Pippi Longstocking review for the reader's diary. Astrid Lindgren - Peppy Longstocking

Year: 1955 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Pippi, Tommy and Annika

The little girl Pippi was left an orphan. She lives completely alone, does what she wants, when she wants. Pippi behaves in a strange way, she is not like the other girls: very strong, thrifty, dexterous, smart. The girl is always coming up with something and her friends Tommy and Annika like it. Pippi was nicknamed Longstocking because she wore different stockings: black and brown. She is a kind soul, ready to help her comrades at any moment. But her enemies and bullies get what they deserve.

The work teaches that little man may have a big heart. So the heroine Pippi Longstocking helped the sick, those who were subjected to bullying, the ridicule of other children, and treated children to sweets.

Read the summary by Astrid Lindgren Pippi Longstocking

In a small Swedish town, a nine-year-old girl settled in an abandoned house. Her name is Pippi Longstocking. She lives completely alone, since her mother died when Pippi was still a baby, but her father died during a storm, but the girl thinks that he is alive and lives somewhere on the islands. Pippi is optimistic, very strong, thrifty and a jack of all trades. She had red hair, she wore it in pigtails, freckles on her face, a small nose, stockings different colors: black and brown, huge shoes that constantly dangled. The girl always comes up with ideas interesting stories about the countries she visited with her sailor father. She had a monkey named Nils. He was a faithful comrade to her. She can turn any thing into something useful for the home. She met two good, neat, well-mannered guys, Tommy and Annika. Pippi treated her friends to pancakes. Then she gave them gifts. The children liked their new friend and were looking forward to meeting her again.

The next day the guys went to visit Pippi again. They were playing detective, when suddenly, out of nowhere, five boys appeared and attacked one girl, Ville. When they saw Pippi, they immediately turned their attention to her, began calling her names and teasing her, and all the girl did was laugh loudly. No one expected this turn of events. Pippi took one of them and threw it onto a tree branch, then the second. So, one by one, she dealt with all the hooligans, thereby teaching them a lesson.

Pippi believed that she did not belong at school, since she did not understand the rules of behavior in this institution.

She didn’t like it at the orphanage either and left there.

But in the circus, Pippi felt at ease. She walked the tightrope perfectly, defeated the strong man, saddled the horse and rode it skillfully.

One day, on one of the streets of the town, a multi-story building began to burn. The faces of the boys appeared in one of the windows. One was 5 years old, and the second was a year younger. The kids asked for help. But the firemen's ladder did not reach the window. Then Pippi decided to help the boys. Nils took the rope and hooked it onto a tree branch, the girl took the other end of the rope and a large board. She deftly climbed to the top of the tree, lifted the board and placed it between the tree and the burning window, making a bridge. Pippi walked along the board and took the kids. She returned with the children along the same board. Thus, Pippi saved the lives of two children.

Pippi and her friends are going to the island. He was on the lake. This place was perfect for the guys. Pippi took everything she needed with her: food, a tent, sleeping bags. The girl carried a huge bag with ease. The guys got into the boat, and the horse swam nearby. They sailed to the island. Pippi set up a shipwreck. The friends settled in this place and lit a fire. It started to rain, the travelers waited it out in a tent, and the horse waited under a large tree. The children had a lot of fun and comfort. For breakfast, Pippi prepared ham and eggs and aromatic coffee. The comrades were having fun. Pippi came up with a game - jumping into the lake while swinging on a rope. Annika and Tommy were hesitant at first, but soon decided to try it and really liked it. Swinging on the rope myself was more fun than passively watching others. Even Nils wanted to jump into the water, but changed his mind at the very last moment. Time passed, it was time to return home. Then the guys discovered the missing boat, threw a bottle with a message, but no one came to their aid. Pippi began to get nervous and then remembered that she had hidden the boat from the rain. The children returned home.

Picture or drawing of Pippi Longstocking

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"Pippi Longstocking" summary can be read in 20 minutes chapter by chapter.

"Pippi Longstocking" summary by chapter

How Pippi settled in the Chicken Villa

On the outskirts of a small Swedish town there is a neglected garden. And in the garden there is a house blackened by time. This is the house where Pippi Longstocking lives. She was nine years old, but she lives there all alone. She has neither a father nor a mother, and, frankly, this even has its advantages - no one makes her go to bed...

