Compatibility by date of birth and year. Zodiac horoscope

The result will be presented along with brief characteristics for everyone. Compare them in order of criteria. The favorability or tension of relationships will be determined by the nature of the Zodiac sign and the planets of the same name.

The date of birth must be supplemented by geographical location and daily time. If it is known, and you want to find out in more detail compatibility by date in the field of romantic relationships, use the “He and She” service.

The usual analysis of horoscopes for compatibility by date of birth

Knowledge is knowledge of the first causes, without this our understanding of something cannot even be called knowledge, it is rather delusion and ignorance.

There is a lot in the horoscope useful information, which can be used practically. For example, understand the nature of conflicts in the family, surrounded by friends or colleagues. It contains the potential for interaction with others who also possess it. Under their influence, he will change, causing feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

Many people believe that in astrology, compatibility is determined by the zodiac signs of the Sun. This view is propagated by many media outlets and popular books. This is naive and wrong. Comparing partners by sun sign is only part of the truth. How should it really be?

Let's consider a specific example of a couple: She was born on March 24, 1985 at 00 o'clock. 55 minutes, He was born on January 28, 1980 at 5 p.m. 30 min., both were born in Moscow. Their compatibility is analyzed based on the combination of two horoscopes. In simple astrology, the date and month are enough; a year is not needed at all. Almost everyone knows about their date of birth. Let's get the couple's horoscope shown in the figure. 1.

There is a sequence of signs from Aries to Pisces. The sun of each partner is depicted in the corresponding degrees of the sign for the date (but not the time of day). Her Sun is inside the circle, His Sun is outside. The sun symbolizes self-affirmation. The manner or nature of this statement is determined by the sign of the zodiac in which the Sun is located. IN in this case we can say that the Sun (the principle of self-affirmation, the fullness of being) in Aries and the Sun in Aquarius do not contradict, they complement each other. Using the indirect method of symbolic houses and adding a little everyday experience, you can write texts on compatibility for all signs for all occasions. They are not contradictory, are easy to read, excite the imagination, hold attention, preparing the reader to perceive the main material of the publication (advertising), in fact, this is what they are made for.

What does compatibility reveal in more detail? All remaining planets solar system, their relative position at the moment of birth (daily time), as seen from the Earth. Taking into account the daily time of birth of each, the horoscope of our couple will look like in the picture.

Here is the usual set of planets of classical astrology - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lunar nodes. The list can be expanded to include asteroids, fictitious planets, and various points. The planets reveal the fullness of the existence of the Sun, therefore the information content is significantly higher and more reasonable than the assumptions of simple astrology.
The place factor brings in the last necessary element of the horoscope - houses. If the signs of the zodiac and the calculation of the positions of the planets according to them relate to the ecliptic (the Earth’s orbit around the Sun), that is, to the heavens, space, then the houses are analogues of the same signs, assigned to a specific point on the Earth, since from different geographical places The positions of parts of the sky are seen differently. It is the houses that are filled space view heaven with earthly content. The couple's horoscope takes on its final form.

Compatibility by date, time and place of birth

This geometric picture really is compatibility horoscope. Here are signs, planets, aspects - angular distances (colored lines in the inner circle) between the planets, indicating their positive or tense relationship, houses - sectors, indicated by numbers from 1 to 12. This picture is analyzed by an astrologer, drawing up an explanation, interpretation or interpretation horoscope, translation from symbolic-geometric language into ordinary.
Agree that this is completely individual and has very little in common with the horoscope of simple astrology.
It is interesting to note that the compatibility of partners based on date of birth cannot be limited to pair comparisons. The people around them, with whom they constantly contact, also make an involuntary contribution to their relationships. Everyone is familiar with situations when a young couple lives with their parents, a child communicates with classmates and friends, a person works in a group of employees or a team, and so on. The influence of the environment can be significant. Combining more than two cards in one picture becomes very difficult to read, which is why we never see the characteristics of more than two partners being compared at the same time. "Astropartner" offers a way to bypass this limitation and expand the view on the problem of compatibility by date of birth in the section "

To determine the compatibility of two people, almost every predictive system has its own methods and methods. In the system of interpretation of names - , in numerology - , in astrology - , in the predictive system of Love Cards - .

