Understand who you were in a past life. Soul reincarnation: find out who you were in a past life (6 photos)

The theory of past life and that our souls go through reincarnation has been around for about 3,000 years. Who was I in a past life? Is there life after life? Discussions on these issues can be found in treatises ancient Greece, India and Celtic Druids. Millions of people believe that their spirit exists not only for seven, eight or nine decades of life on Earth (depending on your luck), but also that we have lived before and that we will live again.

Those who believe in past lives suggest that the key to the solution may lie in various complex aspects: physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological and personal. The main ones are deja vu, mystical memories, spiritual kinship to a foreign culture, uncontrollable habits, inexplicable pain, moles, dreams and fears. All of these phenomena may indicate what your subconscious is hiding.

Despite large number Of people who believe in reincarnation, only 0.3% can get their memories back. When answering questions, they use their subconscious and past life experiences.

Who were you in a past life?

Do you want to know who a person was in a past life? How did he live? What did you do? Below you will find a free online test, based on the research of the English scientist, archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter, who found the tomb of Tutankhamun. He received knowledge when he was very young from his grandfather, who kept the ancient sacraments. Howard studied the history of ancient countries and civilizations, and his parents were engaged in spiritualism and numerology.

Follow the clues that will guide you through the ancient tables and help you discover the goals and objectives of a person’s previous incarnation and present life. Despite the fact that these maps and tables are somewhat simplified, they are all based on knowledge that allowed the ancient adepts to command life and death.

Knowing what you did in your past life can help you understand the meaning of your current life. That is why many today are interested in questions related to past incarnations of the soul. Each person is a spiritual being who, here and now, experiences his unique earthly experience.

Answers to questions that sometimes torment a person all his life can be given by information about who he was in a previous incarnation.

The belief that death is not the end of existence runs like a red thread through all teachings and religions. Some people believe in an afterlife, others in the constant rebirth of souls.

It is impossible for a person to prove either one or the other, but still the doctrine of reincarnation has multiple confirmations.

Reincarnation refers to the fact that after the death of one human body, the soul after some time is reborn in a new one.

It is believed that if in one human life the soul was unable to achieve the goal of its incarnation, the next one will have the same goals as the previous one. But when we are reborn, we forget everything that happened to us in a past life, and this makes it much more difficult to achieve goals and pass the lessons of incarnation.

Live human life You can be as comfortable and harmonious as possible only by moving in a certain direction.

To find it, many use various techniques: hypnosis, breathing exercises, meditation.

It happens that a person who has never had experience in any field suddenly knows how to do the right thing, this means that memories of past incarnations have surfaced in his subconscious. You should not pass by such events; perhaps this is a sign of where you need to strive and what to do.

There are a lot of examples described in literature and the Internet, knowing which, it is simply stupid to deny the obvious facts of the existence of reincarnation. Now, in the era of Aquarius, everything secret is becoming clear, thanks to which mystical knowledge attracts everyone more people.

Date of birth plays an important role in a person’s fate; it is clear that you were born on a certain day and time for a reason, because nothing happens by chance. This is a kind of key for us, a guide to action.

Numerology has been known since ancient times; many tables have come down to us that can provide information about previous lives. By numbers you can not only find out your destiny, but also gain knowledge about past life experiences.

Previous incarnation by birth date

Birth number or date life path helps you learn a lot about your destiny, character, predispositions. You can also find out about your past life by making simple calculations.

How to correctly calculate your life path number:

  • Write on paper, for clarity, your full date of birth;
  • Add up all the numbers;
  • Reduce the resulting two-digit number to a single-digit number.

For example, your date of birth is 05/23/1984, we calculate: 2+3+5+1+9+8+4=32; 3+2=5. The life path number is five.

Having calculated your number, you can find out its characteristics, as well as information about the past incarnation:

Past incarnation according to ancient tables

Ancients eastern teachings left us with a lot of information about reincarnation. Tables have survived to this day that can be used to fairly accurately determine the profession, gender, and even place of birth of the previous incarnation. Such information can help you understand much of what is happening to you.

