Dream interpretation of Hasse. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Among the authoritative interpreters of dreams, the dream book of Hasse, the famous medium, takes its place. Using this source, you can easily find the answer to the question of why this or that image is in your dreams. It is based on various knowledge, from folk beliefs and ancient esoteric observations to modern interpretations, so the publication turned out to be really reliable. Night visions can be interpreted by dates, months, and even phases of the moon.

Who is Miss Hasse

Miss (or Madame) Hasse is the most mysterious medium, whose fate is shrouded in many rumors, legends and conjectures, but real facts Very little has been preserved about her. Even the real name of this person, who used the pseudonym Miss Hasse for her sessions, is unknown. However, information has been preserved that she was born in 1854 in the Polish city of Milawa, and lived in a rather poor family.

In early childhood, the girl discovered an amazing gift and tried with all her might to develop it: she tried to guess what the interlocutor was thinking about, what color ball was in the box, and the like. And the result was not long in coming - Miss Hasse became one of the strongest mediums, a clairvoyant and owner of the gift of reading thoughts.

Miss Hasse worked in pre-revolutionary Russia, but her talent became most in demand after the change of regime, when the country found itself at a crossroads. People who did not know what difficulties they should prepare for attended the sessions, trying to find answers to their questions.

A distinctive feature of the medium’s predictions was simplicity: Madame did not use special terminology when explaining to people their future, all her words were understandable, which made her stand out from the great Vanga. The Bulgarian fortuneteller often became too vague, and her words became vague and susceptible to several readings. The information conveyed by Miss Hasse did not require interpretation; her advice was accessible even to those who were very far from the world of magic and mysticism.

Introduction to the collection

Madame is also remembered as the creator of a dream book, easy to use and helping to understand what this or that image in a dream means. She believed that dreams come for a reason, but represent clues of fate, giving a chance to look into the future and prepare for changes. That is why the work “Sleep and Dreaming or a Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams” appeared, which is popular to this day. He is no less in demand than an authoritative interpreter of Miller.

According to Madame Hasse’s dream book, most often the most important are unusual and fantastic images, which you should try to remember in as much detail as possible. The following features of the publication should be highlighted:

Thus, the result was a publication in which one’s own knowledge and experience of antiquity were harmoniously intertwined. It took several years to create the dream book; it can be confidently called Miss Hasse’s legacy.

She was convinced that a person’s fate is in his hands, and dreams are a kind of clues, which, having correctly guessed, everyone had the opportunity to avoid everything bad and not miss the chance given to them. That’s why interpreting dreams according to Miss Hasse’s dream book is not just a fascinating, but also an important activity that can help you avoid life’s mistakes.

The influence of the lunar day

The collection is valuable primarily because it contains explanations for a huge number of images, sometimes unusual, even illogical, but therefore the most significant. In addition, the medium was sure: not all dreams are important and should be analyzed. It all depends on the specific date on which the sleeper happened to see this or that image. And Miss Hasse’s dream book on the dates of the month, where each day was assigned a certain meaning, became very popular.

To create such a pattern, Madame used the phases of the moon, so the first day on the list is not the first day of the month, but the first day from the new moon. In a modern interpretation, this dream book looks like this:

This is Hasse’s dream book on numbers, by turning to which you can determine in what key a particular dream should be interpreted. The uniqueness of the collection is that some images do not need to be interpreted at all, for example, those that appeared on the second day - such dreams are meaningless and do not carry clues of fate.

How to use the online version

Working with Hasse's dream book for dream interpretation is very simple, especially since many Internet pages have an online version of it. It is enough to go to a suitable resource, use the alphabetical index, find the image that appeared in a dream (for example, a tower) and find out its explanation.

Often, Hasse’s interpreter has several meanings for a symbol; the choice of one or another depends on the event sequence of the dream. So, dreaming of climbing a tower means illness, but just observing this building means a long journey. In this way, you can find out the meaning of any dream.

