Application in almond cosmetology. Rubric "Almond Oil"

Almonds are customary to call nuts, but this is not entirely correct, since in fact it is the core of the almond bone extracted from the fetus of the almond tree. Compared to other fruit bone, this product is a record holder in content in it. Thus, the concentration of oil depending on the conditions of growth, the region and the almond varieties ranges from 40 to 60 percent.

Almond oil produced from seeds of different varieties of sweet almonds. Of these, the kernels are removed, dried and grind them, and then produce a spin of a 2-fold cold pressing. The remaining after spinning of the cake is used to prepare a variety of cosmetics. The oil obtained from sweet almond can be eaten and used in cosmetology, and the product from Gorky almond is popular in aromatherapy, applied to cosmetic and various domestic purposes.

To obtain oil from the seeds of bitter almonds, they are pre-heated, while the destruction of the amygdaline contained in them occurs. Such oil for use as a food product is unsuitable. The resulting oil cake oil is also used in the pharmaceutical industry for the bitter water. This is a colorless liquid of pleasant smell and bitter taste (contains 0.1% of blue acid).

How to choose

High-quality almond oil should be transparent with a low yellow tint and not have a sediment. The smell is sweet or absent, the taste is soft and nut. It is better to buy oil in a small bottle, because after opening and direct contact with air, the term of the suitability of this product decreases sharply. They advise you to choose oil in a bottle of dark glass. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the term of fitness, as well as the composition of the product.

How to store

After the first use, almond oil must be stored in a refrigerator in a bottle with a closed lid.

Cosmetic oil is usually sold in plastic or glass bottles of small volume (25-50 milligrams).

In cooking

Almond oil is suitable for refueling various vegetable salads with spices and spicy herbs. The high temperature destroys the properties and the subtle fragrance of this product, so it is advised to use for those prepared by any way of vegetables, rice and paste dishes. Almond oil can be added when cooking sauces, desserts and baking.

Calorie of almond oil

Caloriciness per 100 grams of oil reaches 884 kcal, as in most other vegetable oils.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of almond oil

Composition and availability of useful substances

As part of the oil made of sweet almonds, a mono-supersaturated oleic (from 65 to 83%) and polyunsaturated linoleic acid (from 16 to 25%), as well as amygdalin glycoside, vitamins B2, E, carotes, bioflavonoids, different mineral and protein substances, sugars are contained.

Useful and therapeutic properties

For prevention, as well as the treatment of different ailments, advise on one teaspoon of almond oil in the morning and in the evening.

This product is able to prevent cardiovascular diseases, adjust the pressure and maintain the normal level of cholesterol.

Also, this oil will strengthen the immunity, will abund by infections by activating the natural protective mechanisms. This vegetable product is used for diseases of the throat, bronchial asthma, dry cough, lung inflammation as an expectorant, soothing and anti-inflammatory agent. With chronic bronchitis, throat diseases, asthma, lung inflammation, cough with poorly disconnected by sputum, you need to take ten drops three times a day. Therapeutic effect will come within a few days.

Improve the almond oil and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helping with elevated acidity, ulcers, meteorism, constipation, heartburn. In the case of ulcerative disease and gastritis, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach. It acts as a laxative.

In addition, this product strengthens the nervous system and memory can help in case of insomnia.

Improves blood circulation, and also ensures the correct development of the musculoskeletal system in children. So, with almond oil you can make a massage to the baby. In addition to the use of the skeleton and muscles, this product is well moistened to the skin. At the same time, the oil from the almond will help to cope with different skin diseases, inflammation, allergies and rashes.

Oil treats herpes, damage and microtraums, dermatitis and eczema, well helps with burns, including sunny. At the same time, it is necessary to lubricate the almond oil affected by the oil, for greater efficiency, two drops of lavender oil or tea tree can be added to the tablespoon of this product. With herpes, the oil needs to lubricate the rash 4-5 times a day, mixing it pre-with two drops of eucalyptus oil or tea tree.

Due to the painful and warming effect, almond oil copes perfectly with pain in the muscles, ears and bundles. With a variety of ear diseases it is necessary to drip almond oil in the ear of eight drops throughout the day. In order to quickly alleviate the head and ear pain, ten drops of this oil advise to mix with a drop of garlic juice. It is necessary to drip three drops of the resulting mixture in the ear. If you roll on the night in the ear drop of warm oil, then soften the ear sulfur.

It is worth noting that the admission of almond oil is two to three months at half a teaspoon three times a day - this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and its potential complications.

In case of sports injuries and stretching bundles, you can apply napkins impregnated with almond oil for half an hour and three times a day. It helps to remove pain, and at the same time it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pregnant with swells of legs and back pains are recommended massage using such a mixture: 100 milligrams of sweet almond oils, seven drops of lavender oil, three droplets of sandalwood oils and neroli.

When premenstrual pains, you can massage the bottom of the abdomen with circular movements, starting a couple of days before the start of menstruation and during it. To do this, use such a tool: 70 ml of almond oil, 30 milligram of the hormour oil and several essential oils: five drops of grapefruit, three drops of ylang-yulang, two - a nutmeg sage and one - jasmine.

With female inflammations, doctors advise to enter tampons, impregnated with sweet almond oil with the addition of two or three droplets of tea tree oil.

Not recommended by the use of Gorky almond oil, which contains toxic substances, highly appreciated in aromatherapy. This unusual essential oil has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state. It stimulates the brain functions and can increase the concentration. You can use this awakening oil after losing consciousness or shock. Butter from Gorky almond has a well-fastened effect, which means that it can be used when decaying forces, chronic fatigue and weakness. In addition, it can be used to prevent colds and infectious diseases.

