How long does the mash infuse with sugar and yeast? Oak barrels

So how long should you steep the mash for moonshine? The time will depend on the raw materials used and their quality, as well as the quality of water, sugar and yeast. Do not use boiled water to prepare mash: it lacks the oxygen that yeast needs to breathe. In addition to the quality and type of raw materials, the temperature, air humidity and the presence/absence of drafts influence how long the mash should be left to brew. Due to such an abundance of parameters, it is only possible to navigate the readiness time approximately. On average, this figure ranges from 7 to 10 days.

Below are the approximate fermentation times for mash made from different raw materials:

Sugar mash: 5-14 days (optimally 7-10 days)
Grain mash: 3-7 days
Grape mash without using yeast (with “wild” yeast): 3-9 weeks
Homemade jam: 5-10 days
Braga on peaches: 30-35 days
Braga with birch sap: 7-15 days

To distill fully matured mash, it is best for a beginning distiller (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand) that meets quality standards. It will make distillation an easy, non-burdensome process. High-quality moonshine will allow you to fully enjoy the organoleptics, as well as please your friends and family with delicious drinks.

What is mash?

Braga is a wort containing sugar and yeast. When the yeast ferments, the sugar produces ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and a small amount of foreign substances and impurities.

How to make mash from sugar?

There is a very simple way to prepare mash: dissolve 1 kg of sugar in 4-5 liters warm water Then, in a small amount of warm water (about 30*C), you need to dissolve 20g of dry, or 100g of fresh pressed yeast and pour the yeast into sugar syrup. Mix well and leave to ferment for several days.

Alcoholic fermentation is a process in which, through fermentation with yeast, sugar is converted into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What temperature should be for successful fermentation?

The optimal temperature is from 18 to 40*C. If the temperature is below 18 degrees, the process can slow down greatly, but if it is overheated to a temperature above 40*C, the yeast bacteria will die.

How long does it take to prepare the mash?

The readiness of the mash depends on two factors: the raw materials used and the temperature. Usually the mash ferments from 3 to 14 days

How to determine whether the mash is ready?

The main criterion for readiness is taste. The mash should not be sweet (that is, all the sugar should dissolve). Carbon dioxide also stops being released, and the required time fermentation. But all these signs need to be looked at as a whole. For example, enough time has passed and the mash no longer emits carbon dioxide, but the taste remains sweet - this means that you made a mistake in the proportions between the ingredients or in the choice of yeast. In this case, it is necessary for the mash to “ferment.” If you don't want to lose any amount of product.

How much moonshine should I make from my mash?

Typically, 1 kg of mash sugar can yield 1 liter of moonshine with a strength of up to 50%. On an industrial scale, 1.28 liters of 50% strength is considered an excellent result, 1.24 liters is a good result, and 1.2 is a satisfactory result. For accurate calculations, you can use a moonshiner's calculator.

How to make mash for moonshine?

You can make mash in any container intended for food products. It is better that the lid does not close tightly or has holes so that carbon dioxide can escape freely. Typically, fermentation proceeds very vigorously and no additional protection from foreign bacteria is required.

What does moonshine consist of?

Moonshine consists of ethyl alcohol, water and impurities formed during the life of yeast and their interaction with oxygen. To produce a high-quality drink, you need to strive to reduce the amount of impurities. This can be achieved by using high-quality raw materials and strict adherence to fermentation technology.

Why does distillation from mash produce moonshine?

If all the technology is followed, alcohol begins to boil already at a temperature of 77 degrees, and this is much earlier than water. When mash (a fermented mixture of alcohol and water) boils, the alcohol evaporates much more intensely than water. When this steam is cooled, the alcohol content in the resulting liquid increases significantly. In addition, non-evaporating impurities (for example, salts) remain in the cube - this is cleaning.

How to properly distill moonshine?

At the very beginning of distillation there are “heads”, or, as they say, “primary”, these impurities contain a large number of harmful substances that have a boiling point lower than alcohol. This part is not used for consumption and is approximately 50 milliliters for every kilogram of sugar in the mash. Next comes the used part. And then - again the unusable part - the “tails”, which contains a very large amount of harmful and bad-smelling components that boil after alcohol. The beginning of the “tail” part is determined when the strength of the moonshine is 40% - at this moment it stops boiling. The amount of such “tail” waste is approximately 100 ml per 1 kg of sugar in the mash.


No. 1 Is water for mash very important?

