New Testament and Psalter with commentaries. New Testament and Psalter

Psalter (Psalter) is a book of the Old Testament, which consists of 150 or 151 psalm songs. In some languages ​​the book has the title "Psalms". The Psalter is located among the teaching books of the Old Testament after the book of Job. The Psalter became a liturgical book even under David. Later, the liturgical use of the Psalter passed to Christians.

The importance of the book of Psalms is evidenced by the fact that it came to us in the greatest number manuscripts among all the books of the Old Testament.

Read the Psalter / Psalter

The Psalter contains 150 psalms:

Numbering of psalms in the Psalter

The numbering of the psalms differs in Hebrew and Greek. The Orthodox Church uses Greek numbering. The Catholic Church uses both numbering options. In our description we will use the Greek version (150 psalms).

Inscriptions in the Psalms.

In many psalms there are inscriptions - additional information about the authors and performers of the psalms, the events to which the psalms are dedicated are indicated. Translating the inscriptions has proven to be particularly difficult, so there are many options for translating them. Translators can only guess about the meaning of some words.

The inscriptions of psalms often indicate the order in which they should be sung. The musical instrument and motive to which the psalm must be sung have been determined.


In the inscriptions of psalms there are often proper names, but it is not always clear whose names these are - the author, the performer, or the person to whom the psalm is dedicated. The author of the Psalter is generally considered to be, although absolutely all researchers are sure that the Psalter is the fruit of the work of more than 10 authors. Moreover, the book was created over a long time - perhaps even more than a dozen generations. The time of creation of the psalms is from the time of Moses until the return from Babylonian captivity.

  • David,
  • Asaph - chief psalmist under David,
  • The sons of Korah are the temple gatekeepers,
  • Adam,
  • Yeman,
  • Idifun
  • Moses, etc.

The Psalter was created gradually as a product of collective creativity and was subjected to numerous editions during its creation.

The Psalms of the Psalter are conventionally divided into 4 groups:

  1. Personal complaints.

The scheme of a psalm of this type: appeal to God -> description of the situation -> trust in God -> request -> offering praise to God.

  1. People's laments.

They have a structure similar to personal lamentations, but are a collective appeal to God.

  1. Psalms of praise to the Lord.

The outline of a psalm of this type: a promise to give praise to the Lord -> a description of the blessings sent down -> deliverance -> an offering of praise -> an instruction to people to trust in God

  1. Hymns.

Celebrating the greatness of God and His mercy.

In addition to the psalms that belong to these four groups, mention should also be made psalms of wisdom, songs of ascension and royal psalms.

Songs of Ascension- psalms sung by pilgrims while ascending Mount Zion.

Royal Psalms- psalms describing important events from the royal life, for example, the ascension to the throne.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

Many editions of the Psalter contain interpretations of the psalms. Of the ancient interpretations, the following interpretations are especially popular:

  • John Chrysostom,
  • Ambrose,
  • Augustine,
  • Theodoret of Cyrus,
  • Euphemia Zigabena.

From new interpretations:

  • Tolyuka,
  • Ewald;
  • Bishop Feofan,
  • Archpriest Vishnyakov.

In no other Old Testament book is personal faith in God shown in as many ways as in the book of Psalms. The Book of Psalms is a collection of religious poetry. Many psalms of the Psalter are addressed to God and are a reflection of personal religious feelings. The Psalms reflect the joy of being able to communicate with God. Through a psalm a person can express reverence for God. The psalms also reflect folk wisdom.

Literary features of the Psalter.

The first two psalms set the tone for the entire book. They are excellent examples of Hebrew biblical poetry. The poetic power of the Psalter is based on the syntactic parallelism of the texts, when a thought is expressed through synonymy, or opposing points of view are expressed in parallel.

Great and genre diversity psalms. According to the genre of psalms, the Psalms can be divided into:

  • Glorifying God,
  • Prayers (Psalms 6, 50),
  • Complaints (Psalms 43, 101),
  • Curses (Psalms 57, 108),
  • Historical Psalms (105),
  • Wedding song (44),
  • Philosophical Psalms (8),
  • Hymns (103), etc.

Despite the division of the book into psalms and their genre diversity, the Psalter is an integral work, the main idea of ​​which is the ability of a person to turn to God and reveal to him the depths of his soul.

Many psalms were translated into verse. Almost every canon has its own poetic Psalter. Only Lutherans do not use the poetic Psalter in their services.

In Russian poetry, poetic translations and paraphrases of individual psalms were addressed:

  • Lomonosov,
  • Sumarokov,
  • Derzhavin,
  • Glinka and others.

Features of the language of the Psalter.

  1. Associativity,
  2. Imagery,
  3. Symbolism,
  4. Allegory,
  5. Emotionality.

Psalter in Judaism.

Psalms play an important role in Judaism. They are used as personal prayers and for synagogue services. Some psalms are read here daily (for example, Psalms 144 - 150). Psalms 112-117 are read on holidays. There are certain psalms corresponding to the day of the week.