Mom died a long time ago, when Pippi was still lying in the stroller and screaming so terribly that no one dared to approach her. Pippi is sure that her mother now lives in heaven and looks at her from there. That's why Pippi often waves her hand and says every time:

Don't be afraid, mom, I won't get lost!

But Pippi remembers her father very well. He was a sea captain, his ship plied the seas and oceans, and Pippi was never separated from her father. But then one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him out to sea, and he disappeared. But Pippi was sure that one fine day her dad would return; she could not imagine that he had drowned. She decided that her father ended up on an island where blacks live and became king. Pippi was very proud of this, because she would be a black princess!

My father bought this old house, surrounded by a neglected garden, many years ago. He planned to settle here with Pippi when he grew old and could no longer drive ships. But after dad disappeared into the sea, Pippi went straight to her villa “Chicken” to wait for his return. There was furniture in the rooms, utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything had been specially prepared so that Pippi could live here. One quiet summer evening, Pippi said goodbye to the sailors on her father's ship. They all loved Pippi so much, and Pippi loved them all so much that it was very sad to leave.

She took only two things with her: a small monkey (Mr. Nilsson was a gift from dad) and a large suitcase filled with gold coins.

The sailors thought Pippi was a strange girl. What amazed them most was her extraordinary physical strength, and there is no policeman on earth who could cope with her. She could jokingly lift the horse... which she bought on the very day she moved into her villa. Pippi always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives on her terrace. And when Pippi wants to have a cup of coffee there after lunch, she, without hesitation, takes the horse out into the garden.

Next door to the villa “Chicken” lives a family with two children. The boy's name is Tommy, and the girl's name is Annika - well-mannered and obedient, neat children. Tommy and Annika played together in their garden, but still they missed the children's company, and they dreamed of finding a playmate. At a time when Pippi was still sailing with her father across the seas and oceans, Tommy and Annika sometimes climbed into the garden of the Chicken Villa and dreamed of a family with children settling there.

On that clear summer evening, when Pippi first crossed the threshold of her villa, Tommy and Annika were away. Mom sent them to stay with their grandmother for a week. Therefore, they did not know that someone had moved into the neighboring house.

Pippi Longstocking was going for a morning walk. This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight braids that stuck out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled with freckles; White teeth sparkled in his large, wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she apparently didn’t have enough blue material, she sewed red patches into it here and there. She pulled long stockings of different colors onto her very thin and thin legs: one was brown and the other was black. And the huge black shoes seemed about to fall off. Dad bought them for her to grow in South Africa, and Pippi never wanted to wear others.

When Tommy and Annika saw what was on his shoulder unknown girl a monkey is sitting, they are simply frozen in amazement. The little monkey was dressed in blue trousers, a yellow jacket and a white straw hat.

Tommy and Annika kept their eyes on her, but she disappeared around the bend. However, the girl soon returned, but now she was already walking backwards (she was too lazy to turn around when she decided to return home.

Pippi invited them to have breakfast with her, and they happily agreed. Then they met the monkey Nilsson and the horse Pippi. The children could not understand why the horse lived on the terrace and not in the stable, like how Pippi lives without her parents.

The children entered the kitchen. (...) Pippi took three eggs from the basket and, throwing them over her head, broke one after the other. The first egg flowed right onto her head and covered her eyes. But she managed to deftly catch the other two in a saucepan.

“I’ve always been told that eggs are very good for your hair,” she said, rubbing her eyes. - You will now see how quickly my hair will begin to grow. Hear, they are already creaking. In Brazil, no one goes out into the street without thickly smearing egg on their head. I remember there was one old man there, so stupid, he ate all the eggs instead of pouring them on his head. And he became so bald that when he left the house, there was a real commotion in the city, and police cars with loudspeakers had to be called in to restore order...

Pippi spoke and at the same time picked out an eggshell that had fallen into it from the saucepan. Then she took off the long-handled brush that was hanging on a nail and began to beat the dough with it so hard that it splattered all over the walls. She was making pancakes. When the pancake was baked, Pippi threw it across the kitchen straight onto the plate standing on the table.

Eat! - she shouted. - Eat quickly before it gets cold.

