What vitamins strengthen the gums. What vitamins do adults need to maintain healthy teeth and gums?

Let's talk about the importance of vitamins for strengthening teeth and gums for adults and children, and also list the popular names of tablets and products. Indeed, only on the basis of a correct and complete diet can one achieve high health indicators.

Not only the work of internal systems and organs depends on the availability of vitamins in our daily diet. Their deficiency also affects the condition of the teeth and gums. And if you ideally clean the oral cavity, visit the dentist, but there is not enough, for example, calcium, then hard tissues will still be destroyed.

Analyzing your diet

To understand why teeth are crumbling and what exactly your body needs, you should first analyze what you eat every day. After all, ordinary food is precisely responsible for the presence of nutrients on which the functioning depends. internal organs.

Since it is very important to get a variety of vitamins and minerals, and regularly, you need to learn how to correctly compose a balanced diet for the day. This is the only way to ensure that the gums do not bleed, the teeth do not decay or loosen, and the smile is snow-white.

Of course, one can simply buy the appropriate supplements at the pharmacy, which contain the daily amount of each micronutrient for a child or adult. Drinking them is quite simple, but nevertheless, doctors recommend that most of the required substances be obtained from fresh or cooked dishes.

Why are vitamins important?

Teeth are made up of bone tissue, as well as blood vessels and nerve endings. So that all metabolic processes in them take place properly, and the enamel protects the inside well enough from aggressive influences, you should also take care of good nutrition. The gums also require a daily internal replenishment of certain vitamins to remain elastic enough to hold each tooth in place.

With a lack of some important element, the state of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity immediately deteriorates. So, inflammatory processes can intensify, chronic diseases worsen, caries appear, or teeth darken, and much more.

It should be understood that under certain life circumstances, the daily dose of each element must be increased. Therefore, manufacturers often produce drugs that meet certain needs of the body.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of choosing vitamins for teeth during pregnancy. Indeed, in this difficult period for a woman, there is often a shortage of many of them. Also, for the formation and development of the fetus, the presence of all trace elements in the mother's diet is very important.

Where to begin?

So how do you decide which vitamins are needed for your teeth? Mandatory micronutrients that must be present in the daily diet of a person who is attentive to the health of the oral cavity are:

  • Calcium - its deficiency will immediately affect the condition of the enamel. Therefore, if you need to achieve its strengthening, then you should increase this component in the daily diet. It is the main building block for teeth. It is quickly washed out of the bones, so it needs to be constantly replenished with food or supplements. It is especially abundant in milk and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, sour cream).
  • Phosphorus - contributes to the proper formation and functioning of the entire skeletal system. And since teeth are made of hard tissues, their health directly depends on this microelement. Also, from the presence of phosphorus in the diet, a whiteness and a healthy shine of a smile is manifested. With its lack, the enamel immediately fades and it begins to deteriorate over time.
  • Vitamin D - is always absorbed only in combination with calcium, therefore it is recommended to take them together. This element helps to strengthen the teeth. It is most important in maintaining the volume of the alveolar tissue. It also affects the condition of the mucous membrane, preventing bleeding and inflammation. This vitamin is found in sea fish, eggs and liver, yeast, mushrooms and parsley.

Vitamin B

This group has a complex effect on the entire human body. But let's clarify the main positive influence from the dental perspective:

  • determines the state of the skeletal system, strengthening hard tissues;
  • prevents loosening of teeth;
  • helps to form the mucous membrane, increasing its tone and elasticity;
  • normalizes the microflora in the mouth;
  • prevents.

With an insufficient amount of B vitamins, the condition of the gums worsens, gingivitis or periodontitis appears, and bleeding. Looseness of the teeth occurs from the reduced tone of the mucous membrane. Sometimes cracks form in the corners of the lips, and there is a dry, burning sensation in the mouth.


Today, many different special complexes are provided in pharmacies that can fill the lack of certain substances in our body. Some of them are focused only on certain groups of vitamins or microelements, others are able to provide us with a complete set of all useful substances according to age or lifestyle. Let's list the best ones:

  1. Forever Kids is a complex for children based on the extract of healthy vegetables and fruits. Thus, it is possible to achieve the introduction of valuable products into the daily diet. Among them are cranberries, apples, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, etc.
  2. Calcium Osteoporosis is a special supplement consisting of a complex of important trace elements for the formation of healthy bone tissue - vitamins K, C, B6 and D3. They are the ones that most contribute to the strength and health of teeth.
  3. Kaltsinova is a special drug that helps not only to fill the lack of individual vitamins, but also helps to strengthen bone tissue. Its composition is especially valuable for those who wish to strengthen their teeth - vitamins A, B6, C, D, as well as phosphorus and calcium.
  4. Duovit is recommended as a complex vitamin and mineral preparation for all people who experience particularly increased stress and even for pregnant women. The composition is distinguished by high doses of trace elements, which are fully responsible for the stable level of the immune system and the work of all internal organs, including teeth and gums.
  5. Vitrum is another well-thought-out range of products for different age categories and pregnant women. Depending on your needs, you can choose a suitable composition.
  6. Centrum - designed specifically for the quick recovery of the body's strength after increased stress or stress. In addition to the complex of vitamins, it also contains calcium and phosphorus, which is especially important for dental health.
  7. Alphabet Classic - also provides the consumer with a whole range of products, in each of which the amount of minerals is selected according to the expected result.
  8. Asepta is the most effective vitamin supplement in terms of its effect on dental tissues. The composition contains coral calcium and coenzyme Q10, which are easily absorbed by the human body. Thanks to them, active regenerative processes take place in the tissues and the enamel is strengthened. It also contains the recommended dosage of vitamins A, B, C and D. There is also green tea extract, which helps antiseptic treatment of the gums. Thanks to such components, Asepta quickly helps to eliminate inflammatory diseases, prevent the formation of caries and strengthen enamel.
  9. DentoVitus is another good complete complex that has a beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums, and on all systems of the body as a whole. In addition to the main groups of vitamins, it contains calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and other trace elements.
  10. Calcium-D3 Nycomed is a special supplement for strengthening bone tissue. Of all the components, only calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 are found here. But they are the ones that are important for the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth.

