Exquisite flowers. The most beautiful indoor plants

There are flowers that amaze with their extraordinary and enchanting beauty. We invite you to get acquainted with the brightest and most magnificent representatives of the flower world.

Colombian aquilegia

Columbian aquilegia, orlik, or columbine, is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. Habitat - Northern Hemisphere (Norway, Iceland, North America). There are about 120 varieties of catchment. Shoots have a two-year development cycle. In the first year, buds are laid and a rosette of leaves is formed, and in the second year, buds begin to bloom. Eaglets have different colors: from white to blue. There is also a combination of several shades. The flowering corolla consists of five funnel-shaped petals. The leaves are round and bright green. The plant is perfectly cultivated at home.

Colombian aquilegia

Peruvian lilies

Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, are a South American plant native to the tropical forests of Chile and Peru. All representatives of this genus are herbaceous perennials with a spindle-shaped thickening root system. Alstroemeria stems are straight but flexible. Foliage exhibits resupination - it unfurls or turns around its center line. The Peruvian lily has six elongated, slightly pointed petals. The color of the buds is most often yellow, pink or bright red with a small dark pattern or stripes. Flowers are pollinated by insects or wind.

Peruvian lilies


Dicentra, or bleeding heart, is a flower of extraordinary beauty belonging to the Dymyankaceae family. Its homeland is considered to be East Asia and North America. You can recognize dicentra by its buds, which have the shape of hearts opening towards the bottom. Their color can be absolutely anything: from white to purple. The foliage has a trifoliate carved shape. There are about 8 varieties of dicentra, each of which is frost-resistant and shade-loving. These flowers grow best in moist soil fertilized with humus. Bleeding heart is cultivated as a houseplant and is also grown on open ground.



Lantana is a dicotyledonous flowering plant included in the Verbenaceae family. In nature, lantana can be found in the tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. About 130 species of lantana have been counted. Each of them is a shrub or subshrub with branches covered with small thorns. Peduncles are collected in capitate inflorescences of a semi-triangular shape. The leaves are arranged oppositely and have a specific pungent odor. The shade of the petals is incredibly varied: pink, yellow, orange, red, purple.



Begonia is an annual plant belonging to the genus Begoniaceae, named after Michel Begon, who organized a scientific expedition to the Antilles in 1687. There are about 1600 varieties of this plant. In its natural habitat, begonia grows in the countries of South America, India and Africa. It is perfectly cultivated in both room conditions, and in open ground. Begonia can grow as creeping subshrubs or upright bushes. Its root system can be branched or tuberous. The foliage has an asymmetrical shape with various patterns and inclusions. The inflorescences consist of small buds with multi-colored edging.



Ixora is a plant from the Rubiaceae genus, which has about 500 varieties. These representatives of the flora are evergreen shrubs, growing mainly in the tropical humid zone - Brazil, Chile, Mexico City, Madagascar. Ixora has dense leathery leaves and small paniculate flowers in white, red or hot pink. Ixora is quite demanding on the soil and its moisture, so when growing at home, you need to carefully monitor this point. Red inflorescences are used in Indian folk medicine.


Calla Lily

Calla Lily, or calla lily, is a wetland perennial from the Araceae family. Its homeland is South Africa. These unusual buds are very often used to create wedding bouquets and other floral arrangements. The calliper gained its popularity due to the unusual shape of the bud in the form of a rounded cup with a funnel-shaped bract. Calla lilies also have a fairly wide color spectrum: from pink to purple. The leaves look like long, sharp arrowheads with silver flecks.

calla lily

Black-Eyed Suzanne

Black-eyed Susanna, or thunbergia, is a wild annual subshrub, often growing in the form of long, branching bindweeds. The natural habitat is concentrated on the island of Madagascar and in many countries of South Asia. In the modern flora there are about 200 varieties of thunbergia. Basal multi-petal rosettes with yellow splashes and a dark core, vertical erect stems with rough leathery diamond-shaped leaves are the main distinctive features of thunbergia. These flowers are propagated by seeds, and some varieties by division of the rhizome.

Black-Eyed Suzanne


Mussenda is an evergreen member of the Rubiaceae family, discovered in 1888 in Thailand. It is sometimes called the rose of Bangkok. In its natural habitat, Mussenda is distributed in East Asia and South Africa. This flower is characterized by small snow-white or orange buds and elliptical leaf plates. With proper and timely care, the flowering process can last all year round. The plant can easily grow on a personal plot and indoors.


