Department of Directing Theatrical Performances and Celebrations. Director of mass performances

My name is Daria. And I will tell you about my favorite job, which I have been doing for eight years. My profession is director of theatrical performances and celebrations. It sounds clear. When you hear the word “director”, pictures of different films and TV series run through your head, you imagine an operator with a video camera, a film set and many actors playing their roles. Am I guessing right? Usually everyone sees this, but this happens in another profession - a film director. What do holiday directors do? In fact, this is a very non-standard work that combines several directions.

The director of theatrical events is always a creator, organizer and teacher

We see any celebration as a bright, exciting event. And we don’t think at all about how much time and effort goes into creating it. In fact, many different specialists work to bring the holiday to life: scriptwriters, costume designers, sound and lighting operators, props masters, make-up artists, stagehands, artists, accompanists, actors and others. And in order to bring them all together, to infect them with the idea of ​​a holiday, to explain to everyone “what, when, where and where” - you need a competent organizer. This is the director.

Nowadays, holiday agencies often hire such organizers; they are also called event managers (from the English “event” - event). This profession is similar to director, but it requires less creative skills. And the director, first of all, is the creator, creator and embodiment of the idea of ​​​​celebration. It is he who figures out how to arrange the artists at each moment of the performance, what to wear and who will wear it, what kind of scenery and lighting there will be, what music should be played, how the artists should communicate with the audience, and much, much more. The director conducts rehearsals, adjusts and modifies the event. And he builds all this based on the interests and needs of his viewer.

The director must be aware of what the people for whom he creates his performance want. And this is the real work. But it’s one thing to identify the viewer’s needs, and another thing to present everything beautifully and unobtrusively. To make such an interesting show that the viewer does not run away after the first 10 minutes, but gets involved, becomes an active participant and wants to tell his friends about it. Here the director acts as a kind of teacher for the viewer. After all, the most important thing in any holiday is to convey to the public not just an idea, but a certain pedagogical goal, and motivate them to take some important actions.

Pedagogy is especially evident in children's programs. We all remember such themed holidays from childhood as “Health Day”, “Lessons of Kindness”, “Road Safety” and others. What they didn’t teach us there... That’s where all the actors really are teachers for children (and usually both in the literal and figurative sense!). And the main teacher, including for leading actors, is the director of a children's party. I am telling you all this to say that the work of a director is complex and multifaceted, you can learn the profession, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Here are the qualities and skills a person who decides to become a professional holiday director should have:

  • Promote all your ideas with conviction
  • Be a bearer of common human culture and understand all types of art.
  • Be able to write holiday scripts and edit different parts of it.
  • Think in plastic images, be able to beautifully present on stage every word and phrase from the script, play it out and decorate it with scenery.
  • Be able to captivate and infect all performers of the performance with your idea, convey to them your pedagogical goal.
  • Master the basics of acting and stage speech.

You can study the profession at colleges and cultural institutes with the specialty “Director of theatrical performances.” The entrance exams are like this. Russian language and literature - according to Unified State Exam results, plus a specialty - to demonstrate your creative skills on stage. You need to tell a fable, a piece of prose, a poem; perform a song and dance; show a mini-scene and play a game with the audience; pass an interview for directing. In fact, all this is not as scary as it seems! For a true creator, there are simply no barriers!

Now a little about where and how you can work as a director of theatrical performances and celebrations

1. Budgetary cultural institutions.

They exist in every city, especially for children, but we just don’t hear about them all. You can get a job as a teacher-organizer at a school or center additional education, you can be a teacher for extracurricular work in kindergarten, a director or artistic director at a cultural palace or a children's development center, an organizer at a culture and recreation park, etc. The salary in such organizations is small, but there is stability, free training and an almost free work schedule. And there you, as a director of children's parties, will be able to fully realize the most imaginative ideas, perhaps limited only by the event budget.

2. Private companies for organizing holidays.

These are the same event agencies, wedding agencies, creative holiday companies. The salary there is many times higher, but it is more difficult to get there due to higher requirements, and there is much less scope for creativity (everything must be done strictly according to the customer’s wishes).

3. Creation of your own company for organizing holidays.

It all depends on you: work schedule, conditions, salary, growth opportunities and more. Of course, in addition to directing, you will have to constantly look for customers yourself. In our city, for example, about a hundred similar companies have already been created, so the competition is very high.

