Find out who sings online. How to find a song without knowing the title and artist

Did you like a song you heard by chance, but don’t know the title or artist? If you remember even a small fragment of the melody, you have a chance to find it. How? Using online music recognition services.

We offer an overview of nine web resources that can help you determine the name of many musical compositions in all languages ​​of the world. So…

is one of the most famous ringtone recognition services. It is convenient and easy to use - just press the “Click and Sing or Hum” button and hum into the microphone for 10 seconds or play a recording of the song you are looking for. The result depends on the accuracy of the reproduction.

If you have vocal abilities, the program will recognize the composition the first time, and if not, you can repeat the search or sing another passage. By the way, Midomi understands not only singing, including without words, but also whistling.

We tried to use Midomi to determine the names of songs in Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish by playing back low-quality fragments recorded on the phone. All three were recognized quickly and correctly.

Also quite a well-known resource. Online music recognition using it is performed as follows:

  • record a 15-45 second fragment of the song you are looking for using any audio recording program and save it on your computer;
  • open the service’s web page, click the “Browse” button (“Select file”) and upload the recorded fragment to the site;
  • After downloading, confirm that you are a human - enter the captcha;
  • in 5-10 seconds the service will give you the result.

The experiment with the same three excerpts was again successful: all songs were identified correctly.


The service is also well known to domestic and foreign music lovers, but we got the impression that it is somewhat outdated or abandoned. To use it, you need to install a client - a music recognition program on Mac OS or Windows. By the way, only Windows 2000/XP is officially supported.

We tried to install Tinatic on Windows 8.1 and, oddly enough, we succeeded. But it was not possible to connect to the server, since the latter is constantly “unreachable”. For this reason, we were unable to check how the online service works.

Audiggle is similar to Tinatic in that it also requires you to install a client program, but its capabilities are somewhat broader. In addition to songs, the resource offers identification of music from videos, TV shows, films, etc. In addition, using Audiggle, you can search for lyrics of musical compositions.

The disadvantage of Audiggle, in our opinion, is the need to register on the site and the mandatory installation of the program. By the way, it only exists for Windows users. Otherwise, this service does not cause any complaints.

The service is compared with social network, since users help each other recognize music on it. After registration, you will have access to the function of recording a melody - just click the “Post a sample” button and sing a section of the song through the microphone. When saving a recording, you will need to specify the music genre, and then wait until one of the users can recognize it. This may take weeks and months.

WatZatSong has only one advantage - if automation is powerless, sometimes people can help. You can also help other users identify their melodies.

NameMyTune is another human-recognizable online service, but it's easier to use than WatZatSong. No registration required. To get help recognizing the song, click on the “Find the name of a song” button. In the next window, indicate the music genre, the time interval when the song appeared, and your e-mail. After that, press the record button and sing.

If you want to help other people recognize the songs they are looking for, click the “Listen to other people’s tunes” button in the main window, listen to excerpts and suggest your own versions.

is a unique service that can recognize songs not only by sound, but also by rhythm, notes and other properties. You can choose from: sing, play a passage on a virtual piano, write down notes, fill in the rhythm by pressing the keys, or create an “outline” of the melody, noting the rise and fall of the tone.

We tested how Musipedia could recognize music from a passage when recording from a microphone and when trying to play it on the piano. In the first case the result was positive, in the second - negative.

Reminiscent of a simplified version of Musipedia: it has only one way to download the desired melody - play it on a virtual piano. The service assures that playing it is not difficult, and even a person far from music can cope with it. As you play, notes appear on the lined panel, which you can move, remove, add, and also listen to what you got.

Additionally, the site has a function to search for songs by title and artist names.

Our attempts to play an excerpt from a rather simple song ended in failure. We spent a lot of time, but Melodycatcher could not find it. However, he suggested several other songs that sounded similar.

— the only Russian-language service. Offers to find music by the rhythm that you tap on your keyboard. It doesn’t recognize everything, but only very rhythmic melodies, like “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.”

