Game "My Empire" VKontakte. My Talking Tom Ad blockers are not working correctly

It so happened that my attitude to raising children (and who else to raise, not adults) has always been based on humanism, bordering on connivance. Even in his youth, teaching English to teenagers in a private school and to his peers in medical college, I perceived each ward as a whole universe with its own unique laws, life circumstances, opportunities and talents. The students quickly caught wind of this feature of the young teacher’s worldview and, of course, sometimes used it shamelessly - telling amazing stories about unfulfilled homework and making me crawl under the teacher's table with laughter.

Of course, over time, my humanistic fervor, not fully comprehended in my youth, faded slightly - I began to understand that people, in addition to free will and choice, need rules, boundaries, rituals, stability and a foundation. Children - even more.

Nevertheless, I believed and still consider myself not to have the right to create greenhouse conditions around a child, trying not to adapt the lives of those close to me to a growing person, but to help the growing person get comfortable in the world around him. This is not a matter of discipline and not an attempt to raise a child “comfortable” for society - quiet and always obedient (which, of course, is nothing wrong with, but I only saw such people on Soviet postcards). Boundaries and rules are needed not so that the child is not noticeable, but to make it easier for him to get used to the world of people.

Let's say, the rule “listen to the end of what they tell you, and then speak out yourself, it will be more convenient for everyone”, I consider justified, and “I’m an adult, I know better, and you keep quiet” - obscurantist. Borders should be drawn for the purposes of protection and prevention, and not for the purpose of prohibition.

Still from the film “The Wall”, 1982.

The same rules have always applied to available information. The question “Where do children come from?” - an honest answer in an accessible form, where, how and why. The question “Mom, will I die too?” - an honest affirmative answer and a conversation about the fact that the memory remains alive in our family, friends and descendants.

In general, my position in raising new people came down to two main factors: the desire to organically fit the child into daily life family and the desire not to limit his access to what does not pose a danger to his life and the comfort of others.

These two factors influenced my attitude towards a growing person's access to digital entertainment. Me, my family and my friends - modern people, who have been actively using and interested in digital technologies, gadgets and the Internet since their youth. Soon the Internet became my place of work; naturally, the son constantly saw his mother behind the screen of a laptop, smartphone and tablet; I’m used to the fact that I search for answers to some of his questions on Google; to the fact that cartoons can be watched on YouTube; Besides, you can play Cut The Rope on your smartphone. I am pleased with the way my son’s gradual immersion into the digital information environment took place and I am sure that for his age he has developed an adequate understanding of the network - as a place where one gains knowledge and where one can find, if desired, everything that interests one.

Something went wrong

My son got his own smartphone when he was 5 years old - he got his dad’s old phone. He played on it all parts of Angry Birds (a great game for children who are not destined to walk with a slingshot in the yard) and Bad Piggies (a cool engineering puzzle - I couldn’t cope with the levels, but a five-year-old could easily). In the summer before entering school, he acquired Minecraft Pocket Edition in his arsenal. I was even glad - how many times have I written about this toy right here on Newtonew, and I was always going to offer it to my son, but then somehow it happened.

Minecraft is, without exaggeration, a cool game, almost instantly after its release it acquired a fan subculture. I am still not able to understand what is so attractive about it to children of senior kindergarten and junior school age. While adult players may well be nostalgic for eight-bit graphics and enjoy the square Minecraft world, children have no such nostalgia. Nevertheless, elementary and middle school students are crazy about her - just look at how many let’s play films have been filmed and posted on YouTube by young, unspoiled souls. I came to the conclusion that in Minecraft everything is connected that, in principle, distinguishes computer games from all other types of entertainment:

  • the opportunity to build your own world;
  • non-linear way of interacting with the game world (not like with a book);
  • interactivity (not the same as when watching programs and films);
  • instant feedback;
  • extensive opportunities for communication and self-expression (thanks to the gaming community).

These are excellent properties that develop systemic and strategic thinking, digital literacy, planning skills and even communication skills. Under several conditions: you yourself know how it all works, you are ready to spend a large number of time to explore the game world with your child and... don’t use the mobile version of the game.

It is Minecraft Pocket Edition, the official mobile app Minecraft has led to alarming consequences.

