Cool according to the photo. Quick and easy photo forensics

Relationships between people take place in a variety of forms. In order to maintain a marriage or close relationship, great efforts have to be made. And the one who needs it most is ready to do anything to achieve the goal. Including the lapel from the photo. It is possible to return a leaving husband to the family. However, this requires timely and effective action in all directions. And they need to be done before the ice cold begins to take effect. Magical powers have the ability to influence human behavior in different ways. Any person can be the object of their influence.

People who profess a materialistic approach are not able to explain simple and familiar everyday situations. Almost every mature person has observed in life how the strong attachment of one person to another was replaced by alienation and hatred. And only those with magical knowledge can explain the reasons why icy coldness arises between once close people. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • a person is envied;
  • the person is hated;
  • a person is considered guilty of something.

In most cases, people have absolutely no idea how to remove a conspiracy.

Unfortunately, rivalry in personal life continues to exist, despite enlightenment and the development of information technology. Ranking based on photographs has a great effect. This ritual is used when the identity of a rival or opponent is precisely known. Photography can be easily taken using a cell phone.

A strong healer is able to remove damage by working with a photograph of any quality. Very often a person strives to possess his loved one completely and completely. In turn, the object of such a relationship tries in every possible way to resist such dependence.

When a wife is unable to regulate her husband’s behavior, the icy coldness of the relationship between her husband and her mistress can help her. Like any photo-based lapel, this ritual must be performed in secret from the people to whom it applies. The main purpose of such a ritual is to cool and destroy feelings between lovers. Reduce sexual attraction. Removing love spells requires will and determination from the person who is fighting for his happiness. Attraction to a previously unfamiliar object arises spontaneously. But it can only be destroyed with great effort.

Spells and rituals

You should be clearly aware that a lapel based on a photograph is done when all other measures have been taken and methods have been tested. A wise wife will not throw scandals and start a showdown when she finds out about the existence of her mistress. It is quite possible that the husband is damaged and its removal must be done according to all the rules. Tears and prayers will not achieve anything in such a situation. It is necessary to achieve such a state that the icy coldness strikes the hearts of lovers.

Simple lapel

A joint photograph of the husband and his mistress is taken and torn into small pieces with a verdict. The sentence must be pronounced three times:

“So that you, Vasily and Tamara, scatter forever, beat each other without any pity or sympathy. Fight once and scatter like fragments in different directions. May the icy cold never leave your hearts until the end of your days.”

You need to say the words three times and throw out all your anger at them from your soul.

Lapel with candles

To make a turn and achieve your goal, you need to really want it. Strong attachment requires a lot of energy to destroy. The next ritual is performed like this. A photograph of the lovers is taken. It is advisable to take one that is already torn to shreds. You need to light it in a cup from a candle flame and say:

“The black flame is burning, your souls, love, relationships are burning. All that remains is anger and resentment.”

The resulting ashes can simply be scattered in the wind.

Lapel to tear

In some situations, you can do the simplest ritual and achieve your goal. This requires strong will and determination. A photograph of the couple is taken, a lapel is made of it, and it is sharply torn in half. A few words need to be said:

“That’s how it is in life, as in the photo, you won’t be around. Don't warm yourself by the same fire. Don't spend the night under the same roof. Don't have fun in the same bed. Don’t eat from the same plate.”

Scraps of the photo are simply thrown into the trash.

Lapel effect

Many years of practice show that the icy cold of a relationship can happen instantly. Literally on the same day that the ritual was performed. But it also happens that you have to wait a long time for results. The following conditions must be met:

  • prepare the ritual in secret;
  • three days to tune in;
  • After finishing, take a shower and change all your clothes.

Magical space is in constant motion. Many people do not even suspect that they have become an object of influence. Before performing the lapel, you need to check whether there is a hex on the one who is preparing for witchcraft.

The lapel is an ancient magical ritual that can be used to destroy love relationships between people, create scandals in the family, cause aggression and other troubles. Some of the most effective rituals of this type are those that are carried out using photographs of the target of the lapel and his beloved (beloved).
A lapel ritual using photography can cool the target’s feelings for a certain person over the next few days, and after a couple of weeks such a ritual will inevitably lead to a break in the relationship. A well-executed lapel will not only lead to the end of even a very strong relationship, but will also prevent the emergence of new feelings, a new hobby.

