What languages ​​are spoken in Russia? National composition of the population of the Russian Federation. Russian language as the state language on the territory of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation dated October 25, 1991 N 1807-1 “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, its protection and support, as well as ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation.

Judicial practice and legislation - 53-FZ On the state language of the Russian Federation


the number of resources for scientific and information support for the implementation of the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”;

the share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that organize the analysis of the results of the final essay in graduate classes, as well as the development of measures to improve the quality of teaching in the Russian language together with public professional organizations, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

the number of resources for scientific and information support for the implementation of the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”;

the share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that organize the analysis of the results of the final essay in graduate classes, as well as the development of measures to improve the quality of teaching in the Russian language together with public professional organizations, in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5. A text warning about restricting the dissemination of information products among children is carried out in Russian, and in cases established by Federal Law of June 1, 2005 N 53-FZ “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”, in the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation , other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages.

The state language of all subjects of the Russian Federation is Russian. The definition of statehood promotes mutual understanding and spiritual growth among representatives of nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Federation. To protect and systematically develop the main means of communication, a clearly formed concept of the relevant regulatory act is required.

Federal Law “On the State Language” N 53-FZ was adopted by the State Duma on May 20 and approved by the Federal Council on May 25, 2005. The regulatory act in question came into force on June 1, 2005. The current law regulates the use of the Russian language throughout the Russian Federation, as well as the legal rights of citizens related to the protection and development of the state dialect.

The current text of Federal Law 53-FZ consists of seven articles:

  • Article 1. Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 3. Areas of use of the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 4. Protection and support of the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 5. Ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 6. Responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 7. Entry into force of this Federal Law.

According to paragraph 1 of article 1 the law in question, Russian language is established as the state language based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The regulations for determining modern literary and linguistic norms are established Government of the Russian Federation (paragraph 3 of article 1). In the use of Russian literary and linguistic norms, as state norms, swearing and obscene words are not allowed ( paragraph 6 of article 1).

According to paragraph 7 of the article under consideration, derogation of the right to communicate in their native dialect of citizens of the Russian Federation belonging to ethnic minorities is not acceptable. Knowledge of the Russian language on the territory of Russia is mandatory; according to the law, communication between citizens can take place in any dialect.

Any ban on communication in foreign languages ​​is considered unlawful.

  • Legislation on norms of Russian speech is based on the provisions of the following regulations (Article 2):
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation” N 1807-1, adopted on October 25, 1991;
  • Law No. 53-FZ under consideration;

Other regulations governing language issues. According to regulations Article 3 The use of Russian literary speech is mandatory:

  • In the activities of all state authorities;
  • In the names of government bodies;
  • During the election campaign, the process of holding elections and referendums,
    in judicial proceedings on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the magistrate’s court;
  • When officially publishing documentation of international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • When making inscriptions on signs regulating traffic;
  • When preparing government documents of the Russian Federation;
  • In advertising and materials provided by the media;
  • In literary works, provided they are performed in public.

As part of the protection of the linguistic diversity of Russian speech, government authorities take the following actions (Article 4):

  • Ensuring the use of Russian speech throughout the Russian Federation;
  • They are developing a concept to improve the level of education in the field of Russian philology;
  • Promote the study of the Russian language by foreigners - both within the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • Promote the production of dictionaries and grammar aids;
  • They control the purity and absence of obscene language in Russian speech and compliance with this law.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to education, receive any information and communicate in the state (Russian) language. Foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation who speak a different dialect have the right to use the services of an interpreter.

Like other Federal laws of the Russian Federation, FZ-53 regularly undergoes necessary changes. The latest amendments to the current law were introduced on May 5, 2014.

Download 53 Federal Laws on the state language of the Russian Federation

For a detailed study of the actual Federal Law
“On the state language” N 53-FZ and the latest amendments made to it, you should familiarize yourself with the actual provisions. You can download the current text of Federal Law-53 at

Latest changes in the Federal Law on the state language of the Russian Federation

The latest edition of the Federal Law 53-FZ under consideration was made on May 5, 2014. The basis for making amendments was Federal Law N 101-FZ. IN article 3 The actual regulatory act introduced clarifications regarding the choice of language dubbing or subtitles for public screening of films. The article in question has been updated clause 9.2, stating that the use of Russian speech is mandatory when reading in public literary works, conducting concerts and staging performances.

Previously, significant amendments were made July 2, 2013. The basis for the amendments was the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Legislative Acts (Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 185-FZ.

Changes have been made articles 3 and 4 valid law. IN
according with the provisions of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” sample No., adopted on December 20, 2012, in paragraph 8 of part 1 of article 3 it is indicated that the Russian language must be used when drawing up and printing documentation confirming the level of education or qualifications of a citizen.

