History of the Earth: Legends of Two Suns. The separation of the Moon from the Earth at the turn of the early and middle Miocene and the Aztec legend of two suns - Earth before the Flood: disappeared continents and civilizations When there will be two suns in the sky

Studying the mythology of the peoples of Europe, America, Africa and Asia allows us to compare the cosmogonic views of our distant ancestors and find many similarities. This makes it possible to establish the reality of the events described.

Astrophysicists rarely talk about the fact that the Sun is a double star. For example, the American astrophysicist Muller hypothesized that our luminary forms just such a pair with the yet undiscovered star Nemesis. Scientists from the University of Berkeley (California) Mueller, Care and Pennypecker in the 1980s. They looked for it among red dwarfs. According to this hypothesis, Nemesis revolves around the Sun in an elongated orbit with a period of 26 million years. The next approach of the solar partner is expected in 15 million years.

Five Suns in the Sky

Before the catastrophic explosion of the Santorini volcano, the Egyptians had four solar gods: Amun, Atum, Khepri and Ra. And much earlier, at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennia, in the country of the pyramids there was a cult of the sun god named Horus, who had seven hypostases. The names of the main god reflected the different hours of the daylight, from the morning sun (Gor-akhuti) to the formidable fighter against darkness (Gor-sa-Iset) and the solar god of the eastern and western horizons (Gor-em-akhet). It is possible that the Egyptians were misled by optical illusions.

There are atmospheric phenomena that are perceived as many suns - a halo. They usually look like two suns, one above the other. It is extremely rare that five false suns shine in the sky, one in the middle and four around it. These optical phenomena make a strong impression on people. Shocked by such an abundance of luminaries in the sky, the ancestors could, of course, imagine the existence of two to five suns. Wasn't this the reason for the appearance of the five sun gods in ancient india- Surya, Savitara, Mithra, Vishnu, Pushana? Yes, five Suns is too much for our planetary system. But two are quite possible.

Aztecs and Sumerians - experts on the sky

There is a mystery in the Aztec cosmogony: their legends claim that two Suns once shone in the sky at the same time.

The Aztecs came to Mexico from the north quite recently - in the 13th century. The origins of their religion and cosmogony are unknown to us. But they also had five sun gods, successively replacing each other. The space age was changing - a new Sun was appearing. The Aztecs believed that during its existence the world went through four stages that ended in disasters. The first time, under the Old Sun, the Earth was inhabited by giants who did not like the gods and were exterminated by a jaguar. The era we live in is the fifth, the current supreme god is simply the Sun. They expect our time to end in a terrible catastrophe.

There is a mystery in the Aztec cosmogony: their legends claim that two Suns once shone in the sky at the same time. After the creation of the world, the gods consulted: who will be the sun god? They decided that they needed to make a big fire, and whichever of the gods dared to jump into the flames would become the sun god. Tecquistecatl tried to jump into the flames three times, but each time he retreated from the unbearable heat. The god Nanahuatl (Nanahuatzin) suffered greatly from bubonic rash. Apparently, his torment was unbearable - he jumped into the fire and became the Sun. Seeing this, Tekquistecatl finally made up his mind and also jumped, but became the Moon. At first, the Moon glowed as brightly as the Sun. Annoyed by her radiance, the other gods threw a rabbit at her - and the Moon became normal.

In this cosmogonic myth of the Aztecs there is an indication of two luminaries in the solar system. The most amazing thing is that in China, 20 thousand km from America, on the opposite end of the globe, a close relative of the rabbit, the white moon hare, is also depicted on the Moon. A little bit north of China- in the lower reaches of the Amur and on the island of Sakhalin - archaic myths about two Suns also existed. Only there the hero-hunter solved the problem: he simply shot one of the Suns with an arrow fired from a bow.

And yet the Sun has a second star! It has almost gone out.

So were there two Suns - or is this a figment of the unbridled imagination of the ancients? The myth of the two Suns is very interesting, but still it does not seem to be a myth. Among the clay cuneiform catalogs of the starry sky compiled 5000 years ago by the priests of Sumer, archaeologists unexpectedly found a tablet with two Suns! A huge orange ball was depicted in the southern sky. When the pulsar PP-6835-45 was found in the southern hemisphere, they believed that the Sumerian priests had recorded a supernova explosion, mistaking it for the second Sun. The search for the second Sun continues.