Tommy and Annika really liked the pancakes. Then Pippi invited her new friends into the living room, which only had a chest of drawers. Pippi showed Tommy and Annika all the treasures - rare bird eggs, strange shells and multi-colored sea pebbles, carved boxes, elegant mirrors in silver frames, beads and many other things that Pippi and her father bought during their travels around the world. Pippi gave Tommy a dagger with a mother-of-pearl handle, and Annika a box with many, many snails carved on the lid. In the box there was a ring with a green stone.

Tommy and Annika went home and looked forward to their next meeting with their new friend.

How Pippi gets into a fight

The next morning, Tommy and Annika went to Pippi, they played “dealers”. The game was to carefully look around and find something. Tommy and Annika couldn't find anything, but Peppy found a rusty tin can and an empty spool in the grass. Her new friends could not imagine how such finds could be used. And Pippi quickly found a use for them.

(...) Just at that moment, the gate in the fence surrounding one of the houses opened, and the girl Ville ran out into the street. She looked extremely frightened, and this is not surprising - five boys were chasing her.

The boys surrounded her and pressed her against the fence. They had a very advantageous position for attack. All five immediately took a boxing stance and began beating the girl. She began to cry and raised her hands to protect her face.

When the boys saw Pippi, they doubled over with laughter. All the boys immediately surrounded Pippi, and Ville, wiping away her tears, quietly stepped aside and stood next to Tommy.

No, just look at her hair! - Bengt did not let up. - Red, like fire. And the shoes, the shoes! Hey, lend me one - I was just about to go boating, but didn’t know where to get one!

And all five boys began to jump around Pippi and tease her.

And Pippi stood in the ring of raging children and laughed merrily, which no one expected. And when one of the boys pushed her, she threw him into the air so high that he hung on the branch of a birch tree growing nearby. Then she grabbed the other boy and threw him onto another branch. She threw the third one at the gate of the villa. The fourth one was thrown over the fence straight into the flowerbed. And the last one, the fifth one, she squeezed into a toy stroller standing on the road. Pippi, Tommy, Annika and Ville silently looked at the boys, who were apparently speechless from amazement.

So Pippi showed that five boys should not attack a little defenseless girl.

Pippi waited a little, then took a tin can in one hand, a spool in the other, and left, accompanied by Tommy and Annika. When the children returned to Pippi's garden, they resumed the dillector game.

Tommy pulled out from the hollow a small leather-bound notebook with a silver pencil.

Annika found a red coral necklace under a tree stump. The brother and sister even opened their mouths in surprise and decided that from now on they would always be dealers.

Suddenly Pippi remembered that she only went to bed this morning because she had been playing with a ball and immediately wanted to sleep. She always slept with her feet on the pillow and her head under the blanket.

Annika and Tommy went home, they were happy that Pippi appeared in their lives, who knew how to turn any event into a game (she even ran tag with the police when they came to take her to the orphanage and they admitted that “Pippi is not suitable for orphanage").

Pippi also failed to study at school: she did not understand how to behave at school.

Tommy and Annika had the most fun when they went to the circus with Pippi. The girl surprised all the spectators with how skillfully she rode a horse and fearlessly performed tricks on a rope. Real triumph and love from the town's residents came to Pippi after defeating the pompous strongman Adolf.

How Pippi saves two kids

(...) In the small town of Pippi, a fire started on the main square in the tallest building. A fire truck raced down the street. And two girls on the sidewalk, who at first thought it was a lot of fun to watch the fire, suddenly began to cry - they were afraid that their house would catch fire. Soon a huge crowd gathered in the square in front of the skyscraper. The police tried to disperse it because the fire could have spread to neighboring houses. Flames were already shooting out of the windows of the skyscraper. Firefighters continued to bravely fight the fire. And suddenly the people standing in the square froze with horror. The attic window right under the roof opened, and two little boys appeared in it. The unfortunate boys cried and begged for help.

“We can’t get out of here,” the older boy shouted, “someone lit a fire on the stairs!”

The eldest was five years old, his brother was a year younger, and they were alone at home.

The crowd was worried about the kids; the firemen's ladder did not reach the attic.

Pippi decided to save the children and asked for a rope. In front of a skyscraper, growing tall tree, its upper branches were at the level of the attic windows. Pippi jumped off the horse and, running to the tree, tightly tied the rope to Mr. Nilsson's tail.

