The cross of Svarog is the meaning of the amulet. Amulet Svarog - use of an ancient Slavic symbol

Wearing amulets helps a person emphasize his best character traits, as well as get rid of shortcomings that significantly poison his life. The Svarog amulet is useful for those who cannot overcome their bad habits, such as addiction to alcohol, drugs and smoking. This decoration can relieve negative thoughts, depression, laziness, stubbornness and indifference, and also give its owner confidence, courage, determination, and brings happiness, peace of mind, good luck and peace of mind.

There are several varieties of this talisman, which differ in appearance and have unique properties and value:


Amulet hammer of Svarog. This symbol has a special energy that awakens the desire to work, become more resilient and successfully achieve your goals. But you can achieve what you want only through honest work and noble intentions. The amulet of Svarog's hammer makes its owner more persistent, decisive, resilient and patient.

The best option would be for people who do hard work and often experience stress.

Star (Cross)

The star or cross of Svarog is a symbol of the four cardinal directions, greatness and beauty. The design of this symbol is often used in embroidery in order to protect its owner from negative influence otherworldly forces. Provides protection and help in difficult times.

Suitable for women, men and children who experience health problems of varying severity and degree. It has the ability to heal the body from illness and gives spiritual harmony.

One of the amulets that has the same.


The Svarog Square is a symbol of the heavenly blacksmith. It is worth choosing representatives of creative professions who have a unique gift for creating beautiful and practical things. Reveals a person’s creative abilities and hidden capabilities, gives inspiration and additional strength.

Suitable only for representatives of the stronger sex; women should not wear this amulet.


The Wheel of Svarog symbolizes the cycle of events in life, forward movement and endless striving. The owner of this talisman will experience material wealth and family well-being. In addition, it also brings good health, good luck and peace of mind to the owner. It will be an excellent assistant for those who sometimes find it difficult to find harmony between their personal life and career. It is better to choose a product made of wood; options include maple, pine, oak or ash.


Svarog, the God of the Slavs, with his power brings a person closer to higher powers, and his symbol:

  • Protects from the influence of otherworldly or negative forces, removes from communication with unpleasant people who cause mental anxiety.
  • Makes a person more purposeful and self-confident, helping to achieve their own goals faster.
  • Strengthens family ties, making relationships with relatives closer and stronger.
  • Brings good luck, which becomes a faithful companion throughout life's journey.
  • Gives wisdom, determination and helps to accept right decisions during difficult situations.
  • Helps to establish relationships with people whose connection has long been lost.
  • Reveals a person’s creative abilities and gives constant inspiration.
  • Protects from conflict situations, scandals, unpleasant situations and accidents.
  • Cleanses the soul of negative emotions, worries and stress, filling it with warmth and happiness.
  • Gives only positive thoughts and faith in the future.
  • Helps you find your purpose and the right path.

Such a beautiful and unusual amulet eliminates the desire to act dishonestly, deceive and do things that cause significant harm to other people.

Who is it suitable for?

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is important to know for whom the Slavic amulet Svarozhich is suitable, and for whom it is better to refrain from purchasing. In general, it is suitable for both men and women, except for the square version. It is exclusively masculine. Everyone else fully reveals their capabilities, regardless of gender.

The Slavic amulet Svarozhich is especially needed by those people who:

  1. They have lost the meaning of life and are in a depressed state.
  2. Suffer from alcoholism, are under the influence of drugs, or are prone to excessive smoking.
  3. Excessively addicted to gambling.
  4. Tend to spend large number money for unnecessary things.
  5. They often get sick and often feel unwell.
  6. Whose life is connected with extreme sports and hard physical labor - stuntmen, firefighters, people in military professions and others. It protects life and maintains health. Same .
  7. They are forced to give their emotions to their professions - social workers, teachers, doctors, creative people, and so on.
  8. Representatives of a creative calling will receive a dose of inspiration, new strength and impressions thanks to this talisman.
  9. They occupy a high position and have serious obligations to other people - the head of a large company, an official, a person in any other leadership position.

How to wear

It is better to wear it in the form of jewelry so that it is always close to the owner. It is preferable to store it directly in a house or apartment, but you must choose a secluded place that is away from prying eyes. Suitable for use as a pendant. Suitable not only for men, but also for the fair sex, and will also be an excellent protector for a child of any age.

