Game friends of angels Raf and Sulfus. Games friends of angels Online games sulfus and raf

The Italian cartoon "Friends of Angels" is created on the premise of Simone Ferri's imprints. The fame of these imprints, which appeared on trays in 2007, as well as negative responses from psychiatrists, prompted the cartoon film studio Mondo TV to release an animated series four months later with the same characters - young cherubs and astaroths. The founders of the cartoon made the characters older than in the imprint. Additionally, unlike Simone Ferri's demo, the animated cherubs and astaroths do not play jazz instruments. The screenwriters also worked a little on the plot, but the main line, and together with it the essence of the biography, remained intact.

The biography continues with how the characters, competing with each other, climb onto the ground with the task of practicing depending on people and tilting them onto their plane. These experiences are enough for them to successfully pass state exams and become equal cherubs or astaroths. According to the restrictions of teaching, residents of paradise and paradise are not obliged to branch out with each other, but they are obliged to work with people according to mgma, which is taken into account in the Selection Bedroom. And of course, stroking, and especially romantic relationships between cherubs and astaroths, are also strictly prohibited.

That's not enough, the characters still appear on the land. And having met, they find out that there is another power at work that threatens not only all of them, but also the creature. Allies are evil beings who dream of taking possession of both the concrete and the afterlife. The competing adults manage to band together to escape the neutrals. The main villain is Maasa, a neutral bandit who is open in the perpendicular definition of Mephisto. Her main task is to get out of the interactive dungeon, and this will become impossible if the cherubs and astaroths break the moratorium. To push them towards this, she must do anything.

If the godlike ones fall in love with each other, Armageddon will occur on the continent - a strong detonation of the electrical energy lump. Only this power means breaking the invisible chains and freeing Maasu. But how can you make an adult who respects the low rules love a competitor? The evil sorceress found a method, and in using victims she chose supporters of rival planes: the teenage angel supporter Raf and the Astaroth bandit Sulfus. Maasa created a fabulous trapster and sent him to bite adults, infecting them with the same harmful strain of passion. Raf and Raf resist the spell, and their first kiss frees the neutral from signing. Now he decides to stop Maase from taking over the continent. And while they are moving toward their task, many difficulties and adventures appear along their route. They quarrel, then reconcile; compete with each other and improve their experiments.

Angels and astaroths are different from each other only in that both of them teach how to fly. Youth and lack of wings are all the differences between them. Otherwise, the characters are the perfect essence of buddy-buddy. Not only bandits, but also all their cronies are considered specific individuals with a weak connotation and postulates. Which of the characters is closest to you: the winners of the maforia or the cute bells?

Raf, as already indicated, is the leader of the cherubs. She is a beautiful and mischievous brunette, the most intelligent and inexperienced among her colleagues. Only one percent of experiences separate her from being an equal citizen of paradise and an amateur guardian angel. As cherubs require, Raph is sweet and adorable. The girl adores the essence, will do anything for her friends, and is secretly in love with an Astaroth supporter.

Sweet is Raf's friend, an immemorial dandy. In shoes, she pays tribute to white, purple and pink, does not discuss her love without sexy prints, and takes pictures of glasses. Just by appearing in the company of cherubs, Sweet is unable to improve everyone’s well-being.

Uri is still quite a parent in hue, but already a daring and tactical girl. She will always help her friends in a wide variety of situations, regardless of her internal vulnerability and plasticity. Intelligent and black, Uri does not look like a colorful divine flower that somehow ended up on the earth for some incomprehensible reason.

Mickey is the most immature and most gymnastic of the cherubs. Pessimism and wisdom are incomparable to her. She is also carefree and not unlike the other angelic beauties, because she wears cowboy shirts and gymnastics pants.

Sulfus is the main one among the teenage demons. He is cunning and arrogant, cuts through the earth on a bicycle and loves art rock. As befits Satan, even if he is still young, it is difficult for him to become a deceiver. He has a toad painted on his knee, which is resurrected when it is necessary to complete some special task. Raf will never admit it, but he is in love with black-haired Raf.

Kabale is still Satan. Sulfus's main girlfriend also deals in deceptions and tricks. Unlike the shy angels, Rekrutchine is cynical both in her attire and in her attitude.

Cabiria is an extremely intelligent demon girl who builds cunning plans that are beyond the control of the minds of either the dying or the godlike. At the most, one feature of her shade is not inherent in Astaroths - Cabiria adores insects.

Gus is another member of the Sulfus team. A simple-minded fat man, dapper in worn gymnastics shoes. Loves to eat and take naps.

Cheerful angels and cunning demons are still teenagers themselves, and not at all experienced immortal beings who play with grace with human destinies. They just have to learn all the intricacies of how to correctly persuade mere mortals to good or evil. And during the learning process, many interesting things will happen, because in addition to the two rival teams, there are also insidious neutrals, weaving intrigues to achieve their goals with the help of naive students. Despite the fact that there is a “veto” - a ban on angels and demons touching each other, love between rivals plays an important role in the plot of the cartoon and helps to understand a lot. Passing through various moral and ethical tests, angels and demons, like their mortal charges, mature and form their own characters and principles. You can learn to love, make friends, fight and forgive, as well as just have fun with your favorite characters with the help of the games Friends of Angels.

