Christian Resources. Christian resources Three girls under the window March 8 scene

Authorship: Christian Church of Tatarbunary, Odessa region.
Provided by: Fomenko Vitaly

Three girls (brothers dressed as girls):
1st Dosya,
2nd Asya,
3rd Musya

Action 1

The girls sleep hugging each other on a bench. Above their heads, their dreams (drawn on A1 sheets) are shown in turn: Dosi has a rich prince with a car, a big house and wads of money, Asya has Schwarzenegger with big muscles, Musya has the Bible. For fun, you can make girls snore. The first girl wakes up, followed by the second and third...

One girl says, “It’s not time for us to get engaged.”
The second girl says, “I really want to get married.”
Well, the third says, “This is how the Bible commands, what the Lord will allow us, God’s word will tell us what, the Holy Spirit will point out what.”
One girl says, “It’s not time for us to separate.”
And the second one answered her: “Exactly, exactly – no doubt.”
The third one suddenly screams, “Hey, sisters, don’t rush!” Keep the Word of God!
They didn’t listen and wandered off.
Dosya and Asya leave the stage hugging each other, mocking Musya.
(then Musya leaves)

Act 2

Dosya comes on stage, all dressed up, beautiful, with a mirror and cosmetic bag in her hands. She examines herself in the mirror and preens herself.

The first name was Dosya, she lived a fashionable life. Pretty, beautiful, all rosy and playful. And she sits alone by the open window. (Dosya looks out the window, looking for her prince) She looks in the mirror and sweetly says to him: Come on, tell me the mirror, and tell me the whole truth, - Where is my dear and handsome one, where is the rich and happy one, and when will he come to me? , and take me to him?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rich prince appears to her. (A wolf comes out, respectably dressed, in a chic suit) He himself is handsome, a daredevil, he has a palace at home, a Jaguar car, and a little barn. He approached our Dosa and immediately found a use for it. (The wolf approaches Dosa, examines her with an appraising gaze from head to toe from all sides) And he opened up to her completely, “Marry me!” (gets down on one knee in front of her)

Dosya is intrigued by the rich prince. She examines him. He moves the hem of his jacket and finds a wad of money there.

Dosya immediately beamed and recognized him as the one she wanted. He tells him in response - you are wonderful, no doubt about it! (hugs him) Here is my darling - darling, oh, how smart you are! And I will follow you to a distant land, into a dense forest. (takes him by the arm, and the shining ones leave the stage)

Act 3

Asya comes out. In her hands is a folded poster of Schwarzenegger. Sits down.

And the second was Asya, she grazed in bodybuilding. (Asya unfolds the poster, looks at it, then takes out a dumbbell and begins to pump her biceps, helping herself with her foot) She often dreamed of Schwarznegr, and Stallone explained himself, and the handsome Claude Vandamme came to see her in the morning. Everyone dreams about Arnold, to become a princess and live in paradise. (Takes the poster, stands up, and spins around with it) She only wants to be with him, and serve him in everything. (Asya kneels with a poster)

The Terminator music starts. Asya rises from her knees like the Terminator.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Schwarznegr appeared to her. At this moment, a wolf enters in the guise of Schwarzenegger with a machine gun on his shoulder with the words “I come back.” Asya looks first at the poster, then at it (compares). The wolf begins to flex his muscles. Asya jumps with joy. Asya immediately screamed. She fell in love with the Wolf-Schwartz (hugs him) She says to him: Schwartz, I’m in love with you! I kept dreaming about you, and wanted to live with you. You are beautiful, no doubt, I give you the answer! And I will follow you into the dense and dense forest! Asya throws the wolf over her shoulder and carries her off the stage. The wolf, addressing the audience, shouts: I`ll come back.

Act 4

Musya comes out, sits down, reads the Bible.

The third name was Musya, she loved the Lord. And she only wanted to be always faithful to Him. She read the Bible and mentored her friends. She was friends with wisdom, she loved chastity. Musya told everyone about her King Jesus (Musya, with a Bible in her hands, runs up to someone in the hall and shows something, then sits back and reads the Bible)

Suddenly the wolf appeared, and he decided to pester her (a wolf appears in wolf form and tries to pester Musa in every possible way), but she answered him - Satanyuka! No doubt!