Find out compatibility by date of birth allows and predictive system Tarot cards, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about possible problems in alliance with a partner, about the prospects of the relationship. The online compatibility calculation presented on this page is a preliminary analysis of relationships using the senior Arcana of the Tarot, which reveals the main character traits of each partner; shows the general nuances of relationships; explains what each partner will receive in this union, what the outcome of the relationship will be.

Calculation of compatibility by date of birth and Tarot cards is carried out according to the following scheme: first, for each partner, the fate number is calculated ( Attention! Do not confuse with, which is calculated by first name, patronymic, last name, using another formula and another method).

To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth ( numerological collapsing is not done in this case ). If the final number is greater than 22, then 22 is subtracted from it and the resulting number is equated to the corresponding Major Arcana card. This card describes a person's character.

At the second stage of calculations, the fate numbers of both partners are summed up and, using the method described above, the result is correlated with the Tarot card, which will give general characteristics relationship, will describe the general compatibility of partners. Then they add the resulting number to the fate number of the first person and determine the corresponding lasso, which will show how the first partner perceives the other, what he will receive from this relationship. Next, a similar calculation is carried out for the second partner.

At the final stage of calculations, the three numbers obtained at the second stage of calculation are added together. The result also leads to the corresponding Major Arcana of the Tarot. This card will show the outcome of the relationship, what it can lead to.

If you want to find out how relationships will develop in a particular year, use.

To do a relationship analysis, find out compatibility by date of birth, get a description of a person’s character using Tarot cards online, select your date of birth in the form below and click the “Calculate” button.

Analysis of relationships, determination of compatibility based on Tarot cards and date of birth

In numerology, partner compatibility as a concept does not exist. Based on your dates of birth, you can determine the type of your union and its main features, and build on this.

You will need a pen, a piece of paper and dates of birth: yours and your partner's. The calculation will look like this (let's look at an example):

  1. First, write the date of birth in the line: 16101991
  2. Then we sum up the numbers: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28
  3. We continue adding: 2+8= 10
  4. Subtract 2 from the first amount if the date of birth is before 2000. If after, add 19
  5. And finally, add up the numbers of the last value
  6. We enter all the resulting figures from the calculation into the table.
  • Boss - there are more ones than twos
  • Performer - twos are more than ones
  • By itself - an equal number of ones and twos

After all calculations, it can determine numerological compatibility.

Determining the type of union

How to determine the type:

  • If one of the partners has a psychotype on its own, and the other has a boss or executive, this is a karmic union
  • If the psychotypes are the same - mirror
  • If the opposite (chief-executor) - fate

Let's look at the traits of each type separately.

Karmic union

A union of the “karma” type means that people have already met in past lives and left each other debts. As a rule, these are sick, dependent relationships in which it is bad together and unbearable without each other.

Such a couple is almost always doomed - separation is inevitable, or people will torment each other all their lives, constantly sort things out, quarrel, and start conflicts.

It is possible to stop karmic interaction, provided that the partners create some kind of common Creation. It could be:

  • Child. Often divorced after the birth of the first child, less often - the second child
  • A common cause: creating something creative, a business, a discovery in science or something similar

If people manage to fulfill their mission in a karmic union and create some kind of creation, they part and very quickly meet their real other half, entering into a “destiny” union.

Fate union

The “Fate” type union is considered the most favorable: the compatibility of partners in this case is almost ideal.

What is typical for such a couple:

  • For a long time, people can be friends, communicate, cooperate, without feeling attracted to each other. But sooner or later there comes a moment when they understand: you need to be either with this person or with no one, and love comes
  • Such a couple can break up, but only under the condition of irritating external factors. For example, mother-in-law, mother-in-law or friends put a spoke in the wheels. It is very important to be able to maintain the relationship, because after a breakup it is almost impossible to find new happiness in your personal life

This is a union of opposites: people find the missing qualities in themselves in their partner. Therefore, they develop and help each other become better.

Mirror Union

This is the notorious “love at first sight,” a passion that flares up instantly. The most common type of relationship in modern world. A union of two very similar personalities who understand their partner well, because they themselves are the same.

The development and fate of relationships will depend only on the desire of people in a couple to interact, develop, build love, happiness and strive for harmony.

Numerology clues

“Hooks” are qualities that one partner has, but the other does not. This is neither good nor bad. It all depends on whether it will annoy you or, on the contrary, will help you develop.