Psalter in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox Church, many psalms are read at services daily and are assigned to individual services. During Vespers, Psalms 103, 140, 141, 129, 116 and 33 are read. At the beginning of Matins, Psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142 are read. Before the reading of the canon, Psalm 50 is read. The funeral service includes the 118th Psalm. It is read on the eve of parental Saturdays. Various psalms are used in Liturgy, prayer services and rituals.

The monks read the Psalter throughout the week. During Great Lent, the Psalter is read twice in monasteries that adhere to the rules. The Psalter is used for cell prayer.

Psalter for Catholics.

In the Catholic tradition, the psalms are part of daily worship in their “pure” form, as opposed to Orthodox Church, where stichera and troparia are used to a greater extent. Basically, a four-week cycle of reading the Psalter is practiced. The Psalter is also used in personal prayer at home. For example, during Lent seven psalms of repentance are read.

Psalms in the Islamic tradition.

The Koran states that Allah is to David, the book of Zabur, which is identified with the Psalter. However, in the Islamic tradition it is believed that the psalter has survived to this day in a distorted form. The Psalter in Islam is considered a prophetic book.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Psalter is for many the most important book of the Old Testament. The Psalter is a book of prayers. You can read the Psalter in any case - in sorrow and in joy.

On November 16, 2016, the Vyborg City Court will hold hearings on the case of checking the books of the New Testament and the Psalter to determine whether they are extremist literature.

Back in July 2016, the Association of Evangelical Christians “Gideon” wanted to introduce New Testament and the Psalter, which the Gideon mission, well known in the Christian world, has been distributing throughout the country for many years.

However, Vyborg customs demanded a “psychological and linguistic examination of printed materials,” that is, biblical books. All other rules for transporting books by the mission were observed.

On July 13, 2016, the head of the Brusnichnoe customs post, Sergei Lenin, motivated the refusal to issue the New Testament by the fact that “information was not provided that the transported printed materials did not contain information falling within the definitions contained in paragraph 1 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ “On Combating Extremist Activities.”

As lawyers representing the interests of the Gideon mission, Anatoly Pchelintsev and Inna Zagrebina, note, customs completely ignored amendments to Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On Combating Extremist Activities.”

In 2015, on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and the head of Chechnya R. Kadyrov, provisions were introduced into the law that the Bible, Koran, Tanakh and Ganjur, their contents and quotes from them cannot be recognized as extremist materials (Article 3.1 of the said Federal Law).

This means that, in principle, customs should not have had any questions about Christian literature, which is part of the Bible.

In addition, the Gideon mission presented the head of customs with an expert opinion from the Department of Religious Studies of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, which provides a detailed justification for the fact that the book of the New Testament and the Psalter are parts of the Bible.

The conclusion was made several years ago.

For unknown reasons, customs officers turned deaf to the arguments of the Christian mission.

Considering that customs required additional documents, it is strange that the conclusion of the religious scholar was ignored. As a result, parking a car with books was quite expensive for the mission.

Twenty thousand books became unusable due to moisture while in cars, and the circulation had to be sent back to Finland. Representatives of the mission and lawyers were under the impression that this was precisely the result that representatives of the Vyborg customs were added.

It is difficult to explain what happened by chance. For 12 years, the Gideon Mission has been printing the New Testament and the Psalter in the printing house of St. Michael of the Gideon International Christian Mission (Mikkeli, Finland).

The small blue-bound books of the New Testament and Psalms are well known to most believers, and tens of thousands of people of different denominations have free editions of the Gideon Mission in their homes. Basically, this mission works with the churches of the Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, which in 2016, together with the Orthodox, solemnly celebrates the 140th anniversary of the Synodal Translation of the Bible.

Currently, in violation of common sense and Russian legislation, the New Testament published abroad has essentially been banned from import into Russia.

Such cases can be attributed to the ignorance of officials, police, customs officers and individual abuses. But this greatly simplifies and does not explain the situation, since the head of customs, of course, knows what the New Testament is, but he also knows that everything religious (communities, literature, preaching) in Russia, thanks to the tightening of legislation, is under suspicion.

New Testament and Psalms Team of authors

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Title: New Testament and Psalms

About the book “New Testament and Psalms” Team of authors

The Bible is the holy book of Christians. It describes God's revelations that man has received over many thousands of years. The New Testament and the Psalter are parts of holy scripture containing divine instructions. They allow you to find peace in sorrowful days, solve life’s problems, condemn sin, and talk about the spiritual maturity that is necessary to overcome a person’s worries.

The Christian Bible is a large collection of works. This is a real library, which includes books written by man under God's direction. The people who wrote these texts lived in different time periods. The Bible contains dramatic and poetic fragments, a lot of biographical information, and prophetic pages. Parts of the New Testament and Psalms contain information of a philosophical, scientific, historical and other nature.

In the Bible you can find answers to many questions that have troubled man since ancient times. For example, about the origin of human civilization, the afterlife, the meaning of human existence on earth, the meaning of knowledge.

