How to make runic formulas correctly. Runic stakes

The question of how to draw runes correctly, pronounce them and write them, excites a person who is beginning to learn the magic of the northern peoples.

In the article:

How to draw runes

Following the principles of correct drawing of runes will ensure that their symbols work as they should. Before proceeding with the application of runes to an object or, they are convinced of the awareness of the meaning of actions. It is impossible, without knowing the exact effect or symbol, to use signs. Each rune is fraught with potential danger: Scandinavian signs are beneficial or cause irreparable harm.

There are a number of rules that are followed when drawing signs. There are no horizontal lines in any character - diagonal and vertical lines and cuts are used.

The rule is logically justified: at the time of the appearance of runes, the main material for the manufacture of talismans and amulets were bone and wood. Horizontal lines would be made along the fibers, which is fraught with a high probability of damaging the workpiece.

Another nuance on how to correctly perform runes: each character is performed sequentially. When compiling a runescript, you cannot first cut out all the vertical lines, drawing after what is left. Work with signs in turn. If they are cut out, the processes carving and coloring is carried out separately. In the Elder Edda, actions are divided:

Can you cut?
Are you able to guess?
Can you color?
Can you ask?

First, the inscription is cut out, then it is painted.

You cannot correct incorrectly drawn images or redraw them. A critical error in inscription warns that it is not worth creating an amulet. With confidence in the actions, they take a new blank or erase the inscription without making corrections to the old one. Signs are drawn at strict angles, straight lines, without corrections and unnecessary elements. Symbols are written from left to right. In a circular amulet, the runic row is drawn clockwise.

How and how to write runes on different surfaces

Runes are applied to wood, metal, stone, paper, leather and any surface. Traditional application involves two stages: cutting to give relief, staining. Not all materials are suitable for deep cuts, such as paper or clothing. When working with paper, a ballpoint pen will provide relief for the signs. Talismans are designed for short term services. The text is embroidered on the fabric, giving relief. They draw signs on the fabric with persistent three-dimensional paints.

Symbols are applied to surfaces for a specific purpose. Runic amulets manufactured industrially are not suitable for magical use. Making a runic talisman with his own hands, the master directs the energy of the symbols where required. Drawing them for another person, the signs also affect the life of the master. The formulas include additional elements that weaken or remove the binding.

Runes are written on the body with a ballpoint pen. Practitioners believe that The best way- henna drawings with volume at the initial stage of application. Henna is a natural material. When deciding, remember that the applied drawings will remain, influencing fate until the end of life. If a person is aware of the consequences and is ready to accept all aspects, there is no prohibition to practice. Tattoos were often found among the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. The rules for drawing runes on the body require that signs be drawn so that a person looking at the symbols can read the formula from left to right.

Another rule for dealing with human body: so that the signs influence their own lives, they draw symbols on the left half of the body, and to direct the force outward - on the right. This applies to any Scandinavian images, such as galdrastaves.

How to apply runes on a tree? To work with hard surfaces, cutters are used. If there are no professional tools, they work with wood and bone with a knife, but skill or experience is required.

They try to cut out the symbols on their own, with a minimum of equipment. To work with metal or stone, the use of engraving machines is allowed. Signs can be burned on the tree.

How to pronounce runes correctly and whether it is necessary to stipulate them

Methods and runic talismans provide for the use of verbal formulas - slander. The correct pronunciation of the names of the characters is important. Negotiate or enchant signs in the format of Old Norse vis.

But there is evidence that the symbols do not need additional spells and stipulations. According to the Scandinavian tradition, these are fundamental signs, peculiar mystical constants.

Sentences are not useless. The text allows you to understand the meaning of what was conceived and set the direction of thoughts by linking the symbol with your own energy.

If the reservations include an appeal to the Scandinavian gods (especially visas), the gods will help you pick up runic formulas and not make mistakes.

To create an amulet, describe its duration, designate goals. It is advisable to repeat them aloud while working on the talisman. It is possible to consecrate the amulet with the elements or in another way. The clause is made in any form.