No matter how much he approached, no matter how many words he spoke, she fought him bravely, using the word of God to fight him off (Big Musya, preferably, uses the Bible to fight off the wolf and drive him away).

The wolf didn’t communicate with her for long, then he spun and ran away.

Action 5

Well, what can you say now, I know that the hour will come, and we will find out about everything that happened then. And then this happened. Here are our two sisters - young women came out of the forest (Asya and Dosya come out. Dosya with a child in her arms, Asya pregnant. Both are angry).

One says to the other: Where is that sweetheart, dear?! You and I have finished the game! I didn’t listen to Muska, but now I have Lyuska!

Another one tells her: the forest is a trap, the wolf is a bandit!

(Musya comes out and looks into the distance, as if expecting someone)

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done. We wish you, friends, not to have anything to do with the wolf; it’s better to read the Bible and burn for the Lord!

And one day on a wonderful day the prince will come rushing like a deer!

(The prince rides in on a white horse, takes Musya, and they both leave. The two girls left behind cry with envy)

Festive program,

Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening.

If only I were a queen, says one girl,

I would sing songs and dance all day!

If only I were a queen, says her sister,

I could read poems all day and write them myself!

If only I were a queen,” said the third girl, “

Then I would act in films and call myself an actress!

As soon as I had time to say the words, the doors creaked quietly,

And the king, the sovereign of that side, enters the room.

During the entire conversation he stood behind the fence

And he listened to the girls’ speeches, who was better, he reasoned.

All of you girls are beautiful and smart - it’s simply amazing!

But to become a queen, you must first study.

Here are the queens before us - our grandmothers and mothers.

And for them you try, for their sake you act in films,

Sing songs and dance, give mothers joy.

And the guys, if they can, will, of course, help you!

Today is an unusual day,

The sun is brighter than yesterday

And the smiles are prettier

And happier children.

What's going on?

It’s easy for us to explain:

Celebrating Mother's Day.

All the guys are looking forward to

We were expecting your arrival.

Wishes, congratulations

The time is coming again.

To make our holiday interesting -

We have prepared a surprise!

An unusual gift for all of you,

May be mischievous, but cute.


Here they are!

They're coming!

(Music sounds, boys come out; flowers in hands)

Hello, mommies!

Hello, grandmothers!

Dear sisters - a huge hello!

By the way, a special hello to the girls!

Congratulations to you all on Women's Day,

We wish you happiness and long years to all!

Look younger today moms!

Stars glow in the blue heights,

You are the most beautiful of all today, sisters!

The bouquets contain greenery and the sun is dancing!

Oh, how beautiful our girls are!

Like the song of the morning - drops ringing,

You are simply a miracle today - grannies!

March enveloped us, all happy,

We will always be there as long as you exist!

Our dear mothers!

We declare without embellishment:

Honest, sincere and direct:

(All ) We love you very, very much!

And there is no gift more worthy

To my beloved mother, in honor of this day:

I’ll give myself to her, without any comments,

This is like a feat for me!

We love you very much, believe me!

And we value you all!

And if in doubt, check

Secretly, aren't we trembling now?

We're not shaking because we're scared,

And because of what we are experiencing.

And I want everything to turn out great,

And you smiled while sitting in the hall!

So that our gift remains a bright light in the soul,

And we realized that it was not in vain

You are in charge of our education!

Our dear mothers!

We ourselves admit

Which of course we are not always

We behave well!..

We often upset you

And sometimes we don’t notice

But we love you very, very much!

Let's grow kind!

And we will always try

Behave yourself!

After all, mothers teach us good deeds!

Moms can do anything!

Moms will help!

Moms know how to understand everything!

Since it's their holiday,

That means we have a holiday too!

(All) Let us congratulate our mothers.

Song "Mom's Song". (Lisa Kryuchkova)

Galya: The morning begins

Mom wakes up

And my mother's smile

The morning is filling up.

With warm palms

Mom will warm us up

With kind words

Let the sadness dispel

Why so often

Is “harmfulness” kicking at us?

“I don’t want to, I won’t!” –

It's called.

