Rune Algiz - the meaning of a magical protective sign in fortune telling and magic. Damage using runes Runic formula for death

Runic damage is magical rituals aimed at death, illness, miscarriage, loneliness, loss of beauty, alcoholism of the enemy. Anyone can inflict such a curse; for beginners it is better to enlist the support of the goddess Hel. In order for the ritual to bring results, you need to make a specific reservation, but you should not go into too much detail and create a framework for the symbols of the Elder Futhark.

Masters advise beginners in rune magic to start with a softer effect: whispers on acne, obesity, failure, loss of beauty.

Damage if used ineptly can have the opposite effect - the negativity can return to the witch. You can avoid consequences and revenge if you put shields on yourself and your blood relatives.

Before inflicting runic damage, be sure to diagnose the enemy’s defenses. For the curse to take effect, the shields from the object must first be removed using the formulas of the Elder Futhark.

If the formula is activated by burning, then it will be impossible to reverse and stop the process of destruction. Decide firmly: are you sure that you are ready to send him to the grave, destroy property, and human health. Damage is a serious magical ritual that requires complete dedication, faith, and awareness. You cannot be afraid of sin or punishment. If you do everything correctly, without mistakes, there will be no harm, no rollback.

Some damage through runic symbols attacks the blood relatives of the curse victim, including children. The energetically weakest will be the first to suffer: infants, old people, and the sick.

Review of the strongest damage

Rage and hatred will give an additional impetus to the runic formula. Once you have completed the ritual, forget about it. You cannot constantly think and wait for results - this can interfere with the action of the symbols.

During the ritual, focus on the desired result, visualize a detailed picture.

To prison

For runic damage to prison to work, use it with a specific stipulation for imprisonment.

The runic formula includes Perts, forming a box, inside Hagalaz. Framing - Nautiz and Teyvaz.

Thanks to damage, all sorts of sorrows, failures, and problems with the law fall on a person. In the clause, clearly indicate that the black streak will lead the enemy to prison. It is not recommended to indicate the exact reason for the arrest - this will limit the possibilities of magical symbols. An exception is if there are prerequisites for arrest under a certain article. You need to apply rune marks on a photo of the object. Activate by burning, breathing.

To death on a happy journey

The rune combination will help send the enemy to the grave: Ear and Mannaz.

The position to cast a curse is drawn on the photograph: on the front or back side. You can indicate in the clause what you want, but it is not recommended to limit the runic action. The symbols will choose a way to quickly send the enemy to the cemetery on their own. It is enough to wish for death, quick or painful. Activate the damage by burning the photograph, preferably outside the house.

Possible effects: death of an enemy, rival in a car accident, development of a serious illness with a fatal outcome, accident.

A powerful rune seal is drawn on an enemy photograph or visualization paper. The second method is suitable if you use the lining method - throwing a piece of paper into the enemy’s apartment, car, office, or personal belongings. The lining will negatively affect the object and destroy its housing. Damage uses a combination of several types of runes - Futhark, black.

The word death is written in black symbols on the sides. The stav includes 4 Pert, 2 Yera, 4 Hagalaz, 4 Nautiz, 4 Isa, 4 Turisaz, inverted Fehu in combination with Nautiz, inverted Vunyo together with Nautiz. The runic frame is Perth and Thorny.

A slander causes the death of an enemy from illness or accident. The runes will eat a person alive from the inside, destroy internal organs, will quickly age the body, driving the enemy into the grave. Example text of damage:

By runic power (name) becomes seriously ill and dies. Becoming destroys (name) from the inside, takes away health and strength. The rune curse lasts as long as (name) is breathing. Act without harm to me, by any means. I activate it with fire!

You can choose a harsher, emotional formulation. Hatred, rage, anger will increase the effect of damage. After application, burn the rune formula with the photograph, throw away the ashes or take it to an intersection.

You can put a curse on death with the help of a stave from the Chameleon practitioner. They put it on the photo of the enemy. Activated by burning.

Becoming damage consists of a rune wheel from Eyvazov, enclosed in a ring. Evaz will provide cyclical attacks on the enemy, which will inevitably lead him to the grave. The circle symbolizes the life cycle that is being destroyed from the inside. When drawing the formula, imagine how the circle breaks, bringing death to the enemy. Triple Hagalazs trigger diseases, Isas do not allow a person to recover, Berkans provoke the appearance of malignant tumors and the development of a fatal disease. Additionally, they provide terrible, unbearable pain.

