Using email. How to use Yandex mail: detailed description

From previous articles you learned how to register an email. Now let's learn how to use it. The algorithm for working with e-mail is very similar, therefore, having mastered the basic actions in, you can easily manage your mail on other resources.

Therefore, we will study at our mail ****** In the mail login window, enter your name (this is the login - the one we came up with during registration in Latin letters), and then enter the password. Then press the “Login” button (1k LMB). (You can read what 1k LMB means in the article “Starting lessons on computer literacy”). You are taken to your mail, where the work area is:

Here you see working folders, the name of which makes it clear what they are used for. I will only note that the “trash” folder contains all the letters that you deleted. In order to open any folder, you move the mouse to the name of the folder and press 1k LMB. After this, the folder will open and you will see the letters. New emails are also displayed in the work area. If you have received an email and have not yet read it, it will appear in the new emails column. The "total" column shows the total number of emails in each folder. Now you have 2 new letters in your inbox that you received from the administration of the mail resource when you registered. At the same time, you can see the subject of the letter and the author of the letter. If there is a paperclip symbol next to the line of the letter, this means that the letter contains an attached file. To read a letter, move the cursor over the subject of the letter and click on it (2k LMB). You can perform a number of actions with each letter: reply to the letter, forward or delete. To delete a letter, select it with a checkmark and click on the “delete” button. In this case, the letter ends up in your “trash” folder. If you decide that you deleted an email by accident, you can restore it from the Trash.

Now let's learn how to write a letter in an email. To do this, click on the words “write a letter” 1k LMB. A letter form has opened for you. In this form you must enter the email address of the person you are sending the letter to. For example, enter (this is the email address of our website) That is, to send a letter, you must know the email address. If you want a letter to be written to you, you must communicate it to the person from whom you will expect the letter. The email address is the login that we came up with during registration, and the prefix of the resource in which we registered. That is, if you entered the username uzervali when registering with, then our mail will look like This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. (I note that the “@” sign sounds like the word “dog”). In the field of the letter, write what you want to tell the recipient. And finally, click the “send” button.

If you need to attach a file (photo, document, etc.), then click on the “attach file” button. A window opens in which you select the path to the file that needs to be attached (I attach a photo). Having selected the file, you must click “open”. Now the download is in progress, and if you did everything correctly, the following field will appear in the letter:

You can attach several photos, but their total size should not exceed 30 MB. After attaching the file, we also click “send”. (You can find out what the file size is and how to see it by reading the article File and folder properties.

How to add addresses in mail, how to respond to letters, how to forward them - we will talk about this in the following articles.

Currently, life without email imposes many restrictions on the user, because it is a convenient way to exchange files and messages, quickly register on any resources and store important information. You can give your preference to any domain that will be listed in this article: their interface is very similar and intuitive for new users. Even if the names of some functions and tabs are different, you can understand what they contain. To stay connected always, download mobile app your email to your phone via Play Market or App Store. After reading this article, you will understand how to use a mailbox.

How to send letters from email

First, it’s worth understanding the main function of an email box – writing letters. Whichever domain you choose, they are very similar. On this moment most popular boxes:

  • Mail from Google called Gmail;
  • The well-known Rambler;
  • Yandex service;
  • Russian service –

Using Gmail as an example, you will see how email works.

  • After logging into your account, you will see in any mail a small list with sorting letters: incoming, sent, drafts... Here you can view all saved letters and delete them.

To start writing a letter, click on the “Write” button. You may be redirected to a new page, but in Gmail it will simply open a small new window.

  • First, enter the recipient's email on the first line next to the “To” column.
  • Then write down the topic. This is not required, but is best used in formal letters.

Now enter the body of the letter. Note that you can format it using built-in mail tools. They are all at the bottom: boldness, italics, font size, lists, quotes. Here you will find everything you need to neatly format your letters.

  • If you need to attach any document to your letter, please refer to the upload line, which is located even lower.
  • You can download pictures, links, documents and any files from your computer. If the file is too large, it doesn’t matter; first it will be uploaded to Google Drive and only then – in an email.
  • Finish sending by clicking on the “Submit” button. Now wait for a response from your interlocutor.