During the slander, the name of the signs is pronounced aloud, but it is not known how to pronounce the runes correctly. The same symbols of the Elder Futhark are called differently in English, Scandinavian and Germanic sources. Their translations and adaptations for the Russian language vary greatly. There are no requirements for the pronunciation of the names of runic symbols, as well as rules for how to read runes.

Since ancient times, people by nature are prone to mystification. Worship pagan gods at the dawn of civilization. Sacrifice, oracles and prophets. Our ancestors took seriously the will of the higher powers believed in divination and rituals. One of the most mysterious memories of the past are runic stavas. With the help of them called for good luck, love and prosperity. They revealed the secrets of the future and the motives of the present. Their power is still great today.

general information

In order to get the desired result, certain figures are made up of runes. A single character can also help, but more often than not, multiple characters are used at once. In this case, they reinforce each other's influence or complement the overall picture. There are runic staves and formulas that consist of two or three and more runes.

First of all, you need to remember that their action is cyclical. In other words, as soon as the desire is fulfilled, they will change their direction in the opposite direction. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cancel the formula after it has benefited. Otherwise, the positive effect of their use will quickly disappear.

When the runes are chosen correctly, in order to set the right direction over them, a slander is pronounced. Most of the time, he speaks in an undertone. Its essence is to convey your desire and personal energy. The clause must be drawn up very carefully, in compliance with all the rules, namely:

As you can see, this is a rather laborious and even somewhat dangerous process. Therefore, before you start, you need to thoroughly think through everything and prepare well.

Schemes and their purpose

If a black streak has come in life, you can bring good luck to your side with the help of the Heilszechen formula. It has two symbols - the double runes of Sovulo and Teyvaz (the sign of Thor). Another option in this situation is the arrangement of the runes Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz-Gebo-Odal and Dagaz in order - this scheme is called ALUGOD, which means "good luck through magic." One of the most famous well-being formulas is the combination of Aansuz, Uruz, Yera and another Ansuz.

Helps Solpu find a way out of a difficult situation- a sign of victory over the prevailing circumstances. And you can also use the Dagaz symbol, their action is very similar to each other. It will support and bring strength to overcome sudden obstacles on the way to the goal of the Vunye rune. Another scheme suitable for the events described is called the “Help of the Gods” Ansuz-Mannaz-Uruz. The last standing will immediately attract the attention of changeable Fortune, hold her gaze for a long time.

In order to tip the scales in your favor on the love front, there are many schemes. When choosing, you need to be attentive to details. For example, a woman who wants to meet a worthy man for the subsequent creation of a family is best suited for a talisman from Gebo, Berkan and Ofal. It acts immediately, but quite often attracts not too worthy fans, so do not rush, otherwise there is a chance to choose the wrong one.

If a happy union has already been created, but from time to time hungry hunters try to seduce the head of the family. It is enough to apply Gebo, Tuisaz and Isa at the same time - they will be able to protect the family from the evil eye, and the husband from a love spell.

Love at first sight is given by Ansuz-Laguz and Gebo. Literally means "a blessing bestowed by heaven." This is a mystical connection between two souls, a relationship filled with mutual understanding, trust and fidelity. A man and a woman support each other and protect.

Kenaz-Pertro-Nighties are capable of establishing personal life, they will make a person sexually attractive to the opposite sex. At the same time, all partners will be skilled enough in love so that there will be no regrets after the fulfillment of the voiced desire. Berkano-Ingvaz, becoming completely female, he bestows beauty, health and magnetism. This is probably why it was called the seal of Freya, the Scandinavian goddess of youth and love.

Handling Features

Runic formulas are created for different purposes, using them, you can attract many benefits into your life, not only of a spiritual or metaphysical plan, but also of the most material. And here, of course, it is worth remembering the essential - money.

For example, the combination of Tivaz-Sovilo-Ofala will certainly help in business. It eliminates competitors and various force majeure situations. It contributes to the success of new enterprises and instills confidence in both the novice entrepreneur and the already established leader.

Algiz-Fehu-Algiz will be able to protect the work of a lifetime from impending bankruptcy. Attract new partners and investors. They will help in solving complex and various sensitive issues. It would be useful to simultaneously use the Raido-Fehu-Otila talisman to attract cash flow.