The main requirement is that the water must be potable. You should not use boiled or distilled water, as it may be too soft and may not have the necessary trace elements and sufficient oxygen to ensure good yeast fermentation.

No. 2 What is the best yeast to use?

The choice of yeast must be taken seriously. Most often, fresh pressed baker's yeast is used in mash; it ferments well and gives excellent results. But it’s best to get special yeast for alcohol - this will be an ideal option.

No. 3 Why does mash ferment poorly?

This can happen for several reasons: not enough heat, bad - not fresh or low-quality yeast, not enough yeast.

No. 4 Yeast loves warmth, should the container with mash be insulated?

Yes, the yeast should be kept warm, but whether to insulate it additionally depends on the temperature in the room. And it is worth remembering that during fermentation heat is also released. Well, in a cool room, you should still wrap the barrel with mash, but constantly monitor the temperature.

No. 5 Braga has stopped fermenting, but is still sweet, why?

Most likely, the yeast has already released so much alcohol that it is no longer able to develop normally. Apparently, the proportions were violated when preparing the mash - a lot of sugar was added or the wrong yeast was used.

#6 Can you make moonshine from fruits?

Of course you can. Moreover, such moonshine will be best quality than from sugar. But most likely, you will have to add sugar, since fruits often do not have sufficient sugar content.

No. 7 Why is yeast fermentation necessary and how to determine its ability to ferment wort?

Typically, yeast is sold in a depressed state and cannot immediately begin to ferment well, or it may not be viable at all. In order to ensure the quality of the yeast, you need to put it on preliminary fermentation. To do this, yeast is diluted in 0.5 liters of unboiled drinking water and add 70g sugar. Then this mixture is placed in a warm place (ideally the temperature should be 30 degrees) in an open container for 1-1.5 hours and stirred frequently to dissolve oxygen. The main sign of yeast activity is fluffy foam.

No. 8 Under what conditions should yeast be stored?

All conditions and storage periods for yeast are usually indicated on the packaging. But, despite the standard shelf life of compressed yeast is 7-10 days, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year without the risk of loss of fermentation ability. Such yeast must be defrosted in warm water and then be sure to ferment it.

No. 9 How to close the container with mash?

There is an excellent folk method– a rubber glove is put on the container with the mash, and 1-3 punctures are made on the fingers with a needle to release carbon dioxide. Popularly, such a water seal is called “Greetings to Gorbachev.” This device helps control the fermentation process. If the glove is inflated, the process is underway; if it falls off, it means it has completely fermented, and it’s time for distillation. However, it should be borne in mind that with a sharp drop in temperature, the glove also falls off, sometimes even being sucked into the vessel.


No. 1 How much mash should I pour into the cube of the apparatus?

It is better not to fill the cube more than 3/4 in height. This prevents foam from splashing outward, and also reduces splashes getting into the refrigerator tube.

No. 2 At what speed should you distill moonshine?

Only the “heads” need to be selected at low speed, so it is easier to separate them from the food part. The speed of distillation of the food part can only be limited by the design capabilities of the apparatus and the ability to effectively conduct and cool steam. The quality of the moonshine body does not suffer at all from the high distillation speed.

No. 3 Why does the distillation speed drop and I have to increase the heat?

Since there is less and less alcohol left in the tank, more water evaporates, and more heat is required to evaporate the water. And also, when the tank heats up strongly, heat is more actively transferred to the environment.

No. 4 Why did I suddenly get cloudy moonshine? So what should I do?

Most often, cloudy moonshine is obtained when mash is thrown into the refrigerator (this phenomenon was previously called “shoulder strap”). At a strong boil, the mash “runs away” like milk, and the foam goes into the tube. The heat needs to be reduced. This cloudy moonshine can be poured into the next portion of mash for distillation.

No. 5 The distillation had to be unexpectedly interrupted. Then you can continue, and how?

You can simply heat it up and continue distilling. In this case, there is no need to select the “heads” - they have already left the first time.


No. 1 Why clean moonshine?

When yeast ferments, harmful substances are released that end up in the moonshine. You need to get rid of them through cleaning. Many moonshiners are also prompted to perform additional cleaning by the unpleasant smell and cloudiness of the drink. But still, the main argument in favor of cleaning is considered to be the large number of harmful impurities, which sometimes even have a very pleasant smell.

#2 What cleaning methods are available at home?