The Dark Side of Minecraft

We had Minecraft installed on a spare laptop at home, which didn’t really belong to anyone, and therefore came into the possession of our son - on an old MacBook (in this case, Mac OS is important) Anton launched his favorite toy, looked for tutorials himself, watched let’s plays on YouTube. I carefully controlled everything he watched, since he surfed through my active Google account. The version of Minecraft that Anton played on his MacBook and his playing style evoked only approval from me - he learned simple commands in the terminal, found new blocks, independently learned to handle them, and explored the possibilities of the world.

But I couldn’t call his style of playing on a smartphone constructive. One thing needs to be said here: there is a huge shadow industry serving Minecraft - modifications, or simply “mods”. A mod is a file with code that changes the original content of the game. They can add new features, for example, allowing you to play your own music in the background or add electricity, elevators or new dimensions to the game; can change appearance, for example, change textures; or they can seriously influence the entire course of the game, providing a loophole for cheats - for example, giving an unlimited amount of resources. Mods are not officially supported by the manufacturer, but there are a huge number of launchers that allow you to install and run mods. This is very easy to do in Minecraft for Windows and in the mobile version of Minecraft.

An entire industry is built on these mods, with millions of views.

Mods, when handled skillfully, can greatly enrich the gaming experience, complicate and diversify the game; but, unfortunately, the opportunity for easy money turns out to be much more attractive. Anton didn’t figure out how to install mods on Mac OS, but he also had a mobile version!

In general, all that Anton’s game on a smartphone has become is searching, viewing and testing dozens of different mods. The main goal of the game - the development of your own world - was forgotten. The imagination, spatial thinking, and patience necessary to collect resources were left out of work.

All this has been replaced by a mindless race for new mods, their updates, short-term joy from visual goodies and a huge amount of resources, and quick disappointment from each acquisition - what you haven’t earned yourself soon gets boring.

And it will be difficult for an adult to stop himself if he finds himself in a giant hypermarket, where there is a lot of everything and everything is free - just reach out and take it. Candy? As much as you want. The most delicate pate? Yes, take it straight from here. Lemonade? Croissants? Caesar salad? Imagine yourself in such a place. The temptation is great to overeat, then suffer from indigestion, then reproach yourself for weakness of spirit and promise yourself that never again, but... But again there is a neon sign of this hypermarket, and again you cannot restrain yourself, and again then you get angry with yourself.

It is even more difficult for children to control their desires. And irritation from what they have received undeservedly also grows in them, but they are not aware of the reason for their negative emotions.

After a couple of months of playing Minecraft like this, I ended up with a capricious, apathetic, nervous child. A little more and it would look like this canonical example:

I had to do something drastic. During the winter holidays, after a week of skiing and reading books from his mother’s childhood in his grandmother’s house, Anton did not find his smartphone in its usual place.

Mom, where's the phone?
- He is temporarily not with us until you and I both understand what you are interested in, except for mods for Minecraft.

And guess what? This explanation, short and honest, was enough. Sometimes we check the official website together to see if the game (not mods!) has been updated. I did not restrict access to the laptop, to the desktop Minecraft version, which I like, he plays on the weekends. Read the entire home library of children's books. Anton no longer depends on charger, and the morning doesn’t start with the words “I’ll just install this mod and get dressed.”

Still, I have not lost my faith in video games and believe that they belong in school. After all, games at school are, by default, licensed versions without an easy bypass option and adult supervision. Moreover, there are successful examples and experiments - a Norwegian teacher, or even in Russian schools.

It would seem... There were so many of them, these browser-based strategies, how many simulators, including city ones. Building houses in the game is also not a feature that anyone will fall for. Surely, many people constantly refuse invitations from friends to play them. But this time we advise you to take a closer look at the “My Empire” VKontakte application. And not at all because of its pretentious name.

I would like to highlight a few significant points that are not visible without complete immersion in the game. Firstly, the interconnectedness of functionality. Eg, research activities directly affects construction and trade. That is, you do not have separate missions, but there is a feeling that everything is subordinated to one goal - the creation of a Great Empire.

Secondly, a systematic approach to the game and a comprehensive assessment of the main parameters. This means that you need to pay attention to all aspects of the game.

In the application you will:

- Fight to expand your territories.

The store offers ten types of purchases, from military and residential buildings to resources.

In addition, you will need to build a Government Building on your territory. This will ensure you manage your Empire and allow you to carry out tax collections, which will form your finances.

To repel enemy attacks, you will need to prepare artillery and military installations.

Your battles will be controlled semi-automatically: you select a target and a squad for the main attack.

Providing the army with food is carried out by building a farm.

By building new housing and settling it, you will increase the population in your territories.

