Is Riboxin useful for athletes? Riboxin - composition, release form, instructions for use and contraindications Riboxin after training.

Friends, hello everyone! Do you often use pharmaceutical drugs? They, I tell you, are good and inexpensive assistants in your sports activities, if you find the right approach. So, today I will tell you how to take Riboxin for bodybuilding. In the article I will describe why to do this, how to do it correctly and what you should pay attention to when taking it. Actually, it's time to start.

It so happens that it is very difficult for a natural bodybuilder to achieve certain successes without any interference at all in his pharmacological practice. I don’t see anything wrong with periodically using pharmaceutical drugs to improve your own health as a result of grueling workouts.

After all, many of us drink coffee, which, roughly speaking, can be considered a legal drug. And our food is saturated with the same GMOs, but I won’t say anything about the environment. So why not take a course of Riboxin for preventive purposes? Will this make me become a “chemist”? In any case, I don’t use growth hormone.

Riboxin can be in two forms known to me - tablets and liquid (injections). I think you will give preference to pills rather than making yourself several new holes in your butt every day.

By the way, this drug has several names, among which you can find such as Riboxin (including with various prefixes like Riboxin-Darnitsa and others), Inosine and Ribonosine. If the pharmacy gives you something from the list of names, you should know that the drug is the same, and the names can safely be considered synonyms.

What is Riboxin needed for?

The drug itself is like a “close relative” of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) - the most important source of energy for the whole body. It is these ATP molecules that are “burned” when we do any physical work. I would like to note that ATP is an important source of energy, but not the only one.

So, Inosine is also a source of energy, but for a specific area of ​​our body - the heart (now we and bodybuilders in general are most interested in it). In addition, it performs a number of other functions regarding the heart muscle. Among them are providing oxygen to the heart when it is insufficient, improving blood circulation, stabilizing metabolism in the heart, and others.

I can note that his “specialization” does not end with the heart, but is the main one. So, in addition to problems with the heart muscle, Inosine helps fight problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver (also interesting, but secondary areas in bodybuilding).

In short, this drug is used in the vast majority of cases specifically to solve heart problems in athletes or to prevent heart disease. How can heart problems occur in athletes who regularly and systematically work out in the gym? Yes, very simple.

Imagine a situation where one athlete goes to the “rocking chair” for a very long time, works successfully there, and for several months now he cannot get enough of his constantly growing muscles, physical indicators and, based on this, his own self-esteem and interest in the opposite sex (well, this so - for a nice word).

The most interesting thing is that while pumping his muscles, he succumbed to anaerobic exercise, where the heart practically does not strain. Simply put, it does not develop in the same way as other muscles develop. It doesn't get stronger. Now, if the training program included mandatory two aerobic workouts (running, swimming, cycling) per week, then there would be no need to resort to the “services” of Riboxin. But in our case this is not the case, and, as a result, heart problems appear.

Problems arise due to the fact that the muscles of the body have grown significantly, and the heart muscle now has more work - it must pump more blood into the increased volumes, and, therefore, beat more often, that is, get tired and wear out faster. This is where a drug like Inosine comes to the rescue.

No, it does not develop the heart, but it relieves problems for a while. This time, I believe, is given so that the athlete begins to seriously take care of his health, simply paying attention to aerobic exercise.

In other cases, athletes' hearts may be naturally healthy and strong, but no one wants to take the risk. So they take the drug we are discussing for prevention.

Taking Riboxin

I don’t know what the weight of the tablets is or the volume in the ampoules, but I can say that at the initial stage of use Riboxin is taken in reduced doses to check the tolerability of the drug and its components. If no allergic reactions occur, you can safely switch to “working” doses.

For example, athletes are often advised to take from one and a half to two and a half grams of Inosine per day, divided into three doses (this is the “working” dose). The reduced dose ranges from 0.6 to 0.8 grams per day in three doses.

The first stage (evaluative) can last from several days to a week, the second (working, and it is the last - there is no final stage) - from a month to three. The duration of the course depends on whether you are counteracting emerging problems or simply carrying out prevention.

Riboxin should be taken shortly before meals (main meals), with water. The same recommendations for use remain if the problem is not in the heart, but in the liver, for example.

