What parts of the brain are they responsible for? Human Resources Department

Konichiva, my dears! Let me tell you one fascinating and instructive story. Not so long ago, my kidneys began to hurt violently. Spasms or colic began to disturb in the morning, when I spent a long time in the same position in a dream.

The symptoms are bleak, therefore, having experienced several such attacks, I realized that you can’t write it off as an accident and went to the doctor. In order not to walk at random, the first thing I decided to do was an ultrasound scan, in order, as they say, to represent the image of the enemy that began to overcome me.

I found a very good diagnostician: he asked me questions in detail and ran the ultrasound scanner along my back and sides for even longer. In the end, he shook his head and said:

  • Your kidneys are like those of a baby: clean, there are no disorders!
  • What then hurts me? I grabbed my head.
  • It is likely that the lumbar spine manifests itself in this way, the doctor concluded.

And indeed, when I got to the osteopath and the manual, I found out that the problem lurked in the spine, and he showed himself in this way.

Of course, this is not at all a unique case and similar stories can happen to anyone. It was also a very revealing example of self-diagnosis. Therefore, today we will analyze with you in detail the anatomical details of the spine and its functions. That is, we will answer the question: “What is each vertebra responsible for”? But before proceeding, I want to advise you on the posture corrector, which helped me, I will not describe all the details and functions, you can use them see this page.

Design features of the spinal column

Our spine is an ideal and well-thought-out design. This is a real armor for the delicate and very vulnerable spinal cord. In addition, the bones also protect the nerve plexuses.

The spine also serves as a kind of frame for the upper body. The chest and pelvic girdle, as well as several muscle groups, are attached to it. They give our back a chance to be stronger and more agile.

And this bony structure also helps the body distribute body weight when we walk or stand. In general, without it, we would have resembled weak-willed worms.

What is the structure of the spinal column?

This large system consists of 33 or 34 individual vertebrae, which are strung on top of each other like a chain. Moreover, if you look at a person from the back, then three departments can be distinguished. The first is the neck. The second is the chest, and the third is the lumbar.

7 thin and more fragile vertebrae, respectively, are located in the cervical region, 12 - in the thoracic, 5 - in the lumbar. The bones of the sacrum (5 fused bones) and the coccyx (the same conglomerate of once separate vertebrae) are also taken into account. All these segments have a personal name, which facilitates the diagnosis.

Elements in the cervical region are numbered from C1 to C7. In the thoracic from D1 to D12, and in the lumbar from L1 to L5.

In addition, our spine is not at all a straight line, as one might assume. It has 4 physiological bends that can be felt even with your fingers if you straighten up. The cervical region protrudes forward, the thoracic, on the contrary, goes back, the lumbar moves forward again and the sacral wave turned back.

Backward bending is medically known as kyphosis. This means that a person has two kyphosis: sacral and thoracic. A forward deflection will be called lordosis (lumbar and cervical).

All these waves begin to form after birth, when the baby learns to balance the body. Therefore, the stages of fixing lordosis and kyphosis are quite logical: I learned to hold my head - cervical lordosis appeared, sat down - thoracic kyphosis. I began to walk and run - two lower bends. But the final consolidation of this system happens only after 20 years.

And now let's figure out which internal organs each specific vertebra is responsible for. And it may well be that you will find the causes of your protracted illnesses that you simply treat incorrectly.

The sphere of influence of each vertebra

Since we are already familiar with the letter designation of each segment, we will use it to facilitate understanding.

Innervation, that is, nerve bundles that transmit signals to the central nervous system, also plays an important role in this process. The nerve is quite long and can pass through or cover other parts of the body or organs, causing painful excitation in them.

So, we will schematically consider the entire system of these bones and what it is responsible for.