And yet the Sun has a second star! It has almost gone out. And it is not outside the orbits of Pluto and Neptune, but flies in its orbit among other planets. They've known her for a long time. This is Jupiter! If we recall ancient Greek mythology and their cosmic (by nature) religion, then our attention will be focused on the supreme Olympian god Zeus, the king and parent of gods and people. He also had several names. The elements, thunder and lightning obeyed him. Ancient philosophers considered Zeus to be “fire,” a “hot substance.” He owned the sky, and his place was “where the sky turns into the fiery, subtle ether.” For the Romans, Zeus became Jupiter. The same supreme god, king of gods and men, lord of lightning and thunder, founder of order. It is believed that the names of the constellations were given at the end of the 4th millennium BC. simultaneously in China, Sumer, Egypt and in the country of the Celts. “Wandering stars” - planets - then received their names. The planet Jupiter had the name of the supreme god among all peoples: in China and Sumer, in Babylon and ancient India, in ancient Germany and among the Slavs. Why does an inconspicuous star in the night sky, whose merit lies only in the fact that it moves and is brighter than other wandering stars, receive the formidable names of the supreme ruler among the most different nations? What's behind this? What secret knowledge?

Oddities of Jupiter

It turned out that Jupiter emits 2.5 times more heat than it receives from the Sun.

It turned out that the planet Jupiter behaves in many manifestations not like a planet, but like a star. Surrounded by her 16 companions, she looks like little sun. The dimensions of Jupiter are comparable to a small star - its diameter is 13 times larger than that of the Earth, and its mass is 300 times greater than that of the Earth. This largest planet makes a full revolution around the Sun in 12 years. It is believed that this circumstance formed the basis for dividing the Zodiac into 12 constellations.

The giant planet consists almost entirely of hydrogen and helium - up to 90 percent, just like the Sun! The temperature in the center of Jupiter can reach 100 thousand degrees. At the same time, the temperature of the outer layers of the planet’s atmosphere, consisting of hydrogen, helium and small admixtures of methane and ammonia, is minus 140 degrees Celsius. It turned out that Jupiter emits 2.5 times more heat than it receives from the Sun. It kind of helps the Sun heat the solar system.
Jupiter has mysterious properties. When a satellite casts a shadow on a planet, the temperature in the shadow spot should be lower than on the surface illuminated by the Sun. For Jupiter it is the opposite. In the center of the round shadow from his companion, the temperature was 50 degrees higher than in the illuminated part. And only 15 minutes after the shadow disappeared, the temperature dropped to its previous value. Finally, Jupiter's radio emission has a radiation pattern that exactly matches that of pulsars! Pulsars are neutron stars that have an unusually small diameter (20–40 km) and an unimaginably high density of matter (one billion tons per cubic centimeter). As the pulsar cools down, it will periodically experience convulsive “starquakes.” In this case, its rotation speed will slow down abruptly, the volume of the pulsar will increase abruptly until it freezes at some value. (It seems that the Jupiter pulsar has already frozen, swelling to gigantic proportions.) What next? Unknown.

The ancient Greek myth about the relay of power in the sky from Uranus to Kronos (Saturn), and then from Kronos to Zeus (Jupiter) describes actual events in time immemorial. This myth is the same among the Greeks and Sumerians, Hindus and Celts.

Every millennium, up to 10 pulsars are formed in our “stellar island”. They rotate very quickly around their axes. The giant of Jupiter also spins faster than others - it makes one revolution in 9 hours (the Earth - in 24 hours, the Sun - in 28 days). The magnetic axis of a neutron star may not coincide with the rotation axis. Then the flow of its radio emission will be contained in a certain cone. An observer from the outside will see that on the surface of such a star there is an active region - a hot spot, from where a radio beam escapes into space. Such a neutron star is called a pulsar. Jupiter has a magnetic axis shifted relative to its rotation axis, like a pulsar, and it has a region of negative magnetic anomaly - the Great Red Spot. The conclusion is clear: Jupiter, most likely, was the second Sun of our system, such a small sun. But it went out after going through the pulsar stage.

