Smelt (smelt). Useful properties, calorie content of smelt

Smelt is a small silvery fish with the smell of fresh cucumber. This fish belongs to the smelt family, a species of ray-finned fish. It cannot be confused with other fish because of its smell. If you close your eyes, ask someone to identify an object by smell and let them smell this fish, everyone will say that it is a cucumber or something similar to a cucumber. It is the smell that is the most distinctive feature of smelt, which prevents it from being confused with other fish.

The body of the smelt has a spindle-shaped shape. The scales are small and fall off easily. Some subspecies do not have scales. Instead of scales, their bodies are covered with skin, which during spawning is also covered with tubercles. This fish has a large mouth.

There are many subspecies of fish in the smelt family. Let's describe the most common of them:

  • Asian smelt;
  • Far Eastern;
  • European smelt.

It must be added that this is a commercial fish. In addition, it often acts as an object for amateur or sport fishing.

Asian smelt

Today there are many ways to increase your catch. One interesting option is Dried Blood. Dry blood is used to attach peaceful fish such as carp, crucian carp, roach, and tench. Predators also respond well to it - catfish, pike perch, pike, perch, ruff, burbot, chub.

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Asian smelt is a subspecies of European smelt. It should be noted that this is a fairly common subspecies. Lives in the Yenisei. Peak activity occurs in summer and autumn. At this time, these fish feed and only at this time can they be caught in large numbers. At other times they are inactive. They feed on the eggs of other fish and various small invertebrates.

The habitat of the Asian subspecies of smelt is the Yenisei Bay. Here smelt can be found in the desalinated strip on both sides of the bay. This fish also lives in the open part of the bay, but in minimal quantities. Her lifestyle is quite active. These fish constantly move along the shore. This is due to the fact that sea water, under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, makes the water in rivers and other bodies of water more salty. Therefore, these fish are forced to constantly migrate. During the spawning period, these fish return to their permanent habitats, where they reproduce. Smelt spawning occurs from February to mid-summer.

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Sexual maturity of the Asian representative of the smelt occurs in the fifth or sixth year of life. Its length at this time reaches 16 centimeters, and its weight is 50 grams. The fertility of this fish varies widely. It can reach 30 thousand eggs, or maybe 60 thousand. The eggs are very sticky, 1 mm in diameter.

The subspecies of this representative of the smelt is sometimes called the Kamchatka subspecies.

Gallery: smelt fish (25 photos)

Far Eastern smelt

Far Eastern smelt is a small fish of the European subspecies. It differs from most smelt species in its mouth. Its mouth, unlike large-mouthed smelts, is quite small. It lives longer than the European one and grows to a maximum length of 10 centimeters.

This fish lives in desalinated reservoirs flowing into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Far Eastern subspecies of this fish, like the Asian one, is prone to constant changes of habitat. This is also due to the fact that these fish move along with fresh water. That is, they leave places where the water becomes salty and return when the salt recedes.

The spawning period for this inhabitant of the underwater world begins, like the Asian subspecies, in February and lasts until mid-summer. During spawning, it adheres to the coastal zone of water bodies and spawns eggs on stones.

There is an interesting fact to note about this fish. In her usual habitat, she plays the role of a cleaner. Cleans the bottom and water. It is for this reason that it is more often found in places where the water is heavily polluted. For example, where water from city sewers is discharged into rivers and other bodies of water.

European smelt

The most common subspecies of European smelt is smelt. This is a dwarf form. This fish grows up to 10 centimeters in length. Its body is covered with large scales, which are easy to clean. The jaws have weak teeth.

Smelt lives in Northern Europe and the European territory of Russia: the White, Barents and Baltic seas.

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The spawning period of this subspecies of smelt occurs at the end of May and beginning of June. They spawn along the banks of rivers, lakes and other freshwater bodies. This fish lays up to 40 thousand eggs.

Another type of European smelt grows up to 28 cm in length. It lives up to 12 years. Females reach a length of 18 cm during the spawning period.