We know, mommy,

You're always right

But “I’m sorry, please” -

The words sound again.

Like the sun in the sky,

Like leaves in a garden,

Like living water

Mom is important to us!

Anya: Our mother is like spring:

The way the sun laughs

Just like a light breeze

It will touch my head.

He'll get a little angry,

It's like a cloud has rolled in

She's like a rainbow:

Look - and it’s shining!

Like a worker spring,

He won’t sit down, he won’t get tired,

When she comes home,

And immediately spring will come!

Karina: Tell me, grandma, about your mother:

How she grew up as a girl,

What did you like to listen to in the evenings?

Like she was tending goats at the dacha.

Tell me about children's fun,

About girlfriends and whisper a secret;

And they hid sweets from mom,

Jam, marshmallows and other “sweet harm”?

Mom can do everything - sew, cook,

He heals broken knees right away.

Has it ever happened that you whined capriciously?

Have you ever jumped in puddles?

I want to be like my mother

I want to, but I'm only seven years old.

Grandma tell me about mom

Answer your questions as soon as possible!

Song “Mom and Daughter” (Zhuravleva Lilya)


I came to my mother today

With congratulations and flowers.

Mom looking at the bouquet

Smiled back at me

And she said that flowers -

Unprecedented beauty.

These poppies, these roses

And daisies and mimosa

I didn’t tear it, I didn’t buy it,

I drew them myself!


Dad and I decided a long time ago

Surprise mom on holiday.

Washed, ironed, cooked

And, of course, we were surprised

What can I say about this!

Mom praised us

And... I started cleaning.

Miniature "FLOWERS"

Roma: Now you will see... (a boy enters with a bouquet of flowers in his hands)... you will see an eccentric walking around with flowers in broad daylight! (addressing the boy) And don’t be ashamed!

Anton: Why should I be ashamed?

Roma: What kind of buttercup flowers are these? Would you still put on a bow?

Anton: A?! It's a holiday after all. So I decided to buy flowers for both my mother and grandmother.

Roma: I didn’t know you loved flowers so much.

Anton : What does this have to do with me?! Grandmother loves flowers very much and so does mother. So I want to please them.

Roma : And you turn out to be selfish! Here you are, grandma, flowers and rejoice. For example, I always share my joy with my dad and mom and my grandparents. Their holiday is my holiday!

Anton : Wonderful! I also try to share the joy!..

Roma: But who divides like that! Flowers! You know what, I’ll give it to my grandmother? Soccer ball!

Anton : Well, that's a good gift. Your grandmother apparently likes to play sports.

Roma : What does sport have to do with it? My grandmother generally has radiculitis and has no time for sports. But you know - the gift is not important, the attention is important.

Anton : What will you give your mother?

Roma: Mom - a puppy!

Anton : Your mother probably loves animals very much?

Roma : What are you talking about?! She can't stand them. And he doesn’t allow me to have a puppy. And since it’s a gift, you can’t throw it away: you can offend a person, that is, me. Here we go

I will have both a soccer ball and a puppy. I just don’t know what to give my sister. I just can’t think of it...

Maybe a bicycle pump? (addressing the audience)

Can you advise me?!

Yes, it’s a day off, but a troublesome one,

The boys have a hundred worries.

You'll have to take your feet in your hands

And get gifts for everyone!

What to give? That's the question?

I would get a star from the sky!

I could tear off a piece of the moon!

And I would bring the sound of the surf,

And I would like a huge bouquet of roses!

And I would like the smell of hay, meadows, river...

And I would do it all at once! So much and forever!

(all) Why?

Yes because...

We can do a lot in the world,

In the depths of the sea and in space too,

We will come to the tundra and hot deserts,

We'll even change the weather!

There will be a lot of things to do and roads in life...

Let's ask ourselves:

Well, where is the beginning?

This is our answer, the most correct one,

Everything we live begins...

(all) ... with MOM!

The big ones and the little ones have mothers,

Birds, dogs and cats have them,

In bears, foxes and hares,

For all girls and boys.

The sky glows softly from the frame...

Why is there no constellation Mom?

When I'm an adult, I'll fly into the sky

And I will discover such a constellation!

And I'm walking on crunchy gravel,

And I carry two loaves of bread solemnly.

