How to avoid entering your Microsoft account password.

OS login password - reliable protection of data on your hard drive from being viewed by strangers. But if computer equipment is at the disposal of only its owner, then restricting access is unnecessary. In order to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, you will need to erase the code word previously written there in the settings of the created entry. But often they remember about removing restrictions when they cannot log into the OS and the user table parameters are unavailable. In this case, they use tricks.

Cancel password entry for a user account

Cancellation is carried out using a special panel. It is called by the WIN+R keys. In the “Open” field, copy the phrase “control userpasswords2” or “netplwiz” (without changing, paste). Confirm the operation by clicking “Ok”. Then do the following:
Only an administrator and a user with public access can remove the entry of a passphrase. If the record is of a different type or the PC is part of a domain, the checkbox will not be available.

Cancel password entry when resuming from sleep mode

Restrictions on entering the OS will also be triggered when the PC or laptop exits sleep mode. The recording key must be specified when waking up the equipment each time, which is not entirely convenient. When you want to leave limited access to enter the OS when you turn on the equipment, but remove it during operation, proceed as follows: If entering a code word is still necessary, you can configure the sleep mode itself. Standard settings are 5 minutes when there are no operations in the system. This period can easily be increased to tens of minutes and even several hours. Then you will have to enter the password less often. You can set up sleep mode by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen, then selecting “Display Settings”. Here go to “Power and sleep mode”. Select the required time.

Using the Registry - For Advanced Users

If the previous methods failed to achieve the desired result, then to remove the password when logging into Windows 10, all that remains is to use the Registry Editor. Press the keys simultaneously on the keyboard WIN+R. In line " Open» register "regedit" Further:

Important! It is not recommended for novice users to make changes to any registry blocks. Errors can cause the system to crash.

Disabling the request through the "Power Options" section on awakening

In the Control Panel menu there is a “Power Options” item. You need to enter it, select in the marked scheme “ Settings …" In the new window, follow the link for additional settings. Here in the central block of the window, expand the item “ Balanced" and in the section " Require password..." choose " No" To restart a computer.

Account settings

If the password is not forgotten or lost, you can simply cancel it. Login to the user's OS is controlled by recording settings. By changing them, it is easy to remove the password. You need to do the following:

This is the easiest and safest way for beginners to remove the password previously assigned to log in to the system. But the method will work if the code word used in the recording is not forgotten by the user. In this case, you will have to resort to one of the methods described above. Users who have not previously changed system settings should not use password removal through the registry. He's not safe. You should resort to the control panel and registry only in cases where the standard method is not suitable. When making changes to the system settings, you need to double-check the recorded data. This will save you from mistakes.

During the installation of Windows 10 on a computer, you are voluntarily/forced to come up with a PIN code to log into your account. You won't be able to skip or ignore this setup step, but luckily, you can remove that annoying pin code later. Although I would not recommend leaving your computer unprotected if you have any important data stored there. But this is a completely separate topic, and today we will find out how to remove PIN and password in Windows 10.

How to remove PIN code in Windows 10

You can, of course, remove the PIN code in Windows 10 in different ways (although this is not a fact, I just don’t rule it out). But I'll show you how I did it. You should like this method because it is simple and straightforward.

However, it is worth reminding you once again that by removing the PIN code from your computer, you leave it practically defenseless. On the other hand, if you are sure that no one else except you will have access to it, then why not? But you can save some time by not entering your PIN code every time you turn it on.

Step-by-step instructions on how to remove a PIN code inWindows 10:

We figured out the PIN code, but there is one more small nuance. Now Windows 10 will ask you for your password at startup. account. And a password, by the way, is even less pleasant and time-consuming to enter than a PIN code. Therefore, next we will show you how to disable the password when logging in in Windows 10.

How to disable password in Windows 10

Before you disable your password in Windows 10, make sure you have it written down somewhere or remember it well. Because if you rarely use a password, you can easily forget it. And then, when you need it to confirm some settings changes in your Microsoft account, you will not be able to remember the password. Of course, it can be restored, but this is an extra hassle that no one likes.

Disable passwordWindows 10 when logging in:

  1. To begin, press Windows + R. in this case Windows is the key on the keyboard that displays the Windows logo.
  2. In the window that appears, enter the phrase netplwiz to bring up the account settings item we need.
  3. Directly in the “User Accounts” settings window, uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox.

