How to take luck from another person. Take away luck on the street

Kradnik-good luck to paint.
If there is a very lucky person in the environment, then by hook or by crook steal or otherwise take possession of his shirt or other item of clothing.
Wait for an odd number when the moon is rising. Go to the crossroads. Place the ace of spades on the ground.
Sit on your left knee, crushing an ace with them and read the plot.

The card is black. Yes, the suit is lucky, it was played by the demon itself, but it is turned over from one side to the other
Izhe left and on horseback
Izhe right and bottom born
So press down the ace of spades with my knee
Yes, through him I'm lucky to kill
Izhe (name) in luck walked with a strong move
Yes, the ace of spades now beat his suit
Yes, over the ace of spades, my darling
Yes, my darling in my white body
Yes, it has red, fast blood,
Yes, the veins are strong, tangled with strings
So the devil played up the ace of spades to me
So I took all the luck from (name) today
He is spelled out in words
Yes, luckily now rejected
Even his fartovnitsa, yes on my heifer
If he played the game, he lost his last shirt to me
So the shirt is lucky
Spade, red, cross, diamonds
Kohl from the body (name) removed, but thrown over me
So everything is thrown from him, given away with a peak card
Everything will hook on me, everything will remain on me
Even the demon played along.

Read the plot three times. Then get up. Put on that item from the clothes of that person.
Put a ransom on the card. One nickel. Say.
, lost, but bought off by me, yes luck is with me, and (name) in debt. Amen,

Leave without looking back.

Can be used to take away the luck of any person. and also take away the luck of the card player.

Take your luck.
Go behind the person and repeating all his movements, say to yourself:

“As I want to turn the thread of life, I will weave it into a canvas, I will tie a knot.
Whoever goes ahead of me, carries his luck, without knowing it, gives me, goes, carries, gives, goes, carries, gives, goes, bears gives.
As the one in front stumbles, swears, or simply turns around, the action will begin immediately.


If on the way I saw a man walking who is rich and noble, then a conspiracy is read in his back:

“Go, go, worthy, but on the trail of a dog,
Yes, along the edge of the wolf, along the field as a reaper
Through life with a cross, but a merchant on him
Bargaining is fast, yes bargaining is black
The word is not said, but paid with a dime
Yes, I point to him, yes, everything I want
I pull on myself, I bite with a wolf
I cut it with a knife, I cut it with a scythe
Yes, I break everything good for myself
We walked one way, but yours was divided

Say three times. Then they turn around, throw any coin on the ground and say:

“Paid. Amen".

Leave without looking back.

If a person spends his life in abundance, does not know sorrow, but has everything, and money and a well-coordinated house, is reputed to be prosperous in the district, has respect, but is not dear to your eyes. he was led to you with intent to keep the path and start. And he will know a bitter share. But you should have no pity after him.
When the Lunischi's face knows peace, there is no one in heaven, it has three days of duration, then go to visit the rich man whom you decided to kill a good share of yourself.
Yes, not just, but with all the truths and falsehoods of money, know how to take a debt. Yes, a penny is a treasure, but take money from the hand of the evony. You made a request, he escorted his money to you, gave it into your hands.
When the money is in your hands, when the debt is repaired, then as you took the money from his hands, then whisper to yourself, do it so that their ear does not smell it.

It’s not you who give me, but then I take it for myself to beat you to waste, everything is yours, I took your goodness for myself. Amen,

Thank him, tell him that you took him now, and then you will give back what is yours.

You will leave without looking back.
Whereas he owed money, then go that night to cross the road. There, at the intersection of those roads, leave your black change. Put the earth.
Then call on the one who counts, who is in sleep, must turn that circle.
Do not whisper, and do not talk very loudly to the thunderous rivers of this. To the money that the human being gave in his left hand, hold it down and do it.

I call nine, who knows the secrets of the commanded knows
Who misliny chelovechischi secretly knows
Who to all living al dead counts to keep
That nine, the brothers of hell, the underworld
Let them leave their dark mansions
Through the dark meadows, they make haste
Through the forests of the cursed groves you hurry here
Across rivers that are not drivers but full of tears
Hurry let them fix the fast one here
Yes, they will change places, like a month by the sun
Command, change places
Then a rich life, money, gold, silver
(name) led, but change it was fixed
How did he give me money?
So let everything come to me
And gold, and silver, and other good
Move quickly, from his hut, purse
In my horomischa, in my purse
And you, brother of nine, create that contribution
And if the debt has a payment order
That agreement is created, he is his goodness to me
And he dashingly share, sumishu, gave me his own
And I will return the misfortune to Krivditsa, Likhadolitsu
So created. Amen,

Yes, it is necessary to return the money - it is these, spoken. The money still needs to be received from the hands

Improve your luck at the expense of others.

