Amulet Star of Russia: a symbol of the Virgin, Svarog and Lada. What amulet to apply? The meaning of the amulet Star of Russia

A place of honor among the ancient Slavic amulets is occupied by the Star of Russia. To its owner, the amulet of the goddess Lada with the image of the square of Svarog helps to reveal the riddle of the universe and look at the world with different eyes. What is the significance of the amulet for men and women and what it can be made of, how to properly charge it and how to wear it - all these details are very important for the proper operation of the amulet.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol - the amulet of the Virgin

The Star of Russia symbolizes the unity of the real and divine worlds. It combines the future, past and present. Our ancestors were endowed with sacred knowledge, lived in harmony with themselves and nature, understood how the Universe works and respected its laws. They revered their Gods and were under their protection.

The amulet is a symbol of the unity of the spirit, soul and body, and also personifies the inseparable connection of the past, present and future. Earthly life continues only due to the unity of these symbols. At first, it is difficult for an unprepared person to realize what an amulet is. True understanding comes after a long examination of the amulet.

Outwardly, the symbol of the talisman resembles a square placed on one of the corners; two ovals passing through it are connected in the center to each other.

The amulet involuntarily attracts the eyes of people: its image is symmetrical, has a beautiful ornament and a complete look. If we look at it more closely, we can understand that the male and female principles (rotary and circle) are connected here. It is only through the connection that arises between members of the opposite sexes that the continuation of the human race is possible. The four lines that go beyond the perimeter of the square symbolize the four cardinal points. This indicates that the goddess Lada is watching each of us, and sees what actions we perform. She can not only avert trouble and warn of impending danger, but also make a person unhappy.

According to legend, the goddess Lada, who is considered the mother of the Slavic people, was the patroness of the amulet.

On a note. The sign of the sun, denoting movement in time, constant development and improvement, became the basis of the symbol.

The amulet got its name due to the fact that it really looks like a star in some way. In addition to the traditional one, it has two more names:

  1. Svarog square. If you look at the symbolism for a long time, you can see the hearth and the flame burning above it. The symbols of the hearth, which sensitively guard the fair sex, are the square and the oval.
  2. Star of the Lady Lada. This is a female symbol, embodying measuredness, wisdom, the ability to understand the laws of nature and live in accordance with them. These qualities have always been important for Slavic women. They helped them find personal happiness, intuitively feel the impending disaster and avoid it, and also become true keepers of the hearth. Lada was the wife of Svarog. Thanks to their strong union, all the Gods of Russia were born. In addition, the patroness of the family is the Mother of God. In prayers to her, women ask for the well-being of life and family happiness.

The hammer of Svarog is often combined with other Slavic symbols. The combination with the Star of Russia is quite popular.

The origin of the amulet Star of Russia is rooted in ancient times. It is known that the symbols were embroidered on the clothes of the princes Vladimir the Prelate and Svyatoslav Igorevich.

According to legend, our ancestors made this talisman in order to pass on to future generations their wisdom and knowledge gained during their lifetime. There is another legend. According to her, the Star of Russia was a personal amulet of the strong-willed Slavic goddess Lada.

Often the Star of Russia is combined with the Hammer of Svarog. This Slavic amulet looks like a blacksmith's hammer. On the one hand, the rune Alatyr is depicted on it, and on the other, the sign of the sacred flame of Svarog. This combination allows many times to enhance the effect of talismans. They will awaken the ancient memory of the family in their owner, give the knowledge of their ancestors, wisdom and strength.

Amulet Star of Russia for men and women

According to legend, this talisman was intended for women who want peace and comfort in their home. In addition, the symbol helped fight depression and laziness, reassured.

Girls and young women who dream of getting married wore a talisman in order to attract love into their lives and find personal happiness.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men. Sometimes this amulet is presented as a gift to a child, but this is not entirely correct. And all because the owner must understand the deep meaning of the symbol, only in this case it will bring him good and help in life. Children, on the other hand, cannot understand the essence of symbolism.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men.