It is useful to carry the Fehu-Otala-Berkano-Sovino formula written on a regular sheet of paper in your wallet; it guarantees a stable, high income and profit in small transactions. Fehu-Kano-Gebo-Sovul is perfect for attracting new customers.

Under the protection of amulets

Everyone needs help sooner or later. In life, you can often meet envious and ill-wishers who are ready to do anything for the sake of the failure of an unwitting rival. Amulets made up of runes can help with this:

Activation runic formulas justified in any life situations, the main thing is to approach the choice with all possible seriousness.

Runes for health

The catalog is full of such combinations. Since ancient times, people prayed to the gods to reward them with longevity, protect them from diseases, and for this all means were good. , including the magic of symbols:

Ways to get rid of enemies

Runescripts and their meaning will come in handy more than ever if the amulets do not help enough, and enemies are stepping on their heels. In this case, you can use curses and damage, but you need to use such power thoughtfully and carefully. First of all, before you draw up a diagram and make a reservation, you should think carefully about possible consequences: Is hatred for an ill-wisher so strong?

One of the most terrible formulas is Mannaz-Hagalaz-Ise, everything falls on the shoulders of the enemy at once: the illness of loved ones, problems with their own health, troubles at work, failures on the love front. With such a set, there is simply no time left to weave conspiracies.

Another notorious combination of Wunjo-Gebo-Wunjo, which can cause cravings for various kinds of excesses: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, promiscuity. Ultimately, these addictions can lead to death or dangerous illness.

Formulas-helpers in life

The runoscript is created most often to solve any global problems and questions, attracting various benefits, but there are also schemes designed to diversify gray everyday life, help in small matters, get rid of annoying mistakes, open your eyes to what is happening:

There are a lot of combinations, so to speak, for any occasion. You can use several at the same time if they affect different aspects of life and do not contradict each other. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable.

Guide to action

The rules for compiling runic formulas cannot be ignored - this can interfere with them or turn the effect 180 degrees. Schemes are written on different media depending on the situation. For example, formulas related to health are best written on the food you are about to eat or your own skin, on any part of the body, on the left. Amulets work best if they are drawn on your favorite jewelry; it is not recommended to remove it.

Runescripts of influence, namely love formulas, curses and others, designed to influence a person, are most often drawn on themselves on the right. To cure the illness of someone around you, you can write by standing on his photograph. Youth and beauty more likely get it if you write on cosmetics and various creams. Home protection formulas get more power if they are displayed on doors, windows, frames. For the ritual you will need the following items:

  • Paper;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Candles;
  • Ruler, preferably made of wood;
  • The text of the clause.

Before you start, you need to tune in to a meditative mood, relax and throw everything out of your head. Extraneous thoughts and confused feelings can get in the way during the inscription. As soon as a feeling close to the state of nirvana appears, you can proceed. Light candles, formulate a goal, draw all the necessary signs on paper or another material more suitable for their impact. After the stipulation, it is necessary to hide the formula from prying eyes, blow out the candles and temporarily hold the newly written scheme in your mind.

Runes can change life, make it more complete, increase the overall level, get previously unseen benefits. Their mystical power is amazing and inexplicable, it can bring both benefit and harm, so you should be careful in your desires, think it over well before using them.

Attention, only TODAY!

Probably, there is no such person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all desires. However, later he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

And here I am ready to argue. It is quite possible to become a personal “magic wand” for all occasions runic magic, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to learn all the nuances of rune magic, but trust me, the result is worth it! By correctly compiling runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this article, I want to talk about proven and strong, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful for beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes of which the becoming is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • - sets the direction of the staff, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - provides a guarantee of receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for the receipt of finance
  • - ensures the integrity of money, protects against waste;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Be sure to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or make up a visu). In order for it to start working, it must be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and put into your wallet between two banknotes of a large denomination to give it the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything right, the first results should appear the next day.

Becoming a "Golden Dragon"

Runes used and their effect:

  • - opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • - provides security and protection;
  • - directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the life of the performer, makes it rich, promotes new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of incoming wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, endows it with constancy.

Draw standing on a piece of paper, activate it (slander, breathing, saliva). In the reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the thank you note as soon as you get what you want. Connect visualization to work: imagine how becoming turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you reach your goal, fulfill the promise - burn a piece of paper, thanking her.