First, you need to determine the gender. It often happens that masculine qualities predominate in a woman and vice versa - this is an imprint of past incarnations preserved in memory.

To calculate your gender, write your date of birth in front of you. For example, date of birth: 01/01/2001, write the year of birth as follows: 200-1, then look at the plate. We find the number 200 vertically and compare it with the horizontal number, in in this example this is a unit, we get the letter of the year of birth - “T”.

Now using the letter of birth, begin to search for it in two tablets to determine the gender of the previous incarnation. To do this, find the month of birth vertically and see if your letter is in this line; if not, go to the second plate.

In the example, the date of birth is considered - the first of January, the letter “T” - the previous incarnation was male.

It's time to define a professional activity.

In the example being analyzed, the past incarnation was an ataman, gunsmith, etc., type S-2.

If you continue the calculation you started, you can establish the place of birth of the previous incarnation. In the table you need to find your type, in the example we have type No. 2. In the column corresponding to the type, find your birth number, correlate it with the gender of your previous life, and you will get the place number. In the example being analyzed, we get number 26.

You can also gain valuable knowledge about your purpose. To do this, in the same table, in the vertical column above your birth number, find the planet. In the example under consideration, this is the Sun.

Interesting and not at all difficult test, which can tell you about your past life, if, of course, you generally believe in the reincarnation of the soul of every person. Whether you believe in the results of this test or not is up to you to decide, but I still advise you to read the continuation of the post.

First, let's determine the LETTER of the YEAR of your birth
In the vertical column of Table 1, find the first 3 digits of the year of your birth, and the last in the horizontal column. At the intersection of the lines - the letter of the year!
Table 1
For example:
You were born in 1990.
We find 199 in the left column and 0 in the top.
Letter of the year: Z

Your gender in a past life
Opposite your month of birth, find the LETTER OF THE YEAR.
If the letter is at the top - you were a man
If at the bottom - a woman

Table 2
For example:
You were born in April and your YEAR LETTER is Z
This letter is opposite April at the bottom of the table.
In a past life you were a woman.

Using the same Table 2, we determine the SYMBOL, SIGN and NUMBER of the profession
Look for the symbol and number above the LETTER OF THE YEAR
Sign on the left, near the month of birth
For example:
You are a woman born in April and your number of the year is Z
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Your NUMBER is 2
Your SIGN is B

Place of your birth
In the right column of Table 3 we find our symbol, and in the columns in the center (under the arrows) our date of birth
In one line with the date of birth, on the left, in the two outer columns the NUMBER OF YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH is indicated.
Consider your past life gender.
(For decoding, see table 4)
For example:
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Birth number - 17
Are you a woman
This means your birthplace number is 64
In a past life you were born in central India

Table 3

Table 4

Your occupation in a past life

In order to find out what you were doing, use your NUMBER and SIGN obtained in table 2
For example:
Your number is 2, your sign is B
Find B2 in Table 5
You were a cartographer and astrologer. astronomer..

Table 5

The idea of ​​eternal life is inherent in almost all religions, human brain is not able to comprehend the category of non-existence, so it is not so difficult to believe that you will live forever.

Only some religious ideas are associated with the transition of the soul to another world, different from ours. Others insist that a person again makes the transition to this world in order to learn to live righteously. According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, the soul can go from a stone to incarnation in a person.

And being in a person, it goes through the castes (conventionally, from a servant to a clergyman). Only being in the highest caste (Brahmin) the soul has the opportunity to stop the cycle of rebirths and comprehend the state of eternal bliss.

The desire to find out who you were in a past life is not always generated by simple curiosity. A person may ask this question because he often experiences the effect of déjà vu.

  • Antique objects or events seem familiar to him.
  • Or you have strange dreams with scenes from the past that did not happen to the person in this life.

Knowing who you were in a past life can help you find answers to questions that haunt you in your current incarnation. The events of this life are closely connected with the actions of a person in a past incarnation, which is why this knowledge is so important and useful.

