How to refuse a Rostelecom home phone? Rules for the provision of communication services by OJSC Rostelecom to legal entities General provisions.

The request “how to turn off your Rostelecom home phone” is often found in search engines. It would seem that the answer is simple: you need to come to the company’s office with an application. However, there may be some difficulties here - let's try to sort them out.

Disabling Rostelecom services - temporarily and forever

Mobile communications are now quite developed, making the use of a wired telephone seem unnecessary to some subscribers. This is why many users are asking to turn off their Rostelecom home phone.

Disabling is now possible in two ways:

  • with complete termination of the contract;
  • with temporary blocking of services.

The latter option assumes that the subscriber remains a user of the system, but services are not provided to him at his own request. This method allows you to save money on subscription fees: with voluntary blocking, the fee for the fact that it remains technically possible to connect back is purely symbolic, and the blocking time is not limited. To use this method, you just need to call the company. To connect back, just a call is also enough.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for good

However, let’s say that you decide to finally abandon Rostelecom’s services. How to disable Rostelecom's home phone in this case?

First, you will need to find an agreement for the provision of communication services. This can be difficult: many contracts for the installation of a wired (or, as it is also called, landline) telephone were concluded long before the spread of mass and relatively cheap cellular communications.

Don't know your rights?

If you cannot find the agreement, try to at least remember on whose behalf it was concluded. The fact is that only one of its parties can terminate the contract. If it’s you, there’s no problem, but if the agreement was concluded with one of your relatives, then he will have to write the application (or you will need a power of attorney on his behalf).

You must submit an application (and, if necessary, a power of attorney) to the Rostelecom office, where citizens are received. There you need to give the company employees a statement asking to terminate the contract from a certain date. If you are embarrassed by the need to go somewhere, the application can be sent by registered mail with notification. In this case, you will need to enclose in the letter:

  • application - in any form, but with a clearly formulated desire to terminate the contract and indicating the date of expected termination;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the contract for the provision of communication services (if there is one);
  • a copy of the power of attorney (if you are not acting on your own behalf).

In the application, it is highly advisable to indicate your contact phone number - the company’s employees will contact you using it and specify the date when their specialists will be able to come to you and physically remove the connection points.

Also, if you are looking for a way to disable Rostelecom’s home phone, you should remember two conditions that this company imposes on its subscribers in this case:

  1. All bills for previously provided communication services (telephone, Internet, cable TV) must be paid by the time the application is submitted.
  2. A statement of termination is not a reason to refuse payments - otherwise the subscriber may only lose access to services, and the payment debt will continue to grow.

Also, don't forget about the Internet: in some cases it is still connected through a telephone line, and if you give up your phone, you will lose access to it too.

How to disable Rostelecom Internet

If you use the services of Rostelecom as an Internet provider, the disconnection procedure will be exactly the same as described above. You can also voluntarily block the service for a while or refuse it forever.

And in the same way, if you are wondering how to disable Rostelecom’s Internet forever, you will need to submit a written application to the company. In addition, you will need to provide company employees with access to the equipment installed by it so that they can dismantle it.

Are you planning to refuse Rostelecom services? Well, apparently there are reasons for this, especially considering not the most best quality service at of this operator telecommunications services.

On at the moment You can refuse the services completely, while terminating the previously concluded contract, or suspend their use for some time. The latter will be useful if, for example, you are going on a trip for several months. You will learn how to do this in this guide.

Contents of the article

  • 1 Temporary shutdown of the Internet and TV
  • 2 Complete shutdown of Internet and TV from Rostelecom
  • 3 Disabling the phone
  • 4 Conclusion

Temporary shutdown of Internet and TV

If you do not intend to use the operator’s services for a long time, then you can refuse them. Please note that you can refuse to provide services for at least one month. Previously, this required a person to come to the company’s office and write a corresponding statement, but since 2015 it has become possible to suspend the provision of services by calling 88001000800.

The cost of blocking can range from 1 to 50 rubles per month, depending on the period. The maximum period is not limited. The blocking can be removed at any time (but not earlier than a month after activation) by calling the same number.

Let us remind you that we have already considered in detail the issue of disconnecting and suspending the Internet.

Complete shutdown of Internet and TV from Rostelecom

Before proceeding with a complete shutdown of the Internet and television, you must first fully pay all debts on your own personal account. Moreover, in some cases, if the provider separately provides equipment for telecommunications services (rental of a TV set-top box, modem, etc.), it will also need to be purchased or returned.

After the debt is repaid, you will need to submit an application at one of the company’s offices and indicate the reason why you want to give up the Internet. You must have your passport and a copy of the contract for the provision of services from Rostelecom with you.

The termination agreement will be concluded on the spot. In addition, a day will be appointed on which the installed equipment will be dismantled.