Damage destroys the life and health of the enemy and his blood relatives. If the subject has children whom you do not want to harm, put protection on their photos. Rune magic is capable of destroying those to whom the enemy has a strong emotional attachment.

Having become activated by burning, you cannot change your mind and spare a person. The effect is irreversible. In the slander, wish for a painful death by any means. The ashes can be left on the ground or thrown into the enemy’s house or car, so that runic damage to death will additionally destroy property.

For insomnia

Runic damage will cause nightmares that will not let you sleep. The person will feel complete hopelessness, weakness, and constant fear. Against the background of insomnia, the development of neurosis is possible. Runes are used that are written on the photo in several rows:

  1. Upside down Perth.
  2. Inverted Soulu, inverted Perth, Manaz, inverted Perth, inverted Evaz.
  3. Upside down Perth.
  4. Reversed Fehu.

Use fire to activate - burn the photo. To enhance the runic effect, ask Loki for help. Then take the gifts to him under the tree. Money won't do, you need food and alcohol. You can act on your own strength.

An example of a runic spell for damage:

Horror will envelop (name), suffocate him with darkness, immobilize him, and send him to sleep with fear and hopelessness. The dream disappears, (name) will go crazy, and will be afraid to touch the pillow. Peace will now be forgotten forever.

To the fire

Universal runic becoming can be used to destroy a house, apartment in flames, or figuratively burn everything good - relationships, family, career, enemy health.

The corruption formula includes 6 Sol, 6 Aesinger, 6 Queorts, 6 Ear, 6 Gar and Yetun Mork. An approximate runic clause for a fire:

Kveort burns (object), Ear - to the ground, Gar, Aesinger makes the fire quick, does not allow it to be extinguished, provokes destruction, Salt nourishes, becoming energy, intensifies the flame, Yetun's darkness hides (its name). The runes act without harm to me.

Draw a runic formula on a photograph or image of an object. Activate by burning, mentally wishing poverty to the enemy. For enhanced work, you can draw on the wall of the apartment that needs to be destroyed.

The formula will help you burn down a home or car: Kveorta ( straight position and mirror), Ear, destroying everything to the ground, 3 Kano. Framed by becoming Odal and Soulu runes. Draw on a photo of an object or on the wall of a building.

You need to activate the rune by burning or breathing. The clause for damage is standard, the details depend on the desired result.

For impotence

Damage to impotence in runes is easy to write.

The rune formation includes: Inguz, inverted Teyvaz, 2 Stunginn Kaun and 2 Turisaz.

Draw an object on a photograph - a schematic image of a person with a signed name and date of birth. It is better to draw in the groin area.

Damage also affects women in the form of the inability to conceive or bear a child. Activate by either burning or breathing. The rune clause is arbitrary. You can simply wish: (name) everything sagged, the girls no longer stood up.

Will there be consequences for the performer and when will the damage take effect?

Runic damage to the enemy can be returned to the witch or sorcerer. The risk is high if the affected object has mirror protection. The installed magical protection will help to avoid negative consequences.

Before targeting, be sure to put up shields - formulas to protect against magical effects and kickbacks. Select based on runic diagnostics or Tarot cards. The backlash from damage to death is especially dangerous.

You can completely protect yourself by making a withdrawal. There are rituals with allocation to a tree, to a coin. After runic damage, squeeze a 5-kopeck coin in your left palm and say the spell:

I sent (name) a bad one, I sent a bad one, if he decides to come back, if he makes a mistake, he will take the heels and take the evil upon himself. Amen!

Throw the coin away in a place where people walk, on the street.

There is no exact time frame for when runic damage will work for a happy path, impotence, prison, or death. Setting deadlines is contraindicated. Depends on the situation, human health, personal strength, external circumstances.

Sometimes even runic damage to death works within 2-3 days, but usually it takes months. Be patient, it’s better to forget about the ritual, let go of the situation and don’t wait fast response. Magic doesn't like haste.

