Pavel Yankovsky, baritone. Onegin, Rigoletto, Prince Igor In childhood it all started with music school

Calvin Booker is one of the founders and member of the Young Hoofers Professional Tap dance group. He worked with such masters of tap as Savion Glover, Gregory Hines, Peg Leg Bates, Jimmy Slide, Chuck Grey, Buster Brown and Sandman. In addition to tap dance, Calvin has experience in the genres of classical ballet and modern. He has worked and trained at the Suny Purchase Conservatory of Dance and the Creative Outlet: Dance Theater of Brooklyn.

Pavel Yankovsky

Pavel Yankovsky is a multiple champion of Russia in step dance, silver medalist of the European championship in step dance, bronze medalist of the World championship in step dance, in the “junior solo” category in 2006. Teacher, choreographer. Drum teacher. Since 2015, he has been the head of the Kakhovka subdivision of the Flap tap studio. Participant in concerts on Red Square and in the Kremlin Palace, festivals “Usadba Jazz”, “Everybody Dance”, “Slavic Bazaar”, Maxidrom and “Invasion”, participant in the project The Best Of.

Tap studio Flap

Tap studio Flap has 90 students from 7 years old. The team was organized in 2003 by the ex-soloist of the world famous show Riverdance Vyacheslav Yankovsky. Since the creation of the team, its highest priority has been professionalism and entertainment. Any performance by tap studio Flap is a sparkling show that will be remembered for a long time. Flap's authority as the best tap school in Russia is annually confirmed by victories in competitions at various levels. Vyacheslav Yankovsky is a tap dance tutor for the actors of the musical “Singing in the Rain.”

Pavel Yankovsky, baritone

Laureate of the Belarusian national competition named after. Stanislava Moniuszko (2000)

Laureate of the international competition named after. Irina Bogacheva (2007)

Finalist of the competition. Luciano Pavarotti (Modena, Italy, 2008)

Winner of two Paradise theater awards:

Nomination “Best male role in opera” for the role of Robert in the opera “Iolanta” (2011)

Nomination "Best male role in opera" for the role of Valentin in the opera "Faust" (2012)

Born in Belarus in 1979. He graduated from the Baranovichi Music College in choral conducting. Graduated from the preparatory department of the Belarusian State Academy of Music (Minsk, 2001).

Graduated from the vocal department of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (2006).

In 2004-2008 was a soloist at the Opera and Ballet Theater of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where he made his debut in the opera “Eugene Onegin” in the title role. Also on the stage of the theater he performed the roles of Valentin (Faust), Georges Germont (La Traviata), Robert (Iolanta), Gryaznoy (The Tsar's Bride), Karenin (Uspensky's Anna Karenina).

In 2005, he toured as a soloist with the Petersburg Concert choir in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

In 2005-2008 was a soloist of the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater. During this period he took part in theater performances. He also took part in theater tours with maestro Valery Gergiev with the operas “Journey to Reims” (Kennedy Center, Washington; Teatro Real, Madrid) and “The Love for Three Oranges” (Teatro Real, Madrid; Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo). He also performed in concerts of soloists of the Mariinsky Theater. One of these concerts was a performance in the “Baritone Parade” concert, in which leading baritones of the Mariinsky Theater (Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania) took part.

In 2006-2007 completed an internship at the International Summer Academy in Mikkeli (Finland), where he studied with Elena Obraztsova, Vladimir Atlantov, Matti Palma.

Toured with an orchestra of Russian folk instruments

named after Andreev in Istanbul (2007).

In 2009, at the request of composer Sergei Slonimsky, he became the first performer of the composer's romance cycle.

Since 2010, he has been the leading soloist of one of the largest theaters in the world, the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Over the course of 5 seasons, he performed 17 different roles (singing in about 200 performances), including Rigoletto (“Rigoletto”), Scarpia (“Tosca”), Escamillo (“Carmen”), Georges Germont (“La Traviata”), Marcel (“La Boheme”), Sharpless (“Madama Butterfly”), Eugene Onegin (“Eugene Onegin”), Prince Yeletsky (“The Queen of Spades”), Prince Igor (“Prince Igor”), Gryaznoy (“The Tsar’s Bride”).

Performed the role of Prince Igor at the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus (2012).

He toured with the troupe of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Thailand (La Bohème, 2010), South Korea (Prince Igor, 2010).

He also toured the USA and Great Britain with concert programs.

Successfully performs abroad in various opera productions.

