Fairy tale “Two elements” (fire safety).

Fire and Water lived in the same kitchen. Fire is in the hearth near the wall, and Water is nearby, in a large wooden barrel. They always lived amicably, did housework together and chatted merrily when they had a free moment.

But then one day Fire, having just finished preparing a big dinner, unexpectedly announced to Water:

And yet, dear neighbor, I am of much more use than you. Well, judge for yourself, I warm not only the kitchen, but the whole house, I cook food, dry clothes, illuminate everything around. It is near me that my family gathers in the evenings to admire the play of my flame and spend time in warmth and pleasant conversation. And besides, what would you be if it weren’t for me?! Only thanks to me you become tea, compote or soup. Whatever you say, I'm a lot people need it more.

The water was extremely surprised by these words, but since it was restrained and well-mannered, it politely answered the fire:

Of course, dear neighbor, you bring great benefit to people, you work hard and deserve all respect, but until now you and I have done everything together, creating comfort and prosperity in this house. And you will not deny that I am the necessary basis for everything that you cook. What would you dry if I didn’t wash the clothes? And the family also gathers in the evenings to drink a cup of tea made from me. Therefore, let’s not argue, dear neighbor, but continue to work peacefully to the delight of our masters.

But Fire was extremely hot-tempered and would not subside. Terribly offended that Water considered their work equally useful, he began to swell with indignation, throwing tongues of flame into the kitchen.

Be careful, dear neighbor,” Water warned him, “you might inadvertently set something on fire.”

Don't talk nonsense! - Fire was indignant. - Everything I do brings only joy and benefit.

From the consciousness of his own importance, he flared up more and more, furtively admiring his reflections on the walls of the kitchen.

Suddenly a flock of small bright hot sparks separated from him and rushed around the kitchen. One spark fell to the floor and went out, another sat on the table and also went out, and two sparks jumped onto the tablecloth covering the stool on which stood a barrel of water.

The tablecloth was lace, so it instantly caught fire, and the flames ran along it straight to the curtains hanging next to it.

The fire was seriously frightening. He knew that now something terrible could happen and he would not be able to cope with it. Hiding behind a large smoldering log in the depths of the hearth, he became silent and watched in horror what was happening.

And the fire, meanwhile, kept flaring up and flaring up. Now the flames were running up the curtains, threatening to spread to the large china cabinet. All the kitchen utensils that lived in this closet looked with despair at the flames approaching them. The plates and cups tried to press closer to each other so that it would not be so scary.

But then the Water, swaying well, splashed out of the barrel and flooded all the restless sparks and the flaring fire. With a dissatisfied hiss and showering everything around with streams of steam, the flame went out.

How happy the Fire was:

“Thank you, my dear neighbor,” he said gratefully. - You saved not only the whole house, but also my reputation. Let's forget about our stupid argument and let's work together in this kitchen, as before.

Of course, dear neighbor, of course,” the water answered modestly. After all, she was much wiser than Fire and understood that they were absolutely necessary for each other and only their friendly work could bring benefit and joy.

Nomination "Prose" - 6-11 years

About the author

Kirill is 9 years old, he is a student of 3 “B” class GOUSOSH No. 160, lives in the city of St. Petersburg.

Kirill goes swimming. His favorite subject is mathematics, he participates in all school competitions.

He likes to play computer games, collect LEGO constructors, write fairy tales.

The tale of how Fire, Water and Air argued

One day, Fire, Water and Air argued about which of them was more important on Earth.

The water said: “Without me there would be no rivers, lakes and seas. So, I am more important."

" No! - said Fire. “Without me there would be no warmth and light.”

“I am the most important! - said the air. “No one can breathe without me!”

Everyone considered themselves the most important and necessary. Friends quarreled. There was no water, no air, no fire on Earth. The Earth turned into a cold, uninhabited planet and began to cry. Friends heard this and decided that we should live in friendship. Each of them is important in its own way. Then the Earth stopped crying and blossomed!!!

Since then, Fire, Water and Air have not argued. And when they do quarrel, floods, fires and hurricanes occur on Earth. But this doesn't happen often!