Use of ascorbic acid

Many people believe that it is enough to replenish the body's strength with only vitamin C. This is partly correct, but if your teeth or other organs are malnourished, you need something else. This useful element helps to cope with such oral problems:

  • eliminates bleeding gums;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • prevents loosening and loss of teeth;
  • stops the development of infectious and ulcerative formations.

Equally important vitamins

(The picture is clickable)

And although the body as a whole needs all the nutrients that nutritionists talk about, they play a secondary role for dental health. And yet, some of them contribute to the better condition of hard tissues or mucous membranes:

  • Vitamin K - Found in potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, rose hips and green peas. Due to its action on the circulatory system, it can prevent bleeding of the gums.
  • Vitamin A - is responsible for various metabolic processes and contributes to the health of the mucous membranes. It is especially abundant in orange and yellow fruits or vegetables.
  • Vitamins of the PP group - stop various pathological and inflammatory processes in the tissues of our body. They can be found in yeast, liver, cereals, meat and legumes.
  • Vitamin E - is responsible for regeneration and recovery. Thanks to its normal amount in the daily diet, any wounds heal quickly and easily, the gums become resistant to various injuries, and their sensitivity decreases.

Disease as a vitamin deficiency ...

To quickly determine which trace element your body lacks in each of the cases, we offer a list of the main symptoms:

  • dry mouth and a burning sensation of the mucous membrane, which are accompanied by the destruction of hard tissues and the formation of carious cavities, indicates a lack of vitamin D;
  • in case of problems with the gums, which are manifested by poor wound healing, the formation of ulcers, inflammatory processes, a lack of vitamin A is found;
  • if dry mouth occurs, the tongue turns red, and taste is disturbed, then this indicates a low content of vitamin B12 in the daily diet;
  • in cases of increased bleeding of the gums and the simultaneous appearance of tooth mobility, an insufficient amount of ascorbic acid can be suspected;
  • increased loosening of units indicates a lack of vitamin B6;
  • if among the symptoms there is a burning sensation, dryness of the mucous membrane, pain tongue and constantly want to drink, this indicates the need to increase the intake of vitamin B1;
  • wounds in the corners of the lips, ulcers on the mucous membrane, inflammation of the gums indicate problems with vitamin B2;
  • if only increased bleeding was found without other unpleasant symptoms, then this may indicate a lack of vitamin K;
  • with poor healing of the mucous membrane, its increased sensitivity and the formation of various wounds, it is worth increasing the intake of vitamin E;
  • when cracks on the lips are accompanied by a dark coating on the tongue and stomatitis, this is an indicator of a deficiency of PP vitamins;
  • simultaneous problems with the gums and frequent infectious diseases of the mucous membrane indicate the need to increase the daily dose of vitamin B9.

Having learned which foods each of them contains, you can easily adjust your diet and in short time get rid of the problem. Although it is advisable to constantly monitor the variety of all the required products to maintain health and prevent any diseases.

Video: vitamins and minerals for dental health.


When choosing the right meals for your daily diet, taking into account your needs, you need to take into account their volume and daily allowance. Let's provide short information in the table:

Vitamins What contains Amount in mg per 100 g of product
A Cod liver 5
Fish fat 30
Fish roe 1
Beef liver 8,2
Quail eggs 0,5
IN 1 Linen 1,64
Pistachios 0,87
Sunflower seeds 1,48
Pork 0,6
Pine nuts 33,82
IN 2 Egg powder 1,06
Almond 0,66
Cilantro leaves 1,5
Liver 2,2
Pine nuts 88,05
AT 3 Cod 10,9
Peanut 16,2
Chicken liver 11,9
Beef liver 6,8
Peas 2,2
AT 4 Beef liver 635
Egg powder 900
Pork liver 517
Chicken egg 504
Sprouted wheat 406
AT 5 Beef kidney 3,8
Beef 6,4
Pork liver 5,8
Beans 0,9
Walnut 0,8
AT 6 Garlic 1,2
Pistachios 1,7
Mackerel 0,8
Tuna 0,8
Chicken liver 0,9
AT 7 Soya beans 60
Pork liver 250
Beef liver 102
Corn 21
Oatmeal 20
AT 9 Peanut 240
Green beans 394
Chicken liver 647
Pork liver 240
Salmon 34
AT 12 Octopus 20
Lamb liver 90
Beef liver 60
Mackerel 12
Beef 2,6
WITH Sea buckthorn 200
Rose hip 650
Bell pepper 200
Red rowan 70
Cauliflower 70
Lemon 40
Black currant 150
D Atlantic herring 30
Mackerel 16,1
Sprats 20,5
Fish fat 250
Cod liver 100
Butter 35
Egg yolk 25
E Hazelnut 26,6
Corn oil 93
Cottonseed oil 99
Peanut 19,4
Sunflower oil 67
Dried apricots 5,5
Sea buckthorn 5
TO Peas 342
Spinach 459
White cabbage 448
Tomatoes 0,4
Strawberry 0,12

