Short funny toasts for a man’s birthday are the best, original and interesting. Funny birthday toasts in prose Happy birthday toast in prose

Cool toast to men

Once upon a time there lived a man. He was very wise, hardworking, worked a lot. He built a house, hunted, and took care of animals. The man was very tired and wanted to rest. So he came up with beer and stag parties on Saturdays. But he was still bored. And he came up with football. And he had beer, football and a group of friends on Saturdays. But there was still Sunday, which he still missed. And the man came up with fishing. And he had fishing on Sundays with friends and beer. But the man wanted something new. And he met a woman. And he married her. And the woman forbade him beer, football, and fishing on Sundays.
So let's drink to the fact that men know exactly what they want and do not regret it after their wishes come true!!!

A toast to the men

There are men who are strong. There are men who are smart. There are men who are sexy. There are men who are businesslike. And among us all men are strong, smart, businesslike and sexy. So let's drink to real men!

A toast to real men

Once upon a time there lived a princess. And she wanted to get married. But the princess will not marry an ordinary man - no, she only needed a REAL ONE!!! She decided to make a list of qualities that such a groom should have. So, in her opinion, a real man is: non-smoking, non-snoring, non-arguing, non-grumpy, not annoying, smart, kind, able to cook, loves to wash dishes, hates beer, attentive, charming... And there were many, many, many other different points there...
The princess re-read it and thought: it turns out to be somehow unreal, unreal...
So let's drink to our real men, because they are the most REAL!!!

Toast for men

I want to tell you this parable:
“Every day the wife baked a delicious bun for her husband, at breakfast she cut it in half, spread it with butter, and gave it to him. top part husband, and took the bottom one for herself. But today was her birthday, and she decided that she could afford to eat the top part. She wanted this so much, but never did it to please her husband. The husband took the lower part and said: you gave me a very big gift! I haven’t eaten my favorite bottom of the bun for so many years because I thought it rightfully belonged to you!”
Let's drink to mutual understanding and love, so that you, men, and we, women, can talk and share with each other the things that are important to us.

A toast to the men

One day a decent husband returned
A little early from the trip.
Oh, it would be better if he walked around a couple of puddles,
I would have been delayed a little on the way.
He walks in the door, and his wife is there with someone else,
He caresses and kisses him.
The poor guy was not ready for such events
And I realized it wouldn’t go away from him.
Hit my lover with a hook in the gut,
Wife: \

Proverbs toast to men

Listen to this parable:
“Once upon a time there lived a wise man for whom everything went well, he always managed to do everything, was calm and happy. His students sought to learn the secret, learned from him, but could not achieve such perfection. One day a group of students gathered and asked the sage: “How do you do this? You’re never upset, are you doing well?” The sage calmly replied: “If I stand, then I stand. If I go, then I go. And if I run, I run.” The students were very surprised, because they also did this. However, the sage smiled and said: “Most likely the reason is that when you stand, you are already walking. When you walk, you are already running. And when you run, you are already at your goal."
In our difficult times, when men work around the clock, it is very important to learn to relax and develop an outlook on life that will allow you to become more balanced and calm. Let's drink to such a simple truth of life that can make us and our families happier!

Toast to your beloved man

Listen to this parable:
“One day a student asked his teacher: “What would you say if I fell?” The teacher replied: “Get up.” Then the student said: “What if I fell again?” The teacher answered again: “Get up!” Then the student asked in surprise: “And how many times do you need to fall and get up?” Then the teacher looked at him and said: “Fall and rise as long as you live!” After all, if you couldn’t get up, you wouldn’t be alive!”
Darling, I want to drink to you, for the fact that you are always ready to help, for being able to find a way out of any difficult situation, for the fact that I have you!

I am for men on the eighth of March
I offer you a drink,
Although it is Women's Day,
I understand…
But it's hard to be beautiful without men,
There are a number of serious reasons for this:
We sometimes carry women in our arms,
And we let ourselves through at the door!
We also give gifts and flowers,
Well, in general, we make their dreams come true!
So I’ll raise a glass to the stronger sex,
Who is always in love with a woman!

A toast to the men

They say that ideal man- this is the one who does not smoke, does not drink, does not gamble, agrees with the woman in everything and fulfills all her desires. Do they exist? Doubtful... So let's drink to our men, who are real and have some weaknesses!

