Tatar name Shamil. History of the origin of the name

Meaning of the name Shamil: The name for a boy means “all-encompassing, all-encompassing; absorbed everything positive qualities" This affects the character and fate of Shamil.

Origin of the name Shamil: Arabic.

Diminutive form of name: Shamilchik, Shamilyushka, Shamilechka, Shamilenka, Shamik, Shamochka, Shamushka.

What does the name Shamil mean: The name Shamil has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, from Arabic it can be translated as “absorbed best qualities", all-encompassing. Turkic peoples interpret the meaning of the name Shamil as a legendary hero.

There is another version according to which Shamil is one of the forms of the name Shamuel, which is widely used in Dagestan. And Shamuel is, in turn, a version of the name Samuel, which is interpreted as “God heard.” Sometimes the name Shimon is used, which has a similar meaning - the Hebrew version.

Shamil Angel Day: not celebrated, since the name Shamil does not appear on the lists of Christian and Catholic holidays.


  • Element – ​​Air
  • Colors – Pinkish-gray, Greenish-white
  • Metal – Mercury
  • Tree – Willow
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Constellation – Pisces
  • Number – Eight
  • Food – Meat and vegetables
  • Animals – Capercaillie
  • Stones – Emerald

Characteristics of the name Shamil

Positive features: This is a cheerful, bright, positive person who always knows how to cheer up and find the good in a difficult situation. Thanks to him, people do not become discouraged, but easily overcome difficulties. Shamil is ready to help, spares no effort, money and other resources for loved ones. He is one of those people who is the last to give up hope if things go wrong. This positive attitude often helps you overcome the worst moments in life and not give up. Shamil tries to live honestly, openly indicating his attitude towards each person, but without offending anyone.

Negative features: Impulsiveness, hot temper, a tendency to take unreasonable risks - these are the traits that belong to the disadvantages of a person with that name. Often it is those close to him who suffer from the desire to take risks, whose opinions he does not ask. Often Shamil is inclined to think that he knows how to act and live, so he tries to impose his opinion on others. But if he gets rebuffed, he will rarely try to suppress someone again. He quickly understands who his influence extends to and takes advantage of it.

Character of the name Shamil: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Shamil? Even as a child, Shamil stood out for his mobility and activity. He gets used to asking a lot of questions and is observant. As an adult, Shamil is ready to show resourcefulness and stubbornness to achieve his goals. A man named Shamil is fearless and can commit impulsive actions, succumbing to the influence of circumstances. However, it is important for him to learn to control himself, and then he will be able to achieve respect in the team and success in life.

Shamil and his personal life

Love and marriage: Shamil develops a full-fledged family quite late, although children can appear at an early age. People around him think that this person will not find his match or will not be able to build the right one. family life. But, as if by a wave of a magic wand, in one moment he finds the ideal woman for himself and creates a great family with her. Children appear whom he simply adores, relationships with relatives are going well. If the owner of this name curbs his desire to take risks, there will be no serious reasons for quarrels in the house.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He can become a military man, an athlete, an actor, a politician - a variety of work is available to him. But own business is unlikely to build, since the ability to take reckless risks will quickly make him go bankrupt. Shamil is rarely a very rich man, but he earns enough for himself and his family - he is usually satisfied with his financial situation.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Varies good health, rarely gets sick, although he doesn’t always drive healthy image life. Due to his impulsive nature, Shamil is prone to various addictions - he should be careful not to drink excess alcohol. Its weak point is the nervous system, therefore, to preserve and strengthen it, it is necessary, firstly, to avoid stress, and secondly, to give vent to one’s emotions. Strength training and active training will come in handy.