Cooking smelt

Speaking about cooking smelt, an interesting fact should be noted. An entire holiday is dedicated to this fish. This fish received such an honor due to the fact that during the siege of Leningrad it saved people from starvation.

In stores you can buy fresh frozen smelt, smoked or salted. It is easy to clean. Does not require any additional processing.

Culinarily, smelt is a universal fish, so to speak. There are no small bones in it, the meat is easily separated from the backbone, so it cannot be called bony. Due to the fact that the backbone of this fish is very soft when cooked, it can be eaten whole. Thanks to this same property, this fish is suitable as a filling for kulebyak.

As for other dishes, it should be noted that smelt turns out tasty if it is fried until crispy. The fish soup made from it is not rich enough, so fish soup is practically not made from it. If it is added to the fish soup, then it is mixed with other fattier fish.

In addition to the fact that this fish can be fried and boiled, it turns out very tasty when stewed. To prepare stewed smelt, you first need to gut it, as usual. Then it must be thoroughly washed, placed in a frying pan and salted. For taste, you can also add finely chopped onions. Then add oil and water in a 1:1 ratio. Simmer over low heat. The important thing in this matter is that it boils quickly, so it is recommended to simmer it for no more than 5 minutes.

Useful properties of smelt

Smelt is valuable because it contains many micro-macroelements. Of the elements it contains, the following should be highlighted: phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, molybdenum, sulfur, sodium, magnesium and iron. These elements are very beneficial for humans, which is why doctors recommend eating the meat of this fish for people with poor health. A high potassium content means that excess water is eliminated from the body faster than usual. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

In a nutritional sense, the peculiarity of this fish is that its meat contains only 100 calories per 100 grams. Thanks to this feature, this inhabitant of the underwater world is classified as a dietary product.

The beneficial properties and qualities of smelt include the following:

  • smelt is a dietary product;
  • very useful for children;
  • useful for people with poor health.

These properties and qualities make this fish an indispensable product for human health.

Harm of smelt

In addition to the fact that smelt has many beneficial properties and qualities, doctors recommend treating it with caution. This is due to the fact that, as mentioned above, smelts act as cleaners in the reservoirs in which they live. They feed on sewage and, like filters, absorb all substances that are dangerous and harmful to humans. Especially those fish that live in reservoirs located near large cities. Large schools of this fish can be found in places where city sewage drains into water bodies. It is dangerous to eat such fish.

The harmful qualities of smelt include the following:

Today there are many ways to increase your catch. One of the interesting options is a bite activator. It attracts fish from long distances and stimulates its appetite with the help of pheromones that are included in the composition and influence the behavior of individuals. Pheromones are natural biologically active substances that are secreted by living organisms, including fish.

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Description of the benefits and harms of smelt with photos, advice on choosing it; how to cook such fish and in what recipes it can be used

The smelt fish is small in size and belongs to the Salmon family. The elongated body is covered with large scales (see photo). It is interesting that the fresh meat of this fish has an aroma similar to cucumbers and watermelons. Another unusual fact is that smelt can live without water for about an hour. This may be due to the presence of certain cavities near the gills, where a small amount of water is stored.

How to choose?

The following facts indicate the freshness of smelt fish:

Benefits of smelt fish

The benefits of smelt fish include the presence of vitamins, minerals and other substances. It contains the necessary protein, as well as a lot of phosphorus and calcium - minerals important for bone tissue. In addition, it contains potassium, chromium, nickel and other micro- and macroelements that are important for the normal functioning of the body. Smelt contains B vitamins, which are important for the nervous system and metabolism. Since this fish is often consumed with small bones, it significantly reduces the risk of osteoprosis and also strengthens bones and joints. Contains vitamin A, which improves vision and is involved in the production of collagen.

Smelt fish is an excellent product that can be subjected to various heat treatments, but given its fat content, it is best obtained baked and fried. In addition, it can be dried, dried, smoked, in general, almost all culinary processing options are applicable to it. This fish makes delicious first courses, as well as aspic. The male population loves this fish in combination with beer.