Miss Hasse's dream book is rightfully considered one of the most reliable interpreters, since it allows you not only to look into the mystery of the dream, but also to find out when the prediction will come true and whether it will come true at all. That is why many fans of mysticism have made the collection their reference book.

Attention, TODAY only!

Hasse's dream book was compiled by the very famous medium Miss Hasse based on several ancient and modern sources.

Some features

The fortuneteller gained popularity due to the fact that she had a special gift - to predict the future, both for short time periods and for long periods. Her predictions were based on knowledge that was accumulated by the people and passed on from generation to generation. Apparently, this is why the prophecies of the medium Miss Hasse enjoyed and still enjoy trust among the residents different countries peace.

Quite interesting is the fact that in Tsarist Russia the most popular dream book belonged to the authorship of the medium Hasse. This publication contained recommendations for those people who wanted to understand why they had this or that dream. The book contains descriptions of more than 5 thousand dreams - by the way, it is still widely used by modern magicians.

One of the main features of Hasse’s dream book is the interpretation of dreams using the magic of numbers, as well as taking into account the day of the week and. It is on the basis of these signs that one can judge whether the dream will come true or whether it should not be given any special significance. Moreover, Madame Hasse’s dream book pays the most attention to precisely what night after the person saw the dream. This is precisely the main difference between the dream book and all the others known today.

In order for people to remember their night visions well, the soothsayer advised changing the position of the head of the bed every week. That is, one week you sleep, for example, with your head towards the window, and the next week you change the location of the pillow and put it where your feet were in the last seven days, and so on. Moreover, you should make your bed as comfortable as possible - pay attention to the mattress you sleep on; the bed should be neither too hard nor too soft, and the pillow should be thoroughly fluffed before each night.

After you wake up, according to Hasse, you need to remember your dream and immediately tell it to one of your loved ones or relatives. By the way, the most important meaning is those dreams that a person saw before dawn, and not those that had a dream at the very beginning of the night. If we talk about the days of the week, then people usually have their most important dreams on the night from Friday to Friday.

Probability of execution

Miss Hasse's dream book states that great attention should be paid to the number, counting from the new moon. It depends on this whether the dream will come true or not. So:

  • 1 – visions are usually fulfilled exactly and always promise good things to the dreamer.
  • 2 – most often these are empty and meaningless dreams.
  • 3 – probably very fast execution.
  • 4 – most likely, the dream will come true, but not soon.
  • 5 – visions have a very good meaning.
  • 6 – the dream must come true, but this can happen only after a few months.
  • 7 – if you don’t tell anyone about what you dreamed, then the dream will definitely come true soon.
  • 8 – your wish will come true in the near future.
  • 9 – the dream promises to come true soon, and the person will become lucky.
  • 10 – visions should be taken as a sign that you need to carefully monitor your thoughts and actions so as not to get into trouble.
  • 11 – after such a dream, you should expect great joy and fulfillment of desires over the next 10 days.
  • 12 – visions come true very quickly and favorably.
  • 13 – avoid meeting with your enemies, so you will not fall into any trap.
  • 14 – dreams most likely will not come true.
  • 15 – visions are very favorable.
  • 16 – you should not attach any importance to sleep.
  • 17 – within 20 days the vision will come true.
  • 18 – the dream prophesies new things.
  • 19 – try to pay as much attention as possible to your loved ones.
  • 20 – the dream will soon come true.
  • 21 – in the coming week the vision will come true.
  • 22 – get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard to achieve well-being.
  • 23 – very soon the vision will come true.
  • 24 – a dream brings joy and goodness.
  • 25 - you can be deceived, but if you are on your guard, this will not happen.
  • 26 – visions prophesy pleasure.
  • 27 – dreams have no meaning.
  • 28 – the vision will come true within a month.
  • 29 – do not pay attention to what you dreamed.
  • 30 – the dream has a fantastic basis.
  • 31 – the dream prophesies the pleasure of love.