Figaro, Rossini (The Barber of Seville)
Rigoletto, Verdi (Rigoletto)
Scarpia, Puccini (Tosca)
Valentin, Gounod (Faust)
Escamillo, Bizet (Carmen)
Germont, Verdi (La Traviata)
Marseille, Puccini (La Bohème)
Schaunard, Puccini (La Bohème)
Rodrigo, Verdi (Don Carlos)
Sharples, Puccini (Madama Butterfly)
Silvio, Leoncavallo (Pagliacci)
Gianni Schicchi, Puccini (Gianni Schicchi)
Onegin, Tchaikovsky (Eugene Onegin)
Robert, Tchaikovsky (Iolanta)
Ebn Hakia, Tchaikovsky (Iolanta)
Yeletsky, Tchaikovsky (Queen of Spades)
Tomsky, Tchaikovsky (Queen of Spades)
Prince Igor, Borodin (Prince Igor)
Gryaznoy, Rimsky-Korsakov (The Tsar's Bride)
Shaklovity, Mussorgsky (Khovanshchina)
Aleko, Rachmaninov (Aleko)
Karenin, Uspensky (Anna Karenina)

Famous fathers can be proud of their worthy heirs. These guys are talented, successful and... very hot Ivan Makarevich, 29 years old, son...
Famous fathers can be proud of their worthy heirs. These guys are talented, successful and... very hot

Ivan Makarevich

29 years old, son of musician Andrei Makarevich

The heir to the famous rocker, leader of the Time Machine group, is an apple from an apple tree. Vanya is so similar to his father that he played him in his youth in Garik Sukachev’s romantic film “House of the Sun” based on the story “House of the Rising Sun” by Ivan Okhlobystin. But it is precisely his interest in cinema that distinguishes Ivan from his father: he preferred a career in theater and cinema to music (although, of course, Ivan has his own group). Vanya will soon be seen in the series “Hunting the Devil” with Sergei Bezrukov.

Kirill Nagiev

26 years old, son of TV presenter and actor Dmitry Nagiyev

Kirill was born in St. Petersburg, but came to Moscow to build a career, where he turned from an acting heir into an ordinary poor student. The guy did not take advantage of the opportunities of his last name, sometimes remaining in situations of extreme lack of money. But what Kirill always had more than enough of, unlike finances, was female attention, so the competition for the heart of the heir is great. Now Kirill hosts the “Revizorro Show” program on the “Friday!” channel.

Pavel Tabakov

20 years old, son of actor Oleg Tabakov

The youngest participant on our list is the son of Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina, who made his debut in big cinema in Anna Melikyan’s film “Star”. Pavel, who is now dating actress Maria Fomina, just a year ago admitted that communicating with girls was not easy for him. Even the last name did not help fight embarrassment. “The main thing is the name, not the surname, and as Pavel I haven’t done too much yet,” says Tabakov.

Ivan Yankovsky

25 years old, son of actor Philip Yankovsky

A worthy heir to a famous family is an actor at the Moscow Studio of Theater Arts. Vanya's grandfather - Oleg Yankovsky - is the very sex symbol of the Soviet Union. Father is actor and director Philip Yankovsky, and mother is talented actress Oksana Fandera. It’s interesting that Vanya graduated from the directing department of RATI-GITIS, but they didn’t take the guy to acting.

Matvey Lykov

29 years old, son of actor Alexander Lykov

Many of us remember Lykov Sr. from the odious TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns” and “Gangster Petersburg.” Now there is another reason to talk about this actor - his handsome and talented son Matvey, who starred in only one film (Timur Bekmambetov’s fantasy “He is a Dragon”) and preferred a modeling career in Europe. But his face is not the only advantage of Lykov Jr. He knows four languages ​​(Matvey has a linguist degree from St. Petersburg University) and graduated from the Paris School of Directing.

Nikita Presnyakov

25 years old, son of musician Vladimir Presnyakov

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite and the grandson of Alla Pugacheva tried himself in several areas. He not only acted in films (his most famous role was in the “Yolki” franchise), but he also created several short films himself, and also shot a video for the Kazakh singer Tamerlan Sadvakasov. Presnyakov also organized his own group MULTIVERSE.

Vladimir Lyubimtsev

26 years old, son of actor Mikhail Porechenkov

Vladimir is the son of Irina Lyubimtseva, Porechenkov’s ex-girlfriend, with whom the actor’s relationship did not work out. In the late 80s, Porechenkov chose his career over his family, and Irina herself passed away early. Vladimir, who began to communicate with Porechenkov only as an adult, was raised by his grandmother. At the age of 19, the young man independently learned the truth about his father and decided to call the actor, who did not refuse the meeting. The guys' relationship immediately worked out. Porechenkov approved of Vladimir’s decision to also become an actor and now maintains warm relations with his son’s family: last year Vladimir became the father of a girl.

Nikita Efremov

28 years old, son of actor Mikhail Efremov

Thanks to last year’s series “Londongrad,” Nikita found himself in the rays of glory, and interest in his person increased several times. Very soon we will see a new project “Mayakovsky”, where Nikita played with his father. The heir’s personal life is a complete mess, and Nikita himself knows the reason: “I understand that I am too childish, I should learn to control myself, set creative accents, make up my mind.”

Andrey Udalov-Mironov

24 years old, grandson of Andrei Mironov

Andrey is the son of actress Maria Mironova and her first husband, television producer Igor Udalov. Andrey graduated from the Shchukin School and works at the theater. Vakhtangov. You can see the heir to the famous acting dynasty in the productions “The Imaginary Invalid” and “Puss in Boots.”

Ivan Dobronravov

27 years old, son of actor Fyodor Dobronravov

The son of a famous comedian, star of the “6 Frames” project, prefers a serious genre for work. Ivan played in the film “Judas”, Andrei Zvyagintsev’s dramas “Elena” and “Return” and the crime series “Method”.

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