Based on the results of your efforts, Ritmoteka displays several names of suitable songs. This resource can be recommended to users who do not have a microphone, but have a good sense of rhythm.

Which online music recognition service is the best? In our opinion, the most convenient is Midomi, and the most versatile in terms of capabilities are Audiggle and Musipedia. The latter will be more useful to people who know how to play musical instruments.

Surely, you have had moments when you heard a song on TV, on the radio or on some music website. You really liked this song, the tune stuck in your head, but you didn’t know who performed this song or what the song itself was called. You wanted to know the name of the song so you could download it. It turns out that there are several ways to determine the artist of a song from a fragment, or at least try to figure out what the song is. I'll try to help you with this.

How to find out who sings a song?

To search for artists, there are several online services and separate programs for searching for the artist and song title by fragment. Who sings the song and how do you find out the name of the song you liked?

Midomi online tool

An online service for searching for artist and song title is located at

The service records music through a microphone and searches for the artist and song title in an extensive database. To search for a song, you need to go to the service page, click the “Click and sign or hum” button. You will be prompted to allow access to your camera and microphone. We allow it.

After this, audio recording from the microphone will begin. You can bring a microphone connected to your computer to the TV, speakers where the song is playing, or simply hum the song into the microphone. Personally, when checking the work of the title and artist search site, I hummed into the microphone. 10-30 seconds of recording will be enough. Next, click on the same “Click to stop” button. The service will save and send the recorded fragment to the server, make a comparison and display search results. In my case I received

For most foreign compositions, this service does an excellent job, even with new releases, if the volume of the music was normal for recording through a microphone, and extraneous noise did not make adjustments. I recommend this service to find out the name of the song and who sings it.

This free program for song recognition. The program records music through a microphone or line input of the computer, and then communicates with servers where the fragment is compared with existing recordings.

The program shows worse performance in comparison with the Midomi service, but it successfully identifies most foreign performers. So you have a chance to find the artist and song title by fragment. The program cannot recognize most Russian songs.

How to find out the name of a song on a smartphone

If you have a song on your phone whose name you don’t know, but want to find out. Or you just want to find out who performs this song, there is a great program for smartphones - Shazam. This program allows you to determine the artist of many songs, as it has an extensive base for comparison. Working with shazam couldn't be easier.

To use the program, you must have Internet access from your smartphone. Launch the Shazam service, press the button at the bottom in the middle of the screen - the program will start listening to the melody and searching for it in the database. In addition to the name of the song and the artist, you can find out the album in which the song was published, and you will find a video for this song.

How do you like it? -

And again I greet you, dear friends. Please tell me, have you ever heard a song on the radio, just somewhere on the Internet, or do you have a specific unknown file with a song or fragment? And if you suddenly liked this composition, then you naturally want to find out who performs this song. Am I right?

So today I will tell you how to find out what song is playing on the radio or from another source. It’s actually cool that there are such services now. It’s true that such things only helped me once, but I just don’t use it. In general, these services help people all the time. Let's get started.

Music on the radio

If you caught a glimpse of a song on the radio and liked it, then don’t rush to be upset that you didn’t hear the name of the artist. The main thing is to remember the time at which the composition was played, and of course the radio itself.

On the same site you can also find a slightly different composition. If you know the radio station on which this music was played, then click on the “Radio” menu. Then select sorting, for example by frequency, and look for radio in the list. After that click "Entire playlist for today" and scroll to right time.

Well, there you will already find who at what time was able to please you with their composition. See again, I found what I was looking for. By the way, I named the time at random and just at that time my favorite band “Agatha Christie” was playing on the radio, cool).


Of all the computer recognition programs and online services, this one is probably the best. Good at looking for compositions. Moreover, at first I thought that only foreign compositions were being searched. But it turned out that he is great at finding Russian performers. True, to work with the program you need a microphone, since you will need to play the composition to the service on the fly.

Go to the site, connect the microphone to the computer, play a section of the song and click on the “Click and Sing or Hum” button. You should see a sign asking you for permission to use a microphone. Click allow and wait for midomi to analyze your composition (10 seconds).