Use in cosmetology

Almond oil enjoys colossal popularity in cosmetology. It is flawless suitable for skin care, neckline, legs and hands, as well as nails and hair.

You can apply this oil both in pure form and together with the most different essential oils or other vegetable oils. In addition, it can be added to a pair of droplets into familiar cosmetics (masks, creams, shampoos, balms, etc.). Immediately before use, the oil costs slightly, which will help improve its penetration and increase the effect.

Almond oil is universally and delightfully suitable for any of the skin types. It does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. It can even be used to care for delicate skin of kids. But it brings the greatest advantage of fading, sluggish and too dry skin. Also effectively almond oil in caring for a sensitive and delicate area around the eyes, a zone of neckline. This is caused by its nutrient, moisturizing, softening properties. In addition, this oil has a regenerative, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

The almond oil during regular use will make better color of the face, give the skin smoothness and velvety, will increase elasticity and elasticity, smooth wrinkles.

Apply almond oil on the eye around the eye before going to bed. To smooth out the wrinkles and get rid of the circles, which appeared under the eyes, will help clean the oil, applied on massage lines to the eyelids with the light tapping movements of the pillows of the fingers.

Despite the fact that almond oil is nutly, on the texture it is quite easy and well absorbed into the skin. This product penetrates deep into the skin, softens, nourishes and protects it from drying and peeling. Sweet almond oil can hold moisture, so it is advised to be applied in pure form to moistened to pre-skin. It can also be applied after rubbing the skin with a tonic, a cube made from the brave of ice herbs or herbal infusion.

The regular use of almond oil in skin care is hampered by cell aging processes and protects against the negative effect of UV radiation.

Balanced composition of almond oil helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glandsPrevent the expansion of pores, eliminate inflammation, itching and irritation of problematic and sensitive skin, and also serves as an excellent prophylactic means of loss of elasticity and tone.

Like the remaining oils, the product from sweet almond can be used to purify the skin from a variety of pollution and removal of makeup. To do this, it is necessary to heat the oil slightly, moisten in it the tampon and carefully remove the cosmetics. The oil well cleans and exfoliates the skin, preventing the appearance of acne. If you use this product before going outside, it is worthwhile to get into the skin with a napkin to remove excess shine.

The almond oil, dry and dery skin, the almond oil acts enliverse, especially if there is a patchouli, rosewood and lavender to the tablespoon of this product.

You can use face and toning mask suitable for any skin. To do this, we need to dissolve two spoons of oatmeal with hot water, add two drops of lemon and rosemary oils to this mass and 5 ml of almond oil.

BUT to purify the face and daily washing With a normal and dry skin, it is possible to apply a mixture from a yolk, loss with a teaspoon of water and with 15 drops of almond oil for 15 minutes. Set off the person after such a mask it is necessary to flow warm water.

For mature dry skin Almond oil will be an excellent means of moisturizing and regeneration. In this case, the mask of a mixture of 15 milligrams of warm almond oil and two drops of oil sandals and neroli will be useful.

When age-related changes An excellent effect gives a hot mask. For it, it is necessary to moisten a cotton napkin in hot water, squeeze, apply 25 milligram almond oils on it and impose on the neck and face for half an hour. From above, a mask must be covered with a towel. A similar procedure conducted one or twice a month helps to preserve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

For oily skin This oil serves as protection from microbes. To do this, you can use the following mask: a mixture of 15 milligrams of heated oil and citrus and ylang-yulang essential oils.

The skin, prone to irritation having a noticeable vascular pattern, sensitive, almond oil will be able to give a smooth velvety color, soften and refresh it.

Almond oil can rightly be called one of the strongest natural tools that stimulate hair growth. It is suitable for each of the hair types. The oil strengthens the bulbs, nourishes and perfectly stimulates their growth, returns the brilliance and elasticity, and the dandruff treats. For half an hour and hour before washing the head, they advise to rub the oil into the roots and distribute the scallop over the entire length of the hair. It is better to use warm oil and apply it to the wet head of the head for optimal penetration. Also, this product can be mixed with oils from other plants or add a couple of droplets of essential oil.

If you have oily hair, Before washing, you need to rub the oil, mixed with 1-2 drops of Bergamot oil, lemon or fragrant cedar. If the hair is dry, you need to rub the oil after washing, warm, still wet hair. For the optimal effect, one or two drops of lavender oils, patchouli or ylang-yulang are added.

The simplest way to use almond oil - Daily combing wooden scallop, on which several (3-5) drops of almond oil or the aforementioned mixtures of it with essential oils are applied. It will help make hair obedient and shiny.

For growing and strengthening eyelashes You can comb them for the night moistened in the heated almond oil brush. Eyelashes will become soft and fluffy.

Almond oil is considered an excellent agent. for body massage. It also shows itself with a massage in places where there is cellulite. This oil can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, activate blood and lymph circulation. Excessive liquid and slags will be taken out of the skin, the skin will become tightened and elastic. When cellulite, this plant product can be enriched with grapefruit, lemon, Bergamot, Patchouli, Geranarine, Patchouli, Geranarine - one or two drops of 15 milligram.

Also useful zone massage and face oil, heated to 37-38 degrees, which helps increase elasticity and smooth wrinkles.