"Friends of Angels" is an animated series produced by the Italian animation studio"Mondo TV" The cartoon is based on the comics by Simone Ferri, which appeared on book layouts in 2007. The animated series premiered in April 2011.

Between heaven and hell

The main characters of the series are young angels and demons who descended to earth in order to improve their skills and turn into full-fledged inhabitants of heaven and hell. As you know, in order to learn something well, you need to practice well, and the best “guinea pigs” for otherworldly forces are us, people. The task is as old as the world: to win people over to your side and force them to do evil or good. According to the rules, angels and devils should not collide with each other; they determine the order of “processing” of the next human specimen in a special Selection Room. There is one more rule: angels and demons have no right to touch each other, much less fall in love...

Having met on earth, angels and demons find out that they are opposed by another force, much more evil than the fiends of hell. These are the so-called neutrals - unpleasant creatures who want to gain total control over the material and immaterial world. The guys with halos and horns have no choice but to unite, make friends and try to save humanity and themselves from the influence of neutrals. The main enemy of the young heroes is the neutral Reina. Reyna, imprisoned in the mysterious dimension of Limbo, dreams of breaking free of her imprisonment and uses her power to force angels and demons to commit sacrilege.

Immortal love

Reina knew very well what would happen if an angel fell in love with a demon, and he reciprocated: an apocalypse, that is, an energy explosion of unprecedented power that could break the chains and finally free the neutral from imprisonment. All that was left to do was to make the boy and girl fall in love with each other. What could be easier for a witch? She created a magical spider that bit the angel Raf and the leader of the demons Sulfus and infected them with a dangerous virus - love. The angel and the demon commit a terrible blasphemy - they kiss, and Reina is released. Now the task of angels and demons is to prevent Reyna from seizing power over all the inhabitants of the earth.

As the action progresses, the winged guys experience many adventures. From time to time they quarrel or make up, take part in competitions and gain experience. There are some differences between comics and cartoons: for example, in the animated version the characters are older, angels and demons do not play musical instruments, and the plot is slightly different. However, the essence remains the same: the struggle of united angels and their new friends, demons, against a common enemy.

Winged heroes

Both angels and demons have wings. Both of them can fly. This is where the similarities end and the differences begin. Each character in the animated series has its own, unique character. Let's take a close look at our friends and determine which of them we like better: those who wear a halo or those with a pair of small horns?


  • Raf is the leader of the angels, a beautiful blonde girl who only has one percent of her skills left to become a real guardian angel. Energetic, sweet, kind, loves nature, her friends angels and... Sulfus.
  • Sweet is a glamorous and stylish angel girl. She dresses in white, pink and purple and just loves accessories. In addition, she loves candy, collects glasses, just one appearance of her is enough, and all her angel friends are in a good mood.
  • Uri is a cute dark-skinned angel girl. Uri’s character is still quite childish; most of all, she resembles a bright flower that somehow miraculously descended from heaven to earth.
  • Miki is the oldest member of the group of angels. Miki prefers a sporty style of clothing, loves sweatshirts, T-shirts and flared pants. Witty, funny, optimistic.


  • Sulfus is a cunning, proud boy, a real devil. Dressed in a gray suit, he wears a pattern on his shoulder in the form of a snake, which, at the request of the owner, can come to life and turn into a real amphibian. Loves motorcycles and rock music. He easily deceives his rivals and is secretly in love with Raf.
  • Kabale is an exquisite she-devil, the right hand of Sulfus, another specialist in deception and cunning. Modesty is completely out of character for Kabala: her outfits are revealing and her gaze is bold..
  • Cabiria is an intelligent and calculating representative of a group of demons. This girl with horns is able to come up with a combination that neither mortal nor immortal opponents can recognize. At the same time, she is compassionate and loves animals..
  • Gus is an overweight teenage demon who always wears baggy T-shirts and shapeless pants. Gus is quite good-natured, he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating and resting properly.

European psychologists gave “Friends of Angels” the highest ratings. They emphasized that comics and cartoons can provide excellent entertainment for children and teenagers. The plot of the series helps children solve many problems that arise at a young age, teaches them to position themselves as individuals and not depend on the opinions of the group. However, the children themselves do not think about this, they enjoy reading comics and watching cartoons telling about the adventures of winged heroes, and most of all, of course, they play games Friends of Angels - such as those presented at your service on this page.

Do you like mindfulness games? Do you like challenging card puzzles? Do you love the cartoon about angel friends? Then launch the game Friends of Angels: Raf and Sulfus and try to solve the card solitaire game.

Fantasy characters "Play Press"

Amazing Angel Friends was created by Simone Ferri for Play Press comics. The adventures of the heroes captivated the public so much that they decided to make a whole animated series about the friends, and then a lot of games.

The plots of games and cartoons paint us an amazing fantasy world in which angels and demons live high in the skies. Celestials descend to Earth to practice their skills. The calling of friends of angels: to be guardians of people and inspire them to good deeds. Demons must tempt people, inciting them to do bad things.

The main characters of the game are about true friends Raf and Sulfus perform as angels. The first is the leader of the angels of light, and the second is the leader of the demonic group. The angel girl is kind and romantic, and the demon is a ruthless bad guy. Raf and Sulfus are constantly at odds with each other.

How to play

The cards are laid out face down in front of you. Open them and remember the friends shown in the picture. You need to choose a pair for each image. This game is a great way to develop attentiveness and strengthen memory.

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