Let us note that you should not listen to visions that you dreamed only once, but if they are repeated at least three times, then this should already mean something. And they usually come true between the next morning and 9 months.

But these are only the dreams that a person saw at night; daytime dreams do not play any role and their interpretations are not at all necessary. Once again, let us make a reservation that those visions that were dreamed from 3 o’clock in the morning until dawn quickly come true; dreams from midnight to 3 o’clock can come true after 3 months, and from evening to midnight - after a long period of time. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Miss Hasse - This is the most mysterious of all existing mediums, both those who are no longer on earth and those now living. Not a single person in the world has been able to find out information about her birth and life. Her entire past is shrouded in a secret veil that no one can lift. It is noteworthy that many researchers tried to unravel this secret, but all their attempts ended in failure. In fact, we still don't know her real name. Miss Hasse was the pseudonym she used for her performances. In those times in which she lived, this was customary. Few people, even in artistic circles, used their own tenses. As a rule, unusual pseudonyms were chosen to add mystery to their image. This is what happened with Miss Hasse. What is known for certain is that she was born in 1854.

This happened in the Polish town of Milawa in a very poor family. From very early childhood, she discovered the gift of foresight and began to persistently develop it. She practiced daily guessing numbers and objects she couldn't see. She also constantly tried to read the thoughts of those around her. She tried very hard to succeed in this, because since childhood she had firmly decided for herself who she would become in life. So, day after day, she developed her abilities and at some point achieved amazing results. This is where the biographical information ends.

Next, she appears before the public as a clairvoyant, able to read other people's thoughts. She was engaged in this “craft” both in pre-revolutionary Russia and after the change of system. Moreover, after the collapse of the tsarist regime, people began to need it more urgently than before. They, experiencing conflicting feelings about what was happening, turned to her for advice and consolation. They tried to figure out their life, directing it in the right direction, which Miss Hasse helped them with. She gave them advice on how to behave in a given situation, told them about the future, both immediate and long-term. Every day she got more and more new clients, and former admirers of her talent turned to her again, bringing with them new questions that they could not solve on their own.

We can safely say that she became the most famous predictor of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She organized big performances at which she demonstrated her abilities. She easily connected with the public through her gifts. Here she staged enchanting shows that any magician would envy. She guessed what was hidden in the pockets of people unfamiliar to her, voiced their thoughts and secret desires. The performances took place in a light, relaxed atmosphere. The public received everything Miss Hasse said with a bang. Some people had a need to talk with the fortuneteller alone about the most secret things, and she did not refuse them. She communicated with people easily, without resorting to scientific terminology. This is how she became very close to them. The performances took place in different places, but wherever she appeared, she had fans everywhere. She seemed to bewitch people by telling them about the future. They paid close attention to her prophecies, trying to fulfill exactly everything she advised them.

It is noteworthy that her predictions were so simple that ordinary people understood them. This distinguishes her from Vanga or Nostradamus, whose interpretations require special decoding. It must be said that many of their predictions have remained a mystery, so even now scientists are working to find the right key to them. It happens that only after some time, when the event has already occurred, the meaning of the prediction becomes clear. Therefore, it becomes difficult to change anything, and it is generally impossible to prevent it. IN in this case prophecies become meaningless because they failed to benefit people. But it is the good of the people that is the goal that most mediums serve. But with Miss Hasse it was different. She simply said what should happen in a person's life, using simple language. Thanks to this, she was loved by her admirers.