How to cook smelt fish?

Like every food product, smelt fish has its own cooking characteristics:

  • The fish is very easy to clean. To do this, just scrape it in the direction from the tail to the head. Then remove the entrails, cut off the heads and rinse thoroughly under cold water.
  • If you have a small fish, less than 10 cm, then you can fry it without gutting it. Roll the carcasses in flour or breadcrumbs. Then on each side for 5 minutes. fry in a frying pan in hot oil.
  • You should not cook fish for a long time, as it will fall apart.

Harm to smelt fish and contraindications

Smelt fish can cause harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected.

Sea smelt - properties, consumption, calorie content, vitamins

Smelt is a schooling fish of the salmon family. Smelt is a migratory marine fish with isolated lake populations. To spawn, it usually goes to streams and rivers at a distance of more than 100 km from the sea. It is widespread and has high numbers.

It has an elongated body covered with large scales. The sides are silvery, the mouth is large, the back is brown-green. It feeds on fish eggs, zooplankton and juveniles. Reaches a mass of 160 g. and length up to 30 cm.

There are European and Asian toothed smelt.

The fish is common in the northern seas of the Old World: German, Baltic, White and Arctic. This is the main habitat for fish. However, it is also common in deep large lakes of Northwestern Russia and Sweden.

The fish lives only in clean water and prefers deep, cool waters in summer, and can be seen in shallow waters in winter.

Smelt are caught mainly during the spawning run. At this time, the fish loses its caution, so it is very easy to catch. For fishing, nets, seines and other traps are used. This type of fish is one of the most popular for recreational fishing.

Properties of smelt and calorie content

The fish has fatty and tender flesh. The fish is very easy to clean and has practically no scales. Her caviar is very tasty.

Fish pulp contains many useful trace elements and minerals, such as iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, molybdenum, chlorine and fluorine.

Calorie content of smelt per 100 g. product is 102 Kcal.

Nutritional value: fats – 4.5 g, proteins – 15.4 g, carbohydrates – 0 g.

Useful properties of smelt

Sea smelt meat is very healthy due to its high content of nutrients. Regular use is recommended for all people. This fish is especially useful in the diet of older people.

This fish is sold smoked, salted, chilled and frozen.

In addition, sea smelt contains vitamins A, D, and B vitamins. It is not without reason that smelt is called a “vitamin” in the spring. Maybe that's why she smells not like fish, but like fresh cucumber.

Most smelt populations, particularly in the Far East, are in a favorable condition and have no contraindications for consumption.

But the condition of Neva smelt, which is caught in large quantities in St. Petersburg, has recently given rise to some concerns. In recent years, its number has decreased quite significantly, and the condition of spawning sites in the lower reaches of the Neva has deteriorated significantly.

Environmentalists point out that in the Neva this fish is often caught near the sewer collector.

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Smelt fish: properties, benefits and harms, calorie content. Recipes and how to cook smelt

The silver smelt fish, which smells like fresh cucumbers, is not large in size, but only those who don’t like and don’t eat fish can call it tasteless. But even “non-lovers” admit that among other types of fish known in our country and loved by connoisseurs, smelt occupies a special place: it is tastier and more desirable than many large species - it is fried in a few minutes, along with caviar, and when dried it considered one of the best fish to go with beer.

There are two common types of smelt in Russia: European, smaller in size - up to 28 cm and about 180 g in weight, and Asian, larger and fattier - up to 35 cm and more than 300 g; In Far Eastern waters, “catfish” the size of a small herring are often found.

In Central and Central Russia, smelt weighing about 30 g is better known, but the size and other features depend on the habitat. For example, smelts - small fish, which also belong to the smelt family, grow on average up to 10 g - they live in fresh water.