Can be filtered through substances that absorb impurities - Activated carbon. Repeated distillation with dilution can also help. You can also use protein-rich foods, such as milk or eggs, to clean moonshine. We add the product to moonshine, the protein coagulates and precipitates over time. Protein retains harmful substances, which are then filtered out along with it. Only rectification will help completely remove the unpleasant odor.

No. 3 How to distill moonshine 50% a second time, just pour it into the machine, and the process starts!?

Before the second distillation, the moonshine must be diluted to at least 40, and preferably to 10%. Repeated moonshine is carried out not only to increase the strength, but also for additional purification from harmful and foul-smelling impurities. Distilling strong moonshine makes it very difficult to separate impurities.

There are many recipes for making mash, and its choice depends on the type of raw material that we intend to use to prepare the wort. Certainly classic recipe Moonshiners are: 3-4 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast. If you follow this proportion, then ideally you get 0.51 liters of pure 96% alcohol. The estimated output is 1/1, i.e. 1 liter of moonshine with a strength of 40° from 1 kg of sugar. This takes into account all the losses, when for various reasons it is impossible to accurately follow the entire technological process of both fermentation and distillation. The choice of all three main components of the wort from which the mash will ultimately be made: water, sugar and yeast is very important, because the quality of the final product mainly depends on them.

Yeast— For the best result, it is best to use ready-made pressed yeast, alcoholic or brewer’s, but you should not use yeast for baking, you won’t get mash, but the yield of the final product will be much less.

Sugar— What can be said about ordinary store-bought sugar, “it’s sugar and sugar in Africa”, the only thing that can distinguish it is what it’s packaged in, because... It is more convenient to measure sugar in 1 or 5 kg bags than from a 50 kg bag.

Water— by and large, any water can be used. But the main thing is that any water, whether from a tap or from a “holy spring,” must be allowed to settle and passed through a household filter. Note: I have the opportunity to use water from a source not far from the city, they say the water there is healing, and much more (people generally say a lot of things), but the moonshine turns out good, maybe for this reason, so the choice is yours.


To prepare mash, we need a fermentation container. Naturally, we select its volume depending on the amount of wort that we want to ferment. Glass cylinders (or jars) or plastic containers (labeled “for food products”) are best suited for this, but iron or galvanized ones cannot be used at all. Note: I only use glass containers. I can’t say anything bad about plastic containers (for food), but for me glass is more reliable (in terms of at least the theoretical possibility of releasing foreign substances in the mash from plastic containers).


First of all, we need to dissolve sugar and yeast in water. Pour 4-5 liters of water into a saucepan and heat to about 30°C (accuracy is not important for now), and pour 1 liter into a separate container (there we will dissolve the yeast), then heat the remaining water to 40-45°C. Dissolve 100 g of yeast in warm water (the temperature of which should not exceed 30°C (otherwise the yeast will die). Stir until it is completely dissolved, then it should sit for a while.

Having heated the water in the pan to the required temperature (40-45°C), and removed the water from the heat, add 1 kg of sugar in small portions (it is very important that all the sugar dissolves). The water in the pan should cool to 20-25°C (during this time the yeast will rise). Now the sugar solution is ready, pour it into fermentation containers (for this we use two three-liter glass jars).

Add yeast diluted in water into containers. It is convenient to use measuring cups for this.

Fermentation takes place in three stages: initial, main and post-fermentation.

Initial fermentation

During the fermentation process, yeast decomposes the sugar contained in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide. On initial stage fermentation, a violent reaction occurs with a large release of carbon dioxide, and the temperature of the wort rises by several degrees. Very important: to prevent the entry of air and the exit of carbon dioxide, close the fermentation container (in this case, a jar) with a special fermentation seal.

As you can see in the photo, the carbon dioxide released during fermentation filled the rubber gloves put on the lids of the jars. Gloves are the “classic” option; it is more convenient to use a special lid with a water seal for these purposes.

Main fermentation

The main fermentation is also accompanied by abundant foam. In order not to use various defoamers (for example, crushed biscuits), they are simply left in the fermentation tanks. free place. You need to be more careful with foam, because it can get out, clog the valve, and most of the wort will simply disappear.


During fermentation, the foam settles, carbon dioxide bubbles stop appearing, and the mash itself becomes lighter and stratifies. Now it is important to correctly determine the moment when the mash is fully ripe. It must be said that this skill is acquired only with experience. According to technology, this takes 7-10 days.

That's it, we drain the mash from the sediment through a tube and distill it.

The fermentation process of mash depends on several factors, and all of them can either speed it up or slow it down. There is no clear answer to the question of how long mash ferments with sugar. This burning issue is often discussed by distillers in various forums.