Inflammation of the gums, as well as various diseases and dental defects often develop against the background of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. In this case, even the ideal one will not help preserve their health. The reality is that it is quite difficult for adults and children to get all the necessary vitamins for teeth through food. To fill the missing amount, the world's leading dentists recommend taking specially designed complexes.

Review of vitamin and mineral complexes

Specially developed ready-made preparations containing vitamins and minerals necessary for dental health provide invaluable assistance with a poor diet. But you cannot use them thoughtlessly. It is best to do a special analysis to determine the missing substances in the body. At a minimum, you should do a thorough analysis of your diet and consult your dentist.

It's important to know! Fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K - are not excreted in the urine, but accumulate in the body. An excess of vitamins A and E leads to serious disturbances in the digestive system, causes weakness, dizziness, headache, apathy and nervous irritability, dryness and itching of the skin, joint pain, loss of vision and other abnormalities. Excessive intake of vitamin D in the body is fraught with the destruction of bones and the development of atherosclerosis. Vitamin K is produced in the human body, and its excess threatens the formation of blood clots.

When considering vitamins for teeth and gums, a drug called Vitrum Calcium cannot be ignored. It comes in the form of tablets, which must be taken in an amount of 1 or 2 per day. This will be an excellent support for bone tissue, prevent the development of caries and teeth crumbling. Vitrum Kalcium is not only a source of calcium, but also regulates its metabolism, as well as the exchange of phosphorus. The drug is recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

This is a vitamin preparation with a wide composition, one package of which is enough for a full course. Contains vitamins A, D, C, group B necessary for teeth and gums. Also, the preparation contains components that have a positive effect on cell regeneration. The complex of these vitamins and minerals is especially suitable for people with bleeding gums.

There are three types in the package, and, undergoing a course of treatment, you must take one from each group daily. The first contains calcium and colicalciferol (D 3), the second - iron and substances that help its absorption, the third - components for cleansing the body and strengthening immunity. In total, Alphabet Classic contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, many of which are needed to strengthen teeth.

This drug is recommended for advanced forms of various dental diseases. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in these effervescent tablets, both adults and children can be of great help to their teeth. After the end of the course of admission (30 days), the enamel and denta are strengthened, blood circulation in the gums improves and the capillaries are strengthened, they cease to be loose. Ulcers and wounds on the mucous membrane heal quickly.

These are Swiss vitamins for strengthening teeth, created from natural ingredients. It is a supplier of calcium in a form that is easy to assimilate, so it helps to cope with the problem of tiny teeth. The vitamins and green tea extract included in its composition are indispensable for strengthening not only teeth, but also gums. Calcium Osteoporosis also has a powerful tonic effect. You need to take it 1 or 2 capsules daily with food.

It is an inexpensive and simple preparation. It contains only calcium and vitamin D 3. It is produced in the form of multi-colored chewable tablets and can be used as an additive to the diet of adults and children. You need to eat 2 or 3 tablets per day.

These are multi-colored tablets containing vitamins necessary for teeth, as well as potassium and phosphorus, which will please both adults and children.

Note! Calcine for teeth is especially recommended for children during the period of active growth, when they refuse dairy products.

The best vitamins for gums and teeth in childhood

Vitamins for teeth are especially necessary for young children. The main ones are A and D. They, as well as other useful components, contain such complex preparations intended for babies:

  • Vitaftor - prevents the appearance or stops the development of caries.
  • Vita bears calcium plus - supplies the child's body with calcium, phosphorus, vitamins D, A and C.
  • Forever Kids - replaces the intake of vegetables, as it contains extracts from them; gives the child the vitamins necessary for the health of all tissues in the oral cavity.

Vitamins from natural sources for children

There is nothing better for a child than to teach him to eat healthy food for the whole body. Parents who care about the health of their child's teeth know that children need to eat for their teeth:

  • carrots and leafy vegetables;
  • cottage cheese and hard cheese;
  • fish, liver and eggs.

What remedies can help strengthen teeth and gums

It is best to consult a dentist to select the appropriate preparation for strengthening the chewing apparatus. He carefully examines the condition of the gums and teeth and will give his opinion and recommendations. Vitamins for children are usually prescribed by a pediatrician.

The vitamins a person needs to strengthen teeth and gums are:

A - contributes to the normal production of protective saliva, good quality tooth enamel, as well as good anchoring of teeth, prevents the formation of inflammatory processes in the mouth.

