How to change the main browser. Changing the default browser - program settings, control panel

Each PC has its own “native” browser, which is already pre-installed on the device and is considered the default browser until the user decides to change it to a more convenient one that suits him personally. There are a variety of good browsers, but each one chooses it for certain functions. It’s worth figuring out exactly how you can change the default browser if the “native” one doesn’t suit you.

In setting the default browser, you first need to make sure that you are going to use it in future work.

Download button

Through the settings of the browser itself

After downloading the browser you need, just go to its settings in the main menu and click “Set as default browser”.

Through Windows settings

Also, the default browser can be set through system settings. For Windows 7, 8 and earlier versions, the process occurs this way. Through “Start” we go to “Control Panel”, after which we follow the following sequence - “Programs” - “Default programs” - “Set default programs”. Select the browser you need from those available in the list and click “Set this program as default.”

Go to the “Control Panel”

Select the “Default” option

Which browser to choose

Before choosing which browser is best for you, you need to understand all the advantages.

Google Chrome

Most users use Google Chrome on Windows operating systems. Very easy to use, extremely minimalistic interface. Has such advantages as:

  • regular automatic updates;
  • "Incognito" mode;
  • stable and fast work;
  • many applications, add-ons, extensions;
  • protection against hacking and viruses.


Read a few simple ways in a new article -

One of the most popular among users, thanks to the huge number of advantages and benefits. The opera includes:

  • the ability to customize the scale, change colors and fonts;
  • built-in VPN, which can be easily enabled in the settings;
  • "Turbo" mode;
  • various additional widgets.

A very convenient and fast browser. Works on all operating systems, synchronizes with other browsers, and can easily transfer all information from an old device to a new one.

  • even with a weak Internet connection it works very quickly thanks to the “Turbo” mode;
  • connected to all Yandex services, such as Yandex.Search, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Translator and others;
  • ability to view files in PDF and TXT modes;
  • Adobe Player support.

Mozilla Firefox

A very convenient and innovative browser, with a huge number of plugins and add-ons. Has the following advantages:

  • interface settings;
  • convenient reading mode;
  • many updates, thanks to which the browser does its job very efficiently and quickly;
  • reliable and secure browser;
  • has visual tabs.

When choosing a browser, you need to take into account the degree of protection it provides, speed of operation, safe use and, of course, versatility and user-friendly interface. In order for the browser to do its job quickly, you need to install all updates, heed its “warnings about going to a suspicious site” and disable unnecessary widgets and add-ons. Any browser can be customized for yourself by digging a little into the settings and figuring out what works and how. After setting your default browser, you can go about your business online in the most comfortable environment and search for the information you need without delays. For further advice, you can always contact a specialist in the field.

The video below provides information on how to set your default browser.

Video - How to set the default browser

The User-Agent in Firefox and other browsers is a string value that identifies that browser and provides certain system information to the servers that host the sites you visit. Changing the user agent string can be useful in certain scenarios, such as when some site functionality is blocked on a particular platform and you need to work around that restriction.

Also, changing User-Agent is often used by web developers when optimizing web applications for different devices. The User-Agent can provide web servers with some information about the user's operating system and browser version.

How to change User-Agent in Firefox settings

In order to change User-Agent in Firefox, follow these steps:

User-Agent browsers

Here are some User Agents you can use:

Chrome on Linux:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36

Microsoft Edge:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586

Internet Explorer:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko

You can find even more at

The "general.useragent.overridepreference" setting applies to every open tab in Firefox and persists until you change or delete it. It remains enabled even when you close or reopen the browser.

How to change Firefox User-Agent using an extension

If you often change the User Agent in Firefox, then you should think about installing a special browser add-on that will save a lot of time.

Change User-Agent in Firefox using an extension User-Agent Switcher can be done like this:

This add-on is an updated version of the popular User-Agent Switcher extension and is written using the Web Extensions API. The old version cannot be used in modern versions of Firefox. This version of the extension is fully compatible with the new Firefox Quantum.

Well, that's all for today. Now you know how to change User Agent in Firefox. Well, if you want to speed up the Firefox browser, then .

In the Windows operating system, the Internet Explorer browser is installed by default even at the stage of its installation on the computer. If you need another program for surfing and working on the net, you can use Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and others. All developers of such programs try to make their creation fast, convenient and the best, adding interesting options that others do not have. Which one is right for you can only be determined by experience - try them all. Shall we begin?

