to turn into scraps and “Sounds...

I was going shopping. I left the house and immediately remembered that I had left the card in another bag. We'll have to go back...

- Forgot something, honey? “Our old ladies were sitting on a bench near the house. Apparently there weren’t enough topics to talk about in the morning, so my fussy behavior gave them a topic for another conversation.

- Yes, I forgot. Hello,” I picked up my bag and headed back to the entrance.

“Don’t forget to look in the mirror,” the advice of one of the trio rushed after me, otherwise it’s not good to go back...

Taking everything you need and... After looking in the mirror and making a funny face at myself, I went downstairs again.

The conversation was already different:

- That's how it all turned out. It’s not for nothing that they say: every family has its black sheep,” Irina Sergeevna looked with pity after the leaving man.

He swayed from side to side and muttered something as he did so. The trouser leg was torn on one side. I noticed the face... It seemed vaguely familiar to me.

- Didn’t you recognize it? This is Seryozhka, Leshkin’s brother. Completely drunk. Leshka treated him, coded him, and did everything he could... But he was such a good boy.

I peered at the retreating figure. Indeed, it was Seryozha. True, I haven’t seen him for a hundred years. I didn’t expect to see her in such a state.

“I’m telling you, there’s a black sheep in a family.” One brother is like that: a businessman... rich, important, and the second one seems to have shouldered all the sins of the family on himself,” Irina Sergeevna waved her hand in annoyance.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Probably, a foreigner will never understand such an expression without a very scrupulous explanation. Yes, we ourselves do not quite understand and use it correctly.

Let's figure out where this expression came from.

In ancient times in Rus', family was not called, as we all now thought, a husband and wife, no.

A married couple was called a real full-fledged family only when they had their first child. Those. a child who became the first sprout of his Family. He was the crown of his Family. And if the first-born was also a boy, this was considered a particularly good sign.

The letter U (prefix) here means “near”, “near”, i.e. belonging to something. By the way, in contrast to the prefix “you”, which denotes the direction outward, removal.

And this catchphrase then it has a very clear meaning: there is a black sheep in a family. Those. a real family always has a firstborn, i.e. a child standing by his Family. Like this.

But when did this expression change its meaning...

In Rod - responsible for his Rod on at the moment time is its crown. And, since we are all children of God, very often the child was called God’s gift. This child belonged to his Family in the same way as to the Family of God. Those. he was with God.

Hence the expression “poor”, i.e. under the protection and patronage of God.

Usually the holy fools were called wretched in Rus'. It was believed that God awarded them with a special vision of this world, completely inaccessible to mere mortals. It was not permissible to offend the holy fools; it was necessary to look after them and listen to their words. They carried God's message.

But, as you yourself understand, human mutilation is not pleasing to the eye. Defectiveness irritates and causes rejection. That is why the word freak (foolish fool, holy fool) came to mean a person with some kind of physical or mental disability.

Yes, by the way, a person who broke away from his Family and broke ties with it was called a degenerate in Rus'. Remember the prefix “you” - go out, leave. It was believed that such a person had departed not only from his Family, but also from God. Because at the head of any human race is God.

Here is another example of how the original meaning of an expression has changed its meaning over time.

I looked sadly after him leaving. But I remember him. He was a romantic, played the guitar...

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