Hello student. Coursework: External and internal functions of the state Contents of the internal and external functions of the state


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Rubric (thematic category) State

The areas of activity distinguish between internal and external functions. Internal functions are implemented in domestic policy and are aimed at solving problems within the country, and external functions are implemented in international communication with other states and international organizations. Environmental and economic functions, as well as the function of protecting human rights and freedoms, are both internal and external. Ecology is one of the global problems of our time and, for example, it is impossible to combat global warming solely within the framework of domestic policy. The economy in modern conditions of globalization and international division of labor also has an international character.
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International cooperation is widely carried out in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms.

Internal functions:

1) economic function (i.e. ensuring favorable conditions for economic development);

2) social function (i.e. ensuring the well-being of all social groups, in particular healthcare, education, social security, labor protection, this also includes the development of culture, although many scientists highlight the cultural and educational function as an independent one);

3) environmental function (i.e. ensuring a favorable state of the environment for human life and protecting nature) 4) function protection of law and order, human and civil rights and freedoms;

5) function security citizens in emergencies of a natural, man-made and social nature;

6) some scientists also highlight financial function(i.e. taxation), this function is not an end in itself, it is aimed at creating conditions for the state to carry out all its other internal and external functions.

External functions:

1) national defense(and in peacetime - maintaining its defense capability at the proper level); 2) ensuring peace and international security(the main instrument in this regard remains the UN and its Security Council) 3) function international cooperation on a variety of issues. At the same time, we can understand both internal and external functions as environmental, economic functions and function protection of human rights.


State mechanism- state system bodies and other organizations through which the state carries out its functions.

Structure of the state mechanism:

1) state apparatus - a set of state. bodies empowered authority for the implementation of state authorities;

2) state institutions and government enterprises. They do not have power, but their activities are directly aimed at implementing the functions of the state. State institutions- ϶ᴛᴏ non-profit organizations that carry out activities to perform state functions in various fields. For example, educational organizations, healthcare organizations, libraries. State enterprises- ϶ᴛᴏ commercial organizations, their activities are closely related to the implementation of state functions. Eg.
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mints, refineries, etc.

Structure of the state mechanism determined legal forms of state activity: 1) lawmaking, 2) management and 3) protection of law. Accordingly, they differ three types of government organs: 1) legislative, 2) executive and 3) judicial.

Features of the state structure mechanism in Russia:

1. Strict delimitation of state and municipal authorities, The relative independence of local governments from the state is guaranteed.

2. The principle of separation of powers is not fully implemented. The President stands, as it were, above the system of separation of powers, symbolizing the unity of the nation and coordinating the activities of all branches of government, and is the guarantor of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of citizens. It has enormous powers in the sphere of executive power, practically manages the work of the Government and its head. The President has enormous powers; from the presidential republic he took powers in the sphere of executive power, and from the parliamentary republic - the right to dissolve the State Duma. In addition, the President divided the country into “districts”, appointing his “plenipotentiary representatives”.

3. Legislature carried out by the Federal Assembly. The Upper House is formed from “representatives” from the legislative and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation. The lower house is elected by the population under a mixed (proportional and majoritarian) electoral system.

4. Executive branch carried out by the Government, federal ministries and departments (which may have their own territorial bodies) and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

5. Judicial branch carried out by federal courts and magistrate judges. To fed. The courts include: 1) the Supreme Court and the system of courts of general jurisdiction headed by it; 2) YOU and the system of arbitration courts headed by it; 3) KS.

6. Prosecutor's office– a system of independent law enforcement agencies headed by the Prosecutor General. Carries out prosecutorial supervision over compliance with laws, criminal prosecution and prosecution in criminal cases in court.


