Proverbs about knowledge. Class hour (5th grade) on the topic: class hour “a person armed with knowledge is invincible Proverbs with the word knowledge

Proverbs about school and knowledge, collected in this article, will help schoolchildren with homework. Here are proverbs with the following keywords: school, knowledge, know, teaching, study, study.

School will force you, school will teach you.
School is school, and family is no big deal.
School will not teach you, but need will teach you.
School won't teach you, hunting will teach you.
Not only school will teach you, but also hunting.
Practice is the best school.
Nikola has two schools: they teach the alphabet and they say holidays.

Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
The hand will defeat one, knowledge will defeat thousands.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and the head is illuminated by knowledge.
Nobody knows: neither the dog, nor the cat, nor priest Eroshka.
He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
Not a damn thing (i.e. doesn’t know anything)
It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is the crown on your head.
Knowledge is the best wealth.
Knowledge does not put pressure on your shoulders.
Knowledge is power, time is money.
Knowledge and power are the enemy's grave.

Know-it-all is running along the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.
The know-it-all understands everything perfectly, but the know-nothing only opens her mouth.

What I learned was useful.
Study and work go hand in hand.
Study and work will grind everything down.
Whether he is learned or not smart, he is half the price.
Learning is beauty, and ignorance is blindness.
Learning is the path to skill.
Teaching is light, but ignorance is darkness.
The scientist walks, but the unscientific stumbles.
Learning is a man's necklace.
Study and work lead to glory.
I learned to write and read, and I learned to sing and dance.
Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind!
Learn from a young age - you won’t die of hunger in old age.
The teacher is the second parent.
The teacher at school is sowing in the field.
To teach is to sharpen the mind.
Studying without a book is like fishing without a hook.
Learning is always useful.
It's never too late to learn.
To study is one thing, to learn another.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Going into science means suffering. Without flour there is no science.
Jump with a letter, but cry without a letter.
An unlearned person is like an unsharpened axe.
Without studying you can't weave bast shoes.
It is not the one who knows how to read who is literate, but the one who listens and understands.

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  • about knowledge

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    True knowledge is not apparent.

    The eye is not satisfied with sight, but man with knowledge.

    Knowledge is power.

    Knowledge is not a wallet, it cannot be carried on your shoulders.

    It's better to be completely stupid than to have superficial knowledge.

    Why do I need my knowledge of Polish if I am not allowed into the yard?

    If you do something without knowledge, don’t expect fruit.

    Space has no size, and knowledge has no limit.

    There is no anxiety from knowledge.

    A book is a bridge to the world of knowledge.

    Knowledge is not inherited.

    No vessel can contain more than its volume, except the vessel of knowledge - it is constantly expanding.

    The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind.

    Knowledge is better than wealth.

    The book is the key to knowledge.

64 sayings about knowledge

Knowledge hammered into the head is not wisdom. (Ossetian)

The entire harvest cannot fit in one bag, just as one person does not have all the knowledge. (Adyghe)

Wherever there is knowledge, go after it. (Adyghe)

A literate person walks in enlightenment, but an illiterate person walks in darkness. (Shorskaya)

For an intelligent person, the main motto is: “Live forever, learn forever.” (Adyghe)

If there is no knowledge, then there is money! (Greek)

If you don't see it, go up the mountain; If you don’t remember, ask an elder. (Tibetan)

If you want to know a lot, you need to sleep less. (Spanish)

Knowledge does not take up much space. (Cuban)

Knowledge comes through work. (Cambodian)

Knowledge is more valuable than courage. (Greek)

And those who know a lot make mistakes many times. (Abkhazian)

The book is the most true friend. (Fulbe)

He who knows more learns more. (Portuguese)

He who does not share his knowledge is like light in a jug. (Amharic)

He who knows nothing doubts nothing. (Spanish)

The best friend is a book, the best wealth is knowledge. (Tatar)

It is not enough to see - you need to understand. (Ewe)

The world is colored by the sun, and man by education. (Armenian)

A sage always lacks knowledge. (Abkhazian)

You can't buy wisdom. (Akan)