To remove an unnecessary browser, like any program, use the “Control Panel” from the “Start” menu and go to “Programs and Features”, it’s simple. Let's move on. Installing the Opera browser begins by visiting the official program page, where you will be offered to download its latest version.

To install a browser from Google, you must first go to At the top of the “More” menu section, go to “All Products” and download Google Chrome here.

The Mozilla Firefox browser can be downloaded as is or with an integrated search engine. Usually this is Yandex or Rambler. You can download Mozilla Firefox from the official program page

Try using Apple's browser. To do this, go to the website, in its Mac section you need to click the “More details” link in the Safari item. On the page that opens, you can download the browser and then install it on your PC.

If, after replacing your browser, you suddenly want to return Internet Explorer, launch it. The program will display a message stating that Internet Explorer is not the default browser. When asked whether to make it such, answer “Yes” by pressing the appropriate button.

In conclusion, I would like to say that each of the browsers listed above is good in its own way. Decide for yourself which one suits you best, and happy networking!

How to change internet explorer to another browser

A browser is a special program designed for viewing web pages. Currently, developers present quite a lot of similar applications. Those who have a Microsoft operating system installed most likely know that Internet Explorer is automatically installed on their computer along with the system. If the settings have been changed, then it is not a fact that web pages will open in this Internet browser, because many users prefer to install other browsers on their computer.

Setting internet explorer as default browser

In order to set Internet Explorer as your default browser, you will need a few simple steps. Launch the application and go to Service. Here we select the Internet Options link.

In the window that opens, go to the Programs tab. In it, in the top lines, you will find a proposal to use this browser as the default. Click on the button and click OK. In some cases, you may receive a message stating that the 64-bit version cannot be used as the default browser. A similar warning appears for users running Windows 7, but don’t worry about it. We confirm that we have read it and continue the procedure.

Replace internet explorer with another browser

If, no matter what the reason, you are not satisfied with Internet Explorer, then you can always change the browser. However, before that, let's figure out whether this should be done. So, Windows XP users have the sixth version of internet explorer installed by default. Many people say that this is not the most convenient version of the application. The “Six” was significantly behind its competitors at the time. However, now developers are offering updated versions, the functionality and performance of which have been greatly improved.

If you still want to change internet explorer to another browser, then first you will need to download the program. Among the most popular Internet browsers are Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. They are distributed free of charge; you can find applications on the developers’ website. But which browser is better is up to you to decide. After installation, you can open the application by double-clicking on it. You can easily use several browsers at once, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages. For example, watch videos in one, play flash games in another, etc.

However, if you need to follow links or use programs to work on the network, the default browser will be launched. In our case, this is internet explorer. Correcting such a situation, if necessary, is quite simple. Depending on the type of browser, you can change its settings. Read how to do this in other browsers here.

For example, for Opera you will need to go to General Settings. Next, go to the Advanced tab and select Programs. Next to the Settings button, you will see that the browser will offer to check that it is the default. Place a checkmark next to it and click OK. Those who want to install Mozilla Firefox will also need to go to their Internet browser settings. When you go to the General tab, you will be able to see a button, clicking on which Mozilla Firefox will be installed as the default browser.

Which Internet browser to choose for traveling across the Internet is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In the latest versions of internet explorer, the developers took into account previous errors and tried to present users with a product that is as functional as possible. If necessary and desired, you can install any other browser option.

How to set the default browser

A browser is a program that is used to connect to the Internet. The prefix “by default” means that all pages and links will open in this browser, even if you surf the Internet through another search engine. Let's look at how to make the browser you need always at hand.

You can make the search engine the main one on your device through the internal settings of the browser itself. Also, when first launched on a computer, search programs themselves offer to make the browser the main “default”.

Let's look at setting the default browser using the example of the most common programs: Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera and Internet Explorer.

How to set default browser - Google Chrome

  • In the upper right corner we find a small icon - three dots in a row (for us it is an exclamation mark on an orange background). The regular version has three horizontal stripes. We click on them.

  • The browser menu will open, select “Settings”.

  • The “Settings” tab will appear in full screen, scroll down.

  • Select “Default Browser” - make Google Chrome the default browser.

How to make the default browser - Yandex

  • Find the Yandex icon on the desktop and double-click with the left mouse button.

  • A standard Yandex browser window will open.
  • In the upper right corner we find three horizontal stripes, click on them.