Mr. Nilsson climbed along the smooth trunk to the crown, and threw the rope onto the branch.

Pippi found a long board. Grasping the rope with her free hand and resting her feet on the trunk, she began to quickly and deftly climb up. People in the square stopped crying in surprise. Having reached the crown and placing the board on a fork in the branches, she carefully began to move it towards the window. Finally, the board reached the window, laid its end on the windowsill and formed a kind of bridge between the tree and the burning house. The people in the square were silent; due to tension, no one could utter a word. And Pippi walked along the board, to the attic, took both boys in her arms and moved back along the board.

Now we'll have a little fun. Balancing on a board with you is like dancing on a wire.

Pippi safely reached the tree with the boys and lowered them from the tree.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! - shouted all the people standing in the square.

How Pippi gets shipwrecked

(...) Pippi, Tommy, Annika, the horse and Mr. Nilsson went to a desert island. Pippi carried the boat, holding it with outstretched arms above her head. She loaded a huge sack and a tent onto the horse's back.

What's in the bag? - asked Tommy.

Food, weapons and blankets, and even an empty bottle,” Pippi explained. “I think it’s better for us to suffer a convenient shipwreck for the first time.” When I was shipwrecked before, I shot some antelope or llama and ate raw meat, but we won’t succeed, because there are hardly any antelopes or llamas on this island, and it would be simply ridiculous to die of hunger there.

Why did you take the empty bottle? - Annika was surprised.

Haven't you ever heard of bottle mail? - Pippi was surprised. - They write a note, ask for help, seal it in a bottle and throw it into the sea. And then it falls straight into the hands of those who are supposed to save you...

Soon the guys saw a small lake ahead, in the middle of which a small island could be seen. The sun just peeked out from behind the clouds and warmed the young greenery.

Wonderful! - Pippi exclaimed, - perhaps this is the most comfortable uninhabited island I have ever seen.

Pippi quickly lowered the boat into the water, took the bag and tent off the horse and put it all on the bottom of the boat. Annika, Tommy and Mr. Nilsson sat in the boat, and Pippi walked up to the horse and patted it on the back.

My dear horse, I’m very sorry, but I can’t put you in the boat,” she said. - I hope you can swim. It's very simple. Look, horse, I'll show you now.

With these words, Pippi threw herself into the water in her dress and swam away.

Swimming is very pleasant, honestly. And if you want to have fun, you can play whale. Look, I'll teach you now.

Pippi took a mouthful of water, lay down on her back and released the water in a fountain. It was difficult to tell by the horse's appearance whether she found this game funny, but when Pippi jumped into the boat, took the oars and set sail, the horse also entered the water and swam. True, she did not play whale. (...)

When the boat approached the island, Pippi acted as if they were really shipwrecked. She saved first the food, and then her friends. The monkey and the horse climbed ashore on their own. After some time, Pippi decided that it was time to put up a tent.

(...) Soon a tent had already been pitched on the high bank. Near the tent, Pippi made a fireplace out of large stones and quickly gathered dry branches.

Soon a cheerful fire began to blaze, and Tommy said that he had never felt so comfortable before.

Pippi brewed coffee over the fire and poured it into cups. The guys sat around the fire, drank coffee, ate sandwiches and felt very happy. Mr. Nilsson perched on Pippi's shoulder and ate with everyone, and from time to time the horse poked its muzzle into someone's back and immediately received a loaf of bread or a lump of sugar.

Pippi remembered how she sailed on the southern seas, and began to sing a sailor's song in a hoarse voice. The children found it scary and wonderful at the same time. Tommy and Pippi decided that they would become sea robbers.

(...) “Wonderful,” Pippi picked up. - Thunderstorm of the Caribbean - that's what you and I will be, Tommy. We will take gold, jewelry, diamonds from everyone, we will set up a hiding place in some grotto on a desert island Pacific Ocean, let's hide all our treasures there...

What about me? - Annika asked plaintively. - I don’t want to become a sea robber. What will I do alone?

“You will still swim with us,” Pippi reassured her. - You will wipe the dust from the piano in the wardroom.

The fire went out.