War and hunting played a key role in the life of the ancient Scandinavian peoples. For both of these activities, bows and arrows carved from yew wood were used. In order to collect rich trophies and emerge victorious from heated battles, the Eyvaz rune was applied to the bow shaft, the meaning of which is the connection between the world of the living and the dead. It was believed that a weapon with the Eyvaz rune applied to it gives its owner courage and the ability not to retreat in the face of obstacles.

Symbolically, the Eyvaz rune represents a tree trunk, the roots of which go deep underground, and the crown extends into the heavens. Thus, the runic sign Eihwaz unites the chthonic underworld (kingdom of the dead), the world of living people and the heavenly abode of the Aesir. In general, the Eyvaz rune is a symbol of a warrior, a knight who raises his sword not to enslave, but to protect the weak.

The Eyvaz rune is most often turned to for help by people who need protection or are looking for a way to overcome an insurmountable obstacle. But it must be borne in mind that this runic sign helps only those who make the effort themselves. Magicians and mystics use the Eyvaz rune to penetrate the mystery of life and death and energetically unite with the World Ash.

Unlike such straightforward signs of the Elder Futhark as the Isa rune, the Eihwaz symbol has a multifaceted meaning. Rune Eyvaz in magic is used to achieve the following goals:

  • Protection from immediate physical threat;
  • Victory in competitions and sports competitions;
  • Overcoming various phobias, fear of death;
  • Facilitation of childbirth (transition between worlds);
  • Removing obstacles that arise along the way;
  • Elimination of an opponent or competitor;
  • Understanding the secrets of the World Tree.

Shamans use a runescript to travel between worlds, consisting of the signs Mannaz, Eyvaz, Eyvaz and Yera. If the sorcerer wanted to block all paths and roads for his ill-wisher, then he threw him a stave with the depicted combination of Raido, Hagalaz, Eyvaz. But the greatest danger is the combination of the Eihwaz and Nautiz symbols. This runescript is called a “wolf hook”; it is made for destruction.

To protect against magical attacks, you can use the combination Eyvaz - Soulu. This runescript is called a “solar shield”. It reflects the curse to the person who sent it. It must be taken into account that the “solar shield” only works when the talisman with this stave comes into contact with the skin of its owner. The combination of runes can be engraved on a bracelet, depicted on a church amulet or on a pendant on the reverse side.

The Eyvaz symbol is called the “rune of averting forces.” It protects a person from making the wrong decision, and also removes negative energy influences. Some runologists agree that the help from this sign is often unexpected, and sometimes does not meet expectations.

A talisman with the Eyvaz rune is made if you need help in overcoming problems and difficulties that have arisen. Any natural material can be used as a workpiece, but traditionally wood is used. The best choice for making a talisman is a branch of pine, birch, juniper or cedar. When cutting a branch, do not forget to apologize to the tree and thank it.

Cut out a small die, approximately 6-7 centimeters in diameter. Give the workpiece the shape of an oval or circle. Cut out the Eyvaz rune with a knife or paint this symbol with black paint. It is not recommended to burn the sign; the ancients believed that in this way the “soul” of the tree could be destroyed.

To activate the amulet, place it on a table previously covered with a clean white tablecloth. Place four candles to the left, right, front and back of the talisman (so that they form an energy cross). Formulate your desire, express it out loud. Some runologists advise promising a “sacrifice” to the talisman in exchange for help. For example, this could be a promise to quit smoking or sweets. The promise cannot be broken, otherwise the talisman will lose its power.

As you can see, the “mirror” rune Eyvaz does not have a straight or inverted position. Its appearance in the rune reading indicates that you have chosen the right goal, and you have a good chance of achieving success. You may have some doubts about your victory, but time will put everything in its place. But it should only be taken into account that the Eihwaz sign does not foretell easy victories that do not require any effort from the person asking. To get what you want, you have to work hard.

Business, work, career. In business matters, the appearance of the Eyvaz rune indicates that you will have to make some kind of sacrifice. For example, sacrificing personal time and effort for the sake of fulfilling urgent plans. However, such an investment will not have serious consequences and will pay off with interest.

Love relationships, family. Soon, annoying misunderstandings will arise that will not develop into significant problems. Don't worry too much, you just need to wait a while. If the Eyvaz rune appears in a layout made for newlyweds, then it means that the newly made spouses will have to get used to each other.