  • An additional menu will appear, select “Settings”.

  • The menu of internal browser settings will expand to full screen, scroll down.
  • Click “Use Yandex as default browser.”

How to make the default browser - Opera

  • Find the Opera icon and click on it.

  • A browser window will open; in the upper left corner, click on the Opera icon again.

  • The settings menu will appear, select “Settings” again.

  • The settings window will expand to full screen; in the left column, select the “Browser” tab.

  • Scroll down the “Browser” tab, find the option “Make Opera the default browser”, click on it. From now on, Opera is your default browser.

How to set your default browser - Internet Explorer

  • We go to the browser through the “Start” - “All Programs” button in the lower left corner.

  • Open Internet Explorer and click the gear-shaped settings icon in the upper right corner.

  • In the menu that opens, select “Internet Options”.

  • An additional window will appear on the left; select the “Program” tab there.

  • Find the option “Make Internet Explorer the default browser.”

How to make the default browser through the settings on your computer

The easiest and most accessible way to make some kind of search engine “default” is through the settings of the Windows operating system. In different versions, the settings paths may differ slightly. Let's look at the features of installing the default browser via a computer using Windows 8 as an example:

  • In the lower left corner, press the “Start” key.

  • An additional menu will open, select “Default Programs”.

  • The “Choose default programs used by Windows” window appears.
  • Next, “Set default programs.”

  • In a new window on the screen you will see a list of programs that can be set as default.

  • Find the browser you need and click on it. Then “Set this program as default”, and complete the command by clicking “OK”.

Default browser in Android

If you have installed another browser on your Android device, then when you open links, a dialog box will appear on the screen with a list of all browsers, and an empty checkbox next to the “Use as default for this action” command. If you check the box next to this command, then the next time you open the links, the dialog box will no longer appear, and the transition will occur using the selected program.

To change the default browser on Android, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Settings” of your device.

  • Next is “Application Manager”.

  • Select the desired browser from the list.

  • Scroll down the program properties, find “Do not use by default”, click.

We looked at the features of setting the default browser through the settings of the Windows operating system, as well as through the internal settings of the browser itself.

Setting Google Chrome as your default browser

The Internet is one of the best inventions of mankind. We comprehend all its delights through special programs called browsers. Most often, a standard browser is installed on the system. There are often cases when there is a need to replace it with a more convenient one. In this article, we will look at how to change the default browser to Google Chrome.

By default, all Windows operating systems have the Windows Internet Explorer (IE) browser installed. That is, the system dictates to us which application to use. Of course, IE is good in its own way, and has become even better in recent versions. But over time, each user develops preferences in choosing a browser. Increasingly, we are resorting to third-party products. One of these is the Google Chrome browser. Read below to learn how to set it by default.

There are two ways to do this. Let's look at each of them.

First way

1. First of all, open the Google Chrome browser by clicking on the corresponding icon.

2. In the upper right corner, click on the Menu button (three horizontal stripes) and select “Settings”.

4. When working with Windows 8, the system will ask you which program to open Internet pages with. IN in this case, select Google Chrome from the list of browsers and click on its icon.

Note that the first method is automatic. In other words, when you open the browser for the first time, it will definitely ask you whether you want to use it as default or not.

Second way

An alternative option for assigning the default program. We need to assign the Google Chrome browser in this capacity.

1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel

2. Click Default Programs, and then select Set Default Programs.

3. In the "Programs" field, check Google Chrome.

4. In the right center is the item “Set this program as default” - click on it. This way, the browser will open all Internet pages when you navigate to them.

5. Confirm your choice by pressing the “Ok” button.

This way, your system will start accessing only the Google Chrome browser. When switching to a new browser, do the same operation, but select a new surfer for Internet pages.

There are many quality web browsers available these days. For example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Having installed one or more new browsers, users are often faced with the question of how to change the default browser. In this article we will talk about how to solve this problem.

Changing your default browser is quite easy. All you need to do is open the browser you want to use as your main one. Go to its settings and find the “Set as default browser” function. After using this feature, the browser you select will be used as the default.

In order to use it as the default browser, open its main menu and go to the “Settings” section.

In Settings at the bottom of the page you will see a button that says “Set Google Chrome as your default browser.”

After clicking this button, Google Chrome will become the default browser.