If things go wrong, no luck. They go to where the rich farm, yard. Where rich people live. They collect dust there. When dust and rubbish are collected, one must say:

It’s not dust, it’s not mud, it’s luck and money
How I collected all this, took it into my hands,
Such a good share, strewn with gold
I take my life.
How am I going to measure the path home
So follow my trails of goodness.

They pour it all out near the threshold and immediately outside the threshold, in the house. At the same time they say:

I went, I wound a circle, I was behind my threshold, now in my hut, not for a day, but for a lifetime. Amen,

Dust should lie outside the threshold for 7 days. Then it is also swept, tied in a rag and stored in any corner of the house.

If the full moon is on an even day, then on this day you can beat off luck from your enemy.
If you envy someone, then go to the forest, find a small tree, and bend it to the ground, tie the top with a rope, and tie it to the ground. When you tie, then say:

“Bended, bent, but snooked,
Yes, he wiggled, as a result, luck with (name) cleaned up.
Born by the forest, but bent by me,
Yes, from (name) all good things are taken away,
like a tree bent to the ground.
Until one day is done
Yes, it is pinched for life. Amen".

If during the day no one accidentally finds all this, then the luck of the person you have chosen will pass to you. If he finds it, then the blow will come back. You can get very sick.

They take a knife that was used at the table by a noble person who has been lucky all his life and who has money.
With this knife they go into the forest.
In the forest, you need to find any dried tree, on a tree They cut out a cross with this knife. The blade of the knife is placed in the center of this cross, they hit the handle of the knife with a stone so that the knife enters the tree. When the knife is firmly held in the tree, they say.
,. the master went in, feasted at the table, but beckoned with his money, but was famous for his money, so that glory was beaten by a demon, but now everything is killed with a knife, then everything is reduced to a tree with a hacksaw, but I transferred everything that the master had visited, sometimes it floated up to me, sometimes a knife in a dried tree, but luck flew off from the master, but it flew to me, it was driven in with a stone, but it was fixed by the seventh psalm.
Then carry the stone and leave it near the young tree with the words.
, one withered, the second overgrown, but it went to me through the cutter from the master. Amen.
Leave without looking back.

A spell for good luck

This slander is read on the full moon, but on Sunday, at sunset. Read while looking at yourself in the mirror. The mirror should hang on the wall, or at least be leaning against the wall. On the table, the mirror should not stand in any case!
Baba is a sorceress, the one that lies in the coffin and guards her coffin.
You walked the earth boldly
you did your magic work.
I collected happiness and took away from people,
I took away luck and bestowed it on myself,
Grant me luck, you bastard.
Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition.
I will command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm,
and from Black Magic the first.
I take away your luck and happiness in addition.
Amen. Amen. Amen

Here's another good rite(Mansur). If a person is engaged in trade or something else, then in order for things to go uphill, the following must be done.
On the growing moon, on any day, go to where many people are engaged in trade, a bazaar or a fair is suitable.
You have to walk among these people, but whisper to yourself:
“Yes, you are gold and silver,
The money is different, the move is knowing
You know my path in your wallet.
Yes, not to the merchant in the purse, but in mine.
Yes, not the master in the hut, but the way to me.
Different money, gold, silver
I slay in the name of the hairdresser,
I attach money to myself.
Az. Amen. Amen. Amen".
On that day, you need to walk around the market or the fair, you need to find at least one penny. Raise it with the words:
“The first, and after it the others move into my purse, into my hut. Amen".
If a penny is not found, which means that luck does not want to go yet, then a little dust must be collected from that place, fair or market. When the dust is collected, it must be said:
“Dust, dust, like ashes, we create the firmament.
As if life was created from dust, so from this dust
Good share to me (name), gold merchant,
Luda silver, still all the money
I used to do it here, so now it's in my wallet
Checked out.
Amen. Amen. Amen".
Pour some of this dust into your wallet. Scatter the rest in the corners either in the house or where you are doing business.
When you will scatter the rest of the dust in the corners, it is necessary to say in each corner when the dust is poured there. That is, they poured dust, they said, they poured it into the next one. To do it clockwise or counterclockwise does not matter:
“I create a placer, you saw a lot of dust,
So everything that I saw, but the people who trampled you,
Free masters, but simple people,
The one who held the bargain, all the money
Here let the path measures, with them al without.
Whoever comes, he will give the money,
Who will not go in arrogance, that money will come here itself.
How do you give birth to dust yourself,
So is my money, through your path
Rosti, add to know, I live in abundance.
Amen. Amen. Amen".
Leave dust in the corners for exactly one moon month. To create all the faces of the lunischa.
Then the dust is collected and stored in the house in a secret place.