I hope the article was useful to you. Describe your impressions in the comments, share this material with friends on social networks and join the thoughtful and polite blog “About Your Sport”.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Riboxin is a drug that has anabolic properties and a minimum of side effects, due to which it is widely used in sports. It increases endurance and stimulates muscle growth, but its main value is in protecting the heart from overload. Let's consider its main properties, rules of administration, as well as how Riboxin is used in sports and bodybuilding to achieve maximum results from strength training.

This drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the heart, liver, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. Its therapeutic effect is based on the activation of metabolism under conditions of oxygen and ATP deficiency. This quality is very important during anaerobic exercise, characteristic of strength training, which led to the use of Riboxin in sports and bodybuilding.

The active ingredient in Riboxin tablets, inosine, is a compound related to the tissues of the human body. Inosine is part of RNA macromolecules that deliver oxygen to muscle cells. It is also involved in the formation of ATP molecules, which provide energy for all intracellular processes, including the contraction of muscle fibers.

Due to the ability of inosine to increase the production of ATP, the “fuel” for muscle cells, and to ensure cellular respiration in conditions of oxygen deficiency, it is used in the treatment of ischemic diseases. Ischemia is a disruption of the blood supply to organs, as a result of which their tissues are deprived of the flow of oxygen and may die, followed by the replacement of dead areas with connective tissue.

Taking Riboxin helps accelerate metabolism in conditions of oxygen deficiency, which helps overcome oxygen starvation of tissues and avoid the negative consequences of ischemia. Therefore, this drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy for ischemic heart disease (coronary heart disease), during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction, and for arrhythmias. It is also effective for organic lesions of liver tissue (cirrhosis, fatty degeneration), organs of vision, and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The positive effect of riboxin on the heart muscle is especially noticeable. When taking it:

  • heart rate normalizes, arrhythmia disappears;
  • the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the heart muscle increases;
  • the strength of contractions increases, the volume of blood released per contraction increases, the relaxation of the heart muscle becomes more complete in the intervals between beats, which is most favorable for both the heart and the blood supply to all organs;
  • metabolism in the tissues of the heart is activated and their regeneration is accelerated;
  • the risk of blood clots is reduced by reducing platelet aggregation.

The beneficial effect of inosine on the heart is manifested not only in cardiovascular diseases, but also in conditions of high physical and neuropsychic stress, which are observed in sports. Therefore, Riboxin is often prescribed for athletes during intense training to improve cardiac activity and protect the heart from overload.

Application in sports, bodybuilding

The anabolic properties of inosine were discovered in the mid-70s of the twentieth century by Japanese scientists. They also proposed to use this substance for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. But Soviet scientists, after analyzing research data obtained by their Japanese colleagues, also decided to use inosine in sports to improve the athletic achievements of Soviet weightlifters. After all, it accelerates the processes of anabolism during anaerobic exercise, and this is exactly what is needed in strength sports.

Since the 1980s, the USSR began to actively use inosine as a sports supplement in the training of weightlifters. Its use allowed athletes to train more effectively. Reviews from athletes about Riboxin indicated that after taking it, their workouts were more effective, they were able to do more repetitions and approaches before severe fatigue appeared.

The American scientist Fred Hatfield became interested in the experience of Soviet coaches, and in 1983 he came to Moscow as part of a collaboration. He borrowed the idea of ​​using inosine in sports from his Soviet colleagues and continued researching this supplement in the USA. And although the results of his experiments were encouraging, further studies by American and European scientists did not confirm the effectiveness of inosine supplementation in sports.

But some athletes are confident that Riboxin was a fiasco in foreign studies, since all the secrets of its correct administration were not revealed to Americans. And perhaps the reason for this was the emergence of many other sports supplements that competed with Riboxin. But this old remedy cannot be discounted, because its use in sports has many advantages over other anabolic supplements.

Benefits of Riboxin:

  • increases strength endurance;
  • accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue;
  • improves heart function and protects it from overload;
  • this natural compound, which is part of the body’s tissues, has a minimum of side effects;
  • Riboxin is cheap and easily available;
  • it is not a drug prohibited in sports.