In addition, she could not ignore the interpretation of dreams. She was firmly convinced that thanks to dreams one could predict the future, and she proved this theory more than once. It was this talent that she tried to document, so she published the book “Sleep and Dreams, or Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams.” This collection immediately found its admirers and literally immediately became very popular. Now, even after quite a long time, it still remains relevant. People, wanting to lift the veil of the future, constantly turn to him. It is through sleep that people receive signs from above. A whole string of images and events is built that carry deep meaning. The most fantastic dreams have a very real explanation, so Miss Hasse did not advise forgetting them. It is very important to clarify your vision and remember all the details. They can be very important in interpretation. The same image, but in different settings, does not have the same meaning. Therefore, Miss Hassa paid great attention to this. One word can have several meanings, depending on the situation.

It must be said that she used not only her abilities to create this dream book. She worked on it for a very long time and for her research in this area she turned to the teachings of other sages. Only in this way, by comparing her own visions and their experiences, was she able to interpret many images and phenomena. This is what helped her create such a detailed dream book. Images, events, phenomena - that's all she included in it. It is noteworthy that she spent a lot of time creating it. This was not a momentary impulse, but became a matter of many years.

The peculiarities of this dream book are that everything is interpreted very accurately and this is done in a simple, uncomplicated language understandable to ordinary people. She composed it in such a way that it would not be difficult for any person, even an ignorant one, to give an accurate interpretation of his dream. Consequently, her dream book was created in order to help people build their lives in such a way “so that later there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.” She is sure that everything is subject to man. If he correctly deciphers the signs from above, it will not be difficult for him to change the future based on his own interests. Thanks to dreams, a person can accept for himself the right decision, which will be the most profitable option for him. The dream book also helps to avoid many rash actions. By mitigating them, a person saves himself from many troubles that could interfere with his bright future. That is why her dream book was loved by people of her generation. All copies sold out in a matter of days. It is noteworthy that contemporaries turn to him every now and then, trying to find in him answers to their many questions.


To correctly decipher the dream, Miss Hasse created a whole scheme that made it possible to do this almost without error. So, first of all, she suggests paying attention to the frequency of the dream. It must be repeated at least three times. Next, she recommends noting the day of the week on which the dream occurred. In addition, you need to remember the date of the dream. Only by comparing all these factors, as well as remembering all the details of the dream, can you accurately decipher it, and therefore control your future. She even created her own chart to make it easier for people to navigate when trying to predict their future.


1st: The dream will come true and, most likely, good changes will come in life.

2nd: The dream does not require decoding, since it has no meaning.

3rd: The dream will come true soon.

4th: Most likely, the dream will come true, but this will not happen soon.

5th: The dream speaks of good events.

6th: The dream will come true, but probably after some time.

7th: The dream will bring happiness and will come true, but only if you don’t tell anyone about it.

8th: The dream speaks of the fulfillment of a dream.

9th: The dream will come true and very soon.

10th: The dream will come true, but will bring considerable problems.

11th: The dream will come true within 11 days and will bring happiness to the house.

12th: The dream is favorable and will come true quickly.

13th: Sleep will bring problems.

14th: The dream promises failure.

15th: The dream will come true soon.

16th: The dream has no meaning.

17th: The dream will come true after 20 days and will bring happiness.

18th: Dreams promise good profits and new purchases.

19th: Dreams predict various troubles associated with family life.

20th: These dreams will come true in the very near future.

21st: Dreams seen on this day will come true 11 days after the occurrence and will bring joy.

22nd: A dream seen on this date speaks of a threatening danger and talks about how it can be avoided.

23rd: Dreams will come true in the near future.

24th: Dreams are very good. They promise joy and will come true very soon.

25th: These dreams warn against lies and deception.

26th: Dreams seen on this day promise all kinds of pleasures, fun and entertainment.

27th: These dreams do not carry any meaning. They are faceless and should not be paid attention to.

28th: ​​The fulfillment of these dreams must be expected within 30 days and they warn about minor difficulties that may arise on a person’s path.

29th: Dreams that come this night do not come true. You shouldn't pay any attention to them.

30th: Dreams are bizarre, unusual and even fantastic. They may come true, or they may not, and this can happen both in the near and distant future.