In paragraph 4 of Article 4 The normative act in question states that within the framework of protecting and promoting the foundations of Russian traditions in the foreign community, state educational institutions prepare relevant personnel. Teachers of Russian as a foreign language carry out their activities both within the Russian Federation and abroad, in relevant educational institutions.

Amendment from 185-FZ in paragraph 4 of article 4 word "institutions" replaced by "organizations".

This Federal Law is aimed at ensuring the use of the state language of the Russian Federation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation, protecting and developing linguistic culture.

Article 1. Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation

1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its entire territory is Russian.

2. The status of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation provides for the mandatory use of the Russian language in the areas defined by this Federal Law, other federal laws, the Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 N 1807-I “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, its protection and support, as well as ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation.

3. The procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when it is used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation, is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The state language of the Russian Federation is a language that promotes mutual understanding and strengthens interethnic ties between the peoples of the Russian Federation in a single multinational state.

5. Protection and support of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation contributes to the increase and mutual enrichment of the spiritual culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

6. When using the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the use of words and expressions that do not comply with the norms of the modern Russian literary language is not allowed, with the exception of foreign words that do not have commonly used analogues in the Russian language.

7. The mandatory use of the state language of the Russian Federation should not be interpreted as a denial or derogation of the right to use the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation

The legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, other federal laws, Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 N 1807-I "On languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating language problems.

Article 3. Areas of use of the state language of the Russian Federation

1. The state language of the Russian Federation is subject to mandatory use:

1) in the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership, including in the activities of record keeping;

2) in the names of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership;

3) during the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums;

4) in constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative proceedings, legal proceedings in arbitration courts, office work in federal courts, legal proceedings and office work before justices of the peace and in other courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

6) in the relationships between federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership and citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, public associations;

7) when writing names of geographical objects, applying inscriptions to road signs;

8) when preparing identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, preparing forms of certificates of state registration of acts of civil status, processing educational documents issued by educational institutions with state accreditation, as well as other documents, the registration of which in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, when registering the addresses of senders and recipients of telegrams and postal items sent within the Russian Federation, postal money transfers;

9) in the activities of all-Russian, regional and municipal television and radio broadcasting organizations, editorial offices of all-Russian, regional and municipal periodicals, with the exception of the activities of television and radio broadcasting organizations and editorial offices of periodicals established specifically for television and (or) radio broadcasting or publication of printed materials on state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages, and also with the exception of cases where the use of vocabulary that does not comply with the norms of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation is an integral part of the artistic concept;

11) in other areas determined by federal laws.

2. In cases of use in the areas specified in part 1 of this article, along with the state language of the Russian Federation of the state language of the republic located in the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or a foreign language, texts in Russian and in the state language of the republic located as part of the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or a foreign language, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must be identical in content and technical design, made legibly, sound information (including in audio and audiovisual materials, television and radio programs) in Russian and the specified information in the state language of the republic that is part of the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or a foreign language, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must also be identical in content, sound and methods of transmission.

3. The provisions of Part 2 of this article do not apply to brand names, trademarks, service marks, as well as television and radio programs, audio and audiovisual materials, printed publications intended for teaching the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages.

Article 4. Protection and support of the state language of the Russian Federation

In order to protect and support the state language of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, within their competence:

1) ensure the functioning of the state language of the Russian Federation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation;

2) develop and adopt federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, develop and implement relevant federal target programs aimed at protecting and supporting the state language of the Russian Federation;

3) take measures aimed at ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation;

4) take measures to improve the education system and the system of training specialists in the field of the Russian language and teachers of the Russian language as a foreign language, and also carry out the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for educational institutions with training in Russian outside the Russian Federation;

5) promote the study of the Russian language outside the Russian Federation;

6) carry out state support publications of dictionaries and grammars of the Russian language;

7) exercise control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation;

8) take other measures to protect and support the state language of the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation

1. Ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language of the Russian Federation provides for:

1) obtaining education in Russian in state and municipal educational institutions;

2) obtaining information in Russian from federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and others government agencies, local government bodies, organizations of all forms of ownership;

3) obtaining information in Russian through all-Russian, regional and municipal media. This provision does not apply to media outlets established specifically for television and (or) radio broadcasting or publishing printed materials in the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages.

2. Persons who do not speak the state language of the Russian Federation, in the implementation and protection of their rights and legitimate interests on the territory of the Russian Federation in cases provided for by federal laws, are provided with the right to use the services of translators.