Congratulations toast to men

I want to drink to our men, whom we love and appreciate very much, without whom our life would lose meaning and joy. We choose real men in our lives who know how to stand up for us, who know how to make important decisions, who know how to take responsibility for their actions, who we can rely on and trust. One famous person said: “A real man consists of a husband and a rank.”

A toast to the men

Not the thickness of pants and a wallet,
We measure the truth of a man!
It is important for us to have a faithful hand,
And nobility from rompers to gray hair!
So let's drink to true husbands,
For those whom you can easily turn your back on!
For giants, not for mice,
We drink to the bottom, not to half!

You are worthy of praise and kind words,
Today, saying them is a good reason.
You gathered us at the festive table,
We drink so that you will be forever young,
So that the years multiply your power,
So that the experience makes you wise, but does not spoil it.
Be happy, be ready to help your friends,
Be honest, be healthy and be free!

Toast for men

Happy Anniversary toast to a man

You bravely brought out congratulations,
But I want to repeat it again,
I wish you only happiness and fun,
So that you can live your life without losses.
For the anniversary, for the holiday for adults only,
For your boundless courage,
I want to support other toasts,
Drink up to the dregs, today anything is possible!

Men toast to women

The gingerbread man rolled away from his grandparents, the Snow Maiden melted in the spring, and mom lost her little one.
Let's drink to the fact that everything tasty, beautiful and expensive will always be nearby.

A toast to a man in prose

Let's drink to the men, to all of them together and to each of them individually. They usually say that a woman is a mystery, but probably it is men who say this. After all, for us you are just as incomprehensible and incomprehensible. Sometimes we don’t know what action to expect from you to answer your question. Sometimes we get angry and offended at you, but we always love and respect you. You are unique and interesting, they once said about you: “All men are the same, but some of them are more the same!”

Toast for a man

One day, a brave man, who considered himself the strongest and most dexterous, came to the sage: “I am the most courageous, I put enemies to flight, no one can compare with me in strength, I am invincible.”
The decrepit old man stood up and ordered the brave man to follow him. He brought him to the very edge of an abyss, so deep and dark that the bottom was not visible. And he says: “Stand next to me.” However, the man got scared, turned pale and could not overcome himself. The sage looked at him and said: “Courage and bravery do not depend on whether you look at the sky or at the ground, whether you run or walk. So know that danger does not lie in the abyss. It is only in you."
Let's drink to the most real men, brave and courageous, on whom you can rely in any matter, who will not deceive or betray. And all these are our men!

Toast for a man's birthday

The toast at a man's birthday should be short, but not so short that everyone thinks he has nothing to say. He should be witty, but not so much that everyone laughs for 2 hours, and, finally, he should be smart, but not so smart that everyone gets busy and forgets to drink, in general, something like this: “Here’s to you, you nanotechnological one!” .

This man is like a thunderstorm
His eyes are burning with fire,
Reliable, strong, young,
Handsome, faithful, only mine!
I want to say words of love
Hug, cuddle, kiss.
Let's drink to him
There is no one dearer!
Dear, I want to drink to you and your holiday. I am very lucky because I have you, reliable support and support, my most beloved and closest person!

Toast to the man

Malvina rejected the dog Artemon, the crybaby Pierrot and ran away from the tyrant Karabas
Malvina fell in love with a simple, cheerful guy Buratino and made a man out of this log.
Girls with blue hair are rare, just as rare as real men.

A man's toast to a real man

I want to say a toast to a real man! Who am I, a real man!? This is the one that is now in front of us. He is strong, smart, damn attractive, he has a lot of money. He planted a tree, built a house and is raising wonderful children. He has a beautiful, smart wife. A little salt and pepper won't hurt it. Friends, let's drink to the thrill of a real man!

Toast to a man's 50th birthday

What is fifty dollars for a real man? Actually nothing, pennies! And today I propose to drink to it! Here’s to a real man who meets maturity not with a weak wreck, but with a real strong oak tree that can stand for another 100 years!

Toast about men

About men
There's no reason
Very bad to say!
Well, where are we without a man?
How can we live without affection!?
How can we improve our house?
And put things in order!
Who should we argue with in the kitchen?
And have a little fun?!
Now we drink to the man,
Pour yourself some gin
Or vodka, finally
The fellow will be happy!