Advantages of the application:

- it is scalable;

— game animation is at a good level;

- good graphics and sound.

Disadvantages of the application:

- some typicality;

- lengthy tutorial.

It should be said that very soon “My Empire”, like some other applications, should appear not only on VKontakte but also on Odnoklassniki.

Usually, rulers were taught all the intricacies of government from an early age, but if you were not taught this, use our tips that will help you solve many economic and strategic issues in the game “My Empire”.

— In full-screen mode, you can better see the location of the enemy and make it easier to understand where he will attack you from.

— If your goals coincide with the goals originally set out in the game for this unit, the damage to the enemy will be especially significant.

— Your communication skills, expressed in helping your neighbors collect taxes, will be embodied in hard cash and popularity points.

— Drop-out bonuses are automatically credited to your account.

— Clicking on the icon with the image of an ally in the lower left corner of the screen will give you support in battle.

Every day the social network Odnoklassniki is visited by more than seventy million people from different cities and even different countries. And this is not surprising - after all, on this site you can not only find friends and exchange messages, but also play various games. Everyone can choose a hobby here to suit their taste - strategy and arcade games, card and role-playing games - you can find all this on the site. But, unfortunately, sometimes users have all sorts of problems logging in and loading these online games, and then the question of why games don’t open in Odnoklassniki and what to do about it becomes quite relevant. In our article we will talk about the reasons why games in Odnoklassniki do not launch and what to do to solve this problem.

Some people mistakenly believe that only children play online games. But this is a fundamentally wrong opinion - with the help of these entertainments, many adults also take a break from work. And, by the way, this pastime can even be useful - there are many games that teach and train memory and attentiveness for both children and adults. They can even be devoted to the study of foreign languages.

You can learn how to create a shortcut for classmates on your desktop from our other article on this site.

Why don't games work in Odnoklassniki?

There may be several reasons why games in Odnoklassniki do not load. Here are the main ones:

  • Incorrect date set on the computer
  • Infecting your device with a virus
  • Lack of a flash player on the computer
  • Flash player not updated to the latest version
  • The cache on the browser you are using is clogged

For these reasons, you may experience crashes, games may load slowly on your laptop, and the plugin in games may not load in Odnoklassniki. But don't be upset! All these problems can be solved on your own. This will not require a lot of your time and effort, because with our instructions even a beginner can complete all the necessary steps!

Games do not open in Odnoklassniki: what to do, how to solve the problem?

If you can’t load games on Odnoklassniki, then the most important thing is to know what to do to solve the problem. Above we have given the main reasons why this can happen, and now let's try to figure out how they can be eliminated.

Unstable Internet connection

This is perhaps the simplest case. If you know that the problem is with the Internet, then try to improve the quality of communication. Perhaps you should purchase a more powerful router or change your operator altogether - sometimes you have to take such drastic measures.

Incorrect date set on computer

Yes, sometimes such an insignificant, at first glance, circumstance can become the reason why games in Odnoklassniki do not launch. Go into the date and time settings on your device and adjust them, and then perhaps the problem will resolve itself.

Infecting your device with viruses

But if you haven’t bothered to install a high-quality antivirus on your laptop, then errors when playing online games are just the first harbingers of real trouble. And before they come, you need to install a high-quality antivirus program on your computer. It will check your device for malware and, if found, remove it. Of the free options, we can recommend, for example, Dr. Web or Kaspersky Free.

Lack of Flash Player on your computer or failure to update it promptly to the latest version

Flash Player is a special browser plugin that allows you to play videos and animations on it. In some browsers, for example, Google Chrome, it is already installed, and in some it needs to be installed additionally. Check whether you have this extension installed or not, and whether an update is required.

Ad blockers are not working correctly

If your browser has an extension that blocks advertising inserts and pop-ups on various sites, then it may mistakenly perceive the game plugin as malicious advertising. A sign of such an error is usually a white screen instead of the desired screensaver. Here's how to handle this on different browsers:

  • Opera: To the left of the address bar is an icon depicting a shield. Click on it, and then disable your ad blocker on this site.
  • Yandex: left-click on the playing field. In the menu that appears, find the inscription Antishock. Click on it, and then select “Do not use anti-shock on this site.