The Old Testament tells about God's participation in the lives of the Jews before Jesus Christ came. Part of the New Testament contains pages dedicated to the life of Christ and his teaching.
When a person studies the New Testament and the Psalter, his vision of the world changes, he is inspired, and he receives peace. Currently, the biblical writings (in whole or in part) have been translated into many languages, more than 1200. Every year, the New Testament and the Psalter are sold around the world in circulations that are larger than the copies sold of any other literary work.

The book offered here contains the New Testament with one book included in the Old Testament, the Psalms. The Book of Psalms contains one hundred and fifty songs consisting of the pious outpourings of a true believer's heart as it overcomes the various trials of life.

There is an opinion that King David wrote the Psalter, since many songs of praise have a connection with his life, which was filled with various vicissitudes. However, there are also a lot of psalms dating back to a later time. The Psalter is thus a collection of poetry, the compilation of which took place over a long period of time.

This book contains many methodological instructions, which must be used to understand not only the text of the Bible, but also the very essence of Christianity!

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To the question On the street I found a new testament and a psalter given by the author Illustrious the best answer is The Bible is both the Old and New Testaments together in one book. The Psalter is part of the Old Testament.
Part of the New Testament are also 4 books called the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
But in Christian usage the New Testament is often called the Gospel, probably for variety and simplicity.
Often New Testaments are published with an appendix to them and the Psalter, which helps to find the right words for prayer while reading the New Testament.
Apparently, this is exactly the book you found.
Gospel translated from Greek means “Good News.” It means the news that God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, has come to people, through whom everyone can be freed from their sins, reconciled with God and find eternal life in the kingdom of God.

Reply from Dinar Mulykov[newbie]
The Koreans gave me the book *New Psalter* and after that I saw a ghost, he was telling me something and laughing!
Don't take books that have a cross on them!

Reply from Norwin[guru]
Leave it where you found it.

Reply from sleepy[master]
Well, good. Read it! Bible=Old Testament+New Testament(Gospel)

Reply from Caucasian[guru]
Don’t take such things on the street and, especially, don’t bring them into the house. It’s better to buy your own.

Reply from Cat[guru]
Drop it... .
Someone has already thrown them away, and I advise you...

Reply from Sergey Makarov[guru]
If it's an antique, sell it. and so in the trash, don’t fill your head with useless things.

Reply from Irisha[guru]
The Synodal Translation of the Gospel is part of the Bible. The Gospel itself is 4 books about Christ, which is translated as “Good News”, but the Gospel is often called the entire New Testament, so look at the contents, and the Psalter is a book of the Old Testament, there are prayer songs written there that sound like prose in Russian . What you found is part of the Holy Scriptures. And if you take the entire Bible and compare it with what you have, you will see that there is no difference.

Reply from Yotinia[guru]
Well done for picking it up, the Shrine cannot be trampled on! What you found is the Gospel, i.e. the New Testament (the teachings of Christ, written by his disciples) and the psalter (the book of psalms of King David). The Bible itself consists of two parts: The Old Testament (Hebrew "Torra") and the New Testament (the Gospel and the Acts of the Holy Apostles.)

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Perhaps they were intended just for you...
One day when I was a child, while walking with my grandmother, I found a small approximately 6x8 icon of Seraphim of Sarov, knowing that my grandmother was a deeply religious person, I ran with the find. Granny was incredibly happy about my find and said that God had sent it to me... So decide for yourself what to do with your find. Just without fanaticism!

Reply from User deleted[master]
Everything that is free is the spread of sectarians. That's why you brought this rubbish into your house. Bibles are sold in churches or church shops and they cost about 250 rubles. Believe me, no one will throw such good things at you for nothing.

Reply from User deleted[newbie]
I think God is looking for you, well done, start reading! Write if anything is unclear...

Reply from Maria Chudinova[guru]
I don't think I found it by accident. If you are not superstitious, then keep it for yourself - apparently you need it. If you become superstitious after reading the answers, then take it to the temple and leave it there.
The Holy Gospel is part of the Bible. It is not different, but is included in it as a separate Book.

Reply from Anastasia Maksimova[newbie]
What is this anyway?

Reply from Lietome[newbie]
There are some strange comments here. "Don't bring it into the house"? This is a pagan superstition and it is strange to hear it from Christians. "Sectarians"? And what kind of attitude is this towards your brothers, Christians? If a person is not Orthodox, does that mean he is a sectarian? And what is his sin? The fact that your Orthodox translation of the Holy Scriptures gave you? In other countries, they haven’t even heard of Orthodoxy, and if it exists there, then you can count them on your fingers! So you shouldn’t pretend that there are no other Christian religions besides Orthodoxy! And you need to treat everyone with respect, this is the essence of Christianity! Although those who recommend throwing away the Holy Scriptures apparently do not understand this. It was for this reason that it ended up there, to my great chagrin. Natasha, if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer. Send them by private message, always welcome!

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