You have probably heard, maybe more than once, the phrase that money should be transferred through a table, or bedside table, put on a hard surface. And only from there they can be taken by the one to whom you give this money. We got into a situation when someone, say, from your relatives, said “from hand to hand money they don’t pass, put money on the table ... or take it from the table. What is this rule? Let's dwell on it in more detail.

I try to stick to this sign. And my friend taught me how to do it a long time ago. Or, more accurately, put it in my head. “Look,” she said, “everyone is trying to snatch your financial luck out of your hands through one.What are you standing for? Give them a hand!». Well, Karina was a lady of far from a modest dozen, and I somehow watched her “give me a hand” in business. Since we went to the same esoteric seminars for several years in a row, in search of ourselves, we successfully exchanged our cockroaches. She tormented me with her signs, - and I - her. Since then, I have firmly established this magical rule. And I still follow it as much as possible. Over time, I even began to agree with Karina and pay attention to points that I had ignored before. That is why I will give you my recommendations. And you decide whether you will apply it in your life or not.

Wherever you go shopping or just sit in a bar with a cup of tea: in a store, in a market, in a restaurant - try not to pay for purchases by giving your money directly to the seller. It is advisable to put money in a device specially designed for this, which is located at each checkout. To the coin. By the way, have you ever thought, maybe coin boxes were originally invented not only for hygiene purposes, so as not to grab each other with your hands, or maybe there was a hidden goal with an esoteric meaning - not to give your money into the hands of another person? There are, of course, uncomfortable situations when you buy something on the market. And there is not always where to pay. But there is always a piece of the table, a counter where you can put money for purchases. Let the change be handed to you. This, as they say, is not your business, but the seller's. If he wants to give to you, let him give. But you must strictly adhere to your position. If you already believed in this omen.

When I believed in it, I began to notice interesting details. It turns out that many trade workers are also calculated. After that, I even found out somewhere, I don’t remember the source, that in trade many people very much believe t in omens. Harvest, product, sales, profit. And the truth has noticed more than once that many sellers, especially the old school from the market, perform the same magical ritual, giving me change through some object, and not into my hands. HSome sellers literally snatch your money out of your hands. You can't even put them anywhere. Probably, this is not done on purpose, but it's better not to fall for this trick. After all, we do not know who is in charge of this seller. Maybe some entity pushing him at this moment wants to take away our money luck? It is believed that in this way, financial luck is taken away from you, thereby forming a breakdown and subsequent leakage of monetary energy from your space. Therefore, despite the fact that I sometimes have comic cases about this, I still silently bend my line. Funny moments arise when I hesitate in my own wallet and pull out a bill, and the seller is already holding his fingers apart and catching money. I start moving my hand, it moves my hand behind me. In the end, it looks like some kind of air fight. I do put bills in the coin box, bypassing all the barriers, which causes a strange reaction from the supermarket cashier or those standing next to me in line. But If you decide to observe this magical sign - be prepared for such delicate situations. Let you look "a little out of your mind", but your cash flow will be healthier.

I also note that you should not transfer money through the threshold and lend in the evening. But I think you know about these signs yourself.

The next piece of advice I would like to give you is not a sign. But a very important someone else's ritual, which, unlike the previous one, can harm you and damage not only your financial side, but also your health, as well as business in general. And apply globally.

We are talking about money that is often thrown off at the intersections of large, small, or lively road. Definitely in a public place.Perhaps you yourself have more than once seen a handful of little things lying around. Small money lying in such places is deliberately thrown away during certain rites of black magic. I will not go into details so as not to clog the article with information you do not need, but it is absolutely impossible to select such money. Since they often shift the problems of the one who performed the ritual to someone else. If you pick up this money, then along with it you will also take away the problems of the person who threw it off. I do not think that you need other people's illnesses or other failures. Transfers are rarely made on large denominations. Simply because few people will sacrifice more when you can throw it away for a trifle.