A tale about how three elements quarreled. Author's fairy tale with drawings.

Kolos Sofya Viktorovna, 3rd grade student of MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 in Sharya, Kostroma region
Description: This fairy tale was compiled for a lesson on the world around us.
Application: The material will be useful for primary school teachers in lessons about the surrounding world when studying natural elements.
Target: compose a fairy tale on the theme of natural elements.
- get acquainted with the concept of "natural element"
- develop fantasy and imagination
Element-(philosophy) in ancient and medieval natural philosophy - one of the four fundamental principles of the world: earth, water, air and fire.
So, the three main elements, according to ancient beliefs of people



(we are not talking about the fourth element - fertile earth)

A tale about how three elements quarreled.

Many years ago, three natural elements: fire, water and air lived in peace and harmony. But one day the water said:
- I’m the most important one here!
- Why is this still the case? - asked the air.
- I am often called the most important substance. The human body is 2/3 water. Without me, all living things will die!
“And without me, all living things will suffocate!” the air objected.
“Don’t quarrel!” the fire intervened.
“Just keep quiet, if we want, we’ll wipe you off the face of the Earth!” the air and water said in one voice.
Fire was offended by these words and left.
- Let’s go to the sage and ask: “Which of us is the most important?” - suggested the air.
“I’ll go alone!” said the water.
“Then I’ll go alone!” answered the air.
And they went in different directions. When the water flowed through the desert, it met people who were dying of thirst. The water took pity on them and gave them something to drink, thereby saving their lives.
“That means I really am so important, since people can’t live without me,” the water was proud of itself.
Meanwhile, the air didn’t waste any time either. On his way, he met a boy drowning in the river. His rubber boat had a hole in it. Then the air got inside the boat and did not come out until the boy swam to the shore. Of course, no one could have guessed about his feat, but the air probably felt its significance for the first time.
It took a long time for water and air to travel around the world. Finally, they both reached the sage. They see that the fire is there too.
- What are you doing here? - asked the air.
- I came to ask which of us is the most important. - answered the fire.
- Dear sage, tell me, which of us is the most important? - asked the water.
- Man needs you all. We can't survive without you. Therefore, you need to live as before - in peace and harmony. - answered the sage.
Since then, fire, water and air have never quarreled again!

Fire and water argued among themselves which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time, even fought. The fire attacked the water with its fiery tongue, the water, hissing with anger, poured into the spreading flame, but they could not resolve the dispute and chose the wind as their judge.

“Great wind,” the fire said to the judge, “you rush around the whole world and know what’s going on in it.” You know better than anyone how I turn entire villages and cities into ashes, how I embrace the vast steppes and impenetrable forests with my all-destroying arms, how my flame rushes to the clouds and how every living thing, including birds, runs in horror before me , and the beast, and the pale trembling man. Calm down the impudent water and make it recognize my primacy.

“You know, mighty wind,” said the water, “that I not only fill rivers and lakes, but also the bottomless abysses of the seas.” You have seen how I throw whole flocks of ships like chips and bury countless treasures and daring people in my waves, how my rivers and streams tear out forests, drown homes and livestock, and my sea waves flood not only cities and villages, but entire countries. What can powerless fire do to a rock? And I have already ground many such rocks into sand and covered the bottom and shores of my seas with them.

“Everything you boast about,” said the wind, “reveals only your anger, but not yet your strength.” Better tell me what good you both do, and then, perhaps, I will decide which of you is stronger.

“Oh, in this regard,” said the water, “fire cannot argue with me.” Am I not the one who gives drink to both animals and humans? Can the most insignificant grass vegetate without my drops? Where I am not, there is only a sandy desert, and you yourself, the wind, sing a sad song in it. All warm countries can live without fire, but nothing can live without water.

“You forgot one thing,” objected the water’s rival, “you forgot that fire burns in the sun, and what could live without the sun’s rays, carrying light and warmth everywhere?” Where I rarely look, you yourself float like dead blocks of ice in the middle of a deserted ocean. Where there is no fire, there is no life.

