Seedless plum confiture is a simple recipe for a delicious winter treat. Jam thickener: which one is better to choose? How to make cherry and gooseberry jam

The easiest way to prepare a plum delicacy for the winter is to make jam or confiture from the fruit. In principle, both options are ideal for beginners or very busy housewives, since they are prepared quite simply and quickly. Plus, it’s almost impossible to ruin them. The main thing is to choose what to cook. Jams have a thick, velvety consistency. Confiture is more like a dense jelly, with pieces of fruit or homogeneous - most often housewives make it homogeneous, since it is still less troublesome; the correct confiture should contain pieces of berries/fruit. This is exactly the kind of plum confiture we will prepare for the winter. The recipe, in addition to fruit and sugar, includes the obligatory addition of a gelling component, since without it you will not be able to obtain the correct jelly consistency. Maximum - thick jam will come out. As such a component, you can use any thickener marked “for jelly (marmalade, soufflé).” We suggest preparing this plum confiture using agar-agar. With it, the structure of the treat will be jelly-like and denser. This confiture “does not float” even when stored warm.


  • plum (any variety, weight with pit) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • agar-agar – 1 sachet (7 g);
  • citric acid – 1/3 tsp.


First of all, we prepare jars and lids for the confiture. The sweetness does not take that long to cook, and at the time of distributing it into containers, the jars should already be sterile and dry.

We sort out the plums and wash them thoroughly. Then cut each one lengthwise and remove the pit.

Since we are making confiture with pieces of fruit, we divide all the prepared plums approximately in half, and then we will work with each separately: boil one, puree the other. We transfer the plum halves intended for boiling into a suitable sized saucepan (taking into account the fact that the puree will be added there later). If desired, you can cut the plums into smaller pieces. Add half of all the water to the saucepan.

We put the saucepan on the maximum heat of the stove, bring the contents to a boil and let it boil for about 15 minutes - so that the plum becomes soft, but at the same time (preferably) retains its shape.

At the same time, prepare the second part of the confiture. To do this, turn the remaining plums into puree using an immersion blender.

The puree turns out to be quite thick and interspersed with plum skins - the look, frankly speaking, is not the most appetizing. We get rid of the skin by rubbing the plum puree through a sieve and diluting it with the remaining water. If, in your opinion, the puree turns out a bit thick (the consistency depends on how juicy the plum is), you can add a little more water.

Add agar to the puree.

Stir the plum puree with agar and, according to the instructions, leave it to stand for 15-20 minutes. If there are lumps left when stirring, it’s not a problem; when heated, the mass will become completely homogeneous. After infusion, add the plum puree with agar into the saucepan with the plums in slices.

Stir and add sugar to the confiture.

Then citric acid. Stir.

Return the saucepan with jam to the stove. Bring to a boil and, with constant stirring, boil for another 5-10 minutes. During this time, the agar lumps should completely dissolve. You will get a velvety plum mass with fruit halves. Now it is liquid, but after cooling it will become thick and dense, like jelly. Be sure to remove the foam, otherwise it will harden into an unappetizing white film.

Fill the prepared jars with plum confiture.

Close and leave in room until cool. Afterwards you can put it away for storage. If it turns out that you didn’t have time to pour the hot confiture into the jars and it thickened, it’s okay. Place the saucepan on the stove again and, stirring, bring the confiture to the consistency you need.

Ready-made plum confiture is perfect as a filling for baked goods, for making sandwiches, or just with a cup of hot tea. Bon appetit!


If you prefer confiture with a homogeneous consistency, without pieces of fruit, then skip the step of boiling the plum halves (steps 3-4) and turn the entire plum into puree. Next - according to the recipe.

Continuing our selection delicious recipes with agar-agar, we come to the topic of making jams and confitures. If you previously thought that these were all the same thing, then let us reveal the secret - not quite. Confiture is a type of jam and the main difference between them is in the cooking process. On a cold winter evening, a jar of delicious berry jam or confiture will be an excellent healthy and delicious dessert for the whole family. In addition, this delicacy can be included in gifts for the New Year or Christmas. We suggest you prepare cherry confiture and raspberry jam c.

Raspberry jam with agar-agar

Raspberries are a product with a huge range of useful properties, among which one of the most famous is the antipyretic properties of the berry. That is why, if you often catch colds, then you simply need to adopt a recipe for such jam.

We will need:

  • 1.3 kilograms of raspberries;
  • 10 grams of agar-agar;
  • 10 grams of citric acid;
  • 500 grams of fructose;
  • 200 grams of water.