A state body is a structurally separate unit of the state apparatus that has the following main features:

1) carries out its tasks and functions on behalf of the state;

2) has power, which is what distinguishes it from government agencies and enterprises (it can issue legal acts that are binding on those to whom they are addressed; apply coercive measures of persuasion, education, encouragement to ensure the requirements of these acts; supervise their implementation) ;

3) has a certain competence, i.e. a set of rights and obligations and functions assigned to him;

4) has, as a rule, a territorial scale of activity;

5) characterized by a certain structure, i.e., structure by types of individual services and numerical composition (staff);

6) is formed in the manner prescribed by law.

State bodies are classified by functions (legislative, executive, judicial), structure (sole and collegial) competence (general competence, e.g.
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Government of the Russian Federation, sectoral and intersectoral, for example.
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federal ministries and departments), areas of activity (for example, internal affairs bodies and external relations bodies, for example.
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs, its diplomatic and consular missions)

State form- ϶ᴛᴏ organization of political power in the state, taken in the unity of its three basic elements: 1) form of government 2) form of government and 3) political regime.

Form of government- ϶ᴛᴏ organization of the supreme power of the state, characterized by a special source of power and a special mutual relationship between the highest bodies of the state and each other Basic forms of government- monarchy and republic. The monarchy must be absolute, estate-representative, constitutional (including dualistic or parliamentary). The republic must be Soviet, presidential (dualistic), parliamentary and mixed.

Form of government– political-territorial and administrative-territorial structure of the state, the relationship between the territorial parts of the state and their bodies with the state as a whole. There are federations and unitary states. The question of distinguishing a federation from an international organization is becoming increasingly complex.

Political regime- ϶ᴛᴏ a set of ways and methods of the actual exercise of political power. Types of political regime: democracy and authoritarianism, liberalism and totalitarianism, as well as their various combinations.

EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE" 2017, 2018.

Internal functions are the main directions of the state’s activities in managing the internal life of society. The classification of internal functions is carried out according to the spheres of activity of the state. Each state, regardless of the form of government or government structure, solves a number of fundamental economic, social, security and control tasks. In addition, currently the most important task of all states is environmental protection. In accordance with these areas of activity, the internal functions of the state are divided into economic, social, financial control, law enforcement and environmental (environmental)

The economic function is expressed in the development and coordination by the state of strategic directions for the development of the country's economy in the most optimal mode.

In a law-governed state operating in conditions of market commodity relations, state regulation of the economy is carried out mainly by economic rather than administrative methods. Such a state is characterized by freedom and independence of the owner, which ensure real equality and independence of both producers and consumers of social benefits.

There are two main economic methods of government regulation:

  • a) a specific and fairly strict tax policy that allows the state to successfully solve its social problems, as well as redistribute part of the national income for the purpose of a more balanced development of the productive forces of society;
  • b) creation of the most favorable business conditions in priority sectors of the economy, the development of which provides the greatest benefit to society as a whole.

The economic activity of a modern rule-of-law state has the following directions:

a) state influence on the economic life of society as a whole, which is expressed in the formation of the budget by the state and control over its expenditure; in accordance with economic development programs on a national scale; in financing industrial and scientific research programs; in issuing subsidies to producers of material goods to stimulate production. Supreme and local government bodies, as well as specialized institutions, participate in state regulation of economic processes. Such institutions in the United States are the Bureau of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisers, the National Labor Relations Administration, the Federal Reserve System and others. They are part of the apparatus of the President of the country.

Local government bodies also have a stimulating effect on the economy. They provide an influx of capital and business development in the trust territory in order to obtain large funds for the local budget. By supporting entrepreneurship and attracting new companies to their territory, local authorities thus develop infrastructure and solve the problem of unemployment. To accomplish these tasks, tax mechanisms are used, land plots are allocated for construction, and bonds are issued to finance new producers.

The economic function of the state mainly consists of regulatory, stimulating, and advisory actions, but in no case in the creation of distribution or prohibitive mechanisms. In modern civil society, only economic units and labor collectives (producers) can decide which bodies of state and economic management they need, what the functions of these bodies should be, how much they should be paid and for what services.