Birthday toasts in prose. Even if not everyone can compose a poetic congratulation - so what? Sincere, good, filled with sincere wishes for everything best toast in prose they are no less successful than in poetry. Do not be afraid of “despicable prose” - sometimes it is a hundred times more pleasant than the most flowery poetry.

One man decided never to celebrate his birthday again, hoping that the years would begin to pass him by and the merciless time would forget about his existence. After a few years, he noticed that his life had become dull, and the monotony began to leave haggard wrinkles on his face and forehead. "Why?" - he thought in despair - “After all, I’m so young!” One day a fairy appeared to him in a dream and said: “On birthdays, cherished and secret dreams come true, and a good mood comes to the house.” Everyone wishes you happiness and health, which prolongs youth for many years! And you denied yourself this, and that’s why you began to grow old faster! I wish the birthday boy to joyfully celebrate every birthday and look confidently into the future!

On one beautiful sunny day a very good man. He grew up and more and more people began to learn about him. Today, not only his family and loved ones, but even complete strangers are preparing for his birthday and buying gifts in advance. Because over the years he lived on earth, he managed to win over many people. My bright wishes and sincere affection to the birthday boy! Congratulations!

On a birthday, it is customary to blow out candles while making a wish. But it is best to formulate it clearly. Otherwise, if your wish comes true, you can get completely unexpected things, for example, a car with beautiful hips and luxurious breasts! Birthday boy! Always achieve your goals step by step without grabbing everything at once, then there will be a greater chance of a high-quality result. Happy holiday!

It is a mistake to think that a birthday needs to be celebrated in such a way as to remember it for a long time. It’s better to celebrate this holiday so that the next day you don’t remember anything at all! So let's spend this evening following my advice to make the holiday truly fun and perfect!

Birthday boy! Don’t even think about worrying about your age until the candles on your birthday cake cost more than the cake itself or don’t fit on it at all! I propose to drink to youth, fun, a delicious cake that still has a lot of room left, and a wonderful holiday that has brought us together today!

Don't be upset that birthdays only come once a year. Everything is provided for in nature. Birthday is a pleasant thing, but large quantities it can have a bad effect on your health. So let’s drink to the fact that there are good things in life in moderation, but this measure is enough for happiness! Happy holiday!

Birthday boy! You are simply an example to follow! You do not have a penchant for gambling, easily accessible and dubious entertainment, you will never commit treason, and you also have a negative attitude towards drinking and tobacco. This is all, of course, wonderful... But I don’t understand at all, how then to celebrate your birthday?

One man thought for a long time about how to hint to his grandmother what he wanted for his birthday. As a result, he decided to act subtly and left a sample application for the transfer of property on her bedside table. Let's drink to the fact that all the gifts at today's holiday will be desirable for the birthday boy, because he masters the art of hinting perfectly!

Okay, nurse, write down - the patient has a concussion of the skull. - But, doctor! You probably meant to say brain? - Yes, he doesn’t seem to have a brain, since he took his wife with him on his mistress’s birthday! May we always be surrounded by the right and dear people on our birthday, so that things never come to blows!

My wife was offended and still won’t talk to me because I ruined her entire birthday. But I just don’t understand how I could ruin a holiday if I don’t even remember what date it is? Let's drink so that our loved ones never forget about our date of birth and this is another reason to get everyone together and receive a whole sea of ​​warm words, compliments and gifts!

A man walks into a store and says: “Please give me candles for the cake for my wife’s birthday.” - Of course, how many pieces do you need? - asks the seller. - I come to you every year, it’s time to remember - 30, as always! My toast to sensitive and caring loved ones who always know how to please their soulmate on their birthday!

After all, birthdays are the most best holidays influencing fate! After all, as a rule, the more there are, the longer a person lives. I propose to close our glasses in crystal clinking, so that the wonderful occasion for which we are all here will bring us together every year until the end of time!

A millionaire has a son. Seven years later, his father says to him: “Tell me, what do you want to get for your birthday?” - I want an airplane! His father bought him a Boeing. A year later, the father asks the question again. - I want a beautiful car! And at the celebration, a Mercedes with a gift ribbon is waiting for my son. A year passes and a caring dad asks: - How do you want your holiday to go? - I want to watch cartoons with friends! The next day the boy actually watched cartoons in his own cinema. Another year has passed and, according to tradition, the father asks his question. - I'm tired of wealth! I want to dream like ordinary children at home, sitting by the window! His father bought him the Windows company. My toast to our parents, who are ready to do anything for us, and without whom this holiday would not have happened!