  • C1 This vertebra is also called the atlas. If it is shifted to the left, then the person is threatened with an increase in blood pressure. If to the right - decrease. All this can be accompanied by migraines and vegetative-vascular dystonia. How can this manifest itself? In such a patient, palms and feet sweat, they often freeze. Among the accompanying signs are weakness and pain in the heart, meteosensitivity, insomnia. If the trigeminal nerve is pinched in parallel, then depending on which of its three branches is clamped, problems with vision (upper), in the nasopharynx (middle) and jaw (lower) are possible. Also, the segment can control the work of the pituitary gland and the inner ear.
  • C2 Responsible for the nerves: visual and auditory, for the eyes and temporal bones. Accordingly, the ears suffer, fainting is possible. In addition, speech disorders and stuttering, snoring, etc. may be associated with it.
  • C3 Regulates the cheeks, teeth, facial nerve and ear. Neuralgia and neuritis and even acne can develop. As well as tonsillitis and laryngitis.
  • C4 Mouth, lips, nose and Eustachian tube, nuchal area. Hearing problems, hypertrophied adenoids, thyroid disorders.
  • C5 Ligaments in the throat, so frequent laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.
  • C6 Muscles in the forearm and neck. Pain in this part of the body.
  • C7 Shoulders and elbows, and can go down even lower, down to the fingers. It is fraught with the development of hypothyroidism and loss of mobility of the upper limbs.
  • D1 The area of ​​​​the hands is affected, so there are pains in the wrists and in the palms. The esophagus and trachea may also be affected, with resulting asthma and severe coughing.
  • D2 Anatomical projection on the same parts of the body, but also manifests itself as pain in the region of the heart.
  • D3 Suffer such internal organs as the bronchi and lungs, as well as the pleura and chest. This, respectively, is expressed as asthma or bronchitis, as well as pleurisy or pneumonia.
  • D4 Gallbladder and bile ducts. Stones can be diagnosed here, sometimes jaundice appears.
  • D5 Problems are found in the area of ​​​​the liver or solar plexus. This is due to malfunctions in the liver, jaundice and poor blood clotting.
  • D6 The same organs are damaged as above, but the patient may complain of gastritis, ulcers and other digestive problems.
  • D7 The pinching of this vertebra is reflected in the work of the pancreas and duodenum. Diabetes is added to the ulcer and general indigestion mentioned above.
  • D8 The work of the spleen and diaphragm is disturbed, which is associated with hiccups and breathing problems.
  • D9 In this case, the adrenal glands are affected, which means that allergic reactions and immune failure.
  • D10 This is a projection of the kidneys and associated weakness and fatigue.
  • D11 The kidneys, ureters are also affected here, and diseases corresponding to these problems are present.
  • D12 Violation of the work of this vertebra is projected onto the functioning of the large and small intestines, as well as the fallopian tubes. The most severe complication is not only all kinds of diseases female genital organs, but also infertility.
  • L1 The caecum and abdomen may be affected, as well as top part hips. Constipation and hernia, colitis and diarrhea are associated with this.
  • L2 To the organs mentioned above, problems such as appendicitis, as well as colic in the intestines, are added.
  • L3 Projection of the genitals and bladder. Infertility can be associated with this vertebra, as well as pain in the knee.
  • L4 In addition to the prostate gland, the lower legs and feet may be affected. This is associated with pain in the lower extremities, lumbalgia and sciatica.
  • L5 There are swelling in the ankles and flat feet.
  • If there are problems in the sacrum, then the femurs and buttocks suffer with corresponding pains in this part of the body.
  • In the case when the coccyx is affected, then such a pathology is fraught.

After I studied in detail all the deviations in the work of the internal organs, the cause of which can be a banal displacement of the vertebra, I took a fresh look at this problem.

I understood where my legs could grow from my vegetative-vascular dystonia and meteosensitivity, as well as the troubles that appeared after pregnancy and the associated spinal deformity.

Once again, the realization came that it is necessary to treat not the consequence of the disease, but its cause. Strengthen the health of the back and feel real results in a month, you can use this course.

Don't expect miracles, you'll have to do physical exercise regularly and follow all recommendations.

However, your health is many times more expensive than this course. Compare at least with the cost of a wellness massage or physiotherapy.

How is a vertebra arranged?

Each vertebra has a dense body, which is crowned with an arch or arc in the shape of the letter Y. The spinous processes, directed back and down, we feel like small tubercles on the back. Ligaments and muscles are attached to two transverse processes. The arch and body of the vertebrae create a kind of cavity in which the spinal cord passes.