The economic activity of the state is also expressed in the direct economic management of the public sector of the economy (at state enterprises, institutions, establishments). Here the state itself acts as the owner of the means of production, the producer of material goods and services. The methods of its influence on the economic relations developing in this sector of the economy are not fundamentally different from the general methods of state regulation of economic processes in the country.

The social function of the state is designed to ensure social security of the individual and normal living conditions for all members of society, regardless of their direct participation in the production of goods.

In a state governed by the rule of law, the distribution of (material) goods is carried out in addition to the free equivalent exchange between producers and consumers. Its social policy involves, firstly, the distribution of social benefits regardless of labor contribution, in order to ensure a decent standard of living for those who, due to various circumstances and objective reasons, cannot work fully (the sick, the disabled, the elderly, students, children). Secondly, the state allocates the necessary funds for healthcare, cultural recreation, education, housing construction, and efficient transport and communications. This ensures the proper implementation of the rights of citizens to health care, recreation, housing, education, and the enjoyment of cultural achievements, that is, those social rights that all citizens of the state should enjoy to the maximum extent.

The formation of a social legal state goes through a difficult and painful path. Initially, the development of society and its enrichment leads to its stratification into the poor and the rich. Formally proclaimed equality reproduces material inequality, which gives rise to crisis and acute social conflicts in society. And only gradually the rule of law acquires the features of a social state and complements the formal guarantees of the free development of the individual with material guarantees of social security. In general, a modern rule of law guarantees real social security to everyone who is in an economically disadvantaged position, and constantly increases allocations for the needs of the entire population of the country.

In former totalitarian states, where the legal foundations of social and state life are being formed, social regulation based on the principle of equalization is gradually being replaced. Equalization, as a primitive consumer phenomenon, is beneficial only to the leveling bureaucracy. This method of social regulation is imposed and supported by the coercive force of a totalitarian state. The ability of the bureaucracy to have a higher level of consumption compared to the bulk of the population is created artificially by appropriating the results of other people's labor and limiting material incentives for labor contribution to the production of social goods. As a result, this leads to a curb on the social activity and enterprise of producers, a decrease in the level of scientific and technological progress, a decline in the culture and morality of the people, and leads society to a state of stagnation and disunity.

Only in conditions of freedom and economic independent development of producers of material and spiritual goods is the state able to pursue a fair policy towards the population of the country.

The function of financial control is expressed in the identification and accounting by the state of the income of producers. By law, part of this income in the form of taxes is sent to the state budget to meet social and other national needs. The state exercises control over the correct expenditure of taxes.

Supreme financial control over income and expenses is, as noted, the prerogative of parliament. At the local level, these functions are performed by local government bodies. In all states, the ministries of finance have broad powers of such control. In England, for example, control over the distribution of state budget funds between departments and their use is carried out by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General together with the Ministry of Finance. The General Accountability Office operates as a special financial control body in the United States, headed by the Comptroller General, who is appointed by the President and can only be removed by decision of both houses of Congress. In France, compliance with financial discipline by all government bodies at the center and locally is controlled by the Court of Accounts. The reports of the Court of Accounts are sent to the President of France; its decision can only be appealed to the Council of State. The Ministry of Finance, through financial inspectors, directly controls government bodies and institutions on budget and budget issues. France also has inspectorates for social security, education, bridges and roads, forests and waters, mines and mines, which monitor the income and expenditure of funds by the public and private sectors.

Specific functions of financial control are carried out by state customs, which control the transport of material assets across the state border and collect customs duties and taxes. Monetary collection from goods and property passed across the border under the control of customs departments goes to the state.