How to sort and delete letters in email

  • By selecting any section of your letters, you can delete unnecessary ones so that they do not spoil appearance and keeping your email in order.
  • Just click on the small square next to the letter, and then on the trash can icon at the top of the screen. The letter will be deleted. You can do this with several letters at a time.
  • Here you can move letters simply by marking them as incoming.

Where can I set up an email account?

Each email has a number of its own settings so that the user can synchronize the contents of the mailbox, change the password, design and other functions.

  • Click on the gear icon in your mail. A small list will open, which contains the “Settings” item.

  • Each tab has its own set of parameters that you can customize.

  • For example, in the “Accounts and Import” item you will find basic settings: changing the password, linking accounts and phone numbers.
  • Try to find such settings in your email as well.

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Sections on this page:

Nowadays, not knowing how to use email is the same as not knowing how to read. Send a report to management or a resume to an employer, make pen pals, conduct business communication, exchange photos, etc. - all this is impossible without mastering the intricacies of e-mail. That is why today only the lazy do not have their own email address. Here we will talk about how to set up your own email account, how to send and receive emails, forward attachments, and much more.

9.4.1. How to create your own email account?

IN this section we will look at the procedure for opening a mailbox using the example of the mail service of a popular portal

* * *

On home page Any Internet resource that provides free e-mail services has a link designed to switch to the mode of creating a mailbox. This link can be called by different names; on at the time of writing the book it is called Create a mailbox. After clicking on this link, the dialog shown in Fig. 1 opens on the screen. 9.22.

Rice. 9.22. The first stage of creating a box

At the first stage, you need to enter your last name and first name, as well as the name of the mailbox to be created ( login). All this data is entered from the keyboard. When entering your login, you can use letters of the English alphabet, numbers, as well as underscores and hyphens (spaces in the name are not allowed).

* * *

When entering your login, the mail service automatically checks whether it is currently busy. If it turns out that a mailbox with the same name already exists, you will be offered other login options that are close to the one you tried to enter (they are offered in any case, see Fig. 9.22).

After filling out the specified details, click the button Further to proceed to the next stage of creating a mailbox (Fig. 9.23).

Rice. 9.23. The second stage of creating a box

At this stage, you should enter a password that will be used in the future to access your mailbox. To enter a password, you can use the same characters as when entering your login, as well as special characters ( % , & , + and etc.). The password must contain at least 6 and no more than 20 characters.

* * *

To avoid errors when entering the password, you should enter it twice: in the field Password and in the field Confirm the password. If identical values ​​are entered in these fields, then under the field Confirm the password the message will be displayed entered correctly(See Fig. 9.23). If an error is made when entering the password (any difference in the fields is considered an error) Password And Confirm the password), then under the field Confirm the password the corresponding Announcement prompting you to reenter your password. While the differences are in the fields Password And Confirm the password will not be resolved, creating a mailbox is impossible.

Sometimes users forget or lose their mailbox password. To solve such problems, a special mechanism has been implemented that allows the user to access their mailbox without entering a password. The point of this mechanism is to answer a secret question. This secret question and the answer to it are indicated at the second stage of creating a mailbox in the fields Security Question And Answer(See Fig. 9.23). Moreover, the question itself is selected from the proposed drop-down list, and the answer to it is entered from the keyboard. Examples of security questions: Mother's Maiden Name(see Fig. 9.23), Favorite dish , My school nickname etc. Obviously, the control questions are formed in such a way that only a specific person can know the exact answer to them. If you lose your password, the system will issue the security question specified when creating the mailbox, and if the answer is correct, then access to the mailbox will be open.

In field Another email (if available) You can enter your previously purchased email address, if available. Completing this field is optional. If it specifies an email address, then registration information will be sent to this address immediately after creating the mailbox. Also, if you wish, you can indicate your mobile phone(although this is not recommended)

In field Check digits From the keyboard you need to enter the numbers (without separators or spaces!), which are displayed above (see Fig. 9.23).