Of course, the anabolic effect of Riboxin is not comparable to the results of taking anabolic steroids. However, unlike AS, the use of which is fraught with serious health problems, Riboxin in bodybuilding and sports not only does not cause harm, on the contrary, in reasonable dosages it is very useful because it facilitates the work of the heart during intense training. It improves the supply of oxygen to heart tissue, normalizes pulse, accelerates the regeneration of myocardial cells, in a word – protects heart health when playing sports.

How to take, dosage

How should athletes take Riboxin? The dosage will depend on the goals you set for yourself, as well as on your individual tolerance to the drug. If your goal is to prevent heart problems during intense sports, then it will be enough to take 0.8 g of Riboxin per day (4 times a day, 1 tablet of 0.2 g).

And if you want to get an anabolic effect in the form of accelerated gains in strength and muscle mass, then the dosage must be increased. This can only be done if the drug is well tolerated. Every 2-3 days, add one tablet at each dose to the previously taken dose and monitor the body’s reaction. If the supplement is well tolerated, then gradually increase the intake to 4 tablets of 0.2 g three times a day.

Riboxin should be taken before meals. The drug should be taken in courses lasting from 1 to 3 months.

There is an opinion that the anabolic effect of using Riboxin in sports can be increased by taking it together with asparkam, calcium glycerophosphate, B vitamins, potassium orotate and methyluracil.


  • children under 18 years of age;
  • patients with gout;
  • having a higher than normal level of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia);
  • those suffering from renal failure;
  • having individual sensitivity to inosine.

Since the effect of the drug on pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied, it is recommended that pregnant and lactating women take Riboxin only as prescribed by a doctor.

Riboxin in bodybuilding - reviews about it

(3 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Every athlete strives to achieve better results and the use of medications such as Riboxin in bodybuilding is far from new. Experienced bodybuilders often use expensive and harmful drugs to increase the rate of muscle growth. Pumping up different areas of our body, namely the abs, lower and upper deltoids, biceps, triceps, requires enormous physical effort and grueling training.

Riboxin in bodybuilding and reviews about it

In order to somehow help the body in such a difficult process, athletes use harmless supplements that help them withstand such a frantic pace and not get tired. In order to have a beautiful muscular body, it is not necessary to use expensive supplements, which, moreover, can harm our body. Medicine and drugs from a regular pharmacy come to the rescue. Such drugs help you recover after heavy strength exercises and feel better, while the use of Riboxin in bodybuilding has proven to be completely safe.

This drug gives much more strength and increases the strength of your muscles. And now you can definitely get into the professional ones.

Riboxin is used primarily as a metabolism booster.

Also, this drug stimulates energy and chemical-biological processes in the body, improves endurance and tissue regeneration. It has vascular strengthening properties, helping to avoid sprains and injuries. During heavy physical exertion, riboxin helps in relaxing the heart tissue during the periods between contractions. Of the non-steroidal and non-hormonal drugs, it is also the best anabolic agent. Riboxin is also used as the best replacement for creatine. A drug like creatine is quite expensive and not so safe for health.

Riboxin (inosine) can be purchased in the form of capsules, tablets, or solution for intravenous use. This drug is sold in almost any pharmacy and is very inexpensive. This article provides detailed instructions for its use in bodybuilding, and indicates the drugs often used in combination with it.

Riboxin tablets are usually taken half an hour or an hour before eating. You should start with one tablet a day for three to four days. This needs to confirm the body’s good response to Riboxin.

Riboxin in bodybuilding and how to take it

Dosages are often taken up to 2.5 grams per 24 hours in four doses, calculating approximately 0.15 g per 10 kg of bodybuilder weight. Riboxin is taken 1.5–2 hours before the start of exercise. Taking the drug lasts from one month to three. Afterwards, it is very important to take a break of two or three months.

Side effects of Riboxin

Riboxin is usually quite well tolerated by the body. It is not a harmful drug. In case of hypersensitivity to Riboxin, as well as when the specified dosage is exceeded, minor side effects are observed.

Side effects of Riboxin

Often these may be the following skin allergies:

  • skin itching;
  • hives;
  • hyperemia.