Between each vertebra is a kind of cartilaginous cushion, which is called the intervertebral disc. It helps keep the corners of the bones from touching and keeps them whole and intact for as long as possible. The discs themselves are made up of a nucleus (dense cartilage) and rings (connective tissue).

There are seven processes on the vertebral arch (spinous, transverse and articular).
The spinal column does not crumble into separate segments and thanks to the ligaments that hold it.

Moreover, this is a whole system of long ligaments stretching along the entire spine and short ones that hold individual segments.

Ligaments are also present inside the vertebrae, attaching the disc to the bone tissue. Eventually, the ligaments wrap around the joints, locking them in place. Between the bone processes are the muscles that help our back move.

The most important part - the spinal cord - is inside. Only small nerve roots exit through special openings. The spinal cord is an important part of our nervous system.

That's all for today, but we see you tomorrow. I will tell you something else interesting.

Development of proposals to increase the quality requirements for products manufactured and consumed by the enterprise, to improve the regulatory and technical documentation that establishes these requirements, aimed at stimulating the production of high quality products and combating the production of poor quality products. V. The relationship of the technical control department with other divisions of the enterprise 1. With the main accounting department Receives: information on the results of accounting for losses from marriage in the shops according to marriage notifications and on the attribution of amounts to the perpetrators. Represents: acts of marriage and conclusions about those responsible for the formation of marriage; conclusions on the acceptance of the complaint and the calculation of losses in connection with the elimination of the identified deficiencies. 2.

Otk: where and why

I approve [legal form, name of organization, enterprise, institution] [position, signature, full name of the person approving the position] [day, month, year] M. P. back to contents 1.1. The quality control department, being an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise, is created and liquidated by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

The department reports directly to the technical director of the enterprise. 1.3. The quality control department is headed by the head, appointed to the position by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] on the proposal of the technical director. 1.4. The head of the quality control department has [insert as appropriate] deputy(s), his/her duties are determined by the head of the quality control department.


Moreover, the acceptance must be formalized by an appropriate document (certificate) certifying the quality of the products. In accordance with the above tasks, the quality control department performs a number of functions: 1. planning and developing methods for ensuring product quality, controlling and stimulating quality. 2. product quality level, planning of quality control and technical controls; 3. collection of quality information, determination of quality costs, information processing and analysis of quality data from the production and operation; 4. quality management of products supplied by suppliers and products of our own enterprise; 5. development of control methods that ensure comparability and reliability of quality control results; 6. development (together with the technical departments) of technical specifications, conditions, standards for product quality management.

Regulations on the department of technical control (otk)

Analysis and technical accounting of marriage and defects in the company's products noted in complaints and test reports, participation in the development and control over the implementation of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of defects and eliminating defects; identification of persons responsible for the manufacture of substandard products. 4. Organization of obtaining from consumers and systematization of information on the quality and reliability of products. 5. Control over the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and component parts supplied to the plant for the manufacture of products of the main production from supplier plants; drawing up acts on low-quality raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products for making claims to suppliers.
6. Control over the acquisition, packaging and conservation of finished products. 7.


When controlling the quality of products, physical, chemical and other methods are used, which can be divided into two groups: destructive and non-destructive. Destructive methods include the following tests: — tensile and compression tests; — impact tests; — tests under repeated-variable loads; — hardness tests. Non-destructive methods include: - magnetic (magnetographic methods); — acoustic (ultrasonic flaw detection); — radiation (defectoscopy using x-rays and gamma rays); Thus, the product quality control system is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, the types, methods and means used to assess the quality of products and prevent defects at various stages of the product life cycle and quality management levels.

Regulations on the quality control department

With the department of standardization on the following issues: Obtaining: — standards; - instructions; — technical conditions; — other technical documentation for determining product quality; - [fill in as appropriate]. Providing: — suggestions and comments on the provided documentation; — information about violation of standards and specifications; - [fill in as appropriate]. 6.2. With the department of the chief technologist on the following issues: Obtaining: - conclusions on the compliance of material resources (raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.) with standards and specifications; - conclusions about the possibility of using material resources in production; - [fill in as appropriate].