After filling out the listed details, you need to click the button Register– as a result, the screen will display information that registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 9.24). Here, if you wish, you can enter some additional information about yourself.

Rice. 9.24. Completing registration

You can enter them, or you can just click on the link Start using mail– immediately after this, the mailbox interface will open on the screen (Fig. 9.25). To subsequently log into your mailbox, you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields on the main page of the portal (in our example – and click the button To come in.

Rice. 9.25. Mailbox interface

The left side of the interface contains several folders designed to store email correspondence. By default, the following folders are offered: Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Spam And Drafts.

All incoming email correspondence, with the exception of emails identified as spam, goes to the folder Inbox. This folder is open by default when you sign in to your mailbox.

Folder Sent is intended for storing sent (outgoing) electronic correspondence. When you send each letter, a copy of it (with all attachments, if any) is placed in the folder by default Sent.

In folder Deleted electronic correspondence that has been deleted using a link is stored Delete.

To folder Spam All incoming correspondence that is recognized by the system as spam is placed. This folder can be quickly cleared using the link located to the right of the folder name (it appears if there is at least one letter in the folder). By the way, folders are also cleaned in the same way. Deleted.

* * *

In folder Drafts You can store letters that for some reason are not intended for any of the folders listed above.

In order to move letters from folder to folder, you should select them in the list using the corresponding checkboxes, then in the drop-down list Move to folder(this list is located on the right side of the interface above the list of letters) select the required folder and click the button on the right OK.

Above the list of letters there are several links designed to switch to one or another mode of operation. The list of these links may look different in different folders. Since the order of their use is simple, we will consider only the links that are located in the folder Inbox.

Via link Write switches to the mode of creating a new email message. At the same time, an interface opens on the screen in which the addressee (or several addressees), the subject of the letter is indicated, the text of the letter is formed, and, if necessary, files are attached that should be sent along with the letter.

* * *

If the current mail message (or several flagged messages) is spam, you should use the link This is spam. Using this link, you can report spam to the postal service administration so that appropriate measures can be taken against spammers. When you click on a link This is spam A window opens on the screen in which you need to confirm the fact of spam.

Chapter The address book is intended for maintaining a list of addressees with whom the most active correspondence is expected. To add a new recipient to the list, use the link Add a note, then in the window that opens, enter the recipient’s first and last name, his email address, phone number, a custom comment and date of birth. The only required detail for each recipient is an email address.

In chapter Settings mailbox parameters are configured. In particular, here you can create, edit and delete folders intended for storing electronic correspondence, select the design style of letters, configure the mail interface, etc. Separately, it should be noted the ability to filter incoming mail in order to combat spam (using “black” and “white” lists). Also worthy of attention is the implemented automatic mail collection mechanism, the configuration of which allows you to automatically collect mail from all other mailboxes that the user has and deliver it to this mailbox.

Chapter Search designed for quickly searching letters. It is advisable to use the capabilities of this section when working with large volumes of electronic correspondence. As search parameters, you can specify an arbitrary text fragment (which can be contained both in the text and in the subject of the letter) and the email address of the sender/recipient. You should also specify the folders in which the search will be performed.

Thus, we learned how to create our own mailbox ourselves. However, in in this case All actions for working with electronic correspondence must be performed directly on the server, using the interface provided by the mail service. It is much more convenient to use special mail programs for working with e-mail. In this book we will look at one of the most popular such programs - Outlook Express.

9.4.2. Purpose and capabilities of Outlook Express

The developer of the Outlook Express email program is Microsoft Corporation, and this largely contributes to the fact that this program is one of the most popular email clients. This is primarily due to the fact that Outlook Express interacts well with other Microsoft products (Internet Explorer, etc.). In addition, this program is very convenient for home users - unlike, for example, Microsoft Outlook, which was also developed by Microsoft, but is primarily addressed to office users.

The default program interface is shown in Fig. 9.26.