Lapel from photo

The effect of this ritual occurs over the next few days. Depending on the power of the magician, relationships between people can either slowly fade away under magical influence or be interrupted quickly and unexpectedly. In some cases, exactly how rejection will develop is a matter of chance, that is, it does not depend at all on the performer and his desires.
A lapel using a photograph can be used as a separate magical effect aimed at destroying a love affair, or as a preparation before a love spell. That is, if your lover is in a relationship with another woman, before you tie him to you, you must first destroy the unwanted connection, which can prevent the emergence of a new hobby, a new love in your person.

Practical magic opens up the widest possibilities for us: we can correct previously made mistakes, give us a chance to start a relationship over again, ensure that luck is on our side, ensure an influx of money into our lives, make us fall in love with someone, or, conversely, stop loving us - It is about this possibility of practical magic that we will talk in more detail.
Lapel rituals offer a chance to start a family with someone you love; it can be used to break up any partnership. A lapel is the same popular rite as a love spell.

Carrying out a strong lapel

As an example of an effective lapel, consider a ritual intended to dissolve the relationship between a husband and his mistress.
To carry out the ritual, you will need a joint photograph of these people (preferably the husband hugging his mistress).
You need to squeeze the photograph tightly with both hands and, concentrating on all the evil that has accumulated in you, tear the photograph in one movement.
After this you need to say the words of the conspiracy:

“So that you (husband’s name) and (mistress’s name) separate forever, hit each other, pinch, bite, swear, fight. So that you quarrel once and run away forever, so be it.”

The plot must be read at least three times and throughout this time it is necessary to tear the photograph to shreds and kindle anger in yourself towards these people. After this, we take the remains of the photograph, put it in a bowl and set it on fire with the flame of a black candle. While the last pieces of the photo are smoldering, we read another conspiracy:

“A black flame is burning, burning your souls, your love, your relationships, don’t love anymore, aren’t sweet, aren’t loved, hatred, anger, resentment.”

After this, you need to collect the ashes, go out onto the balcony and scatter them in the wind with the words:

“As the ashes scatter, so you (husband’s name) and (mistress’s name) quarreled forever, ran away forever.”

At the same time, you need to imagine how your husband leaves his rival, how angry he is with her, how instead of love for her, hatred grows in his heart.

Voodoo Lapel

The lapel Voodoo ritual must be performed on the waning moon. To do this, you need to sculpt a small figurine out of wax or make a small figurine out of any other material that will symbolize your rival. It is best to give the doll at least some resemblance, or use hair, skin or any other biological material of this person.
The name of this woman must be scratched on the doll's chest. During all the work with the figurine, you need to imagine the image of your rival as clearly as possible, mentally transfer her features to the doll, transfer part of her to the doll. It is best to glue a photograph with the face of a rival to the figure’s head. With the help of such an influence, you will create a stable energetic connection between the figurine and the woman that it symbolizes. After this, you need to put the figurine in a steel bowl and melt the image of your rival over the fire. At this time you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“As I melt this wax, so your spell (name of rival) on (name of man) melts, so his love diminishes, so you lose him once and for all.”

After this, the melted wax must be thrown out of the open window until it thickens again with the words:

“Just as I throw this wax away, so I throw you (the name of my rival) out of life (the man’s name).”

How to make a simple lapel

The easiest way to make an effective lapel is to take a photograph of the desired man and woman and, in one motion, tear it in half so as to separate the people. At this time you need to say the words:

“Just as you are no longer together in a photograph, so you will no longer be together in life, you will no longer live under the same roof, you will not feast at the table alone, you will not lie in bed alone, you will not be together and not love. Forever and ever".

After this, we put the halves of the photo together and begin to tear them into small pieces, concentrating on our own anger at these people. You can replay in your head all the insults caused to you, all the pain brought, it is important that your anger is as strong as possible. When the photo turns into a bunch of small pieces, they need to be filled with wax with the words:

“I fill it with wax, I break your love into fragments, I fix the fragments. You will not unite again, you will not love again. Like a cat and a dog, like a mouse and a cat, you will only fight, you will bite, and you will never love or have mercy. What is said will come true.”

After this, the pieces fixed in wax must be taken to the forest and buried in damp soil.

What does the lapel look like in the photo? Sometimes we really need to make someone stop loving the object of their passion and end the relationship.
Of course, this is selfish; turning away from a photo implies a cooling of the former passion and a complete cessation of the relationship, perhaps without an adequate explanation. A lapel from a photo is the antonym of a love spell, an action 180 degrees opposite to a love spell.