Article 6. Responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state language of the Russian Federation

1. Adoption of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation aimed at limiting the use of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as other actions and violations that impede the exercise of the right of citizens to use the state language Russian Federation entail liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Violation of this Federal Law entails liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president
Russian Federation
V. Putin

Oddly enough, not only Russians live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Our country is full of diverse peoples. Accordingly, there are also plenty of dialects they speak. What are the languages ​​of Russia?

What is a language family

Any dialect existing in the world belongs to one or another language family. The languages ​​represent fourteen different families. Before we talk about them in more detail, we should understand what a language family is.

So, a language family is a group of languages ​​that have something in common. They all once originated from one thing in common. A language family is the largest unit. One such family may have several language groups. For example, there is a Slavic group, which includes Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other languages ​​related to ours.

Language families on the territory of the Russian Federation

As mentioned above, as many as 14 language families coexist in our country. Only four of them are most numerously represented: Indo-European (the state language in the Russian Federation, by the way, also belongs to this family - Russian), Altai, Caucasian and Uralic. The Indo-European language family includes 89 percent of the languages ​​of Russia, the remaining eleven are almost evenly divided between the three remaining families.

Languages ​​of the Russian Federation

So, what languages ​​are spoken in Russia? It is important to understand that many adverbs that are part of a particular language family no longer exist by now. Their disappearance occurs due to the lack of carriers - as a rule, small indigenous peoples who are gradually dying out.

So, what languages ​​are spoken in Russia? To answer this question more thoroughly, it is necessary to touch upon at least four main families in our country in more detail.

Living adverbs

It is worth noting the living languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. There are forty living languages ​​in the Indo-European family, which are represented on the territory of the Russian Federation. Of these, the largest number are Russian speakers - almost one hundred and thirty-seven million people. There are significantly fewer speakers of Ukrainian (approximately one million one hundred thousand), Belarusian (one hundred seventy-four thousand) and Polish (sixty-seven thousand people). All these dialects belong, by the way, to the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family.

National composition The population of the Russian Federation is so diverse that the dialects of other groups of the Indo-European language family are also widely represented on its territory. True, there are not so many native speakers of them anymore, so they cannot be compared with the Russian language and its brothers.

For example, the Armenian branch is represented by Eastern and Western Armenian languages, the Baltic branch by Latvian and Lithuanian. From the Germanic group, Swedish, German, Low German and Yiddish are spoken in Russia. Among the Iranian languages ​​in Russia there are Ossetian, Pashto, Tajik, Rushani, Kurdish and others. Romanian, French, Italian are also common in our country and belong to the Romance group of the Indo-European language family.

When answering the question about what languages ​​are spoken in Russia, we must not forget about the Caucasian family. It includes fifty living languages. These include Kabardino-Circassian (half a million speakers), Adyghe (one hundred and seventeen thousand people speak it), Urakhin (about seventy-three thousand), Ingush (three hundred and five thousand), Georgian (almost one hundred and seventy-one thousand people).

There are twenty-three living dialects represented, such as Estonian (fifteen and a half thousand speakers), Finnish (almost thirty-nine thousand), Komi-Zyryan (one hundred fifty-six thousand people), Udmurt (three hundred twenty-four thousand), Nenets ( twenty two thousand people).

The Altai language family on the territory of Russia is represented by forty-one dialects. These are Evenki (four thousand eight hundred speakers), Chuvash (just over a million speakers), Khakass (forty-two thousand people), Turkmen (thirty thousand), Kazakh (four hundred and one thousand people). Of course, in fact, in each of these families there are many more languages ​​that live side by side on the territory of one of our countries (let’s not forget about ten more language families that are not so widely represented), but to list them all within one a small article is not possible.

Dead adverbs

There are also Russia. In the four language families mentioned above, there are also adverbs whose speakers no longer exist. There are not many of them. In the Caucasian family these are the Ubykh language and Sadz dialect, in the Ural family - Meryan, Yuratsky, Kamasinsky, Babinsky, Sami and Mator-Taigian-Karagas languages. The Indo-European and Altaic families do not have dead languages.

Moreover, similar dialects exist in other language families. There are four extinct languages ​​in the Yenisei language family, two in the Yukaghir-Chuvan language family, three in the Chukchi-Kamchatka family, two in the Eskimo-Aleutian language family, and two in the Ainu language family.

The most common languages ​​in Russia

If you believe fifteen years ago, the inhabitants of our country speak more than one hundred and fifty languages. The most common of them, as already mentioned, is of course Russian. The top ten most popular languages ​​also include Tatar, Chechen, Bashkir, Ukrainian, Armenian, Kabardino-Circassian and some others.

