Presentation on Inca geography. Inca artistic culture

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"Ancient Civilizations of America" ​​- Aztec Religion. Inca architecture. Loincloth. The Incas worshiped the Sun. The richest musical culture. Culture of civilizations of Ancient America. Inca calendar. Art. Civilizations of Ancient America. Education and science. Cloth. Mayan religion. Religion. Mayan calendar.

“Inca Empire” - The air in the city is thin, and therefore it is difficult to breathe here. The Temple of Thunder, the Temple of the Rainbow, and the premises for sacrifices have already been restored. The slopes of the mountains around the city are carved with ledges, peculiar terraces that were created by the Incas. Incas. Manco Capac. Modern cusco. Church of St. Dominic. Inca Empire. The Incas were able to assert their dominance over other tribes. To the Inca Empire. Cusco is the most beautiful city in Peru, where many palaces and churches of the 16th-18th centuries have been preserved.

“Inca Tribes” - Agriculture in the land of the Incas. No big deal. Indians. Rainy season. Peruvian Indians. Powerful fortresses. Incas. Ruler. Pepper. Vessels. Thin fabrics. Agriculture. Barter and trade. Peruvians. Dense forests. Wooden stake Peruvian farmers. Temple of the Sun. Gold and silver.

“Ancient Incas” - Inca cities: Cusco. Transport routes. Gods of the Incas. Reasons for the fall of the Tawantinsuyu Empire. Hierarchy of power. Arts and crafts. Inca writing is quipu. Death of the Empire. Founding of an empire. Ancestors of the Incas. Inca cities: Machu Picchu. Inca mummies. Inca Empire. In 1532, the city of Tumbes was plundered. Medicine. Atahualpa is brought to Cuzco, where he is killed.

"Easter Island" - Island. Picnics are organized for tourists in palm groves. Also not far from Anakena Bay are ahuAture-Huki and ahu Naunau. The local name of the island is Rapa Nui. Moai. Some scholars have argued for the American origins of the Polynesians. On the shore of Anakena Bay there is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island with crystal white coral sand. The Kon-Tiki raft, built by Heyerdahl on the model of ancient Peruvian rafts.

“Peoples of Pre-Columbian America” - Violation of discipline. Army size. Activities of American residents. Aztec civilization. The peoples of America. Mayan civilization. States and peoples of pre-Columbian America. Controllers. State of the Incas. Maya at work.

The Incas were an Indian tribe that lived in Peru and created a vast empire in the Peruvian Andes. The Inca Empire stretched from north to south from Colombia to central Chile and included what is now Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, northern Chile and northwestern Argentina. The Indians called only the emperor Inca, but the conquistadors used this word to designate the entire tribe. INCA EMPIRE

ANCESTORS OF THE INCAS Chavin culture -12th–8th centuries. BC – 4th century AD Mochica - ca. 1st century BC – 8th century AD Paracas culture - ca. 4th century BC – 4th century AD OK. 8th century -great culture of Tiahuanaco centuries. the state of Tiahuanaco subjugated most of the neighboring peoples

STATE OF TAUANTINSUYU The name of the Inca Empire - Tahuantinsuyu - literally means "four connected directions of the world." Four roads left the imperial capital of Cuzco in different directions, and each bore the name of the part of the empire to which it led. Antisuya included all the lands east of Cuzco - the Eastern Cordillera and the Amazonian jungle. Continsuyu united the western lands of Collasuyu, the most extensive part of the empire, stretching south from Cusco, covering Bolivia with Lake Titicaca and parts of modern Chile and Argentina. Chinchasuyu ran to the north. Each of these parts of the empire was ruled by an apo, related by blood to the Inca and answerable only to him.

ART However, the main art of the Incas was casting of precious metals. Almost all of the currently known Peruvian gold deposits were mined by the Incas. The best works of Incan jewelers perished at the hands of the conquerors. Some buildings were covered with gold plates that imitated stonework.

ARCHITECTURE In the field of material culture, the Incas achieved the most impressive achievements in architecture. Inca monuments, even those in ruins, are amazing in their number and size. An idea of ​​the high level of Inca urban planning is given by the Machu Picchu fortress, built at an altitude of 3000 m in the saddle between two peaks of the Andes.

ARCHITECTURE Inca architecture is distinguished by its extraordinary plasticity. The Incas built buildings on processed rock surfaces, fitting stone blocks together without mortar, so that the structure was perceived as a natural element of the natural environment.