Jupiter and the Sun gave life and established order in the system. Then the ancient Greek myth about the relay of power in the sky from Uranus to Kronos (Saturn), and then from Kronos to Zeus (Jupiter) describes actual events in time immemorial. This myth is the same among the Greeks and Sumerians, Hindus and Celts. Therefore, one should think that 4500 years ago the priests already knew about the solar past of Jupiter, and with it Saturn. Pythagoras once dropped the phrase: “The Sun, the guardian of Jupiter.” If we remember one of the main commandments of mystical initiations: “Allegories are for the uninitiated, direct truths are for the elect, communicated to them during initiations,” then the double truth of Pythagoras’ words becomes clear. Firstly, the Sun and Jupiter are of the same nature. Secondly, the active nature of Jupiter has become exhausted. Thirdly, the Sun continues the work that it carried out together with Jupiter. And if we add a third “ former Sun" - Saturn, then here it is in front of us - the original trinity of gods! It is from this primary trinity Sun-Jupiter-Saturn that the Babylonian Anu, Ea, Enlil originate; Egyptian Osiris, Isis, Horus; Indian Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. This is the main secret of mystical revelations. Allegorical mystery - the trinity of gods. The true mystery is the three luminaries in the solar system, a triple star.

Ever since man consciously looked at the world, he began to wonder: how did life arise on Earth? Even in ancient times, people realized that nothing could arise on its own, so they looked around in search of God, who gave them this life. It is not surprising that many primitive peoples gave this role to the brightest celestial body - the Sun, because human life was closely connected with the cycles of solar activity.

After all, if the Sun becomes angry with people and begins to scorch the crops with merciless rays, there will be drought and famine. Or it will disappear behind the rain clouds - then don’t expect a harvest either. You couldn’t point a finger at him, stand with your back to him, or spit in the direction of the luminary.

The light of the Sun was identified with purity and divine origin. Many peoples called the Sun God by name. The Slavs called him Svarog (Horse, Dazhbog), the ancient Egyptians called him Ra (often depicted as a falcon), and the ancient Greeks called him Helios. However, in the most ancient literary sources there is a mention of another, the so-called “black Sun,” which may be the original center of our Galaxy, and perhaps the Milky Way.

Images of the “black Sun” are found in the cultures of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. For example, the “Illustrated Encyclopedia of Symbols” contains an image of the Naram-Sina Stele, on which two suns can be seen. A bas-relief from Babylon, dating from the 9th century, also has carved images of the common Sun, Moon and Black Sun.

IN Greek mythology Hyperion is mentioned, who was considered the father of Helios (sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn). Hyperion is the oldest, central, true first sun - the sun that is behind our planet, and therefore it is not possible to see it. The “black matter” of the Sun was personified with creative energy, and only a select few were given the opportunity to see and feel its power.

Ancient chronicles mention a country that once existed - sunny Hyperborea, which was inhabited by people with paranormal abilities - the Hyperboreans. Instead of blood, the energy of the Black Sun flowed in their veins, and the Third Eye was their visual organ. Representatives of this “superior race” lived on the territory of the North Pole, where the “other”, the Central Sun, rose.”

However, over time, it lost its power, began to fade and turned into the Black Sun. Hyperborea began to disappear under water and become covered with a layer of ice, and its inhabitants left in a hurry to settle throughout the entire earth. The light of the Black Sun no longer illuminated the once great Hyperborea with bright light, and in the black rays of the fading sun this country became invisible.

However, to this day, some continue to believe that a “blue island” - a Center for the revival of life - is hidden in the ice of the Arctic. The Nazi organization Ahnenerbe, which paid great attention to the occult, was also actively searching for this Center.

Until now, the activities and successes of this organization are classified, but the following is known: fascist intelligence agents intensively searched for people with paranormal abilities: telepaths, clairvoyants, psychics, in order to then use their power to carry out their plans. It is quite possible that such people are the descendants of the legendary Hyperboreans, and contain particles of “black fire”.

Prediction of the Franciscan monk Ragno Nero("Black spider"). In 1972, a manuscript was found in one of the monasteries in Bologna, the so-called “ Eternal book", which gives a forecast for the development of our civilization up to 6323 inclusive. In 1981 and 1984 In Italy, a book by B. Basher was published with the texts of the manuscript by R. Nero with detailed comments.

The prophet, in his predictions, often predicts alternative paths for the development of the future and describes the probabilistic development of future events. He believed that change, correction of fate is possible not only for an individual, but also for entire nations and the entire civilization. Always exists best alternative future, but it is not given to people so easily, but only through conscious efforts and collective work of humanity on its mistakes.