Providing: — material resources (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, etc.) for analysis of its compliance with standards and specifications; - [fill in as appropriate]. 6.3.

The structure of the technical control service.

The department may include a bureau, groups, laboratories for technical control of external acceptance, a technical bureau of the Quality Control Department, a bureau of technical control in the shops (VTK), a central measuring laboratory. IV. Functions1. Control over the quality and completeness of parts, assemblies and finished products manufactured by the enterprise, for their compliance with standards, specifications, norms, standards and drawings, branding of accepted and rejected products, execution of documentation for accepted and rejected products in the prescribed manner, as well as control over the withdrawal from the production of finally rejected products to specially organized reject insulators and their disposal for waste.2. Presentation of accepted products to customer representatives, if provided specifications or contract.3.
Technical control is designed to ensure the required alignment of the production process and maintain its stability, that is, the stable repeatability of each operation in the specified technological modes, norms and conditions. The objects of technical control at a machine-building enterprise are incoming materials, semi-finished products at different stages of manufacture, finished products(parts, small assembly units, assemblies, blocks, products), means of production (equipment, tools, devices, fixtures, etc.), technological processes and processing modes, general production culture. The functions of technical control are largely determined by the tasks and objects of production. This includes quality control and completeness of manufactured products, accounting and analysis of product returns, defects, defects, complaints, etc.

What is the technical control department responsible for?


In fact, the QCD is responsible for the reliability of control, which can be assessed by two main indicators: H1 and H2. H1 - the ratio of the number of non-conforming products in the controlled lot to the number of rejected ones. Ideally H1=1, i.e. all non-conforming products were found and seized. H2 - the ratio of the number of products among the rejected ones, recognized by the repeated control as appropriate. Ideally H2=0, i.e. among the rejected there is not a single good one. H1 is difficult to calculate directly, therefore, indirect estimates are used: for example, the number of returns from the consumer (number of complaints, complaints), i.e.

any information that indicates that the nonconforming item has passed inspection. And here it must also be borne in mind that the QCD controls (in accordance with its name) the “technical” quality, i.e. compliance with established standards and norms (understanding this in the broadest sense).

Even ancient healers knew about the important role of the spine in human health. Then there was a period when doctors recognized only bearing functions and maintaining posture, now official medicine again assigns a large role to this organ. In addition to providing posture and protecting the spinal cord from various mechanical damage, the spine has a great influence on the physiological functioning of all human organs. This is explained by the fact that it is the spinal cord that regulates these processes, the nerve endings of the organs are located in different areas and, accordingly, are protected by specific vertebrae. In addition, important blood vessels are located in the vertebrae, which nourish the human organs. With pathological changes or mechanical damage to at least one vertebra, malfunctions in the functioning of one or another organ are possible.

The human spine - what each vertebra is responsible for

The size of the vertebrae increases until about the age of 20, then the length of the vertebra stabilizes, and after 50 it begins to decrease. These are physiological processes, medicine cannot stop them at present. But each person can slow down aging a little, for this you should eat right, lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

In old age, the length of the spine decreases by an average of 5 cm, this happens for two reasons.

With an increase in pathologies, the risks increase that they will affect the state of the organs.

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Anatomy of the vertebrae

The spine does not have two completely identical vertebrae, even in one department there are differences between them. This is due to different loads perceived by the vertebrae and differences in their spatial position. The location of blood vessels and nerve bundles also contributes.

The size of the spine in the sacral region is within 11.5-12.5 mm, specific parameters vary depending on the growth and characteristics of the bone tissues of each person. The dimensions of the vertebrae gradually decrease upwards, at the level of T12 they are already only five centimeters, after a minimum the parameters increase again. Further, an increase is observed, the size of the first vertebra in the thoracic region already reaches 8 cm.

The total number of vertebrae is 32–34. Why is there no exact number? This is due to the coccygeal department, it is a rudimentary organ and the quantity does not play any role. By the way, you can see in the coccygeal region only on an x-ray, they are not palpated by palpation.