MEDICINE Trepanation, that is, the removal of certain parts of the human skull, was carried out on living Incas using anesthesia. Later studies of other trepanned Peruvian skulls led to the discovery of a whole range of diverse surgical techniques. Half of these patients were completely cured after trepanation. Many centuries before the arrival of modern medicine in Peru, neurosurgery originated here.

REASONS FOR THE FALL OF THE TAUANTINSUYU EMPIRE: The weakness of the power of the Supreme Inca. Internecine wars and lack of unity in the fight against the conquistadors. Lack of understanding of the real danger. Culture shock: the Incas had never seen horses and considered riders and horses to be one fantastic creature. Weakness of the Incas' weapons compared to the Spaniards.

“The Art of Pre-Columbian America” - Palenque. Incas gold. Represented by huge stone heads up to 3 meters high. Gold mask from the Inca period. Characteristic features of the art of the peoples of pre-Columbian America. Toltecs. Aztec funeral masks. 21. Artistic culture of the classical period. The Incas (more correctly Inca) are the creators of one of the most ancient civilizations in South America.

"Indian Architecture" - Chronology. The Mayan solar calendar was very accurate. Potatoes were a filling food. In pre-Columbian America, the Mayans were undoubtedly the most skilled architects and masons. Temple of the Inscriptions. Peoples of Ancient America. In the Inca capital there was a majestic temple of the sun, decorated with gold. Specific forms and orientation could not have a serious impact on European culture.

"Olmec Culture" - Olmecs. Thick lips. Nature and culture of the Olmecs. Stone monument of the Olmec culture. Olmec writing. National traditions of the Olmecs. Ancient Olmec people. Olmec stone axe. The uniqueness of the Olmec culture. Local forests. Figurine from Tuxtla. San Lorenzo. Sculptures of people. Remains of Olmec statehood.

"The Culture of Pre-Columbian America" ​​- Lesson Plan. "Sun Stone" - solar calendar of the Aztec Indians. Aztec sculpture. There we saw fields strewn with corn. A modern copy made in metal. Ceramics. PYRAMID OF KUKULKAN. A human skull covered with a mosaic of turquoise and obsidian. Double-headed Aztec snake in turquoise mosaic.

"Mayan Culture" - Mayan dates and numbers were deciphered in the 1800s. Pyramid of the "Wizard" in Uxmal. Stargazing. Hierographic inscriptions are found in codices, on stone, and ceramics. The Mayans used a base-20 number system. Architecture. Mayan priests. Fresco in Bonampak (ruins of a Mayan city). Ruins of the city of Uxmal.

"Pre-Columbian Culture" - Small figurines and other objects carved from jade are exceptionally elegant. Stadium 8th century. Head. 1000-800 BC Mexico. Sunstone from Tenochtitlan. 3. Aztec art. The main attraction of Chichen Itza is the Kukulcan Pyramid. 5.The artistic culture of the Incas. 4. Mayan artistic culture.

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Inca civilization. Completed by: Teacher MHC GBOU Moscow School No. 717 Boyarskaya I.S.

The Incas In the 12th century, a people appeared on the shores of Lake Titicaca, led by the Inca, the supreme ruler. He moved to the new capital, Cusco, and spread his influence over a vast territory, covering by the 15th-16th centuries. most of modern Ecuador, Peru, a significant part of Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, as well as a small area of ​​Colombia.

Inca law is characterized by a high degree of severity in the application of punishment - in most cases the death penalty, which resulted in the almost complete absence of certain types of crimes among the Indians (petty theft, corruption, murder), which was admired by Spanish officials, missionaries and soldiers.

Roads. The Incas established routes of communication, including through mountain paths, along which the imperial army could move freely. The total length of roads is about 25 thousand km. When traveling on roads, the llama was used as a pack animal, since there were no horses in South America. Along the roads, the transmission of information encoded in a special way (kipu) by messengers was also established.

A system was developed for transmitting, processing and summarizing statistical data in the form of the so-called knotted letter quipu, which helped manage a huge empire in real time

There is evidence that the patterns on Inca fabrics and on their ceramics (tocapu) could be a type of ideographic writing, as well as instructions from chroniclers about the Incas keeping records on gold tablets.

Plumbing. Active construction of military, administrative and religious buildings was carried out. In Cuzco and many other cities, a water supply system was built, which was not inferior in skill to the Roman one, but, unlike the latter, it was made without the use of lead, which is harmful to health.