The Star of Russia has different magical properties. The amulet can be used:

  1. As a charm for the whole family. To do this, it must be placed on the wall in the room where all family members most often gather (for example, in the kitchen or in the living room).
  2. Like a personal amulet. Then the symbol is transferred to a pendant, which is worn on the chest in the region of the heart.
  3. Men, but then it will have the name Svarog Square.

The Star of Russia amulet for our ancestors symbolized harmony, rebirth and fertility

The amulet is suitable for the military or for those who make something with their own hands. He will bring good luck to these people in their endeavors and help them make new discoveries.

Sketch of the Solar Shield ornament - for embroidery and tattoo

This amulet is not made personally for oneself. It is made close person for a gift. It is believed that the most effective are amulets made by a blood relative. The main thing is that the person who will be engaged in manufacturing does it of his own free will and from a pure heart. Only in this case you will achieve the desired effect.

You can make a talisman from different materials. Suitable wood, clay, natural leather, stone. Also, the symbol can be drawn on thick cardboard or embroidered.

It is important that the image is correctly transferred to the surface, and all proportions are observed.

If desired, the Star of Russia symbol can be embroidered

What material is chosen does not really matter. During work, you must constantly think about the person for whom you are making a charm. Thoughts must be positive. Then it will be possible to charge the artifact with positive energy. It is desirable to work in a quiet and calm environment, no one should distract. Concentrate and transfer your energy to the amulet. Only then will he become a reliable protection for a person dear to his heart.

The main thing when creating is to believe in healing properties amulet.

The scheme of embroidery amulet for the home with the symbolism of the Star of Russia

How to charge the sun amulet of the goddess Lada

To activate and charge the amulet, you can use the power of air. To do this, the talisman must be left outdoors for several days. If you live in a private house or country house, then the amulet can be hung on a tree. If this is not possible, then leave it on the balcony.

You can also use the element of water. To do this, for a while, place the amulet in running water. If you can’t visit the reservoir in the near future, substitute the talisman under the water tap and let the water flow in a thin stream.

The ritual of charging the amulet with earth, fire, air and water can be carried out where you loved to play as a child. The child very clearly feels those places that are suitable for him in terms of energy. Thus, the amulet will be able to get the most correct power for you.

The ideal moment to charge the amulet is the growing moon

How to wear a charm

The amulet can be worn as a talisman. To do this, a pendant with the image of the symbol is placed on the chest. If desired, symbols can be embroidered on your clothes. Some prefer to use the amulet to protect their homes. In this case, it is hung on the wall like a picture.

The amulet will give its owner courage, devote to the knowledge of ancestors, but only if a person honors the ancestors, respects his family, lives in conscience. If the owner leads an inappropriate lifestyle, behaves unworthily towards other people, then the goddess Lada will severely punish him for this.

In ancient times, the symbol was applied to women's amulets: it was responsible for consent, for a calm and measured life. The amulet protected personal relationships and the female womb, guaranteeing its owner that she would become a zealous housewife and a good mother for her children.

The symbol can also be depicted on paper. But due to the fact that this material is short-lived, the amulet will not last for a long time.

Wearable image is applied exclusively to men

Men, if desired, can apply a tattoo with the image of the Star of Russia: on the arm, shoulder or shoulder blade. Such a tattoo serves not only as an ornament. It indicates that its owner is involved in Slavic culture. The symbol means faith in the One God, as well as justice and honor.

Video: Star of Russia - a mysterious Slavic symbol

The ancient Slavic amulet Star of Russia symbolizes the strong union of a man and a woman, and also connects the past, present and future. It gives its owner balance and calmness, helps to build harmonious relationships in the family and achieve professional success.

Ancient symbols have great power. Especially if they are used correctly.

So, for those who want to find harmony with themselves, to see the secrets of the past and get closer to knowing the future, and at the same time avoid the curse of envious people, their evil eye and damage, unrighteous slander, the Star of Russia amulet is simply necessary.