The fate of Shamil in history

What does the name Shamil mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Shamil is the leader of the Caucasus mountaineers, who was recognized as an imam in 1834. It was he who united the highlanders of Chechnya and Western Dagestan, and then Circassia, into an imamate - a theocratic state.
  2. Shamil Tarpishchev is a tennis player, Soviet and Russian sports figure, coach.
  3. Shamil Dzhikaev - Ossetian and Russian poet, scientist, public figure, professor, candidate of philological sciences. He holds the title of People's Poet of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
  4. Shamil Khisamutdinov - Greco-Roman wrestler, Honored Trainer of the USSR, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic champion in junior welterweight, bronze medalist of the European Championship, world champion, champion of the USSR.
  5. Shamil Lakhiyalov is an Azerbaijani and Russian football player who plays as a striker.
  6. Shamil Sabirov is an amateur boxer, European champion, Olympic champion, USSR Champion, winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.
  7. Shamil Asildarov is a Russian football player who plays as a striker.
  8. Shamil Isaev – Russian and Soviet economist, professor, doctor economic sciences.
  9. Shamil Burziev is a Russian football player who plays as a midfielder.
  10. Shamil Valitov – Russian and Soviet economist, professor, Doctor of Economics
  11. Shamil Abryarov is a writer, poet, bard, translator and publicist.
  12. Shamil (Shamil-Hazrat) Alyautdinov - imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, author of books on Islamic topics, preacher and theologian.
  13. Shamil Zainalov is a Russian politician and statesman.
  14. Shamil Karazhaev is a Russian armwrestler, Honored Master of Sports in armwrestling, multiple champion of Russia and Europe, six-time world champion in right and left hands.
  15. Shamil Shagidullin is a Russian and Kazakh film and theater actor.
  16. Shamil Abdrashitov – lieutenant, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union.
  17. Shamil Aliyev is a public and academic figure in Russia and Dagestan in the 20th-21st centuries. engaged in the development of missile weapons and worked in the field of space technology.
  18. Shamil Bariev is a theater and film actor.
  19. Shamil Basayev is an active participant in the separatist movement in Chechnya, a member of terrorist organizations.

Synonyms for the name Shamil. Shamuel, Shimon.
Origin of the name Shamil. The name Shamil is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Shamil has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Shamil is of Arabic origin and is translated as “comprehensive, all-encompassing,” meaning “who has absorbed all the positive qualities.” Among the Turkic peoples this name will be translated as “legendary hero”.

According to another version, the name Shamil is a form of the name Shamuel, used in Dagestan. In turn, the name Shamuel is a variant pronunciation Jewish name Samuel, meaning "God heard". Or is it a variant from the Hebrew name Shimon (Simon, in Russian - Semyon), formed from the even more ancient name Samey, which has exactly the same meaning - “God heard.” Under King Solomon and his son Rehoboam, the biblical prophet Samei (Shameiah) lived; he kept records of the reign of Rehoboam.

Shamil shows himself to be an energetic and active child. He is sociable and observant, asks a lot of questions. In order to achieve his goals, he shows stubbornness and resourcefulness. As a child, a boy can often surprise others with his extravagant actions and fearlessness. He can be rude towards people around him, but having managed to control himself, he is able to win respect in the team.

Such qualities as independence and stubbornness prevent the adult Shamil from making a military career. People with this name can become excellent explorers or pioneers.

Shamil, whose birthday is in winter, is characterized by such qualities as irritability and capriciousness. However, they are not vindictive. Those born in spring are distinguished by accuracy and independence. It is difficult to influence them or impose your opinion.

Shamil's family life is developing happily. He loves his children, is a good teacher and a wonderful father for them. Sometimes he becomes moderately strict with them.

Men named Shamil are often unsure of their abilities. They are often overcome by feelings of anxiety and worry. They believe in omens. They try to avoid quarrels, will not argue over trifles, and always try to avoid problems.

At the same time, in a team, at work or with family, Shamil reveals his strongest side. He is ideal for team actions and is patient. He needs to feel reliable support from his environment.

Shamil's name day

Shamil does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people with the name Shamil