My dad and I have a rule:


These weak women.

From birth

This is our cross.

What are they without us - men!

(Motif “If I were a Sultan”)

If I were a sultan, I wouldn't go to school,

I drank lemonade all day and was happy.

But, on the other hand, there would be three wives,

Well, I don’t need a wife for anything!

It's not bad not to go to school at all,

But it’s very bad to be married!

If I were a sultan, I would have three mothers,

And he himself was surrounded by triple kindness.

But on the other hand, no matter what you say,

You also need three diaries with A's!

It's not very bad for us to have three mothers,

But it’s hard for us to please them all!

Sketch “Mothers and Daughters”

Av. Once three girlfriends gathered,

Three funny laughs:

Yana, Svetochka and Mila,

Tomboy and ringleader.

Mila immediately suggested

A game everyone knows:

Mila “Let’s become daughters and mothers,

I will select roles for everyone.

I will, of course, be "dad"

Because the most important thing is

Yana will play “mother” for us,

Just be kinder.

Well, you, my friend Svetka,

You will be with our Yana “baby”

Well, let's play

It's time to start the day"

Av. Here's Mama Yana for breakfast

I baked pies for everyone,

Plump, yellow, ruddy,

I gave it to “father” and “daughter”.

But suddenly “dad” knocks - Mila

Fist on the edge of the table:

Dad: I just lost the food

And the sand was all gone.

You're a worthless mother

Hurry up and go to the Light

Collect for kindergarten.

Av. But Sveta is capricious:

Sveta: I don’t want to go to kindergarten.

You better give me candy,

What do we have in our closet?

Av. Poor Yana gets it,

Everything seems wrong to them.

Both are unhappy with their mother

They nag you for every little thing.

Dad: There’s no lunch on time -

5 minutes late.

Av. Sveta is a picky person -

Sveta: I don’t want to eat soup.

Av. Garbage is bothering “dad” here,

Dad: Why didn’t you remove it?

I'm relaxing with the newspaper,

And mom has everything to do.

Av. Yana soon got tired of it

To endure all their whims:

Yana: I won’t be a “mom” anymore

I want to be a girl.

Av. Girlfriends quarreled

Three cheerful laughter.

Everyone has seen enough of Yana,

Nobody wants to become a “mom”.

How can you blame them for this?

It's very difficult to be a mother!

Song “Mom Your Love...” (all girls)

On this day, March 8th
The shops are crowded!
They buy all the gifts.
What am I going to do?
I still can't do everything
I'm still a little old.
But I don't regret it at all
That there is no money in your pocket.
Since neither grandmother nor mother
I can't buy a gift,
I can do anything with my hands
Make, cut, mold.
Let it be with candies and flowers
Congratulations to dear ladies,

I'm my grandmother and mother
I'll give all my love!

Tatyana Bokova

Our grandmother has happy years -
Granny retired.
No need to go to work now,
It's time to rest and take care of your health!

But she cleans the apartment.
He irons it, cooks it, then washes it.
When everything in the house sparkles and shines,

How much attention grandchildren require!
Granny never gets bored until nightfall
When he puts everyone to bed, calms him down,
Then grandma takes care of her health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work,
and their grandmother surrounds them with care.
Grandma looks kind of tired,
but he seems to be retired, sitting at home.


My grandmother is walking

Knocking with a stick.

I tell my grandmother:

“Call the doctor!

You will take the medicine.

You will be healthy.

If it's bitter -

Well, what's wrong with that?

You'll be patient for a while

And when the doctor leaves, you and I.

Let's play ball outside!

Let's run, grandma,

Jump high!

What's wrong with that? It's so easy!

Grandma tells me:

“What do I need a doctor for?

I didn't get sick.

I'm just old.

Just very old

Gray hair

I got lost somewhere

The years are young.

Somewhere far away

Behind the dark forests,

Behind the high mountain,
Beyond the deep water...

How to get there -

People don't know."

I tell my grandmother:

“Remember this place!

I'll go there

I'll swim, I'll go!

I will find your young years!”

Song “Urnitsa-pattern” (All girls)


Granddaughter for grandma

She looked with alarm:

- Absolutely with you

The head turned white!