Browser cache is full

Cache is data from various sites that is copied into your browser's memory so that the page loads faster in the future. Sometimes such data accumulates in the cache so much that it begins to slow down the entire operation of the computer. You can clear the cache as follows:

  • Enter the menu and find the “Tools” item.
  • Select "Delete browsing data."
  • You'll see a list called "Remove the following items." Select the "All Time" option.
  • Check the box next to “Clear cache” and then click on “Clear history”.
  • You should find "Settings".
  • Log in and open the “Security” section.
  • Click on “Clear browsing history”.
  • Open "Destroy the following items" and click on "From the beginning."
  • Now check the “Clear cache” option, and then click on “Clear history”.

  • In the browser menu, open “Settings”.
  • Select "Advanced" and then find "Network."
  • Find "Cached Web Content" and click on the "Clear Now" box next to it.

Internet Explorer

  • Find the browser menu, and in it the “Service” section.
  • Find the item “Delete browsing history” in it.
  • A list will appear in front of you, in which you should check the box next to “Temporary Internet files”.
  • Click "Delete".

We have provided here all the information that can help you easily access your favorite games at any time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments. We will definitely answer!

You will learn how to send a video to Odnoklassniki in a message from your computer from another article, also located on this site.

Games won't open: what to do?

FAQ. Answers to your questions

Financial issues in the game (income from a check, accrual of coins and everything related to coins)

Question: Why is there more income in less time offline than in a long time?

Answer: The more often you log in, the more income you get from the check. (The most ideal thing is to log into the game every hour) After a certain threshold, income stops accumulating, the threshold is different for each level.

Question: How can you earn more coins?

Answer: Increase your income from tips (information about tips is below), it can be several times more than the basic amount of earnings. Special orders take first place in terms of income, complete them regularly. (In the recent update, income from special orders has increased significantly)

Question: Increasing income from a check through tips. (NEW update)

Answer: Tips are based on the “style”* of your cafe, the more expensive things there are, the more % of the tip is charged on the check, the more different styles, the less percentage is charged for a certain thing. Conclusion: All cafes in the same style = the key to success in the profitability of the cafe.** Don’t forget that the floor and wallpaper also have their own style.

Important! Versatile style suits any style. Purchased decor increases tips ONLY when it is installed, it is not active in the warehouse/baggage. *Style is an icon next to the product icon in the store (English, Chinese Loft, etc.) ** Loft and Loft2 - refer to the same style.

Question: When opening a gift, coins are not credited in full. The same goes for the staff.

Answer: When you open the first gift card, all coins from the gift are automatically credited, and not each amount separately. (Same thing with the staff)

Fulfilling orders, recipes and everything connected with them

Question: I can’t find out the recipe, where it can be found.

Answer: On the "Recipes" page

Question: How to open a recipe in the menu.

Answer: You need to buy the necessary equipment and prepare it yourself for the first time, or open it with crystals.

Question: Why don't baristas serve tables?

Answer: Baristas serve ONLY bar counters and fulfill orders from waiters; tables and sofas are served by waiters.

Question: Why can’t I create a recipe/drink even though I take the right ingredients.

Answer: This is not possible, check the correct composition of the drink.

Question: Visitors ask for something that is not on my menu.

Question: How to use the phone.

Answer: Detailed instructions for using the phone

Did you buy a phone?

Step 1. Click on it in the game and select the task that suits you. To do this, click the "Accept order" button.

Step 2.You can collect the order manually or assign someone from your staff to complete it.

To complete an order MANUALLY: prepare the required dish and select the shelf with the telephone. The dish will be automatically added to the order.

To ASSIGN STAFF to carry out an order: click on the “Assign” button under the selected waiter or barista. If a character is checked, it means he is already fulfilling the order.

Step 3. Once the order is completed, the "Submit" button will become active and you will be able to receive a reward for the work done.

PLEASE NOTE THAT: if you send all your staff to fulfill the order, it will be ready faster, but no one except you will be able to serve visitors.

Question: How often are special orders from cafe visitors updated?

Answer: Once every 3 hours.

Question: Where can I get spices?

Answer: Spices are found in gifts and telephone orders.

Question: Where can I find special recipes for drinks?

Answer: In the game, “recipes” are “special”

Visitor stories and tasks

Question: How do new stories begin and old ones continue, or why there is no continuation.

Answer: Stories are activated after completing previous stories; it is not possible to start any story without completing the previous ones. You need to go through ALL stories and requests.

Question: Green markers in story books.

Answer: This is a task that must be completed.

Question: Why is there no continuation of the story with visitors.

Answer: Most likely you have unfinished stories with one or more visitors, open the story book and check if all stories/requests are completed.