Depending on the location, each vertebra has its own designation. The letters of the alphabet are used depending on the name of the spine in Latin.

  1. cervical. All vertebrae are designated C, there are seven elements in the department. Responsible for turning the head, inside there is a powerful bundle of nerves and the main arteries that feed the brain. There are seven vertebrae in the cervical region, labeled C1-C7 respectively. One of the most complex departments in terms of anatomical structure, the first vertebra is located near the skull, the last one is next to the first vertebra of the thoracic region.

  2. Thoracic. All vertebrae are designated with the letter T, ribs and arms are fixed to it. This department does not have much mobility; age-related changes affect it less than others. There are 12 vertebrae in the thoracic region, designated T1-T12 respectively. The first vertebra is located in the collar zone, the last at the beginning of the lumbar lordosis.

  3. Lumbar. All vertebrae are denoted by the letter L, they carry the main load on the body. The lumbar region is characterized by maximum mobility. Due to heavy loads, it degrades the fastest, which is why older people feel pain. It has fifteen vertebrae, designation L1-L15. The most massive vertebrae are adapted to long-term perception of critical loads.

  4. sacral department. All vertebrae are designated S, it connects the lower part of the spine to the pelvis. It has five vertebrae, which are designated S1-S5. The vertebrae are almost motionless.
  5. coccygeal department. All vertebrae are designated with the letters Co. The rudiment of the tail does not play any important role in human life. The number can vary from three to five vertebrae, designated Co1–Co5.

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Due to the fact that a certain part of the spinal cord is located in any vertebra, they indirectly affect the functioning of various human organs. Official medicine associates this influence only in those cases when the vertebrae, after pathological changes, pinch the spinal cord. For example, displacement or degradation of the lumbar vertebrae causes back pain, leg problems, etc. It is in this place that the branches of the spinal cord pass and connect it to these organs. A similar situation is with damage to the nerve bundles located next to the vertebrae or emerging from them.

If you want to know in more detail, as well as consider human anatomy in Chinese and the diagnosis of diseases of the spine, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Video - Spine and its structure

Responsibility of the vertebrae

The answer to this question is impossible without a brief introduction to the functions of the brain. After practical experiments on animals, scientists found that he is responsible for the autonomic reactions of internal organs. The spinal cord coordinates motor and autonomic reflexes. The second function is to conduct command signals from the brain to the organs, and various irritating signals are sent back from them to the brain. Signals are transmitted by ascending (from receptors to the brain) and descending (from the brain to organs) pathways.

Table. The main types of paths.

Type of tracksPhysiological functions
Ascending Conduct impulses to the brain stem. Gaulle's bundle conducts impulses from skin receptors, and Burdach's bundle conducts impulses from the arms and upper body. The next Flexig's bundle and Govers's bundle conduct the same impulses, but not to the brain, but to the cerebellum. For the delivery of impulses to diencephalon of the interoreceptors, the spinal-thalamic one responds.
descending The direct pyramidal bundle transmits impulses from the convolutions of the frontal lobes, the crossed pyramidal bundle transmits signals to perform voluntary movements, the Mornakov bundle transmits impulses to maintain muscle tone. Vestibulo-spinal transmits impulses to the muscles from the vestibular apparatus.

Medical science has long known that the spinal cord, unlike the brain, does not generate command signals, but only transmits them and is responsible for some reflex functions that do not require brain control. Its anterior roots are responsible for information about movement and are called motor roots, the posterior ones transmit information from various receptors and are called sensory.

The localization of neurons has been studied in detail, this information is used during the accurate diagnosis of various pathologies. For example, neurons responsible for the innervation of the pupil come out of the first thoracic and eighth cervical vertebrae, and neurons that control the instinctive movements of the diaphragm during breathing are located in the 3rd and 4th cervical segments.

The structure of the spinal cord is not simple; in terms of its size and number of segments, it is adapted to the canals to the maximum extent. The spinal cord consists of several segments, giving rise to two pairs of roots and innervates three metameres. Due to this, the reliability factor of the body increases, in order to completely deprive the sensitivity or functionality of a certain part of the body or organ, all three pairs of roots must be damaged.