Grandma answered

To the granddaughter with a laugh:

- The blizzard fell asleep for me

Head with snow!

Can I have it?

Shall I stroke it a little?

How warm he is -

My palm doesn't freeze...

If the grandchildren are cheerful

Grandmother - even more so:

Look, they sing like goldfinches,

How wonderful!

If the grandchildren want to eat,

Grandma's joy:

Let them sit, let them eat,

They need to grow up!

If the grandchildren go to bed:

Grandma is not breathing:

Lyuli, lyuli, ah, lyuli,

Hush, hush, hush!

Cleanliness, silence,

Warmth, drowsiness...

This is what she is like, a caring grandmother!

Well, what about you? What are they?

How are you and grandma?

Song_about grandma_(Borisov Anton)

Congratulations for girls

1. Dear girls, we congratulate you!

And with all our hearts we wish you happiness!

Don't be boring, don't whine about doing nothing,

And be beautiful, cheerful and brave!

2. We are always ready in the morning

Repel enemies.

But if there is no enemy, alas,

That goes to you!

3. But without you we feel very bad,

We miss you!

If you suddenly get sick,

We are worried about you!

4. On the top of the head - along the bow,

There are freckles on the nose.

Well, if you are girls,

That means you are chatterboxes!

5. There are tears in my eyes,

Sometimes the whole cheek is covered in paste,

But your sweet smile

We will always like it!

Ditties _(boys)

Scene “3 girlfriends”

3 friends on a spring day

Were in a nice mood.

They cooed on the bench

And they dreamed about the future.

That's when I grow up

I'll get married right away.

I will choose a husband like dad,

To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say

I'll be flying in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant

I'll go on the plane.

Don't get distracted, Yulia,

And then I will become a mother.

And I'll tell you straight,

What about your children, Natasha,

I won't stuff myself with porridge.

I will take them to the cinema,

Buy them a popsicle...

I wish I could become your daughter...

You can only dream!

I want to become an artist

To perform on stage.

So that flowers are always given,

They only talked about me

So that I can be filmed,

The main roles were given.

I would get a lot of money

I bought everything I wanted.

Vika, why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

I will study at school,

I promise not to be lazy.

Because when I grow up -

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer

Be friends with mathematics

Own geography

To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian,

Biology, French

You should study at school

To be the smartest.

These are our children.

They want to know everything in the world.

Let's wish them good luck

To solve all problems

It's bad for me to live as a girl...

Lilya. I thought about it somehow:

It’s bad for me to live as a girl!

I need to braid my hair.

I'd rather be a boy!

For example, when I come to class...

(Puts a cap on his head.)

And I’ll say: “Hello! I am Stas!

Hey! Boogers! Why are you silent?

Hey, can't you see that I belong?

Kolya, Sasha, Petit. Viti!

I'm back from class! Who's with me?

I have chewing gum in my briefcase;

There is a slingshot, a pack of chips,

Homemade knife, candy.

There are matches and... a cigarette!

Skip school now -

It's cool, everyone knows it!

And keep in mind - boy Stas

Words are not wasted.”

However, It's bad to be a boy!

It's better for me to become a grandmother -

Bake pancakes, boil potatoes,

Accompanying my granddaughter to school...

(Puts on glasses and a headscarf.)

Tell your granddaughter: “Lily!

Why are you fiddling around like a munchkin?

Breakfast, Lilya, is on the table!

Today I have to

Repair the sheepskin coat in the morning,

Iron your skirt

Need to wash the dishes

Another granddaughter to pick up from the garden,

Cook the borscht and wash the floor!

No way! I should be a grandmother

It’s very difficult, by the way.

I don't want from morning to night

I cook, wash! I'll get tired

I'd rather be Anya's friend!

(Puts on head a knitted hat.)

Then she asks for candy,

Either a textbook or a notebook,

Then write off the tests...

And he always pushes!

Tells me: "Nonsense

School activities

And events!

No, they won't be useful!

I'll lie on the carpets

And there is candy in abundance.

And I’ll find myself even more so

Millionaire Hubby

With a Mercedes, with a dacha!

This is our Anya -

How can the earth carry something like this?!