The first results can already show themselves within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Protecting yourself and your home

Approximate visa text:

I close myself and my house from troubles,

Do not break the protection of enemies from dashing!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to keep protection!

Bet on happiness

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the life of the performer and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energy boost and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Gives new useful acquaintances, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills desires, contributes to receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • - relieves internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • - protects himself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause, you can describe the effect of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the life of the performer.

The rune formula is made up of 3 runes: — — . Rune meanings:

Many have heard. There are even people who are afraid of stones with incomprehensible signs. It is believed that their influence on the fate of the one who turned to them is so great that it is impossible to resist it. It becomes especially scary when you read their meaning. It is broad and vague, as it seems to the uninitiated. But connoisseurs appreciate these symbols. Runic stakes can help a person in many ways. Let's talk about them.

What are runic staves?

For the completely uninitiated, some explanations are necessary. The runes are special characters, which express the essence of a certain energy that affects the entire world around us. If such a person is near a person, then in any case he begins to work, delve into his field, attract circumstances and events that correspond to his essence. That is why it is customary to keep the runes in a special bag to hide from the eyes, to stop communicating with them. But there are times when their influence is very fruitful. Then the staves make up a set of symbols that determines the purpose and direction of the impact. They are very different. Only there are some principles of compilation. It is advisable to adhere to them for everyone who decides to do independent work.

Statutory principles

First rule - do no harm! In no case should you put negative thoughts into your magical set. You can't say it won't work. Just the opposite! Runes will affect events in the selected key. But then they will force the compiler to answer for what he did. Of course, there are situations when it is necessary to get rid of enemies, punish the offender, and so on. For this, there are runic staves of different directions. Their main content is to create well-being for the object of influence. If he is really attacked, then the enemy will be defeated. And if he himself unreasonably suspected a person of unseemly intentions, then he himself will change his mind. Circumstances will develop in such a way that everything will be clarified, the secret that was hidden will be revealed.

It is not yet recommended to invest in becoming negative feelings and intentions related both to oneself and to others. For example, if you want wealth, do not think that it must be taken away from your neighbor. Becoming works the way he is supposed to, and not the way you want. That is, he must be trusted completely, without insisting on the development of events according to his own plan.

Compilation rules

Simple runic stavas are made up of three characters. One determines the situation. It expresses what is at the present moment, a problem or a character. The second is the direction of development of events. The third is the desired result. The examples below will make it clearer. It is impossible to make a mistake in the choice of runes. The whole process, which determines the runic stavas, is harmonized. When it was written (folded), it will be difficult to change. Beginners are advised to use proven runic staves. They can be found in various sources, including this article. Carefully understand the meanings of the combinations. Depending on the circumstances, different stakes may be applied, it is necessary to take into account their semantic range, trends in the impact on events and the personalities of the participants.

For guard

One of the most common purposes for the use of runes is to protect from external negativity. Here is one possible combination. The runic becoming "protection" is made up of the signs: Turisaz, Algiz, Isa. The first will fence off a person from the negative directed at him. Algiz - a kind of She minimizes losses, if any must occur. For example, if you fall and only break your knee, you won't get a concussion. Isa will protect from his own aggression. It neutralizes those intentions that can lead you to losses or tragedies. This becoming is recommended to be applied to important documents or just on a piece of paper, which should always be with you.

For financial well-being

There are special formulas for attracting finance. Here is one of them. Runic betting on money: a combination of Fehu, Inguze and Souilo. Each of these runes is associated with income. In order like this: the first is the money itself, the second is the potential for development, the third is energy. Together, the combination means a powerful influx of funds, plus protection against their "unauthorized" losses. This stage is also considered accelerating. It speeds up processes that end in an influx of tangible profits. People who have tried it say they get results within a few hours. It is only recommended to use becoming to existing sources of income. Unknown profits are dispersed by another composition.

How to activate becoming

The last point that you need to know is how to put the outlined composition into work. There are several methods. Some believe that it is done with blood. In fact, you can use fire. The effect is the same. Compiled - burn each match. The process will start. If there are no stone runes, then they are written. For this, it is recommended to use a photo of the person for whom the process is being launched. You can draw them on the body (usually on the arm). Fire is also used to activate. The process itself is quite symbolic. You can just hold your hand over the flame of a candle. When the runes were written on paper, it is burned after the desired effect is obtained. The ashes are carefully collected and lowered into running water.