It is important to remember that the chain for such a pendant must be made of high-quality silver. You can also use natural fabric, elastic leather, suede and other materials. It is allowed to be worn only after the cleansing process, which has strict rules, because only after this action will the amulet reveal all its unique qualities.

It is better not to combine with other jewelry, as well as other amulets. Multiple options at the same time can have unexpected effects and even unpleasant consequences. Exception - . If any damage is noticeable on the amulet, wearing it is strictly prohibited.

How to clean

In order for the amulet to help its owner in all endeavors, you need to know some rules of care.

It is important to remember that the cleansing process is a mandatory requirement.

Wearing the talisman without first cleaning it is strictly prohibited. The reason lies in the fact that foreign energy from the former owner can kill everything magical abilities decorations.

You can cleanse using two strong elements - water and fire. In domestic conditions, ordinary water (preferably holy) and a small candle are used. First you need to lower the amulet into a container of water and leave it there for a while. During the next step, you need to be especially careful and careful - you need to hold the pendant over the candle flame until it becomes very hot. After cooling, the ritual can be considered completed and it is allowed to put the jewelry on the body.

Remembers that this amulet requires careful and regular care.

It is important to cleanse once a year or every six months. To get rid of accumulated energy, it is important to place the product in a sufficient amount of salt or earth for some time. After this, it is recommended to keep the talisman in clean water within two to three hours.

Then you need to wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth and hold it over the fire, passing it over the flame three times (it is important to remember that fire from a gas stove is considered artificial and is absolutely not suitable for such manipulation). The last manipulation will be fumigation of the product with incense. After complete cleansing, the talisman can be worn further.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Svarog is the god of the sky, in mythology he is the ancestor of the forces of nature, the creator of the earth and symbolizes the four cardinal directions. In translation, the name “Svarog” has several meanings - “heaven”, “walking in the sky”, “heavenly creator”, “heavenly fire”. The name of this god is inextricably linked with such magical symbols as the “cross of Svarog” and “Alatyr shield”.

What is known about the appearance of the Alatyr stone

According to legend, Svarog found a magic stone on the island of Buyan, God cast a spell over it and increased it to enormous sizes, with which he foamed the ocean. The moisture solidified and formed the first land. Magical Alatyr was used for many purposes - creating heavenly warriors and heavenly light, maintaining the Tree of Peace. Carved on the surface of Alatyr are wise, universal laws and the most important knowledge through which the gods communicate with people. After some time, a temple was built around the stone, and the word “altar” appeared, meaning the most important and holy place in the church. Protective symbols - amulets with the power of stone - appeared in people's everyday life.

Cross of Svarog - magical meaning

The form of the amulet is based on the “golden” law, according to which the harmonious and full development of the Universe is possible in conditions of the unity of the masculine and feminine principles. The graphic embodiment of this rule - the union of male and female crosses gives a powerful protective symbol - an eight-pointed star with a ninth, main point in the center. The power of the amulet is concentrated precisely in its belonging to the number nine, which has long been considered the number of God. The special significance of the figure was as follows:

  • There are nine chakras concentrated on the human body;
  • eight sacred bonfires were lit in the temples, and a ninth burned at their intersections;
  • A person's life is built on eight life stages.

As a symbol, the eight-pointed star means the Universe and is associated with constant development. As a talisman, the sign has a special meaning:

  • first of all, this is the starting point of the World, from which all living things emerged from the grace of the Lord;
  • the amulet means the unity of the entire family;
  • It is also the connection of humanity with higher powers.

How our ancestors used the Alatyr Shield amulet

The symbol was revered as a source of divine power and wisdom. Modern researchers do not confirm the existence of a magic stone, but according to myths and legends, Alatyr was located on Buyan Island, and the Russian hero Ilya Muromets pitched a tent near this magical place.

1. You need to choose and buy a symbol, as well as make it yourself, without involving relatives and friends.

2. It is better to give preference to a product made of gold or silver.

3. If you received the talisman as a gift, pay attention to the giver. If you have the slightest doubt about a person’s sincerity, do not use the amulet. In this case, the amulet may harm you. Only a sign that is given with a pure heart and good thoughts will help.

One of the main Slavic gods is able to give protection to the clan if you wear the Svarog amulet. IN present moment They are increasingly turning to the sources in search of strength and protection. Such a talisman allows you to receive help not only from the god of Fire, but also from all his children, revered in Rus'.