C - strengthens the capillaries, thereby preventing bleeding of the gums, protects the oral cavity from infections.

E - supports the health of mucous membranes and gums.

D - promotes the correct exchange of potassium and phosphorus, without which it is impossible to maintain dental health.

PP - protects against inflammation in the mouth.

K is very important for gum health.

Group B - Prevents dry gums and loosening of the teeth.

Note! If a person long time is deficient in any vitamins, then when their intake is getting better (by changing the diet or taking vitamin complexes), the body is unable to assimilate them in full. Hence the conclusion - you need to be careful to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.

In addition, drugs that strengthen the organs of chewing usually include calcium, which is building material as well as fluorine, phosphorus and potassium.

Vitamins for metabolic processes and strengthening immunity

You can talk a lot about which vitamins play a major role in the normal course of metabolic processes, and which ones best strengthen the immune system. However, it is important to understand that the human body is designed in such a way that all processes within it are interconnected. With a shortage of some elements, others are not assimilated, with disruption of the work of some organs, the rest also suffer.

In view of this, it would be unwise to dwell on only a narrow spectrum of vitamins or minerals, while ignoring others. For example, calcium, which is so necessary for teeth, is poorly absorbed in case of deficiency of vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus and fluoride. Vitamin A is poorly absorbed without E and, finally, no other vitamin is absorbed by the body without vitamin C. It is important to remember all these relationships in order to properly support the body or its individual systems and organs.

Additional Information. The absorption of vitamins and minerals is greatly hampered by problems with digestive system and with metabolic processes. In addition, some foods also interfere with their intake (for example, coffee, tea, alcohol).

Pharmacy complexes and vitamins: benefits and harms

Vitamins, which are created to strengthen teeth and gums, as well as the whole body, are of great benefit, because they make up for the missing elements that are important for the normal functioning of all body systems. Just a few capsules of a specially developed preparation can replace kilograms of citrus fruits, carrots or cottage cheese. Their benefits are especially obvious in view of the increasing depletion of the soil and all kinds of processing of plants that go to human food. In addition, almost every inhabitant of the earth has a lot of processed, refined foods in the diet. All this causes vitamin deficiency, which affects all body systems, including the teeth. Pharmacy vitamins, presented in a very wide spectrum in pharmacies, help compensate for the harm caused to a person by the actions of other people.

However, do not forget that everything natural, taken from nature, is absorbed by the body much better. Some scientists also believe that synthetic vitamins prevent further absorption of natural analogs. There is only one conclusion - a person should try to get the maximum dose of essential vitamins and minerals naturally, making his diet varied and eating only unprocessed fresh foods. It is especially important to consume vegetables, fruits, grains, vegetable fats and dairy products. If possible, it is better to choose a private economy as their source.

Let's summarize

So, we looked at what vitamins and minerals are needed for teeth and how you can get them. If the body has nowhere to take building material for bones, then you should not expect that they will be healthy. With an acute shortage of organic matter, a person will never achieve an impeccable state of the oral cavity. The mucous membranes and tissues of the teeth will constantly become infected and inflamed, the enamel will be destroyed. No one wants such consequences for themselves, therefore dentists recommend, along with oral hygiene, to pay attention to the fight against vitamin deficiencies. Pharmacy preparations- a good help in this matter. However, to some extent, changes in eating habits can correct the situation. Taking care of dental health cannot be postponed for later - you can pay dearly for it!

Video review of vitamins for teeth and gums

Thorough oral hygiene and regular visits to the dental clinic are the basis of dental health.

However, there is another point that directly affects the condition of the dentition and gums - the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins.

It happens that even a properly balanced diet is not able to provide the collection of nutrients required to protect the gums and teeth from various diseases.

Specially developed vitamin and mineral complexes designed to nourish teeth and gums will come to the rescue.

Taking a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is the basis for the absence of problems, both in the whole body and in the oral cavity.

Deficiency of any component leads to the appearance of caries, tooth shakiness, gum bleeding.

The lack of a specific element is evidenced by certain unpleasant sensations arising in the oral cavity. It is important to notice these changes in a timely manner and take action to resolve the problem.

For a quick overview of the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy teeth and gums, see the following video:


Carotene or retinol, as vitamin A is called in another way, takes an active part in metabolic processes. This element strengthens the capillary walls, so that the gums and oral mucosa are protected from damage.

Evidence of a lack of retinol in the body is the occurrence of such symptoms:

  • redness and inflammation of the gums;
  • excessively prolonged healing of wounds on the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of roughness on the tooth enamel;
  • development of tooth mobility.

The highest carotene content is observed in carrots, as well as other orange-colored vegetables and fruits.

Cod and beef liver, parsley, rose hips and green onions are also leaders in retinol content.

In addition, to normalize the amount of this element in the body, it is important to eat the following foods: butter, fermented milk products, chicken eggs, tomatoes.

Minimum allowable rate the consumption of vitamin A for adults is 800-1000 mcg per day.


B vitamins are responsible for the esthetics of the oral cavity. They contribute to the normalization of microflora and the state of the oral mucosa.

The use of these elements minimizes the risk of developing periodontitis and gingivitis, and also helps to get rid of these diseases.