R. Nero predicted many events that have already happened. I will give only his prophecies related to our future:

1. There will be a constant struggle between three big religions - the religion of Christ, the green religion ( Islam), the religion of the Sun and fire professed by the peoples of Arabia and Persia ( Zoroastrianism).

2. Christianity will pass through all times, the hour will come when Christians will live in caves.

3. There are no good angels behind the green religion, so it will die out.

4. In the 21st century, the religion of the Sun and fire will experience a victorious march; it will find support for itself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in a completely new quality. The site of her main temple is the green island of Erin. The time will come when this religion will survive only on the islands.

5. The religion of the great emptiness will spread throughout the East. Over time, this religion will die out. Its remnants will be established only on one peninsula, which will be compared with the islands of bliss.

6. There will also be three more religions - Hinduism, paganism and the religion of the Great Serpent. ( Possibly the beliefs of South American Indians. Feathered Serpent - Quetzalcoatl). The entire South will be embraced by the religion of the Great Serpent.

7. Each religion will produce its own type of person.

8. The Religion of the Great Void and the Religion of the Sun and Fire will eventually give birth to a new religion. Becoming her father and mother.

9. The religion of the Great Serpent, paganism, the religion of the Great Void, the religion of the Sun and fire will be combined and used by the religion of Lucifer (Satan).

10. The religion of Satan will emerge in 1925. I see a victorious procession, I see it as a temple, but there is no light in it. Everything is the other way around and only the pig's snouts are visible. Really, On January 31, 1925, Edward A. Crowley gathered his supporters and officially proclaimed the founding of the Satanic Temple.

11. At the end of the 20th century, the whole world will worship Satan, many white people will be seduced by this religion. The main center of seduction is the country of Tartary ( Russia). Currently, there are about 300 different sects and religious communities around the world.

12. In 2075, the main banner of the Church of Satan will be taken up by the black peoples of Africa. Black banner, black trees, everything around is black.

13. Worshipers of Satan will learn to make sure that each person has many of his own likenesses - “prints”. The soul of a person will alternately inhabit these similarities ( cloning or regeneration of the human body using stem cells).

14. Two terrible poisonous mushrooms will rise above two cities. There will be seven such mushrooms in total. Probably, we're talking about about atomic bombing Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the explosion of a nuclear reactor in the city of Chernobyl. Humanity has four more “poisonous mushrooms” to survive.

15. End of XX - a terrible cloud is visible over the East. Possibly a radioactive cloud that was formed as a result of the explosion of a nuclear reactor at Chernobyl (1986).

16. There will be terrible unrest in India. There will be a strong dictator in the north of India who will unite India as one.

17. In 1981, a new terrible disease will appear as a punishment for fornication. Perhaps we are talking about a disease that is sexually transmitted - AIDS.

18. At the end of the 20th century, deadly diseases will pass over Europe, killing half the population. There will be five new diseases in total. One of them is for the benefit of humanity.

19. On the new moon there will be a great upheaval on Earth. Then the land will be taken out of the sea and must return to the sea. A trembling will run through the old earth.

You will see snow during the harvest, you will see roses during the snowy season.

People will live to see a time when the sky will be covered in poisonous smoke, the lands will be poisoned by deadly mushrooms, the water will be polluted by invisible worms ( microbes).

A ball of light will rise in the sky and will be confused with the Sun. But its light is cold, colder than the rays of Selene (the Moon). Possibly the appearance of a neutron star.

20. After this, the population will greatly decrease. France, Spain, Türkiye, and the Scandinavian countries will disappear. Tartaria will not disappear.

21. Huge temples in the form of cones will be erected. Sphinxes will be erected, and their huge horns will grow from the ground.

22. People with spotted skin will appear.

23. New species of animals will not obey humans. Pets will become enemies of man, as they will study his character and habits.

24. Insects will be the terrible enemies of humans in the 21st century. Scary spiders will destroy people. Locusts will fill the entire earth.

31. A prophecy about the appearance of an unusual star near our planet. " There will be two Suns and two Moons in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a burning hell. It will be impossible to live on earth. Only in the air and underground will there be salvation for those living. Eight underground cities will be built. The peaks will be cut off from the mountains. People can only live on the mountains. Many people will be blinded by the light of the two Suns; Huge waves will rise. They will flood half of the earth's surface, and then roll back ( tidal wave). In the north, snow and ice will melt. Vast flowering lands will appear at the poles; New Moon will be smaller and closer to Earth than the old Moon. The new Moon will be just as visible from Earth as the old one.

