Semago, Semago: Diagnostic album for studying the characteristics of cognitive activity. Diagnostic kit - Semago suitcase Semago examination

Semago Mikhail Mikhailovich- Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology of the Academy.

Leading researcher at Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University (laboratory of psychological problems of children with limited adaptation capabilities).

Scientific interests: Methodology of deviant development; extension of the post-non-classical scientific picture of the world to developmental psychology, including the psychology of deviant development; use of the synergetic concept and categories of synergetics in developmental psychology and special psychology; development of theoretical foundations for the classification of deviant development, modern periodization of mental development; theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological diagnostics and correctional and developmental work.

Semago Natalya Yakovlevna— Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.

He is a leading researcher at the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University (laboratory of psychological problems of children with disabilities), as well as an associate professor at the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology at the Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers.

Scientific interests: Differential diagnosis of complex variants of deviant development, including autism spectrum disorders and related behavioral and emotional disorders; development of technologies for psychological diagnostics and systemic assistance to children with various variants of deviant development, development of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education and organization of a training system for specialists in the inclusive educational vertical.

Books (6)

Diagnostic album for assessing the development of a child’s cognitive activity

Diagnostic album for assessing the development of a child’s cognitive activity. Preschool and primary school age.

“Diagnostic Album for Assessing the Development of a Child’s Cognitive Activity” is the result of twenty years of practical work. The methods presented in the album were tested on children with various types of developmental disabilities (dysontogenesis).

The album includes both classical developments and original techniques used in in-depth psychological diagnostics of children. The sequence proposed in the technology is optimal and generally reflects the sequence of a child’s psychological examination.

Methodological recommendations for the Diagnostic Album for assessing the cognitive activity of children

Preschool and primary school age. Diagnostic materials are the result of twenty years of practical work. They were tested on children with various types of developmental disabilities (dysontogenesis). The album includes both classical developments and original techniques used in in-depth psychological diagnostics of children.

The sequence of materials proposed in the technology is optimal and generally reflects the sequence of conducting a psychological examination of a child.

The album is intended for specialists - psychologists working in the education, healthcare, and social protection systems. Can be used by students of defectology departments of pedagogical universities, as well as in the system of advanced training for education workers.

Psychologist's Diagnostic Kit. Methodology Subject classification

The main purpose of using the “Subject Classification” methodology is to study the processes of generalization and abstraction, assess their specificity, level of formation, and current level of development of the child’s conceptual thinking as a whole.

The subject classification consists of three series, focused on working with children of different ages:

1st series: for children 3 - 5 years old;

2nd series: for children 5 - 8 years old;

3rd series (classic version of the classification) for children starting from 8.5-9 years of age.

Accordingly, the stimulus materials consist of 25 color images (1 series); 32 color images (2 series); 70 color and black and white images (3 series).

Psychologist's Diagnostic Kit. Methodology Emotional faces

Its use makes it possible to assess the adequacy of recognition of an emotional state, the accuracy and quality of this recognition (subtle emotional differentiation), and the possibility of correlation with the child’s personal experiences. Indirectly, when working with the technique, it is possible to assess interpersonal relationships, including identifying contrasting emotional “zones” in communication with children or adults.

Two series of images of emotional facial expression are used as stimulus material: contour faces (1st series - 3 images), images of real emotional expressions of children's faces (2nd series: 14 images of boys and girls)

Age range of application. The technique is used to work with children from 3 to 11-12 years of age.

Problem children

Fundamentals of diagnostic and correctional work of a psychologist.

The book outlines the methodological principles and fundamentals of the activities of a psychologist working with children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.

A modern classification and typology of deviant development is presented. The basic principles and technologies of diagnostic and correctional work, drawing up conclusions and maintaining working documentation for an educational psychologist are described.

Theory and practice of assessing a child’s mental development

Preschool and primary school age.

The book presents the modern methodology of diagnostic activity of a practical educational psychologist, specific and practice-tested principles and technologies of all stages of assessing a child’s mental development: from setting a primary diagnostic hypothesis to drawing up various types of conclusions based on the results of the examination.

The work provides an original classification of the organization of the diagnostic process, which makes it possible to increase its efficiency. For the first time, such important concepts for the effective work of a diagnostician as “nodal points of development” and “key points of examination” are considered, which to a large extent allow us to technologize and optimize all stages of diagnosis.

The main part of the manual consists of methods used to conduct an in-depth psychological examination of children aged 3 to 12 years (preschool and primary school age). Each presented technique contains a full description, examination procedure, technology for recording and processing results, analysis of task performance, and age standards.