The negative programs sent are based on rituals, ancient symbols or special attributes. They use such techniques to harm the enemy or drive away a rival. The best protection against them is amulets and amulets. Runic damage, among other types of influence on someone else's energy, is the most powerful and difficult to cancel.

Runic damage is one of the most dangerous and severe

The concept of runic damage

It's purposeful negative impact. They are used to neutralize the enemy, destroy his happiness and level his successes. You can cause damage. This is the symbolism of the ancient Druids. It is found in many European cultures. Each sign has its own designation, protective power and validity period.

Damage by runes is used in the following cases:

  • if the enemy’s tricks destroy all efforts, it is difficult to fight such an ill-wisher even with strong traditional
  • when a loved one was taken away by another woman - runic evil eyes have such a property as turning away what was sent;
  • if the conspirator is confident in it and is not ready to retreat.

A person uses the runic “alphabet” for justice when it is not possible to return the well-deserved benefit in any other way. An ancient ritual performed in all alone regardless of lunar phase. To implement your plan, you need faith in the symbols of the Druids.

Duration of damage

Runic damage works from a specific element: a person can wet a rune, burn it, or direct a stream of air at it. The activator directly depends on the sign used.

In runic formulas, fundamental elements are used that serve as a kind of background: they provide the main service life of the induced program - it is at least six months. Damage tied to a personal item lasts longer or a type of ritual is chosen based on the purpose.

Staves (combinations of runes) are used only for their intended purpose: you cannot throw runes out of the formula or redo them, so as not to invite trouble on yourself.

Runic formulas

Runic damage is dangerous and not suitable for inexperienced magicians. They consist of several signs, which together turn into a strong destructive force. Runic formulas have their own direction of action.

  1. Dirty. Such formulas are used to cause slight harm to the enemy, image or mood, but do not pose a serious threat. They use the formulas “annoying fly” or “scream” - modern stakes to induce negativity at a distance.
  2. General. They destroy all areas of activity. Stakes bring chaos to your love and professional life. Choose “chaos” or “bomb”. Such runes are connected by modern magicians; they are used to suit the current specifics of life.
  3. Damage to the sexual sphere. After activating the staves, the enemy will begin to lose sexual energy. He will be constantly dissatisfied, embittered and nervous.
  4. Deprivation of strength. The “drought” position is used to weaken the enemy’s physical shell. This combination allows you to draw strength from another living being.
  5. Runes for a child's illness. The formula breaks the energetic “umbilical cord” and deprives the baby of the protection of its parents.
  6. . Such runic damage destroys the connection between lovers or friends. Statutes are used that deceive people, and they are no longer able to restore relationships.

Using more than 2-3 formulas over the course of a year is harmful. Staves feed on forces from the conspirator, and abuse of such signs leads to health problems.

Program for death

Damage through runes to death is a responsible decision that cannot be undone. With the help of staves they cause physical or moral death. The formula is used only in extreme cases. The complex pattern includes 10 equal elements. Together they bring death - a person gets sick, loses strength, work, money.

What does damage to death with runes consist of:

  • upside down;

For runic damage to work, Gebo is used as a basis. This is a universal sign that provides security to the conspirator. The remaining runes for damage to death are applied in the stated sequence to any thing that is made of durable material.

Program for the enemy

In order for the enemy to be unlucky, a special negative program is directed at him. She destroys everything he believes in. He will have no luck, no success, no joy in life. Runic formula destroys any opportunities, and soon the person transforms into a weak, useless person. Druid signs block the road - a person cannot follow his destiny.

Yera is also used as a mischief for the enemy. The first is written upside down. It is mirror-like: with the help of the sign, any opportunities or chances are closed. The enemy will degrade and become stupider. Hyera symbolizes the dry harvest. No matter what the victim does, she will not succeed.

Program for an opponent

A frequent order of the masters is to destroy the forces of a rival. When another woman takes away the man she loves, there is nothing left but to destroy her, to return to her the misfortune that she created.

In the first part of the runic drawing, Laguz and Uruz are depicted - two strong signs that seem to block the life of the victim. In the second part of the formula, Khalagaz and Laguz are written. They deal a physical blow - the spouse’s mistress begins to get sick and suffer from various diseases. When a legal spouse uses ancient symbolism, she first puts on herself protection from the Gebo rune.