31st: This dream is given 15 days to come true and they promise victory on the love front, as well as joy and pleasure.

Thus, we can say that using these recommendations you can easily decipher the message from above in the form of a dream.

Nowadays, there are at least 4 ancient dream books that people read, trying to unravel the meaning of their dreams and make their lives more understandable and safe. One of these works is Miss Hasse’s dream book, which was incredibly popular back in Tsarist Russia, and although now the former excitement around this creation has subsided, some of the most persistent interpreters still turn to it in order to penetrate deeper into the mystery of their own dreams.

Miss Hasse

Little is known about this mysterious person. Perhaps the most accessible information is that she was a professional medium at that time, who loved her work and understood it very well. Areas such as communication with spirits and the study of dreams were in the first place for Miss Hasse, and, to its credit, she devoted a huge amount of her time to these activities, which ultimately allowed her to compile her collection of interpretations of dream images. It was possible to do this only after a lot of material had been collected - more than 1000 dreams different people and their associations associated with what they saw.

This amazing woman was born into an ordinary working-class family in the Polish city of Mlawa, on March 25, 1854. Already from childhood, she was a “different” child with unusual abilities, on the fly guessing numbers and words that others had not yet had time to voice - this marked the beginning of her main activity, and soon Miss Hasse became very popular in Europe as a fortuneteller, medium and person who can read minds.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Miss Hasse called her creation dedicated to dreams “Sleep and Dreams, or a Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams.” This work was published after many years of work, analysis and selection of information, studying the dreams of thousands of volunteers and comparing all this with the works of various philosophers and scientists of antiquity. This truly professional, in-depth work made it possible to truly systematize all the collected information and put it into an easy-to-understand context. As a result, more than a thousand names of images received the most comprehensive interpretations, however, the work did not end there. Miss Hasse was sure that not all dreams are speaking and come true, and the essence and method of interpretation of a dream depends on the date when it was dreamed. At the same time, there are dreams that you shouldn’t pay attention to at all. Considering this, when interpreting the dreams provided, the fortuneteller relied on the calendar day, date and phase of the moon, which allowed her to most accurately determine the importance of certain images. Also in the dream book you can find the designation of sleep for each day of the month.

Probability of dreams coming true according to Miss Hasse's dream book

So that you have the opportunity to determine how important your dream is and whether it is worth interpreting, Miss Hasse provides a kind of table for the dates of the month, starting from the first from the new moon:

1. Everything you dream will come true, bringing with it good luck and goodness;
2. Meaningless, empty dreams;
3. Wait for the next execution;
4. You will have to wait a long time for the dream to come true;
5. Exclusive positive energy, expectation of good events;
6. Look 4;
7. Don’t tell anyone about your dream, it is prophetic and has a lot of positive impact on your life;
8. Everything hidden will be fulfilled;
9. Everything that you saw will come true and will lead you to success and good luck in business;
10. Unfortunately, everything will come true, but it will not bring you happiness;
11. 11 days until fulfillment, good luck and happiness;
12. Expect speedy fulfillment;
13. Be careful, as dreams are negative and provoke bad consequences;
14. Omen of failure;
15. Fulfillment will come very quickly and extremely safely;
16. Watch 2;
17. Look at 11;
18. Material support and successful purchases;
19. Beware of family feuds and problems;
20. The dream is prophetic and will soon come true;
21. Look at 11;
22. We are afraid of failures;
23. Look 20;
24. Everything bright and good will come true in the shortest possible time;
25. Beware of deceptions;
26. Breathe freely and let your emotions come out, all symbols are positive and bring pleasure;
27. Watch 2;
28. Expect execution in 30 days, but be prepared to solve new problems;
29. Look 2;
30. Significant, or, on the contrary, absolutely useless dreams that never come true or affect your life later long time;
31. Average execution - 15 days. Expect good luck in love and the settlement of romantic relationships.