Rice. 9.26. Outlook Express

As you can see in the figure, the program window has the structure of a typical Windows application. At the top is the main menu, below it is the toolbar, and the main part of the interface is occupied by Workspace, divided into four panels. The top left panel contains a list of folders with emails, the top right panel displays the contents of the folder on which the cursor is positioned. The lower left panel contains a list of contacts from the address book, and the lower right panel contains the text of the letter on which the cursor is positioned.

The functionality of the Outlook Express mail program allows you to solve the following tasks:

Receiving, reading, creating, sending and storing electronic correspondence;

Working with the Windows Messenger instant messaging service: connecting, sending messages, setting parameters;

Using multiple accounts to work with electronic correspondence;

Maintaining an address book in which email addresses are stored;

Working with news groups (receiving, reading, storing, sending);

Flexible customization of the user interface and program operating parameters in accordance with the needs of a specific user;

Creating mail messages using a variety of forms, which can be selected either from the list provided by the program or from anywhere on the disk;

Setting up and using anti-virus and anti-spam protection;

Import email correspondence from other popular email programs using the built-in import wizard;

Import address book from other popular email programs;

Export of electronic correspondence and address book;

Printing email messages;

Saving an electronic mail message as a separate file or as a form;

Saving email attachments as a separate file;

Performing a number of other actions determined by the specifics of using the program and the needs of a particular user.

However, before you can use Outlook Express, you must create an email account. This is covered in the next section.

9.4.3. Create an account in Outlook Express

To switch to the mode of working with Outlook Express accounts, you must execute the main menu command Service? Accounts – as a result, the window shown in Fig. will open on the screen. 9.27.

Rice. 9.27. Email accounts

To create a new mail account, go to the tab in this window. Mail press the button Add(this button is located at the top right of the window, see Fig. 9.27), and in the menu that opens, select the item Mail. As a result, a window will open on the screen Internet Connection Wizard; Using the Wizard, you create a new account in a step-by-step mode. This will do the following:

1. At the first stage, enter an arbitrary user name using the keyboard (this could be, for example, first and last name), then press the button Further.

2. At the second stage, you also need to enter your email address using the keyboard (for example, [email protected] ), then press the button Further.

3. At the third stage, you will need to specify the servers for incoming messages (POP3, IMAP or HTTP, in most cases - the POP3 server) and outgoing messages. The choice of servers depends on the location of the user's mailbox; You can obtain the addresses of these servers from your email service provider. For example, if the mailbox is open at, then the incoming message server will be, and outgoing – After entering the servers, click the button Further.

4. At the fourth stage, in the appropriate fields using the keyboard, you need to enter the name of the account to be created and the password, and then click the button Further.

5. In the fifth stage, press the button Ready The process of creating a new account is completed.

As a result of the completed actions, the created account will be displayed in the window Online accounts(see Fig. 9.27) on the tabs All And Mail.

Now you can start working with email messages.

9.4.4. How to receive and send electronic correspondence?

To receive email, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Deliver mail(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+M), or click the corresponding button in the toolbar (don’t forget to connect to the Internet before doing this).

Received emails will be placed in the folder Inbox, and the number of unread letters will be shown in brackets (see Fig. 9.26).

When it comes to sending emails, there are two ways to do this. The first is that the letter is sent immediately after writing - we will tell you how to do this below. When using the second method, letters located in the folder are sent Outgoing(users place written but not sent letters here) - to do this you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Send all or click the button in the toolbar Deliver mail(using this button you can both receive and send email).

9.4.5. How to write and send an email?

To switch to the mail message generation mode, you can use several methods. The most common one is to execute the main menu command File? Create? Postal message. As a result, a window for generating an email message will open on the screen, shown in Fig. 9.28.

Rice. 9.28. Creating a mail message

You can also create a new message in the panel Contacts(this panel is located at the bottom left of the program’s working interface) double-click on the desired recipient or group of contacts. In this case, in the contact creation window (see Fig. 9.28), the field will be automatically filled in To whom. To create a response message, in the main program window, select the letter you want to respond to with the cursor and click the toolbar button Answer or execute the main menu command Message? Reply to sender(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+ R). In this case, the fields in the contact creation window will be automatically filled in To whom And Subject.