But the most uncommon languages ​​of Russia are, for example, Yugish (only one person speaks it, and it is not known for certain whether he is alive - the latest information about him is dated last year), Bakwe, Sesotho, Hiri-Motu (also one person each ), Monegacan, Nuba, Rushan (two speakers each) and so on.

Languages ​​of Siberia and the Far East

It is in these regions that many people live interesting story, traditions, customs and, of course, with their own languages. For example, the Yugi (or rather, their last living representative) are precisely the Siberian people. And there are a lot of such tribes here. It is not even possible to find out reliably about the life and existence of many of them at the moment.

Among the Indo-European languages, Siberians and Far Easterners speak Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, German and Low German. From the Ural - in Mansi, Khanty, Enets, Nganasan, Nenets, Selkup. From Altai - in Even, Evenki, Nanai, Buryat, Mongolian, Khakass, Shor and others (this language family in Siberia and Far East presented most fully).

The question of what languages ​​are spoken in Russia cannot be answered specifically - there are too many of them. Russia is a multinational country, and there are just as many different dialects and dialects in it. The number of disappeared languages ​​directly indicates that previously there were even more peoples in our country. And this is already separate and very interesting topic for studying.

Dictionaries give approximately the following definition: language is a system of signs that serves as a means of communication between people, the result of thinking and expression. With its help, we understand the world and form a personality. Language conveys information, controls human behavior, and in the state it serves to ensure that people - officials and ordinary citizens - understand each other as much as possible.

State language of Russia

Now about the state language. This concept is more in-depth, since each country, each state has its own national characteristics. But the fundamental principles are the same. So, let's look directly at the state language of Russia and what it is. According to the country's Constitution, this is the language that is used in legislation, office work, legal proceedings and other areas of social and public life. This is the language in which the government communicates with its citizens. It publishes laws, publishes official documents and conducts official government correspondence. The state language of Russia is used by the media (mainly, but not to the detriment of national ones), it is the language of instruction in schools, universities and other educational institutions. The Constitution of the country (Article 68) establishes that the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its vast territory is Russian.

National languages

But this does not mean at all that others, for example Ukrainian, Tatar, Kalmyk, are somehow worse. This does not mean that all Russian citizens, without exception, should speak only Russian among themselves. But nevertheless, in any corner of Russia, all government officials - judges, police officers, mayors, governors - must know Russian. So, to the question of how many official languages ​​there are in Russia, there is only one answer: Russian!

Other options

Along with this, the republics, autonomies (districts and regions) that are part of the Russian Federation also have the right to introduce for widespread use on their territory those languages ​​with which the local population communicates. So, according to the latest data, together with Russian, 49 languages ​​do not have official status! In other countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Abkhazia, the Transnistrian Republic) Russian is also used as the official language.

Simple example

The official language of Russia is Russian. And if, for example, a Yakut reindeer herder flies to a resort in Ossetia, then he has no problems checking into a hotel or, if necessary, purchasing medications at a pharmacy. A young, pretty Ossetian pharmacist smiles knowingly and fulfills the order. But the hero reindeer herder has nothing to worry about. He knows that on the packaging of tablets or powder the instructions for use are also written in Russian, a language he understands. Since in his huge power the official language is Russian, then there are problems with reading this kind no texts.

Who owns the language?

Thus, we can conclude: the state, declaring that the state language of Russia is Russian, defining it as its official language, undertakes to always understand whoever addresses it. The President, as the head of the Russian Federation, makes sure that he strictly fulfills his obligation. The question naturally arises: “Who owns this very Russian language - the Yakuts, the Karelians? In our time, when Russia united many peoples with their historical language, the language of their ancestors into one state, this particular one has become the property of all the peoples who now live under its flag. It would be pompous to say that the Russian Federation as a state is proud of each of the languages ​​on its multinational list, but the fact that preserving them is a task of special importance is beyond doubt. It is natural and natural that all peoples living in Russia have such a language. the opportunity is to communicate in one (Russian) language and at the same time speak freely, without restrictions of the existing authorities, in everyday life in the language of our ancestors.

According to the results of the latest Russian population census, it turned out that today representatives of 160 nationalities live in the Russian Federation. Of course, each of them has its own, special and different language. It is difficult to imagine how representatives of different nationalities would understand each other if a Russian had not come to their aid.

Perceived need

It goes without saying that any citizen who wishes to become or public figure, will not do without knowledge of the Russian language. And the state, in turn, provides its subjects with such an opportunity. If a citizen does not intend to enter the service of the state, this does not mean that the Russian language will not be useful to him in life. Everyday life. After all, this is not only an opportunity to convey your voice, your opinion from any corner of the vast country. These are also rich cultural traditions: songs, poems, books. And it would be reckless not to hear and know all this.

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