“Perhaps it’s time to go to bed,” said Pippi. She lined the floor of the tent with spruce wood and covered it with several thick blankets.

Three guys and Mr. Nilsson were lying in a tent, covered with blankets. The water quietly splashed against the shore.

It was dark in the tent, as if in a sack, and Annika, just in case, held Pippi’s hand - that way she felt safer. It started to rain. Drops drummed on the roof of the tent, but inside it was warm and dry, and the sound of the rain pleasantly lulled me to sleep. Pippi jumped out of the tent to throw another blanket over the horse. The horse stood under a tree with a very thick crown, so the rain did not bother it either.

How good we feel! - Tommy whispered when Pippi returned.

Of course! - Pippi responded. - Look what I found under the stone: three chocolates.

A few minutes later, Annika was already asleep, although her mouth was still full of chocolate. She never let go of Pippi's hand.

“We forgot to brush our teeth,” said Tommy and also fell asleep.

When Tommy and Annika woke up, Pippi was no longer in the tent. The children looked outside. The sun was shining and Pippi had already lit a fire: she was frying ham and making coffee.

With all my heart I wish you happiness and a happy Easter,” she said when she saw Tommy and Annika.

“But Easter is long past,” said Tommy.

Of course,” Pippi agreed, “and you save my wishes for next year.”

The smell of grilled ham and fresh coffee whetted my appetite. All three sat around the fire, legs crossed, and each received a piece of ham, covered in egg, and potatoes. Then they drank coffee and gingerbread. Everyone agreed that they had never eaten such a delicious breakfast in their lives.

Pippi agreed, but said that it would be even better if she managed to catch fish by lunchtime. She quickly built a homemade fishing rod. Soon a perch swam up to her, but she did not catch it. I decided to cook pork and pancakes for lunch, which made Tommy and Annika very happy. Then she suggested swimming. The water was very cold. Pippi suggested diving into the water, swinging on a rope that she tied to a tree.

(...) At first it was difficult for Tommy and Annika to decide to plop into the water from such a height, but it looked so tempting that in the end they finally dared. And once you slipped off the rope, you wanted to do it all your life, because sliding yourself turned out to be even more interesting than watching from the outside. Mr. Nilsson also wanted to participate. He very deftly climbed down the rope, but at the very last minute, when he had to let go of the end and flop into the water, he changed his mind and quickly climbed up. Then Pippi realized that she could sit on a plank and slide it down a steep cliff straight into the water. And it turned out to be even more fun, because every time a whole fountain of spray rose up.

Pippi splashed into the water with an unimaginable splash, and only her two red pigtails fluttered to the surface. When the guys had plenty of fun, they decided to explore the island. All three mounted the horse, and it ran forward at a steady trot. They raced up and down the slopes, made their way through bushes and thickets, galloped through swamps and across beautiful green lawns full of wildflowers. Pippi kept the pistol cocked and shot into the air from time to time, and then the horse reared up in fear.

“I killed a lion,” she joyfully declared... “I would like this island to be ours forever,” Pippi said when the guys returned to their camp and began baking pancakes. Tommy and Annika wanted it too. (...)

The children enjoyed their lunch. Evening has come. They went to bed.

In the morning, the guys sadly remembered that it was time to return home. And then they discovered that the boat was missing. Annika was so upset that she started crying. Pippi had to resort to bottle mail.

The letter in the bottle was thrown into the water, but it got stuck near the shore. The children were waiting for saviors, but they still weren’t there. Pippi got angry and suddenly remembered that she herself hid the boat during the rain. They sailed home.

Mr. and Mrs. Settergren arrived home half an hour before the children. Tommy and Annika were nowhere to be seen, but in the mailbox they found a piece of paper that said:

“Just don’t think that your children died or disappeared forever, but they won’t suffer a big shipwreck and will soon return home with best regards to Pippi.”

The trilogy about the adventures of Pippi Longstocking was created by Astrid Lindgren from 1945 to 1948. The incredible story about a girl with red pigtails brought the writer world fame. Today her Peppilotta is one of the most recognizable characters in world culture. The story about Pippi simply could not be bad, because initially it was invented for the person most dear to her - her daughter.