* * *

In the mail message generation window, in the field To whom The recipient's email address is indicated. If necessary, you can enter several addresses in this field - in this case, you must separate them with a comma or semicolon.

In field Copy The addresses of recipients to whom a copy of this mail message should be sent are entered. If multiple recipients are specified, they are separated by a comma or semicolon.

* * *

In field Subject the subject of this mail message is entered using the keyboard, briefly reflecting its essence; Examples of values ​​for this field – Meeting, Invitation to the evening, Order, Vacation plans, Feedback on the ad etc. This field is optional; however, it is still recommended to indicate the subject of the letter - this is convenient for the recipient of the mail message.

The text of the email message is entered from the keyboard in a specially designed field, which occupies the main part of the interface (see Fig. 9.28). By the way, you can format the text of the letter - the formatting bar is designed for this, which is located between the field Subject and a field for entering the text of the letter.

You can insert any image (drawing, photograph, etc.) into the text of the letter - to do this, in the formatting panel, click the last button, which is called Insert picture.

* * *

When you click on this button, a window opens on the screen in which you can configure image insertion. The operating procedure in this window is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it here.

Email is one of the first Internet services that allows you to exchange messages or, in relation to the name “electronic mail,” so-called emails. Today, few people write regular letters - it’s faster to send a letter from your email inbox, which will reach the addressee almost instantly.

E-mail has several slang names - email (from English Email), “soap”, e-mail, mail. Just like regular paper mail, there are terms such as mailbox, delivery, attachment, receipt, sending, write a letter, addressee, sender, etc. We can say that email is in many ways similar to regular mail, with the only difference being that the letter is not written with a fountain pen, but is typed on a computer keyboard, and post offices are mail servers that collect, sort and send mail to recipients.

This section will discuss all aspects of working with e-mail necessary for a novice computer and Internet user.

Email is a modern, accessible and fast means of communication. If before the massive spread of the Internet, electronic correspondence was the lot of enterprises and organizations, now almost every computer user with Internet access can use it. Over time, a certain culture of using email has developed in the form simple rules conducting electronic correspondence. By adhering to these rules, you [...]

You have received an email and the sender is waiting for a response from you. How to do it right? Of course, you can write a letter to the sender with a response, where you can indicate that this is a response to an email from such and such a date and such and such a topic. But it would be more correct and easier to use a special function of the mail service, which is called “Reply”. Let's learn how to properly [...]

Every active Internet user definitely uses email, because it is very convenient, fast and simple. In order to send email, you need a mailbox from your Internet service provider (ISP) or a registered mailbox on one of the popular free email services - mail, mail and gmail. How to open a mailbox is discussed in the article [...]

Sooner or later, any active Internet user will have to create his own email, because... Without it, full use of all the opportunities that the Internet provides is impossible. Of course, you can do without an electronic mailbox if you only need the network to watch the news, watch the weather forecast or watch a TV program, but to register in any services, forums or […]

If you receive more than 50 emails a day, it is difficult to read each one carefully. Some messages remain unanswered, others disappear in the trash unopened. If you clean your email without a system, there's always a chance you'll miss something really important. The Secret found out how entrepreneurs and top managers cope with the mass of incoming letters, and formulated the basic rules for working with mail.

Choose your time and prioritize

Alexey Gorbunov CEO consulting company SQ-Team

I divide the letters into four categories using settings: they are sorted automatically, and after that I apply my own rules to each. I spend one hour a day on letters from employees and clients: if the answer does not take more than a minute, I write it right away. If I need more than five minutes or the letter is not the first or second on this topic, I switch to telephone communication mode or make an appointment. There are letters not from employees and clients, but from third parties, sent to me personally. I allocate 30 minutes a week to them and try to respond at the end of the current day. I devote the other half an hour a week to the fourth category of letters - mailings, subscriptions, offers, letters from people I don’t know, 600–700 messages come out. Of these, I read only those that interested me in the title.