The Incas worshiped the Sun (Inti) as the main deity. The Inca ruler was considered the embodiment of the Sun god on earth, so everything he touched was burned. In connection with the solar cult, various gold items were very common. According to the Report to the King of Spain, compiled by Governor Francisco de Borja on April 8, 1615, the Indians of Peru had 10,422 idols, of which 1,365 were mummies, and some were the founders of their clans, tribes and villages. Religion.

Inca architecture and ceramics are less advanced than those of the peoples of Central America; their craftsmen worked with a more malleable material - gold. And the Spaniards preferred gold in bullion... Therefore, the skill of the Inca artists can be judged mainly by the stories of eyewitnesses.

Inca art

Incan architecture. Inca monuments, even those in ruins, are amazing in their number and size. An idea of ​​the high level of Inca urban planning is given by the Machu Picchu fortress, built at an altitude of 3000 m in the Valley between two peaks of the Andes.

Incan architecture. G. Macho-Piccho in (Peru) Inca architecture is distinguished by its extraordinary plasticity. The Incas built buildings on processed rock surfaces, fitting stone blocks together without mortar, so that the structure was perceived as a natural element of the natural environment. In the absence of rocks, sun-baked bricks were used.

Incan architecture.

Temple of the Sun XV century. Peru “Golden Fence” In the legendary Coricancha, the Temple of the Sun in Cusco, there was a garden with a golden fountain, around which life-size stalks of maize with leaves and cobs “grew” from golden “ground” and “grazed” on golden grass twenty lamas made of gold.

The fortress (pucara) of Saskahuaman, which defended Cuzco, is undoubtedly one of the greatest creations of fortification art. 460 m long, the fortress consists of three tiers of stone walls with a total height of 18 m. The walls have 46 projections, corners and buttresses. In the cyclopean masonry of the foundation there are stones weighing more than 30 tons with beveled edges. The construction of the fortress took at least 300,000 stone blocks. The fortress has towers, underground passages, living quarters and an internal water supply system. The Incas began building in 1438 and finished 70 years later, in 1508. According to some estimates, 30 thousand people were involved in the construction.

Inca household items

Inca Gold The main art of the Incas was casting of precious metals. Almost all of the currently known Peruvian gold deposits were mined by the Incas. Gold and silversmiths lived in separate city blocks and were exempt from taxes. The best works of Inca jewelers were lost during the conquest. Some buildings were covered with gold plates that imitated stonework.

Inca gold

Inca gold

Inca gold

Inca gold

The ancient Incas were also good surgeons

The capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco, is a city of ancient history in the southwest of Peru located in the Urubamba Valley in the Andes at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. According to the Spanish chronicler Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro, there is an Indian legend according to which the founder of the city is the first Inca, Manco Capac. He and his family, leaving Lake Titicaca, looked for a place where his golden staff “entered the ground.” Such a place turned out to be the settlement of the Savasera Panaka tribe, which had to be destroyed, after which nothing prevented the creation of the capital of the Inca Empire - Cusco. The name of the city, translated from Quechua - the official language of the Inca Empire, means the Navel of the Earth, that is, in fact, the Center of the World, which was quite consistent with the capital's role.

Not far from Cusco is Moray, another monument of the Inca civilization with a large “amphitheater”, which in reality was agricultural terraces of ancient origin. Moray is a city in Peru about 50 km northeast of Cusco. The city of Moray is famous for its large complex of ruins from the times of the Incan civilization. Among the ruins, huge round terraces stand out - presumably monuments of terraced agriculture. The depth of the wells (the largest is about 30 m deep) creates a temperature difference between the top and bottom of 15 °C. Like many other Inca sites, Morai had a complex agricultural irrigation system to supply water to the plants.

Aylya is defined as a clan consisting of extended families living together in a limited area and jointly owning land, animals and crops; so every person belonged to some clan (aylyu). The Indian was born in him. This community could be large or small, and could grow to the size of a village or a large center (mark) or even a city. After all, even the capital of the empire, Cuzco, was an overgrown aylya. Emphasis should be placed on such a social organization, since the entire structure of Inca society is based on it. Illew (Community)

Inca pottery

Today, a huge number of archaeological facts have accumulated that, in the literal sense of the word, “do not fit into any framework” when it comes to the existing theory of human development. The scientific community simply ignores the presence of archaeological facts that cannot be explained from the point of view of existing theories or that contradict them. A collection of engraved stones from the small Peruvian city of Ica.