Question: A new visitor has opened at a new level, but he does not come.

Answer: Open the story book and look at the information about him. You probably have not yet reached the line of stories before his arrival, fulfill ALL requests and tasks of visitors and soon he will appear with you.

Question: What does the visitor need to prepare to complete the story?

Answer: Look at the text of the story in the book.

Question: There are no new stories, and there are no continuations of old stories either.

Answer: If you still can’t find what you missed on your own, you can contact support from the game (Settings-Support), without deleting anything in the created letter, but simply add your problem, then the support employee will be able to see the information on your account and help you.

Game support and questions regarding the purchase of game currency and gifts

Question: How to write to support.

Answer: Support is located in the game "Settings-Support", the answer usually comes within a few days.

Question: I want to top up my balance with diamonds or gifts, but after payment they were not credited to my account.

Answer: Please write to support from the game, be sure not to delete anything in the created letter, also be sure to attach the purchase receipt (the receipt will be sent to your email address)

Question: The error "Your device does not have enough RAM" appears

Answer: How to fix it:

1. Remove all unused programs from processes.

2. Stop unused applications in settings. Programs such as Skype use RAM even when closed, it is worth taking this into account. The desired amount of RAM on your device should be at least 300 MB. Important! The amount of RAM does not depend on the internal or external memory of the device!

Question: When will the update be released?

Answer: We never announce the release date of the update. It is also worth noting that updates are released frequently. (On average, less than once a month)

Question: How to purchase crystals.

Answer: Crystals can be obtained by completing some quests. To do this, you must fulfill the requests of visitors. Crystals can be purchased, payment methods are listed on the support page

Almost all users of both iDevices and Android phones know Tom. This is the same talking character who repeats any word or phrase after a person. This cat can also be stroked, clicked on the nose, etc. The developers from Out Fit 7 Ltd are not sitting still - they have “generated” a whole bunch of similar applications in the App Store: here you have a talking parrot (my favorite), a talking dog, and even a talking hippopotamus. But one application still stands out a little. My talking tom(My Talking Tom) is a fusion of a regular talking Tom with elements of a Tamagotchi (virtual pet).

I didn't want to write about My Talking Tom a few days ago, but the release of an article about Flappy Bird clones made me reconsider my plans (below explains why). I sat down with Tom again and decided that I needed to write, since many readers would probably be interested in this application. Intended target audience of the game: women and children. I can hardly imagine that a man of 30-40 years old would take a virtual cat seriously.

The essence of the My Talking Tom application

The player gets his own kitten, which needs care and attention. A cat has few needs - to eat, eat, go to the toilet and play. If you enter the game periodically and satisfy these needs, then the cat’s level will increase. Kitten Tom grows up over time and turns into a full-fledged adult cat.

Tom can repeat in a funny voice what you say into the iPad microphone. He also purrs when touched and follows your finger on the screen. The animation is basic and doesn't compare to Clumsy Ninja.

The game has a currency - coins. They are earned using built-in mini-games. All other entertainment, on the contrary, eats up the budget of a novice cat breeder. There are few mini-games: here lies a great one Flappy Bird clone. Flappy Cat even managed to pull me into her web for a short time. The fact is that I set myself the goal of breaking my sister’s record - 41. Now that the goal has been achieved, the game has lost its meaning for me. I’ll give it to you too - try to beat my record in Flappy Cat - 59. Write about your achievements in the comments! ;)

There is a perfectly implemented speed line game:

There are other mini-games available (7 in total) of varying degrees of interest... I've highlighted just a couple of my favorites.

In addition to mini-games, Tom can acquire wardrobe attributes, modifying it visually. You can also purchase accessories for the bedroom and living room.

Monetization in My Talking Tom is brutal: either earn money in mini-games or buy with real currency. Options are also available: connection to social networks for coins, making money in other developer projects, etc.

IN free version the player will be constantly pestered by advertising. It’s good that there is an option to turn it off for 66 rubles (I recommend doing this if you plan to give the game to a child).

As a result, we see the most intrusive monetization model of all: either become a spammer, or pay, or play for free, but watch ads. But if you play without fanaticism, you can easily do without real investments.

Conclusion: My Talking Tom is a typical shareware time killer. There is very little variety in it, the developers clearly made it just for the money, but the popularity of the game will go through the roof, since the audience of Tamagotchi lovers is large. Well, there are plenty of cat lovers all over the world!

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