As a rule, smelt lives in the sea, but while the European fish does not go far from the coast, the Far Eastern fish goes much further. The same applies to the characteristics of spawning: Baltic smelts spawn in rivers a few hundred meters from the sea, Far Eastern ones - several tens of kilometers, and Siberian ones, living in the Arctic Ocean, go hundreds of kilometers into rivers. Small smelts, hatching from eggs, feed on algae, and then on plankton and very small fish; they themselves are also actively eaten by other sea inhabitants. Fortunately, smelt is not a rare or scarce fish: several hundred thousand tons of it are caught annually in the world, and in our country it is also one of the commercial species.

Smelt is not too high in calories - 100 g contains about 100 kcal, so it can be included in the diet menu and eaten with fresh vegetables and herbs. But it is rich in easily digestible protein and healthy fatty acids - this explains its nutritional value; contains vitamins PP and D, and a considerable amount of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus - these are the ones we need in large quantities. Other minerals - magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel and chlorine - are somewhat less in smelt, but also quite sufficient. Such a high mineral content increases the nutritional value of smelt, so it is useful to use it to improve health and prevent many diseases.

The high potassium content makes this fish an excellent food for people with vascular problems and heart disease; Calcium, vitamin D and unsaturated fatty acids are needed by everyone, but especially by children, the elderly and those prone to osteoporosis and other diseases of bones and joints. It is noteworthy that many fish lovers eat smelt along with the bones: they are small, quite soft and crunch very tasty on the teeth; In addition, this way you can save more calcium and other minerals for the body.

Regular consumption of smelt is also useful for strengthening teeth, but the information that is found on the Internet that a drug for the treatment of periodontal disease is produced on its basis is incorrect: the drug "Carotinoly M" is made from the fat of the three-spined stickleback - a small (about 4 cm) fish, not of commercial importance.

Smelt meat is tasty and tender, and caviar is considered a delicacy - fortunately, this does not affect its cost, and smelt is available to everyone. Although there is enough fat in smelt, it is quite suitable for low-calorie diets: even fried, it will not add extra weight to you if you eat it with fresh cucumbers, broccoli, dill, parsley - on the contrary, it is easily digested and will help improve metabolism.

In the western regions of Russia, dried, dried, salted and smoked smelt is often sold; You can rarely buy it fresh or frozen. They say that almost all smelt is edible, and some fans even eat small fish with the head - of course, the insides should still be thrown away.

Many people consider frying to be the best way to prepare smelt: small fish can be fried, stirring, almost like potatoes, lightly rolled in flour mixed with salt and spices.

If you have a deep fryer, you can cook smelt in it: it will be much tastier and healthier than French fries, or you can cook it in batter, bake it in the oven or on a grill - the latter option is very suitable for an outdoor picnic.

Of course, you can cook soup with smelt, or stew it in the oven, but if you are lucky enough to find a larger smelt, try stuffing it. The smelt must be cleaned - its scales are small and easily washed off, thoroughly washed and gutted, the backbone removed, salted and put in the refrigerator. Most recipes suggest using red sauce in fish broth, with fried onions, carrots, flour and tomatoes, but you can get by with regular bechamel sauce - with water, not milk.

It can be prepared with onions and carrots, optionally adding a few olives and pieces of pickled gherkins. Combine the sauce with fried, finely chopped champignons, simmer a little over low heat, put the mixture on a plate and cool. Carefully stuff the smelt with the cooled mixture, fasten the bellies with wooden toothpicks (skewers) or sew them up, roll the fish in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in a deep fryer or in oil in a hot frying pan, 3-4 minutes on each side - the fish should be well browned. Take skewers (threads) out of the finished smelt, place the fish on a dish, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve - it is advisable to do everything quickly so that the smelt does not cool down. For 12-15 fish - 3 eggs, 300-400 g of crackers, 300 g of champignons, juice of one lemon, spices, salt, vegetables and herbs to taste.