Semago diagnostic kit. Psychologist's suitcase. on the best terms in the company “Stupenki” Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for school. A manual for teachers before Didactic. set for the playing field "Geometric shapes" 27 pcs.

Semago diagnostic kit. Psychologist's suitcase.

The set includes: 1. Methodological guide to the Set “Integrative Psychology” M, 2004 2. Colored progressive matrices J.K. Ravenna “Cogito-Center”, 2004. 3. Diagnostic Album for assessing the development of a child’s cognitive activity. M.: Iris-Didactics, 2005. 4. Subject classification (1 series for children 3-5 years old). 5. Subject classification (2 series for children 5-8 years old). 6. Subject classification (3 series for children 9-12 years old). 7. Vygotsky-Sakharov technique (volume version). 8. Method of indirect memorization (according to A.N. Leontiev). 9. Methodology V.M. Kogan. 10. Elimination of items (4th extra). 11. “Koos Cubes” technique. 12. Methodology “Establishing the sequence of events”: 12A 1 series “Snowman” 12B 2 series “Flower Flower” 12C 3 series “Portrait” 12D 4 series “Gardener” 13. Method “SOMOR”. 14. Methodology “Contour S A T – N” 15. Methodology “Hand Test” (modified version for children 3-11 years old). 16. Digital Relationship Test (DRT) (modified version for children 4-10 years old). 17. Method “Emotional faces”. 18. Protocol forms for the Kit’s methods, samples of psychologist documentation forms. 19. Packing box for materials.

For groups*:
Quantity per group:

2 - junior group d/s
3 - average group d/s
4 - senior and preparatory group d/s
Price (RUB): RUB 14,065

The diagnostic kit of famous Russian specialists - clinical psychologists Natalia and Mikhail Semago - is a huge toolkit for modern specialists, based on many years of experience, which will help them practice and diagnose various conditions of their patients. The set is made in the form of a suitcase, which presents the most popular methods and is intended for an in-depth assessment of mental development, including regulatory, cognitive and affective-emotional spheres, operational characteristics of activity, personal characteristics and interpersonal relationships of children of preschool and primary school age (from 2. 5 to 12 years).

Methodical manual

The methodological manual reveals the basic principles and technologies of diagnostic work of a child psychologist, as well as technologies for analyzing examination results. The main part of the manual consists of descriptions of the methods included in the Diagnostic Kit of an educational psychologist, used to conduct an in-depth psychological examination of children aged 3 to 12 years (preschool and primary school age).

The guide is intended for educational psychologists of educational organizations, including those implementing inclusive education, PMPK specialists, clinical psychologists in healthcare institutions and specialists from social protection institutions.

This methodological guide can be used for training students of pedagogical universities and institutes, faculties of psychology, special and clinical psychology, in the system of advanced training for education workers, health care and social protection with specialization in the field of correctional pedagogy, special and clinical psychology. A set of forms and documentation for a psychologist presented on CD in the following versions: bmp, doc and RTF files.

The set of forms includes all the protocols of the methods included in the Set, with the help of which you can register all the information obtained in the process of performing this method and conduct an initial analysis of the results.

The psychologist’s documentation consists of the forms required for the initial registration of the work performed by the psychologist, current and annual (monthly) reporting forms:

  • planning of consultative and diagnostic work;
  • psychologist’s work schedule (for a week, including Saturday and Sunday);
  • journal of initial registration of work performed;
  • a conclusion form based on the results of the primary (in-depth) examination of the child;
  • a conclusion form based on the results of a dynamic (repeated, intermediate) examination of the child;
  • a conclusion form based on the results of the final (final) examination of the child;
  • group diagnostic form;
  • individual consultation form;
  • group consultation form;
  • registration sheet for individual correctional work;
  • registration sheet for group correctional work;
  • sheet of correctional work (from the child’s development map);
  • interim statistical reporting form;
  • annual statistical reporting form.

A detailed description of the registration of the activities of an educational psychologist and documentation can be found in the book: “Organization and content of the activities of a special education psychologist” - M.: ARKTI, 2005.

Diagnostic Album

As part of the Diagnostic Album for studying the characteristics of the cognitive activity of children of preschool and primary school age (ARKTI, 2014), which is part of the KIT, there are a number of classical and original methods described in separate guidelines for use. The Album contains more than 25 form techniques that can be used both individually and in groups.