When people see the light of two Suns and two Moons in the sky, then the Antichrist will come to Earth - Satan on a horse with three heads. The New Sun will patronize the religion of Satan."

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From some ancient myths and chronicles that have reached us, it follows that there was an era on Earth when the Moon was not in the sky above it. He wrote about this in the 5th century BC. e. Greek philosopher and astronomer Anaxagoras of Klazomen, who used sources that have not reached us, where it was argued that the Moon appeared in the sky later than the appearance of the Earth.

In II! century BC he was supported by the Greek philosopher and poet, chief curator of the Library of Alexandria, Apollonius of Rhodes. In his essay “Argonautics,” he quotes the words of another philosopher, Aristotle, who a century earlier mentioned in one of his works about the ancient inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Arcadia (a region on the Peloponnese peninsula), who “ate on acorns, and this was in those days when there were still there was no moon."

The writer and historian Plutarch, who lived at the turn of the 1st-11th centuries AD, speaks of one of the rulers of Arcadia named Proselenos, which means “below the moon,” his subjects, the Proselenites, the first inhabitants of Arcadia.

Modern scientists do not deny the possibility of a “moonless” stage in human history and give various explanations for this. According to one of them, the Moon was once one of the planets solar system, but then, due to some kind of cosmic catastrophe, it left its orbit and turned into a satellite of our planet.

In the north of Bolivia, in the Andean region, on the Altiplano plain, surrounded by the snow-capped ridges of the Cordillera, not far from the shores of the alpine lake Titi-caca, there are the ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco. They lie at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, where the vegetation is very sparse and the terrain is unsuitable for human habitation.

Why is Tiahuanaco in such a place? Who built it and when? Such questions were asked to themselves and those around them by the first Europeans who found themselves in ancient city. The Indians who lived in these parts at the time of the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors believed that such a large city could not be built by ordinary people, that it was built once upon a time by a long-extinct tribe of giants. The Europeans who visited Tiahuanaco did not believe in giants, but they attributed the city ancient origin. Thus, the Bolivian researcher Arthur Poznansky, who devoted half his life to the study of Tiahuanaco, argued that the city was founded at least 12-17 thousand years ago. And, according to archaeologist Dr. H.S. Bellamy, the age of the city is 250 thousand years. However, even such an unimaginable antiquity of Tiahuanaco does not correspond to the results of modern archaeological and geodetic research.

As already mentioned, Tiahuanaco lies above Lake Titicaca in a basin surrounded by mountains. On their slopes there are traces of the ancient shores of the lake. By connecting the former opposite banks with a straight line, we will see that the ancient water mirror was located obliquely in relation to the present one. Moreover, at a distance of 620 km the deviation is more than 300 meters. If we transfer these data to isohypses (geodesic horizontal lines) of the Earth’s surface in this area of ​​South America, it turns out that the Andes in the vicinity of Tiahuanaco were an island in the ocean, the level of which reached the level of Lake Titicaca, that is, it was then almost 4000 meters higher! In addition, Lake Titicaca is salty.

From the above it follows that Tiahuanaco was built on the shore of the sea or a body of water connected to it, which is confirmed by the ruins of port facilities, shells and remains of fossil sea animals, and images of flying fish found on its territory. And such a port city could only exist before the rise of the Andes. But the rise of the Andes and the decrease in the water level of the World Ocean are attributed by geologists to the Tertiary period (60-70 million years ago), that is, to the time when on Earth, as stated modern science, there were no people. However, some findings give reason to challenge this assertion.

In the early 30s of the 20th century, 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Boerne, Kentucky, USA, professor of geology, Dr. Wilbur Burrow and his colleague William Finnel discovered human (or very similar to human) feet. Twelve footprints, 23 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide in the area of ​​the “spread” fingers, looked as if someone had walked barefoot on wet sand, which subsequently froze and petrified. And it petrified, by all geological standards, no later than 250 million years ago.

In 1988, the Soviet magazine “Around the World” published a report that in the Kurgatan Nature Reserve, located in the Chardzhou region of Turkmenistan, similar prints were discovered, most reminiscent of the footprints of a bare foot of a person or some kind of anthropoid creature. The length of the print is 26 centimeters. The age of the traces, according to scientists, is at least 150 million years.