In the Far Eastern region (and not only) fish is often prepared according to Japanese, Korean and other similar recipes: in the Pacific Ocean, smelt is large, and local people make excellent use of this. This original Japanese dish is easy to prepare. Peel and wash 0.5 kg of fresh smelt, pour over soy sauce (3 tbsp), put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. For a side dish, prepare daikon, a sweet Japanese radish - it goes well with fish: wash the root vegetable, grate it and add salt to taste. Take out the smelt, roll in corn starch (corn flour), and quickly fry until golden brown in oil in a hot frying pan. The finished smelt is served with grated daikon and sprinkled with finely chopped green onions.

Contraindications and caution

Only people who are allergic to fish should not eat smelt, but everyone else should also be careful - not all smelt can be eaten.

They say that smelt loves clean water and therefore cannot be dangerous. Unfortunately, in modern conditions she simply does not have to choose, and she continues to live where it used to be clean, but has now become unbearably dirty. For example, this applies to Neva smelt, which is often caught near sewage drains: Roshydromet, an environmental monitoring service, defines the condition of the Neva as “heavily polluted.” Lake, Siberian and Far Eastern smelt can be eaten without fear.

Tags: smelt, recipes with smelt, how to cook smelt fish

Smelt is a fish with a specific taste, juicy meat and soft bones. Who would refuse such crispy fried fish? In this case, smelt can also be baked, marinated or smoked.

Smelt is a small ray-finned fish of the Smelt family. This fish is called cucumber fish, since its smell is indistinguishable from the aroma of a green vegetable. In our country, everyone knows smelt, and in St. Petersburg they even hold a holiday dedicated to this small fish.

What kind of fish is smelt? In appearance, it somewhat resembles a dace; it has small translucent scales, but a large mouth with small sharp teeth. Even with its small length (from 10 to 14 cm) and low weight (up to 350 grams), this waterfowl is a real predator that hunts small fish, eats caviar and crustaceans. Smelt is not picky about food, so it can be successfully bred on an industrial scale.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of where smelt is found, since it is distributed throughout the country. But she feels especially carefree in reservoirs located in the central part of Russia.

What are the benefits for the human body?

Smelt is a healthy product for the health of any person. It contains a lot of protein and minerals necessary for the formation and strength of bones. It also contains nickel and potassium, as well as other useful elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the entire body. The meat of this fish contains B vitamins, which are necessary for normal metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system, plus vitamin A, important for the health of the visual organs and the production of collagen.

In cooking, a wide variety of fish dishes are prepared from smelt. It can be smoked, dried, or dried. But considering its fat content, it tastes best baked and fried. Smelt aspic and first courses are no less tasty.

How to deliciously fry in a frying pan

Many housewives fell in love with smelt because with such fish there are practically no problems in terms of cleaning and gutting. Its scales are small, there is no need to cut anything off, since such a fish must be eaten whole, along with the bones and head.

The only thing that is required is to remove the insides so that the fried smelt fish does not taste bitter.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the smelt and place it in a colander to drain all the water.
  2. Next, place the fish in a tight bag, add salt, pepper, a little paprika, thyme leaves and flour.
  3. We tie the bag and shake it. This method will allow all the breading to remain on the fish during the frying process.
  4. Fry the carcasses in hot oil until golden and delicious.

Oven baking recipe

Smelt meat contains a large amount of healthy fats, and in order to preserve all the benefits of the fish, and increase the taste and aroma, it is worth baking it in the oven. If you don’t know how to cook smelt fish in the oven, we offer a simple recipe.


  • ½ kg smelt;
  • lemon - half;
  • bay leaves;
  • allspice peas;
  • dried parsley;
  • salt, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Place smelt in a bowl, add salt, sprinkle with dried parsley and pour over citrus juice.
  2. Spread several bay leaves over the foil and pour lemon juice over them. Place the smelt, wrap and bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.
  3. 10 minutes before cooking, you can open the foil slightly so that the fish is covered with an appetizing crust.

Smelt fish soup

Many people call fish soup fish soup, however, it is not that at all. Real ukha is a rich broth made from fresh fish, a minimum of vegetables and one very important ingredient, without which ukha is not ukha. But what this secret is, you will find out in the next recipe.