The site contains modern and original toasts, in verse and prose, which will quickly and easily be remembered by you and the recipient. Unique wishes for your Wedding Day will lift your spirits and will definitely please the newlyweds. The “Toasts” section includes more than 5,000 options: for family and friends, funny, for a birthday, beautiful, short, Caucasian, for love, for friends, for a wedding, among which you will definitely find what you need.

Birthday toasts in poetry and prose

A selection of great toasts from the “Birthday Toasts” section will be useful during the celebration. Congratulate loved one On your name day you can not only give a gift, but also a beautiful toast. The collection contains best sayings in poetry and prose, both short and long. The person making the toast must be confident in his abilities, at least for the duration of his pronunciation. And a luxurious ready-made option, which you can take without any difficulties in this section!

There are people whose birthday becomes a holiday not only for them, but also for all their friends. Congratulating such a person is already a joy. So let's drink to you - the one who, with your birth, gave us an annual celebration and a good mood.

With the birth of a person, a new star appears in the sky. Depending on how his life proceeds, it shines either brighter or dimmer. I would like to wish you that your life will be rich in impressions, positive emotions and joyful events, respectively, that your star will shine brightly, eclipsing all others around you!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees signs on the roads: the path to the right is happiness, the path to the left is to health, forward is to wealth, back is to goodness! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

They say that birthday is a sad holiday because the years fly by and you become one more older. But for me age is just a number. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what matters is how you feel. I wish you to always feel eighteen! Let's drink to that! For yours eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

A long time ago God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature with the same life expectancy - all 30 years. The horse plowed and plowed for 60 years, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years of my life to a man. During this time he will become wiser, come up with a tractor, and my life will become easier.” No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: “Am I a friend to man or not?” And she also gave her 10 years. Here the monkey says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives. So I’ll give him ten years.” So it turns out that a person lives for 60 years: 30 years normally, 10 years he works hard like a horse, 10 years he runs like a dog, and another 10 years he is wrinkled like a monkey. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy lives another 100 years, but lives them like a human being.

Let it be like this: children will become pride, love will become the norm, friends will become support, money will be great, health will be ironclad, and life will be delightful. May all your aspirations come true, may all doors open, may fortune smile welcomingly, and may your dreams come true. For the birthday boy!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not so. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, the main thing these days is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all life’s adversities will be over your shoulder!

Let the weather in your heart always be sunny, and your life be bright like a rainbow, in case of rain - so that you always have an umbrella with you, and let thunder and lightning be just gusts of happiness! Happy birthday!

Birthday is everyone's favorite holiday since childhood. Sometimes you can’t even sleep, in anticipation of a gift, you think about the friends who will come to you and how much fun you will have. But with age, the holiday ceases to be such, because you are already thinking about age. Therefore, I want to raise a glass to you, birthday boy, and wish you to always remain a child at heart who enjoys every moment of life!

On a birthday it is customary to wish health, love, luck and money. I wish you understanding. So that viruses and diseases understand that you don’t need love and luck - that they have a place in your life, and your bosses understand your value and indispensability, encouraging you with an increase in your salary. Let's drink to that.

They say: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, but I wish you a lot of reliable comrades, and also more money, they are never superfluous. May your life have enough of everything - both moral and material. I wish you happiness, love, good luck, prosperity and wealth. Happy birthday!

Three young men were driving along the steppe, and on the way they came across a huge stone. And on that stone there was an inscription carved: “Whoever goes right will find love, whoever turns left will gain health, and whoever goes straight will receive wealth.” So let's drink so that you never have to choose between love, health and wealth. May all these blessings always accompany you on any path.

There are three things in the life of a happy person! Love, family, and favorite pastime. Love should shine brighter than a flash of the sun, the seed should be as strong as the core of the same sun, a hobby should be filled with the same passionate feelings and discoveries that an astronomer experienced during long nights discovering and examining such new and such old constellations in the sky! So let's drink to having more space in your life!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a grain of salt. And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, say thank you to all your offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with your head held high. I want to raise this glass to our hero of the occasion and wish him just enough indifference to not notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much attentiveness to always notice good and positive deeds!