The Diagnostic Album is a practical tool for studying the peculiarities of the formation of mental functions and processes in childhood. Diagnostic materials are the result of twenty years of practical work and have been tested on children with various variants of deviant development (dysontogenesis).

The sequence of use of materials proposed in the technology, from the point of view of the compilers, is optimal and generally reflects the sequence of conducting a psychological examination of a child. Of course, this set of materials is not self-sufficient and does not exclude the use by a specialist of any other diagnostic techniques in accordance with one or another research hypothesis.

The description of the techniques included in the album contains:

  • main purposes of use;
  • a brief description of the diagnostic material;
  • procedure;
  • analyzed indicators;
  • age-related features of the use of performance standards.

Approximate age limits for the use of certain techniques were obtained from a survey of the child population of Moscow and the near Moscow region.

The Diagnostic Album includes techniques combined into blocks:

  • Block 1. Study of the characteristics of memory, attention and performance;
  • Block 2. Study of the characteristics of visual perception (visual gnosis);
  • Block 3. Study of non-verbal and verbal-logical thinking;
  • Block 4. Study of the formation of spatial representations;
  • Block 5. Understanding complex logical-grammatical speech structures.

The Diagnostic Album can be used independently of other materials in the Kit, including using a neuropsychological approach.

Matrices by J. Raven

J. Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) include 36 tasks that make up three series: A, Av, B (12 matrices in each series). The scale is designed to provide a reliable assessment of a subject's ability to think clearly when conditions are created for him to work quietly at his usual speed, without interruptions.

The test tasks appeal to three main mental processes - voluntary attention, holistic perception and “comprehension” as the main characteristic of cognitive activity. When developing the test, the principle of “progressiveness” was implemented, which consists in the fact that completing previous tasks and their series is, as it were, preparing the subject to perform subsequent ones. Training occurs in performing more difficult tasks. The test can be used both as a speed test (with a time limit for completing tasks) and as a performance test (without a time limit).

The subject’s total score on the scale is the total number of correctly solved tasks, provided that he worked in a calm environment, going through all the series sequentially from beginning to end. As the author of the test himself notes, only in this case can a quantitative assessment be used.

The age range for using the CPM is children aged 4 to 11 years.

Vygotsky-Sakharov method

The Vygotsky-Sakharov technique is intended to assess and study the level and features of a child’s conceptual development - features of the level of formation of abstract generalizations and classification of features of abstract objects. The possibility of combining visually represented abstract objects is revealed based on the identification of one or several leading features that are relevant for the child’s generalizing operations. The Set presents the author's version of the analysis of the procedure and results of implementation using the classic stimulus version. The material of the technique is 25 three-dimensional wooden figures, differing from each other in various ways: color, shape, size, height.

Age range of application. In the case of using the standard volumetric version (wooden colored figures), the technique can be used in working with children starting from 2.5 - 3 years of age.

Methodology “Subject classification”

The main purpose of using the “Subject Classification” methodology is to study the processes of generalization and abstraction, assess their specificity, level of formation, and current level of development of the child’s conceptual thinking as a whole.

The subject classification consists of three series, focused on working with children of different ages:

1st series: for children 3 - 5 years old;
2nd series: for children 5 - 8 years old;
3rd series (classic version of the classification) for children from 8.5-9 years of age.
Episodes 1 and 2 are the author's modification of N.Ya. Semago.

Accordingly, the stimulus materials consist of 25 color images (1 series); 32 color images (2 series); 70 color and black and white images (3 series).

Methodology of “Mediated Memorization”

The purpose of the “Indirect Memorization” Methodology (according to A.N. Leontiev) is to study the possibility of using an external means for memorization tasks, the volume of material memorized indirectly. Study of the characteristics of a child’s mental activity. For working with children, the most used is the so-called 4th series of methods tested by A.N. Leontyev. The ability to indirectly remember, reflecting a certain level of development of higher forms of memory, is at the same time an essential characteristic of intellectual activity in general and can serve as one of the criteria for a child’s mastery of voluntary activities.

The Kit uses the full standard version of the 4th series (30 pictures) in the form in which it was tested in the laboratory of experimental pathopsychology of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. Practice has shown that the use of images unfamiliar to modern children (pen feathers, inkwells and some others) allows one to obtain additional information about the specifics of cognitive strategies and the characteristics of a child’s visual perception.

Age range of application. The technique can be used for children from 4.5 to 8 years of age. For children over 8-9 years old who are proficient in visual arts, it is more logical to use the Pictogram technique for the same purposes.