Applying this oil during pregnancy, it is possible to prevent stretch marks on problem areas, whose elasticity is reduced. To do this, it is advised to prepare a mixture of 100 ml of almond oil and lavender essential oils, mandarin and neroli (four drops). This mixture should be easily massaged hips and stomach in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Warm oil is successfully used and to care for the skin of hands with cracksSince it has a regenerating, wound-healing, as well as a softening effect.

Also this oil improves nail condition. With laying brittle nails, it is possible to rub warm oil into the nail and cuticle. High content of potassium and zinc makes nails healthy and strong. And if you connect it with some kind of citrus oil, the effect may increase several times. Almond oil in combination with lemon and ylang-ylang oils (for five milligrams of almond oil dropped by a drop of ethereal) will help reduce the fragility of the nails, restore their fortress and appearance. If you use this mixture every day, then the positive results will seem very quickly.

Gorky almond oil due to its strengthening action is used to improve hair, leather, eyelashes and nails. This essential oil is recommended for tonic skin and soothing baths. Almond oil can be combined with lavender essential oils, cardamoms, mint, rosemary, thyme, carnations, etc.

Dangerous properties of almond oil

Do not advise using almond oil during individual intolerance. And the excessive use of this product, like any other oil, can lead to a set of excess weight.

Natural vegetable oils are an excellent alternative to modern cosmetology. Their popular use provides not only rich in natural compounds composition, but also healing properties that help at home to get rid of common problems with skin, hair, nails, etc. One of these funds in cosmetology is almost universal almond oil, which in due time for Maintaining natural beauty used Cleopatra herself. In this article we will tell how to use almond oil to improve the condition of the hair and skin of the face.

According to its wonderful properties, almond oil is many times superior to many other natural preparations. In addition, this tool is most often found in the compositions of a variety of creams, balms and lotions.

To date, almost every representative of an excellent half of humanity uses almond oil as the main ingredient of beauty recipes. The unique properties of this plant product make it possible to apply it in its pure form, and in the complex with other components, and at the same time not to lose its qualities.

Almond oil, the use of which is very popular in home cosmetology, is obtained from the fruits of almonds, which are nuts. The production of natural product is based on the cold spin method for which the bitter nucleus is necessary or a sweet almond walnut.

This vegetation preparation is obtained by texture fairly easy, it has a characteristic sweet aroma and has no color. Due to this, it is actively used not only in home cosmetology, but also in medicine, perfumery and confectionery production. Such widespread use of vegetable agent provides its rich in useful elements and natural compounds.

What is part of the product?

Almond oil, the use of which is widespread in home cosmetology in the form of facial and hair skin, consists of the following elements:

  • 68-80% oleic monounsaturated acid;
  • 15-23% of linolete polyunsaturated acid;
  • 9-10% fatty acids;
  • complex of vitamins (A, E, D, RR, F, C, Group B);
  • holine, Bat-carotene;
  • mineral compounds (selenium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, sodium, etc.);
  • dietary fiber;
  • protein substances;
  • glucose.

Thanks to the natural antioxidants contained in vegetable oil from almond cores, the product is considered one of the best that can be used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin of the face.

And Vitamin F is able to normalize the operation of the sebaceous glands at the cellular level, which will speed up hair growth, returning them the power and shine.

Spectrum of product action

Any cosmetic that contains a unique agent of almonds, as well as natural oil in its pure form, is capable of:

  • slow down the aging of skin cells;
  • regenerate and rejuvenating;
  • take inflammation;
  • heal insignificant abrasions, wounds, cuts, burns of burns;
  • moisturize and feed the cells of the skin;
  • rendering a painful, anti-lobby, enveloping effect;
  • toning the skin.

What is the plant preparation for?

By virtue of its healing properties, the vegetation preparation from the nuclei of the almond tree found its use not only in cosmetology, but also medicine. For example, the natural product has proven itself, as a means against the beds, herpes, burns, dry dermatitis, acne.

The doctors obtained by cold presses are recommended to apply for the treatment of gastritis, constipation and colitis.

Due to the thin texture of this natural product, it can be given to both infants and elderly people.

Also, almond oil is used to:

  • return the elasticity, freshness and youth of the face;
  • get rid of extended pores and dryness;
  • remove inflammation and other pathological manifestations on skin seats;
  • make flap skin softer;
  • eliminate cellulite, stretching;
  • eliminate wrinkles and return the normal tone of the face;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • return shine curls, vitality and volume;
  • treat tensile ligaments;
  • lower the acidity of the stomach.

As part of masks and hair balms, almond oil can strengthen their bulbs, which stimulates growth and improve the appearance.

Vegetable Product Based Care

As it has already become clear to many, almond oil is an excellent tool for skin care. Therefore, we offer several recipes for homemade cosmetology, which provide for the use of a substance from the almond cores.

Recipe number 1.

This mask can be considered universal, as it is suitable for a face with any skin type. To cook it, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal;
  • 1-2 h. L. water;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Almond means.

At the beginning of the preparation of the mask, you need to take flour and dilute it to the consistency of pasta. After that, you should notice the remaining ingredients and apply a tool for 15 minutes on the skin of the face. After that, it is necessary to wash the mask with warm water, removing the remains with a paper towel.

Such a mask will return to the skin cover elasticity, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Problem areas and inflammation will be less noticeable.

Recipe number 2.

This cosmetic care product will help get rid of oily skin. Inflamed areas and fat allocations using this mask can be eliminated for several sessions. For cooking it is necessary to take:

  • a protein of one egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. calendula tincture;
  • 2 h. Spoons from almond cores.

All ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mass should be applied to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, the remedy needs to be flushed with water room temperature.