Effective financial control allows the state to accumulate certain funds for the purpose of their further use in the interests of society,

The function of law enforcement is the activity of the state aimed at ensuring the accurate and complete implementation of its legislative requirements by all participants in public relations. In a rule-of-law state, where public and state life is built on the basis of fair laws, the interests of the individual, state, and society are protected from any illegal attacks. At the center of the state's law enforcement actions is, first of all, the individual, the individual as a citizen, as a member of society, as a free individual, as well as the state itself and its various structures. Therefore, while protecting the legal rights and interests of the individual, the state simultaneously protects its own interests and the interests of the entire society.

The fight against crime is an important, but not the main aspect of the state’s law enforcement activities. The state is called upon to really ensure, including with the help of special bodies (courts, prosecutors, etc.), an order in public life that would fully meet the requirements of legal norms and the principles of freedom and justice embedded in them. Maintaining stable law and order in the country is the task of the entire state and its entire system of bodies. The coercive side of state activity gradually loses its power with harmonious, objectively determined economic, political, social and moral relations between citizens and the state. It is transformed into the legal order of a civilized society.

The environmental (ecological) function is a vitally important activity of any modern state and the world community as a whole. The land as an object of joint residence requires the most rational and morally sensitive attitude towards itself. Modern states have developed extensive environmental legislation that clearly regulates the activities of people and various organizations in the use of the natural environment (laws have been adopted on the protection of wildlife, atmospheric air, natural resources, waters, forests, land). In many countries, national environmental protection programs have been developed and operate, providing for the active application of enforcement measures to violators of its integrity, up to the complete elimination of sources of pollution or hazardous production waste. In the USA, for example, there is a law on national policy in the field of environmental protection, and long-term programs have been developed to prevent pollution of the atmosphere, water bodies and soil from industrial and household waste. Specific preventive measures are provided to protect the environment from the negative impact of human activities. The President of the United States has an advisory body, the Council on Environmental Quality, and the Federal Agency for the Protection of the Natural World, which has broad powers to monitor the implementation of environmental legislation. Khrapanyuk V.N. - Theory of state and law.-M. :1998.

In Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany. In Sweden and other countries, there are specialized ministries and departments for monitoring and regulating activities in the field of the environment; there is a whole system of legislative acts that provide for strict measures of legal liability for violation of their requirements. Along with the highest and local government bodies, control over the exact and strict compliance with environmental legislation is also carried out by prosecutorial supervision bodies.

The external functions of the state represent the main directions of its activities in the international arena. They are called upon to solve the following external tasks of the state: establishing and maintaining normal relations with other states and ensuring the country’s defense from possible external aggression. In accordance with these tasks, two main external functions of the state are implemented: mutually beneficial cooperation with all other states of the world community and the defense of the country from external attack.

Mutually beneficial cooperation with other states is a variety of state activities aimed at establishing and developing equal economic, political, cultural and other relations that harmoniously combine the interests of a given state with the specific and general interests of all states. The current level of development of society objectively requires the integration of the economic, political, cultural life of all civilized states, the unification of their common efforts to more effectively solve the internal problems of each state individually and the world community as a whole. Such cooperation presupposes a broad and mutually beneficial approach to integration issues, the ability to jointly find the most rational solution that meets the interests not only of the given country, but also of all participants in the cooperation.

An important place in interstate economic cooperation is occupied by the international division of labor, cooperation and specialization of production, exchange of the latest technologies, coordination of trade turnover, and development of credit and financial ties. General coordination of international economic cooperation is carried out by the United Nations and its specialized agencies. Thus, the UN Economic and Social Council includes a number of bodies that are designed to regulate issues of interstate economic relations throughout the world community, namely: the Trade and Development Council, the Economic Committee, regional economic commissions, committees on housing, construction and planning , natural resources, science and technology. The field of international and social cooperation is dealt with by such specialized UN agencies as the International Labor Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others.