But I won’t stop dreaming -

I'll become a teacher!

(Puts glasses on nose.)

I will wear glasses.

In high heels,

Speak arrogantly

And probably punish

All the lazy loafers -

Kick out of class for making noise.

I will say: “Children!

Sasha, Katya, Tanya, Petit!

Come to school early!

Sit down quietly! Sit up straight!

Don't shout! Don't make any noise!

Everything - in the textbook! And teach!”

But the teacher knows everything! -

The nerves are great.

I'll be a better mommy!

(Paints lips with lipstick in front of a mirror.)

Will try. I won't get tired

I will be gentle and loved.

The kindest and most beautiful.

I will often say:

What should I give you kids?

What to buy for your birthday?

Should I cook it on Sunday?

I will tell my dad:

“It’s hard for me to live without you!”

After a hard day

I'll take a walk in the park.

And I will be from dad

Receive gifts.

Only mothers - that's the concern!

They often go to work -

In the cold, in the rain and in the snow...

Still a lot of interference

To be my mommy.

How I lived... Just Lily,

And wear tights and a dress.

It is a great honor for me -

Be who you are!



The sun is shining outside the window,

There is less snow.

Happy Women's Day

To all beloved women:




All neighbors and old ladies,




Because, because

It's better and warmer with them!

May Women's Day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,

Let the sun smile on you,
And the boys give you flowers.

With the first drop

with the last snowstorm,

Happy early spring holiday

All: Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Final song

The program of school evenings dedicated to the holiday of March 8 traditionally includes many beautiful and kind messages addressed to girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Schoolchildren also prepare various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, skits, which are usually of a comic nature, and therefore are especially loved. In elementary schools, skits are usually dedicated to mothers; in older schools, they are dedicated to girls in their classmates.

Possibly offered here skits on March 8 for schoolchildren will be useful for drawing up a concert program or original congratulations.

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “How to congratulate girls”

(Based on “Three girls under the window...”)


3 boys,



Necessary equipment: chairs, desks, poster, diary, pens, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, high heels, jewelry.

Only boys take part in the skit, and each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration.

1. The first thing is figure - You need to keep a tight rein on yourself, to put it simply. there is nothing.

2. Emphasize your individuality with makeup.

3. Mesmerizing gait.

4. Clothes. Be as open as possible (expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)

5. Shoes should be elegant.

6. In intellectual competitions, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.

7. You must have good vocal abilities. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.

8. Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull down your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep.

9. To win, you shouldn’t risk your health and do a lot of plastic surgery to improve your appearance - it’s better to go to school, they’ll scare you there and it will be better than any facelift.

10. When entering a modeling school, do not run after the director and ask “Well, take me.” A girl should know her worth.

You can learn all this at our model school “Grace”.
You can end the number with congratulations to all the girls

(Source: website

Congratulation performance in verse.


Boy, Girl

Boy: Our call is terribly ringing,
I fly out into the corridor...
Me and one girl
A conversation ensued...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Even though men are strong -
They don't know how to bake pancakes...
You men are klutzes,
educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell the difference!
By the way, who does the laundry at home?
God didn't give you talent...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!

Boy: The man is of no use?!
Isn’t this talent given to us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl: You don’t feel like cooking borscht,
Don't fry the cutlets...
You should run off to work,
Well, there’s no point anymore.

Boy: You, thorny thorn,
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears.
And also for no reason...
You say barbed words, timid...
Dad is the head of the house!

Girl: And mom is the neck of the house!

Boy: No, there is no need to decide in a dispute,
In a corridor conversation,
Who is stronger and who is more important...
It’s just... mom is the most tender of all!

(Source: site

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “And in our yard”

( Author Kruglova O.N.)

The guys sing a song - an adaptation of the song from the movie “Carnival Night”.5 boys and 3 girls are participating

If you leave the house frowning,

Remember that today is a holiday!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you,
Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

Youth 1: Women's holiday!
That's the reason
That's why we'll eat!
And hearty congratulations
Happy day to all women!

All: Congratulations! (balls are thrown into the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man comes onto the stage with a portrait of Yesenin and reads:

Young man 2: You are my Shagan, Shagan!
There's a girl in the north too.
She looks an awful lot like you
Maybe he's thinking about me.
Shagane, you are mine, Shagane!