Recipe number 3.

This mask is perfect for a face with dry skin. It tones and nourishes covers, returning freshness to them. To prepare this tool, you will need to use:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 2 h. L. oils of their almond nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. The pulp of the apple (for summer time the flesh of watermelon, or grapes).

These products in the specified quantity should be mixed and apply on the face. It is necessary to withstand it for 15-20 minutes, after which it is worth flushing.

Recipe number 4.

Such a mask will save those who began to notice the first wrinkles in the area around the eyes. It will be needed for the preparation of the product aroma of oils:

  • 1 tbsp. l. almond;
  • 2 drops of essential pink;
  • 2 drops of essential lithuania;
  • 2 drops of Santalov.

To remove "goose paws", the resulting composition is necessary to soak paper napkins, imposing them later on problem areas. You can perform the procedure twice a day, making such compresses for 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

How will the vegetable product help her hair?

As with the skin of the face, the vegetable agents made of almonds for hair is a real panacea, so its use in this area is also common. This vegetable product is able to get the curls with the necessary useful substances that revive the strands will be returned to them the power and beauty. In addition, almond oil is useful and scalp. Regularly using hair care products based on such a natural preparation, you can get rid of fatty, dandruff, and stimulate the growth of curls.

For oily hair, natural drug from gray-green nut nuclei must be applied after the head washing procedure. In still warm wet curls, it is necessary to rub the natural agent by adding a pair of droplets of the et enterpriate lavender and ylang-yulang.

It helps to get rid of the problems of oily hair, if you rub your head into the skin immediately before the washing procedure. It is necessary to distribute the substance from the roots to the most tips. To enhance the effect of this tool, you can add 2 drops of the essential composition of lemon or cedar to portions of oil.

Using almond oil in home cosmetology, you can significantly improve the state of the nails. So that brittle nail plates began to grow tightly and faster, you can rub the plant product in them.

As well as the other cosmetology, the use of almond oil can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using the product, make a test for individual tolerability.

The use of almond oil gives not only beauty, but also health. No wonder the Tsarina Savskaya itself used him in daily procedures. It is difficult to find so universal tool that is suitable for absolutely everyone. The product easily solves medical and cosmetology problems, struggling with cellulite and stretch marks, helps with pain and inflammation. On the basis of almonds, masks, scrubs, massage mixes for face and body care are preparing. It is used on all problem areas - flapal elbows and heels, weathered lips, burned skin areas.

Application of almond oil

Oriental sages call the nut of sweet almonds "beauty lord", and it is not surprising. Indeed, in its nuclei, a huge amount of biologically active substances concentrate. Most of the composition - polyunsaturated omega fatty acids 6 and 9. Tocopherol, also present in almond oil, has a powerful antioxidant action, slows down aging and stops inflammation, and vitamin A returns youth and beauty.

Methods and methods of saturation of tissues with oil of sweet almonds are absolutely democratic. They depend on the goals, addictions and the availability of a specific problem.

So what is the plant applied for? The product from a sweet almond has a nutritious, softening and regenerating action, well penetrates into the skin, tones and pulls the fabrics.

The oil is especially useful for the mature, tired and dry dermis, the treatment of flagrated plots, wound healing and scratches, small burns and inflammation. The healing fluid returns a natural blush face, gives tenderness and velvety, cleans, simulates the growth of the nails of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Why still need sweet almond oil? In addition to skin care, the vegetable product is used to combat herpes, eczema and dermatitis. The tool reduces pain when tensile tensions and muscles, is dissipating the hardening of the mammary glands, relieves inflammation in the ears.

How to use almond oil? Instructions for use says that the healing fluid can be applied to the skin in its pure form or mixed with leaving agents: masks, creams, serums.

In addition to all the famous cosmetic oil, there is a bitter almond ester. What can this product use for? Considering its toxicity and strong fragrance, the tool is most often used to create perfume compositions.

Almond nail and skin oil

The skin of the hands is more than other parts of the body are exposed to adverse factors (cold, household chemicals, water). Mitigate and moisten the flabbing areas will help almond oil. The fat is recommended to be applied to the hands after washing and before leaving the street in the winter.

A simple care will help to cope with the edged and red-free dermis: to abundantly lubricate the skin with a vegetable product and put on rubber gloves. The procedure can also be carried out for prevention, causing oil 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes.

For nails and cuticles, the use of almond concentrate in the mixture with the esters of Ilang Ilanga, Lemon, Sandala or Gerana is more efficient.

The composition is applied to the nail plates and thoroughly rub, capturing dry skin around. The first results will appear in 5-7 days.

Council. With the help of almond oil, you can not only strengthen and moisturize the nails, but also facilitate the removal of the cuticle during the manicure.

Almond body oil

Cosmetics for body care are becoming increasingly popular. Shelves of stores are filled with all sorts of masks, creams, gels, anti-cellulite and massage products. But why spend money on beautiful jars when there is almond oil. Golden liquid is not inferior to the advertised means, and sometimes exceeds them.

Numerous beneficial properties make a vegetable product with a universal assistant. The tool moisturizes and pulls the flabby skin, softens the flabbing places, smoothes irregularities and tones. Perfectly copes with peeling, irritation and redness, heals small damage without scars and scars.

Almond oil can be used differently - apply in pure form or add to creams, prepare massage compositions on it or do wraps. At the same time, any other oil or ether is allowed as additional components.