In order to make Mozilla Firefox the default browser, click on the “Firefox” button, which is located in the upper left corner of the program, and in the window that opens, select “Settings”.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser settings, go to the “General” tab. Here in the “System Preferences” section there is a button “Make Firefox the default browser”. Clicking this button will make Mozilla Firefox your default browser.

In addition, above the button there is a function “Always check at startup if Firefox is the default browser.” If you enable this feature, then when you change the default browser, the Firefox browser will report that it is not the default browser and offer to fix it.

To use the Opera web browser as your default browser, open the Opera menu, which is located in the upper left corner of the program.

In the window that opens, go to “Settings”. You can also open the Opera browser settings window using the Alt+P key combination.

At the top of the settings window you will see a button “Use Opera as default browser”. After clicking this button, the Opera web browser will begin to be used by the operating system as the default browser.

After installing the operating system Windows browser default is web browser. If you've changed your default browser but then decide to switch back to Internet Explorer, this is easy to do.

Open Internet Explorer and press the Alt button. After clicking on the Alt button, the “File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help” menu will appear at the top of the Internet Explorer window. Open the "Tools" menu, then open the "Internet Options" menu item.

In the "Internet Options" window, on the "Programs" tab, there is a "Set as default" button.

Clicking this button will make Internet Explorer your default browser. In addition, under the button there is a function “Notify me if Internet Explorer is not the default browser.” If you enable this feature, Internet Explorer will tell you if it is no longer the default browser and offer to fix it.

You can also set your default browser through the Control Panel. To do this, open Control Panel and go to “Programs – Default programs – Set default programs”.

Next, in the window that opens, select the browser that you want to make the default browser and click on the “Set this program as default” button. After this, save the result by clicking on the “OK” button.

Also here you can specify which files will be opened using a particular program. To use this feature, click on the “Select defaults for this program” button.

User-Agent is a string that provides the site with information about the software being used. Initially, such data was used by sites to identify the OS and browser version in order to correctly display embedded content. However, for various reasons, in the early stages of creating web pages, developers made them different for different browsers, and many users began to fake the user agent in order to view sites in the form they needed. Over time, developers have built into their programs an option that allows you to change the User Agent directly in the settings.

User-agent makes it possible to determine which operating system, the device from which you accessed the site (smartphone, laptop, or tablet), as well as functions supported by the browser, for example, .

If you need to change the User-Agent in Opera, Chrome or Firefox, we will tell you how to do this.


Keep in mind that the User-Agent is necessary for the correct display of sites without responsive design, since different browsers use different styles and scripts to display the same content. Current data on various values ​​of this parameter can be easily found at, as well as at the end of our article.

How to change user agent in Opera

In the Opera browser, click on the address bar and type the following address: opera:config#UserPrefs|CustomUser-Agent. In the field that appears called “Custom User-Agent”, set the desired value for the user-agent line. Scroll down the open window and save your changes.

In newer versions of Opera, for example, build 43.0, this feature is disabled. We recommend installing the User-Agent Switcher extension, which allows you to change the setting we are considering from a convenient menu.

How to change user agent in Google Chrome

Not all versions of Chrome support easy changing of the user agent string. However, the instructions below work in versions higher than 26. To change the user-agent, right-click on the browser shortcut, select “Properties” and in the new window add the key –user-agent=”…” in the “Object” line, where in quotes you need to indicate the user-agent you need. Be careful, the spelling of the key reads like this: dash dash user dash agent, etc. The web converts the spelling of a double dash into a single hyphen.

Click OK and launch Chrome. This operation can also be performed in other ways, for example, simultaneously hold down the Win and R buttons, and in the “Run” dialog box write chrome —user-agent=”required value”. Be careful, the spelling of the key reads like this: dash dash user dash agent, etc. The web converts the spelling of a double dash into a single hyphen.

You can find out the current data of this parameter by going to the local address about:

How to change user agent in Mozilla Firefox

As with Chrome, not all versions of Firefox allow you to easily change the setting we're looking at. The instructions given are valid for versions starting from 34. In the address bar, enter about:config and in the page that appears, create the general.useragent.override parameter.

Select the type of parameter to be created “String” and in the new window enter the desired user agent value.

List of different user agents

— Mozilla/0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36

— Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x86) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36

- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Media Center PC 6.0; CMNTDFJS; F9J; InfoPath.3; rv:11.0) like Gecko

- Opera 12.17 (Win 8 x64): Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.17

— Internet Explorer 11 (Win 8.1 x64): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; ASU2JS; rv:11.0) like Gecko

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