Similar discoveries have occurred in other regions, in particular in Slovakia. It should be emphasized that in no case were traces of “hands” found next to the traces of “legs”.

But even more mysterious prints are known. In 1976, Thomas Andrews' book We Are Not the First was published in London. In it, the author reports that in 1968, a certain William Meister saw in Utah, USA, at the site of a rock fracture, two clear prints... of shoe soles. At the same time, the back part of the print with the heel mark is deeper, as it should be in accordance with the distribution of weight when walking. Geologists who examined the discovery site confirmed that at the time when the impression was formed, the formation was on the surface and only later was buried under layers of other rocks. The rock where the footprint appeared at the fracture site dates back to the Cambrian period, which began 570 million years ago and ended 80 million years later.

In the summer of 1998, an expedition from the MAI-Cosmopoisk Center searched for meteorite fragments in the southwest of the Kaluga region. On a former collective farm field near the abandoned village of Znamya, one of the expedition members picked up from the ground a stone fragment that seemed unusual to him, wiped off the dirt from it, and... everyone saw on a chip of a layered flint stone a bolt about a centimeter long inside with a nut on the end. “bolt” to get inside the stone?

Since it was embedded inside the stone, this could only mean one thing: the bolt ended up there when the stone was not yet a stone, but was sedimentary rock, bottom clay. This clay was fossilized, as determined by geologists and paleontologists who studied the find, 300-320 million years ago.

Scientists at the Geology Department of the University of Tennessee, located in Chattanooga, have been in a state of complete bewilderment for decades after examining a rock fragment about 300 million years old in 1979. This weighty piece of stone was found by Dan Jones on the banks of the Tellico River while he was hunting for trout with a fishing rod in his hands. It turned out that a fishing reel of the type used by modern amateur fishermen was tightly embedded in this fragment of mountain crystalline shale. University geologists still cannot explain the origin of this find.

Now let’s ask ourselves: what process could cause the Andes to rise (that is, lower the sea level) by four kilometers and maintain it that way until our times? And could such a global transformation be connected with the appearance of the Moon in our sky?

It gives an answer to these questions and, moreover, combines all the events and phenomena mentioned above, one of the “anti-scientific” hypotheses. According to it, hundreds of millions, and maybe billions of years ago, a giant spaceship with numerous representatives of some highly developed alien civilization appeared in near-Earth space. It entered geostationary orbit and hovered motionless over the Western Hemisphere of the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. This is how the Moon appeared above our planet.

Under the influence of its gravity, which was then more than ten times closer to our planet than it is now, the shape of the Earth became pear-shaped or egg-shaped, and huge masses of water were concentrated on its “sublunar” surface.

For representatives of space civilization, who traveled enormous distances in the Universe in search of a suitable planet, the Earth opened up rich opportunities for active intervention in the development of life on it. And they began intensive work on improving living beings living on Earth. As a result, over time, the same civilization arose on the planet, whose “point” traces modern people, as described above, are occasionally found in layers earth's crust, whose age is estimated at hundreds of millions of years. Judging by some finds, that civilization was much superior to our current one in terms of technical development.

And then on Earth and in the space closest to it, a certain event occurred that entailed terrible and irreversible consequences. This is the story of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, which, among other things, tells about three cities in space and the war of the gods that led to the death of these cities:

“When these three cities appeared in the sky, the god Mahadeva struck them with a terrible ray in the form of three beams... When the cities began to burn, Parvati hurried there to see this spectacle.”

Translating this to modern language, it can be assumed that then some kind of cataclysm occurred in space, causing the Moon to leave its geostationary orbit and begin its accelerating rotation around the Earth. After this, our planet began to take a long and painful time to acquire the current appearance we know, and to redistribute the waters of the World Ocean. These processes caused powerful earthquakes and giant floods. Memories of this nightmare have survived to this day. If we assume that it was reflected in the description of the Flood (Bible, Genesis, chapters 7, 8), then the “rebirth” lasted approximately 375 days.

And in Greek mythology there is a story about Phaeton, the son of the sun god Helios, who, driving his father’s chariot, could not hold back the fire-breathing horses, and they, approaching the Earth, almost burned it down. To prevent a catastrophe, Zeus struck Phaeton with a lightning strike, and he fell into the river, blazing. As a result of such a global catastrophe, traces of the previous civilization were destroyed on Earth, and the handful of surviving people, gradually degrading, turned into cave dwellers of the Stone Age.