Group B contains components of various composition, the lack of each of which brings certain problems:

  • vitamin B12- dry mouth, change in taste and redness of the tongue;
  • pyroxidine or B6- unsteadiness of teeth;
  • B1 or thiamine- incessant thirst, pain and burning sensation in the tongue, violation of taste sensations;
  • riboflavin (B2)- inflammation of the oral mucosa, the appearance of sores on the tongue, seizures at the corners of the lips.

The daily intake of each of the B vitamins is 2 mg... Foods rich in this element are cereals, nuts, legumes, milk, meat, chicken eggs, fish.


Ascorbic acid protects the entire body and mouth from various infections. This element helps to strengthen the bone tissue and ligaments of the tooth, hardening the gums.

With a deficiency of vitamin C in the oral cavity, the following problems arise:

  • bleeding gums;
  • the occurrence of ulcers on the mucous surface of the oral cavity;
  • tooth mobility;
  • inability to resist infections entering the oral cavity.

Foods rich in ascorbic acid - rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, black currant, dill, cabbage and cauliflower.

It is worth remembering that vitamin C is not able to accumulate in the body, therefore it must be consumed daily.

The minimum daily intake of ascorbic acid for an adult is 90 mg.


Adequate intake of vitamin D is essential for normal dental development. This element helps to strengthen the enamel and the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to it, the teeth are firmly held in the right places, are not prone to loosening.

Insufficient consumption of this component leads to a weakening of the musculoskeletal tissue, brittle teeth, caries and improper formation of tooth germs.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamin D in an adult's body:

  • dry mouth;
  • the appearance of a strong metallic taste;
  • the development of caries.

Minimum the daily requirement of an adult organism for element D is 2.5 μg.

The maximum content of this component is found in such products: fish and fish oil, liver, chicken eggs.


Due to the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the oral cavity, the healing process of existing small wounds is activated.

Vitamin E is responsible for accelerating cell regeneration and maintaining the tone of the oral mucosa. With its lack, inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes develops, and the sensitivity to mechanical damage increases.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) deficiency can be detected by the following:

  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • the occurrence of ulcers on the mucous membrane;
  • increased sensitivity of the gums.

The best sources of element E include the following foods: wheat germ grains, corn, vegetable oils, legumes, nuts.


A deficiency of vitamin PP in the body negatively affects the state of the oral cavity: such diseases as stomatitis, gingivitis and other pathologies develop.

The lack of a substance is determined simply: the tongue turns red and becomes covered with a brown coating in the central part, bad breath and cracks appear in the corners of the lips.

The optimal content of the PP element is observed in such products: cereals, legumes, yeast, beef liver, meat products. The minimum daily intake of the component is at least 20 mg per day.


Vitamin K's key role in the oral cavity is to protect the gums from bleeding and loose tissue. This element affects the general circulation in the body, therefore, its deficiency leads to impaired blood clotting, and, accordingly, to increased bleeding of the gums.

Sources of vitamin K are most vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, corn, carrots, green peas.

In addition, this element is found in spinach, soy, rose hips and different types meat. The daily intake is between 90 and 120 mcg.

Ready complexes

In addition to obtaining vitamins from food, in some cases it is worth thinking about taking various mineral complexes. Often they contain the whole set of useful elements that purposefully affect the teeth and gums of a person.

It should be understood that only a dentist can prescribe a suitable vitamin complex after a thorough analysis of the patient's diet and the state of his oral cavity. Acceptance of excess quantities mineral elements can harm the human body no less than a deficiency.

Alphabet Classic

Multivitamin complex Alphabet Classic contains the maximum amount of nutrients: 13 vitamins and 10 minerals.

Thanks to the well-balanced composition and division of tablets into different types all useful substances are actively absorbed by the body. The drug contains three types of tablets:

  • The main active ingredients are calcium and vitamin D3. It is in this form that they are best absorbed by the body. The task of these elements is to strengthen the tooth enamel.
  • A collection of useful components in an antioxidant supplement aimed at maintaining immunity and protecting against all kinds of oral infections.
  • Iron and elements that contribute to its absorption.

Taking all three types of tablets provides the greatest benefit for improving gum and dental health. For maximum effect, it is recommended to take the complex daily for a month.

The cost of the drug ranges from 230 to 400 rubles.


Vitamin-mineral complex Asept is designed to restore the condition of dental and gum tissue. The preparation contains:

  • vitamin A;
  • elements of group B ( folic acid, nicotinic acid, pyroxidine)
  • vitamin C;
  • green tea extract, which helps to speed up the healing process;
  • coral calcium to reduce bleeding gums and accelerate regeneration processes.

Regular intake of the Asept mineral complex helps to reduce bleeding gums, heal them, and prevent inflammation.

The duration of the course is 6 weeks. At this time, it is recommended to take 1 tablet of the substance daily. The cost of packaging the drug is approximately 400 rubles.

Vitrum Calcium

This complex contains a combination of a special form of calcium and vitamin D3. This allows the elements to be absorbed as quickly as possible.

The main purpose of taking the drug is to replenish the calcium deficiency in the body. As a result, as a result of taking the pills, the tooth enamel is strengthened and their structure improved.