When discussing why your neighbor’s mash is ready in 5 days, but your own product, made with love and attention, refuses to ferment, it’s worth paying attention to a number of factors.

Fermentation of mash

But it is not a fact that something was done incorrectly, because fermentation has a certain time frame. The mash can be ready in 5 days, or it can sit for a long time and slowly bubble for 14 days.

Sugar mash is a sensitive product, for this reason it is affected by a number of factors:

  1. The mash will ferment faster if it contains yeast. The speed of fermentation depends on the quality and type of microorganisms.
  2. Product quality. If the base is prepared not only from sugar and yeast, then you should pay attention to the quality of the grain or fruit.
  3. Location affects how much the mash costs. If it is in a warm and dark place with a stable temperature, then the fermentation process is not in danger.
  4. The base for sugar moonshine, or rather, the degree of its readiness, depends on the choice of container. If the dishes are made of the wrong material, then this fact will affect not only the degree of readiness of the product, but also the taste and smell of the alcohol.

The quality of yeast is one of the factors that a novice moonshiner should pay attention to. If microorganisms are not of high quality, they will work slowly. The mash will sit for a long time and may eventually turn sour; such a product should not be processed.

If there is yeast in the mash, then you should pay attention to its variety. Wort with alcoholic yeast ferments faster: for the mash to reach readiness, only 5–6 days will be enough.

But beer and wine yeast slightly slow down the ripening process. Their use leads to the fact that the product will be ready for processing no earlier than in 14–15 days.

However, this is not the limit; the mash ferments with wild yeast for about 30–60 days. Wild yeast is a natural microorganism that is found on the surface of fruits, vegetables, berries and grains.

Exactly how long the fermentation process will take will help you understand the quality of the wort. If the products are good (meaning grain, fruits or berries), without rot or mold, then the mash will be ready in about 10 days.

When placing the container with mash in a dark and warm place with a stable temperature, it is worth understanding that this factor has a direct impact on the process of maturation of raw materials. If the room is hot or cold, microorganisms may die or freeze. Stabilizing the temperature will help revive, or reanimate, fungi, but this method is not always effective.

It is advisable to choose to create good product suitable utensils. Glass is considered the best material for the container in which the mash will ferment. You can use aluminum, stainless steel and plastic. But not galvanized containers, since zinc can affect human health, and metal impurities will invariably spoil the taste of the product ready for processing.

The fermentation of mash takes place in several stages, but if we briefly describe the essence of the process, it lies in the fact that microorganisms process sugar and convert it into alcohol.

Sugar, glucose and fructose are the main food of yeast. If there is little sugar in the mash, then the microorganisms will have nothing to feed on, they will not be able to reproduce and the fermentation process will proceed slowly.

Measuring the fermentation rate

So, how long should the mash ferment:

  • the mash made on the basis of sugar using yeast will be ready in about 5–7 days;
  • a product based on grain, sugar and yeast will be ready for distillation in about 7–10 days;
  • on sugar and wild yeast - after 30–45 days;
  • The mash ferments with wild yeast without sugar for up to 60 days.

On average, raw materials can be ready for processing in 2–3 days, it all depends on the recipe. This kind of mash is called fast, but this is not a speed record: you can find recipes that will allow you to make mash and bring it to readiness in 2 hours.

The average duration of the fermentation process varies from 5 to 14 days. Using the same recipe, you may encounter the problem of ripening time for raw materials. But don’t rush to conclusions or panic - this is not an indication that the recipe has been violated, and the mash will ultimately be unsuitable for processing.

Moonshine can be influenced in various ways; its quality can be improved by using multiple distillations, a filter system, etc. With mash, everything is more complicated - speeding up the process of its maturation is not so simple, but it is still possible, there are several proven methods.

How to speed up the fermentation process?

When the brew ferments, active release of carbon dioxide occurs and foaming occurs. If this does not happen, then you should think about what the problem is. Often the reason lies in the low quality of yeast or other products. However, identifying the problem is not so easy. To prevent the product from disappearing, it is recommended to feed it.

Fertilizers are enzymes, or substances that can affect the fermentation process. They are used for several reasons, in most cases feeding is additional nutrition for the yeast.

If microorganisms do not have enough food, they can be fed. What can be used as top dressing:

  1. Chemical substances.
  2. Malt.

Used as an accelerator ammonia- this is the easiest way. Despite the fact that this substance has a specific odor, it is often used in moonshine. By observing the proportion of 1 gram per 1 liter of mash, you can achieve good results. This will help speed up the fermentation process without significantly affecting the quality of the product.