4. Work as a freelance writer-director.

To all those for whom a pen and notepad are best friends, I advise you to delve into independent script development and become a holiday director-scriptwriter. There are few good playwrights now, and competent scriptwriters for theatrical programs are in great demand. You can work as a screenwriter to order.

The most difficult thing here is to find your customer, but with time and experience this will cease to be a problem. For example, while on maternity leave, I write children’s scripts to order via the Internet. My customers are holiday agencies from different cities of Russia, amateur interactive theaters and museums for children.

Creative people with organizational skills can realize themselves in the profession of “Directing theatrical performances and celebrations.” To become sought-after specialists, students learn the basics of directing, acting, stage speech and movement, and the rules for using light and music during a performance. In addition to practical knowledge, during their studies they provide knowledge on the history and theory of theater, performances, and public holidays. As a result, graduates can create scripts for various shows and performances. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired effect and involve the viewer in what is happening as much as possible, it is necessary to take into account not only the goal and the cast, but also the working conditions. For example, outdoor, indoor and studio productions are fundamentally different and require different methods and approaches to realize the same idea. At the same time, the director must be able to organize the work of not only his own team, but also establish interaction with the people responsible for lighting, sound, costumes, etc. *

* Kit academic disciplines and learning bias

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Director of mass performances

Job responsibilities. Carries out directing and production work for mass performances, events, concerts and programs in accordance with the work plan of the cultural and leisure organization. Develops concepts for mass cultural and entertainment programs on various topics. Supervises the work of the director and production group in creating mass performances and celebrations. Selects the necessary literary and musical material, and the cast of performers. Encourages participation in mass events creative teams, public organizations, amateur artistic groups, conductors, choirmasters, choreographers, individual performers and other creative workers, conducts rehearsals with them. Provides coordination of the actions of specialists involved in creating a mass presentation. Takes part in the work of the methodological office of a cultural and leisure organization. Participates in the preparation of estimates for planned events.

Must know: laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation regulating the activities of cultural and leisure organizations, the structure of a cultural and leisure organization, the theory and practice of directing and acting, the basics of stage and musical design of productions, vocal, choral and choreographic art, the history of domestic and world theater, music, circus, other types of arts and literature, modern and classical drama, modern achievements of domestic and foreign art, fundamentals of management, management psychology, sociology of art, stage technology, economics and management of cultural and leisure organizations, labor legislation, copyright, internal labor regulations, labor protection rules and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Director of mass performances of the highest category - highest vocational education(culture and art) and work experience in a position related to the performing arts for at least 7 years or as a director of mass performances of category I for at least 3 years.

Director of mass performances of category I - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience in a position related to the performing arts for at least 5 years or as director of mass performances of category II for at least 2 years.

Director of mass performances of category II - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience as a director of mass performances for at least 1 year.

Director of mass performances - higher professional education (culture and art) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education (culture and art) and work experience in the field of professional activity of at least 3 years.

Vacancies for the position Director of mass performances in the all-Russian vacancy database

Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in culture, art and cinematography”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2011 N 251n

Director of mass performances

Job responsibilities. Carries out directing and production work for mass performances, events, concerts and programs in accordance with the work plan of the cultural and leisure organization. Develops concepts for mass cultural and entertainment programs on various topics. Supervises the work of the director and production group in creating mass performances and celebrations. Selects the necessary literary and musical material, and the cast of performers. Invites creative groups, public organizations, amateur artistic groups, conductors, choirmasters, choreographers, individual performers and other creative workers to participate in public events, and conducts rehearsals with them. Provides coordination of the actions of specialists involved in creating a mass presentation. Takes part in the work of the methodological office of a cultural and leisure organization. Participates in the preparation of estimates for planned events.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of cultural and leisure organizations; structure of cultural and leisure organization; theory and practice of directing and acting; the basics of stage and musical design of productions, vocal, choral and choreographic art; history of domestic and world theater, music, circus, and other types of arts and literature; modern and classical dramaturgy; modern achievements of domestic and foreign art; fundamentals of management, management psychology, sociology of art, stage technology, economics and management of cultural and leisure organizations, labor legislation, copyright; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements.

Director of mass performances of the highest category - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience in a position related to the performing arts for at least 7 years or as a director of mass performances of category I for at least 3 years.

Director of mass performances of category I - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience in a position related to the performing arts for at least 5 years or as director of mass performances of category II for at least 2 years.

Director of mass performances of category II - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience as a director of mass performances for at least 1 year.

Director of mass performances - higher professional education (culture and art) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education (culture and art) and work experience in the field of professional activity of at least 3 years.

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