In addition to calcium, the preparation contains numerous B vitamins, elements E and K, as well as magnesium and phosphorus.

The drug is taken 1-2 tablets per day for the time recommended by the dentist to improve the condition of the oral cavity. The cost of the complex ranges from 400 rubles for 30 tablets, up to 900 - for 100 units.

Dento Vitus

A well-balanced vitamin and mineral complex is designed to strengthen the structure of the teeth and maintain their attractive appearance.

It contains the following components: vitamins A and D3, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, elements K and E.

The complex also contains elements involved in the restoration of tooth enamel: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine and silicon.

In addition to improving the condition of dental tissue, the drug helps to strengthen weakened gums, strengthens capillaries and restores blood circulation.

It is necessary to take the complex daily, one effervescent tablet, dissolved in a glass of water. The recommended course duration to eliminate existing problems is 1 month.

The cost of the drug is quite high - 3000 rubles per package.

Calcium Osteoporosis

The food supplement Calcium Osteoporosis contains a rich list of components, including: folic and ascorbic acids, calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamin B6.

Regular intake of the complex has a general strengthening effect, leads to the prevention of gum inflammation, the prevention of periodontal diseases, and the elimination of the fragility of dental tissue.

The course of taking the drug is a month, during which it is advisable to take 1-2 tablets per day. Packing price starts from 400 rubles for 40 capsules.


The composition of the vitamin complex includes a set of elements that control the state of bone tissue, teeth and enamel.

The tablets are colored in 3 colors and contain different flavors: raspberry, pineapple, kiwi and blueberry.

The price of the drug is quite low - about 150 rubles per pack containing 27 tablets. It is recommended to take 5 tablets daily. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

The main purpose of the drug is to regulate the required level of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Regular intake of tablets helps to strengthen the tooth enamel.

The vitamin complex is produced in the form of chewable tablets. The course of treatment is a month. Take 1-2 tablets daily. The cost of packaging the drug is about 200 rubles for 20 tablets and 550-600 - for 100 pieces.

Centrum. A to zinc

A multivitamin complex contains many beneficial elements that strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing oral diseases. It also strengthens the structure of the bone tissue.

The course of drug treatment is 1 month. Recommended to take 1 tablet daily. You can buy a package of the drug for 500 rubles for 30 tablets.


In addition to a variety of vitamins, calcium is an important component of the health of tooth enamel. This element strengthens the enamel, prevents tooth decay, fragility and fragility of the teeth.

The minimum daily intake for calcium is 800 mg. To replenish the required amount of this component in the body, it is worth taking calcium-containing preparations or eating certain foods. These include: dairy and seafood, chicken eggs, vegetables and legumes, nuts.


Phosphorus is the basic element of human bones and teeth. Its presence in the teeth helps to strengthen the enamel and preserve its whiteness.

The daily rate of phosphorus for an adult is 1000-1500 mg. Patients suffering from periodontal disease and the development of caries need to increase it.

Phosphorus entering the body through food is absorbed by 70%. Its maximum amount is contained in the following products: meat, dairy products, fish and seafood, cereals, nuts.

The health of the teeth and oral cavity in general is very important for the overall health of the body. Of course, the basis for the prevention of most dental problems and diseases is high-quality and regular hygiene.

However, there is one more point that many people simply do not think about - vitamins. The fact is that even with relatively correct mode nutrition our body often does not receive the required amount of minerals and vitamins.

Healthy teeth also need this nutrition. If this is not enough, then there may be problems with the teeth themselves, gums and oral mucosa, even if all the other principles of a healthy life are observed.

So, today we will determine what vitamins our dentition may lack. In addition, we will consider individual drugs and vitamin complexes, which are needed by adults who care about the beauty of their smile and the health of their teeth.


This list is quite large, and it includes such vitamins that are needed not only for teeth, but for the whole body as a whole. The teeth in our body are alive, like everything else. They are nourished and protected.

Under the hard shell there is an accumulation of nerves and blood vessels, which communicate with common system... That's why the bulk of nutrients are absorbed from food... However, many factors prevent us from getting enough of these substances.

It also contains vitamins that help keep gums healthy, which is very important for beautiful strong teeth.

Vitamin A

It is also called carotene from english word"Carrots", which means carrots. It is this vegetable that contains a certain form of provitamin A or beta-carotene, which our body converts into the vitamin itself. With its help, teeth can develop normally, both crowns and roots..

In addition, vitamin A helps to strengthen the walls of thin blood vessels - capillaries, thereby protecting against lesions of the gums and the entire oral mucosa.

With its lack, the enamel can lose its normal smoothness and luster of the surface, becoming rough and dull. Frequent inflammation of the gums and poorly healing wounds on the mucous membrane can also occur.

All orange-colored fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamin A... It is also found in dairy products, liver, egg yolks. The normal amount of this vitamin per day is about 1000 mcg..

Vitamin D

It is necessary for a person for the teeth to develop normally
... Enamel strengthening is also a merit of this substance. In addition, it helps to assimilate the calcium necessary for enamel.

Adequate vitamin D also helps to keep the alveolar tissue intact - the part of the jaw that helps keep the teeth firmly in place, avoiding loosening.