Methodology V.M. Kogan

Methodology V.M. Kogan's method is used to identify the parameters of attention: maintaining attention, distributing it according to one, two or three signs at the same time, switching attention. The technique also allows us to identify features of performance and other dynamic characteristics of mental activity.

With a qualitative analysis and assessment of the results of implementing the methodology, it is possible to assess motivational characteristics, retention of instructions, the possibility of programming the order of actions, the presence of a factor of activity inertia and satiation.

In general, it can be noted that the technique of V.M. Kogan is one of the most multifaceted and interesting in terms of the possibilities of psychological interpretation of the results. The Diagnostic Kit uses the 5x5 option. The stimulus materials include a set of cards (25 pieces) with multi-colored planar images of geometric shapes (5 colors, 5 simple regular geometric shapes), a table with lined cells, where 5 colored zigzags are applied vertically on the left, and 5 corresponding shapes are applied horizontally.

Age range of application. In the proposed version, the methodology is focused on working with children aged 4.5 to 8.5-9 years.

Methodology "Exclusion of objects"

The main goal of the “Exclusion of Objects” (4th extra) technique is to study the level of formation of generalization, conceptual development and the possibility of isolating essential, meaning-forming features, identifying features of cognitive style. The data obtained make it possible to judge the level of generalization and abstraction processes, the ability (or, accordingly, impossibility) to highlight the essential features of objects or phenomena. The use of the methodology places high demands on logical validity, correctness of generalizations, rigor and clarity of formulations.

The “Exclusion of Objects” technique presents rigidly and specifically structured material, where tasks are structured in a logic that corresponds to the ontogenesis of children's concepts.

The advantage of the proposed assessment system is that each choice of a child assigned to one category or another makes it possible to determine both the level of conceptual development in general and to identify specific features of conceptual development.

The stimulus materials of the method are divided into 5 series (4 tasks in each series). Each series is more complex in relation to the previous series in the sense of isolating certain essential, meaning-forming features, and developing the level of abstraction.

Age range of use. This modification of the technique is used for children from 3-3.5 to 13-14 years of age.

Methodology "Cubes of Braid"

The main goal of the Braid Cubes technique is to determine the level of formation of constructive spatial thinking, the possibilities of spatial analysis and synthesis, and constructive praxis.

The use of this technique allows us to identify problems in the formation of spatial representations. The technique is a kind of key in the study of the cognitive component of cognitive activity.

The technique can also be used to study the level of aspirations. For this purpose, test patterns are not numbered. In the Kit they are bound into an album of test patterns.

The Set includes a set of four-color cubes (9 pieces), an album of colored patterns (12 patterns), arranged in order of difficulty.

Age range of use 3.5 - 9-10 years of age.

Methodology “Establishing the sequence of events”

The “Establishing a sequence of events” technique is focused on studying the characteristics of a child’s mental activity, the possibility of establishing cause-and-effect and spatio-temporal relationships, and analyzing the child’s speech development. The technique represents a set of four original plot sequences that have not previously been used in diagnostic practice. Each episode is a more complicated version of this sequence. The complexity of each sequence lies both in the number of pictures (from 3 to 6 images in a series), and in the spatial structure of the plot, the need to understand the subtext, and the comic nature of the situation.

Age range of application. The corresponding series of pictures are intended for working with children from 3.5-4 to 7-8 years of age.

Test Hand

The Hand test (modification for children under 12 years of age) is a projective technique for studying personality. In contrast to the classic analysis of test results obtained for adolescents and adults, the kit presents an analysis of results by category typical for children under 12 years of age. The technique is on a par with the Rorschach test and TAT. It occupies an intermediate position in the degree of uncertainty of the stimulus material (pictures of hands are less uncertain stimuli than Rorschach blots, since his hand is an object that exists in the real world.

The stimulus material consists of 10 cards, following each other in a certain order. Nine of them contain contour images of the hand in different positions. The tenth card is empty.

Age range of application. In this interpretation, the technique can be used for children from 4 - 4.5 to 11-12 years of age. For children over 11-12 years old, it is recommended to use the interpretation and implementation of the technique itself in its classic version, which is presented in the adaptation of the test by T.N. Kurbatova.

Methodology Contour C.A.T.-N.

The purpose of using the author’s methodology is Contour C.A.T.-N. is to help in understanding the existing relationships between the child and the people around him in the most important or traumatic life situations for the child. the technique can be useful for determining the dynamic factors that determine a child’s reactions in a group, at school or kindergarten, or at home. Such a projective technique can facilitate the conduct of long-term (longitudinal) “tracking” studies concerning child development. At a certain frequency, it is possible to obtain important information about the development and the child’s method of solving certain psychological problems. The technique can be used regardless of cultural differences and the level of social development of the child. The stimulus material consists of 8 contour images on a plain pale green background, presented in a certain order. The images are numbered sequentially.