Application for massage

Experts consider the almond concentrate with the best massage agent. It is especially effective for the withered skin of the body, a long time of short-term nutrition and moisturizing. Cosmetologists noticed that such a derma literally "eating" the healing fluid.

For the preparation of massage composition, almond oil is better mixed with suitable ether. For example, for dry skin, it is recommended to take sandals, neroli, geranium, rose concentrate or limetic. Bergamot, grapefruit, rosemary, lavender are added at the oily derma.

Before the procedure, the fragrant mixture is heated to a comfortable temperature and applied to the skin.

Almond leg

Amazing softening and moisturizing properties make this oil the best tool to care for the flawed footsteps and skin on the knees. It is enough once a day to rub the fat product in problem areas and improvements will be noticeable in a week. Cracked and peeling heels before applying oil is recommended for several minutes to hold in hot water with the addition of salt.

Council. The almond product perfectly relieves inflammation and irritation, so it can be used as a soothing agent after shaving.

Chest oil and zone neckline

Vintage records report that almonds and products based on it are not only tightened by the skin, but also increase the volume of the mammary glands.

Believe this statement can be very simple - to prepare a nutritional mask from the grusty of oat flakes and 2-3 hours l. Almond oil. Hercules are poured with boiling water and bring to the state of homogeneous mass. Then mixed with a vegetable agent and in warm form are applied to the chest and zone. After 30 minutes, the mask was washed off with cool water and wipe the skin with ice cube. The procedure is recommended to repeat every 3-4 days.

A simpler and fast way to support the chest tone is rubbing clean oil. The tool is preheated and applied by massage movements to full absorption.

Almond oil from cellulite

Good anti-cellulite mixtures are obtained by mixing the plant product (1 tbsp. L.) With one of the following combinations of ethers:

  • bergamot, Grapefruit and Muscat - 5 drops, geranium - 7 drops, cinnamon - 2 drops;
  • fennel, dill, juniper, rosemary - 6 drops of each;
  • rosemary, Lavender, Sandal - 10 drops, Thuya - 5 drops;
  • lemon and juniper - 5 drops, orange - 8 drops.

For mixing ingredients, glass dishes are taken, where oils are added, starting with the smallest number. Last but pour almonds. The mixture is heated in the water bath and apply to the body.

Application in medicine

Almonds have long been used in folk medicine as a good anti-inflammatory and healing agent.

For example, with herpetic rash, a mixture of almond oil and a tea tree ether in equal proportions is very effective. This composition lubricates unpleasant bubbles 3-4 times a day.

In front of burns on the affected places, almond oil is applied in its pure form or mixing it with a geranium ether, an empty, rose petals (2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. Loams). Treat damaged skin several times a day before tissue healing.
Easy pain when tensile tensile helps appliques from almond oil and carnation or oregano esters. Cotton cloth or folded in several layers of gauze is impregnated with a heated mixture and impose on the affected place. Hold 2-3 hours or leave overnight.

No less useful almond oil when pain in the ears. If sulfur bumps are blown or tormented, it is enough to enter in the auditory passage of 3 drops of warm liquid and lay the cotton.

With a cold, a mixture of almonds with garlic will help. Oil can be pre-insisted on the burning vegetable or mix with half the clove with juice immediately before use. The resulting composition is drunk twice a day before the disappearance of pain and noise.

There is a very interesting recipe for ear, eliminating hearing loss after otitis or as a result of rheumatological ailments. Next technique will help to return health:

  • on the first day, enter 5 drops of the plant in one ear, cover with a vat and impose a warming compress or set up a blue lamp;
  • on the second day, to do the same manipulation with another ear;
  • in the following days, the procedure is repeated according to the scheme before improving hearing.

During the period of treatment, the auditory passage should rinse with warm water and cleaned from oil residues.

Almond oil from stretch marks during pregnancy

The vegetable agent during pregnancy increases the tone and elasticity of the skin, makes it more elastic and warns fibers. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the use of oil is well supplemented with the reception of vitamins and trace elements: tocopherol, beta-carotene, magnesium, selenium, zinc.

So, we remove stretch marks with almond oil:

  • fresh Strya helps a mixture of orange or geranium ether of the concentrate under consideration. The course of treatment lasts 30 days;
  • the forged stretch marks are not so well amenable to therapy - they will have to be smeared with an oil product for at least six months. Treatment is recommended to supplement sports, massage and a diet with a high content of vitamins.

Almond oil can be an ideal tool in the prevention of Striy. It is better to start using the first trimester of pregnancy, causing 2-3 times a week.

Helps vegetable agent and against stretch marks formed after delivery as a result of weight loss. The natural product is completely harmless to the mother and the child, it can be used without fear of using the entire period of lactation, preferably in its pure form.

Council. Masking ugly stripes on the stomach and hips will help a mixture of almond oil with carrot juice. The composition will give the skin a pleasant shade and hobs a little stretching.

Almond oil for sunburn

Good moisturizing and regenerating properties of the plant product make it possible to use it after tanning. The remedy quickly soothes the burnt and inflamed skin, removes redness, restores the water balance.

No less often, almond oil is used to obtain a smooth and beautiful shade of bronze. The protective properties of the concentrate allow you to burn in the sun without the risk of burning and lose a few days to heal burns.

Council. Apply oil on the skin is better in 1-1.5 hours before a hike to the beach. The fatty product requires time for full absorption and manifest itself as Sanskrina.

In addition to leveling harm from the effects of sun rays, sweet almond protects the skin from the influence of salted seawater, warns the tears and irritation of the fabrics.