The Old Russian, or rather, the Old Slavic amulet contains not only the connection of the past, present and future, it combines the feminine and masculine principles - a circle and a square with rays. The very power of life. In unity, life is born, that which, multiplying, becomes a kind. That is why the Star of Russia amulet can be used to protect the home, female strength and male independent luck.


A woman has always been the keeper of home peace and comfort. Its symbol is the hearth. Take a closer look, the outlines of the flame in the hearth are clearly visible in the amulet. In the Star of Russia, the Star of Lada and the square in which the name of Svarog is encrypted are connected.

Lada is the most powerful Slavic deity (the wife of the great Perun, the mother of all Slavic gods), patronizing family happiness, children, mothers, wives. And also to widows, bravely dead soldiers, orphans left without a father.

She gave the woman wisdom, the sixth sense - intuition, the ability to be that neck, without which the head turns in the right direction. And, of course, female attractiveness. She is a prototype of the all-loving Mother of God. Ancient Russian women knew that Lada would never refuse to help those who, sincerely addressing her, wear her image on themselves - in the form of embroidery, rings, pendants, scarves.

Therefore, the girl who dreams of finding a faithful husband; a widow looking for support for her children, a wife who wants harmony to reign in the family, hung the image of Lada around her neck. In this case, the Star of Russia was transformed into the Star of Lada - a female amulet.


In the square of Svarog (the ancestor of all the Slavic gods, the universal lord) the rays of his arrows, the flame of the forge - their four petals. This central part amulet Star of Russia. Svarog not only gave life to the sun, skillfully led his sons and helpers, he did everything himself - without the help of magic spells. Therefore, the Star of Russia should be worn:

  • Men whose skillful hands are associated with some kind of craft. They will become more skillful, the fruits of their labor will be more in demand;
  • Men who participate in military affairs. Their martial art, the ability to distinguish truth from lies, the goal and the paths leading to it will be multiplied a hundredfold. In addition, the supreme ancient Russian deity grants the male protector who wears his sign invulnerability and the ability to survive in the most difficult situations;
  • Men who have chosen a political or diplomatic path as their occupation. The body amulet will strengthen their gift of persuasion, give them confidence in their abilities, bestow luck in solving complex issues and a correct vision of the problem.

Amulet Square of Svarog men can wear in the form of a pendant, embroidery, handcuff (wristband). In addition, the ancient Russian warriors to strengthen the influence Svarog for a successful resolution of cases, they made a talisman in the form of a tattoo on their forearm or in the region of the heart. So the most powerful Russian amulet was inseparable from them - until their death, protecting them from enemy thoughts and damage, slander and the evil eye when doing certain things.

Kind protection

The Old Russian Star of Lada and Svarog Square, uniting into a single amulet, which hid the impenetrable protection of the whole family. And in order for it to be as effective and comprehensive as possible, the Star of Russia amulet was embroidered, woven in the form of a panel, a tapestry on the wall. Such a powerful Russian amulet occupied a central place in the house. The rays of his inner flame fought off all attacks on the family, did not allow any evil spells to settle in the family nest. Such Russian amulets, made with a soul, will still be able to protect the family from the black thoughts of ill-wishers.

Russian amulets with their own hands

Only that amulet has powerful power, which is made by loving hands. The star was also made by hand. But with one condition - not for yourself, but for those with whom you are related by blood.

What material to choose for this - woolen or cotton threads, straw, wood (corresponding to you according to the Slavic horoscope), dried rye or wheat straw, silver.

There are three prerequisites:

  • When making an amulet, you must always keep the image of the one to whom the amulet is intended before your eyes;
  • Before starting, in the process of work and at its end, he will turn for help and blessings to the ancient Russian defenders of the family;
  • Be sure to observe all proportions, otherwise the meaning and power of the amulet will not only be lost, it will acquire a completely different - hostile power.

As a last resort, if you are unable to make a charm yourself, but want to be protected by it, buy it. But before you wear it or hang it at home, charge it with your power- with the help of water (the decoration should lie overnight in the water taken from the spring) and fire (over the panel or tapestry, spend the decoration three times lit wax candles, referring to the supreme Slavic deities). Russian amulets have always helped those who remember their roots and know them.