If you learn to follow at least these two rules of money magic, you will already significantly protect yourself from someone else's intrusion into your energy field and protect your money luck.

In the next article I will talk about how to make friends with monetary energy, how to properly treat it. How to pass the test, not succumb to the manipulation of monetary luck and not become a hostage of money.

Luck is so variable, today it is, and tomorrow it is gone. But after all, with the help of special magical conspiracies, you can take away luck from enemies and attract it to yourself, which will be discussed in the next article.

Magic has existed for many centuries and people do not cease to be interested in this amazing and mysterious science. The interest of people is quite understandable, because if you master practical magic, then it will be possible to realize literally all your dreams and secret desires, even those that previously seemed unrealizable.

Many people are interested in learning how to take luck from another person and attract it to themselves. However, before asking such a question, one must be prepared for the fact that such spells and rituals can lead to quite serious troubles. This is because it is strictly forbidden to use magic for evil to other people, otherwise you will have to pay for everything you have done.

But, if this warning does not bother you at all, then you can start looking for an answer to the question of how to take away luck from another and attract it to yourself. Of course, just the ideal option would be to entrust this is not the easiest thing to an experienced magician who knows all the intricacies of such a procedure.

Magic is a very complex science that requires respect. That is why, before trying to perform this or that rite, to make a conspiracy on your own in order to take away luck from your enemy and attract it to yourself, you need to study in great detail all the subtleties of such a process. It will be useful to study the basics of magic, to find out exactly how the impact will occur.

The conspiracies and rituals that are used to take away luck from another person are very complex and require certain knowledge in the field of magic, without which nothing will work. If an inexperienced person takes up the matter and does not follow certain rules for conducting this or that magical rite, there is a risk of attracting not luck, but great misfortune.

In addition, in some cases, an experienced sorcerer will not be able to help get rid of bad luck after such a rite, because in this case he will need to know about all the subtleties of the rite, which sometimes an excited person simply cannot remember.

Rites or conspiracies that will help achieve the goal are black magic, which is not worth playing with, because the dark forces do not like it when they are used just for fun and can seriously punish such a “joker”. Black magic can give almost any dream, but you need to ask for something with extreme caution, because you can wish to take away your enemy’s luck in order to attract him to yourself, and as a result, an innocent person will suffer greatly. Therefore, first you need to think carefully about whether it is worth it to punish another person, even if he once did a lot of harm. After all, sooner or later, you will have to answer for all your deeds.

Many rituals that can help take away someone's luck require a very serious approach, as they are very difficult to perform. It may be necessary to conduct the ceremony with very rare components that are almost impossible to get either by yourself magical rite it will be necessary to spend on the full moon in the cemetery - it all depends on the level of complexity of the rite and how effective it will be. But it is best to trust a person who has experience in this field, who will be able to quickly conduct the desired ceremony without any serious consequences.

Magic is able to give the realization of almost any dream and the most secret desire, it will be enough to carry out a certain ceremony or make a conspiracy, and soon you will be able to get what you want.

Any person who has a certain experience in money magic will say with all certainty that black magic for good luck and money is a colossal functional tool for achieving success in the manifested world. On the physical plane, black magic money conspiracies work great when the Forces are given energy, a clear setting, and when the performer does not keep his program near him, but allows it to unwind.

As you can see, all that remains for the performing magician is to trust miraculous power black magic for wealth and success, and do not miss the opportunities that will open before him.

Black magic and effective rituals for good luck in trading

First of all, in order to improve your well-being, expand financial flows, achieve stability and a stable financial situation in your life, you need to get rid of the negative. The negative can be of any nature. It is detected with help and removed. In order to achieve the desired result, namely the acquisition of wealth, one can turn to strong rituals of black magic - translations of the negative.

I, magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that witchcraft rituals for good luck and money are often quite simple, there are ways that work on personal strength and visualization of the performing magician. Positive results are observed even among beginners. But! With all the obvious advantages of using black magic rituals for the happiness and well-being of the family, there are also disadvantages. Namely: using only translations, you can remove only a slight negative. There can be no question of coping with serious damage by translations.