Distillers also use fertilizers for plants that contain nitrogen and phosphorus. The proportion is as follows: only 2–3 grams of fertilizer per 1 kilogram of sugar. As a rule, fertilizers are used if alcohol production is carried out on an industrial scale. In normal cases, you can wait.

Superphosphate or ammonium sulfate will help shorten the ripening period of the wort. Officially, these substances are considered safe for human health, for this reason they are used in the preparation of distillate.

If chemistry causes fear and mistrust, then you can speed up the process of preparing raw materials for moonshine using malt. Grains are used as malt: wheat, barley, rye, and so on.

The method of preparing a yeast activator on a natural basis is not particularly complicated, but still has a number of nuances.

So, the method for making malt at home:

  • You will have to germinate the grains, then dry them and grind them into flour - this is the basis for malt.
  • We heat the water to a temperature of 60–65 degrees and pour the base into the liquid, carefully stirring the wort with a spoon or wooden spatula.
  • Without lowering the temperature, cook the raw material for about 4–5 minutes, remembering to stir it while cooking.
  • Then we cool the fertilizing to 30 degrees, and send it to the container in which the mash ferments. Mix everything thoroughly again and close with a lid with a water seal.

Naturally, this method of activating microorganisms is not as effective as using chemicals. But it is distinguished by its naturalness, which is important.

You can feed the mash with chicken droppings, but this method is not suitable for everyone, but it can also be called natural. Some moonshiners are so embarrassed by the news that alcohol contains chicken droppings that they refuse to drink such a drink.

Sometimes it’s enough just to stir and shake the mash regularly so that it’s ready on time. This method can be called ineffective, but in combination with others it gives good results. The fact is that yeast is microorganisms that require oxygen; if there is little oxygen, the wort will ferment slowly. But it is important to know when to stop: if you shake the container too often and constantly stir the product, there is a high risk of reducing the alcohol content in its composition. That is, the mash will be less strong, which will also affect the strength of the moonshine.

For those who do not like chemistry and do not particularly like the distillate, which includes chicken manure, there is an alternative. This is a series of components that can speed up the fermentation process and at the same time are of natural origin.

So, what will help speed up the work of yeast microorganisms:

  1. You can add bread from rye flour. This product will speed up the fermentation process; for 25–30 liters, only 1 loaf will be enough. The bread will have to be finely cut into slices or cubes and poured into a container. But it is worth keeping in mind that after distillation, moonshine will have a specific aroma. Also, turbidity may appear, which repeated distillation will help get rid of.
  2. If there is sugar in the mash, you can crush several grapes, raspberries or strawberries and add them to the wort - this will help revive the microorganisms. The berries are added along with the juice, but they should not be washed.
  3. For fruit and berry distillates, a raisin-based fertilizer is suitable. It is enough to throw just 30 grams of raisins into a container for the fermentation process to begin. This product contains wild yeast on the surface, which will help significantly speed up the fermentation process. You can also use other dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, etc.
  4. Juice from berries or fruits has similar properties. By pouring about 120 milliliters of juice into the mash, you will notice how it perks up. But you should use freshly squeezed juice, and not the kind that is sold in bags.

If the recipe contains yeast, you can add that too. If the product does not show signs of fermentation, then after 24 hours you should start adding yeast to it. They do this slowly, it is recommended to start with minimal doses of 10 grams, then stir the wort and observe it for several hours. It is advisable to dilute the yeast in warm water, so it will start working faster.

When understanding the question of how much mash for moonshine should cost, it is worth noting that each distiller can determine the degree of readiness of the raw material for distillation, based on organoleptic properties: taste, color, transparency. Such an assessment helps not to make mistakes with calculations and begin processing the product in a timely manner.

The mash production process has some features, compliance with which is the key to obtaining a high-quality base for moonshine. If the conditions for its preparation were violated in some way, fermentation may be significantly delayed or stop altogether.

Why does mash ferment for a long time?

On average, if all necessary conditions are met, the mash reaches readiness within a period of several days to two weeks. But sometimes the process is significantly delayed. What should you check first?


Braga may ferment poorly if the temperature in the room with the fermentation container drops below 20 degrees. Excessively high temperatures also harm the process, but overheating is somewhat more difficult than overcooling, because yeast can only die at temperatures above 35 degrees.