This article will let you know:

The meaning of Svarozhich and its types

The Slavic amulet is well known to those who study culture Ancient Rus'. Svarog is the father of the powerful deities Perun, Svetovid, Lado and others. His children are usually called Svarozhichi. All of them, in their own way, are responsible for the power of fire. Svarog also created the earth, and on it plains, mountains and rivers. That is why he is classified as a creator.

The owner of the amulet receives not only the protection of Svarog, but also of the entire clan. Traditionally, this sign is considered masculine. Fire is not only a symbol of life, but also a method of cleansing, including from dark forces. For this artifact to become a personal protector, a person’s thoughts must be pure. The Slavic sign is also capable of:

  • give confidence and eliminate doubts;
  • strengthen family ties;
  • increase persistence and desire to achieve goals;
  • protect from dark forces;
  • help with creativity;
  • improve business qualities.

The name Svarog was associated with the four cardinal directions, which is why it was customary to use a cross in amulets, which is also called the symbol of the heavenly blacksmith. This type shows the greatness and patronage of the blacksmith of the world. Most often used in embroidery.

There are options that resemble two lenses that frame a square. This symbol is more common among people whose activities are related to crafts.

The symbol of the Svarozhichi often strengthens a separate sign - the hammer. This artifact reminds you that you need to work honestly to achieve your desired goal. Only those who are able to take their will into a fist are helped by the power of life-giving fire. If a woman has chosen a male profession, she can purchase such a talisman for herself in order to strengthen the qualities necessary in her work. But L, a female Slavic symbol, is more suitable for women.

The symbolic image of flames as the most common type of amulets has a sacred meaning. Each language is like a separate branch of the family of gods, and, therefore, their power. The amulet may resemble a square. In this version, it is more used by creative people and artisans.

How to make a talisman with your own hands?

Lovers of precious metals can buy a ready-made Svarozhich amulet. Or you can make it yourself. Modern technologies make it possible to create a talisman from the following materials:

  • wood (birch is best);
  • plastic;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • copper;
  • textile.

Do-it-yourself symbol application on clothing in the form of embroidery, including beads, or special indelible paints is widespread.

But before starting to create it, the author must undergo a cleansing ritual. To do this:

  • you should visit the bathhouse, where you steam three times and wash your body;
  • during the week before starting work, try to avoid heavy thoughts and not wish harm to other people;
  • if you can’t cope with your internal energy, light a candle and carefully wrap it around your head so that the fire burns away all the bad things.

The drawing of Svarozhichi is simple and can be easily transferred to other materials. The picture can always be before your eyes during embroidery, which is considered the most strong option amulets. It is necessary to ensure that there are no knots or tangled threads on the back, otherwise the powers of the sign are destroyed.

How to speak a Slavic symbol?

Before wearing, Slavic Svarog must undergo the procedure of unification with its new owner. Regardless of whether the amulet was purchased or decided to make it yourself, a sacred conspiracy is pronounced.

The artifact must be carried over a burning fire. This could be the flame of a fire or a candle. Make sure that the sign is not covered with black. The following conspiracy should be pronounced:

“Kind of fire, power of heaven, help me find and maintain my inner fire. Svarozhich, open your world to me. I open my soul and ask you to deliver it from the darkness of the night.”

Then during the day you need to wear the Svarog amulet as close to the body as possible. Ideally near the heart. Then, over the course of a week, they get used to the artifact, listening to their own feelings. Not everyone has this magic sign able to get along with him. It is especially difficult for women to get along with Svarog. If a person experiences discomfort, he will have to part with the symbol for some time. When the amulet is not worn, it must be hidden from prying eyes. Also, it cannot be transferred to other persons, even heirs by blood.

Using Svarog

The sign can be placed:

  • on clothing – it is appropriate to place it on the hem, shoulders or collar;
  • in the house - mainly above the window or in the red corner;
  • c – in the form of a keychain;
  • as a pendant decoration on a metal chain or linen thread, combination with the fang of a killed animal is allowed, but it is not advisable to use leather straps;
  • Svarog's hammer can be carried in a purse, pocket of a bag or briefcase.

Care and cleansing of a magical item

Like any Slavic symbol, this amulet should be cleaned periodically. A newly purchased sign must undergo a similar procedure.

It is best to ensure the passage of four elements during the waxing moon, but the last one should be fire. To do this:

  • The amulet is buried in a conspicuous place for a day. At the same time, they mentally ask for protection;
  • the artifact is washed with water from a natural source;
  • when there is a noticeable wind, hold the amulet for some time so that it does not come into contact with the human body. As a result, it will be saturated with the power of air;
  • A magic sign is passed over the flame in complete silence 4 times.