Next, click OK and restart your computer to make sure everything is applied. Oh yes, I almost forgot, to apply these settings, you will need to enter your password two more times to confirm that you are the one currently controlling the computer.

Personally, everything worked out for me. I'm almost sure you do too. Now Windows 10 will not ask you to enter your password or PIN when you turn on your computer. If something went wrong for you, write in the comments below, we’ll try to figure it out. If you managed to mess up very badly, then use it to return your operating system to its previous state.

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Windows 10 login password is sometimes not required for a computer with only one user. It's too annoying to enter a code into your account every time if security rules don't require it. You can disable the password using the account manager and registry editor. To remove authentication upon startup, you must have administrator rights.

You can delete any rule standard means Windows. If you accidentally disabled some necessary options, you should know that .


To remove the password request in one of the ways, you need to edit your account, which is done through a series of actions:

  • Launch the Run window. To do this, press the Windows and R keys alternately. In the window that appears, enter the command control userpasswords2 or netplwiz.
  • Next, the account setup starts. Here you need to remove the mark from the area highlighted in the figure. In this case, it is important to click on the account for which you need to configure the request.

It happens that it is not possible to disable identification when turning it on in this way. This may be because the account is already included in some domain. Then you should contact a special registry editor, from which you can delete any item.

Registry Editor

You need to understand that setting up your computer this way will result in the user's password being stored openly. Anyone viewing computer files can recognize the cipher symbols in this case. First you need to repeat the steps described above: open the Run window.

  • We alternately press the Windows and R keys, which are located on the keyboard.
  • Enter the regedit code in the window that appears.
  • Next, you need to go to the window at the address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon.

  • Once the specified area is found, you need to double-click on the AutoAdminLogon parameter.
  • Set the value to 1 in this parameter.
  • Open the DefaultDomainName line and change it to the domain name or computer name that is viewed in the properties of My Computer. If there is no such parameter, you can easily create it yourself using the right mouse button.
  • Open the DefaultUserName line and change it to another one.
  • Create a DefaultPassword line and set a value in it by copying the current user’s password.

Once all the steps are completed, you can safely close the editor and restart your computer.

Sleeping mode

There is a way to remove the account when you turn on the computer from sleep mode. The settings for this mode can be found if you open it in the notification area:

  • All parameters tab.
  • Select Accounts.
  • Click Login Options.

A special window will open in which you need to set the Never option, as shown in the figure below.

It is also possible to remove the password prompt from the Power menu. To do this you need:

  • Go to the Control Panel.
  • Select an existing power supply scheme.
  • Click on Set up power plan.
  • A window will appear in which you need to click Change advanced power settings.
  • Select the value as shown in the figure and apply the changes to the computer.

As you can see from the above, there is nothing difficult about disabling an account. You just need to uncheck the necessary points. Don't be afraid of the Registry Editor. You can easily create the desired parameter, or you can just delete it.

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The G8 has one cool feature - saving user settings and synchronizing them with a personal account in Microsoft. It is very comfortable. For example, when reinstalling the OS, you do not have to set them to a new one - you just need to restore them using your own account.

But there is also a minus - due to the excessive “concern” of the developers, the system constantly requires a password when logging into Windows 8. And this is annoying. Especially if only you use a laptop or computer, and there is no need for such protection. It is logical that in such a situation you would want to remove the password when logging into Windows 8.

The first method is to disable the password via the command line

This is done as follows:

Then open “Computer Settings”, find “Sign-in Options” and in the “Policies” section click on the “Change” button.

This is how you can remove the password when logging into Windows 8. This is classic way, which should help in most cases.

What should I do if Windows 8 requires a password at login, just like before? Try the next option.

The instructions here are also simple. To remove the Windows 8 startup password, follow these steps:

You can now log into Windows 8 without a password.

This method implies refusal of registration. recordings and switching to local. Thus, you lose the benefits that the first option provides. Of course, in this way you can disable the password request when loading Windows, but it is still not recommended. Better try again the standard method described above.

How to remove the Windows login password? The Windows 8 operating system has an option to sign in using a Microsoft account. After updating the operating system, you may experience problems with the need to enter a password in Windows 8.1, because logging into the system without entering the password will not be possible.

Owners of copies of the Windows 8 operating system can update their operating system to Windows 8.1 by downloading it from the Windows Store. There are a number of changes made to this version of the Windows operating system.