Read also:

The proportions may not be met when placing products

The ideal ratio when preparing mash with sugar and yeast: you need to take three times more water than sugar. Yeast - 50-70 grams per 1 kg of sugar. If there is not enough yeast and too much sugar, the mash will turn out sweet, the yeast will not have time to process the entire amount completely. If products containing sugar are used for mash - for example, fruits, berries or jam - you should reduce the initial amount of sugar or add yeast.

Poor quality products

When preparing mash, you cannot use boiled, chlorinated or mineral water. You also need to check whether the yeast has expired, and do not use yeast that has been stored in inappropriate conditions. They must be diluted strictly in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Fermentation is improved by special alcohol or wine yeast.

If the fermentation process is prolonged, you can feed the mash

Some natural products will do rye bread, a handful of raisins or a couple of spoons of any jam. If it is possible to obtain malt, it can be an excellent supplement. Garden fertilizers - urea or superphosphates - are also often used. You can add special yeast with additives. This will improve the yeast growth process and fermentation will speed up.

Regular stirring helps improve fermentation. To avoid opening or depressurizing the container, you can gently shake it a couple of times a day.

Why doesn't the mash ferment?

If the mash has stopped fermenting or has not even started, there may be several reasons for this: most of them are listed above, they can either slow down the process or stop it completely, without waiting for the mash to be completely ready for distillation.

Read also:

What other factors can influence the cessation of fermentation?

  1. Perhaps the process simply hasn’t started yet, not enough time has passed. Then you just need to wait a little. The mash begins to ferment 8-10 hours after adding the products.
  2. The yeast died during preparation and propagation. Yeast must be diluted in warm water, no higher than 30 degrees. Excess optimal temperature destructive for them.
  3. The fermentation tank has become depressurized. If this happened, oxygen got inside, and instead of mash it turned out to be vinegar. Further use of such a product becomes impossible.
  4. If fermentation stops as the temperature drops, you can try to revive the mash: you need to wrap it well and place it closer to the heat source. You can use an aquarium heater, or slightly heat the container with mash in another way. Just don’t overdo it: in an overheated mash, the yeast will simply die. True, in this case there is also a way out. If the dead yeast precipitates, you need to carefully drain the liquid and add a portion of fresh yeast. Perhaps this will save the situation and the mash will be revived.
  5. Excess sunlight. Fermentation should be carried out in a dark place, without access to light. In the light, harmful microorganisms may begin to multiply, which will compete with the yeast and hinder the process.

How long does the mash ferment?

Fermentation can last from several days to two or even three weeks. The more accurately all the necessary conditions, the faster the process occurs.
The earliest to ripen is mash made with fruit or starch-containing products - grains, legumes or potatoes.

Almost every house 20 years ago made moonshine. It is needed for drinks, for household purposes, and for medical purposes. The culture of making alcohol at home has not gone away. It is being joined by more and more of those who are tired of harmful alcohol, it is not clear what it is made from, and the same alcoholic drinks.

Technology for preparing mash for moonshine

Braga is prepared from three components: yeast, sugar, water. Sugar and yeast are easiest to buy ready-made.

Wild yeast is found on the surface of berries (raspberries, rose hips, strawberries, currants, grapes and unprocessed raisins), fruits (apples), and grain crops (wheat, corn, barley).

Important! Fruits and grains are not heated above 30 degrees C so that a coating of microorganisms remains on them.

Grains can first be fermented - prepare a starter, which is then poured into the main amount of syrup. To make the starter, mix sugar, grain and water and leave it for several days without a water seal. When it begins to actively foam, the starter is ready. Sometimes the grains are mixed with all the syrup at once and left to ferment.

Mash is common on starchy grains, legumes, and vegetables. These include wheat, corn, rice, barley, oats, potatoes, and peas. Instead of sugar, malt is used - sprouted grain. It contains natural enzymes that break down starch into sugar and convert it into alcohol. Dry enzymes (amylosubtilin and glucavamorin) are inexpensive, give a high yield of the final product, but partially harm its organoleptic properties (taste and smell).

Glucose and fructose in fruits promote fermentation, but store-bought sugar is usually added to them.

Using wild yeast and fruit sugar, a product with a pleasant herbal aroma and taste is obtained. But the alcohol yield is less than from mash made with purchased sucrose and yeast.

How does the fermentation process occur?

Yeast dissolved in water eats sugar, converting it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. As soon as there is too much alcohol in the water, the yeast does not eat sugar and does not produce alcohol. There must be the right amount of microorganisms, their food (sugar) and space for activity (water).