The biography of this fortuneteller is less studied than life path Nostradamus, Freud or Vanga. We know her as Miss Hasse - the owner of the amazing gift of providence, reading other people's thoughts and clairvoyance.

Miss Hasse born into a poor Polish family of workers, in the town of Mlawa, on March 25, 1854. From childhood, she was distinguished by her amazing ability to guess numbers and words hidden from her eyes. Thanks to this gift, as well as the ability to read other people's thoughts, Miss Hasse became the most famous person in Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. She was considered the greatest medium, clairvoyant and fortuneteller.

The popularity of her predictions was based not only on amazing prophecies, but also on the relative ease with which she could guess what was beyond the power of the common man. The prophecies of Nostradamus and Freud are difficult to perceive and solve, since they are based on knowledge of philosophy and psychology; Miss Hasse's predictions are drawn from folk knowledge and the magic of numbers.

Miss Hasse could not ignore such a largely mysterious side of human existence as dreams and dreams. She studied dreams for many years, made certain conclusions and analyzes based on the dreams of different people and their consequences, studied the works of ancient and modern philosophers who tried to penetrate the secrets of dreams. Miss Hasse systematized her work in the book “Sleep and Dreams, or the Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams,” which was the most popular dream interpreter in Tsarist Russia.

The interpretations of dreams in this dream book are distinguished by laconicism and brevity, which is often the reason for an ambiguous explanation of dreams when trying to independently understand the meaning expressed by Miss Hasse. Perhaps the seer herself could explain some interpretations differently than a casual reader of her work.

Miss Hasse's dream book helps to understand not only the meaning of dreams. The fortuneteller compiled a kind of table of dates by which one can determine whether the dream will come true or not, that is, whether it is prophetic. According to the medium, not every dream is capable of predicting any events, and he links this property of dreams to the date of the dream and the phases of the moon.

Below is a table according to which you can determine how high the probability is that the dream will come true or not. The probability of this is determined depending on the day of the month when the dream took place, counting from the new moon.

  • 1st: Dreams on this day come true exactly and portend good things.
  • 2-e: Dreams are empty and meaningless.
  • 3-e: Dreams that can be quickly fulfilled.
  • 4th: Dreams do not come true soon.
  • 5-e: Dreams of good meaning.
  • 6th: Dreams come true, but not soon.
  • 7th: Dreams are happy, but you should not tell anyone about them.
  • 8th: Dreams lead to the fulfillment of desires.
  • 9th: Dreams come true and promise quick success.
  • 10th: Dreams come true, but lead to trouble.
  • 11th: Dreams come true within eleven days and lead to joyful events.
  • 12th: Dreams come true quickly and safely.
  • 13th: Dreams lead to trouble.
  • 14th: Bad dreams.
  • 15th: Dreams will come true soon and very favorably.
  • 16th: Dreams do not come true and have no meaning.
  • 17th: Dreams promise success and come true within twenty days.
  • 18th: Dreams lead to profit and new things.
  • 19th: Dreams lead to family troubles.
  • 20th: Dreams will soon come true.
  • 21st: Dreams come true within eleven days and lead to joy.
  • 22nd: Dreams warn of trouble.
  • 23rd: Dreams will soon come true.
  • 24th: Dreams are joyful and will soon come true.
  • 25th: Dreams of lies and deceit.
  • 26th: Dreams of pleasure and fun.
  • 27th: Dreams are meaningless, colorless and have no meaning.
  • 28th: ​​Dreams promise some difficulties and come true within thirty days.
  • 29th: Dreams do not come true.
  • 30th: Dreams are fantastic, they do not always come true and do not come true soon.
  • 31st: Dreams of love victories and pleasures; come true within fifteen days.

These days, Miss Hasse's dream book has lost its former super popularity. Nevertheless, even now people turn to her dream interpreter, trying to understand the essence of the message from the future, which appeared in the form of night images.

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