The lapel is one of the most complex magical effects, which can only be performed by a professional magician. I think there is no need to mention that trying to make a lapel from a photo yourself will lead to nothing, and, perhaps, will have a negative impact on some aspect of your life.
Of course, after carrying out the ritual of turning from a photo, like all other magical works, the mandatory installation of magical protection is required.
You should trust a professional to make a lapel from a photo also because not everyone can correctly install the highest magical protection, and this risks the fact that negativity of one kind or another can “pouring” into your life.

In what cases is a lapel made from a photo?

Considering the original purpose of the lapel, it is practiced in order to interrupt the relationship of a loved one with his mistress or wife, rival or rival.
A photo lapel breaks the energy ties between people, pacifies the emotions of affection and love, and this allows you to break off relationships at the event level. Your partner begins to treat your rival or rival like street dust, and hateful relationships become unnecessary.
The magical effect of a lapel from a photo can also be used to force yourself to stop loving someone who brought only pain and suffering. There are many types of lapels; the magician will indicate which one to use so that it works effectively in your case, after reviewing each specific case.
Each ritual is quite powerful:

Turn over for salt or water,
. black or church candle,
. to a doll representing a rival,
. cemetery

Lapel rituals, as a rule, are performed during the waning Moon, and they will gradually influence the subconscious of the victim of the lapel from the photo, over the course of several weeks, gradually increasing the desire to interrupt the unnecessary connection.
If your relationship with the object of the lapel is preserved, then you need to try to improve interpersonal relationships.

Lapel from photo

In love magic, the most common effect is a lapel from a photograph. Lapels are successfully practiced with this type of influence at a distance.
This type of lapel is perhaps one of the most effective. The desired result of the love spell will be achieved within a few weeks if you provide the magician with a photo and personal information of the victim of the love spell.

How does a lapel work from a photograph?

The lapel from a photograph takes its rightful place among similar magical methods that can break partnerships, and can be successfully used to destroy the relationship between a husband and his mistress.
Even if a love spell was cast on your lover, a love spell based on a photograph will give an excellent result in this case as well.
During the first or second week after the start of practicing the lapel from the photo, irritation and boredom will increase between people, disagreements and quarrels will become more frequent.
An unpleasant situation may arise that allows the person being turned away to “open” the eyes and see the true face of the opponent.
After such things, restoring relationships turns out to be impossible: any attempts at reconciliation will fail.
Carrying out the lapel ritual helps the victim of the lapel begin to understand the insignificance of this relationship, blaming the homewrecker or the wife (depending on who ordered the lapel).
The lapel from the photo may be the only influence that allows you to return your husband to the family. But each case is unique, and the magician will determine the need for certain influences during a consultation.
I categorically reiterate that magic is not for amateurs; if you decide to destroy someone’s relationship, contact only a professional.

Ritual to get your husband back

During this ritual, the following actions should be performed:
Take the prepared photograph in your hands, squeeze it and tear it in one movement, mentally throwing out all the evil that has accumulated inside you.
After this, you need, without letting go of the photo, read the following plot:

“So that you (name of mistress) and (name of husband) separate forever, bite, pinch, fight, swear, hit each other. May you run away forever. Let it be so".

Next, you need to repeat the plot several more times, while continuing to tear the photo into small pieces. You need to do this by focusing on all your negative feelings, you need to set a goal to throw them out as much as possible.

After this, the remains of the photograph are placed in a bowl and set on fire with a flame from a black candle.
When the last pieces of the photo begin to smolder, you should say:

“The black flame is burning, your love and relationships are burning, you no longer love, you are not nice to each other, there is anger next to you, hatred and resentment.”

The ashes should be scattered in the wind on the street or from the balcony with the words:

“As the ashes scatter, so you (name of mistress) and (name of husband) will scatter forever and ever.”

Photo ritual using wax

A simple ritual is often used in which wax is used along with a photo. For this:
The photograph is bursting with the words:

“Just as you are no longer together in a photograph, you will never be together in life. You cannot live under the same roof, you cannot eat at the table alone, you cannot lie in bed alone, you cannot love each other and you cannot be together. Forever and ever".

After this conspiracy, the photograph should be torn into small pieces, mentally throwing out all the anger that has accumulated in your soul.
Next, the photo scraps are filled with pre-melted wax from church candles with the words:

“I pour church wax over your love and break it into fragments, which I fix. You won't love again and won't be together. You will fight like a cat and a dog, bite like a mouse and a cat, and you will never have mercy or love. May what is said come true.”

After this, the wax-fixed pieces should be taken to the forest and buried in the ground.

In this article:

The lapel is an ancient magical ritual that can be used to destroy love relationships between people, create scandals in the family, cause aggression and other troubles. Some of the most effective rituals of this type are those that are carried out using photographs of the target of the lapel and his beloved (beloved).