In rare cases, if the dose of the drug is exceeded, redness of the skin and rapid heartbeat may occur, but when returning to normal dosages, the symptoms disappear.

Riboxin is often taken not only by athletes who want to gain muscle mass, but also by those who want to lose weight and gain definition. This drug is a good way to lose excess weight under the right conditions. Most of the information about him comes from such people. But, of course, it is impossible to lose 5-10 kg only on inositol without a proper diet, so you can meet a certain number of disappointed people.

Riboxin in bodybuilding - reviews about it

When taking Riboxin, you need to remember that the proper effect of this drug can only be obtained with intense training in the gym. If you do nothing, then in the end there will be no results. But if everything is done correctly, exhausting work on machines and training with a barbell will give the desired effect for both men and women.

Another harmless drug for you is potassium orotate. These drugs in bodybuilding are used by athletes in combination. Thus, they are better absorbed and the result will be more optimal. We advise you to try Riboxin and Potassium Orotate to achieve better results in bodybuilding. How exactly to take such drugs, in what dosages, and more is outlined below.

Potassium orotate and riboxin in bodybuilding

The use of potassium orotate together with Riboxin 2 tablets in athletes is common. This way they can train with better results. Such training is more effective. The bodybuilder's mood improves, he feels healthier, and his stamina and physical performance also increase. Also, for a noticeable effect, it is taken together with essential vitamins, adaptogens and other metabolic agents, such as asparkam.

Asparkam and Riboxin in bodybuilding

Asparkam is known for being taken to lose weight. Asparkam is a complex drug. It contains components such as potassium and magnesium aspartate. Potassium is added for normal metabolism needed by muscle cells. Magnesium takes part in protein metabolism and transports the amount of energy the body needs.

Hi all. Let's continue our discussion of drugs used during weight training. Today we will talk about riboxin.

Riboxin (inosine) is a metabolic agent that stimulates biochemical processes in various tissues of the body, including muscle tissue. It is able to strengthen the body's defenses and also increase endurance. Thanks to these effects, Riboxin is so widely used in bodybuilding.

Let’s not delve into the wilds of the biochemical action of riboxin, we have no need for that. Let’s just touch on the pharmacological action a little to understand all the positive qualities of this drug. Inosine is a precursor to ATP. From the school chemistry course we remember that ATP is the most important source of energy in the human body, without which muscle work is impossible.

Entering the body, riboxin has metabolic (accelerates metabolic processes in tissues), antihypoxic (increases tissue resistance to low oxygen levels in the blood), normalizes tissue respiration processes (improves oxygen absorption in tissues), increases the energy balance of muscle tissue, including cardiac muscles, has a positive effect on the contractile function of the myocardium, promotes more complete relaxation of the heart in the intervals between contractions, which is very important during heavy physical exertion.

In medical practice, this drug is mainly used for various diseases of the heart, liver, stomach and duodenum. I will not write in detail about diseases here. I hope you are spared all these terrible diseases.

Available in capsules, tablets and solution for intravenous administration. We will not consider the solution, since it is unlikely that each of us has a personal nurse at home who will give you IVs every day. Tablets are available in packs of 50 pieces, the dosage of one tablet is 0.2 g.

How to take Riboxin

We will not consider methods of use and doses for the treatment of various diseases. We are interested in the use of inosine in bodybuilding. The tablets must be taken orally immediately before meals. The daily dose during heavy physical activity can reach 1.5-2.4 g. (7-12 tablets). It is necessary to start taking the drug with a minimum dose: 0.8 g - 1 tablet 4 times a day. Then, if well tolerated, the dose is gradually increased to 2.4 g. a day in four doses. You need to take Riboxin in courses of 1-3 months, then take a break of one or two months.

As a rule, Riboxin is well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, allergic reactions, itching, redness of the skin, and rapid heartbeat are possible. When the dose is reduced, these effects usually disappear quickly.

Good day, comrades! Today I would like to touch on the topic of the so-called. That is, those products that are popular among natural athletes who want to improve their athletic performance. After all, few are ready to go to.