How to do:

  1. Since the basis of making jam is boiling the berries in sugar syrup, we’ll start with that. Place the raspberries in a saucepan, sprinkle with fructose, add water and heat for ~ 15 minutes, stirring.
  2. While our berries are boiling, prepare the agar and dilute the thickener warm water until dissolved, then boil for 1 minute.
  3. After the berries have boiled, cool them and mix them with agar and citric acid, mix and put them on the stove again - now we need our berries with agar to boil for about 3 minutes.
  4. After the designated time, remove the jam from the stove and pour into prepared jars, close with a lid, turn over and wrap.

Our raspberry jam for the winter with agar-agar is ready! This treat can be either a topping for baked goods or just a great addition to any tea party.

Cherry confiture with agar-agar and peach

The main highlight of this delicious confiture is its absolutely stunning combination of aromas and tastes. Believe me, such confiture will take pride of place in the list of your favorite delicacies, and you will prepare it with great pleasure.

We will need:

  • 400 grams of cherries;
  • 3 pieces of ripe peaches;
  • 500 grams of fructose;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of agar;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • lemon zest.

How to do:

  1. Remove the pits from the peaches. We don’t throw away the bone, but take out the kernels - we will need them. Cut the peach into pieces of the desired size, sprinkle with fructose, vanilla sugar, add lemon zest and cut kernels from our peaches. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. The next day, we sort out the cherries, remove the pits, add them to the peaches and leave for another hour, after which we put our fruit mixture on the stove and heat.
  3. While the mixture is heating, dilute the agar and boil for a minute.
  4. Mix with fruit and let simmer for ~ 4 minutes.
  5. Immediately after this, pour the hot confiture into jars and roll up. Turn the finished jars over and wrap them until they cool completely.

When, after a while, you open this cherry confiture with agar-agar, the aroma of almonds and cherries combined with peach will envelop you in warmth and lift your spirits. This therapy will make winter evenings cozy and very pleasant.

To make this jam and confiture, it is not necessary to take cherries or raspberries. Take the berries you love most - cranberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries. As a sweetener, you can use not only fructose, but also other sweeteners - for example, stevia or sucralose. Have fun cooking and remember that your favorite delicacies can be both healthy and tasty if you use natural products.

Confitures and jams with agar-agar

1.Apple jam with cinnamon (Confiture de pommes à la canelle)

1.4 kg apples
500 g sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp AA
1 lemon

The day before:
Peel and cut the apples, sprinkle with sugar and pour over lemon juice, insert a cinnamon stick into the middle. Cover with a lid and leave overnight.

The next morning:
Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, take a ladle of liquid and pour it into a small saucepan. Add agar-agar and boil for 2 minutes. Pour the mixture back over the apples.
Pour into jars. Keep in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

2. Recipe for tender marshmallows from irenka2501

- 600 g applesauce
- 2 tsp. with agar-agar top
- 2 squirrels
- 450 g sugar
- 1/2 tsp. citric acid
- 1 glass of water

- Make puree from apples in a blender. We need 600 grams of ready-made puree. We unload it into a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes. Then set it aside and let it cool. My puree was already ready, cooked in the fall and waiting in the freezer
- In a bowl, beat 2 egg whites + 150 g sugar + 1/2 tsp. citric acid into a very thick foam. I entrusted this operation to the Kenwood kitchen machine.
- Place a saucepan on the fire, into which pour the remaining sugar (300 g) + 2 tsp. agar-agar and fill it with water (1 cup). Boil the syrup until it “tests to a hard ball” (or when we see a lot of boiling small bubbles)
- Then, while whipping the protein mass, add applesauce to it and when the mass becomes the same color, pour in the boiling syrup in a thin stream, continuing to beat. After whisking and mixing well, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator to cool. Once the mass has cooled and hardened, it can be cut into pieces and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The delicious pastille is ready.

3.Orange jelly

This jelly uses date paste as a sweetener: these are dates beaten in a blender with water in equal parts.
Freshly squeezed orange juice,
Dates (pits removed)
Agar-agar at the rate of 2-4 tsp. per glass of liquid
Essential oil orange 3-4 drops (optional)

Soak dates in cold water. Beat dates and water in a blender (1:1 ratio). Squeeze orange juice. Heat the juice in an enamel or glassware by adding date paste. In a separate bowl, dissolve agar-agar in a small amount of water. When the juice is hot (65-85 C), pour in the dissolved agar-agar with constant stirring. Stir constantly.