African chamomile

African chamomile, or osteospermum, is an annual tropical subshrub of the Asteraceae genus. Its natural habitat is South Africa and Arabia. Currently, breeders have managed to develop more than 45 varieties of African chamomile. Osteospermum is considered an evergreen plant. It is distinguished by erect stems, leaf blades with uneven jagged edges, and inflorescences collected in small baskets of purple, white or pink hue. African daisies love direct sunlight. When growing it, be sure to pay attention to the soil composition: black soil, river sand and mineral fertilizers. In our country, osteospermums are planted in the ground starting in March or April. The flowering period is in May. To preserve the root system until next year, transplant the flowers into a spacious pot and move them to a warm room.

African chamomile

White Lotus

The white lotus, or Egyptian water lily, is the only representative of the Lotus genus. In its natural habitat, the flower can be found in stagnant and slowly flowing waters of the Far East, Southern China, Central America, and East Asia. The characteristic features of the lotus are: dense, leathery, rich green leaf plates, the diameter of which can reach 0.5 meters, an elongated stalk with small thorns, and a bright pink peduncle. The white lotus is considered an endangered species, so it was listed in the Red Book of Russia. The Chinese believe in the magical powers of the Egyptian water lily. They believe that this magnificent flower grows not only on earth, but also in heaven - in paradise.

White Lotus


Bromeliad is a distant relative of the pineapple. The Bromeliad family has about 2,500 varieties of this flower. Bromeliads are native to the southern tropical zones of the planet - Brazil, Peru, Chile, Portugal. The genus is divided into terrestrial species (best adapted to home conditions) and epiphytes, which attach to other plants. Bromeliad is distinguished by arrow-shaped leaves, collected in a small rosette, from which a long peduncle grows. It is not demanding in care and quickly gets used to low temperatures and soils of any composition. The main thing is to ensure timely watering.


Hawaiian Ginger

Hawaiian Ginger, or awapuya, is a unique flower native to the Hawaiian Islands. Avapuya belongs to the genus of perennials from the Ginger family. Characteristic structural features: oval leaves, a long dense stem and an elongated inflorescence of pink or scarlet shades. Hawaiian Ginger develops rather slowly. After planting, the first buds may appear only after 3 years. And then, flowering will occur annually. It is also demanding on air humidity. He needs large number liquid daily, so water the root system 2-3 times a day.

Hawaiian ginger


Brugmansia is a species of woody tropical shrub from the Solanaceae genus. The plant stands out for its unusual trumpet-shaped buds, which have a bright snow-white hue, as well as oval leaf plates covered with barely noticeable fluff. Brugmansia is widespread in most countries of South America and in warm and humid regions of the United States. Due to its rapid adaptability to new conditions, this flower is cultivated all over the world both in open and indoor ground, for example, in greenhouses.



Hydrangea, or hydrangea, is a representative of the Hydrangeaceae genus, which includes about 80 species. IN natural conditions hydrangea can be found in eastern North America, China, Japan, East Asia, Far East Russian Federation. The period of active flowering occurs in July-August. Hydrangea is a tall shrubby vine up to 3 meters high. Flower ovaries are collected into neat spherical buds of various colors: from white to bright blue. Hydrangea tolerates frost well and does not like direct sunlight.



Kadupul, or the queen of the night, is an extraordinary perennial flower representing the genus Barberry. In its natural habitat, the queen of the night is common in Japan and the island of Sri Lanka. Kadupul blooms exclusively at night. Its snow-white thin petals, similar to feathers, exude a light, pleasant aroma. The flower ovary consists of five calyxes with a yellow core. After cutting the bud, the life of the kadupul lasts only a few hours, so you won’t find bouquets with it in any flower shop. It is possible to grow the queen of the night indoors, but this is quite a labor-intensive task, since you will need to create the necessary humidity and lighting, which will have to be maintained constantly.



Plumeria, or frangipani, is a tropical flowering shrub from the Kutrovaceae genus, which includes 10 varieties. Natural habitat - Caribbean islands, Mexico, California, Thailand. Its buds exude a light citrus aroma. A beautiful five-petalled ovary of a white hue with a yellowish center, a dense stem and elongated oval leaves - distinctive external signs plumeria. In mild climates, frangipani is cultivated in open ground, and in cooler weather conditions - exclusively in pots or containers. The period of active growth and flowering occurs in early spring, but only with constant irrigation and fertilization with mineral fertilizers.


Every day we are used to seeing flowers that have become banal for us, but despite this are incredibly beautiful: daisies, tulips, roses, dandelions, violets, etc. Meanwhile, in different parts of our planet, flowers grow that are so unusual in nature, appearance and adaptability that you simply never cease to be amazed at the flora and fauna!