Disabling the phone

If you decide to disconnect your home phone from Rostelecom, then the first thing you need to do is find the agreement concluded with the operator. This may be difficult since most contracts were concluded before the introduction of low-cost mobile communications. If the agreement is lost, then a document from the person in whose name it was concluded, or his power of attorney, is required.

Next, you need to draw up an application for disconnection and submit it to the operator’s office. In case you do not want to go to the office, copies necessary documents and the application can be sent by mail using a simple registered letter.

Here is a list of documents that must be provided:

  • Copy of passport.

  • A copy of the contract for the provision of services.

  • A copy of the power of attorney (if needed).

  • Statement.

Please note that in the application you must indicate your contact phone number so that, if necessary, company employees can contact you.

Important! If you are provided with Internet access through a telephone line, when the phone is turned off, it will also be turned off. Be careful!


If you decide to disconnect from Rostelecom services, remember that filing an application and full repayment of the debt is a prerequisite.

Some subscribers simply stop paying for services, thinking that if they don’t pay, everything will turn off by itself. However, this is far from true, since in this case, it may result in the accrual of penalties and fines, which will also have to be paid.

One of the most popular branches of Rostelecom's activities is the provision of Internet access services. And, despite the fact that the provider tries to offer high-quality high-speed access services in any city, even in small towns and villages, some users still have negative reviews and emotions in the process of using them. And someone just needs to leave for a while, and there is temporarily no need to use the World Wide Web. That's why people think about blocking or suspending the connection. And today we will pay attention to these issues.

So if you have made a decision block Internet access for your contract for a certain period, you must first familiarize yourself with the conditions under which the provider’s clients are provided this service.

The service that suits you in this situation is called “Voluntary blocking” and you can use it both in your personal account and when contacting specialists from a company with the appropriate profile.

To perform a voluntary blocking, you must perform the following list of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account on the official Rostelecom website or directly via a direct link
  2. Go to the catalog of connected services.
  3. Select from the list of home internet services.
  4. Find the configuration menu of the current tariff plan.
  5. Select the temporary blocking menu and select the options that best suit you in your particular situation.
  6. Save all settings.

Please note that the procedure for blocking access to the Network is not provided by the company free of charge, and the amount may depend on the period for freezing the account, as well as on your region of connection. We, in turn, strongly recommend that you contact the company’s offices directly to suspend the provision of Internet services. It is there that the provider’s specialists will be able to explain to you all the nuances of the service and exactly fulfill all your stated requirements.

How to disable Rostelecom Internet in Moscow

If you are a subscriber of the largest Russian provider in Moscow, you probably know that in the capital its services are provided under the Online brand.

Fortunately, Online also has a similar service that allows you to block Internet access in case of departure, lack of need to use, or dissatisfaction with the quality of the services provided (this also happens).

The service can be ordered in two in simple ways:

  1. 24/7 service personal account, available on the website
  2. When you call the support service at 8-800-707-12-12 .

When performing any of the above actions, the account blocking takes effect only the next day after the order.

Conditions for disconnecting Rostelecom Internet through your personal account or SIC number in Moscow:

  • To correctly activate the service, the client’s account balance should not contain less than 1 day of operation of all services that were connected as of the day the blocking request was sent;
  • The service is provided free of charge during the first 30 days of the continuous year;
  • If the Internet is blocked for 31-90 days, the cost of freezing will be 5 rubles per 1 day of service operation.

As for turning off the service and reconnecting access to the World Wide Web, this procedure is also carried out by contacting the provider’s contact center or using the tools of your personal account.

When you made the decision to connect to the Internet, telephone or television from the company, an appropriate agreement for the provision of services was concluded with you. If suddenly, for some reason, you decide to disable any service, then you need to write an application to terminate the contract. In this article we will look at the procedure and the list of required documents.

Application for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

First of all, we need to fill it out. Open it in text editor and the following page will appear in front of you:

As you can see, we will need the number of the contract concluded with you, as well as information about the employee in whose name we will have to write the application. Naturally, you do not know the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, so you will have to call the company branch closest to you and find out who to write the application to. After this, carefully read your contract, as it describes the conditions for terminating the contract. If you rented any equipment or paid in installments, you will need to pay the full price. The amount of time that has passed since the conclusion of the contract is also very important. If it less than a year, then look in the contract for information about the amount of compensation upon termination of the contract.

Termination of the Internet contract by Rostelecom

Termination of an Internet contract most often occurs due to a discrepancy between the actual Internet speed and the stated speed in the contract. Many users mistakenly believe that the provider is obliged to provide the Internet at all times. maximum speed, although the contract indicates the maximum possible and this does not mean that it will be so. Typically, speed drops occur during rush hours, when most people return from work and sit down at their computers and laptops. Technical failures on the line of the upstream provider cannot be ruled out.