How to find out the secret of your past incarnation

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. These are meditative practices, holotropic breathing, astrology. One of the most simple ways find out your incarnation - numerology.

To calculate, the minimum required is to know the person’s date of birth. The keepers of the secret knowledge of the East left ancient tables from which you can find out all the information about your past life by the date of your current birth.

To calculate and determine your past using numerology, prepare. Take a piece of paper and a pencil.

Let's take for example the date of birth September 29, 1992. Let's look at table No. 1. On the left we find the first three numbers - 199. On the top, the last number is 2. At the intersection we see the letter X, fix it.

Man or woman?

In the next tablet we look for the month of birth. In our example, this is September. Here all months are indicated twice. You need to find the letter that was recorded in table No. 1, in our example it is X.

  • If you find the letter in the first part of the mention of the month, then in a previous life you got the role of a man.
  • If in the second case - a woman.

When you have found your letter, look at the table header. It is indicated there character type. We have the letter X, a symbol of type IV, profession number 4. Next to the month is indicated letter of profession. September – B. We record all the data received on a piece of paper.

Place of residence

In table No. 3 on the right we look for a symbol of type (IV). Then in this block, we look for the birth number (29) and see which planet the number belongs to. For us this is the Moon. On the left we look at the same line, where the number (29) in the “men” column is the number 26 (seat number). Let's write it down.

In table No. 4 we look for the number 26 and find out the country where we lived. It turns out Austria.


In table No. 5 you can find out your previous profession. To do this, remember the number of the profession (we have 4) and the letter (B) and see what numerology says. Our example in a past life was a warrior, a butcher, a fisherman, a hunter, a person who performed sacrifices (one of these options).


In table No. 6, numerology will allow you to find out what this incarnation gives you. To do this, you need to remember the planet under which your date of birth was located (the Moon) and look at the meaning of your planet, taking into account the date of birth.

Having this information on numerology, you can change your life, making it more perfect. Analyze the picture of your past life, find common ground with your current incarnation - this is the key to many issues relating to your life.

Pay close attention to your purpose; this applies not only to your profession and self-realization, but also to your attitude towards others. After you shed light on the picture of your life, start analyzing the incarnations of your loved ones and relatives by their date of birth. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

A test can answer a complex question - who I was in a past life, what I did and what kind of life I led. Below are numerology tests about past lives and reincarnation.

In the article:

Quick test - who I was in a past life

Most tests are about reincarnation refer to rather complex numerological manipulations. If the answer to the question is needed only to satisfy curiosity, a simple test may be sufficient. In order to pass it, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. These numbers must be summed together and then reduced to an unambiguous form.

Suppose we need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on August 28, 1996:

After carrying out simple arithmetic operations, all that remains is to find the value of the resulting number. One of the nine numbers will indicate several options for the direction of activity in a past life.