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to different little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This is probably the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

Let happiness flow like a river with the taste of honey, let a smile greet you every morning, a kiss at lunchtime, and candles in the evening. May your every day be wonderful, bringing happiness, smiles and good mood. And let these words reach the sky and be in reality, and not in dreams! Happy birthday!


They say that the main thing in life is health, it seems to me that this is not so, there are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, these days, the main thing is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all life’s adversities will be over your shoulder!


To find out the value of a person, you need to ask about him from trouble, from joy, from a woman and from a bottle. Recently I asked trouble: “How does your NAME relate to you?” Trouble replied, “He always overcomes me.” I asked joy. Joy replied: “He is not stingy, he shares with others.”
I asked my wife, and she answered: “Yes, NAME is sensitive and attentive. All his life he gives me his love, does not waste it on others.”
And the bottle said: “ good friend NAME will always support my company if necessary.”
Well, all I can do is confirm this excellent characteristic.
And we hope that NAME really is a sociable friend. And we will always support him. So, NAME?


The time has come for the annual holiday, when it is necessary to remind you of what a good person you are, to list everything good qualities and wish you the best for the future. But! Any good person himself knows about his qualities and what he strives for, so let’s not waste time and start celebrating!


The French say: “If in youth we have the face that nature gave us, then in maturity we have the one we deserve.” I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood. Your charming smile delights us. And that’s why the years have no power over you. you radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your birthday, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous as you are. I bow my knees before you. And I raise this glass in your honor!


There are many techniques for hidden negative criticism. For example, the owner of one newspaper says with a sarcastic smile:
- True, we don’t speak out about other newspapers.
But from this statement and the form of its utterance it is already clear that other publications are worth little in comparison with his own.
This diplomacy, embroidered with white thread, is reminiscent of a child's room. The child is asked:
-Who do you love more, dad or mom?
“I won’t tell you,” the child answers and adds: “Otherwise dad will be offended!”
If they ask me: who do I love more in this family - the owner or the hostess? I won’t say it either, because not only the owner will be offended, but also My wife! But since today is the mistress’s birthday, no one should be offended by our love for her!
So, I propose to drink to the newborn!


The student was late for class.
- What's happened? - the teacher asks him.
- I was attacked by an armed bandit!
- Oh, what a horror! So what did he do?
- He took it away... by crushing his home!
I, too, was attacked by an armed bandit, who robbed me of the flowers that I wanted to give to the hostess. I'm kidding, of course! I just feel bad that I couldn't get them.
I apologize and raise a toast to the birthday girl.


One parable described by Kafka tells of a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because the stern guards stood silent near it. The man thought that the soldiers would not let him through. Time passed and the gates closed. Then one of the guards said to the man:
- Oddball, these gates were opened especially for you, and we had to let only you through them.


The children ask Krupskaya to tell about Lenin.
-Are you asking what he was like? - she began. - He was very kind. I remember: children came to our estate, and Lenin was sitting on a bench at that time.
- Vladimir Ilyich, play with us! Vladimir Ilyich, play with us! - the guys started shouting.
And he will shout at them:
- Go to hell! - and his eyes are so... kind, kind!
Our birthday girl, unlike Lenin, loves children very much. She loves her relatives and friends! She is an exceptionally kind person, that’s why her eyes are so kind and kind! For the birthday girl!


The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village and asked the oldest 120-year-old aksakal, does he feel his old age?
- Yes, of course, I feel it! - answered the elder.
- What? - asked the journalist.
- When I was 100 years old, I drank 20 glasses of wine with my guests. When I was 110 years old, I drank 10 glasses of wine with my guests, now I drink only 9 glasses... So let’s drink to living as long as this elder, and complaining about old age just like this elder!


You probably know that a marriage is happy if one half snores and the other half cannot hear. On this occasion, the adult daughter says to her mother:
- You know, mom, I can’t stand snorers!
And I will never marry a man who snores at night!
“Perhaps, daughter, you’re right, I just ask you to be careful... during the tests!”
It so happened that the birthday boy and I were once sitting next to each other in the theater. During the performance he fell asleep and slept soundly! But to snore?! This didn't happen! Therefore, taking into account its other advantages, I can confidently recommend it to all unmarried people!

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