Economic cooperation is effectively carried out within the community of those states that are territorially connected to each other. An example is the European Community, whose goal is to achieve comprehensive cooperation in the economic, political and military fields; rapid increase in living standards; closer ties between the peoples of this community of states. These states agreed to eliminate all restrictions on trade between them, introduce a common customs tariff on trade with third countries, remove obstacles to the free movement of persons, capital and services, pursue a common policy in the field of transport, energy and economy, establish common rules of competition, and more. The European Community has concluded a number of conventions with countries on other continents, with which it cooperates closely. Recently, members of the European Community have approved new agreements on monetary, economic and political unions. In particular, most member countries of the community agreed to move to a common currency and a unified defense system. Within the community, there are a number of credit institutions whose task is to finance common economic and social policy measures (European Investment Bank, European Development Fund and others). Economic cooperation is also carried out on the basis of bilateral agreements between states. However, such cooperation is limited by the economic capabilities of these states only.

In the political field, cooperation between states manifests itself primarily in issues of peace and war. The current level of development of the world community of states makes it possible to avoid global international armed conflicts. Political cooperation between states is carried out at all levels of government: interparliamentary, intergovernmental, and at the level of local governments.

The European Community has common interstate legislative, executive and judicial bodies, the competence of which is limited by the mutual interests of the united states. Such interstate entities have confederal characteristics, since they have common legislative and governing bodies.

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which emerged in 1991, is built mainly on the principles of economic cooperation, outside of which the existence of the former subjects of the USSR is extremely difficult due to the established long-term organically inextricable economic relationships. The transition to more organized state cooperation between them in the field of political, social, cultural and others is a matter of time, a reasonable one, using the experience of world civilization.

The main international body coordinating the political interests of modern states is the UN. Issues of political settlement of conflicts, including military ones, are dealt with by the Security Council, a permanent body of the UN. Its competence includes a wide range of powers to maintain international peace and security and develop cooperation in a wide variety of areas of interstate relations.

Regional international organizations also help maintain political stability and security in the world: the League of Arab States. Organization of African Unity, Organization of American States and others. Many issues of a political nature are resolved by states directly through diplomacy, on the basis of two or multilateral negotiations.

Cultural, scientific and technical cooperation is carried out in various forms and at various interstate levels. At the UN, such cooperation is coordinated by specialized agencies for education, science and culture (UNESCO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (MARATE) and others. Specific issues of cultural, scientific and technical cooperation are resolved on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements between states, as well as non-governmental organizations (for example, the World Organization of Democratic Youth, the International Council of Scientific Unions, the International Union of Architects, the International Union of Students). Within the framework of international and scientific-technical cooperation, scientific information, works of art, achievements of musical and stage culture, and mutual training of specialists are exchanged. various kinds of festivals, conferences on problems of science and culture, direct contacts between scientists, cultural figures, and athletes.

Cooperation in the field of environmental protection unites the efforts of most states to maintain a normal environmental situation on the planet. This activity is comprehensive in nature and is aimed at creating such environmental conditions that are necessary for the existence and development of human life. It is actively carried out both through specialized UN agencies and within regional and other interstate bodies. To protect the environment, the latest achievements of states in the field of astronautics, medicine, biology, and electronics are used.

The external activities of modern states are based on international legal norms, maximally taking into account the fundamental interests and national characteristics of all peoples included in the world community. V.N. Khrapanyuk. Theory of Government and Rights. -M. :1998.

What are the internal and external functions of the state? We will try to answer this question in the article. But first, let's look at the concept of state functions. More on this later.

The concept of state functions

The functions of the state are understood as the main responsibilities, tasks and directions of its activities. They are based on law or contract. In other words, this is what the state should do.

This is a broad concept. It is a mistake to believe that the function of one body included in its structure is the function of the entire state. So what are the internal and external functions of the state? Let's delve into the topic.

Internal functions

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we entered a new stage in the formation of statehood. It dates back to December 12, 1993, with the adoption of the Constitution. Literally from scratch, we formed market, socio-economic, political, and spiritual relationships. Liberal values ​​were recognized as fundamental principles in the new legal system.