Almond oil in cosmetology

What is the vegetable agent in cosmetology? Almonds, rich in active substances, restores the pH balance of the skin, moisturizes and tones, struggles with excessive salo-waste and acne. Therefore, the oil is suitable for all skin types and any age.

The beneficial properties of the natural product make it possible to use it for purification, regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues, as well as as a rejuvenating and toning. More interesting about the use of almond face for face.

Liquid containing a huge amount of fatty acids is very useful for dry, lifeless hair. The vegetable remedy feeds the roots and stimulates the growth of curls, eliminates the dandruff, eliminates the irritation of the scalp. Concentrate is especially useful for strands that are exposed to frequent color or traumatic laying. On the right use of almond hair for hair, read in.

Thanks to the saturated composition, the vegetable agent is a component of many leaving products. In cosmetics, it is used to enrich anti-aging creams, tonic and hair masks and face.

Attention. For applying the skin in pure form, only sweet almond oil is suitable. The bitter contains blue acid, so it is usually used as a perfume component or added to the base drop.

Where to buy almond oil and reviews

Natural product is an inexpensive, safe and effective body for skin care. Judging by the reviews, for most women, it is the most versatile and affordable oil, besides, it really helps to cope with many problems.

Where can I buy such a remarkable tool and how much does it cost? You can purchase a natural product of my almond nuclei at the pharmacy, but it is better to order on the Aiherb website. In this case, you are guaranteed to get excellent quality for the minimum price.

Popularly popular with buyers enjoys organic almond oil from NOW Foods in a plastic bottle with a volume of 473 ml. It is food quality, as indicated on the label, so it can be used without fear for applying to the body and face. The remedy does not cause allergies and irritation, quickly absorbed and softens the skin.

A huge advantage of NOW Foods oil is its ease - the product is perfectly washed off from the hair even by the distinct shampoo, does not block the pores and does not leave the sticky film. Ideal for moisturizing and softening the dermis. As a result of regular use, the skin becomes smooth and shining, wrinkles and folds smoothed. Used as a soft massage agent.

The price for the oil of the sweet almond NOW Foods, 473 ml is 630 rubles. This is one of the most profitable funds on Aiherbe.

In most reviews, the girls advised to acquire those products in which there is a tocopherol. Being a powerful antioxidant, it prolongs the shelf life of the oil and protects against the barn. At the same time, in contrast to artificial additives, Vitamin E does not have toxic effect on the body, but on the contrary, enhances the beneficial properties of the almond and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Of course, in the composition of 100% of organic and safe oil should not be any preservatives and dyes. High quality products are distinguished by brands such as Aura Cacia, Earth's Care, Hobe Labs, Cococare.

Despite the organic nature and safe composition, the use of almond oil should be reasonable and reasonable. With excessive hobby, the product may be the appearance of itching and allergic rash, especially in people prone to such a reaction. Well, the competent use and adherence to dosages nothing but the benefit will not bring.

Aromatic and incredibly useful cosmetic almond oil is useful for a variety of procedures. With it, you can care for the skin of the face, body, hair and even nails.

Features and advantages

Almonds by 60% consists of valuable fat. Distinguish sweet and bitter fruits. Sweet almond oil is used in cosmetology, and for eating. But bitter - only for cosmetics purposes.

This agent, though fat, has a very light texture. Therefore, it is easily absorbed and flies quickly. But the most important dignity is its composition. It contains:

  • Vitamin E, which is traditionally considered "vitamin beauty";
  • vitamins A, F and group B, as useful for skin and hair;
  • oleic acid triglycerides. This component does not allow oil to dry, which means it is not only itself absorbed into the skin, but also "carries" other useful substances into it;
  • phytosterols.

The complex of all these components allows the almond oil to be very versatile in application. It softens the skin, soothes, nourishes and slows down the aging processes. A wide range of action allows the use of oil with any skin / hair type.

Based on the oil of almonds, creams are created, lotions for the skin of the face and body, cosmetic milk. This is an excellent component for masks and wraps. It is used for massage, added to ready-made creams and shampoos. In its pure form - rub in the nails, apply on eyebrows and eyelashes. Popular use of almond oil on problem areas - elbows, knees, heels.

For the skin of the face and body

Though almonds and is famous for its cosmetic versatility, it is still better to use oil to care for dry and sensitive skin. This valuable component in winter is especially useful when the skin is exposed to cold and loses moisture from heating.

First of all, it is used to remove makeup. A small amount of means need to be slightly warm (it activates all components). It is best to do it in a water bath. Lower your cotton disk into the oil and clean your face. Remains can not be flush, but to distribute the skin, slightly massaging it.

By the way, it is also a wonderful care for gentle skin around the eyes. Butter feeds thin sections and pulls the formation of "goose feet".

You can add a couple of drops into your favorite cream. However, it is worth remembering that a good cream is balanced by itself and an additional additive may be superfluous. Cosmetologists recommend to make such supplements in the night (as a rule, more dense and greasy) cream and in very small quantities.

The most favorite way of using almond oil is masks. It can be cleansing or nutritious.

Cleansing masks contain solid particles. Perfectly combined oil and hills of oatmeal. Instructions for deep purification of the face:

  • Two tablespoons with a slide of Hercules flakes grind in a blender or on a coffee grinder.
  • Fill crushed flakes with warm water to form porridge.
  • Divide this "porridge" with a small amount of almond oil.
  • Place your face in the bathroom, sauna or over the inhaler.
  • Apply mask on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Slightly massage, thoroughly, and apply your favorite daily or night cream.