Age range of use. The technique is aimed at examining children from 3-3.5 to 11-12 years of age.

Methodology “Emotional faces”

The “Emotional Faces” technique is the author’s technique of N.Ya. Semago. Its use makes it possible to assess the adequacy of recognition of an emotional state, the accuracy and quality of this recognition (subtle emotional differentiation), and the possibility of correlation with the child’s personal experiences. Indirectly, when working with the technique, it is possible to assess interpersonal relationships, including identifying contrasting emotional “zones” in communication with children or adults. Two series of images of emotional facial expression are used as stimulus material: contour faces (1st series - 3 images), images of real emotional expressions of children's faces (2nd series: 14 images of boys and girls)

Age range of application. The technique is used to work with children from 3 to 11-12 years of age.

Methodology "SOMOR"

The “SOMOR” technique is the author’s modification of N.Ya. Semago method of R. Gilles. With its help, you can evaluate the child’s subjective ideas about his relationships with surrounding adults and children, about himself and his place in the system of social interactions that are significant for the child. The technique can be used to assess the effectiveness of group psychocorrectional work with children with communication problems and characteristics of affective-emotional development. The stimulus material of the method consists of 8 schematic images made on textured or plain cardboard of pale green color and an approximate list of questions. The images are made schematically to facilitate the identification process and greater “freedom” of the child’s answers and choices. Of course, the child’s level of development should be sufficient to understand the conventions of the images and the task itself.

Age range of use. The technique is intended for studying children aged 4 to 10-11 years of age.

Color Relationship Test (CRT)

The color relationship test (CRT) is a diagnostic method designed to study the emotional components of a person’s relationship with people who are significant to him, including himself, and reflecting both conscious and partially unconscious levels of these relationships. The use of the CTO technique is based on the assumption that the characteristics of non-verbal components of relationships towards significant others and oneself are reflected in color associations to them. This makes it possible to identify fairly deep, including unconscious, components of relationships, while “bypassing” the protective mechanisms of the verbal system of consciousness. It is shown that associations with flowers really reflect children’s attitudes toward people and concepts that are significant to them. The CTO uses a set of color stimuli similar in color gamut and saturation to M. Luscher’s 8-color test. At the same time, the proposed set is convenient to use in children's practice, since it is adapted in size to the options for simultaneous visual perception of preschool and, especially, school-age children.

Age range of application. CTO as a method of studying relationships is applicable in working with children starting from 4.5-5 years of age. The upper age limit has not been determined.

Semago diagnostic kit for working in a sensory room. Designed for testing and diagnostics of children aged 2.5 to 12 years.

Practicing psychologists can use the methodological developments included in the Kit in order to examine children from a neuropsychological point of view. The methods listed below give the psychologist the opportunity to comprehensively assess the mental development of each child. These methods are very effective, considering the fact that they require very little time and effort to use. Let us reveal in detail the composition of the Kit.

The Semago diagnostic kit includes:

Methodical manual

Describes in detail the areas of diagnostic work of a child psychologist, its techniques and principles. Additionally, the features of the analysis of the results of neuropsychological examination of children are revealed. The manual includes a description of research methods for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (children from three to twelve years old).

Diagnostic album

The purpose of using this album is to study the cognitive activity of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (ARKTI, 2014). It includes various techniques (both new and time-tested), a description of the use of each of which is in the methodological recommendations. The album includes over 25 methods of examining children. Psychologists use them both when working with one child and with a group of children.

Matrices by J. Raven

The full name of this technique is J. Raven's Color Progressive Matrices (CPM). In total, it consists of 36 tasks, combined into three groups: A, Av, B (each group includes 12 matrices). The described technique allows a child psychologist to adequately assess a child’s ability to think in the right direction. In this case, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the subject to work, without interruptions, at a speed acceptable to him.

Vygotsky-Sakharov technique

This technique is necessary when studying a child’s thinking in general and to identify his ability to make independent judgments in particular. With its help, the level of ability to abstractly generalize things, as well as classify them according to certain criteria, is revealed. To do this, several main features of an abstract concept are identified, on the basis of which the child can create a general picture-judgment. The kit also includes an example of a study analysis from the author. To carry out research using this method, you will need a set of 25 wooden figurines of various shapes. Visual material should differ from each other in color, shape, height and size.