The first three rituals can be in any order.

Tarnished silver items, if this is not due to acid exposure, indicate that negative energy was turned against the owner of the amulet. In this case, toothpaste is used to get rid of plaque, then they perform a cleansing ritual and do not use it for 7 days. The owner of the magic sign must go to the bathhouse every day for a week to restore his aura. Scientists have proven that after a bath, a person’s biofield is restored by approximately 30%. After this, you can return the symbol to your life.

What to do if Svarozhich is broken or lost?

The Slavs believed that the disappearance of a talisman was due to the fact that it took away from the house or from a person bad energy accumulated over time or received through witchcraft. In this case, there is no point in looking for Svarog. But you need to purchase a replacement so as not to be left without protection.

The cross of Svarog usually breaks because its owner admits too many bad thoughts. Even a feeling of envy can lead to the destruction of an artifact over time. The broken sign must be burned and the ashes buried so that no one can see it. It will be enough to even “bury” it in a pot of soil.

If you use the secret sign correctly, it will last a long time. But it is worth warning descendants so that they only keep the amulet, but do not use it themselves. This will strengthen the connection between generations, but not disrupt the life cycle of family members.

Many thousands of years ago, when there was no science or modern achievements, people worshiped the heavenly bodies and invisible gods.
There was no need for miracles; they believed with all their hearts from birth to death. Maybe that's why they were strong pagan gods and all sorts of amulets. There was no learning, but wisdom
was, from Mother Earth herself and from the primordial heavens.
The ancient Slavs worshiped the sun, idolized life and sought goodness.

Here is their most important shrine, Alatyr, warm as the sun and full of light. People believed that when there was no life on earth yet, a stone fell from heaven onto Buyan Island, and this stone contained unknown power: living water, eternal fire and the tree of life. In that stone, the Eye of Rod burned and gave birth to light, and thus the god Svarog, the Heavenly Father, was born. With his hammer, Svarog struck Alatyr and sparks were born, bringing the empty breath of life to the earth. This is how the belief arose that the Slavic amulet Alatyr is life itself and all that exists, the beginning and end of the Universe.

Ancient people worshiped the places where, according to legend, the miraculous stone lay, and prayed to their gods there. This is how the word “altar” appeared - a holy place intended for prayer. Many wanted to find Alatyr and touch it with their hand, cleanse their souls and gain knowledge. It was rumored that only those who had a strong spirit and a bright soul could find that stone. Those who found the grace of heaven disappeared and believed that those brave souls had gone to the gods for an eternal feast, beyond the threshold of this world.
This is how the Slavic amulet Alatyr appeared - one of the most ancient and powerful signs.

What is Alatyr?

Alatyr is the personification of life, eternal movement and the cycle of existence. The name is divided into three divine words: “al” - dwelling in the heights of heaven, “la” - soul and “tyr” - bearer, bestower. Al-la-tyr - carrying the heavenly and divine spirit.
The star Alatyr amulet itself was born from the interweaving of the feminine and masculine principles: a straight and oblique cross. The ancient Slavs believed that only the union of these two forces, good and evil, creation and destruction, could give birth to life.

The eight peaks of the star strive towards each other and form the ninth, Alatyr itself, the meaning of all living things. And if you think about it, the world was born like a child, with a light and soft force, like a mother, and a hard and indestructible force, like a father. Alatyr is both the beginning and the birth of this world and its end, which will again give birth to an immortal soul.

Alatyr united three worlds: Rule - the world of the gods, Reveal - the world of the living and Navi - the world of the departed. The book of the Vedas, laws and orders for all three worlds and all its inhabitants were written on Alatyr. And the heavenly messenger bird Gamayun sits on Alatyr and watches everything, guarding the peace of the stone and its strength.Alatyr is the eye of Rod, the God of Gods, the first and unborn. Departed fathers, forefathers and other ancestors are also the God of the Family, for he gives birth to a soul and returns it to himself afterward. Alatyr is both father Svarog and mother Lada, the children of the Family and part of it, who gave birth to all the worlds and everything living and inanimate in them.

Alatyr amulet meaning.