– Do you give much life in the African deserts? – asked the water angrily. “You burn there all day, but there’s no life.”

“Without me,” said the fire, “the whole earth would be an ugly frozen block.”

“Without me,” said the water, “the earth would be a block of soulless stone, no matter how much the fire burned it.”

“Enough,” the wind decided, “now the matter is clear: alone, both of you can only bring harm, and both of you are equally powerless for a good deed.” Only the one who forced you and me to fight with each other everywhere and in this fight to serve the great cause of life is strong.

Ecological fairy tale for children of senior preschool age

"Air, water, fire"

Once upon a time, there lived three sisters on planet Earth. The eldest was called Air, the middle one was Water, the youngest was called Fire. The sisters were inseparable and friendly. But one day a dispute arose between them about which of them was more important and more necessary to man.

Older sister Air says:

I am the first to appear on planet Earth, and life began to emerge with me: plants, animals, birds, insects, and, of course, humans. Without air, a living organism cannot live for more than three minutes.

The middle sister, Water, objected.

I am more important than anyone in the world. Even every blade of grass, the smallest bird, will not live long without me. What can we say about fish and animals whose home is water. And a person starts every morning by washing his face and brushing his teeth, preparing food and drinks, washing clothes, watering plants, and all thanks to me. I am the most needed on the planet!

In order for a person to cook food and not freeze in severe frost, a fire is needed, said the younger sister. – When man appeared on planet Earth, air and water were available to him, but he invented me himself. This means that I am more important for a person.

The sisters argued for a long time about their importance, but did not come to any decision. Then the sisters turned to planet Earth:

Mother planet Earth, decide which of us is more important and needed?

Planet Earth gave the answer:

My dear daughters, the three elements - Air, Water and Fire - do not quarrel, but rather look at how a person treats each of you. The one who sees a caring attitude towards herself will be the one who is most important.

The sisters began to think about the words of Mother Planet, and decided to observe human behavior in the city. The first to volunteer to watch was the older sister, Air.

A person will take care of me, even if he doesn’t have clean air.

But suddenly I saw the cars releasing exhaust gas and coughed. In the distance stood large plants and factories, exhaling clouds of black, blue, green smoke. The older sister burst into tears:

The person doesn’t care about me at all, apparently he doesn’t need me.

The middle sister, Water, grinned:

I know for sure that a person is obliged to take care of me. Where would he be without me?

As soon as she said the last word, chemical waste began to pour out of the same plant directly into a clean river. Before the eyes of the middle sister, fish, crayfish and other river life began to die. A person who drank such water became ill.

Water got angry:

How is this possible: they poison the water themselves, and then drink it!!!

The middle sister was completely desperate. And only the youngest still hoped for championship. But when I saw how the fire in the forest was not put out, and the flames engulfed all living things around, I prayed:

Mother, planet Earth, I don’t want to be in a person’s life, but I was created to bring benefit, not harm.

The sisters Air, Water and Fire have completely sunk; they no longer remember their differences.

Maybe people don’t need us at all? Maybe it’s better that we weren’t in his life at all?

Wait! Don’t rush! - Planet Earth called out to them. You have only seen the worst deeds of a person, but there are other people. There are many children on the planet, and they appreciate your participation in their lives. For example, they say goodbye to winter and welcome spring on the Maslenitsa holiday. Children prepare a doll from multi-colored fabric, burning it on the street. Everyone sings, dances, rejoices, eats pancakes, which cannot be cooked without fire. In the summer, when it is very hot, kids celebrate “Neptune’s Day.” They joyfully water each other with watering cans and sprinklers, glorifying water. The children use air to blow soap bubbles, and the teacher helps them organize games with a kite and twirlers.

IN kindergarten Educators teach children to save nature. Even the smallest children know that water quenches thirst not only for humans and animals, but plants really need it. To be healthy children need to walk more in the fresh air. But you can’t play with matches, otherwise disaster will happen!

The sisters looked at each other, wiped away their tears, and decided:

If there are children on planet Earth, then they equally need air, water and fire.

Since then, three sisters Air, Water and Fire began to live together.

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