  • smelt – 12 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • two potato tubers;
  • parsley and celery root;
  • leek;
  • salt, pepper
  • green.

In preparing real fish soup, two important ingredients are used - vodka with herbs and a burning birch splinter.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop fresh dill, green onions and parsley. Mix the greens in a bowl and pour 40 ml of vodka into it. We insist on the composition during the entire process of preparing the fish soup.
  2. Next, prepare the vegetables: cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, and just finely chop the onion.
  3. Place all the vegetables and roots in a saucepan, place it on the stove and as soon as the water boils, throw in the bay leaf. Follow it immediately with salt, black pepper and a little nutmeg. Cook until the vegetables are soft.
  4. Now we put the prepared smelt without scales and entrails. You can leave the heads. Cook the soup for five minutes, no more.
  5. Now pour in vodka with herbs, light a splinter and simmer it right in the ear. Cover the finished dish with a lid and let it brew well.

Marinated fish

Smelt is a very tasty fish. And especially fried. But if you come across a larger specimen, you can marinate it.


  • a kilo of fresh smelt;
  • mustard seeds;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • allspice, cloves;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt, oil;
  • dill.

How to cook smelt fish in marinade:

  1. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt and all the spices, with the exception of dill. Place the container on the fire, cook its contents for 10 minutes and at the very end of the process add chopped dill.
  2. Cool the brine and mix with two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  3. We put the gutted smelt carcasses into any container, fill them with brine and put them in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Stuffed smelt

If you come across large smelt carcasses, then do not rush to fry them in a regular frying pan, but use our recipe.

Deep-fried stuffed smelt turns out very aromatic and tasty.


  • large smelt – 12 pcs.;
  • five glasses of crushed crackers;
  • three tablespoons of flour;
  • three lemons;
  • 70 ml tomato paste;
  • parsley;
  • three eggs;
  • mushrooms.

Cooking method:

  1. The first step is to clean the smelt, make a neat cut in the middle of the back and pull out the back bone.
  2. Then salt the carcasses, sprinkle with lemon juice and send to a cool place.
  3. In a small bowl, mix tomato sauce with chopped herbs, a spoonful of sunflower oil and chopped champignons. We also put this mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. After this time, stuff the fish with the prepared filling and sew it up with thread. First dip the carcasses into beaten eggs, then roll them in breading and deep-fry for 15 minutes.
  5. We place the finished smelt on a napkin, and as soon as the excess fat has left the fish, we remove the threads from it and place it on a beautiful dish. Decorate the dish with parsley sprigs and lemon slices.

Homemade dried fish

Perhaps every fisherman knows how to dry fish. But how to dry it correctly is already a question. Moreover, there are several good methods for preparing dried smelt.

First method of preparation. In brine:

  1. Pour water into a container and throw in the peeled potato tuber. Pour salt (300 g per kilo of fish) and stir until the potatoes come to the surface.
  2. To add piquancy to the brine, you can use soy sauce (approximately 25 ml of seasoning per 1 liter of water).
  3. We immerse the fish in the marinade, put pressure on top (weight from 3 to 5 kg).
  4. The salting time will depend on the size of the fish. As a rule, it takes from 6 to 8 hours, and 30 minutes before the end of the process you need to pour a spoonful of vinegar into the fish.
  5. We take out the carcasses and wash them twice. Once in plain water, and once in water with added sugar. We string the smelt onto a strong thread and hang it up.

Second cooking method. Dry pickling:

  1. Place the smelt in layers in a container, and sprinkle each one with coarse salt (a spoonful per kilo of fish).
  2. Cover the workpiece and leave for a day.
  3. Then we wash the fish, string it and hang it in the same way.

Third cooking method. Quick salting:

  1. Place the fish in a container and sprinkle with salt so that it forms a salty “coat”. Leave the workpiece for 8 hours.
  2. Then we lay it out on paper, onto which the juice along with excess salt will drain, and leave it for another five hours.
  3. We do not wash the fish, but immediately hang it by the head. According to fishermen, this method will help smelt not lose its fat.