A lapel ritual using photography can cool the target’s feelings for a certain person over the next few days, and after a couple of weeks such a ritual will inevitably lead to a break in the relationship. A well-executed lapel will not only lead to the end of even a very strong relationship, but will also prevent the emergence of new feelings, a new hobby.

Lapel from photo

The effect of this ritual occurs over the next few days. Depending on the power of the magician, relationships between people can either slowly fade away under magical influence or be interrupted quickly and unexpectedly. In some cases, exactly how rejection will develop is a matter of chance, that is, it does not depend at all on the performer and his desires.

A lapel using a photograph can be used as a separate magical effect aimed at destroying a love affair, or as a preparation before a love spell. That is, if your lover is in a relationship with another woman, before you tie him to you, you must first destroy the unwanted connection, which can prevent the emergence of a new hobby, a new love in your person.

Carrying out a strong lapel

As an example of an effective lapel, consider a ritual intended to dissolve the relationship between a husband and his mistress.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a joint photograph of these people (preferably the husband hugging his mistress).

You need to squeeze the photograph tightly with both hands and, concentrating on all the evil that has accumulated in you, tear the photograph in one movement.

After this you need to say the words of the conspiracy:

“So that you (husband’s name) and (mistress’s name) separate forever, hit each other, pinch, bite, swear, fight. So that you quarrel once and run away forever, so be it.”

The plot must be read at least three times and throughout this time it is necessary to tear the photograph to shreds and kindle anger in yourself towards these people. After this, we take the remains of the photograph, put it in a bowl and set it on fire with the flame of a black candle. While the last pieces of the photo are smoldering, we read another conspiracy:

“A black flame is burning, burning your souls, your love, your relationships, don’t love anymore, aren’t sweet, aren’t loved, hatred, anger, resentment.”

After this, you need to collect the ashes, go out onto the balcony and scatter them in the wind with the words:

“As the ashes scatter, so you (husband’s name) and (mistress’s name) quarreled forever, ran away forever.”

At the same time, you need to imagine how your husband leaves his rival, how angry he is with her, how instead of love for her, hatred grows in his heart.

Voodoo Lapel

The lapel Voodoo ritual must be performed on the waning moon. To do this, you need to sculpt a small figurine out of wax or make a small figurine out of any other material that will symbolize your rival. It is best to give the doll at least some resemblance, or use hair, skin or any other biological material of this person.

When making a volt, be sure to name it to identify the doll with the object

The name of this woman must be scratched on the doll's chest. During all the work with the figurine, you need to imagine the image of your rival as clearly as possible, mentally transfer her features to the doll, transfer part of her to the doll. It is best to glue a photograph with the face of a rival to the figure’s head. With the help of such an influence, you will create a stable energetic connection between the figurine and the woman that it symbolizes. After this, you need to put the figurine in a steel bowl and melt the image of your rival over the fire. At this time you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“As I melt this wax, so your spell (name of rival) on (name of man) melts, so his love diminishes, so you lose him once and for all.”

After this, the melted wax must be thrown out of the open window until it thickens again with the words:

“Just as I throw this wax away, so I throw you (the name of my rival) out of life (the man’s name).”

How to make a simple lapel

The easiest way to create an effective lapel is to take a photograph of the desired man and woman and, in one motion, tear it in half so as to separate the people. At this time you need to say the words:

“Just as you are no longer together in a photograph, so you will no longer be together in life, you will no longer live under the same roof, you will not feast at the table alone, you will not lie in bed alone, you will not be together and not love. Forever and ever".

After this, we put the halves of the photo together and begin to tear them into small pieces, concentrating on our own anger at these people. You can replay in your head all the insults caused to you, all the pain brought, it is important that your anger is as strong as possible. When the photo turns into a bunch of small pieces, they need to be filled with wax with the words:

“I fill it with wax, I break your love into fragments, I fix the fragments. You will not unite again, you will not love again. Like a cat and a dog, like a mouse and a cat, you will only fight, you will bite, and you will never love or have mercy. What is said will come true.”

After this, the pieces fixed in wax must be taken to the forest and buried in damp soil.

One of the most effective magical rituals aimed at destroying relationships between loving people is considered to be a photo lapel. A well-executed ritual can destroy even strong families. Also, turning away from a photograph is often carried out in order to prevent the development of new relationships.