In the modern period, the world has the following main internal functions:

  • economic;
  • fiscal;
  • education and science;
  • environmental;
  • law and order;
  • protection of rights and freedoms;
  • social.

Economic function

In Russia, elements of market relations were formed that were not rejected by Soviet ideology:

  • private property rights;
  • competition;
  • personal economic interest.

The economic function of the state is:

  • In creating a legal framework under which the most important elements of market relations will function.

  • Financial and consulting support for entrepreneurs.
  • Defending the interests of domestic enterprises in the international arena.
  • Structural reforms.
  • Reducing inflation rates.
  • Promoting the increase in production through grants and public-private partnerships.
  • Effective regulation of the banking system.

Social function

We continue to analyze the main internal and external functions of the state. The next function is social. Its main goals are:

  • labor protection and health of citizens;
  • establishing a minimum wage for guaranteed subsistence;
  • support for people experiencing temporary difficulties;
  • providing assistance to the disabled, the elderly, large families, single mothers, and orphans.
  • support for the institution of family and marriage;
  • fight against poverty.

All measures are carried out through various social services through the allocation of subsidies and other financial assistance. Information and legal support for citizens, assistance in employment, etc. are provided.

Function for the development of education and science

The function of development of education and science carries out the most important cultural, educational and educational direction. Without it it is impossible to talk about the future of the country. The difference between the modern state and the Soviet one is that the old ideology is absent. Instead of one “correct” point of view, a modern citizen can see another, alternative one.

Ecological function

Nature protection and careful use of its resources is the most important function of the state. Scientific and technological progress has played a huge role in human life. He has become mobile. Now a person can fly on airplanes, have personal transport, use communication services and industry. This also led to negative consequences - our pristine nature was under threat: forests were destroyed, water bodies were polluted, fish were caught, animals were exterminated. The environmental function of the state is to minimize the threat to the environment, as well as take measures to restore it as quickly as possible.

Fiscal function

The fiscal function is not an economic function, since it affects not only the country’s economy. The main task of the state is to find a balance in the tax base. Too high taxes will either lead to a shadow economy or completely destroy private enterprise. Low taxes create a budget deficit, which leads to the inability to perform other functions: social, scientific and educational.

Protection of rights and freedoms, support of law and order, security

In the modern situation, the importance of law enforcement and ensuring the rule of law is enormous. This role is not performed by individual security agencies, the police, but by the unified coordinated work of all government agencies.

Internal and external functions of the state, table

Let's make a table. What are the internal and external functions of the state? External functions refer to activities outside boundaries. They are no less important for society, since the well-being of citizens depends on the effective policy of the state in the international arena.

So, we have looked at what the internal and external functions of the state are. We hope we have covered this topic as fully as possible.

Let's look at some of the main internal functions of the state.

The economic function includes the multifaceted activities of the state in organizing, coordinating, and regulating economic processes through tax and credit policies, government orders, creating mechanisms that stimulate economic growth, and implementing sanctions. In general, the economic function is aimed at developing market relations.

The social function is focused on creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. The content of this function includes the activities of the state to meet the needs of people for work, housing, and maintaining health; ensuring state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood; providing social guarantees to the elderly, disabled, unemployed, youth, and low-income groups of the population; protection of social and professional rights and legitimate interests of workers.

The political function is focused on ensuring political stability and the effective functioning of government powers; developing policies in accordance with the needs of the wider population; establishing relationships with public organizations and institutions; informing the public about political goals and ways to achieve them.

The content of the function of developing culture, science and education is state support for all forms of culture: literature, theater, cinema, television; ensuring the preservation of historical and cultural monuments; development of a network of libraries, archives and museums; creating conditions to satisfy the cultural needs of the population, introducing them to the achievements of world artistic culture. The content of this function also includes state support for the development of science; creating the necessary conditions for the creative activity of scientific teams; organization of research of fundamental importance; support for the development of fundamentally new technologies, etc. In addition, the state pays great attention to issues of education and upbringing.