The smelt fish is small in size and belongs to the Salmon family. The elongated body is covered with large scales (see photo). It is interesting that the fresh meat of this fish has an aroma similar to cucumbers and watermelons. Another unusual fact is that smelt can live without water for about an hour. This may be due to the presence of certain cavities near the gills, where a small amount of water is stored.

How to choose?

The following facts indicate the freshness of smelt fish:

Benefits of smelt fish

The benefits of smelt fish include the presence of vitamins, minerals and other substances. It contains the necessary protein, as well as a lot of phosphorus and calcium - minerals important for bone tissue. In addition, it contains potassium, chromium, nickel and other micro- and macroelements that are important for the normal functioning of the body. Smelt contains B vitamins, which are important for the nervous system and metabolism. Since this fish is often consumed with small bones, it significantly reduces the risk of osteoprosis and also strengthens bones and joints. Contains vitamin A, which improves vision and is involved in the production of collagen.

Smelt fish is an excellent product that can be subjected to various heat treatments, but given its fat content, it is best baked and fried. In addition, it can be dried, dried, smoked, in general, almost all culinary processing options are applicable to it. This fish makes delicious first courses, as well as aspic. The male population loves this fish in combination with beer.

Smelt and smelt belong to a special genus (Osmerus) of the salmon family, which is distinguished by a rather large mouth, a longer lower jaw, numerous and large teeth and very delicate scales; the dorsal fin does not begin in front of the ventral fins, as in whitefish and grayling, but behind it; the lateral line is incomplete. Both fish differ from each other almost only in size, and belong to the same species.

Live smelt is very beautiful. Its back is brownish-green, somewhat translucent, since the dorsal scales are not lined with silvery pigment inside; The sides are silver with a blue tint on top and bottom. Males differ from females by a more prominent lower jaw, and during spawning by a larger number of warts on the head and lower paired fins.

Smelt is found in the northern seas of the Old World: the Arctic, White, Baltic and German. This is its main habitat, but in addition it is found in many large and deep lakes in Northwestern Russia and Sweden.

Smelt always travels in very large herds. It usually lives in deep sandy areas of the sea or lake, but to spawn it enters rivers, although it rarely rises very high along them and avoids fast currents. Its food consists of various small animals, exclusively small crustaceans: daphnia, cypris, cyclops, but large smelt almost feeds exclusively on the young of other fish or even on its own; Its sharp teeth also indicate the predatory nature of this fish. According to Kessler, this tendency of large fish to devour small fish of their own tribe is noticed especially in lakes where there is no other, more suitable food, for example, in Lake Valdai. Smelt is very voracious, and it happens that a three-inch fish is found in the stomach of a seven-inch fish.

These fish differ from all species of the salmon family in their vitality: when taken out of the water, they remain alive for hours, probably because above the gills there are two small cavities in the form of bags in which water can be stored.

Of all the salmon fish, smelt is the most unpretentious and can easily be bred in any large lake that has sufficient depth and fairly cold water. In England, according to Borne, this fish is even kept in ponds (probably key ones), and there it reproduces very well and strongly. It would be most profitable to breed smelt in the lakes of Central Russia, where it has a relatively significant value.

Calorie content of smelt

Amounts to 102 kcal per 100 g of product. It has good nutritional properties due to its high protein content. 100 g of baked smelt - 99 kcal. Moderate consumption of this fish will saturate the body with useful substances without harming the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of smelt

Smelt meat contains useful minerals and trace elements, such as iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, molybdenum, fluorine. It should be included in everyone's diet, especially older people. Frozen, chilled, salted and smoked smelt are available for sale. The fish is very easy to clean, it has fatty meat, and it fries beautifully. Smelt is very tasty, rolled in flour and deep-fried.

Smelt is also very useful due to the content of vitamins, group and a large number of microelements.

It’s not for nothing that smelt is called “vitamin” in the spring, maybe that’s why it smells not of fish, but of fresh

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