Part one: Pippi arrives at the Chicken Villa

The life of the children of one small Swedish town was calm and measured. On weekdays they went to school, on weekends they walked in the yard, fell asleep in their warm beds and obeyed mom and dad. This is how Tommy and Annika Settergren lived. But sometimes, playing in their garden, they still sadly dreamed of friends. “What a pity,” Annika sighed, “that no one lives in the house next door.” “It would be great,” agreed Tommy, “if children could live there.”

One fine day, the dream of the young Settergrens came true. A very unusual tenant appeared in the house opposite - a nine-year-old girl named Pippi Longstocking.

Pippi was a very unusual child. Firstly, she came to the town alone. She had only a nameless horse and a monkey, Mr. Nilsson, for company. Pippi's mother died many years ago, her father - Ephraim Longstocking - a former navigator, Thunder of the Seas - went missing during a shipwreck, but Pippi is convinced that he reigns on some black island. Full name Pippi - Peppilotta Viktualia Rolgardina Krisminta Ephraimsdotter, until she was nine years old she traveled with her father across the seas, and now she decided to settle in the villa “Chicken”.

When leaving the ship, Pippi took nothing except two things - Mr. Nilsson's monkey and a box of gold. Oh yes! Pippi has enormous physical strength - so the girl carried the heavy box playfully. When Pippi's thin figure moved away, the entire ship's crew almost cried, but the proud little girl did not turn around. She turned the corner, quickly wiped away a tear and went to buy a horse.

When Tommy and Annika saw Pippi for the first time, they were very surprised. She was not at all like the other girls in the town - carrot-colored hair braided in tight, sticking braids, a freckled nose, a homemade dress made from red and green scraps, high stockings (one black, the other brown - whichever ones were found) and black shoes in several sizes more (as Pippi later explained, her father bought them for growth).

The brother and sister encountered Pippi when she, as usual, walked backwards. To the question “why are you backing away?” The red-haired girl authoritatively declared that she had recently sailed from Egypt, and everyone there was doing nothing but backing away. And it's not scary yet! When she was in India, in order to not stand out from the crowd, she had to walk on her hands.

Tommy and Annika did not believe the stranger and caught her in a lie. Pippi was not offended and honestly admitted that she had lied a little: “Sometimes I start to forget what happened and what didn’t happen. And how can you demand that a little girl whose mother is an angel in heaven and whose father is a black king speak only the truth... So if I ever accidentally lie to you, you shouldn’t be angry with me.” Tommy and Annika were quite satisfied with the answer. Thus began their amazing friendship with Pippi Longstocking.

That same day, the guys visited their new neighbor for the first time. What surprised them most was that Pippi lives alone. “Who tells you in the evenings to go to bed?” – the guys were perplexed. “I tell myself this myself,” answered Peppilotta. At first I speak kindly, but if I don’t listen, I repeat more strictly. If this doesn’t help, then it’s a big deal for me!

Hospitable Pippi bakes pancakes for the children. She throws the eggs high into the air, two fall into the frying pan, and one breaks right on Longstocking's red hair. The girl immediately comes up with a story that raw eggs very useful for hair growth. In Brazil, it is law to smash eggs on your head. All bald people (that is, those who eat eggs and do not smear them on their heads) are taken to the police station in a police car.

The next day, Tommy and Annika got up early. They couldn't wait to meet their unusual neighbor. They found Pippi baking cakes. After the housework was completed, their stomachs were full, and the kitchen was completely dirty with flour, the guys went for a walk. Pippi told her brother and sister about her favorite hobby, which quite possibly will develop into a lifelong endeavor. Pippi has been a bookmaker for many years now. People throw away, lose, forget a lot of useful things - Longstocking patiently explained - the task of the dealer is to find these things and find a worthy use for them.

Showing off her skills, Pippi first finds a magnificent jar that, if handled correctly, can become a Gingerbread Jar, and then an empty spool. It was decided to hang the latter on a string and wear it as a necklace.

Tommy and Annika were not as lucky as Pippi, but she advised them to look into the old hollow and under the stump. What miracles! In the hollow, Tommy found a stunning notebook with a silver pencil, and Annika was lucky enough to find an amazingly beautiful box under a tree stump with multi-colored snails on the lid. Returning home, the children were firmly convinced that in the future they would become dealers.