Runes Laguz, Uruz and Gebo

Consequences of runic damage

Runic damage is dangerous not only for the victim. If such symbols are used inappropriately or in the wrong order, they can turn against the conspirator. To prevent this from happening, you need simple runes, and formulas are written according to a ready-made scheme.

It is mandatory to put on your own home strong protection- it will protect the enemy from reverse actions. Staves are applied throughout the house.

Actions that have no basis are dangerous. If the conspirator changes his mind, cancel such severe damage it will be difficult.

Over time, the stakes weaken and need to be strengthened.

In the Scandinavian tradition, the meaning of the Algiz rune was extremely important for both warriors and civilians. This sign has enormous protective power, which, however, must be directed in the right direction. Some sources identified this rune with life.

In the article:

Rune Algiz - the meaning and history of the ancient sign

Algiz belongs to the runes of the second atta, which is dedicated to Freyro And Freyje. She is fifteenth in the alphabetical series Elder Futhark, and as the seventh in its atta, refers to the runes of eloquence. In this aspect, it can provide protection from any lies and flattery, the ability to recognize the lies and evil thoughts of others. The translation of this rune varies depending on the sources. In the ancient Germanic languages ​​it means “elk”, and in the same way - in the Anglo-Saxon runic poems. The Scandinavians identified this word with the yew - a tree that combines life and death.

A direct reference to this rune has been preserved exclusively in the text of the Anglo-Saxon rune poem:

Elk sedge usually lives in swamps,
Grows in water. Hurts a lot
Bleeds every man,
Who will grab her?

Externally, this rune may resemble elk antlers, or a person standing with his hands raised. One of the main purposes and meanings of Algiz is protection. The aspect of protection from any evil actions, failures or problems is realized most fully in this rune. At the same time, this rune will not strike back - it acts solely as a shield, preventing the consequences of problems or even their very onset. That is why this rune was often depicted on the military shields of the ancient Vikings. And to protect against evil on Yule night, this rune was often depicted on lamps.

In addition, many mystics and occultists, in particular - Guido Von List, considered this symbol to be the rune of life. It was in this form that it was used in the Nazi Armanic Futhark. This symbol can often be seen on the tombstones of German soldiers killed during World War II. The Algiz or Lebensrune rune indicated the date of birth. And the inverted rune Algiz, or Todesrune, is the date of death.

Similar ideas could be found in Slavic runes. Yes, absolutely similar appearance The rune Peace has a similar meaning. And just like the Nazi death rune, it looks like Slavic rune Chernobog, which symbolizes the underworld and the end of life.

Fortune telling - Algiz rune in relationships and other aspects of life

The interpretation of the Algiz rune in fortune telling about relationships and any other aspects of life is almost always positive. This sign portends success, but more detailed transcript depends on a number of additional issues. Yes, on exact value runes can affect asked question, and the selected layout, and other additional runes that fell with this die, if you are guessing on more than one symbol. T The meaning of fortune telling also depends on the position in which this rune fell.

When fortune telling about relationships, the Algiz rune says that your soulmate is a reliable person behind whom you can feel like behind a stone wall. Moreover, this applies to both fortune telling about existing relationships and the possibility of future ones. Of course, this rune cannot guarantee success in getting this person - it only reveals information about his character. If you asked how to get rid of problems in a relationship, you should let your partner deal with them. The inverted Algiz rune in this matter suggests that the role of the head of the family and leader in the relationship lies entirely with you. Your partner, potential or current, cannot boast of independence. But again, this does not mean that this person is bad and you should not start or continue a relationship with him - you just need to take note of the rune’s warning.

In fortune telling about the situation, direct Algiz reports that higher powers are helping you and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Inverted - on the contrary, it warns of the danger of excessive carelessness. The advice of the Algiz rune is to get rid of worries and act actively, without fear of problems. An inverted rune speaks of the need to “cover your rear.” In matters related to health, Algiz reports a favorable period. An inverted rune warns of serious dangers.

In general, other runes in fortune telling will be able to more accurately indicate the aspect of life that the meaning of Algiz concerns. Thus, in combination with the Vunyo rune, the direct Algiz can clearly indicate the onset of a “white streak” in life. And together with - report a good trip without any incidents.