  1. - were you connected in any way with the world of art? It is not a fact that they were one of the outstanding artists or writers. Chances are you were a wealthy person, able to afford a luxurious library, an art gallery, or an outstanding collection of sculptures. As for work responsibilities, they were related to the exact sciences - construction, mechanics, invention.
  2. - most likely, you acted in the interests of the state in which you lived in a past life. Perhaps you have been involved in charity in any form - you built a temple with your own money, for example. Your life could also be connected with performances on stage - dancing or theater. True, the desire for performing arts could remain a dream or a hobby.
  3. - you could be a teacher or speaker, as well as a military man. In any case, your success depended on your level of intelligence, knowledge in your chosen field, as well as charm and ability to express your opinion. If you can boast of developed intuition, most likely in a past life you were seriously interested in esotericism and magic.
  4. - your activities were related to exact sciences and invention. You could be a mechanic, a physicist who created new instruments and conducted experiments with them. The activity could also be related to money. By the way, luck in money matters could remain with you after the transition to a new incarnation.
  5. - most likely, you were closely connected with the law. In a past life, the person who received this number could have been a lawyer, judge or other representative of the law of the state in which he lived. In addition, he could be a traveling artist, perform in a circus, or engage in trade.
  6. - your past life was devoted to serving people. You were a doctor or a clergyman. The activity brought not only benefits to others, but also a good income. It is unlikely that you were a poor person. Perhaps you were a wealthy aristocrat who was well placed to help those around you.
  7. - curiosity is the main trait of your character for a reason. In a past life, you secretly studied alchemy or were a scientist. Perhaps you taught at one of the educational institutions the city in which they lived. A love of luxury could make you a jeweler's apprentice, and a penchant for experimentation and a passion for delicious food could make you a chef.
  8. - career and high income were the main goals of your past incarnation. You were involved in politics or held a high and prestigious legal position, such as a judge. Selling or renting real estate is another area in which you may have been involved in a past life.
  9. - your profession was related to fashion or art. You could be a tailor or a jeweler, or perhaps you were the daughter of a rich man who led a high life. Your family was famous and rich, they owned an expensive collection of jewelry or other valuable items.

Gender and place of residence in previous life

There are many ways to find out who you were in a past life. This , meditation, automatic writing and many other rather complex techniques. There is also a simpler method - the “Who was I in a past life” test. It is believed that these numerology tables were found in the East. For a long time, their meaning was kept secret, but now with their help you can easily get an answer to the question of how to find out who any person was in a past life.

To take this past life test, you will need the date, year and month of the person's birth.
In addition, a piece of paper and a pen will be useful - you will have to write down a lot. This test consists of several stages of numerological calculations. The first stage is devoted to the gender and place of residence of your past incarnation.

In the first table, compare the first three numbers and the last digit of the year of birth. Suppose you need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on September 9, 1997. In our case, at the intersection of the corresponding columns and rows of the table, there was the number Y. This letter itself does not mean anything, but it will be useful in further calculations. Write it down so you remember it.

Below are two tables. Your goal is to find the letter in the first table that corresponds to your birth month. In our case, the letter Y for someone born in September was found in the table of men, which means that this person was a man in a past life.

Write down on a sheet of paper the type symbol, profession number and profession type sign that you received. In our case, these are ll, 2 and B. This data will be useful to you if you want to take the test further to find out about the profession in a past life.

Below are tables with place numbers from which you need to choose the one that matches your type symbol. Find your birth number in it. This includes a planet that should be written down on the sheet - it will talk about its purpose, more on that a little later. In our case it is the Moon. There are two columns on the left - for men and women. Our example was a man, and his place number corresponds to 58. According to the table, which tells about places of life in a past incarnation, he lived in the east of Australia.

How to find out who you were in a past life - profession

In order to find out the profession or line of activity in a past life, you should remember number and letter of profession. They were calculated in the second table, at the stage that told about the gender of the person you were in a past life.

In our example, the result was a profession coded B-2. This means that the example man, born in eastern Australia, was an astrologer, road builder, astronomer or map maker. In addition, he could also be a foreman.

Often what seemed interesting in a past life could transfer into a new incarnation. If you happen to have a certain profession, think about what aspect of it you are interested in in this life? Perhaps this will give you some thought. For example, the person given as an example is interested in astronomy and in this life, most likely, in the past this was her profession.

Past incarnation - test of purpose

Below are three tables that reveal the secret of the current incarnation and talk about its purpose. These are the lessons you did not complete the last time you lived in this world. In order to move further on the path to soul development, you must fulfill the main purpose of being in this world. Such karma processing will be useful in any case. It is believed that working on it seriously improves the quality of life.

Each of the three tables corresponds thirds of the month and planets. In our example, this is the Moon and the first table, which is intended for those born from the 1st to the 11th inclusive. It always seemed to this man that he perceived the world differently from the people around him. In his previous incarnation, he was unable to figure out the cause of this feeling. This means that we will have to do this in a new incarnation, and this time it is worth bringing the matter to the end.

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