"Subject classification"

The goal of a child psychologist when working according to the described method is to study the child’s ability to generalize and abstract, conceptual thinking and, in addition, to analyze their characteristics, as well as identify their level of development.

"Indirect Memorization"

The developer of this technique is A.N. Leontyev. His goal was to study the characteristics of a child’s mental activity. This reveals the level of the test subject’s ability to use third-party tools when memorizing the material. When studying children, child psychologists use the fourth series of techniques from all those that were personally used by A.N. Leontyev. The formation of higher forms of memory is expressed in the ability to memorize material indirectly. At the same time, this characteristic indicates the level of development of intelligence in general and can be used as a criterion when assessing how proficient a child is in voluntary activities.

Methodology V.M. Kogan

This technique is used to assess the level of development of attention. With its help, a psychologist can assess a child’s ability to maintain attention, to distribute it between several things, as well as the ability to switch it. In addition, the described method is able to determine the child’s level of performance, as well as the characteristics of some other psychological characteristics.

"Excluding Items"

The goal of a child psychologist when working with this technique is to identify the level of development of the ability to generalize, conceptual judgment, to identify the main semantic features of various objects, as well as to study the cognitive characteristics of the child. Based on the results obtained, the psychologist can draw a conclusion about the level of development of these processes, about the child’s ability (or inability) to isolate the main features of various objects or abstract phenomena. This technique is quite complex because it requires clarity and logic in generalizations and formulations.

"Cubes of Kos"

Using this technique, a child psychologist can draw a conclusion about the development of a child’s spatial thinking, as well as his ability to perform spatial analysis and synthesis, and to carry out a sequence of actions according to a developed plan.

"Establishing the Sequence of Events"

The described method allows us to study the mental activity of children; with its help you can establish connections such as cause-effect, as well as space-time. The level of speech development can also be analyzed using this technique. It includes four never-before-used story sequences. Each subsequent episode is always a more complex variation of the previous group of plots. Each series consists of 3-6 images. Their number increases, and the spatial structure becomes more complex from series to series. That is, the child needs to understand the subtext and features of the situation described with the help of pictures.

Test Hand

In the Kit, this personality test is presented in a modification for subjects under 12 years of age, that is, the child’s personality is examined based on characteristics characteristic of this age. The described technique is similar to the Rorschach test and TAT, however, the stimulus material of this test is not so vague, since the test uses pictures with images of hands. Compared to Rorschach blots, hands are a real object.

Contour S.A.T. – N.

This technique is the author’s and is designed to help understand the child’s relationships with those around him. At the same time, the most significant or stressful situations in life for the subject are analyzed. The method helps to analyze the characteristics of a child’s behavior at home, when communicating with friends at school, kindergarten, or on the street. Using this method, it is possible to conduct long-term studies of the child’s developmental characteristics and at the same time obtain the necessary knowledge about the child’s level of development, as well as how he solves certain problems. The level of the subject's behavior in society, as well as cultural differences, are not an obstacle to research using this technique. In his work, a child psychologist uses eight numbered images on a pale green background, which he displays in the right order.

"Emotional Faces"

The author of this technique is N.Ya. Semago. With its help, the psychologist gets the opportunity to assess the emotional state of the child and understand his experiences. When using the described technique, the psychologist can indirectly obtain data about the relationship of the subject with the people around him. The stimulus material consists of two sets of pictures depicting faces expressing emotions. The first set contains 3 images of contour faces, the second - 14 images of children's faces expressing any real emotions.

Methodology "SOMOR"

This technique is based on the technique of R. Gilles, revised by N.Ya. Semago. This author’s modification allows us to assess the child’s awareness of his own relationships with peers and adults, awareness of himself and his place in society. If a group of children has difficulties with communication and emotional control, then the SOMOR method can be used as an assessment material for understanding the effectiveness of correctional work carried out with children. The stimulus material for this method is represented by eight images, which are printed schematically on cardboard cards with a pale green background, as well as a number of approximate questions. Sketchy images are an indispensable condition, since it provides the child with the opportunity to answer questions much more freely, and also makes it easier for the child to recognize the subject. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the child’s developmental level, since he must understand both the task itself and the schematic images.