Wild yeast produces alcohol until its concentration reaches 11%. The ratio of sugar and water is 1:5.

Bread yeast is active at 12% alcohol. They are designed to release carbon dioxide. Take 5 liters of water per kilogram.

There are alcohol yeasts that are active even if the mash already contains 18% alcohol. They require less water - 4 liters per 1 kg of sugar.

1 kg of sugar yields 600 ml of alcohol. 10% of this figure is toxic waste.

All components are poured into the container, leaving a fourth of it free for future foam. The grain mash is kept open for the first couple of days, and then a water seal is installed.

Excess carbon dioxide also interferes with fermentation. It is released from the liquid a couple of times a day by shaking it.

Important! Fermentation occurs at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. If it is higher or lower, the yeast dies.

It is better to use alcoholic yeast to prepare mash.

Approximate fermentation time for different types of mash

The minimum fermentation time is 1 day with turbo yeast, the maximum is more than a month. This is influenced primarily by the choice of yeast (wild or store-bought). The choice of sugar is also important: fruit sugar in fruits, store-bought sugar or starch products that still need to be worked on by enzymes. There are the following main types of mash and fermentation durations:

  1. Braga with sugar. Ferments for 5 days - 2 weeks.
  2. Mash made with starch products (grain, potatoes, peas, corn) takes 3 to 5 days to prepare.
  3. Fruit mashes with purchased yeast cost 2-3 weeks.
  4. The mash matures with wild yeast for 2 weeks to a month and a half.

The finished mash retains its quality for a month in the basement (except for grain mash, which sours).

Factors influencing the fermentation process of mash

Fermentation is determined by various factors. Even professionals do not accurately predict the fermentation time of a particular wort and the end result. Some believe that the time of mixing the components, the phase of the moon at which the whole process occurs, and the situation in the house are influenced. For example, it should be morning, and the month is just young.

There are main factors:

  • Braga, first of all, depends on the quality of the initial ingredients: purchased or wild yeast, the composition of the water, the type and variety of plants, sugar.
  • The accuracy of the recipe (including proportions) is important.
  • Temperature and humidity.

Choosing the right yeast

All yeasts have pros and cons; for each type of mash, their own yeast is selected:

  • Bakery products (dry, pressed). Dry ones are useful in reserve - they are stored better. Fermentation is more active on pressed ones. The advantages of this type: easy to buy, cheap, can be used in any mash. Cons: the smell is not pleasant for everyone, there are many harmful components, low alcohol yield and high carbon dioxide yield.
  • Alcoholic yeast. Give a high product yield; less harmful than the first type; they don't smell like anything. It is worth considering the disadvantages: they have a higher price, they are purchased on the Internet and in special stores.
  • Wine. Used for cereal and fruit bases. They do not smell and emit few hazardous substances. You will also have to look for them, they have a low yield and a high price.
  • Turbo yeast. They save time, have a neutral odor, high alcohol yield, and are temperature resistant. There is only one drawback - they are expensive.

Capacity and location

Choose a container made of wood, glass or plastic. If it is metal, then aluminum or stainless steel. Peculiarities:

  • Low-quality plastic can release toxic substances.
  • Aluminum oxidizes and can also spoil the taste and smell of alcohol and harm your health.
  • Glass is safe, but transmits light, heat and breaks easily.
  • The listed disadvantages do not exist in stainless steel. But she's expensive.
  • Wood has the same only drawback - cost. An additional advantage: it adds its own flavors to the product.

The volume varies: from a 3-liter jar to 500-liter containers.

The location is chosen at your own discretion, the main thing is to maintain the required degrees in the room.

Optimal temperature conditions

The optimal temperature for mash does not fall below 20 and does not rise above 30 degrees C. Within these limits the process goes well. The average number (22-25 degrees) is close to the concept of “optimal”.


Cooking recipes are varied. Everyone brings something different. Here are just a few:

To prepare sugar mash, mix water, yeast and sugar.

You can use any water, but the tasty one will turn out to be a tasty product. The chlorinated one is ventilated for 24 hours in an open container.

100 g of pressed yeast (10-12 dry) requires 1 kg of sugar. Hydromodule – 1:5.

To improve the taste of alcohol, instead of “dry” sugar, invert syrup is also used. This is sugar boiled in water and acid. Heating sugar in water breaks it down into glucose and fructose.