Watch the video about numerological compatibility:

In our example, there is a clue on the fours - this is a sense of duty, responsibility. That is, hyper-responsibility and the desire to control everything in a man are combined with constant “creative disorder” and irresponsibility in a woman.

This can cause conflicts if a man begins to “build” and limit her freedom. But it can also be a positive thing if a woman is willing to submit and give the reins of power into his hands.

Briefly about clues for each quality (ones, twos and nines) in the numerology test, everyone has them, we don’t consider them):

  • Three is thriftiness, a tendency to hoarding, overgrowing with personal property, grounding
  • Four - responsibility, sense of duty, desire to control everything external processes, adherence to laws and moral standards
  • Five - sensuality, the ability to express and show your love through words and actions, gratitude and praise
  • Six is ​​a tendency to systematize, search for new knowledge, desire to learn
  • - intuition. The more sevens in the test, the more developed the gift of premonition
  • Eight is success, unlimited luck without effort

Analyze your numerology tables. Here are some examples:

  1. Let's say you have several A's on the test, but the man doesn't have any. Then he may seem like a “cracker” to you, an insensitive person. You will miss his expressions of love, affection and tenderness. In fact, he is used to expressing his feelings through actions; he doesn’t know any other way.
  2. Or you don’t have threes, but the man has them in abundance. This means that he is very rational in everyday life, a perfectionist, he needs everything to be in its place. And you are slack, accustomed to disorder. This can be annoying and cause arguments

It is important to learn to accept the qualities of your partner and explain to him the features of your character. Numerological calculation helps with this. By stopping expecting from your chosen one what he is simply not capable of due to his personal, innate qualities, you will significantly reduce the number of quarrels.

None of us lives in a closed world, and for success in life it is important to understand not only yourself, but also those around you. While the relationship is easy and pleasant, does not cause problems or anxiety, we do not think about its future, but the closer the connections become, the more important it is to understand what they can bring to us.

In everyone’s life there are people with whom a lot depends on relationships - and I really want these relationships to be pleasant for everyone! But this is not always possible: there are many constantly quarreling married couples, tormenting lovers, business partners for whom cooperation brings no less problems than benefits. Checking personal compatibility is a great way to protect yourself from mistakes and avoid connections that will not bring you joy.

Even if you have no reason to complain that in a given situation you fell for the wrong person, take the time to do simple arithmetic to understand whether you correctly assess your relationship and what can be done to improve it.

Compatibility assessment is done based on the Path Numbers of both partners. To calculate, we will use the “natural addition” method - we will calculate the sum of the numbers corresponding to the day, month and year of birth, and then reduce it to a single digit number.

For example, a man born on March 2, 1978 would have to do the following calculations to find out what his relationship would be like with a woman born on April 7, 1980:

1. 2 +3+1+9+7+8=30. Then we add 3 and 0, resulting in three, which is the Path Number.

2. 7+4+1+9+8+0=29. Then we add 2 and 9, obtaining the number 11, which we bring to a single digit: 1+1=2.

All that remains is to find out exactly how a relationship with a “B” will develop for a person of three - and, perhaps, to learn important lessons from the information received. Do not forget that each person is also influenced by the vibrations of his name, they also need to be taken into account.

If you don’t want to tire yourself with calculations, or you’re afraid of making a mistake, use the special service it guarantees an accurate result.

The way relationships between people develop is determined not only by the characteristics and inclinations of each of them, but also by the numerical vibration that characterizes any union - business, friendship, love. Knowing the number that unites a particular couple allows you to predict how the relationship will develop and determine in what direction the energy of the partners should be directed, because sometimes together you can achieve what would be unattainable for a person acting alone.

In order to find out the number that unites a particular pair, you should find the sum of the Numbers of interaction with the world (remember that this is the sum numerical values both vowels and consonants of the first and last name), and then, if necessary, resort to “natural addition” - that is, bring the result to a single number.
For example, for Elena Dmitrieva, the number of interaction with the world is two; in order to find out how her relationship with Alexander Lvov will turn out, our heroine should calculate his Number of interaction with the world (and this is also a two), and then simply add 2 and 2. The result will be a four - it remains to read about the influence of her vibrations .

If we're talking about About getting married, women (and sometimes men) often think about whether to change their last name. Accept the right decision Numerology will help - just “try on” the chosen one’s surname and find out how the change will affect the union.