After this, you will be given the result itself. Well, how is it right? Personally, everything came together for me. I hope you do too.

Using a mobile phone

Probably the most the right way find your favorite song using your pocket friend, that is, an Android or IPhone smartphone.

For this you only need download the application called "Shazam". This application works over the Internet, but it is really powerful.

It's easy to use. You just need to turn on the application, start the music and hold the phone to the speaker for a few seconds. And it doesn’t matter where the song comes from - on the radio, from a friend’s phone or from a video from YouTube, shazam will find and show you who performs the song and what it’s called. Shazam helped me with this composition. Great.


Quite a good service for recognizing sound files. But there is a minus: the service only works with audio files, that is, it does not recognize songs that are broadcast in at the moment. You specifically need an audio file in MP3, WAV, OGG format (at least a 10-second excerpt), even if not in the best quality.

Go to service website and click on the “Browse” button, then select the audio clip on your computer. After that, click “Upload” and solve a simple mathematical example, and after a short time (10-15 seconds) you will be shown basic information on this composition.

I tried to do this on the same composition as the previous time, namely the Tracktor Bowling group with the composition “Yours”. And what did I see? The name of the band and the year of the song were displayed to me. This is all true. But instead of the title of the song and the name of the album, question marks seemed to me.

At first I thought that he just somehow didn’t recognize it, because I deliberately cut off a piece of the song and resaved it so that all the information on it would be erased. But then I calculated that the number of question marks corresponds to the number of letters. That is, in the Title column (the title of the song) there is ????, which corresponds to the name “Yours” (four characters each), and in the album title there is ??????? ?? ?????, which corresponds to “Half a year until spring.”

Everything is correct. Hence the conclusion that the program detects well, but does not register Russian characters.

It seems easy, doesn’t it? Try it yourself. And please write in the comments which method you personally prefer. I'm just curious to know about this. I would just highlight Shazam and then midomi.

And of course, none of these services is a panacea. Of course there will be compositions that she cannot identify. This can happen due to various circumstances. But still, these are really good devices and in the vast majority of cases they do their job.

Well, that's all I have for today. I hope you liked my article. And to keep abreast of everything new and interesting, I recommend that you subscribe to blog updates. In the meantime, you can read other articles. I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

The easiest way to find a song online is if you remember at least one line from it - look for it on the Internet using Google search in the form of an exact query, and the result will almost never disappoint you. How can you find a song based on a fragment of the melody if you don’t remember the line, don’t hear it, or don’t understand the language of the song? The following services will help you.


The service allows you to find out how to find a song by melody online - by the whole composition or by its excerpt. You can switch to the Russian version in the upper left corner home page website.

All you need to do is upload the melody you are interested in to the site or insert a link to another resource on the Internet where this file is located. If you heard music somewhere by chance, and you don’t have the opportunity to upload it to the site, then try to remember the melody and record it on a voice recorder so that you can later upload at least this recording to the site.

The creators of the service still recommend searching for music by downloading not a whole track, but a fragment lasting up to 45 seconds. After downloading the excerpt, you will have to wait about half a minute before the service has time to analyze the information received. At the end of the analysis, the service will display the name and artist of the track, or several names to choose from if it was difficult to identify the song.

The site works with file formats such as .mp3, .ogg and .wav.


The website will also help you find a song by excerpt online. It is more convenient than the previous service in that you do not need to upload an audio file to the site - the only important thing is that your computer or laptop has a working microphone.

You will need to press the record button and give the program access to the microphone, after which the melody will be recorded for ten seconds. You just have to bring the sound source closer to the computer. When the search is completed, you will see its results: artist name, music album cover and track title. If the song has a video clip, the service will also offer to watch it. Below will be a list of the remaining tracks from the album and the opportunity to familiarize yourself with their half-minute fragments.


Another convenient desktop program for Mac OS and OS Windows that allows you to find a song by excerpt. Its database is huge - more than 8 million musical compositions, although it does not always satisfy user requests.