Ruslan Fazlyev Founder of the e-commerce platform Ecwid

The simplest thing you can do with mail is not answer it. Not everything in the world requires a reaction. But if I do answer email, I try to do it at a certain time of day, without being distracted by anything else. I use this trick: when I need to clear out a box of a couple of hundred letters in a day, I first filter it by typical contacts and answer all letters from one counterparty in a row. This way the brain doesn’t change the context and you can answer everything much faster.

Create templates

Inna Alekseeva General Director of PR agency PR-Partner

I have a few tricks that help save a lot of time reading and answering. If I see a holivar of colleagues, partners, contractors in the mail, then I read only the last letter, I don’t open the rest. To respond to standard letters - resumes for recommendations, initial client requests, requests for training schedules, questions about purchasing books - I widely use letter templates in Russian and English, I have about 20 of them. I also use three different signature templates in Russian, English and German.

Use apps

Alexey Zhebelev Co-founder of the online travel store

Over the years, I've tried several email clients: Microsoft Outlook, The Bat, Mozilla Thunderbird, but in the end I returned to the Gmail web interface. Clients cannot cope with my mail archive, which over three years of working in the account has grown to 97 GB. Among the applications for Gmail, I would like to mention the services ActiveInbox and Boomerang for Gmail. The first one taught me to keep zero emails in my inbox - now I do without it, but at the start it is very convenient. The second one has several interesting functions: you can delay sending an outgoing letter or temporarily remove an incoming message from the mailbox. In Boomerang for Gmail, I use a reminder in cases where the counterparty did not respond to me within a certain time frame, although it should have. My little dream is to send an automatic reminder to the counterparty that it is time to respond, I haven’t found such an application yet.

Link your email to your electronic diary or CRM

Alexey Bessarabsky Head of Marketing Department, telecommunications company Mango Telecom

I keep my inbox empty: I delete some of the emails, I answer some immediately if it takes no more than a few minutes, and I turn the rest of the emails into tasks or reading materials. To do this, you need to choose a task tracking and information collection program: my choice is Asana and Evernote. To turn an email into an Asana task, I simply forward it to a special address. To add a note to Evernote, I use a plugin in Outlook - a note from a letter can be created with one click on the corresponding button - or I forward the letter to a special address if I am not in Outlook. I don’t use sorting emails by project in the mail - this is done much more efficiently in the task manager, with priorities, deadlines and responsibilities set. I also have a folder for temporary storage of letters that I need to have on hand for a while: I usually put reminders with deadlines on them.

Avoid email correspondence with certain recipients

Mikhail Lyubachev General Director of the company for the development and production of leather goods Liubachev Manufacturing Co

I constantly use email to work with my partners, suppliers, lawyers and accountant. The main disadvantage of email is the search for letters and attachments to them: in order to find one letter with an agreement or invoice, you have to spend a lot of time: for example, such letters are often sent without headers. So a few months ago I transferred all my accountant work to Staply. It is a web application that organizes information automatically and allows you to highlight files or links in a message thread. Testing has been going on for several months now, and so far so good. Now it has become easier to find any document - just go to the group and turn on the filter by files. In the near future I plan to transfer several more partners from email to Staply, but there are also difficulties - it’s quite difficult to persuade people to switch to new system. Everyone is used to email, and besides, the Staply interface is based on English language, and therefore some partners are in no hurry to register.

First: Don't start your day with email. Give yourself at least an hour of working on tasks and only then start writing letters.

Second: work with mail by the hour and get used to doing it no more than two hours a day. Imagine that you ran into the office for two hours because you need to go to the airport and on vacation. What will be done? The most important! I notify everyone who writes to me about this with this auto-reply: “Hello! If you received this letter, be 100% sure that I received yours. I check my email at 14:00 and 16:00. If you have sent me an invoice or are in a hurry to report something urgent, please call my mobile phone. Thank you!"

Third: Divide your mail into two parts - inbox and archive. Unread messages are in the inbox, the rest are in the archive. Multiple folders create chaos: I once saw a hundred folders in an email. I internally call them “folders that are created but never used.” And it’s time to get used to it once and for all: a beautiful and neat archive in email and documents is impossible. To do this, you will have to hire a separate archivist.

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