4.Orange jam Source
I have been using this orange jam recipe for a long time. The consistency of the jam can be easily adjusted using agar. If you need thick jam or even orange marmalade, I add more agar. And just a little bit if you need thin jam.

Ingredients for making orange jam
2 large oranges.
1 tablespoon agar-agar, if you need a very thick jam. If you want to make it liquid, then 1 teaspoon is enough.
Fructose or sugar - to taste. You don’t have to add it at all so as not to interrupt the specific taste of oranges.

How to make orange jam
Grate the zest from half an orange. It is no longer necessary to prevent the jam from acquiring a strong bitterness.
Remove the peel from the oranges. If you want a very delicate jam, then we also remove the films that separate the orange slices.
Place the oranges in a blender. Grind. Let's try. If it's too sour for your taste, add sugar or fructose.
Next, put the orange puree into a saucepan and place on low heat. Oranges produce a lot of juice, so there is no need to add water.
When everything boils, add agar-agar and mix well. Keep it on the fire for about a minute so that the agar reveals its gelling properties.
Remove from heat and place orange marmalade into jars.

5. Strawberry confiture

Girls, I’m in a hurry to come to you with strawberry jam. This is my first experience in canning 10 years ago! Recipe from the magazine "Bon Appetit"

For 6 cans of 250 ml
1 kg strawberries
1 orange
1 kg of gelling sugar (this time I added a packet of jam, but you can use a packet of gelatin, or a couple of spoons of agar)
5 tbsp orange liqueur - optional (I did not add)


To prepare strawberry confiture, carefully wash, peel and cut the strawberries into pieces (I cut them into 4 pieces). Wash the orange with hot water, dry it and grate the peel on a fine grater (usually I put the orange through a meat grinder, this time I didn’t add zest, I’ll say it tastes better with zest). Mix the berries and sugar in a saucepan, cover with a lid and let stand for 3 - 4 hours. Add orange zest to strawberries. Stirring constantly, bring the strawberries to a boil and, without ceasing to stir, cook for about 4 minutes at a high boil. If desired, add orange liqueur to the confiture at the end of cooking. Prepare the jars: wash thoroughly, sterilize over steam, and boil the lids. Place the confiture into jars, seal the jars with the confiture with lids., I’ll make my additions. I liked it better with gelatin, I suggest twisting the orange through a meat grinder and adding the whole mass to the strawberries. I haven’t made it with agar, but they say it’s possible and delicious.

6. Orange jam

This is a thick, bright, very rich citrus jam, according to the recipe of the French pastry chef Pierre Hermé. I recommend making it in advance and in large quantities, not only because the jam is surprisingly tasty, but also because it is included in many desserts and cakes. For example, the Desert Rose cake.
Special thanks to Alexandra Lisichk@ for her help with translating the recipe.

Ingredients for 1.5 kg of jam:

8 large oranges
1 lemon

The day before:
Very carefully cut off a thin layer of peel from the lemon and orange, trying to touch as little of the white part as possible. A potato peeler works well for this job.

If the white part does get in, carefully remove it with a knife.
You only need half of the whole zest. Cut it into thin strips.

Peel the lemon and oranges and divide into slices.

And clean off the films.

Weigh the fruit and zest, then add equal weight of water to the citrus fruit. Leave for 24 hours.

Squeeze the fruit and weigh it. Add sugar equal in weight to the squeezed fruit. Place in a saucepan.

Bring to a boil and cook for 15-30 minutes until the fruit is softened.

Immediately transfer to sterilized jars and seal.

From berries and various fruits you can prepare a homemade sweet treat that will benefit the human body. It's about O a simple dish- raspberry jam. It cooks very quickly. Even a beginner in cooking can cope with the task if he follows the important points.

The delicacy can be prepared according to different recipes, each of which has its own cooking technology. There are rules that apply regardless of which recipe was chosen:

  1. Raspberries are a berry containing a minimal amount of gelling components. To get jam, you need to boil the mass for a long time with big amount Sahara. Adding ingredients such as pectin or gelatin will help reduce cooking time.
  2. Many housewives refuse raspberries because of the seeds. Their presence affects the taste of the jam. To make it tender, the berry mass is ground through a sieve and, adding water and sugar, is sent to the stove.
  3. After washing, dry the raspberries on paper towels. If you miss this, the excess moisture will make the mixture too watery. As a result, the jam will have to cook for a very long time.