For dry and dim skin, you can apply an invigorating mask from cocoa. 50 g cocoa powder is divorced to the state of the cashem with warm milk. There is also a little liquid honey and a dessert spoon of almond oil. The composition must be kept on the face of 20 minutes, after thoroughly wash.

Dana mask can cause an allergic reaction!

If the skin is very dry and peeling, you can make a prepatient mask. For this, the oil in equal parts is mixed with yolk and honey. After removal, it is best to make skin massage.

You can use almond oil, even if you have oily skin. It streams the work of the sebaceous glands and narrows the pores. The most popular recipe is: to boil one potato in the peel, it is crushed (pre-cleaned) and mix with a pair of tea spoons of oil, a spoon of lemon juice and calendula tincture.

Our ingredient is very active in the form of applications. Sometimes this method is called a "fabric mask". You can even make a mask with the slots for the eyes and lips from the 3-4-layer gauze and use it many times.

The essence is to impregnate the tissue with oil, possibly enriched with other active ingredients (sander oils, roses), cover her face. To enhance the effect, you can put a warm wet towel from above. Of course, this procedure needs to be lying, in a calm atmosphere and, if possible, relaxing.

To get rid of freckles in the teaspoon of almond oil, 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil are added. It turns out a light tonic, which smells pleasant, creates a pleasant mood and has an excellent clarifying effect.

Based on the same almond ingredient, excellent body facilities are made. For example, deep cleaning scrub. Heated slightly oil mixed with salt and honey to a porridge consistency. Salt is better to choose an average grinding, because It will be dissolved during the procedure. This composition is advisable not just to be confused - at first it can be left for 5-10 minutes so that it drinks the skin, and then it is good to massate it well. The scrub is suitable for both problem areas and hands, shoulders, backs.

To care for the body, you can safely add oil into the cream. Cosmetologists recommend adhere to the proportion of 1 to 9, where 9 - the amount of cream

Hot masks or applications perfectly affect the skin of the neckline and neck, which is very susceptible to dryness. The cotton napkin is impregnated with almond fat, mixed with rosemary essential oils and liquid vitamins A or E. It is applied to the skin of the chest and covered with a warm towel. Very good, such a means is suitable for fading chest skin, or to restore the tone after pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Almonds are considered a good tool against stretch marks. During pregnancy, it is necessary to regularly care for the skin of the abdomen, hips and chest, adding it to the cream or just making a massage. This will help prevent stretching, or minimize them.

Based on this component, therapeutic drugs can be made. For example, healing cream (1: 1 mix with honey). Such a mixture can be applied to scratches and abrasions. You can lubricate and burn, but only at the healing stage. Sunny burns are well treated with such a mixture.

For hair

Almonds - natural natural hair growth stimulator. It penetrates deep into the scalp, absorbed and gives all its valuables with hair follicles. Due to this, sleeping bulbs awaken, the lifestyle of mature hair is significantly increased. It can be used on all types of hair. The difference is only the procedure itself. Holders of oily hair need to rub the oil in the roots shortly before the washing of the head. This will allow you to adjust the work of the sebaceous glands, to improve the surface of the skin and prevent the appearance of dandruff.

Dry hair, on the contrary, you need to moisten after washing. A little warm preparation rubbed into wet hair, ranging from the roots to the tips. To stimulate hair growth, you can make a warm mask, the remedy for the remedy in the root and shook the head of the film, and then a towel. Keep such a mask from 15 minutes to an hour.

Amateur aromatherapy can be advised to enrich almonds of lemon drops, lavender, ylang-yulang, and bergamot.

A fashion trend on thick eyebrows while at the peak of popularity, but the masters are increasingly refusing to such services as a tattoo and even microblading, calling for girls to grow natural hairs. Those who nature did not reward dense eyebrows will also help natural agents. Almond fat in pure form can be rubbed before bedtime in the eyebrows. Ideally, if you still massate them with a special brush (a clean soft toothbrush can be consolidated).

Thanks to excellent regenerating properties, the tool is often used for manicure. They are covered with nail after cutting the cuticle - the skin is moistened, and there is no trace from the former burrs and redness. To strengthen the nails, you can add a couple of drops into the water in which your hands will be sprinkled.


With such a huge amount of advantages, almond oil can not be called safe by 100%. Like any nut, almonds is a strong allergen. In its pure form, the drug can cause the following reactions:

  • redness of the skin and rash;
  • itching, swelling in places of application;
  • tearing, sneezing, runny nose;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Almonds - a tree, initially told on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. To date, the greatest number of these plants is located in the United States. Fruits have a durable shell, and there is a bone or nut inside. Almonds are used to obtain valuable oil. It is often applied for cosmetic purposes.

  • monounsaturated olein and polyunsaturated linoleic acid - protect the skin from harmful environmental impacts, fight inflammation and prevent collagen destruction;
  • carotines - have antioxidant properties, effective against skin diseases;
  • bioflavonoids - antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory;
  • proteins - moisturized, nourish, rejuvenate;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium) - the deficiency of these substances violates the cellular exchange and regeneration processes;
  • vitamins A, E and F - endow oil with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Almond oil contains fatty acids, bioflavonoids, minerals, vitamins and other useful substances

The properties of almond oil

The useful properties of almond oil include:

  • slowdown in natural cell aging;
  • creating a barrier for ultraviolet (Sun protection);
  • normalization of the work of sebaceous glands;
  • return to the skin of elasticity, elasticity;
  • fighting dryness and peeling;
  • strengthening hair lows;
  • enhancing hair growth;
  • treatment of skin diseases and herpes;
  • regeneration and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • fighting vascular pattern.