Real knowledge is in the head, not in a notebook. (Hindi)

Science is the source of intelligence. (Tatar)

The beginning of science is the mind, the beginning of the mind is patience. (Circassian)

Without picking up a book, you cannot master science. (Colombian)

Don't imitate your teacher's mistakes. (Cambodian)

It's not a shame not to know, but a shame not to learn. (Tatar)

There is no barrier equal to the barrier of ignorance. (Hindi)

Lack of knowledge is shackles. (Hausa)

Education is eternal wealth. (Adyghe)

Education is the guest, mind is the host. (Abkhazian)

A man is blind without a book. (Icelandic)

What you learn diligently is not forgotten. (Mayan)

It is difficult to acquire knowledge, but it is easy to carry. (Spanish)

The mind knows no price, knowledge knows no limit. (Adyghe)

The mind is a garment that never wears out; knowledge is a spring that can never be exhausted. (Kyrgyz)

A smart person wants to learn, a stupid person wants to teach others. (Abkhazian)

If you didn’t get up in the morning, you lost a day; you didn’t study as a child, and you lost your life. (Tibetan)

Learn not from the one who lived a long time, but from the one who saw a lot. (Karakalpak)

Learn from a young age - when you are old you will not be hungry. (Belarusian)

To teach the old - to write on water, to teach the young - to write on stone. (Ewe)

It’s good to teach someone who wants to learn. (Icelandic)

If you want to live one year, sow bread; if you want to live ten years, plant a garden; if you want to live a hundred years, teach people. (Chuvash)

How to dress up beautifully better knowledge arm. (Tibetan)

What is remembered from a young age will not soon be forgotten. (Icelandic)

A school without discipline is a mill without water. (Czech)

Have you ever heard the expression “scientia est potentia”? This is a Latin aphorism, which when translated sounds like “knowledge is power.” Our ancestors never doubted this, and therefore they composed many proverbs and sayings about it.

Proverbs and sayings about studying

Friend, if you think that studying means constantly “swallowing” the contents of a school textbook, then you are mistaken. Learning means acquiring new knowledge and being able to use it. “Live forever, learn forever,” our ancestors said, and You always remember this. And don’t forget to learn a few proverbs and sayings about studying.

  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • Without flour there is no science.
  • There would be a hunt, but you can learn.
  • Live forever and learn.
  • A diploma is not a disease; it does not take away years.
  • Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future.
  • There is no old age for learning.
  • To teach a fool to carry water with a sieve.

  • Teach him how to drive through the forest with a harrow.
  • For a scientist they give two unscientists and they don’t take them.
  • If you are given a diploma, you will go far with it.
  • Whoever finds it difficult to study for one day will find it difficult throughout his life.
  • The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.
  • Without patience there is no learning.
  • Whoever is willing to learn, God is ready to help him.
  • Whoever learns from a young age does not know hunger in old age.

  • No one was born wise.
  • You can't learn to swim on the shore.
  • They learn from mistakes.
  • If you suffer, you will learn.
  • Science is more or less a golden guarantee.
  • Science does not lead into the forest, but rather out of the forest.
  • Science is not given for free; science is gained through hard work.
  • Don't study until you're old, study until you die.
  • Illiterate as if blind.
  • A half-educated person is worse than an uneducated person.

  • You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.
  • Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.
  • Learning decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
  • Study and work lead to glory.
  • Learn good things - so bad things will not come to mind.
  • Learning is always useful.
  • To learn to swim, you need to get into the water.

Proverbs and sayings about knowledge

People have valued knowledge at all times. Back in Ancient Greece it was generally accepted that successful person- this is the one who has good physical characteristics - beautiful, strong and dexterous. However, along with this, the Greeks also valued intelligence and curiosity. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of their favorite pastimes was solving riddles.
“The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge,” people say, which is what the following selection of proverbs and sayings about knowledge is about.

  • The more you learn, the stronger you will become.
  • Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.
  • Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
  • A guess is good, but knowledge is better.
  • It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has acquired knowledge.
  • You know the score, you can count it yourself.
  • Know more and say less.
  • Know-nothing is running along the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.
  • Knowledge and science do not hang at the gate.
  • Knowledge and wisdom adorn a person.
  • Knowledge is better than wealth.

  • Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.
  • Those who know the basics and basics will find books in their hands.
  • He who knows the way does not stumble.
  • He who knows a lot, asks a lot.
  • He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • It's easy to forget what you don't know.
  • Don't be afraid when you don't know: it's scary when you don't want to know.
  • Don't say what you studied, but say what you learned.
  • Don't be proud of your title, but be proud of your knowledge.
  • It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
  • A person without knowledge is like a mushroom: although he looks strong, he doesn’t hold onto the ground well.

Proverbs and sayings about mind and intelligence

Reason adorns a person. That is why proverbs and sayings constantly say that neither beauty nor strength can compare with him. Find out how people valued intelligence and intelligence in the next selection.

  • Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.
  • To scold a smart person is to gain your wits, to put up with a fool is to lose yours.
  • Thoughtfully conceived, but madly executed.
  • Your mind is the king in your head.
  • You can't buy intelligence overseas if you don't have it at home.
  • Crazy, but not a penny of money.
  • A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach.
  • A smart person is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows a lot.

  • The smart one is on his own, but God helps the fool.
  • They learn to be smart for the rest of their lives.
  • To teach is to sharpen the mind.
  • You can’t learn life from someone else’s mind and you won’t become smarter.
  • Living with someone else's mind means no good will come of it.
  • Someone else's mind is not a traveling companion.
  • A mind is good, but two are better.
  • The mind and reason will be convinced immediately.

  • In an intelligent conversation, you gain intelligence, but in a stupid conversation, you lose yours.
  • Where the mind is not enough, ask the mind.
  • The head is crazy, like a lantern without a candle.
  • Live by your own mind!
  • The strong in body will defeat one, the strong in mind will defeat thousands.
  • Consult with people, but don’t lose your mind.
  • With cunning - until lunch, and with intelligence - all day.
  • If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble; If there is no intelligence, there will be no ruble.

  • The beard is long, but the mind is short.
  • Being strong is good, being smart is twice as good.
  • It's time to bring it to mind.
  • It came to mind.
  • Fools quarrel, smart people come to an agreement.
  • You can't fix things with hindsight.
  • Beauty will attract attention, but intelligence will always come in handy.
  • He who hurries wisely always keeps up with everything.

  • When doing something reasonable, the head is respected.
  • A bird is good with a feather, and a man is good with his mind.
  • It was time, there was no mind; but the time has passed, and the mind has come.
  • You can make it wise once, but you can’t give it a lifetime of wisdom.
  • Live by your own wisdom, and do not neglect good advice.
  • Happiness comes to those who gain intelligence through work and learning.
  • Smart people are always respected.
  • I forcibly came to my senses.

  • A hint is enough for a smart person.
  • You can’t live forever using someone else’s mind.
  • Gray hair in the beard - intelligence in the head.
  • A book is a book, but move your mind.
  • That is why a person is born into the world to live by his own mind.
  • You will lose your mind for an hour, but you will be known as a fool for a century.
  • As is the mind, so are the speeches.

Studying is the acquisition of knowledge. There are many paths in life that are impossible to follow without knowledge. It is also about gaining experience in the process of life. They are obtained by studying something by choice or by coincidence. The concept of “study” includes: school, college, institute, work and, in general, all life. The article will give several sayings and proverbs about study and school.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

The point is that a person develops when he learns. in certain areas, it adapts to them. He becomes invulnerable to the difficulties of life. And those who do not study degrade. That is, the world around is changing, but he stands still. For example, how to stay in the dark and not know about what is happening around you.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster

Here we are talking about teaching, which must be supported by practice. In some cases, it is impossible to learn something without an internship. Knowing the work in theory, but never taking part in it, a person can make mistakes.

Repetition is the mother of learning

The essence of the saying about studying is to repeat the past stage in order to retain knowledge. People constantly need to strengthen their knowledge through repetition. Once something is learned, it will someday be forgotten if you do not practice it for a long time.

Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage

In this proverb about learning, the author conveys to people that lack of knowledge encourages uncertainty. When a person is faced with a situation that he does not understand, he is afraid of making the wrong choice. Therefore, behind knowledge lies courage and confidence.

He who loves science does not see boredom

The proverb says that a person who loves science cannot get bored. After all, it is impossible to learn everything, since there are a lot of sciences. By loving a thing that has no end, you can live your whole life without melancholy and sadness.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives it

The proverb about studying says that learning requires desire and work, not money. But the acquired knowledge can generate income. IN modern society, maybe it will sound irrelevant, but in the old days that’s exactly how it was.

Be proud not of title, but of knowledge

The meaning of the proverb is that you should not be proud of a title that lacks knowledge. There are different ways to achieve high rank. A person can hold a position due to circumstances, but at the same time turn out to be an incompetent boss. What is more important is the correspondence of knowledge to the position held, and not the position itself.

If you haven’t finished studying yourself, never teach others

The whole point of the proverb is that there is no need to teach people to a person who doesn’t really know anything. By superficially studying this or that issue, you can mislead not only yourself, but also other people. A person can also be directed to the wrong path. So in this case it is better to refrain from advice and teachings.

Live forever and learn

The truth of this saying comes to every intelligent person at a certain period of life. At the age of 30, looking back and reflecting on the years he has lived, an intelligent person will say: “How stupid I was.” At 40, he will say the same about the last 10 years of his life. You have to study all your adult life. With age comes wisdom, experience, prudence. The need to study, according to this saying, does not disappear with graduation from school, with seniority or retirement. It ends with life.

It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has acquired knowledge

In conclusion it is worth saying about a proverb that will dispel many unclear thoughts. She talks about how, after living for many years, you cannot gain intelligence, wisdom, or experience. We must strive for these qualities all these years. 100 years of life lived without a zeal for knowledge will not make you a sage. Only those who worked to gain knowledge will become their owner.

The article presented the most famous proverbs and sayings about studying, the meaning of which became more clear after reading it.

Friend, if you think that studying means constantly “swallowing” the contents of a school textbook, then you are mistaken. Learning means acquiring new knowledge and being able to use it. “Live forever, learn forever,” our ancestors said, and You always remember this. And don’t forget to learn a few proverbs and sayings about.

  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • Without flour there is no science.
  • There would be a hunt, but you can learn.
  • Live forever and learn.
  • A diploma is not a disease; it does not take away years.
  • Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future.
  • There is no old age for learning.
  • To teach a fool to carry water with a sieve.

  • Teach him how to drive through the forest with a harrow.
  • For a scientist they give two unscientists and they don’t take them.
  • If you are given a diploma, you will go far with it.
  • Whoever finds it difficult to study for one day will find it difficult throughout his life.
  • The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.
  • Without patience there is no learning.
  • Whoever is willing to learn, God is ready to help him.
  • Whoever learns from a young age does not know hunger in old age.

  • No one was born wise.
  • You can't learn to swim on the shore.
  • They learn from mistakes.
  • If you suffer, you will learn.
  • Science is more or less a golden guarantee.
  • Science does not lead into the forest, but rather out of the forest.
  • Science is not given for free; science is gained through hard work.
  • Don't study until you're old, study until you die.
  • Illiterate as if blind.
  • A half-educated person is worse than an uneducated person.

  • You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.
  • Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.
  • Learning decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
  • Study and work lead to glory.
  • Learn good things - so bad things will not come to mind.
  • Learning is always useful.
  • To learn to swim, you need to get into the water.

Proverbs and sayings about knowledge

People have valued knowledge at all times. Even in Ancient Greece, it was generally accepted that a successful person is one who has good physical characteristics - handsome, strong and dexterous. However, along with this, the Greeks also valued intelligence and curiosity. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of their favorite pastimes was solving .
“The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge,” people say, which is what the following selection of proverbs and sayings about knowledge is about.