Runes must be handled with respect. They are good helpers, able to attract all the forces of nature to solve your problems. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use only natural materials (stones, wood, fabrics and paints). After the ceremony, they are either disposed of or purified by fire. The impact of the runes is thus terminated.

The formula with two runes serves to give strength to something or someone. Fehu - Uruz, where Fehu collects the energy of Uruz, strengthens it and directs it in the right direction. Raido-Soul - flying to the sun gives a huge amount of strength, it is recommended to use it for a short time so that the wings do not scorch

Appeal to the rune (name)! Let (action)
An example of a magic formula for healing a cold with the help of Bercana and Sowulo runes. (Bercana) Let the infection be expelled from the patient's body. (Sowulo) May the patient receive a surge of vitality, recover quickly and not get complications.

It happens that there is a certain task for which it is not possible to pick up one rune. Here you can use different methods. One of them is that you need to break the task into simple components.
For example: "Gambling big win"
is divided into two: "The coincidence that ensures luck in the game" (Laguz) and "Getting money" (Fehu).
Let's take the task: "Find money on the road."
If you take only the Fehu rune (which is quite obvious), then it will turn out badly - Fehu still does not correspond to "finding". You can only take the rune Perth (search), but it involves a "search", i.e. we have to walk along the roads and look - and we would like to just "find". In addition, Perth itself is quite heavy.
However, you can combine these runes, make up, as it were, a single rune from Perth and Fehu (i.e., a bundle), and in a spell write an appeal to these runes not separately, but together. Well, for example:
(Perth and Fehu) Have the subject “accidentally” find a large sum of money on the road.
"Let the subject do what I want, but not feel compelled."
Let's try to use the partition into options. "Let the object do what I want" - Naud, "Let the object feel no compulsion" - Laguz. No, something is not right. Because of the split, it turns out that the object will first fulfill the desire, and then feel nothing - but this is nonsense! We need to emphasize the simultaneity of these actions, so it is impossible to represent each of them as a predicate.
An add-on needs to be installed. Here Laguz will "hide" the whole spell, act all the time - and it won't be exactly a predicate. This will be an addition.

(Laguz) Let the effect of this spell be hidden, not be realized by the object

(Naud) Let the subject do whatever the subject wants
Thus, you can achieve the goal - to hide the action at the same time as its passage.

Often there is a need to construct a negation for a predicate, i.e. say runes "not"-expression. AT this case there are three exits:
Reformulate the spell so that the "not" disappears.
Pick up another rune that matches the non-rune.
Use the rune method of resistance

Negation by the method of runes of resistance is similar to the creation of a combined predicate. The description can be either literal (“let the subject need money”) or free (“let the subject be a beggar”).

The method of resistance runes (which, as you might guess, consists in adding the runes Hagalaz, Naud or Isa to the predicate) allows you to get three different negatives with different semantic shades for any predicate.

Take, for example, the rune Fehu in the sense of "gaining wealth." Indeed, there are three negatives
Not achieving wealth (Fehu + Isa - a barrier to achieving wealth)
Destruction of already existing wealth (Hagalaz)

Poverty (Naud + Fehu - in this case, we could do without Fehu, just put Naud - but the example is convenient, so we still use this method)

See the Handbook for more details.

In rune spells, there may be some elements that at first glance are useful - these are, so to speak, introductory words that are displayed by runes. For example:
Let the subject have enough strength to carry out the spell...
Let everythnig will be alright…
Let this spell work...
Let the effect of this spell pass unnoticed by the victim
Why are these inputs redundant? Very simple. It is clear that such words can be put in any spell - and, in principle, they will not be superfluous anywhere. However, substituting them into a spell makes it unreasonably cumbersome.