So, you decided to connect to another provider. If you have a router or modem that was given to you along with the contract, then look at the conditions under which it was given to you. If you don't have a clause about selling it to you in installments, then returning it will be enough for you. If such an item is present and the amount of its cost has not yet been repaid, then you will be required to pay its full cost.

Termination of the contract for

Interactive television has firmly entered our daily life. Not only is the quality from a conventional antenna several times worse, but the range of additional services is very extensive. You can watch TV on multiple TVs at a cost or even on computers, laptops, tablets and phones at an additional cost. To watch Rostelecom television you need a set-top box and a video sender. Their cost is very significant and, most often, they are purchased in installments for 36 months. If this period has not yet passed since the conclusion of the contract, then most likely you will need to fully purchase this equipment upon termination of the contract. If you rented the console, then it will be enough to pay the costs for current month provision of this service.

Termination of the contract for a Rostelecom phone

With the advent of cellular communications and affordable mobile phones, demand for home landline phone decreased. Many believe that these expenses are useless and decide to turn off the Rostelecom phone. Before you complete the application, you should call technical support and indicate your intentions. It is possible that the company manager will call you back and offer the so-called “economical” phone, which will allow you to keep the phone in the apartment and reduce family expenses on it. If you are still firmly convinced that you want to disable it, then you should check the availability of and in your account.

List of required documents for terminating an agreement with Rostelecom

When you have filled out the application form, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. certificate of ownership of the apartment and its photocopy
  3. apartment purchase and sale agreement and its photocopy
  4. the contract itself for the provision of services (Internet, television, telephone)

With all this, you need to come to the Rostelecom office. in your city you can find on our website. Before going to a particular branch, call them and check whether they accept applications for termination of the contract, since this can not be done in every representative office.

Do not forget about the possibility of temporarily disabling the service while you are away or on vacation, as this will save you time and you can easily resume using the services you are accustomed to. If you are refused when attempting to terminate, you must be given the reason for the refusal. If it is in the text of the contract you signed, then you will have to fulfill this condition. If it is not there, then you can write a registered letter addressed to the leadership of your city and outline in detail the essence of your situation.

You should not think that if you simply stop paying for a particular service from Rostelecom, then the contract with you is automatically terminated and you no longer have to pay anything. This attitude will lead to the fact that your debt will be transferred to the collection service and they will begin to persistently remind you of the need to pay. It is the laziness of clients that leads to conflict situations, so save your own time and nerves.

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If there is a need to disable your Rostelecom home phone, there are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to go to the company’s office and write an application. The second option involves sending the application by registered mail.

What do you need to turn off your landline phone?

It should be borne in mind that disconnecting a landline telephone in some cases will entail disconnecting from the Internet and Digital Television. Often both the first and second are provided on the basis of a telephone line. As a rule, a landline telephone is disconnected for two reasons:

  1. complete termination of the contract with Rostelecom;
  2. temporary blocking of operator services.

The second method is relevant for those who wish to retain the opportunity to return to Rostelecom services. To block, just call the company operator. The reverse action is also carried out by calling. Such clients are charged a symbolic amount every month.

Before resorting to measures to abandon the Rostelecom landline phone, you need to make sure that there are no debts to the company. To find out your debt, you can use several methods.

How to find out if there is a debt to Rostelecom?

The most in a fast way To find out the debt for a Rostelecom phone, call the company. You can use the voice menu and get the necessary information yourself, or contact an operator who will quickly answer your question.

Owners of a single personal account on the Rostelecom resource can view accounts in it. You can also go to the company office and contact the manager. By giving your phone number, you can find out and pay the debt at any post office. Another popular way to obtain information is to check your account balance through a Sberbank ATM. To find out the debt for a Rostelecom phone in this way, you need to select the “service top-up” option.

Refusal of landline phone

In no case should you refuse to pay for services, believing that this will be the act of abandoning the phone. The score will grow. To turn off a landline phone, you need to strictly coordinate this issue with the operator.
The signal for Rostelecom to disconnect the landline telephone will be an application handed to the manager or sent by registered mail.

The application for termination must include the following information:

  • personal data of the applicant (full name, address);
  • passport details;
  • phone number to disconnect;
  • connection contract number;
  • the date from which the shutdown should occur.

In the application, it is advisable to indicate a telephone number by which managers can contact the applicant and agree on a time for the technicians to arrive to physically remove the connection points. When applying in person to the company's office, you must attach a copy of your passport and contract to your application. If the issue is dealt with confidant, a power of attorney must be attached. If the application is sent via Russian Post, you can use the registered letter number to track the date of delivery of the item.

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