Pippi's life in the town was getting better. Little by little, she established contacts with local residents: she beat off the yard boys who were hurting the little girl, fooled the police who came to take her to the orphanage, threw two thieves onto a closet, and then forced them to dance the twist all night.

However, at nine, Pippi is completely illiterate. Once upon a time, one of her father's sailors tried to teach the girl to write, but she was a bad student. “No, Fridolf,” Peppilotta usually said, “I’d rather climb the mast or play with the ship’s cat than learn this stupid grammar.”

And now young Peppilotta has absolutely no desire to go to school, but the fact that everyone will have holidays, but she will not, really hurt Peppi, so she went to class. Educational process did not occupy the young rebel for long, and therefore Pippi had to part with school. As a farewell, she gave the teacher a golden bell and returned to her usual way of life at the Chicken Villa.

Adults did not like Pippi, and Tommy and Annika's parents were no exception. They believed that the new neighbor had a negative influence on the children. They constantly get into trouble with Pippi, wander around from morning to night and return dirty and grimy. And what can we say about the disgusting manners of this young lady. During dinner at the Settergrens', to which Pippi was invited, she chatted constantly, told tall tales, and ate a whole butter cake without sharing a piece with anyone.

But adults could not prevent them from communicating with Pippi, because for Tommy and Annika she became the real friend they had never had.

Part two: the return of Captain Ephroim

Pippi Longstocking lived at the Chicken Villa for a whole year. She was practically never separated from Tommy and Annika. After school, brother and sister immediately ran to Pippi to do their homework with her. The little mistress did not mind. “Maybe a little learning will come into me. I can’t say that I suffered so much from a lack of knowledge, but maybe you really can’t become a Real Lady if you don’t know how many Hottentots live in Australia.”

Having finished their lessons, the children played games or sat down near the stove, baked waffles and apples and listened to the incredible stories of Pippi that happened to her when she sailed the seas with her father.

And on weekends there was even more entertainment. You could go shopping (Pippi doesn’t have a lot of money!) and buy a hundred kilos of candy for all the city kids, you could summon a ghost in the attic, or you could go in an old boat to a desert island and spend the whole day there.

One day, Tommy, Annika and Pippi were sitting in the garden of the Chicken Villa and talking about the future. As soon as Longstocking remembered her father, a tall man appeared at the gate. Pippi threw herself on his neck as fast as she could and hung there, swinging her legs. This was Captain Ephraim.

After a shipwreck, Ephraim Longstocking actually ended up on a desert island, local residents at first they wanted to take him prisoner, but as soon as he uprooted the palm tree, they immediately changed their minds and made him their king. Their hot island is located in the middle of the ocean and is called Veselia. In the first half of the day, Ephroim ruled the island, and in the second he built a boat to return for his beloved Peppilotta.

In the last two weeks he has passed a lot of laws and given a lot of instructions, so this should be enough for the duration of his absence. But there is no need to hesitate - he and Pippi (now a real black princess) need to return to their subjects.

A magical fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren A magical fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren “Mio, my Mio” will tell you about the unusual fate of an adopted boy who subsequently finds his real parents and becomes the heir to the throne.

The next fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren, called “Rasmus the Tramp,” shows us the life of the boy Rasmus, who ran away from the orphanage in search of happiness and what changed in his life later.

Part three: journey to Veselia and return home

Tommy and Annika were glad that Pippi met Papa Ephroim again, but they were very sad that their separation was approaching. best friend. Now they couldn’t imagine life without Pippi. Seeing Peppilotta off at the port, Tommy could barely hold back his tears, and Annika sobbed uncontrollably. Not wanting anyone to cry because of her, Pippi leaves the ship at the last moment. “Papa Ephraim,” Pippi explains, “I don’t want to hurt Tommy and Annika. Moreover, children at my age should lead a measured life, and not swim the seas. Yes, children should lead a life measured by themselves.”

Still, Pippi manages to persuade Tommy and Annika’s parents to let their children go to Veselia for the holidays. The trip turned out to be extraordinary, the guys made new friends among the islanders and returned home full of impressions.

Christmas was approaching. Tommy and Annika dreamed about the future. They will never, never become adults, they will live here forever, play with Pippi, and swim to Veselia in the summer. But from all the travels they will always come back home, it is very nice to know that you have somewhere to return to.