In particular, the “Start” button has been added, it is also now possible to boot the system to the Desktop immediately, bypassing the “start screen”, synchronization has been improved, etc.

Why did this question arise? During the process of updating Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, a situation arises when you will be required to enter the password for your Microsoft account if the Internet connection is active on your computer during the installation of the operating system.

A new installation of Windows 8.1 will also require you to enter your Microsoft account information if you are connected to the Internet during the installation process.

If there is no Internet connection, you will be prompted to create a local account. The local account password will also have to be entered each time before starting the operating system.

Sign in to your Microsoft account

When updating the system on my computer, a page opened asking me to enter my Microsoft account information. At the same time, there was no option to skip this step, because at this time my computer was connected to the Internet.

Two options were offered: maintain data from an existing account or create a new account. Since I had such an account, I entered my data and then continued installing the Windows 8.1 operating system on my computer.

After the installation of the system is completed, a tiled interface opens - the “start screen”. Now it is possible to immediately implement in Windows 8.1 without changing system settings, changing the startup settings with a couple of mouse clicks.

After finishing work on the computer, the operating system will be disconnected from the power supply.

When you start your computer again, during the system boot process, the “Sign in to your Microsoft account” window will open. The user will have to enter a password to log into Windows. This will happen every time you start the operating system.

You must have a Microsoft account on your computer to use the Windows Store, to access other services, and you can also log in to Skype using your account. Your data will be synced across all devices from which you log into your account.

If you log in using a local account, you will also be required to enter a password before starting the system.

Login using a password is made in order to increase security, so that no one other than the owner can access the system and computer user data. If the computer has only one owner, then constantly entering a password will be inconvenient and may annoy the user. If the password for the account is complex (as it should be), then it will be difficult to even remember it.

Therefore, you will need to solve the following problem: when starting Windows 8.1, login without entering a password at boot.

Login without entering a password in Windows 8.1

To do this, you will need to right-click on the “Start” button and select “Run” from the context menu.

You can open the “Run” window in another way by simultaneously pressing the “Windows” and “R” keys on your keyboard.

Then in the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, you will need to enter the expression: “netplwiz” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button.

In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, you can also enter another expression - “control userpasswords2”, anyway, after this the “User Accounts” window will open.

Another way to get to user accounts: enter the expression “netplwiz” in the “Search” field, and after the search result is displayed, click on the application.

This will open the “User Accounts” window. In this window, in the “Users” tab, you should uncheck the box next to “Require username and password.” Next, click on the “OK” button.

This will open the Automatic Login window. In this window you will need to enter your mailbox address Email user, then enter and confirm the password, and then click on the “OK” button.

Please note that in the “User” field, Windows enters the username (nickname) by default. If you use a local account or an account, you will need to enter different information.

In the “User” field you will need to enter:

  • Local account - enter the user name (nickname).
  • Account - enter your email address.

If you think that this is all over, then it means that you are too optimistic. After simply restarting the Windows operating system, you will no longer have to enter the password, unless the computer was disconnected from the power supply.

After you turn off your computer's power, when you boot into Windows 8.1 again, you will again see the Sign in to your Microsoft account window, where you will need to enter your Microsoft account password.

Therefore, you will need to make some more settings. To do this, you will need to enter the system power settings.

Disable password prompt on wakeup

To enter, you will need to right-click on the “Start” button, and in the context menu that opens, click on “Power Management”.

You can also access power management from the Control Panel, as it is done in Windows 8.

In the “Power Options” window, on the left side of the window, you will need to click on the “Require password on wakeup” link.

This will open the System Settings window. In this window, you can see that in the settings for the power buttons and enabling password protection on wakeup, the items “Require a password (recommended)” and “Do not require a password” are not active. By default, the “Require password (recommended)” option is enabled.

To make changes to these settings, click on the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link.

After this, you will need to activate the “Do not ask for password” option, and then click on the “Save changes” button.

That's it, now after these settings you will no longer need to re-enter your account password every time you boot the system. Logging into Windows 8.1 will occur without entering a password, and the account will not be disabled on the computer.

Conclusions of the article

The user can remove entering a password to log into the Windows 8.1 operating system for faster system startup on the computer if logged in from a Microsoft account.

How to remove the login password in Windows 8.1 (video)

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