Despite the fact that the program interface is presented on English, you should not have any difficulties in using it. Tunatic works on the principle of recording sound from the outside, so turn on the microphone and start recording music by pressing the button with a magnifying glass. Make sure the melody you are recording is different good quality and sounds loud enough, otherwise the search may not take place. After this, wait a little until the program can find the song by excerpt and display the result.


Perhaps the most famous service today, which allows you to recognize a song by excerpt. It is an application for mobile devices based on iOS and Android and Windows Phone and BlackBerry smartphones. Users of OS Windows 8 can also try the application using a special version of Shazam for the desktop.

You can install the application absolutely free on It is loved by users because it searches for music by excerpt better than other services, for its convenient and functional design and accessibility directly from mobile phone.

A working device microphone and Internet access are all you need when using the service. The principle of operation is the same as that of other applications that allow you to find a song by passage: press a button, record the sound for a few seconds and wait for the results.


This app is Shazam's main rival, so there aren't many differences between them. But there is one fundamental thing: SoundHound will not help you find a song in Russian by excerpt - this segment is simply not present in the application database. But he sometimes manages to find even the rarest tracks of little-known or unpopular musical genres.

The composition can either be recorded from another source, or you can sing it yourself. Download the app for free at, the App Store or Google Play.

How to record audio from a computer to search for a song without a microphone, see here:

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The most common way to search for music by its fragment is through numerous online services that have many songs in their music library, and if a track cannot be found, then the service can find it via the Internet. Will be needed similar programs may be when a user hears a new song on the radio or in a YouTube video and needs to find it.

Using Midomi

Midomi is an online service designed to recognize music content. In order to activate the search function, the user needs to enter a piece of text either by pressing the corresponding key enable recognition sound. As a rule, search takes quite a bit of time (less than 10 seconds).

Before you start listening to the program you will need give permission to use a microphone (sound will pass through it).

After all the necessary data has been received, the user will appear song, its cover, as well as Name performer or Name groups. In addition, you will be asked to search for it video clip, and below the search page all recordings from the artist will be displayed (they are available for listening in the form of demo excerpts that are available for purchase).


  • Large music library.
  • Possibility of online recognition.
  • Fast search speed.


  • Songs for listening are paid.
  • Not all Russian-language compositions are recognized.

AudioTag service

AudioTag is a free service with which you can recognize the title of the composition and the name of its artist. In order for the service to fully recognize the song, it is necessary download her excerpt, which could be found on the Internet or pre-recorded. You can also provide link to the music file of interest.

The service is able to work with many formats. For example, such as: MP3, WAV, OGG. The service also has well-implemented multilingual user support. The file processing process is slightly longer than the previous program (from 20 seconds to half a minute).


  • Accurate track recognition.
  • Free to use and listen to music.


  • The need to download a pre-recorded file.
  • Lack of online work.

Programs for identifying songs

In order to identify a song by excerpt, there are not only online services, but also special programs, which work an order of magnitude better and are more convenient.


Shazam is a cross-platform project with which you can look for information about different music tracks. Support The software is implemented on a variety of desktop and mobile platforms (Windows, Android, Blackbury OS and iOS). Online version missing.

Regardless of the platform, the application is installed for free and very quickly. In just a few seconds it is ready for use.

For full functionality of the software it is necessary internet connection(wireless or mobile). To get started, the user needs to click on the button labeled I'm listening. In just a few seconds it will be displayed result.


  • Widely supported and free.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Accurate recognition.

Cons the application was not found.


SoundHound is similar to Shazam mobile application the main difference, which is the direct integration with the Midomi service. That is, in some cases, recognition will be better through this software.


  • Widespread support and availability.
  • Direct integration with Midomi.
  • Excellent recognition.

Cons not found.

Magic MP3 Tagger

Exists several versions programs: paid and free. The first allows you to create your own extended music library of content, and using the second limited to search music.


  • Possibility to create your own music library.
  • Advanced song search.
  • Ability to work offline.


Sound Search for Google Play

In new versions of Android there is built-in the ability to search for songs is a special widget that is available in a special menu, and for convenience, it can be placed on the desktop.

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