As for the spinal reflexes, they have their own localization (receptive field). The center controlling the knee reflexes is located in the 2nd–7th lumbar segment, the responsible center of the pectoral muscles is in the 8th–12th segments. The center of motor movements of the diaphragm in 3-4 cervical segments. At the very bottom of the spine there is a plantar center, it is in 1-2 sacral, and Achilles in the lumbar and 1-2 sacral segments.

If the functionality of these organs is impaired, then this means that the damage to the spinal cord is located precisely in these places. Reflex functions are checked by a doctor during examinations. What are the differences between reflex and meaningful movements? If the hand touches a hot body, then it will reflexively bend, for this movement, signals from the brain do not come, such actions are controlled by the spinal cord. But in order to consciously raise or lower your hand, you need signals from the brain.

Segments of the spinal cord

The spinal cord consists of thirty-one segments, but their location does not coincide with the location of the vertebrae of the spine. There are eight cervical segments and twelve thoracic segments. Below the spine are five lumbar segments, even lower after them are five sacral and one coccygeal segment. The position of the upper ones completely coincides with the position of the vertebrae and corresponds to their numbers accepted in medicine. The upper thoracic and lower cervical do not coincide by one vertebra. Below the body, the lumbar segments do not coincide with the vertebral bodies by two numbers. Such features are associated with different rates of development of the vertebrae and the brain stem - the brain lags behind in growth compared to the vertebrae.

What are vertebrae responsible for?

After we have dealt with the functional responsibilities of the spinal cord and the location of its segments, we can consider the functions of the vertebrae. By and large, they are all responsible for the safety of the spinal cord. Mechanical or pathological damage to the vertebrae affect the functionality of certain organs.

As the spinal cord develops, it loses the ability of spinal locomotion, these reflex actions with the formation of the brain, nature considered rudimentary. If a reflex to walking appears in a newborn when the feet are irritated, then in an adult there is no such reaction.


It is important to know that it is not the vertebrae that regulate the life processes, but only the segments of the brain. In turn, the spinal cord affects the work of only those organs that are located below the brain. Accordingly, it cannot affect speech or hearing, smell or sight, or smell. These organs have a direct connection of nerve endings with the corresponding parts of the brain. Nature is a very rational "builder", it has provided the direct and shortest paths for connecting nerve bundles. There is no reason for hearing control to send signals to the lower segment of the spinal cord, and from there back to the cerebral cortex. The longer the paths of nerve endings, the higher the risk of their damage. Evolution always creates a large margin of safety, thereby increasing the likelihood of species survival.

Accordingly, if there are pseudoscientific articles claiming, for example, that the C2 vertebra is responsible for allergies and hearing, the C3 vertebra for neuritis, T3 for pneumonia and asthma, T5 for jaundice, L1 for appendicitis, L5 for flat feet, etc., then Don't waste your time reading stuff like this. The vertebrae do not regulate life processes, but only ensure the safety and functioning of the spinal cord. Moreover, they cannot affect viral or other acquired diseases. It is not necessary to massage the fifth vertebra of thoracic calving with jaundice, you need to go to the doctor and medications treat a serious disease.

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Video - The structure of the human spine, its departments and functions

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Human Resources Department is a structure in the organization that deals with personnel management.

The personnel department is not only a functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the personnel department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

HR goal

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and the effective use of the potential of employees.

The selection of employees is carried out with the help of specially developed strategies: the submission of information about vacancies to the media and employment services, the application of selection methods, testing, procedures for the adaptation of specialists and subsequent advanced training.

Tasks of the personnel department

The main task of the personnel department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, determine the number of working, weekends and sick days for calculating salaries, vacations and submitting information to the accounting department of the organization.

The main tasks of the Human Resources Department are:

    organizing the selection, recruitment and hiring of personnel with the necessary qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: from submitting information about vacancies to the media and employment services to the application of selection, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creation of an effective system of full-time employees;

    development of career plans for employees;

    development of personnel technologies.