On the other side, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Boy 3: No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes,
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

The next reader comes out with a portrait of Blok and reads

Boy 4: I called you, but you didn't look back,

I shed tears, but you did not condescend.

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,

On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered

You, my dear, you, my gentle one, have found...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,

In which you left on a damp night...

Another reader reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Boy 5: Oh heaven I swear she was

Beautiful!.. I was burning, I was trembling,

When the curls running down from the brow

I met silk with my golden hand,

I was ready to fall at her feet,

Give her freedom, life, and paradise, and everything,

The next one reads (portrait of Pasternak):

Boy 6: Loving others is a heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without gyrations,

And your beauty is a secret

It is tantamount to the solution to life.

In spring the rustling of dreams is heard

And the rustle of news and truths.

You come from a family of such fundamentals.

Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

Boy 1: Oh, so many tender feelings
You called it in my heart!
Oh, how many young men died in those feelings!
And we praise you for all matters of the heart,
It's great that the school brought us together
With the beautiful half of the planet.
We will praise the school for everything!

(A girl (dressed up, painted) drives out in a car, almost hitting the poets. Squealing brakes. The girl drives and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?

Mirror voice: You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But take it a little to the left. Stupid, stop! Right now. Where are you at the red light...Slow down!!! A pothole, a ditch... You are beautiful, no doubt, but the world has never seen anyone dumber than you.

Girl 1: Oh, yes! Nasty toy! You are no longer my girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (conducting a dialogue in modern jargon).
1st: Yo, friend!
2nd: Yo-yo!
1st: Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors tore their brains apart. They tried to push through the notations again. I don't give a damn.
1st: Well, what, will you drag your bones to the party today?
2nd: Partying is a sacred thing!
1st: Then ride, ciao!
2nd: Poki - poki. (The girls invite the “poets” to come with them, but they refuse!)

Boy 1: Of course, it’s funny for us to see and hear this.
It's a scary movie at times.
The boys and I watch part of it,
And deep down always
We dream, of course, about Juliet, the one - ("Juliet" comes out(girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (to the song “And in our yard” and all the poets leave for him)


Sergey,Mom (Sergei), Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On the stage is a disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.
He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

Sergey: Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
Mother: Good morning, son. I stroked it.
Sergey: Hello! Which one?
Mother: White.
Sergey: White?
Mother: White, white.
Sergey: Was mine white?
Mother: Of course there was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
Sergey: I don't remember...
Mother: You also wore it for New Year’s, remember?
Sergey: On New Year's Day - I remember. And after that I don’t remember. And... Is she white?
Mother: Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed - I had a hard time finding it! Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so here she is, where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kiss-kiss-kiss! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Get out of here!!!
Barsik: (Leaves).
Sergey: A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!
Mother: What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsik too.
Mother: Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
Sergey: Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: What-what!.. Nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah-ah... That’s what I would have said right away. (Leaves).

The boy takes his trousers off the chair - also dirty and full of holes.
Sergey: Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
Mother: I stroked it. And a jacket.
Sergey: Do I have a jacket?
Mother: Of course there is. (The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs the jacket with the sleeve torn off.)
Sergey: Well then it will be a vest . (Tears off the second sleeve).
Mother: What's cracking there?
Sergey: This is me doing exercises, mom!
Mother: Ah, well done, well done!
Sergey: Today is the eighth of March for the girls, I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).
Mother: I hear you! Nice poems!
Sergey: What poems?
Mother: which you have prepared.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mother: I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
Sergey: Why pie? I need flowers!
Mother: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
Sergey: What about the briefcase?
Mother: Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!
Sergey: These are probably the guys from the class... (Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Oh! Who do you want?
Andrey: We need Sergei from 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening.
All: Seryoga! Are you, or what?
Sergey: Well yes, I am. What do you care?
Denis: Don't you recognize it?
Sergey: Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like we were on vacation with you in the summer... Exactly - in the camp!..
Denis: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you've dressed yourself up! I didn’t recognize...
Ilya: Look at yourself! ( Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself, combed and neatly dressed, and faints).
Mother: And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you’re so smart, you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?
Ilya: No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.
Mother: Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.
Sergey: Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mother: Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Sketch "Wonderful Mom"