  • Shamil ((1797 - 1871) leader of the Caucasian mountaineers, recognized as imam in 1834. He united the mountaineers of Western Dagestan and Chechnya, and then Circassia, into a theocratic state - imamate - and until the truce was concluded during the storming of Gunib in 1859, Prince Baryatinsky energetically fought against Russian power Transported to Kaluga and then to Kyiv, he finally received the permission promised back on Gunib to make the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, where he died.)
  • Shamil Tarpishchev (tennis player, coach, Soviet and Russian sports figure)
  • Shamil Dzhikaev ((1940 - 2011) Russian and Ossetian scientist, poet and public figure. Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor. People's poet of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Author of six poetry collections and three plays ("Rejected Angel", "Tsomak", " Sanaty Sem").)
  • Shamil Khisamutdinov ((born 1950) Soviet wrestler of the classical (Greco-Roman) style. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972). Honored Trainer of the USSR (1978). Olympic champion in junior welterweight (1972), world champion (1973, 1975) , European champion (1973, 1974), bronze medalist of the European Championship (1976), champion of the USSR (1971 - 1974).)
  • Shamil Lakhiyalov (Russian and Azerbaijani football player, forward)
  • Shamil Sabirov (Soviet amateur boxer, Olympic champion, European champion, USSR Champion (1980, 1983), winner of the 1983 Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1980))
  • Shamil Asildarov (Russian football player, forward)
  • Shamil Burziev ((1985 - 2010) Russian football player, midfielder)
  • Shamil Isaev (former Soviet and Russian football player, played as a midfielder and striker)
  • Shamil Valitov ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian economist, Doctor of Economics, professor)
  • Shamil Abryarov ((born 1960) poet, writer, bard, publicist, translator)
  • Shamil (Shamil-Hazrat) Alyautdinov ((born 1974) imam-khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, Islamic theologian and preacher, author of numerous books on Islamic topics)
  • Shamil Zainalov ((born 1946) Russian statesman and political figure)
  • Shamil Shagidullin ((1968 - 2011) Kazakh and Russian theater and film actor)
  • Shamil Karazhaev (Russian arm wrestler, six-time world champion with right and left hands, multiple champion of Europe and Russia; Honored Master of Sports in arm wrestling (1998))
  • Shamil Alyautdinov ((born 1974) Russian Islamic theologian, head of the Moscow Memorial Mosque. He has written many books and articles on Islamic topics, many of which have become bestsellers.)
  • Shamil Abdrashitov ((1921 - 1944) Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, lieutenant)
  • Shamil Aliev ((born 1943) academic and public figure in Dagestan and Russia in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries; one of the leading Russian developers of missile weapons and space technologies)
  • Shamil Bariev (popular theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the TASSR (1986). Laureate of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil (1988). Leading actor of the Tatar State Academic Theater named after G. Kamal, theater teacher, director, public figure.)
  • Shamil Khamatov (actor)
  • Shamil Basayev, Abdallah Shamil Abu-Idris ((1965 - 2006) member of terrorist organizations, active participant in the separatist movement in Chechnya)

The male name Shamil has several variants of origin. According to the first version, it came to modern languages from Arabic and translated means “comprehensive”, “all-encompassing”, “embracing all positive qualities”. Some researchers believe that this is a variant of the pronunciation of the Hebrew Samuel or associate its origin with the name Shimon (Simon, Semyon) and give it the meaning “God heard,” “listen to God,” “God’s name.” Translated from Turkic it is interpreted as “legendary hero”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron Planet: Moon
  • Talisman stone: selenite
  • Color: white
  • Plant: water lily
  • Animal: owl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character Traits

The name Shamil contains a huge charge of energy and hard work. Its representative is a strong, independent, independent and taciturn man. Such a person is endowed with an active life position. He is called the motor man. Everything that happens around arouses his interest. He tries to understand everything, stay up to date, and apply the information usefully.

Shamil is able to see, acknowledge and solve personal problems without anyone's help. He overcomes the difficulties and hardships of life like a warrior. He does not give in to flattery and tries to be self-critical and objective. He does not deify money, but respects it. His independence is manifested in the maturity of judgment, the ability to evaluate an alternative point of view, and make a conscious, independent decision.

The owner of the name Shamil is sure that the key to any success is hard work, perseverance and foresight. He doesn't like to talk about himself. He prefers to answer difficult questions with irony. His biggest problem is his innate pride. He has undisguised contempt for the weak, resentment, stubbornness, and inability to forgive.

Interests and hobbies

Since childhood, the guy has been interested in motorcycles and motor sports. This is a powerful charge of positive emotions, an opportunity to train your reflexes, acquired skills to curb your “metal friend” and, of course, adrenaline. Among intellectual games, he chooses bridge and chess.

Profession and business

Shamil likes interesting and challenging work. Success comes from activities in the financial and economic sphere, military affairs, the clothing industry, business and politics. It is difficult for such a person to follow someone’s instructions and be subordinate. He strives to make a career in order to become independent and self-reliant. He finds his calling in the natural sciences, construction, cooking, clothing design, retail and wholesale trade.

He can create a personal business. Entrepreneurship for Shamil is the beginning of the accumulation of his own capital.


His health is excellent. Sports activities, the ability to organize one’s work and free time have a positive effect on vitality. The only enemy to which a man is somehow loyal is smoking.

Sex and love

Outwardly seeming impenetrable and self-confident, Shamil actually has a tender and vulnerable soul. The mystery of the name hides a complex nature that requires understanding. In love, he needs unity of soul and body. This is a very sexy man, but he is afraid of “losing his head,” and with it his freedom. Such a person must have his own personal inner space, without obligations and demands. He maintains relationships with women who do not try to envelop him in a “web of submission.”