Thus, the existing order in the world was disrupted, the end came to the Golden Age of humanity, when the “gods” (that is, space aliens) lived among people, and the sky was full of vimanas - aircraft flying between space cities and the Earth with passengers on board : both people and gods.

After the War of the Gods, what survived, in addition to the Moon, was one of those space stations that were located in the space between the Earth and the Moon and, perhaps, served as “transshipment bases.” To save the surviving station and its inhabitants, the only way remained: to send it to Earth, especially since in conditions when the Moon began to gradually move away from our planet, the station had to land anyway due to a change in the ratio of the forces acting on it.

It was decided to float down into the water, as this reduced the risk of an accident. In general, the splashdown was successful, despite the fact that the station, after passing through the atmosphere and hitting the water, received serious damage. To prevent it from sinking, it had to be placed on solid ground. The surviving vimanas conducted aerial reconnaissance and found a group of islands that surrounded a fairly deep bay, open to the south. The station was sent there so that when the water level dropped, it would settle to the bottom and eventually end up on land. It was this space object that later became the capital of Atlantis, and its crew - the Atlanteans.

It is appropriate to recall here that the average diameter of the Moon is now over 3,400 kilometers. So the dimensions of the surviving space station were apparently appropriate, and could well correspond to the dimensions of Atlantis (according to Plato): a diameter of more than 2000 meters, a height of about 180 meters.

After the space around the station turned into a vast valley surrounded by mountains, the Atlanteans began to explore the surface of the Earth. They searched for surviving people and engaged in their training and development, instilled in them activity and independence, and also carried out work on their genetic improvement. The result was the emergence of Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and, apparently, those people whose cranial volume was up to 2300 cm3 (in modern man it, as a rule, does not exceed 1400 cm3). And these “brainy guys” lived, judging by the finds of their remains in Morocco and Algeria, about 12,000 years ago, that is, just in last period existence of Atlantis, and then, like it, disappeared forever from the surface of the earth.

The Atlanteans became teachers, mentors and educators for the surviving inhabitants of the Earth; they laid the foundations of a new civilization. Well, people revered them as gods and perceived them as their saviors. It was as the deities of the founders of the state and culture that they remained in the collective memory of peoples - in Sumer, Ancient Egypt, among the primitive inhabitants of the American continent.

Well, what about the modern Moon - is it really just a dead celestial body, devoid of water and atmosphere? It seems that this is not entirely true. The fact is that almost three centuries ago, when regular observations of the Moon began, astronomers began to notice on its surface strange phenomena. These were appearing and disappearing glimpses of light and light rays, “lights” flying in different directions, spontaneously appearing and disappearing relief elements, some of which bore obvious signs of artificial origin. “Moon mysteries” continue to this day.

When, during the flight of the American expedition to the Moon on Apollo 13 in April 1970, the third stage of the ship’s launch vehicle was separated and fell on the Moon, its entire surface to a depth of 40 kilometers fluctuated for almost three and a half hours! According to one NASA scientist, the Moon behaved like a huge hollow gong. (It is appropriate to recall here that due to technical problems, the astronauts did not land on the Moon; the ship only circled it, and only thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of the crew was able to return safely to Earth).

In April 1972, the crew of Apollo 16, measuring tension from orbit magnetic field The moon (which, in general, is almost a hundred thousand times weaker than the earth’s), discovered that it is very uneven and has a pronounced increased magnitude in seven different regions of the lunar globe. Another amazing discovery was made: under the lunar surface, at a depth of about one hundred kilometers, there are two belts of some ferromagnetic substances, each more than a thousand kilometers long, as if someone had laid two giant steel support beams in the bowels of the Moon.

It has long been believed that there is no water on the Moon. And it never was. But the instruments installed on it by the Apollo crews refuted this “immutable” truth. They recorded accumulations of water vapor extending over the lunar surface for hundreds of kilometers. Analyzing these sensational data, John Freeman from Rice University came to an even more sensational conclusion. In his opinion, instrument readings indicate that water vapor seeps to the surface from the depths of the lunar interior! Thus, it turns out that the presented hypothesis about the origin of the Moon and its connection with Tiwanaku and Atlantis is not devoid of common sense and is not so “crazy”...

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