For an adult, it is necessary to receive per day about 5 mg this vitamin. This occurs in part when eaten. fish oil, eggs, liver. Mushrooms, parsley and yeast are also useful in this sense.

With a lack of this vitamin, a burning sensation can often be observed, as well as drying out of the oral mucosa, a metal taste, the rapid development of caries, since the enamel cannot perform its protective functions.

Vitamin C

The most popular and famous vitamin is C. The same ascorbic acid that even children know. However, not many people know that teeth also need this vitamin.

it best remedy to strengthen the gums and relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes, protection against a variety of infections, as well as an element that helps to strengthen the tooth ligaments and bone tissue.

This vitamin cannot accumulate in the human body. That is why its amount must be replenished daily, and in considerable quantities - up to 90 mg for an adult.

Its largest number in sauerkraut, also found in liver, rose hips, currants. Quite a bit in lemon and orange.

With a long-term lack of vitamin C in adult patients, inflammatory processes in the gums begin and a very bad sign is tooth mobility.

Group B

Vitamins of this particular group, especially B6 (pyridoxine) and B2 (riboflavin), contribute to the maintenance of the aesthetic component of the oral cavity in general. That is, are responsible for the beauty of teeth and smiles.

This is due to the fact that they restore normal microflora, and also affect the normalization of the condition of the mucous membrane and the teeth themselves. In addition, riboflavin with pyridoxine helps to get rid of dangerous inflammatory diseases of soft tissues - periodontitis and gingivitis.

A deficiency can cause not only problems with the mucous membranes, inflammation and bleeding, but also tooth shakiness.


This element is often referred to as "Building material" for teeth... After all, it is he who is the main component of enamel and hard tissues.

If it does not enter the body for a long time, then gradually it is washed out of the bones and teeth, leading to problems and destruction.


It is on this element that largely depends beautiful whiteness and shine, as well as the durability of the enamel... Without it, teeth can become weakened, highly susceptible to destructive effects, and dull.

Ready-made complexes and individual elements

Despite the fact that we can obtain all the vitamins necessary for our teeth and gums from food, quite often there is a need for targeted intake.

What the body is able to take from food is not always enough... In addition, it is not always possible to diversify your own menu so much.

Most of the essential microelements and vitamins are now produced in the form of medicines. In addition to them, there are ready-made complexes that specifically affect the restoration of teeth, gums and oral mucosa.

Complex "Asepta"

Designed precisely to strengthen teeth and gums... Contains vitamins A, B9, B6, B3, D3, C. In addition, green tea extract is added, which prevents inflammation by acting as an antiseptic.

Take it daily, one tablet for six weeks. Packing cost about 360-380 rubles per package... It is just enough for one course.


A large and well-balanced complex that not only strengthens the teeth, but also contributes to the maintenance of the beautiful appearance of the teeth. Contains vitamins A, D3, E, C, B6, K.

In addition to them, the composition also contains trace elements that are involved in the restoration of dental tissues (namely, in the synthesis of the matrix of all dental tissues). Among them: phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, tin, boron, copper, silicon and fluorine.

The course of administration is from three weeks to a month, one tablet each. Moreover, the complex is produced in the form of effervescent soluble tablets, which dissolve in water and are taken in such a liquid form. Cost - from 3 thousand rubles.


Contains the essential vitamins necessary for an adult, as well as trace elements that are responsible for health of the jaw system, hard bone tissue, enamel and oral cavity in general.

Prices are highly dependent on the seller, but the average cost of a package is not high - about 140 rubles... Sometimes it can go up to 160. There are 27 tablets in a package. Reception should be carried out for about three weeks, 5 tablets.

Vitrum Calcium

The main components are special form calcium, as well as vitamin D3. It is this combination that allows quickly replenish the calcium deficiency and improve the condition of hard tissues, strengthen their structure.

The cost varies depending on the number of tablets in the package - from 300 rubles for 30 tablets to 650 rubles for a large package of 100 pieces.

In addition to this complex, the classic Vitrum will also be useful, containing all vitamins necessary for maintaining and strengthening teeth and gums, as well as mineral supplements.

Its cost is higher: for 30 tablets - from 400 rubles, for 100 pieces - from 850 rubles.

Centrum. A to zinc

Already from the name it can be understood that this is a multi-component vitamin complex. It is used as a means of significantly improving the condition of the structure of bone and soft tissues..

Contributes to the fulfillment of their protective functions in full. Strengthens the walls of the capillaries, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the periodontal tissues and prevents inflammatory diseases.

The cost of a pack of 30 tablets is about 500 rubles... The recommended course of admission is a month. In some cases, it is possible to extend the reception time.

Alphabet Classic

This complex contains 13 vitamins necessary for an adult body, as well as an additional 10 minerals. There are three types of tablets in the package.

  1. The main active elements of the first - a pair of "calcium and D3" - improves the condition and strengthens the enamel and bones.
  2. The second contains components that strengthen the entire body, improve its resistance to diseases and antioxidants.
  3. The main component of the third is iron. It also contains various elements that improve the absorption of iron by the body.

Cost from 250 to 400 rubles depending on the number of tablets in the package. It is recommended to drink one tablet of all three types once a day. The recovery course is about a month.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Designed to regulate the exchange of two main trace elements for bone tissue and teeth - calcium and phosphorus.