Color Relationship Test (CRT)

This technique is diagnostic and was developed with the aim of analyzing the emotional component of the subject’s attitude towards people important to him, himself, as well as to identify the conscious and unconscious levels of the relationships being studied. There is a theory that says that the non-verbal components of relationships with the people around him and his “I” can be expressed with the help of color associations. This technique, based on this assumption, allows you to “pull out” such components of relationships that are deep in the subconscious and are not realized by the subject, since there are so-called defense mechanisms in consciousness. The described technique allows you to determine the hidden features of relationships, bypassing this barrier. The color relationship test uses a set of eight colors that are close in gamut to the colors from the Luscher test. However, the set of colors according to the CTO is more convenient for visual perception by preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.


Information about the main types of fraud
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Other methods of fraud committed remotely.
Using the Internet:
L By receiving an advance payment of up to 100% for a product or service by creating “one-day” online stores and duplicate sites; using Internet platforms for the sale of goods and services (sites “Avito”, “Yula”, etc.); on social networks “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, etc.
Before ordering a product online, read reviews on different sites about a given online store or virtual seller; if there are any, you will immediately find negative reviews; the lack of reviews about the online store you have chosen indicates a short period of its existence. Carefully read the names of the online store, thereby you will avoid clone sites. Try to avoid purchasing goods with prepayment. If the price of a product is much lower than the price in regular retail stores, or in other online stores, or on the market as a whole (for example, when selling a car at a reduced price), this is a reason to be wary.
2 By obtaining information from a person who posted an advertisement for the sale of any product about the full details of his bank card (number, expiration date, holder data, C VC code), allegedly for the purpose of making an advance payment, with the subsequent theft of money from it funds using the data obtained.
Do not provide any information regarding your bank card to an unknown person - only a sixteen-digit card number is required to make a transfer. Do not, under any circumstances, share transaction passwords. The password for logging into the Bank Online system is your personal confidential information.
2 By receiving funds from victims while allegedly placing bets on stock and other exchanges.
Before depositing money, read reviews on various sites on the Internet, find out which country has jurisdiction over the activities of this organization, and also read the rules and conditions of its activities.
£. Hacking user pages on social networks, mainly Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, and sending messages to “friends” on behalf of this user with a request to borrow money, which must be transferred to specified subscriber numbers or bank cards.
Before making a transfer, call your friend from whom the message came and clarify the information.
Using cellular communications by providing citizens with knowingly false information:
JL About violation by their close relatives of the current legislation (committing an accident, causing bodily harm, possession of drugs, etc.), with the aim of transferring funds to the victims through intermediaries, or transferring them through payment terminals to resolve the current situation. At the same time, scammers try to keep the “victim” always in touch, in order to exclude any actions on his part to verify the information.
It is necessary to call back to known subscriber numbers to the person to whom the attacker appears to be, or to relatives, in order to clarify the reality of the events that occurred. Ask the caller to name any details of the person he is introducing himself to (full name, date of birth, place of residence, details of relatives, any facts from life, etc.).
2 About blocking a bank card by sending SMS messages and subsequently informing about the need to further enter a number of commands from the ATM.
Before performing any actions with a bank card, call the bank back and clarify the information.
2 On the possibility of receiving compensation for previously purchased low-quality goods or services provided, for which it is necessary to transfer a certain percentage of the due amount.
You should know that various compensations are paid to citizens only upon their personal written application to the relevant organizations. No interest will be paid on compensation payments.
Allegedly, from a clinic or hospital, that you or your relatives have been diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis and in order to cure the disease you need to transfer money for medicine.
It is important to remember that a real doctor will never call you on the phone and tell you about a “terrible diagnosis” or ask you to transfer money for medications.
L With a request to buy food, alcohol, flowers, etc., deliver them to the specified address, and at the same time transfer money to the phone, with the assurance that the money will be returned upon arrival at the customer’s address.
If you carry out any instructions over the phone or deliver orders, then you should not transfer money to unfamiliar phones; first deliver the goods to their destination and decide on the customer on the spot.
In addition to remote fraud, citizens also become victims of contact fraud committed under the guise of social workers, employees of various organizations (Gorgaz, City Light, Pension Fund, medical workers, etc.). Pretexts can be: urgent exchange of money, pension supplements, checking gas or water equipment, recalculation of rent, bonuses for veterans, sale of dietary supplements, medical devices or other various goods at discounted prices, etc. The main goal of the attackers is to find out where the “victim’s” funds are stored, and then divert her attention and steal them. Also, the pretext can be fortune-telling, removal of supposedly imposed damage, healing from diseases.
How to understand deception:
- the exchange of funds or the implementation of any reforms will be announced in advance in various media (television, radio, print media), in bank branches, social policy institutions, pension funds, etc.
- find out what kind of organization those who came represent and, by calling there, find out if there are such employees there and whether house-to-house visits are being carried out on the indicated issue; ask to see identification;
- notify relatives (it is advisable to ask them to come);
- call or invite neighbors;
- call the assigned social worker;
- you should not buy any medicines, gas analyzers, meters, water filters, household goods, medical devices, etc. from unknown people.