10. Rafflesia arnoldii

Photo 10. Rafflesia

9. Amorphophallus titanica (Amorphophallus)

Photo 9. Amorphophallus titanica

Amorphophallus titanica is the largest tropical flower and has a very foul smell. Its name “amorphophallus” translated from Greek means “shapeless phallus”. This flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world - it can reach a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Flowering lasts only 2 days. Initially, amorphophallus grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra. Subsequently, this flower was exterminated by foreigners. Currently, this flower is very rare and can be seen mainly in botanical gardens around the world.

8. Wolffia angusta

Photo 8. Wolfia

Wolfia, on the other hand, is the smallest flowering plant on Earth. Their size ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. These small flowers live on the surface of the water. It was named after the German botanist and entomologist Johan F. Wolf.

7. Psychotria elata

Psychotria poeppigiana (lat. psychotria poeppigiana)

Photo 7. Sublime psychotria

This flower rightfully bears the status of the most piquant flower in the world. People call it “hot sponges” for its bright red inflorescences. Psychotria is a tropical flower that loves moisture and warmth. Therefore, its homeland is the tropical forests of Central and South America.

6. Caleana major orchid

Photo 6. Kalania Orchid

This amazing orchid looks like a flying duck. That is why it is called “flying duck”. Nature has endowed them with this appearance in order to attract insects called sawflies. Them upper part the flower resembles a female. Thus, when they fly to a flower, they carry pollen on themselves and pollinate the flower. The Kalania orchid is very small and reaches a height of only 50 cm, and the flower itself is 2 cm. There are 2-4 flowers on the stem. It grows in Eastern and Southern Australia, mainly under eucalyptus trees.

5. Sexy Orchid (Drakaea glyptodon)

Photo 5. Sexy orchid

Another orchid that deserves the title “unusual” is the “sexy” orchid. Its flower resembles the abdomen of a certain type of wasp. Moreover, she secretes pheromones just like a female wasp. Flowering begins during the mating season of wasps. Males flock to such flowers and try to mate with him. In this way, they transfer the pollen that falls on them from plant to plant. Sexy orchids grow in Australia.

3. Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

Photo 5. Passionflower

Passionflower, or Passion flower, is a genus of the Passionflower family. There are about 500 species. The flower reaches 10 cm in diameter. It grows mainly in Latin America.

2. Sundew (Drósera)

Photo 2. Sundew

Sundew is a carnivorous plant. Thanks to the mucus droplets they secrete, they catch insects on which they feed. They grow in swamps, sandstones and mountains.

1. Nepenthes Attenboroughii

Photo 1. Nepenthes Attenborough

The first place goes to the Nepenthes Attenborough flower. An unusual flower was discovered in 2000, on the island. Palawan by three scientists Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich, who went here on an expedition to collect this flower. They first heard about it from missionaries who had visited the island earlier. On Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge “jugs” of these flowers. These turned out to be predator flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers were able to survive to this day is unknown. They are now being studied in MacPherson's laboratory.

There are about 270 thousand species of flowers in the world. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of them are the most beautiful. But there are a number of absolutely amazing plants, and we’ll talk about them.

African daisy

Of the exotic flowers, the most beautiful is the African daisy. She looks very unusual due to her shape. The core has a bright blue color interspersed with yellow.

The petals are rolled into tubes. Their color is purple-pink. At the ends they are unfolded, which resembles a spoon.

The Cape daisy is an African daisy. In Russia, such a flower is considered very rare.

Dreamy sakura

Aristocratic callas

It is worth noting such a popular plant in our country as calla lilies. It belongs to the Aronnikov family. Swamp calla grows on the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

Countries where you can see plants in their natural habitat:

  • Alaska;
  • France;
  • Norway;
  • Canada.

Calla is the embodiment of grace and elegance. There are not only white, but also very beautiful colored species. The main distinguishing property of the plant is its unique flower shape, reminiscent of a goblet. It is worth noting that, despite their beauty, calla lilies are poisonous to cats and dogs. Plants are often used to decorate wedding bouquets.

Strelitzia or Paradise Flower

Strelitzia is found only in South Africa. The multi-colored flower looks very original. The genus was named after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Great Britain. For its attractive appearance, the flower was unofficially nicknamed the Bird of Paradise.