People believed in the miraculous power of Alatyr, so they wore it as a talisman, embroidered it on clothes and even painted it on everyday objects. The Alatyr amulet was universal. It could be worn by men and women, and even small children. Everyone was looking
protection at the great heavenly stone: stern warriors, frail old people, and hearth-keepers. This amulet protected everyone, drove away evil and unclean forces from thresholds, and sheltered them from various ailments. And the ancient Slavs did not make a talisman for themselves, but as a gift, so that their love would be passed on to a loved one and Alatyr was stronger.

Usually the Alatyr amulet was silver, because silver was considered light and pure. Every day people prayed for him, holding him firmly in their hands and trusting him with their desires.
The sorcerers wore the embroidered Alatyr amulet on their clothes, because this sign made thoughts clear and healed the heart from doubts. The travelers did not take a single step without him, because he protected them from robbers, from bad weather and illnesses. Alatyr was even applied to the mark of domestic animals so that no one would steal them.

The Slavs believed that the laws by which people should live on earth were written on the Alatyr stone, and if someone managed to read them, his life could change overnight. They also believed that the gods heard their prayers and thoughts through the Alatyr amulet, and in return they could bestow wisdom for a pure soul. Therefore, the amulet was most often worn near the heart.

Alatyr shield.

But the Alatyr amulet not only gave light and wisdom, but also protected from demonic forces. Therefore, two types of amulet were distinguished: the Alatyr star amulet and the Alatyr shield amulet. One gave strength, the other held the onslaught from evil and turned the gifted power into a weapon. If the rays of the amulet stretched either to the sky or to Mother Earth, then it was the star Alatyr amulet. And if all the rays simultaneously reached both the sky and the earth, then it was a shield. More often, such a shield was worn by those who wanted not only to protect themselves, but also to find themselves, their beginning. They believed that by passing through all eight rays, which personified the eight stages of the soul, and merging with the heart of the universe, the eye of the Family, which gives birth to light and all living things, a person could gain the real strength and wisdom of his ancestors. Therefore, the shield was worn more often by young people who were looking for their own path and understanding.

Alatyr was one for all peoples and made everyone brothers. The one who wore the Alatyr amulet could not be an enemy, and disputes and enmity should have subsided then. If they wanted to reconcile, they gave Alatyr to show their good disposition and the absence of evil thoughts and insidious intentions. And if war could not be avoided, they prayed with all their might for forgiveness both for the souls of their brothers and for their enemies, so that the dead would leave together, holding hands with the Heavenly Forefather.

The Slavic amulet Alatyr is the sun that burns inside every person, the eye of God, knowing everything and seeing everything. And if a person wanted to awaken this sun, receive God’s grace and find a connection with his ancestors, then he wore the Alatyr amulet. Therefore, as soon as by his faith, a person could understand that he was a particle of God, born in love, and it was his duty, as the son of his Heavenly Father, to do good and bring love to others. The Alatyr amulet increased strength and spirit, gave firmament under one’s feet and pointed out the righteous path.

Alatyr in modern culture.

The Slavic amulet Alatyr is considered the most widespread and ancient symbol of the sun. Even though this sign has lost its sacred meaning and direct religious purpose, it is an integral part of the ethnic culture of the Slavs. More and more often you can find the Alatyr amulet, present in various tattoos and jewelry. Alatyr is still embroidered on national clothes, weave baubles with his image. Still, subconsciously people are drawn to him, maybe because all these stories and legends are true?!

Alatyr is a talisman familiar to every Slav in Ancient Rus'. It is also called the cross of Svarog or the eye of God. It represents a star with eight peaks, which symbolizes the Beginning of the World and the Family of God. Its center is God, and the masculine and feminine principles are intertwined in the rays.

It is believed that this amulet has magical powers that protect and help a person.

According to legend, the amulet comes from the Alatyr stone, which fell from the sky to the ground, namely on Buyan Island. This event occurred even before the origin of life on earth. The laws of God were imprinted on the stone. All people without exception had to live by them. This stone contained incredible power. As the legend says, at the same time the Living Water of the god, whose name is Perun, runs on it and burns Eternal Flame the bright god, whose name is Svarog, and also the endless Tree of Life grows. Next to him, the Gods arranged a rest for themselves. Thanks to this, it is believed that this place has become heaven on earth.

People dreamed of reaching this stone, touching it, taking strength from it. It was believed that only those who lived according to God's laws could do this. According to legend, the great hero Ilya Muromets rested near the alatyr stone.