And I understand such people one hundred percent! In search of effective drugs, athletes, as a rule, turn their attention to non-steroidal anabolic agents. The most popular among them is Riboxin. Today we’ll talk about how effective Riboxin is in bodybuilding.

Riboxin (inosine) is a metabolic agent, in simple words “improving the formation of new structures in the body.” In the case of this drug, energy characteristics are improved due to its effect on the formation of ATP (the main source of energy). Inosine affects coronary circulation and metabolic processes in the myocardium, resulting in a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Participates in the supply of oxygen to muscle tissue.

According to some effects Riboxin. The latter, in turn, was actively used by our athletes for recovery, dating back to the times of the USSR, until the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) added it to the list of prohibited substances.

Riboxin has also been used in sports since the distant 70s. But recent studies have cast doubt on its effectiveness, so the popularity of the drug has decreased somewhat.

However, many experienced athletes, including bodybuilding representatives, use this drug.

Why is Riboxin needed in bodybuilding?

Why should athletes use this product?

Primarily due to its anabolic effect. Since the drug is a precursor to ATP and promotes the formation of this energy compound. As a consequence, this leads to an increase in explosive force. After all, ATP is used by our body in the first few seconds of intensive work with iron.

Due to its ability to deliver oxygen to muscles, the drug should improve aerobic capacity.

It makes sense to take Riboxin during intense exercise, such as during preparation for competitions or when the load on the heart increases due to growing body weight.

Inosine is also needed for recovery after a course of anabolic steroids, as it has hepatoprotective properties (positively affects liver function). And as you know, the liver suffers from taking certain steroid drugs. But merciless research, as always, casts a shadow of doubt on its effectiveness. So the choice of whether to take or not take the drug is yours.

Instructions for use

Before moving on to the instructions for use, I will say a few words about the forms of release of the drug.

Riboxin is available in the form of tablets and injections. Intramuscular administration of the drug is not recommended. Perhaps with intramuscular administration there will be a better effect of the drug, since you bypass the gastrointestinal tract. But is it worth it? - I doubt.

Now let's talk about how to take the drug.

Riboxin is recommended to be taken before meals. The dosage for bodybuilding is 1.5 – 2.5 grams per day. Start with a daily dose of 0.6 - 0.8 grams 3 - 4 times a day. If the drug is well tolerated, increase the dose to 2.5 grams. The duration of the course is 1-2 months.

Many bodybuilders recommend taking Riboxin with Asparkam. Since it supplies the heart and muscles with such important elements as potassium and magnesium. Often their deficiency leads to muscle cramps. Therefore, during intense training, it is advisable to take these two drugs in combination. A more expensive analogue of Asparkam is Panangin.

In pharmacies you can now find the drug Asparkam Avexima, which is several times more expensive than regular Asparkam. Avexima is a Russian manufacturing company. The active ingredients are the same - potassium and magnesium, but the more expensive drug gets better reviews. Despite the fact that it is more expensive than Asparkam, it still costs less than Panangin.

Another remedy used in conjunction with Riboxin is Potassium orotate. But its use is justified only in case of a lack of potassium in the body, which can be expressed by muscle weakness, a drop in blood pressure and muscle spasms.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be taken if you have an intolerance to the active substance - inosine or its other components. If you have gout, taking Riboxin is also not recommended. As with problems with the metabolic processes of uric acid and purine bases in the body.

It is prohibited to use inosine together with alcohol. Since such a ligament can cause serious complications.

Side effects, in the absence of contraindications, occur rarely. But with long-term use, it is worth considering that the drug increases the concentration of uric acid in the blood. In some cases, possible: bradycardia (low pulse), itching and redness of the skin (as a result of hyperemia).

Despite its apparent harmlessness, the drug can be dangerous when used independently. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist before starting treatment!

Should I accept it or not?

Riboxin, despite studies denying its effectiveness in sports, is still used by athletes in many countries. On sports forums, this drug is one of the most discussed among non-steroidal drugs. Moreover, a large number of people leave positive reviews about the effect of inosine on the body.

In any case, if you decide to take this drug, be sure to consult a specialist!

With this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to updates and share articles with friends on social networks. See you soon!

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