  • The more you learn, the stronger you will become.
  • Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.
  • Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
  • A guess is good, but knowledge is better.
  • It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has acquired knowledge.
  • You know the score, you can count it yourself.
  • Know more and say less.
  • Know-nothing is running along the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.
  • Knowledge and science do not hang at the gate.
  • Knowledge and wisdom adorn a person.
  • Knowledge is better than wealth.

  • Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.
  • Those who know the basics and basics will find books in their hands.
  • He who knows the way does not stumble.
  • He who knows a lot, asks a lot.
  • He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • It's easy to forget what you don't know.
  • Don't be afraid when you don't know: it's scary when you don't want to know.
  • Don't say what you studied, but say what you learned.
  • Don't be proud of your title, but be proud of your knowledge.
  • It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
  • A person without knowledge is like a mushroom: although he looks strong, he doesn’t hold onto the ground well.

Proverbs and sayings about mind and intelligence

Reason adorns a person. That is why proverbs and sayings constantly say that neither beauty nor strength can compare with him. Find out how people valued intelligence and intelligence in the next selection.

  • Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.
  • To scold a smart person is to gain your wits, to put up with a fool is to lose yours.
  • Thoughtfully conceived, but madly executed.
  • Your mind is the king in your head.
  • You can't buy intelligence overseas if you don't have it at home.
  • Crazy, but not a penny of money.
  • A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach.
  • A smart person is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows a lot.

  • The smart one is on his own, but God helps the fool.
  • They learn to be smart for the rest of their lives.
  • To teach is to sharpen the mind.
  • You can’t learn life from someone else’s mind and you won’t become smarter.
  • Living with someone else's mind means no good will come of it.
  • Someone else's mind is not a traveling companion.
  • A mind is good, but two are better.
  • The mind and reason will be convinced immediately.

  • In an intelligent conversation, you gain intelligence, but in a stupid conversation, you lose yours.
  • Where the mind is not enough, ask the mind.
  • The head is crazy, like a lantern without a candle.
  • Live by your own mind!
  • The strong in body will defeat one, the strong in mind will defeat thousands.
  • Consult with people, but don’t lose your mind.
  • With cunning - until lunch, and with intelligence - all day.
  • If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble; If there is no intelligence, there will be no ruble.

  • The beard is long, but the mind is short.
  • Being strong is good, being smart is twice as good.
  • It's time to bring it to mind.
  • It came to mind.
  • Fools quarrel, smart people come to an agreement.
  • You can't fix things with hindsight.
  • Beauty will attract attention, but intelligence will always come in handy.
  • He who hurries wisely always keeps up with everything.

  • When doing something reasonable, the head is respected.
  • A bird is good with a feather, and a man is good with his mind.
  • It was time, there was no mind; but the time has passed, and the mind has come.
  • You can make it wise once, but you can’t give it a lifetime of wisdom.
  • Live by your own wisdom, and do not neglect good advice.
  • Happiness comes to those who gain intelligence through work and learning.
  • Smart people are always respected.
  • I forcibly came to my senses.

  • A hint is enough for a smart person.
  • You can’t live forever using someone else’s mind.
  • Gray hair in the beard - intelligence in the head.
  • A book is a book, but move your mind.
  • That is why a person is born into the world to live by his own mind.
  • You will lose your mind for an hour, but you will be known as a fool for a century.
  • As is the mind, so are the speeches.
in the section:

Proverbs about knowledge are not just folklore, they are a way of showing the growing generation that without knowledge, humans can be compared to lower primates. Knowledge is power, that's a fact. But how to tell children about this without reading them tedious lectures? Proverbs about knowledge and learning will come to the rescue.

Knowledge is the goal we have always strived for the best minds humanity. Without knowledge, it is impossible to create anything or answer many questions. This is why it is so necessary to acquire knowledge from an early age. Sayings about knowledge are the great wisdom of the people, who have always called for learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Without knowledge, a person cannot achieve much in life. And it is impossible to pass on your experience to the future generation without knowledge. It’s not without reason that they say, “those who have little knowledge can teach little.” That is why proverbs about knowledge for children carry folk wisdom in understandable terms.

We have collected quite a lot of proverbs and sayings about knowledge for children of preschool and school age.

Publications on the topic