To this list of functions one more should be added - an ecological (environmental) function. This addition is associated with the emergence of a real threat of destruction of all life on earth as a result of human activity.

It should be noted that the functions of the state are not something frozen and unchanging. Depending on specific historical conditions, the elements of these general functions can acquire independent significance, becoming independent functions due to their special significance.

In a modern democratic state, the task of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens comes to the fore. Carrying out the human rights function is one of the main responsibilities of the state. Among the measures taken by the state to implement this function, the most important are the following:

  • - creation of internal affairs bodies and prosecutor’s offices to ensure the legal regime;
  • - legal regulation of the procedure for the implementation of rights and freedoms granted to citizens, their protection in case of violation; the procedure for bringing to justice persons guilty of committing illegal acts;
  • - strengthening the rule of law in the activities of government bodies and officials, combating corruption and abuse of power;
  • - providing citizens and other persons with the right to defend their rights and freedoms in any way not prohibited by law;
  • - ensuring the independence of the judiciary from other government bodies;
  • - legal education of the population, developing in them a sense of respect for laws and attitudes toward lawful behavior.

The external functions of the state represent the main directions of the state’s activities, directly related to the solution of tasks and goals facing it in the international arena.

For all states these goals and objectives are different. They depend on the nature of the political regime existing in the country, the types of states, on the stages of development of the state, on the situation developing in the international arena, on the nature of the relationships between states.

The goals and objectives, as well as some functions of the state, depend on its social-class essence and content, its social-class predetermination and orientation, and, to a large extent, on its ideological conditioning.

The state cannot have goals and objectives, and therefore corresponding functions, that would not be determined by its essence, content, ideological views of the ruling circles, and its social and class purpose.

Ideological and political attitudes are especially clearly visible in the external functions of the state.

Let's look at some of the main external functions of the state:

  • 1. Cooperation with all other states of the world community. This is a variety of state activities aimed at establishing and developing equal economic, political, cultural and other relations that harmoniously combine the interests of a given state with the specific and general interests of all states. Such cooperation presupposes a broad and mutually beneficial approach to integration issues, the ability to jointly find the most rational solutions that meet the interests not only of a given country, but also of all participants in cooperation within the world community.
  • 2. The function of the state to defend the country from external attack is the second important direction of its activity. The country's defense function is carried out by economic, political, diplomatic and military means. In peacetime, this is a comprehensive preparation of the country to repel a possible attack from the outside. In wartime, this function takes the form of direct armed struggle with the enemy, during which all the forces of the country unite to achieve victory. Defending the fatherland is the duty of citizens.

The defense activities of the state are based on its military doctrine and consist of five main areas:

  • - strengthening the country's defense power;
  • - daily improvement of the armed forces, constant increase in their combat effectiveness and combat readiness;
  • - protection of state borders;
  • - organization of civil defense;
  • - military training of the armed forces reserves (reserves).
  • 3. The function of assistance in ensuring international peace is related to the activities of the Russian state to prevent war, disarmament, reduce chemical and nuclear weapons, strengthen the mandatory non-proliferation regime of weapons of mass destruction and the latest military technologies. In addition, this function covers ensuring cooperation between states in such areas as the fight against organized crime, including smuggling, drug trafficking, international terrorism, as well as the participation of the world community in regulating interethnic conflicts.
  • 4. The function of integration into the world economy is based on the recognition of the interdependence of states in the modern world. Interdependence covers a wide range of relations, including production, scientific and technical, trade, credit, transport, etc.

Economic integration plays a huge role in maintaining world order and in establishing stable relations between states on mutually beneficial terms.

The functions of the state differ from other phenomena in their forms of implementation. The question of the forms of implementation of state functions is a question of the specifics of the types of state activities.

Internal functions of the state- these are areas of state activity that are associated with solving problems of internal development of society.