Video: Almond oil properties

Application of almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil is basic. It is used for and skin.

Face care

Independent face massage should be carried out through massage lines to avoid skin stretching

Use in pure form

For any type of skin, you can use almond oil in pure form. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, will do, relieve the peeling and calm. Means applied for night 2-3 times in weekyu on a wet face through massage lines instead of cream. It is not necessary to take it in large quantities, enough 10-20 drops.

Adding to ready-made cosmetics

Almond oil is an excellent nutritional component, so they can enrich their usual means: mask or cream. To do this, add 4 drops into one portion, and over time, seeing the skin reaction, you can reduce or increase the amount of oil.

Almond oil can be added to familiar cosmetics

Masks for face

Almond oil is used as a component for cooking homemade facial masks.

Table: face masks with almond oil for different skin types

Type of skinMask number 1.Mask №2.Mask number 3.Exposure timeFrequency applicationCourse duration
Dry or fading1 tsp. Warm milk mix from 1 tsp. Cocoa powder, 2 h. Almond oils and 1 tsp. Honey.The pulp of half of a small kiwi to smoke, add 2 h. Grease cottage cheese and 2 h. Almond oil.1 tsp. Fat sour cream mixed with 1 tsp. Curly apple and 2 h. Oil almonds.20 minutes2 times per week3 months
Oily or problematic1 tbsp. l. Fastened oat flakes mix from 1 tsp. Almond oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil.A small potato boil in the uniform, missed and cool. Then add to the puree 1 tsp. Almond oils and 0.5 h. Pharmacy tincture calendula.1 Egg protein mix from 1 tsp. Almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. Fastened oatmeal and 0.5 h. Pharmacy tincture of Hypericum.10-15 minutes2 times per week1 month
Sensitive1 tbsp. l. Fastened oat flakes mix from 1 tsp. Almond oil and 1 tsp. Rhara chamomile.1 tbsp. l. Corn starch mix from 1 tsp. Green tea and 1 tsp. Oil almonds.1 tbsp. l. Fastened oat flakes mix from 1 tsp. Almond oil, 1 tsp. Green tea and 2 h. Curly cucumber.10 minutes2 times per week3 months

Body care

To care for body skin, almond oil can be used in its pure form, and to enrich the cream. The tool is used for self-massage, preventing the appearance of stretch marks and fighting them.

Oil massage body

For self-massage, the body is conditionally divided into 3 zones:

  1. Head and body to pelvis level. On the front side of the traffic body should go from top to bottom, and on the back - bottom to upwards along the spine.
  2. From the pelvis to the feet. It is necessary to smoothly and evenly massage from top to bottom, moving from the waist to the tips of the fingers.
  3. From the clavicle to the brushes. Movements go from the clavicle to the tips of the fingers.

Massage is performed by smooth movements without pressure with a sufficient amount of almond oil. Hands must gently slide on the skin. If desired, you can add your favorite esters to the tool. Self-massage perform 2-3 times a week. In the morning, he will help to cheer up and tightened to a working way, and in the evening, on the contrary, will relax and prepare to sleep.

In Ayurveda, the oil massage of the whole body is called "Abgiang", it includes also tighting the scalp, face, palms and feet.

The oil self-massage of the body should be "soft", no movements are allowed, causing at least a small pain

Contraindications for conducting oil self-massage include:

  • heat;
  • constipation;
  • vomiting;
  • reception of laxatives.

Prevention of stretch marks and getting rid of them

During pregnancy and under the influence of other factors (low skin elasticity, improper nutrition, etc.), stretch marks may appear on the body. They are white, pink or purple stripes on the skin consisting of connective tissue. The production of collagen and elastin at these sites does not occur. To get rid of stretch marks or prevent their appearance, almond oil is used, which is one of the most effective means with such a problem.

Almond oil - effective means to fight stretch marks

Table: Recipes with almond oil to fight stretch marks and prevention

Skin care, legs and nails

Hands, nails and legs, like the rest of the body, require constant care. For nutrition and humidification, many women use almond oil. In addition, the tool is considered particularly useful for nails and cuticles.

Table: Care and leg care recipes using almond oil

ZoneRecipeHow to useFrequency applicationCourseEffect
HandsOne portion of your favorite hand cream add 6-10 drops of almond oil.Rub with massage movements in hand brushes.DailyNo restrictionsSoft and dumping hands.
Nails3 tbsp. l. Almond oil mix with 20 lavender ether drops and 10 droplets of Lemon ether.Slim by massage movements in the nails and the cuticle approximately half a minute.DailyNo restrictionsA strong white nail plate without bundles and soft thin cuticle.
In 300 ml of warm water add 2 tbsp. l. Almond oil.Take a nail body to cool water.Daily2-4 weeksStrengthening nails, restoration of their natural color and enhanced growth.
LegsIn one portion of your favorite leg cream add 6-10 drops of almond oil.Rub massage movements in feet and heels.3-4 times a weekNo restrictionsLack of peeling, corns and natopesh on the legs.

Video: Application of almond oil

Baby care

Basic cosmetic oils are successfully applied to care for gentle skin of the child, as they do not contain artificial fragrances and oil refining products.

In addition to the basic function - moisturizing - almond oil is used to combat doughs, abrasions and dermatitis. It is recommended to be used in pure form. It is enough to apply a slightly warm remedy with light massage movements once a day before the disappearance of symptoms.

Almond oil is suitable for child care

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