Rune Algiz and its meaning in magic

In magical art, the Algiz symbol was used almost everywhere. This is one of the safest and most positive runic symbols that can be used as a powerful amulet. general purpose. This mark can be used both as part of runic scripts or stavs, and independently. You can easily apply this rune to your body without much fear. In the same way, you can embroider this sign on clothes or household items if you want them to serve you for a long time and not become a source of problems.

Of course, there are certain precautions in using this sign. As is the case with any other runes, excessive abuse of the power of Algiz can turn out to be harmful. Algiz in such a situation can make a person withdrawn and uncommunicative. The long-term negative impact of this rune leads to the development of paranoia and other mental disorders, which can also be used for the purpose of damage. However, you should not be afraid of such a situation if you know how to work with runes correctly and channel their power.

Being aimed at any specific aspect of life, Algiz is almost absolutely safe, since its power is limited by the strict direction of application. You can correctly reveal all aspects of its use by using other runes as part of amulets or amulets. Having learned all the possibilities that Algiz provides to experienced rune connoisseurs, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from any possible problems in life.

To induce damage and the evil eye, many rituals based on ancient attributes are used. The ritual that uses the death rune is one of the most dangerous and difficult to cancel. With its help, they lead to death, get rid of ill-wishers and competitors.


Damage to death is caused by a slander. You will need a picture of the victim and a marker. The signs Hagalaz, Mannaz, Hagalaz are applied to the photo of the enemy. Then they pronounce words of hatred out loud, ask the Higher Powers to kill the person and spit on the photo.

But such rituals can be dangerous for the suggestor. If you apply runes incorrectly or disrupt the activation process, unintended consequences may occur. Sometimes the action passes on to the instigator and it is difficult to defend against the consequences.

The result will not appear immediately after activation. First, the victim experiences a long series of failures, and then death.

The ligature of the signs Nautiz, Hagalaz, Uruz and Isa has great power. They are applied to the enemy’s personal item, then the finger is cut with a knife or razor and a few drops of blood are dripped onto the runes. During the ritual, you need to imagine what kind of failures will overtake the victim.

This one has become one of the most powerful. Each symbol has its own meaning. Uruz takes away the body's defenses, Isa fetters energy, Nautiz attracts failures, and Hagalaz has a destructive effect. Activation on blood confirms that people are indeed enemies.

Measures to protect against kickbacks of death bets

Every person has the risk of becoming a victim of such a ritual. To do this, it is enough to have an enemy who knows how to handle runes. Wearing amulets will be a good protection against dark magic.

The runes Teyvaz or Isa are depicted on protective amulets. They protect the owner from dangers, preserve health and material well-being.

The formula of the runes Nautiz, Soulu, Nautiz is considered strong. This combination helps restore the body's physical and moral strength. Its peculiarity is that the formula removes the energy burden and gives strength to achieve further goals. The signs are applied to a piece of cloth and carried with them for nine days to remove the curse.

Becoming a Runic Cross will also help protect against negative influences. For it to work, it is important to correctly depict all the components:

  • Eyvaz is in the center;
  • on either side of it are the runes of Berkan;
  • above and below - Turisaz.

The image is drawn on the body. Women should wear on the left side and men on the right. This is one of the most powerful ways to protect against damage to death. But if the negative impact is already present, applying stav will not help remove it.

Runes on the body are quickly washed away, so it is better to apply marks on wood or stone. They make the most powerful amulets. It is better to burn or cut out runes.

To cleanse yourself of the energy of death, a payoff for the gods’ troubles is necessary. Odin is thanked with honey or light beer, and Loki is thanked with dark beer and fire. If the gods like the offerings, the victim will be pardoned.

Strong protection against rollbacks is the Helm of Terror. The victim must draw the runes Hagalaz and Isa on his forehead with charcoal. The signs cannot be washed off, they must come off on their own. There is also a rule prohibiting damaging pregnant women. The magic will turn against the guide and the amulets will not be able to protect him from negative energy.


One of the most famous ways to harm a person is to cause damage. Rune magic has strong energy and can weaken the victim’s health and cause trouble in work or personal life.

To protect yourself from the influence of negative energy, wear protective amulets. If damage is already present, they use staves for purification and make offerings to the Scandinavian gods.

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