Internal functions include:

1) economic- implementation by the state of managerial influence on the economic sphere. The objects of this activity are industrial relations in various sectors of the economy, state and non-state. The current Constitution instructs the state to ensure freedom of economic activity in the Russian Federation and maintain fair competition, excluding monopolization. The Constitution also proclaims equality and protection of all forms of property in the country. The economic system of the Russian Federation is characterized by a variety of forms of ownership. Legal regulation of property relations is carried out by various legal norms, the main place among which belongs to constitutional norms;

2) financial- the implementation of management activities for the collection and distribution of funds generally relates to the economic function of the Russian state, although it can be distinguished as an independent financial function;

3) social - We are talking about the activities of the state in the sphere of providing various social services to members of society, as well as concern for increasing the level of well-being of low-income categories of the population, providing them with material and other assistance. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the social function of the Russian state is aimed “at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.” The importance of the social function of the state is currently very great;

4) political - this function of the state determines its activities in the formation and organization of the work of all government bodies;

5) environmental- this is the activity of the state, including measures for nature conservation and rational use of natural resources. The content of the environmental policy of the Russian state consists of activities to develop the most rational regime for environmental management, to re-equip enterprises from the point of view of their environmental safety;

6) cultural- the direction of the state’s activities for the spiritual and cultural development of society, since in modern conditions, for the normal functioning and development of society, spiritually and intellectually developed people, knowledgeable, qualified specialists are needed;

7) protection of law and order, rights and freedoms of citizens - this function contains the activities of the state in the field of combating crime to create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of all rights and freedoms of citizens, their associations, and state bodies. The most important characteristic of the law enforcement function is the ability to use state coercion necessary to maintain order in society;

8) ensuring public safety - state activities to prevent and eliminate the consequences of various adverse events: natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, riots, organized crime.

External functions of the state- functions that the state implements outside its territory to solve its foreign policy problems.

Significant changes have occurred in recent decades not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The problems of global confrontation and the direct threat of nuclear war have become less relevant. Significant changes have also occurred in the main external functions of the Russian state. In particular, some of them disappeared (functions of assistance to developing countries, cooperation and mutual assistance with socialist states), while others, on the contrary, gained further development in accordance with new development conditions (functions of the struggle for peace, defense of the country), some functions arose again (integration into the world economy, cooperation with CIS countries, etc.). The Russian state in the modern world implements its external functions in accordance with new foreign policy objectives, namely:

1) consistent promotion of national interests while maintaining openness and cooperation in international relations;

2) creating favorable conditions for the country’s internal development and continuation of reforms.

You can select two main external functions of the Russian state:

1 . Military - The content of this function of the state includes waging wars, defending the country in wartime, ensuring readiness for defense in peacetime, and protecting state borders. At present, very acute interstate and interethnic contradictions remain.

Modern world states, including the Russian state, have recognized doctrine of "sufficient defense", which consists in the fact that states need to provide military capabilities sufficient to guarantee security, instead of achieving quantitative parity of weapons. This doctrine is designed to ensure a significant reduction in arms costs in Russia and the world, and also provides an opportunity to reduce the threat of armed conflicts.

2 . Function of cooperation with other states - in various fields of activity it is becoming objectively necessary for all modern states, including the Russian Federation. The world is acquiring a new quality; today it is no longer possible, and even unprofitable, to adhere to the policy of self-isolation. Cooperation and coordination of actions in economic, environmental, law enforcement, cultural and other areas of activity meet the interests of any state. Activities play a major role in coordinating cooperation between states United Nations, the work of its specialized institutions and other international organizations on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements.

Among the main areas of interstate cooperation cooperation needs to be highlighted:

1 ) in economics;

2 ) maintaining peace and global law and order;

3 ) environmental activities;

4 ) fight against international crime;

5 ) the field of science, culture, education;

6 ) solving demographic, raw materials, energy problems, space exploration.

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