Not everyone has heard about the Star of Russia amulet, but this does not detract from its significance. This ancient, powerful talisman has a truly sacred meaning that is timeless.

The amulet was highly valued by the Slavs and had a deep meaning, not understandable to everyone. Can it be used today in everyday life? Yes, if you figure out what it means, and if you treat it in the right way.

The main meaning of the amulet is balance. It, as already mentioned, unites the future, present and past, the material and mystical world. The ancestors called it "reveal, nav and rule." The amulet gives an understanding of the world order and, as a result, harmony and tranquility. It can help a person to understand the essence of things.

Our ancestors perfectly understood that everything in the world is harmonious, interconnected, that nothing happens just like that. And the Star of Russia helps to make sure of this. It is worn to gain wisdom, understanding of the world and its depths, to achieve a state of calm and spiritual harmony, to feel like a part of Nature. If you practice esoteric teachings, do meditation, yoga, spiritual practices - this talisman will help you a lot and become a great friend.

Another meaning of the Star of Russia talisman is a connection with one's family, with ancestors. The amulet will not let you forget your roots, will give you an understanding of the importance of the family, will not leave you alone. A person wearing a talisman always understands and remembers who he is and where he comes from, knows how to appreciate his family and feels a strong, sacred connection with him.

And besides, the experience and wisdom of the ancestors is transmitted through the Star. In many rituals and meditations, this amulet can be used - to achieve a mystical connection with ancestors, with the family, ask for advice, ask a question, seek help or protection.

The significance of the talisman in magic and rituals is great. Its sacred meaning and enormous power help to achieve a mystical connection with the subtle world, to reach out to the hidden mysterious forces. This amulet can become, as it were, a key to knowledge, a conductor of higher magical power. In other words, in any rituals, it will help to achieve success and a positive result, increase spiritual strength.

However, everything is not so simple here. For everything to work out, a person must perform actions only for the good! If his ritual is aimed at some kind of evil or is done to the detriment of other people, then the Star of Russia will not help, but, on the contrary, will prevent the commission of bad deeds. In addition, a person must be aware of his connection with Nature, with the family, respect and be very respectful of those forces that are contained in the amulet.

And, of course, the Star of Russia has a protective value and is an excellent amulet. This amulet is able to protect against any evil - from the evil eye and dark magic, from evil words and thoughts, from curses and simply failures. It protects from disease, grief and misfortune. The range of its action is simply huge! The Star of Russia can be kept in the house, it will reliably protect you and your family. But the main condition is to believe, respect this ancient symbol and understand its meaning.

The Star of Russia is an amazing talisman. He really has tremendous power, but this power will help only those who will use it competently, with faith and respect for their ancestors. Use amulets consciously and prudently, and they will bring you only benefit and goodness!
Author: Vasilina Serova

The mysterious phenomena of nature, the power of the elements caused our ancestors not only fear, but also the desire to know the essence of what was happening, to direct unknown forces for their own good. For this purpose, amulets with magical properties were created. One of the most mysterious of these items is the Star of Russia. It is in it that the keys are laid that lead to the secrets of the universe. The amulet is not for everyone. A person who knows his roots, striving to comprehend the Slavic culture, can take advantage of his power.

The Star of Russia is not the only name. The symbol has a complex interweaving of lines of a square and ovals forming a cross. Their parts that go beyond the square resemble tongues of flame, which symbolizes the ability of the amulet to burn all obstacles in its path in the form of dark energy. This sign represents the masculine and feminine. When purchasing this amulet for yourself, clearly define your desires, according to which, choose one of the three names. You should know that in the future it is impossible to change the name, the amulet will lose its magical capabilities.

  • Star of Lada - an amulet with this name contributes to success in personal life. They are worn constantly as a pendant on the chest.
  • Star of Russia - protects the family hearth, grants well-being to children. Located in the house in a conspicuous place.
  • Svarog Square - symbolizes the masculine principle, it is recommended to wear the representatives of the stronger sex. Helps in professional activities, promotion.