Translations are most effective in complex work:

  • with powerful blackbook and runic purges,
  • with attitudes
  • with breaking
  • and burning castles and fortifications.

After all these rituals, strong magic for good luck and wealth comes into play, rituals for money, new opportunities, successful trading, urgent one-time receipt of finances and success in life.
The black magic of luck opens up truly wide opportunities for the performer, rituals to attract money help to find Good work, conclude profitable deals, win a large amount in the lottery, and even find money on the street! We will talk about the danger of finding money on the street, especially in crowded places, separately. This is a hackneyed topic, however, there are no fewer simpletons who pick up from the ground, or take everything that lies badly for themselves. Nevertheless, the ordinary dream of any loafer to find a suitcase with money on the road may well come true as an effect of money rituals for good luck and wealth in one's life. Gorgeous in and of itself black magic for luck in business and prosperity in the house.

Strong magic of the new moon - a rite to get rid of poverty and prosperity in the house

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you a rite for practical application to get rid of poverty, attract luck and good luck in your life. In addition, a proven magical ritual works well for gaining a rich life. This rite of strong money magic for prosperity in the house consists of 2 parts.

The first part is to be done in the evening and at midnight before the new moon. In this part, the call of the Forces is made, and the negative is removed by the method of reference. The second part of the money rite is done by the magician at dawn on the new moon, when strong conspiracy magic for prosperity in the house and for a rich sweet life.

For work, you need to prepare the following items:
  • old torn kitchen towel
  • spring or melt water

The ceremony begins in the evening, shortly before sunset. Throw a towel over your neck, take a sieve with the ends of the towel and, sifting flour through a sieve, read the plot 3 times. Bake pies from the sifted flour. When kneading the dough, use salt instead of sugar.

A conspiracy to throw off the negative, and with magic to return the stolen luck and prosperity to the family, such as:

“Stone millstones are spinning, turning, flour is pouring out from under those millstones, I sow, I, born named (name), flour, remove flour from my house. I sow need, I remove poverty. I sow white flour, I sift flour. I, born named (name), take flour and need with white flour from the table, from the purse, from the chest, from the towel, from stocks, from the barn, from supplies, from prosperity, from wealth. From my flour I will bake salty and bitter pies, but those pies were not salted with salt, but sprinkled with my bitter and salty tears. I’ll bake in pies, I’ll bake, I’ll bake vanity. Poverty and my need will go into the pie, flour and salt will take flour and my tears into themselves. Bake pies, bake everything that is said in them, but not serve pies on the table, but give them to the devil. Amen".

After sunset or at midnight, wrap the pies in that same old towel and take them to the pedestrian crossing. Standing in the middle of the intersection, put the bundle under your feet and call out the demons. Trust in the power of black magic, and strong spells for luck and money from the arsenal of money witchcraft:

“Damn brothers, I call you, I hire you to work! I give you, brothers, these salty and bitter pies, baked from my flour, salted with my tears, spoken by my words. I put coins at your mercy, whoever picks up the money, give my bitter flour and salty tears to him. As the pennies go away, so the poor and the poor, poverty and vanity will leave me. Damn brothers, I let you go, I send you what I said to do. Amen".

Coins and pies - this is the ransom. It will not be superfluous to have a stack, but it is better to leave a check of vodka. To return home according to the rules of black magic work - silently, without looking back, having come home, go to bed.

In the morning at dawn, take spring or melt water. Read a strong conspiracy of magic for prosperity three times into the water, and then wash yourself. According to the rules of money witchcraft, the face in such cases is not wiped.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“Mother, the water is pure, you wash the steep banks, the stone is white-combustible with its fast jet, a powerful, silver jet. To you, mother, the water is pure, for centuries a strong force has been given to water the earth, to feed our entire family. Hear, Voditsa, my petition, help me. My poverty and poverty, my bitter and salty tears, they left me, they left for pies, but they went to hell. Just as your mighty rivers will never turn back, so will my poor, my light and vanity leave me, they will leave me, they will not return to me. And for you, Voditsa, let wealth and prosperity, gold and silver come to my hands, they will remain with me, but they will never leave. As you, water, flow, do not dry out, so my wealth would not run out, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Black magic - how to attract your luck and take someone else's

Using rituals and spells for money from the arsenals of old Russian black magic - a truly amazing black book tradition, you can expand your financial flows, attract money into your life, you can even lure and keep good luck, without which not a single thing will work out. All this works without harm to others. However, for all this - for work and for the promotion of rites of black magic for luck and good luck, it takes time. You can go this way. Or you can choose another one - an aggressive way of attacks, thieves.
I’ll tell you a little about how to use magic to take away luck from an enemy, competitor, boss, rich merchant, or an unsuspecting passerby. Russian black magic and wealth spells from the collections of money magic - a multifunctional tool. The magician can achieve results by acting both as an aggressor to steal someone else's luck and well-being with magic, and as a creator.