The effect of the lapel in the photo appears almost immediately. The strength of the impact depends entirely on the energy of the person performing the ceremony. In addition, some photo cuffs act immediately, for example, forcing a person to make a decision on a subconscious level to immediately leave his family. Another type of lapels from the photo has a more gentle effect; they lead to a gradual cooling of feelings for another person.

Strong lapel from the photo

Photographs of people are an important additional attribute when conducting powerful lapel rituals. Often a strong lapel in a photo is used to separate a husband from his mistress. In this case, it is advisable to use a common photograph of lovers, preferably one in which the husband hugs another woman.

A strong lapel according to the photo is carried out during the waning moon at night. You need to retire to a separate room, light a church candle and, tightly squeezing the photo in your hands, with all the evil that has accumulated in your soul, tear the photo apart with a sharp movement.

After this, you need to continue tearing the photo into small pieces, saying the following words:

“Just as my soul is torn to pieces, so will your relationship between the Servant of God (name of husband) and the Servant of God (name of mistress) be broken forever. Your paths will diverge forever, and when you meet, you, the Servant of God (husband’s name) and the Servant of God (name of the mistress) will bite, pinch, swear and fight. Let it be so! Amen!"

These words must be pronounced clearly and distinctly at least three times. With magic words you need to throw out all the anger and hostility that has accumulated in your soul.

All pieces of the torn photograph must be collected from the table, placed in a metal dish and burned from the flame of a previously prepared black candle. It is important to ensure that they all burn to the ground.

While the remains of the photo are burning, you must say the following words:

“It burns brightly and burns all the black flames: your souls, your love, your relationships. There is no more love between you, you are not nice to each other, only hatred, anger and resentment remain.”

The ashes must be collected and scattered to the wind, saying the words:

“Black ashes scatter in the wind, so you, the Servant of God (husband’s name), and the servant of God (name of your mistress) will quarrel forever and will never meet her again.”

After the ceremony you need to go to bed with a calm soul. You need to force yourself to never think about the homewrecker again.

A lapel from a photo is one of the easiest love magic rituals to prepare and perform. There are many reasons that force people to use this ritual. The first and most numerous category of clients of professional magicians are wives and mistresses.

The former order lapels from the latter, the latter from the former. Often esoteric salons are visited by family members of victims, mothers, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, who are extremely dissatisfied with the choice of their descendants, but cannot destroy their relationship themselves. Sometimes people ask to do a lapel or a cold spell on themselves when they cannot find the strength to break off a relationship with an unreliable, antisocial, dangerous, but beloved soulmate.

Preparing for a lapel using a photograph

It is not at all necessary to contact her - you can turn your loved one away from your rival on your own. The key to the success of the ritual will consist of faith in the result, the sincerity of your feelings for the object, the correct mental message and the absence of violations in the technique of performing the lapel ritual.

First, get a photo of the woman you want to separate him from. As practice shows, men are not particularly original and traditionally store photographs either in a wallet, on a desktop, or in a mobile phone. In extreme cases, social networks will come to the rescue, which can sometimes tell more about a person than he himself would like. It is possible that in one of the photo albums you will find an image of someone who is preventing you from being happy.

Now, for the lapel from the photo, you will need some item that a man always carries with him. Just don’t take your cell phone, wallet, business card holder, etc. accessories, since the item should not return to it after the ritual. So let it be a handkerchief, cufflink, tie pin, shirt button, comb or other insignificant thing, the loss of which will not cause your loved one much suffering.

Carrying out the lapel ritual using a photo

On a night when there is a waning or full moon, take a photo of a woman and an object belonging to a man and go to the crossroads. On the side of the road going north, bury the man’s thing, and opposite (to the south) - a photograph of his wife torn into strips. Then stand in the center of the intersection of all four roads and say:

I'm creating paths,
I will turn you away from your wife (object’s name).
From now on she will walk south,
Your road is to the north.
Neither will you meet
No hug
Neither put up
No kissing.

Features of the lapel from the photo

To make a lapel from a photo from a rival, you should follow the scenario described above. The only difficulty may arise in obtaining a photograph of a woman. In the end, not all men have such impeccable upbringing that they introduce their beloved women to each other.

It is even more difficult if you are not sure, but only suspect your partner of cheating. In this case, it is recommended to either resort to or replace the photo with your man’s “mummy” (a hair from the head or another part of the body, a nail clipping), obtained after he returned home suspiciously late (but had not yet had time to take a shower). During such a “search” you may be lucky and you will find on his clothes a hair, an eyelash, a handkerchief or something else that belongs to the homewrecker and is quite suitable for the lapel ceremony using a photograph.

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