Family and marriage

Shamil’s “weather in the house” depends entirely on himself. His wife and children are always under his close gaze and care. He loves them with a mature, giving love. Raises children in the spirit of the times, moral and religious principles, to which he himself submits. Doesn't forgive adultery. If there are any suspicions of his wife’s infidelity, he becomes a gloomy, rude, family tyrant.

Full name: Shamil

Similar names: Shamuel, Shimon

Church name: -

Meaning: all-encompassing, having absorbed all the positive qualities, legendary hero

Patronymic: Shamilevich, Shamilevna; Shamilyevich, Shamilyevna

The meaning of the name Shamil - interpretation

The name Shamil is a name with several variants of meaning and origin, which is not uncommon with names. According to the first version, the name Shamil is of Arabic origin. Those who adhere to this version believe that the name Shamil means “comprehensive” or “all-encompassing.”

According to the second version, the name Shamil is the Arabic form of the name Samuel. The name Samuel is a Hebrew name that is quite widespread. Samuel is one of the great prophets of the Old Testament and is revered in all Abrahamic religions. If this version is correct, then the name Shamil means “the name of God” or “listen to God,” since this is precisely the meaning of the name Samuel.

There are two more versions, but they are less popular. Thus, among the Turkic peoples, the name Shamil means “legendary hero,” and the Persian version says that the name Shamil means “north wind.”

Name Shamil in other languages

Astrology named after Shamil

Favorable day: Monday

Years later

Shamil is growing up as an active, very curious baby, who is interested in literally every little thing. He can spend hours looking at various boogers, studying what a plant is made of, digging in the ground. This oddity is surprising for parents, but the child does not become a recluse.

He is also interested in people - especially guys with whom he can run around the yard heartily. But here parents should be careful: they need to explain to the boy that playing on construction sites and other similar objects is a dangerous undertaking.

It is quite difficult to raise him, as he is a very demanding child. The boy does not believe words from people who have not proven their right to teach. Parents will have a hard time if they are not role models for their own children. At the same time, the boy is attentive to the words of people who are authoritative for him. It is also worth noting the nobility and fearlessness of Shamil.

Young Shamil really needs the approval of the people around him; what matters most to him is the opinion of his peers. He wants to be a popular guy who is successful with girls. And this succeeds one hundred percent. A guy with this name may not have the good looks of a model, but his innate sense of humor and broad outlook make him very interesting to others.

And he is always ready for some adventure, so you never get bored with such a friend. That is why Shamil is surrounded big companies. Shamil is quite successful in his work. If perseverance and attention were unusual for Shamil in the classroom, then in work the opposite is true.

He achieves well-deserved success through painstaking work, although from the outside it may seem that he is simply lucky. Shamil can be successful in areas such as trade, private entrepreneurship, and leadership positions. The main rule is that Shamil must like his work. It is the love for his work that leads Shamil to success.

When Shamil enters an independent life, he has to work a lot on his impulsiveness. This is a talented person who can achieve a lot, but his tendency to take risks and take rash steps can become a serious obstacle for him on the path to success.

The bearer of this name still values ​​friendship, large number dating This often helps solve difficult situations and get away with it in ambiguous cases. The natural charm of a man is revealed even more - it only intensifies over the years. Shamil constantly works on his education, reads a lot and strives to become better every day.

Adult Shamil is distinguished as follows: characteristic features, such as strong-willed character, activity and leadership qualities. These qualities, inherent in childhood, become even more noticeable with age. Shamil’s strong character and masculine charisma make him attractive to others. Shamil becomes the center of attention, but this rarely spoils the owner of the name. Shamil is not characterized by arrogance, no matter what heights he achieves. He is easy to talk to, and his ability to please people is not a cheap flirt with the public.

Shamil's character

This is a cheerful, bright, positive person who always knows how to cheer up and find the good in a difficult situation. Thanks to him, people do not become discouraged, but easily overcome difficulties. Shamil is ready to help, spares no effort, money and other resources for loved ones.

He is one of those people who is the last to give up hope if things go wrong. This positive attitude often helps you overcome the worst moments in life and not give up. Shamil tries to live honestly, openly indicating his attitude towards each person, but without offending anyone.

Impulsiveness, hot temper, a tendency to take unreasonable risks - these are the traits that belong to the disadvantages of a person with that name. Often it is those close to him who suffer from the desire to take risks, whose opinions he does not ask.

Often Shamil is inclined to think that he knows how to act and live, so he tries to impose his opinion on others. But if he gets rebuffed, he will rarely try to suppress someone again. He quickly understands who his influence extends to and takes advantage of it.