In order not to be unfounded, here is an example of an effective ritual that allows a beginner, just walking down the street, to independently take away luck with the influence of magic from people hurrying about their business. Every person has something to take. If you take a closer look, you can understand who is the lucky one, the minion of fate. Having chosen a victim, go after this person and, repeating all his movements.

Read the words of the conspiracy to yourself to take your luck:

“As I want to turn the thread of life, I will weave it into a canvas, I will tie a knot. Whoever goes ahead of me, carries his luck, without knowing it, gives me, goes, carries, gives, goes, carries, gives, goes, carries, gives.

As soon as the person walking in front stumbles, curses, or turns back, then the action of black witchcraft to steal luck from an outsider will begin. An effective rite works on personal strength, however, it is clear that black magic allows the sorcerer to take away luck and well-being from others effective conspiracies and through different forces.

How to steal someone else's luck and well-being - change everything in your favor with magic

Sorcerers practicing money magic know how to steal the happiness and well-being of the family. There are many rituals and conspiracies, and, of course, they are used if necessary. The real magician himself decides which method to choose. Now I am. Magician Sergey Artgrom want to offer another conspiracy of black magic for good luck and money. This is a magical thief. But, not family well-being, but customers from a competing company, store or outlet.
Good start in business, rapid development of the company, success, Financial independence, big money - all this magnificent abundance, unfortunately, does not last forever. It may come. Can leave. Or it might be stolen. They can take away wealth with strong magic, and good luck in trade. And if the company does not have magical defenses, it will not be difficult to do this.

How to take away someone else's luck and good luck - ruin a competitor with black magic

You can ruin a competitor in different ways. You can, for example, make a strong damage to the business and the company will collapse. But what do you want from that? What's the use? Another thing is a thief of good luck, luck and success. Black magic for the money and wealth of those who were customers of a competing company, whether it be a manufacturing enterprise, travel agency or shop.

For this ritual of black magic, success in trading will require:

  • advertisement of a competitor, or a photo of an office with employees, or a mock-up of a sign, or other links directly related to the competitor's business
  • bowl of water
  • wax candle
  • green shoot or bird feather

In the photo, put a bowl of water. Light a candle and, dripping wax into the water, read the plot to take the luck of a competitor with black magic:

“I pull, I pull, (name) from the company (competitor company name) all the clientele, all profits and incomes, all the luck, all the luck. I take everything good for my wax. No one will come to you, all the people will come to me. Only me, (name) trust. Only me profit, luck and happiness. In the name of my Father (this refers to the Power that protects you: the Devil, pagan god, or another Power), so that what I said will be fulfilled. Let it be so".

Crumple the wax around a green shoot or around a bird's feather, and hide it at the threshold of your company or office. If there is any doubt whether you will harm yourself with this rite for your luck, then there is a vision of the situation, or with the help of Tarot solitaire. Find out with diagnostics, do self-ritual for good luck and monetary success in trading or not. In my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, the black rite is one-time, if it works, then on personal strength. But, for beginners for developments, it will do just fine. And it should be noted that there are very simple-looking home rituals of black magic for money, which have really helped many people practicing them.

Black magic for luck and money - how to open a money channel yourself

This is the August rite of passage for money. To do only during the growing moon. With the help of your own efforts and linden branches in August, you can increase your capital, expand cash flow or win the lottery, the black magic of good luck. Pick 3 linden branches and place them in a jar of water. The jar should be in the room where you sleep.

Every morning, take twigs in your right hand, go around all the premises of your house, whip all the corners with branches, read the plot of black magic for money:

“Money to money, everything lost will return, everything lost will turn into money, everything spent will grow a hundredfold. Money to money, purses to purses, be, my words, strong and firm. Amen".