The natural world around us is incredibly beautiful - animals and plants, seas and oceans, mountains and plains - each living creature and every inanimate object, be it a centuries-old stone or a slender birch tree in a grove. It so happened that nature, this unsurpassed creator of everything living and inanimate that surrounds us, made sure that we would have a pleasant and comfortable life among everything that she created. Of course, among all this multitude of objects, it is customary to single out some as especially elegant and eye-catching; these include, for example, flowers. The function of these wonderful formations on plants is simple and clear - attracting insects to spread pollen: these little buzzing creatures are drawn to everything bright and fragrant. At the same time, flowers not only perform the important function of “procreation” of a particular plant; they are also the most wonderful decoration of our planet.

When asked what most beautiful flower in the world, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally, because everything here depends entirely on the taste of the person who is looking for such an answer. A list of the most wonderful flowers can be compiled only based on the opinion of the majority, however, despite this, every flower on the planet has its own admirer who considers it the most beautiful and wonderful. To be convinced of this, you can simply pay attention to how different women like it when they are given bouquets of certain flowers: some are delighted with luxurious roses, some like graceful lilies, for some the ultimate dream - these are graceful tulips, and some people freeze at the sight of a bouquet of modest wildflowers. Therefore, everyone who reads this article and looks at the photos posted will, I think, add something of their own to the list.

The most beautiful flowers in the world

Many will agree that first place in this ranking can be placed sakura- the national symbol of the land of the rising sun - Japan. The flowering of this plant is one of the most wonderful phenomena that can be observed in this country; Such a sight for those who come here as tourists undoubtedly leaves an indelible impression. Sakura has another name Cherry Blossom and is known in two colors - white and pink. Name on English suggests that this plant is a must at the spring festival, which takes place annually not only in Japan itself, but also in the USA.

Sakura is the word Japanese origin and it means “cherry tree.” In science this tree is called finely serrated cherry or Prunus serrulata. This tree-like ornamental plant belongs to the rose family. In Japan, sakura is one of the objects of veneration: one of these traditions is called “hanami”. A few months before this tree begins to bloom, mini-forecasts of this wonderful phenomenon that will occur in the spring begin to be shown on television throughout the country. Images of sakura flowers can be seen on the headdresses of the Japanese military and students, and the coats of arms of the police; in this country this plant- symbol female beauty and youth. Cherry Blossom Day is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on March 27th.

in second place is a plant with short name canna or canna. Canna- this is a perennial herbaceous plant with rather large leaves; grows in America, also bred in Europe. Canna flowers are sharply asymmetrical, large in size - up to eight centimeters in diameter, and bright. The most popular are red, yellow or orange, as well as mixed types. In total, up to fifty species of these wonderful lush plants are known ( indica, liliiflora, brasiliensis and others). This plant was once bred by Indian peoples in tropical America: its starchy rhizomes were used as food, and in baked form. The stems and leaves of this plant are used today as food, and the flowers are used as decoration. Canna is also cultivated in Australia, India, Hawaii and Indonesia.

Despite the fact that canna is a perennial plant, when growing it in Russia and Ukraine, it is necessary to dig up the rhizomes for the winter, then placing them in cool places, but not subject to frost. This plant blooms from July until frost. Interestingly, canna flowers are odorless, which means that even those who suffer from allergies can grow them. In any area, canna is a luxurious decoration, quite unpretentious and resistant to disease.

Everyone who types phrases like the most beautiful flowers in the world photo, inevitably come across images of flowers that are very interesting in shape, reminiscent of birds of paradise. This plant is called strelitzia or bird of paradise. The only continent where this original creation of nature lives is South Africa; in our country it can be found in the form of indoor plants or simply in cut form. Strelitzia often called the royal flower for its luxurious and elegant appearance. With their exotic shape, similar to the head of the Firebird, these flowers have conquered the whole world; they are named after Queen Charlotte of England, who was also the German Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

Strelitzia is a perennial plant. Its inflorescences consist of brightly colored petals, which bloom like a fan from the leathery green bracts. Local birds sit on it, like on a landing site - they are attracted here by the aroma of abundant nectar, which flows down the large stamens onto the petals. Cut Strelitzia flowers can remain fresh for up to one month. The most popular is Strelitzia regal - its flowers are up to fifteen centimeters in size.

Inflorescence of the next TOP participant - grotensia- resembles a flock of delicate moths clinging to a branch. Most often, these wonderful flowers, named after the Roman princess Grotensia, are used to decorate weddings or are simply bred as garden flowers. Hydrangea is a shrub that grows naturally in the Himalayas, southern and northern America, eastern and central Asia. This plant is represented by different types: frost-resistant and heat-loving, climbing and upright, evergreen and deciduous, tree-like and dwarf. In all cases, only the form of flowering remains unchanged, resembling a lush bouquet or a large fluffy ball.