Shamil's fate

All the ups and downs in this person’s life are not caused by external circumstances, but by decisions that he makes thoughtlessly. If the owner of this name learns to stop and think before every serious action, life will pass in more comfortable conditions.

In friendship and work, Shamil is an almost ideal person, because his shortcomings are covered by his advantages. It’s a little more difficult for the closest people, who are directly affected by all the consequences of hasty decisions.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

He can become a military man, an athlete, an actor, a politician - a variety of work is available to him. But he is unlikely to build his own business, since the ability to take thoughtless risks will quickly make him go bankrupt.

Shamil is rarely a very rich man, but he earns enough for himself and his family - he is usually satisfied with his financial situation.

Marriage and family

Shamil develops a full-fledged family quite late, although children can appear at an early age. People around him think that this person will not find his match or will not be able to build a proper family life.

But, as if by a wave of a magic wand, in one moment he finds the ideal woman for himself and creates a great family with her. Children appear whom he simply adores, relationships with relatives are going well. If the owner of this name curbs his desire to take risks, there will be no serious reasons for quarrels in the house.

Sex and love

Passionate and loving, Shamil has been looking for a suitable girl for a long time. Popularity among women allows him to start one relationship or another. But he quickly loses interest in the next couple and returns to the search again.

He doesn’t always know how to break up correctly, so he makes a lot of enemies among offended women. Sex for such a man is an important component of life. He is a passionate, but not always attentive lover. But if a woman points out his shortcomings, she will worry for a long time, and then begin to work on herself in order to receive only a positive assessment in the future.


He is in good health, rarely gets sick, although he does not always lead a healthy lifestyle. Due to his impulsive nature, Shamil is prone to various addictions - he should be careful not to drink excess alcohol.

Its weak point is the nervous system, therefore, to preserve and strengthen it, it is necessary, firstly, to avoid stress, and secondly, to give vent to one’s emotions. Strength training and active training will come in handy.

Interests and hobbies

Whatever Shamil is interested in, he does it with friends. In a cheerful company, he can spend time in nature, at a shooting range, even in a museum - it is the friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to be surrounded by his loved ones that are important to him.

Sometimes independence and stubbornness prevent Shamil from succeeding in the field of military art or sports, although these areas are precisely the most attractive to him both financially and at the level of hobbies and hobbies

The territory of our country is beautiful male name Shamil is quite rare. It is much more popular among residents of eastern countries. It is in this region that it is believed that its roots are located. The boy's name Shamil is Arabic in origin. Translated into Russian, it means “comprehensive” or “having absorbed all the positive features.” Turkic peoples give this name a different interpretation. In their opinion, the meaning of the boy’s name Shamil corresponds to the concept of “legendary hero”.

What is the significance of the male name Shamil in the fate of a boy?

Under the influence of the meaning of the Islamic name Shamil, the boy grows up very energetic, active and sociable child. He shows unprecedented curiosity, tirelessly bombarding his parents with questions about the structure of the world around him. This child named Shamil is very observant and resourceful. He constantly comes up with new unusual activities for himself and always sets some goals for himself, making every possible effort to realize them.

With age, slightly different qualities begin to appear in the character of the young man with the Arabic name Shamil. This man is becoming very stubborn. Sometimes he behaves too brutally, showing rudeness and aggression towards others. This circumstance does not prevent a man from justifying the meaning of the name Shamil, becoming an authority for other people. This person easily gains the respect of his friends and work colleagues. His courage, independence and innovation evoke true admiration among those around him.

A man named Shamil most often connects his professional destiny with business, trade, politics and administrative activities. In addition, he has every chance of becoming a successful researcher and authoritative leader. In any case, this person will always approach his work creatively, trying to find new, even more interesting and effective ways fulfilling the tasks set for yourself.

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Characteristics of the male name Shamil

  1. In my own way meaning of the name Shamil compatible with female names Alsou, Diana, Aliya, Mila, Evgeniya, Olga, Renata, Nora, Polina, Nina, Rosa and Lyudmila. This circumstance is the key to a happy and harmonious family union. As for Shamil’s marriage with women named Anna, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Marina, Irina and Victoria, it, due to too low compatibility in his personal life, may end in failure.
  2. Analysis of the meaning of the boy's name Shamil according to the horoscope allows us to say that this name is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Cancer and Scorpio, and much less suitable for Pisces, Leo and Aquarius.
  3. Derived forms of the male name Shamil are Shimon and Shamuel.

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