An effective rite of strong black magic for money should be carried out 9 days in a row, only in August and only in the morning. Do this immediately after waking up, but strictly before noon. Having completed an independent ritual for money luck, do not throw away the branches, but store them at home all year. The rite is working. Even if the financial channels are closed, still something material, money comes to the house. People who left or left home are returning. Maybe, as a bonus, someone's husband will come back.

Black magic independent ritual for trading at midnight

It is impossible to ignore the actual topic of trade for many. Make yourself a simple rite for good trading from the conspiracies of Russian black magic. For an effective ritual, you will need a trifle left over from the change to customers. People often leave small coins without seeing value in them. And they will just serve you well, and a strong conspiracy is being made on them black magic to trade

People often think about the injustice of life. Some are rich, happy, successful, while others live in poverty and obscurity. I think how to take away luck from a person. Such thoughts have always visited people. Sorcerers of antiquity created kradniki. These are special black rituals that allow you to appropriate luck, success, beauty, the ability to easily enrich yourself. Everything that the darling desires can be taken away with a little ritual.

Making a thief is pretty easy. You just need to know exactly the rules of energy exchange. It is also desirable to have an idea of ​​what exactly is taken from the individual. Agree, sorcery comes out better with an understanding specialist, even if he conjures at home. Let's analyze how mental theft is carried out, what is confiscated. How safe is it to make a rune, read a conspiracy and the like.

What is it about (short explanation)

Luck is the help of the Universe to achieve its own goal. A person has an open channel of communication with heaven. According to this, he receives information about what and how to do to make the dream come true. Exactly this "mechanism" kradnik allows you to seize and appropriate. The sorcerer in one fell swoop takes it away from the lucky one and introduces it into his own field.

Understanding the mechanism is essential. You need to accurately imagine what exactly happens at the moment of sorcery. Becoming or conspiring does not take away the money, beauty, health of the victim. The victim remains with his. Moreover, it can automatically resume a broken channel, if there is enough strength. Constrictions contribute to the creation of such an unusual connection with the Higher Forces at the customer.


It is unacceptable to approach witchcraft lightly. Important conditions for energy exchange must be observed. We are all constantly interacting with each other with subtle energies. If serious violations are allowed, then the return line will come. The sorcerer will be punished from above.

Stealing can be practiced under the following circumstances:

  1. The victim has exactly what the witcher desires. It is impossible to take away the ability to get rich from a beggar, and beauty from an ugly woman.
  2. The object is weaker energetically than the attacker. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.
  3. The person under attack does not practice magic. Defense will provide a counterattack. And this will lead to damage to the attacker.

Attention: theoretically, money stealing (and any other) is done on anyone you meet. It is practically advisable to study the situation so as not to get into trouble.

Church rite

Drag the ability to provide wealth easily during the church service. People light candles and pray. It is necessary to observe them, to pick up a wealthy parishioner. Look how he puts a congratulatory candle. Slowly take it away, extinguishing it first. Act strictly with your left hand. Put your own candle upside down in the vacant place.

At home, you need to soften the wax. A ball rolls out of it. Such a kradnic conspiracy is read:

“As wax lends itself, so the merchant’s luck is transmitted to me. Amen".

The charmed ball should always be carried with you. It will work for some time (various). Funds will literally fall on your head out of thin air. Do not forget about the lottery and other fast ways enrichment.

Peretag for 13 years

The following technique allows you to steal any quality from a friend. Only the person must be of the same sex as the sorcerer. Otherwise, a misfire will happen. For divination, you need a photo of the lucky one. The spell is cast on the magician's birthday (any month). Method:

  1. Go to church, buy 13 thick candles.
  2. 2. Take the change, take it to the crossroads, throw it with the words:

    “Damn, the priest sent payment for his work. Rejoice, grab, and give me what I say. Amen!".

  3. At the crossroads you need to pick up a small pebble.
  4. On the same night, cover the table with a white cloth.
  5. Write in black characters in the center: “R. A. Zh.
  6. Arrange candles around with an open wick down, after painting them with black ink.
  7. A plate with alcohol is placed on the letters. It contains a photo.
  8. The wicks are lit in a circle.
  9. This spell is recited:

    “Dark flame, called by me, shine! From the servant of the Lord (name) baptized, take money (or other) luck. I paid for everything to the last crumb. Damn, rewrite the roads. I pull, I lure, I speak with a flame (set fire to alcohol). Thirteen flames will pass according to my fate. The desired luck in my share (name) is curtailed. Amen!".