The Ica Stones are a collection of boulders rolled in by river water, on the surface of which the ancient inhabitants of the Andes are engraved in scenes that contradict modern chronology. Currently, more than 15 thousand copies are known. The collection of stones was collected in the vicinity of the Peruvian city of Ica (where most of them are now stored), in connection with which it received its name. Engraved Ica stones vary greatly in size and even color. The smallest stones weigh 15 grams and the largest reach a weight of up to 500 kg and up to 1.5 meters in height. The bulk of the stones are on average the size of a watermelon. All of them are shaped like river-rolled boulders (volcanic granite). Their color is mainly black in different shades. But there are also gray, beige and pinkish stones. An amazing feature of these stones: andesite is a very durable mineral, and Ica stones are amazingly fragile. There are two types of image techniques on stones: engraving (1-2 mm deep) and low relief. There are stones with a combined image technique.

History The first mention of finds of black stones with images in Peru dates back to the 16th century. An Indian chronicler (1570) wrote that in the area of ​​Chinchayunga (belonging to the modern province of Ica) many stones with engraved drawings are found. By the early 1960s, Ica stones began to be actively sold on the antiques black market in Peru. The main location where these stones were found was the small town of Ocucaje, 40 km from the provincial capital, the city of Ica. The exact date of appearance of the stones is 1961. The first official collectors of Ica stones are considered to be the brothers Carlos & Pablo Soldi and the architect Santiago Agurto Calvo. They claim to have discovered their first stones in 1955 while excavating ancient burial sites and hoped to interest the archaeological community, but nothing came of it and interest waned.

According to the official version, Dr. Cabrera began collecting Ica stones in 1966, in his book “The Message of the Engraved Ica Stones”. According to Cabrera, modern humanity is not yet ready to accept the message encrypted by another civilization in the gliptoliths of Ica. In his book, he defended the idea that the Ica stones were a “stone library” specially created by an antediluvian civilization. Moreover, the ruling elite of this civilization gave instructions for the creation of this stone library, after which they left the planet, moving to another. In 1970, in order to prove the authenticity of the Ica stones, Dr. Cabrera submitted an application to the National Committee of Archeology asking for permission to conduct excavations. However, he was refused. After Cabrera's death, his collection numbered more than 11,000 items.

Examinations Back in 1967, Dr. Cabrera sent 33 stone samples for examination. The conclusion of the geologists clearly stated that patina (a film of natural oxides) covers both the surface of the stones and the lines of the drawings, which, in their opinion, indicates the antiquity of the samples. In addition, the conclusion stated that the edges of the engraved lines do not show significant signs of wear or damage, which should indicate that the stones were not in use for a long time, but were buried soon after they were made. The same conclusion confirmed the fact that the Ica stones have a greater specific gravity than similar andesite boulders and pebbles found on river banks.

In addition, an analysis of engraving methods was carried out. Experts were convinced that tools made of obsidian, silicon and bronze did not leave any significant marks on the surface of the stones at all, and steel tools could only slightly scratch the surface. As a result of experiments, experts came to the conclusion that the same traces, similar to the technique of images on Ica stones, are left by a drill cutter. This fact, by the way, was used by skeptics as confirmation that the Ica stones are the product of modern counterfeiters. However, the assumption that the stone makers had similar technologies is not at all too bold compared to the main motifs of the images on the Ica stones.

Cabrera's drawings revealed a pattern in the system of images on the stones. In his opinion, the images are grouped in a series of 6 to 200 stones, forming a kind of stone library. In each plot, the size of the stones changes (increases), as well as the method of applying the image: from engraving to the low-relief technique. 2/3 of the collection represents that unique material, a careful study of which can completely revolutionize our ideas about the history of mankind. The stones contain stories about organ transplants, observations of celestial bodies, hunting, and the life of animals, including dinosaurs. There are also many stones with images of mammals extinct on the American continent: horses, elephants, megatherium (giant sloth), megaceros (giant deer), mammoth and others. Many series of Ica stones depict scenes indicating the highest level of medical development in this civilization. The most typical subjects are organ transplantation operations, primarily the heart. Moreover, one of the episodes shows the entire process of heart transplantation from a young man to an old man, including a scene of postoperative rehabilitation of the patient, in which the latter is connected through a system of tubes to the circulatory system of a pregnant woman.

But this completely ignores the fact that this collection is an archaeological fact. These stones are man-made, they are found in the ground, they have a certain antiquity (some stones were discovered in pre-Spanish burials). There is currently no evidence that the Ica stones are of ancient origin. It is impossible to determine the real age of the stones, since they lack organic matter, and the location of the cave where they were allegedly found is kept secret. Some stones may be examples of pre-Columbian art, but most are considered modern fakes. Official science considers this collection a fake, since the images on the Ica stones contradict the concept of human evolution accepted today.

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