Astrid Emilia Lindgren
The work “Pippi Longstocking”

Pippi Longstocking is one of Astrid Lindgren's most fantastic heroines. She does whatever she wants. She sleeps with her feet on the pillow and her head under the blanket, and when returning home, she backs away all the way, because she doesn’t want to turn around and walk straight. But the most amazing thing about her is that she is incredibly strong and agile, although she is only nine years old. She carries her own horse in her arms, which lives in her house on the veranda, defeats the famous circus strongman, throws

To the side, a whole company of hooligans who attacked a little girl is deftly driven out of their own home by a whole squad of policemen who came to her to forcibly take her to an orphanage, and with lightning speed they throw two thugs of thieves who decided to rob her onto the closet. However, in the reprisals of P.D. there is neither malice nor cruelty. She is extremely generous with her defeated enemies. She treats the disgraced policemen with freshly baked buns. And she generously rewards the embarrassed thieves, who work off their invasion of someone else's house by dancing with P.D. twist all night with gold coins, this time honestly earned by them, and cordially treats them with bread, cheese, ham, cold veal and milk . Moreover, P.D. is not only extremely strong, she is also incredibly rich and powerful, because her mother is an angel in heaven, and her father is a black king. P.D. herself lives with a horse and a monkey, Mr. Nilsson, in an old dilapidated house, where she throws truly royal feasts, rolling out dough with a rolling pin right on the floor. It costs P.D. nothing to buy “a hundred kilos of candy” and a whole toy store for all the children in the city. In fact, P.D. is nothing more than a child’s dream of strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, power and selflessness. But for some reason adults don’t understand P.D. The town pharmacist simply becomes furious when P. D. asks him what to do when his stomach hurts: chew a hot cloth or pour cold water on himself. And Tommy and Annika’s mother says that P.D. doesn’t know how to behave when she’s alone at a party and swallows a whole butter cake. But the most amazing thing about P.D. is her bright and wild imagination, which manifests itself both in the games that she comes up with and in those amazing stories O different countries, where she visited with her dad, a sea captain, which she now tells her friends.

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Pippi Longstocking. Pippi Longstocking boards the ship. Pippi Longstocking in the South Sea Trilogy (completed 1948)

Pippi Longstocking is one of Astrid Lindgren's most fantastic heroines. She does whatever she wants. She sleeps with her feet on the pillow and her head under the blanket, and when returning home, she backs away all the way, because she doesn’t want to turn around and walk straight. But the most amazing thing about her is that she is incredibly strong and agile, although she is only nine years old. She carries her own horse in her arms, which lives in her house on the veranda, defeats the famous circus strongman, scatters aside a whole company of hooligans who attacked a little girl, deftly sends out from her own house a whole squad of policemen who came to her to forcibly take her to orphanage, and with lightning speed throws two thugs who decided to rob her onto the closet. However, in the reprisals of P.D. there is neither malice nor cruelty. She is extremely generous with her defeated enemies. She treats the disgraced policemen with freshly baked buns.

And she generously rewards the embarrassed thieves, who work off their invasion of someone else's house by dancing with P.D. twist all night with gold coins, this time honestly earned by them, and cordially treats them with bread, cheese, ham, cold veal and milk . Moreover, P.D. is not only extremely strong, she is also incredibly rich and powerful, because her mother is an angel in heaven, and her father is a black king. P.D. herself lives with a horse and a monkey, Mr. Nilsson, in an old dilapidated house, where she throws truly royal feasts, rolling out dough with a rolling pin right on the floor. It costs P.D. nothing to buy “a hundred kilos of candy” and a whole toy store for all the children in the city. In fact, P.D. is nothing more than a child’s dream of strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, power and selflessness. But for some reason adults don’t understand P.D. The town pharmacist simply becomes furious when P. D. asks him what to do when his stomach hurts: chew a hot cloth or pour cold water on himself.

And Tommy and Annika’s mother says that P.D. doesn’t know how to behave when she’s alone at a party and swallows a whole butter cake. But the most amazing thing about P.D. is her bright and wild imagination, which manifests itself in the games that she comes up with, and in those amazing stories about different countries where she visited with her dad, a sea captain, which she now tells his friends.


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site http://lib.rin.ru/cgi-bin/index.pl

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