  10. When the alcohol burns out, the photo is pressed against the stone. These words are spoken:

    “Black candles are burning, my luck is being burned into fate. For thirteen years, the servant (name) was taken from the Lord to me. As this stone does not roll back, so luck will not turn away from me. Amen!".

  11. With the last sound set fire to the photo. As it burns, they say: “Done! Amen!".

All attributes must be wrapped in a tablecloth and taken to the churchyard. They are buried in the grave of the namesake of the witcher (the one who conjured). Don't forget to bring vodka with alcohol.

Rune becoming

Scandinavian ligature is now used in many practices. The advantage of the technique is its simplicity. It is only necessary to draw runes on the image of the owner of the desired dignity. Symbols work autonomously, without connection with the wizard's intention. But there is a significant drawback. Real experts reveal their secrets reluctantly. True becoming is not shown to anyone.

The proposed options are sharpened to rob gullible spectators. Below is a video with an analysis of one of the free combinations. Looks like that:

Runes used: Raido and Nautiz. Together they form a banishing cross. A mirror Az is attached to them. The elm induces monetary damage to the one who uses it. The channels overlap in favor of the author of the combination.

Runic symbols should be used with extreme caution. In no case do not use ready-made, recommended combinations. For the most part, this is a way to rob the reader. You need to rely on your own knowledge. And this requires some time to study the Scandinavian theory.

Example: Fehu helps to take wealth, beauty and attractiveness - Berk, love - Gebo. But the ligature should be prepared independently. Runes are good because they obey the creative impulses of the artist. Ready-made recommendations are a road to nowhere.

On the mirror

A safer way to pull luck is recommended for beginner witches. The magical attribute is a small single mirror. Preferably with a lid (powder box, for example). The item is purchased on a full moon. Kradnik is supposed to be done when the night queen wanes. Watch out for other phases.

You should do it like this:

  1. Catch in the mirror the reflection of the symbol of the desired quality / property (beauty, rich, and so on).
  2. Start the formula three times:

“I liked it, I remember the devil. Brother in hell, make me a reward. Come out, take it (say what exactly), save it for me. Amen!".

Close the box immediately. Do not open until complete. Just keep in mind that you yourself can not be reflected. jinx it.

through the thing

The simplest and most popular ritual is performed with an object belonging to a rich man. But it requires a little preparation:

  1. On the new moon, you should go to the churchyard. Find the old grave where your namesake is buried. Pick up any piercing object (glass shard, piece of branch, needle). Bring home.
  2. On the same day, black candles are purchased in the temple (you can paint it if there are none).
  3. Before the full moon, get any little thing (borrow, ask, borrow).
  4. At night, they put a magical item on the table in front of the inverted Icon of St. George the Victorious. A black candle is lit nearby, with the open wick down.
  5. A stocked sharp object is stuck into the little thing.
  6. The wick must burn until dawn. Don't sleep either. Imagine how you become the owner of that very mechanism for obtaining happiness.
  7. In the morning, give the busy owner. Wait for it to go away. Spit after. Say:

"It was yours, now it's mine. The devil ordered me (to name what) he gave. Amen!".

How to understand that they took away luck

Diagnostics is carried out in two ways. First you need to determine the symptom of a magical attack:

  1. Abrupt changes in life. What used to be easy is now gone.
  2. Nearby there is a man who has the same thing.
  3. A continuous series of troubles began.
  4. Health suddenly collapsed, money stopped coming, appearance deteriorated.
  5. Beloved began to grumble and swear discontentedly.

The second step is to identify the thief by wax. Casting rules are well known to everyone. Decryption is a more difficult task. Magical theft is embodied in a wax figurine in the form of harnesses, fences, arrows. The casting is all twisted, bent, there is no space free from stripes.

Removal methods

Recovering the loss is also quite simple. Here it is more important to reveal sorcery. As soon as suspicions are confirmed, it is recommended to act immediately:

  • be cleaned with wax (casting);
  • burn with candles (on video);
  • put up protection.

There are many techniques for cutting off evil spells from the aura. As a rule, people are guided by religious views, world outlook. Some prayers are read, others prefer to cope with runes, conspiracies. The best way- it's fire. After burning the bonds, you can additionally apply any option for cleaning the field.

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