In the pantheon of Slavic gods, Lada (Rozhanitsa) occupies a dominant place. Being the wife of Heavenly Svarog, who created the earthly firmament, she was the progenitor of many Slavic deities. She was revered as the goddess of love and beauty, the patroness of the family and women. By analogy with the Christian religion, it can be called the Mother of Heaven - the Mother of God. The symbol refers to female amulets, its meaning is multifaceted:

  • The unmarried owner of the talisman will help to find a faithful spouse, create strong family where peace and harmony reign.
  • Gives health, softness of character.
  • Contributes to the achievement of goals and success.
  • The cross of Lada has four sides, each of which carries its own meaning: independence, faith, firmness of convictions, and the experience of ancestors.
  • It is a strong amulet that can protect against dark forces and witchcraft.

A feature of the appearance of the Star is the rounded corners of the ovals.

Svarog is the supreme deity of the ancient Slavs, one of the creators of the Worlds, he is called the Heavenly Father. They portrayed him as a powerful man with a hammer in his hands. The charms associated with his name have incredible power. Therefore, the square, personifying Svarog and enclosed in the Star of Russia, enhances its magic. A talisman with this name acquires a male purpose, has some features:

  • Symbolically associated with the luminary, personifies the Yarilo-Sun.
  • It will become a reliable protection for people involved in the craft. Special energy connection with blacksmiths.
  • Helps to develop creative abilities, achieve the highest skill and success.

It is permissible to fill a tattoo, place. Symbols are applied to the walls of the dwelling.

Star of Russia

The amulet with the general name Star of Russia, combining yin and yang, has a powerful effect, is able to protect its owner from many misfortunes, lead to success and prosperity. The most important influences and the main purpose of the Star of Russia amulet are:

  • The ability to establish a connection between its owner and the family.
  • A person who has such a talisman acquires the wisdom of his ancestors.
  • Allows you to be in harmony with nature.

It is believed that this symbol has a deep mysterious meaning. Its essence lies in the fact that the line of the pattern is inseparable, this is interpreted as an endless merger of male and female. About a connection that has no end. According to another version, the lines symbolize the unity of the three worlds: Nav, Yav and Rule. The merging of these hypostases personifies endless life.

Nav - hidden from view, eternal peace reigns there and the souls of those who have gone to another world live.

Reality is a real entity.

Rule - governs other spheres, Gods live here.

In the amulet, the Star of Russia can be seen - a solar symbol, personifying continuous movement.

There is an opinion that the four pointed ends of the ellipses in the Svarog Square, forming a cross (star), mean the cardinal points. This symbolizes the 4 faces of the Blacksmith God.

Features of embroidered amulets

Among the Slavic peoples, embroidery was not a simple decoration of clothes, but carried a great sacred meaning. You can learn a lot about the owner from the ornament. Not all magical signs can be applied to clothes, which does not apply to the Star of Russia. This pattern can be safely depicted both on women's clothing and on men's. There are certain rules for performing protective embroidery:

  • You should not make a talisman for yourself. A great option if a blood relative does it.
  • Work begins on the growing moon.
  • It is important to set yourself up correctly: thoughts should be positive, think about the person for whom you are embroidering. Imagine that with each cross you interweave a desire corresponding to the capabilities of the Star of Russia amulet.
  • Place a lit candle nearby open fire cleared the space of the accumulated negative energy.
  • Carefully study all the subtleties of the pattern. There should not be even the slightest distortion of the picture.
  • Eliminate distracting sounds (TV, music).
  • The work is performed only from natural materials, as they contain the power of nature.
  • Do not stretch the material on the pins.
  • There should be no tangled threads on the wrong side.
  • Start making stitches from the middle of the fabric.
  • If possible, do not use scissors.
  • Unfinished work should be hidden from prying eyes, do not put on the bed.
  • You can not do needlework on Friday, in the morning on Sunday.

The symbol can be embroidered not only on clothes. It can be applied to towels, bed linen, curtains.