However, if a person managed to get to the stone, then he never returned home. To prevent this from happening, the great god Svarog decided to make sure that there were more such places on earth. There people could draw strength, communicate with the gods and ask them for mercy. Such places became sanctuaries for prayer. People also brought gifts to the Gods on the alatyr (as they now say - on the altar).

In honor of this stone, this sanctuary, the Alatyr rune was created, which is a strong amulet. For its image, an eight-pointed star was chosen - this is an interweaving of a straight and oblique cross, i.e. masculine and feminine. This is not surprising, since for the Slavs eight is a sacred number. It is eight candles that are lit around the altar, which symbolize the star. The altar itself is its center. Moreover, exactly eight divine holidays The Slavs celebrated in their calendar.

The amulet can be enclosed in a runic circle, which will only enhance its magical properties.

The meaning of the alatyr amulet

The Slavic amulet Alatyr has the main meaning - it is eternal movement and development. The name of the rune consists of three words: “al”, which means “dwelling in the heights of the sky”, “la” is the soul, and also “tyr”, which means gift or giver. Therefore, the word alatyr should be understood as giving a heavenly spirit.

Another meaning of the rune is the unity of Rule (the world of bright gods), Reveal (the world of people) and Navi ( kingdom of the dead, the world of evil spirits). On the stone itself, in honor of which the amulet was created, the laws for all three worlds were imprinted. We can say that alatyr is the eye of the god Rod, the god who created all things, including the supreme gods.

As for the everyday meaning of the rune, it lies in improving life, moving it to a qualitatively new level. However, this can only happen if the person himself wants it. Then the amulet will help him achieve this. It will give a person strength and the opportunity to improve his life.

Another meaning of the rune is connection with ancestors. The amulet gives their wisdom and strength, as well as protection, but only if the person honors their memory and follows traditions. The amulet helps to pass on the genetic connection with the family to future generations.

Another meaning of the rune is the revelation of the divine essence within oneself. Thanks to this, a person finds peace and ceases to be afraid of the future, because he realizes that only good things await him ahead, including after death.

The alatyr amulet gives a person health, well-being, attracts happiness and good luck in business. It also helps to reveal hidden talents in oneself and points to the path to knowledge.

Star Alatyr and Alatyr Shield

This amulet comes in two types - Alatyr star and Alatyr shield. Externally, they can be distinguished from each other. Thus, the star of the god Svarog (alatyr) has eight rays that “look” only up or down. The meaning of such a talisman was discussed above.

The Alatyr shield also has an eight-rayed star, but all the rays are evenly distributed up and down. Value in in this case is to protect a person both from others and himself. Amulet alatyr shield protects from bad thoughts and doing bad things. He directs a person to the true path and does not allow him to deviate from it. It helps you understand your true purpose in life.

The amulet opens the way to knowledge, bestows wisdom and enlightenment. In addition, the amulet protects against evil forces. It is believed that it absorbs all the negativity directed at a person, transforms it into positive energy and transfers it to the owner, thanks to which he has the strength to resist evil.

How to wear the amulet cross of Svarog

The alatyr symbol was usually applied to dishes, the walls of houses, embroidered on clothes and worn as decoration. This sign is universal because it can be used by both men and women, regardless of age. He gives everyone protection and helps them find themselves.

A sign painted on the walls of a house protects it from misfortunes and does not allow people with evil thoughts to enter it. It is believed that such a talisman protects housing from fire, theft, etc. In addition, the sign of this amulet is applied to the dishes. In this case, it will protect against poisoning and help maintain health.

The amulet sign is also embroidered on clothes. However, most often the alatyr symbol is worn as a decoration. These could be earrings, pendants, etc. Wood, leather and metal are used to make them. The most popular amulet is made of silver. It is believed that it wards off evil forces, illnesses and failures. At the same time, the amulet attracts happiness and prosperity.

The amulet protects on the road from attacks, failures, and harsh weather conditions. The Alatyr sign is applied even to animals. It is believed that it will protect them from illness as well as theft. This amulet was given to each other by enemies and enemies. This was considered an occasion for the use or productive discussion without the use of weapons.

Alatyr is one of the most powerful amulets, which was revered not only by the ancient Slavs, but also by other peoples. Nowadays, the amulet has not lost its popularity and is in demand among the population. This is not surprising, since it bestows protection and attracts prosperity. The main thing is to believe in its magical properties and then the result will not be long in coming.

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