In addition, the personnel department must submit information about employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, insurance companies, the Tax and Migration Services.

Functions of the Human Resources Department

The main function of the personnel department in the enterprise is the selection of personnel.

The main functions of the personnel department in the enterprise include:

    determination of the needs of the organization in personnel and selection of personnel together with the heads of departments;

    analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;

    registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;

    carrying out operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with current labor legislation;

    organization of employee attestation;

    preparation of staff development plans.

HR structure

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

In small companies (up to 100 employees), one or two HR employees are sufficient.

At the same time, small enterprises may not have an individual employee, and then such work is performed by the chief accountant or general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel department of personnel from three to four personnel specialists

In large enterprises with 500 or more employees, the personnel department may have from 7 to 10 employees.

Relationship between HR and other departments

To effectively perform its functions, the personnel service needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with the accounting department of the organization

The personnel department interacts with the organization's accounting department to resolve issues related to remuneration.

So, the personnel department submits documents and copies of orders for dismissal, employment, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees to the accounting department of the organization.

Liaison with the legal department

The Legal Department provides Human Resources staff with information about recent changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other divisions of the company

On personnel issues, the personnel department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

Still have questions about accounting and taxes? Ask them on the forum "Salary and personnel".

Human resources department: details for the accountant

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Also in Ancient Greece people understood what an important mission our spine performs. As Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", said on this occasion: "If there are many diseases, then there is only one problem - the spine."

The spinal column is a support for the entire body and serves as a container for the spinal cord, which, in turn, ensures the performance of absolutely all vital organs. When pathological changes occur in any part of the spinal column, this leads to the development of pathologies of the internal organs, moreover, of a chronic form. In this article, we will tell you what each vertebra in the human spine is responsible for.

The spinal column is made up of a number of vertebrae. There are thirty-four of them in total, and they are interconnected by intervertebral discs, joints, as well as muscles and ligaments. It is their well-established work, combined with the unique anatomy of the spine, that contributes to its normal functioning.

The anatomy of the spine provides for its protection from injuries and various kinds of damage. In total, there are more than 200 bones, ligaments and joints of various sizes in our spine. It is divided into five sections, forming 4 smooth bends, forming an S-shape. This gives our body cushioning softness and maximum mobility.

Departments of the spine

The main column of the musculoskeletal system consists of five sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. Their structure is similar to each other, but certain differences still exist.

All departments and vertebrae have Latin names; for convenience, they are denoted by letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet. A similar classification technique was invented by medical scientists in order to quickly understand which particular part of the spinal column is in question.

Movable main departments

The cervical spine has a backward bend and consists of seven vertebrae. This section is the most mobile component of the spinal column, since its vertebrae contribute not only to tilting the head forward and backward, but also turning to the sides.

The first vertebra of this department is called the atlas and differs in its shape and structure from the rest. The second vertebra is called the axis.

The thoracic region of the spinal column is curved inwards. It consists of twelve vertebrae with transverse processes, and in the chest area it is to these processes that our ribs are attached.

The intervertebral discs of the thoracic region have the smallest height compared to the same discs, for example, the cervical region. Because this part of the spinal column is the most inactive and static.

The lumbar region includes the largest vertebrae, there are only five of them. It has a much greater load than on the cervical region. This part of the spinal column has a forward bend.

Located between the thoracic inactive section and the absolutely immobile sacral section, the lower back experiences serious stress (for example, when lifting heavy objects or professionally practicing some kind of sport).

Lower divisions

The coccygeal and sacral sections of the spine consist of fused vertebrae, 5 in each. They represent an almost monolithic part of the spinal column. Despite the fact that the greatest burden of human weight falls precisely on these departments, thanks to this fusion and shape, they do an excellent job with their function, representing the basis of the spinal column.

The structure of the sections of the spinal column and its parts is similar in shape to a snake, bending in several places. Its thinnest part is located in the region of the cervical region. All these bends have Latin names (lordosis and kyphosis), and the spinal column itself has the Latin name columna vertebralis.