When using gelling ingredients, pay attention to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer. The instructions on the package may differ from the directions in the recipe. In this case, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Since the dosage has already been calculated, the jam will have a good taste and the required structure.

Preparing raspberries

Raspberries are one of the most delicate berries due to their structure. Reaching maturity, it begins to become limp, lose juice, and over time dries out or falls off.

After picking ripe raspberries, you must immediately start making jam. But before that, the berries need to be washed and cleaned of dirt and insects.

Small bugs can often be seen on raspberry branches and berries. Under no circumstances should they fall into the sweet mass. Soaking in salted water may solve the problem. In a few minutes, the insects will float up, and all that remains is to rinse the raspberries under running water. After water procedures, the berries are laid out on the surface to drain off excess liquid.

How to make confiture at home

If a person hears the word “confiture”, it may seem to him that it is some kind of gourmet dish from overseas ingredients. But that's not true. We are talking about a delicacy that is prepared from simple ingredients. All components can be found in the kitchen.

Raspberry confiture acquires an incredible aroma after cooking. It is so tender that it melts in your mouth. The sweet mass can be spread on bread and eaten with tea. Winter preparations are used as a filling for pies, cookies and buns.

A simple recipe for the winter

Classic cooking technology involves the use of the following components:

  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg sugar.


  1. Raspberries are washed and dried before cooking.
  2. The mass is placed in a cooking pan and covered with sugar. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, the berries will release juice and the jam will not burn to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Place the raspberries on the stove and cook until bubbles appear. As soon as the mixture boils, set aside for 10 minutes, stirring it and collecting foam from the surface.
  4. Then turn the heat to low and continue cooking the jam until it thickens. As a rule, this takes up to 1 hour.
  5. Without removing the pan from the heat, the jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed up for the winter.

If you simmer the jam for too long, it will become too thick. This also affects its quantity - there is less jam. After the cans have cooled, they are taken to the cellar. Jam can also be stored at room temperature.

With gelatin


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled water (cooled).

How to prepare jam:

  1. Raspberries are prepared for cooking, while simultaneously preparing the gelatin mass.
  2. Mix citric acid with gelatin in a glass. Pour everything over with cooled 2 tbsp. l. water and mix.
  3. Raspberries are placed in a container, covered with sugar and filled with water.
  4. Place the pan with the mixture on the fire and wait for bubbles to appear. It is boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then add the gelatin mass to the raspberries and mix the jam quickly for a minute.

After this, they do not wait until the jam boils again, but pour it into jars. The cooked jam is laid out in sterilized glass containers. These can be jars with glass lids that can be stored in the refrigerator. The rest of the jam, sealed in jars, is taken out to a cold place.

In a slow cooker

You can also prepare raspberry jam in a modern kitchen device - a multicooker. A person only needs to download the necessary components and select a mode. Cooking is carried out in a special bowl. During cooking, open the multicooker lid to stir the sweet mass.


To obtain a more tender mass, raspberries are ground through a sieve. This is very easy and simple to do. Raspberry jam obtains a homogeneous consistency. But this procedure affects its quantity. There is less raspberry jam.

No cooking

The result of cooking is “live” jam, which has an incredible berry aroma. You can make it using any grinder with added sugar. After the sugar has completely dissolved, store the raspberry mass in the refrigerator. A large number of sugar and low temperature will not allow the berries to spoil.

With agar-agar

This substance is good alternative gelatin. Its taste is not felt in raspberry jam. Dissolves perfectly in raspberry juice. Allows you to achieve the desired thickness and consistency of jam.

Starch based

Acts as a thickener. It is a component of natural origin. Starch is dissolved in water and then added to the jam. This is done at the end of cooking.

With pectin

The ingredient allows you to make the jam thicker. Eliminates prolonged cooking. Reduces cooking time several times. When calculating the dosage, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

With lemon zest

Raspberry itself is a sweet berry, devoid of sourness. With added sugar it becomes even sweeter. To diversify the taste, it is recommended to add lemon. Instead of juice, take zest and grate it on a fine grater.

Frozen raspberry confiture

You can prepare confiture not only in the summer, when there are fresh raspberries. Frozen raw materials are also suitable for jam. The cooking technology is the same. Before cooking, the berries are left for some time to soften.


For daily use, the jar is placed in the refrigerator. It is always at hand and you can enjoy jam at any time. The rest of the batch is taken to the cellar or basement. You need to store the jam in the cold so that the mass inside the jar does not deteriorate.

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