There are, however, cases where the use of these elements is justified. For example, if a subtle, "imperceptible" compulsion is being created, it is useful to use the Laguz rune to hide the effect of the spell. However, let's imagine that a spell of enslavement is being created, powerful, strong, leaving no will to the object - what kind of "invisibility" can we talk about? Therefore, with regard to the introductory, it is useful to observe the following rule: they should be placed only when they are directly, strongly connected with the meaning of the spell, when the spell would be incomplete without them. In other cases, they should not be set. Regarding the introductory "Let the subject have enough strength ..." Their use is never justified. If you really fear that you will not have enough strength, do not get down to business.

Of all the variety of ancient technologies for creating runetains with given magical properties, the technique of triadic (three-rune) spells was probably one of the most common. Three runes - the standard runic formula means the dynamics of the process in motion, it serves to move something from its place.
A: Rune #1
the energy of the rune is what the action is aimed at

B: Rune #2
necessary base mode of action

C: Rune #3
action result

Below we will consider a number of ancient three-part spell formulas given by A. Platov and examples of the use of three-rune combinations in modern practice.

Shigimara stone combination: Keno - Isa - Keno

talking modern language, it is a stone for meditation or performing magical operations.

Runa Isa here creates the necessary base, freezing, "stopping" the world for a person who is looking for help from this stone, contributing to the proper purification and calming of his mental (and the astral, probably, too). The Keno rune, the rune of incarnation, and on a more psychologically subtle level, the rune of revelation, is active here. It contributes to the achievement of the goal set by the person who came to the stone. If a person prays, the rune helps him to open up outside - to God, if he meditates - open up inside, look into the depths of his own being. If a person creates magic, the Keno rune contributes to the realization of his plans.

see Handbook for details.

Example: Let's say you wish to have more physical strength in daily activities. D u f will help you, Dagaz - there is a direction of action, i.e. in this case, the force will be directed to increase the vital force. Uruz is a necessary basis, something that will work. In this case, giving physical strength to a person in his activity. Fehu - direction of action, i.e. here it is the removal of stress and fatigue, improving well-being. Similarly, if physiological forces are needed, for example, during the flu period to increase immunity, instead of Uruz we use Ingus - physiological strength d q f

Goal What we do Result

Teiwaz Dagaz Inguz

The target is Teiwaz. Strong and wise leader. The director, that is, sensible and so that everything was fair. Action: Dagaz - abrupt changes for the better, a breakthrough in the situation. Change can be painful, but there's no getting around it. The resulting action is lnguz: the prosperity of your office and the general good fortune.


In the same way, more complex runic formulas are created. Then general form the three-run formula just needs to be changed:

, where B1_B2_B3 is the sequence of actions that your runic formula must perform, and A and C are all the same directions of action.

The most important rule when building any runescript is “runes should not contradict each other” - therefore, when compiling a runescript, it is necessary to pay special attention to all the meanings of the runes and, at the slightest doubt and contradiction, immediately correct the runescript, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable (from the banal inaction of the amulet , to the exact opposite effect). All runescripts can be divided into several groups: personal, group and runescript tied to the area. Personal runescripts are compiled for a specific person (protection, love spell, enrichment, obtaining other personal qualities). A group runescript is used in amulets whose effect is directed at two or more people (love spells, cooperation, protection, success in business, etc.) home or increase crops, etc.

We will begin our practical exercises with the compilation of personal amulets. It is recommended to start all personal amulets with the Mannaz rune. Why? You will understand this when we consider this rune in detail.

So, the first rune that we will study with you is the Mannaz rune. You can see her picture on the board.

The meaning of the rune is Man. I. A group of people.

The rune symbolizes interdependence, the mental order of the gods, the request for mutual assistance from others. This is the power of the rational mind. One of the key runes in compiling runescripts for an individual person or a certain group of people. If a we are talking about cooperation, connection or love action of the amulet, then runes line up around the Mannaz rune, symbolizing any circumstances and situations

In addition, this rune is very convenient in its form for tying and stringing other runes on it, because it contains elements of many runes, which means that when they are connected, many lines will overlap each other, which will greatly simplify the runescript itself. At the same time, one must clearly realize and even imagine that this rune symbolizes a specific person. In the process of the entire compilation, it is desirable to imagine his image, as, in fact, the purpose of this work. When writing, each subsequent rune must be felt exactly in the meaning in which you want to use it.

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