How is the vertebra

Each vertebra has a rather dense body with a so-called arc (or arch) in the form of the Latin letter Y. His body and arch create a kind of cavity in which our spinal cord passes.

The spinous processes, which point back and down, we can feel like small bumps located on our back. Muscles and ligaments are attached to two processes located transversely. On the arch of the vertebra itself there are 7 processes, which are called transverse, articular and spinous.

Between all the vertebrae is a kind of cartilaginous cushion, which is called the intervertebral disc. It helps the corners of the bones not touch each other, which keeps them whole for many years.

The intervertebral discs themselves are composed of dense cartilage and connective tissue. Inside the vertebrae there are also ligaments that attach the disk to the bone tissue. The ligaments fix the joints well so that they remain in one place, as if braiding them. And between the bone processes are the muscles that help move the back.

The most important part of the vertebra is the spinal cord located inside. It is he who is the most important component of the human nervous system.

The sphere of influence of each vertebra

Each vertebra has openings for nerves. If for some reason a person has a pinched nerve, pain and inflammation appear. And if nothing is done about it, then the organs to which these pinched nerves go will not work correctly.

It often happens that due to the infringement of several nerve roots at once, entire sections of the spinal column are at risk. Therefore, it is so important to know which vertebra is responsible for which organ.

Remember: the spine is a bone formation with layers of cartilage. It cannot directly influence the occurrence of diseases of internal organs.

The problem arises in case of infringement of the nerve roots located between the vertebrae. They innervate the internal organs, additionally push the body to start pathological processes and provoke the appearance of pain syndromes.


The neck, head, face and even elbows are parts of the body that are under the jurisdiction of the cervical spine. Often, when nerves are infringed in it, a person’s pressure rises (signs of hypertension), attention and memory weaken (cerebral circulation is disturbed). If you try to figure it out specifically for all the vertebrae, you get the following list of possible cause-and-effect relationships:

  1. Atlant. When problems arise with it, headaches, hypertension, nervousness appear, memory weakens.
  2. Axis. Even a slight misalignment may impair hearing or vision.
  3. III. Provokes headaches, neuralgia.
  4. IV. Displacement of this vertebra can significantly impair hearing.
  5. CV. If the infringement occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis vertebra, it is likely that spasms will occur in the throat.
  6. VI. Its displacement in the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints causes persistent pain.
  7. VII. If this vertebra is displaced, the elbows may hurt.


This section of the spinal column regulates the work of all systems and organs located between the groin and neck. This includes the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, reproductive organs, bladder, upper limbs, as well as the lymphatic and circulatory systems. The list of consequences here will be much more impressive. Here are the most common:

  • the first vertebra is responsible for the condition of the respiratory organs: lungs and bronchi. If it shifts, then the person may feel muscle or joint pain in the hands;
  • eleventh call. Problems with it immediately affect the whole condition of a person, since the pinched nerves at the level of this vertebra contribute to the occurrence of pain syndromes in kidney diseases.

Small of the back

The lumbar region consists of the five largest vertebrae, which experience enormous loads every day. It is in this department that nerve infringement can most often occur, which leads to .

The spinal column often suffers from prolapse of the vertebrae in this particular section, which leads to various, often quite severe, dysfunctions of the internal organs.

sacrum and coccyx

Displacement of the complex of vertebrae that make up these parts is rare. But in the event of any injury, you can expect the appearance of sexual disorders or dysfunction of the pelvic organs, as well as thrombosis of the iliac artery or paralysis of the lower extremities.


The diagram below clearly shows which, for example, section of the spine is responsible for the hands or which vertebrae are responsible for the legs. For example, the L3 vertebra, where the sacrum is located, is responsible for the knee. We can also see that this vertebra is also responsible for the genitourinary system.


The spine is almost the most important part of the human body, performing many vital functions. With the manifestation of any ailment of one or another internal organ, as a rule, people begin to treat this particular organ. They do not think that the real problem may lie precisely in the spinal column.

To keep your spine healthy, avoid injury, heavy lifting, and overuse, and exercise regularly and eat right. These measures will be enough to keep your spine in excellent shape for many years.

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