The colors of grotensia can be very different - purple, cream, white, blue, lilac, red, etc. The homeland of this plant is Japan; Having arrived in Europe in the 18th century, these delicate flowers created a real sensation. Grotensia is grown in gardens today Macrophylla- This is a lush shrub that is winter-hardy. The largest flower caps give the view Altona- up to thirty centimeters in diameter; it is heat-loving and is bred in our latitudes in greenhouses.

One of the most elegant colors, to which, however, opinions can sometimes be very ambiguous, is calla lily. The truly original appearance of these flowers has many true fans around the world. The fact is that there is only one petal here, contrary to the tradition accepted in nature - it is folded in the form of a funnel, from the center of which rises a long yellow shoot covered with pollen. Despite this extravagant appearance, which is complemented by large and wide leaves, kala is a poisonous plant that kills anyone who accidentally eats it. Other names for strict and graceful Calla- this is calliper, zantedeschia or richardia, and in England it is marsh arum. This plant is native to southern Africa; the name Zantedeschia was given to it in honor of the Italian botanist F. Zantedeschi.

Callas are divided into different types; They are mostly long, up to 150 centimeters Aethiopica and shorter “colored” callas, reaching half a meter. In the wild, the flowers of this plant have a wonderful smell reminiscent of vanilla; artificial decorative callas have almost no odor. This flower is a perennial; They are grown both indoors and in gardens, however, this is not so easy to do - there are cases when feces refuse to bloom for many years.

Bleeding Heart- the name of one of the most exotic flowers on Earth. Referred to in science dicentral magnificent, today this plant is a favorite in shady gardens. Presented in three colors - red, pink, white and their shades. Dicentra are flowers that have the most delicate and beautiful names. For the Germans it is the “flower of the heart”, for the French it is “Jeannette’s heart”, the Poles call it “the slipper of the Mother of God”. "Bleeding Heart" is the name given in England. In each of the listed countries there is a legend that explains the birth of this plant. Homeland of the perennial Dicentra spectabilis are the mountainous regions of Korea and China.

This plant reaches a height of one meter, its leaves have a pinnately dissected shape, and its flowers look like small hearts dotting the stem. Each flower reaches a size of three centimeters. Despite its apparent delicate appearance, dicentra is a frost-resistant and unpretentious plant; It grows in one place for several years, gradually turning into a dense and abundantly flowering bush. “Heart” blooms from May to June.

Recently, such exquisite flowering plants as orchids. Today they can be found in almost every home in the form of indoor plants, whereas quite recently they were considered exotic and it was very difficult to get them. The whole point is that Phalaenopsis, having a somewhat extravagant appearance and very beautiful delicate flowers, is very difficult to breed. In fact, this plant belongs to vines and wild conditions(tropics) grows by twining around trees and receiving the necessary nutrients from their bark, using it as soil for its roots. An orchid will not grow in ordinary soil - it requires special soil, consisting mostly of tree bark.

It is quite difficult to get a capricious orchid to bloom at home - a lot depends on lighting (there should not be a lot of it) and watering (the soil should be moist, water should be poured into the pan). In the event that you can find common language with this overseas beauty, it will become an exquisite decoration for the interior of an apartment or office. At home, this plant is small in size, but in the wild it grows up to a meter. These flowers are usually given in pots, and not in the form of cuts. Interestingly, deep in the tropics you can find species of orchids that lead a predatory lifestyle - they feed on spiders, midges and other small things that fall into their flowers. In China, only noble people used to grow these exquisite plants.

Speaking about our latitudes, it can be noted that they are in no way inferior in the number of beautiful flowers to luxurious tropical countries. The beauty here, of course, is a little different - it is not so bright and rich, a little modest, sophisticated and incredibly gentle. In this, our flowers are somewhat similar to the oriental “beauties” from Japan - sakura and grotensia; at the same time, they are not so lush, which allows you to focus on the details. One of the most beautiful symbols of Russia can be called bell, or campanula. This plant is a herbaceous flower; separate perennial and annual species.

In nature, bells can be found both in the shade and in sunny places, however, most often these plants like to settle in forests. A whole layer of folk art is associated with this wonderful and delicate flower in our country, when songs and poems were dedicated to it, it is often mentioned in fairy tales. Since ancient times, these plants have decorated rural front gardens and noble estates. This unpretentious creature can be found even in the mountains - there it settles in rocky crevices. Among garden species the most famous Medium- it comes in white, blue, pink and purple.

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