Dear teachers and parents!

We invite your children to take part in the planned competitions for 2019, which are held by the online magazine “Planet of Childhood” as part of the work of the public organization “Center for Personal Development “New Generation”.

Participants and curators will receive certificates that confirm the placement of materials within the competition on the “Planet of Childhood” website (with two seals: “Planet of Childhood” and the Center for Personal Development “New Generation”), as well as a certificate of registration of the online magazine “Planet of Childhood” like the media.

The winners will receive diplomas and certificates!

Month Competition name
January VInternational competition of creative works “Winter Extravaganza”
Description of the competition: the competition accepts photos of the step-by-step implementation of creative work on a winter theme, made in various techniques (applique, paper design, work from waste material, macrame, crafts from threads, natural materials, voluminous mandalas, modeling...).
March VI International Competition of Children's Creative Works “Beauty will save the world!” (works dedicated to spring and International Women's Day, made in various techniques from waste material)
Description of the competition: Photos of the stage-by-stage implementation of creative work made in various techniques from waste material are accepted for the competition.
May III Competition of children's creative works "Planet of Furry Pets"
Description of the competition: the competition accepts photos of the step-by-step implementation of creative work - crafts in the form of animals or birds, made in various techniques (applique, paper design, work from waste material, macrame, crafts from threads, natural materials, voluminous mandalas, modeling, etc. .d.).
June III Internet competition of children's creative works “Ah, the red, long-awaited summer!” (summer themed crafts)
Description of the competition: Photos of the step-by-step implementation of creative work on a summer theme (applique, paper design, work from waste material, macrame, crafts from threads, natural materials, voluminous mandalas, modeling, etc.) are accepted for the competition.
September V Internationalth competitioncreative works from natural materials “Natural Fantasy”
Description of the competition: Photos of the step-by-step execution of creative work made in various techniques from natural materials are accepted for the competition.
November III Internet competition of children's literary creativity “Droplets of the Sun”
Description of the competition: the competition accepts literary works written by children of preschool and primary school age, in various literary genres (poems, stories, essays, fairy tales, etc.)
December VI International Competition of Christmas Tree Toys “Gifts for the Christmas Tree”
Description of the competition: photos of the stage-by-stage implementation of crafts on a New Year's theme (Christmas tree decorations from scrap, natural, waste materials, posters and stands made in various techniques of different materials, postcards, New Year's panels, sculptures, etc.) are accepted for the competition.

To help the teacher psychologist

We present to your attention a selection of interesting diagnostic techniques. Perhaps with their help you will learn something interesting about yourself and be able to help children and adults.

1. Test "Where do you see yourself"

Instructions: Look carefully at the picture. Where do you think your place is on this tree?

Interpretation: The choice of position No. 1, 3, 6, 7 characterizes the attitude towards overcoming obstacles.

No. 2, 11, 12, 18, 19 - sociability, friendly support.

No. 4 - stability of the situation (the desire to achieve success without overcoming difficulties).

No. 5 - fatigue, general weakness, low strength, shyness.

No. 9 - motivation to have fun.

No. 13, 21 - detachment, isolation, anxiety.

No. 8 - detachment from the educational process, withdrawal into oneself.

No. 10, 15 - comfortable condition, normal adaptation.

No. 14 - crisis state, “falling into the abyss.”

Position No. 20 is often chosen by people with high self-esteem and a leadership mindset.

People do not always understand position No. 16 as the position of “a little man who carries little man No. 17,” but tend to see it as a person supported and embraced by another

2. Test "Parenting styles"

What kind of parent are you? Liberal, authoritarian or democratic - the diagnostic technique “Parenting Styles” will help you find out.

Moscow, APKiPPRO, 2007. - 25 p.

The main purpose of using the “Subject Classification” methodology is to study the processes of generalization and abstraction, assess their specificity, level of formation, and current level of development of the child’s conceptual thinking as a whole.

The subject classification consists of three series, focused on working with children of different ages:
1st series: for children 3 – 5 years old;
2nd series: for children 5 – 8 years old;

Accordingly, the stimulus materials consist of 25 color images (1 series); 32 color images (2 series).

Publications on the topic