Available in the form of chewable tablets. Take two to three tablets a day. The cost of a package depends on its volume - from 200 rubles for 20 tablets, up to 550 for 100 pieces.

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  • Julianka

    November 22, 2015 at 01:05 PM

    It seems that I eat well, and I follow the hygiene of my teeth, and I regularly visit the dentist, but I still don’t like the condition of my teeth. It's good that we have come up with various complexes of vitamins for teeth. The prices are very reasonable. Most importantly, they contain a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals. I will definitely try. Hopefully after application I will be happy with the interior and exterior of my teeth.

  • Elina

    November 26, 2015 at 03:26 AM

    I sometimes have periods when my teeth become more sensitive. Then I run to the pharmacy right away. I bought "CalciumD3-Nycomed", but somehow it didn't suit me. But I liked Vitrum with Calcium much more. The teeth really get stronger, and the sensitivity goes away. Besides teeth, nails and hair also improve. To drink, of course, over the courses.

  • Catherine

    March 29, 2017 at 7:19 AM

    Yes. People are amazing creatures. We (especially women) are on diets, which are often very unhealthy for the body. And then we grieve - what happens to the bones and teeth? And not only with them. To modern man you just need to take extra vitamins and minerals. Because we do not get enough important elements from food. There is no calcium in hamburgers! I drink vitamin complexes several times a year (at least two, in courses). And I got so used to it that I just can't miss it.

  • Ivan

    April 11, 2017 at 11:10 PM

    The doctor recommended that I drink vitamins in courses every two months, at first it was surprising and unusual, I couldn't believe it, it's not even pills, can they really help? Indeed, after the first year of such an appointment at the next visit to the dentist, not a single caries or any other dental problems were found. Vitamins really work.

  • The condition of the teeth must be monitored daily. Regular hygiene is the basis for the prevention of many dental diseases. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, then even perfect dental care, the use of expensive toothpastes and regular visits to the dentist will not help to protect yourself from problems.

    The role of calcium in the human body

    Calcium is the structural material for building and maintaining bones and teeth. It forms the human skeleton, participates in blood coagulation and carbohydrate metabolism. It also regulates muscle contraction and hormone secretion, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its role in the human body cannot be underestimated.

    The required intake of calcium for an adult is 1.2 g per day, for a pregnant or lactating woman - 1.4 g, for children under 6 months - 0.4 g, from 6 to 12 months - 0.6 g, from a year to 10 years - 0.8 g, from 10 to 18 years - 1.4 g. The norm has also been increased to 1.4 g in women during menopause.

    Why is calcium deficiency in teeth?

    Reasons for calcium deficiency:

    1. unbalanced diet, insufficient intake of foods rich in calcium;
    2. frequent consumption of coffee, tea and carbonated drinks;
    3. the presence of bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse);
    4. deficiency of vitamin D, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium;
    5. taking certain medications;
    6. pregnancy and lactation;
    7. exposure to toxic substances (pesticides) and radiation;
    8. intense physical activity;
    9. a sharp decrease in weight.

    Ways to Replenish Calcium in the Body

    No matter how balanced and rich in calcium the diet is, it is not always the vitamins or minerals that the teeth need with food that enter the human body. In this case, take ready-made preparations containing the necessary trace elements to strengthen the teeth. Do not forget that an excess of vitamins or minerals, including calcium, leads to disruptions in the body and even diseases.

    Pure calcium preparations

    Vitamins Calcium Sandoz Forte are available in the form of effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange flavor. Manufactured in France. Contains two calcium salts: carbonate and lactogluconate. Dosage - 0.5 and 1 g. One package contains 20 pieces. Completely absorbed by the intestines due to chemical properties drug.

    The rest of the preparations are vitamin complexes, which include calcium and other elements. They are presented in a wide range of pharmacies.

    Vitamin complexes with calcium

    Ready-made complexes for strengthening teeth:

    Calcium preparations for children:

    Calcium-rich foods

    Since the human body does not produce calcium on its own, you should regularly eat foods rich in this vitamin to replenish it. All of them are quite affordable, their assortment on supermarket shelves is wide enough, so everyone can choose products to their liking.

    The table presents healthy foods and their calcium content:

    Product nameCalcium content per 100 grams of product, milligram
    Poppy seed1450
    Parmesan cheese1300
    Hard varieties of cheeses800-1200
    Common mallow500
    Sunflower seeds350
    Sea fish210-250
    White cabbage210
    Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, yogurt90-120
    Shrimps, anchovies, oysters, crabs80-100
    Chicken egg (1 piece)55

    How to make the right choice?

    First you need to determine if there is enough calcium in the body. For this, a blood test is taken. With a slight lack of calcium, the problem can be eliminated by correcting nutrition by adding calcium-containing foods to the menu.

    In the case of a significant deviation of the calcium indicator according to the analysis results, vitamin complexes are used. You should consult a dentist, because only a doctor will tell you what is best for your body, and will correctly select the necessary remedy.

    Thus, the lack of vitamins should be replenished either with the help of food or through the use of drugs. Do not self-medicate!

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