Amulet Star of Russia is traditional Slavic symbol, occupying a special place among other magical signs. Not everyone knows what this sign means and what it is used for. We want to tell you about the sacred meaning of the amulet, its scope and self-production in this article.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs are distinguished by their uniqueness: they were able to collect the wisdom of our ancestors and brought it to our days. Each amulet was under the auspices of a specific divine essence, and also played a huge role in the life of our ancestors. It was the amulets that helped the ancient Slavs to bring their lives into a harmonious direction.

The talisman Star of Russia has tremendous power, which manifests itself in the connection of the three worlds (Reveal, Navi and Rule).

  • Reality - is the physical world in which we live;
  • Nav - the other world, inhabited by spirits and various entities;
  • Rule - Divine world.

The ancient Slavs were convinced that harmonious interaction between these three worlds is important for the stability of the universe. Therefore, the Star of Russia amulet was filled with both mystical energy and earthly power. The result is a talisman that embodies the combination of bodily, spiritual and spiritual.

Another amulet indicates the relationship of a person to his family. It combines past, present and future. It is due to the inseparable connection between the three worlds that the continuation of life on earth is possible.

Having carefully looked at the symbolism that adorns the amulet, you will find there a manifestation of both female and male energy - roundness and. It turns out that the Star of Russia is not only the union of the three worlds, but also the connection between male and female, which means it symbolizes a new life. And the integrity of the amulet testifies to the power of the Slavs, as a race that managed to cope with chaos and evil forces.

You can find a lot of interesting information about this symbol in the next video.

For whom is the Star of Russia amulet suitable?

You can safely use this symbol to all those who want to know how our universe is built. Suitable mascot for both sexes. True, there are some differences here, how the symbol acts on men and women:

  1. For the stronger sex, the use of an amulet will help you get on the right path in life, improve your intuitive abilities and help you fulfill yourself. It is worth taking a closer look at this amulet for those men who suffer from self-doubt. The amulet works on the power of the great Svarog, therefore it tempers the character with the help of various trials and difficulties, so that the male energy develops to the maximum.
  2. And women usually turn to the described amulet for help when they have difficult situations in their lives (especially when there is no man nearby). Today, a modern representative of the fair sex can wear a symbol to receive her tribal strength if she is forced to occupy complex and responsible positions or raise a child on her own.

What is another name for an amulet?

In various sources, the Star of Russia is also called the Lada of the Virgin and the Square of Svarog. Let's take a closer look at each of these titles.

Star of Lada

Often the star of Russia was hung on the chest as its own talisman, then it was called the Star of the Lada of the Virgin, there was also the option of applying it to a fabric carrier, using it as a picture. In the latest versions, the use of a magic symbol helped maintain harmony in family relationships.

Svarog Square

The name "Svarozhich" was used in relation to the amulet, which was used for the strong half of humanity. 4 petals and a rhombus in the sign were personified with the forge of Svarog. Such an amulet is especially good for men associated with the military sphere.

Also, traditionally, Svarozhich was suitable for those men who are responsible for restoring tribal unity. The symbol filled them with self-confidence, wisdom, attracted good luck into their lives, improved natural abilities, plus gave hard work.

How to make a charm with your own hands

Today, any person who respects the Slavic tradition and reveres Slavic deities can make the Star of Russia amulet on their own.

But there are a number of important points that you must adhere to if you want the amulet to work as efficiently as possible:

  • you can make a talisman for your relative, but making it personally for yourself is unacceptable;
  • you must experience the sincere intentions of the person with whom you create the magic symbol;
  • the amulet that is made for his blood relative will have greater power;
  • according to its source material, the amulet can be metal, clay, leather or wood;
  • when making a symbol, constantly keep in mind the image of the one for whom you create it;
  • it is important to observe the proportional ratio of all images of a given symbol.

The most suitable material for making a symbol is wood (but the right choice of wood is important when taking into account the personal properties of its future owner). There are a lot of methods for making an amulet, the main thing is not to forget the most important rule- Strictly adhere to the proportional ratio and correctly select the material. And, of course, you must sincerely believe in the power of the amulet, ask for support from the Deities and respect the Slavic tradition.

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