Important! Yeast does the same thing, but it produces enzymes that smell bad. Enzymes will spoil the smell and taste of the finished alcohol.

Invert syrup:

  1. Proportions of starting products: sugar and water – 2:1. Citric acid – 5 g per 1 kg of sugar.
  1. Sugar is dissolved in hot water (but not yet boiling).
  2. After boiling, add acid.
  3. Leave to cook for 20 minutes.
  4. The syrup is ready.

A mixture of sugar (syrup), water, and yeast is poured into a fermentation vessel. First, the yeast is diluted in a small amount of sweet warm water and allowed to ferment for 15 minutes. The resulting foam is poured into a fermentation vessel filled with water (30 degrees). Each kg of sugar will release 600 ml of alcohol and gas. Leave room for future alcohol and foam - a quarter of the dishes. The dishes are closed with a water seal and placed in a warm room (25-30 degrees C). It is better to wrap the container in thick old cloth or clothing. The temperature in this place should not fall below the indicated one, because the yeast will stop working. On average, fermentation lasts a week. The mash is ready if gas is no longer released. To prevent the temperature from dropping, heating an aquarium is effective. Carbon dioxide in the liquid slows down fermentation, so shake it several times a day for 1 minute.

  • Wheat mash

1 kg sugar, 1 kg wheat, 4 liters of water. Wheat is washed with water at a temperature no higher than 35 degrees C so as not to kill the living yeast on the grains. Pour into a fermentation container. Sugar is completely dissolved in water until all grains disappear. Pour syrup over wheat. Close with a water seal and place in a warm place. After 2-3 days, fermentation begins. Then they wait another 2 weeks. Be sure to drain the mash on time: when it has almost finished fermenting and almost does not emit carbon dioxide. If complete fermentation is allowed, the product may smell like acetone.

  • Braga with sprouted wheat

For 10 liters of container - 1 kg of wheat. Wheat washed in several waters is poured with cold water so that there is 4-5 cm above the grains. If large portions are made, the wheat may rot. A few grains of potassium permanganate will prevent rotting. The wheat is left to absorb the water. This takes about a day. The remaining water is drained and the grains are washed. The surface of the grain is covered with a thick wet cloth to prevent moisture from escaping. Wait until the wheat germinates, washing regularly once a day. After 2 days, the sprouts are already clearly visible. They are filled with water so that 5 cm is above the surface of the grain. For every kg of wheat, add 500 g of sugar. I don’t mix sugar and water; it should be on top, covering the grain. Wait 7-10 days.

The drained mash is poured into a fermentation vessel, topped up with water at 35 degrees, and sugar is added (1 kg per 3-3.5 liters of water). Leave to ferment for 7-10 days in a container with a water seal. The finished mash is distilled, poured into the same sprouted wheat, the same amount of sugar is added again and set to ferment again for the same period as the first time. This can be repeated 4-5 times until the quality is acceptable for a particular person.

  • Grape mash

For 1 kg of grape pomace (including branches) take 500 g of sugar and 3 liters of water. The resulting cap formed during the fermentation process is stirred daily. Fermentation lasts 2-4 weeks. To determine the moment of completion of fermentation, monitor the release of gas. A completely fermented product no longer produces it.

Reasons why mash does not ferment

Reasons reflect omissions in following instructions:

  1. The temperature of the wort and air in the room is below 20 and above 30 degrees.
  2. Accumulation of gases that were not removed by stirring.
  3. Mismatch of proportions, including the hydraulic module.
  4. Boiled or chlorinated water.

Sometimes the mash stops fermenting while still sweet (not ready). Causes:

  1. Not enough water (just add it).
  2. Low temperature.
  3. High acidity. Add a teaspoon of soda or chalk to 10-15 liters of mash.

Ways to speed up the fermentation process

  • take fresh yeast;
  • add a couple of bread crusts;
  • pour in a teaspoon of diluted tomato paste for every liter.
  • add 3-4 tablespoons of peas or corn per 1 liter of wort.
  • a handful of raisins;
  • Shake the wort several times every day, allowing the gas to escape.

How to determine whether mash is ready for distillation

The readiness of raw materials is manifested in:

  • a distinct smell of alcohol;
  • bitter taste and complete absence of sweetness;
  • draft;
  • absence of carbon dioxide above the mash: check with fire or wear a glove. A raised glove means that the mash needs to stand some more.

Finding your own recipes and proportions can be difficult, but exciting and tasty. It’s worth stocking up on theory and patience.

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