So, having become Elena Lvova, our heroine will change the Number of interaction with the world from 2 to 8. Since the surname of her chosen one remains unchanged, we should add 8 and 2, and then bring the result - 10 - to a single digit number. We'll get one. It remains to understand which union is more attractive - under the influence of 1 or 4.

Relationships with loved ones play a significant role in our lives. They make you happy or suffer, give you happiness or lead to depression... Is it possible to rely on numerology when solving issues affecting such an important area? It is possible and necessary, but you cannot replace this difficult science with arithmetic. Remember that you need to take into account all the numbers that influence a person, and not leave a single vibration unattended. In addition, when it comes to the vibrations of a name, you should not limit yourself to the form that is written in the passport - do not be too lazy to “calculate” family and friendly nicknames, any other forms of the name; It’s worth starting with the most common one.

Examples of calculating name compatibility:

Your date of birth: Partner's date of birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900
. Alexander and Anastasia . Sergey and Anna
. Alexander and Ekaterina . Sergei and Ekaterina
. Alexander and Julia . Andrey and Anna
. Dmitry and Anastasia . Sergey and Yulia
. Alexander and Elena . Alexey and Olga
. Alexey and Anna . Dmitry and Tatiana
. Dmitry and Yulia . Andrey and Anastasia
. Alexey and Anastasia . Dmitry and Anna
. Alexander and Anna . Alexey and Yulia
. Sergey and Olga . Dmitry and Olga

Love is a crazy and magical feeling that works wonders for lovers. It can last for years, or it can crash on the ship of everyday life and everyday problems through short term. A romantic couple can become a strong and friendly family, or maybe fate will separate them for some petty reason. Finding out what awaits lovers ahead is not difficult - numerology will help, you just need to know the couple’s compatibility number by date of birth, thanks to which you will find out what the relationship is based on and what awaits them ahead, as well as whether you are suitable for each other or not, who dominates and much more.

To do this, you need to know the dates of birth of the girl and guy. So, he was born on 01/21/1980, and she was born on 05/22/1985, we calculate his number: 2+1+1+1+9+8+0=22=4, and then hers: 2+2+ 5+1+9+8+5=32=5. So, the female number is greater, which means she is dominant in this pair. Now we’ll find out how to characterize their couple. We count: 4+5=9.

Online calculation of a couple's compatibility number by date of birth:

Your relationship is built on love and mutual trust. You value each other and respect the opinion of your partner, so there are rarely quarrels and scandals in your couple. But if suddenly some understatement or minor deception appears, you will definitely tell about it, putting everything in its place, so that everything will be as before - peaceful and calm.

Your relationship is like a tug of war, you try to prove that you are right, sometimes even offending your other half. However, it is precisely such disputes and bickering that make your couple strong and strong. The main thing is that you love each other, even if there are serious scandals.

There is always a third person in your relationship - parents, friends, relatives or even animals, over whom there are serious quarrels. However, your couple simply needs a third person, thanks to him you can show your superiority, prove you are right and, in the end, play the role of the offended and insulted, so that they will pity and caress you.

You're always hard to find common language, that is, emotionally you are different, but physically, you are like a key and a lock, so your relationship can be called stable. However, they are short-lived, someone will definitely want to stop them. And someone from the outside will help you with this.

Your relationship is strong and correct: on all holidays there are gifts and flowers that your significant other loves, you always know how to avoid conflicts, since this is wrong! But still, someone in your couple will want to change the calm course of life, changing it to a more acute one, so that there are emotions and unpredictability.

Your relationship is thoughtful, since the girl is beautiful and well-groomed with a lovely figure, and the guy is friendly, smiling and always gallant, or, conversely: the man is handsome, and the woman is calm and balanced. But there is one BUT in your couple - insincerity!

Your couple is complex, both from an emotional point of view - you are hot-tempered and unbalanced, and from a physical point of view - he is demanding, she is frigid, or vice versa. But still, there is a big plus in your couple - you are both patient with each other’s shortcomings, so your relationship will be long and strong.

Your relationship cannot be called ideal; most likely, you are united by some common goal, for example, you see each other as good parents or promising specialists. This is what draws you to each other. True, when the common goal ceases to be such, your couple may end up existing.

It’s difficult for you to be with each other, but you can’t live separately either. But such feelings will not last forever; nevertheless, the moment will come when a person will appear in life who can win one of you over to his side, and your couple will cease to be a couple.

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