The mother sits at the laptop, the child stands next to her and recites a poem, at the moment when the mother must say her catchphrase according to the text of the poem, he shoves her in the shoulder, the mother takes her eyes off the computer and says: “No problem!” and turns back to his laptop.
I'm not a problem child
I tell everyone about this.
Even my mother confirms...
- Really, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I don't want to have lunch now!
I'd rather eat candy!
Smiling, mom will say

(shoves mom, mom has zero reaction)
Mom will say... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Brought four deuces,
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The house is a terrible mess,
Cream is smeared on the floor.
I don't want to clean up!
- Is it possible, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!

I know what a mother is like
Everyone wanted it at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Three girls (Dosya, Asya and Musya) script for March 8Characters:

Three girls (brothers dressed as girls):

The girls sleep hugging each other on a bench. Above their heads, their dreams (drawn on A1 sheets) are shown in turn: Dosi has a rich prince with a car, a big house and wads of money, Asya has Schwarzenegger with big muscles, Musya has the Bible. For fun, you can make girls snore.

The first girl wakes up, followed by the second and third...

One girl says, “It’s not time for us to get engaged.”

The second girl says, “I really want to get married.”

Well, the third says, “This is how the Bible commands, what the Lord will allow us, God’s word will tell us what, the Holy Spirit will point out what.”

One girl says, “It’s not time for us to separate.”

And the second one answered her: “Exactly, exactly - no doubt.”

The third one suddenly screams, “Hey, sisters, don’t rush!” Keep the Word of God!

They didn’t listen and wandered off.

Dosya and Asya leave the stage hugging each other, mocking Musya.

(then Musya leaves)

Act 2

Dosya comes on stage, all dressed up, beautiful, with a mirror and cosmetic bag in her hands. She examines herself in the mirror and preens herself.

The first name was Dosya, she lived a fashionable life. Pretty, beautiful, all rosy and playful. And she sits alone by the open window. (Dosya looks out the window, looking for her prince) She looks in the mirror and sweetly says to him: Come on, tell me the mirror, and tell me the whole truth, - Where is my dear and handsome one, where is the rich and happy one, and when will he come to me? , and take me to him?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a rich prince appears to her. (A wolf comes out, respectably dressed, in a chic suit) He himself is handsome, a daredevil, he has a palace at home, a Jaguar car, and a little barn. He approached our Dosa and immediately found a use for it. (The wolf approaches Dosa, examines her with an appraising look from head to toe from all sides) And he opened up to her completely, “Marry me!” (gets down on one knee in front of her)

Dosya is intrigued by the rich prince. She examines him. He moves the hem of his jacket and finds a wad of money there.

Dosya immediately beamed and recognized him as the one she wanted. He tells him in response - you are wonderful, no doubt about it! (hugs him) Here is my darling - darling, oh, how smart you are! And I will follow you to a distant land, into a dense forest. (takes him by the arm, and the shining ones leave the stage)

Act 3

Asya comes out. In her hands is a folded poster of Schwarzenegger. Sits down.

And the second was Asya, she grazed in bodybuilding. (Asya unfolds the poster, looks at it, then takes out a dumbbell and begins to pump her biceps, helping herself with her foot) She often dreamed of Schwarznegr, and Stallone explained himself, and the handsome Claude Vandamme came to see her in the morning. Everyone dreams about Arnold, to become a princess and live in paradise. (Takes the poster, stands up, and spins around with it) She only wants to be with him, and serve him in everything. (Asya kneels with a poster)

The Terminator music starts. Asya rises from her knees like the Terminator.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Schwarznegr appeared to her. At this moment, a wolf enters in the guise of Schwarzenegger with a machine gun on his shoulder with the words “I come back.” Asya looks first at the poster, then at it (compares). The wolf begins to flex his muscles. Asya jumps with joy.

Asya immediately screamed. She fell in love with the Wolf-Schwartz (hugs him) She says to him: Schwartz, I’m in love with you! I kept dreaming about you, and wanted to live with you. You are beautiful, no doubt, I give you the answer! And I will follow you into the dense and dense forest! Asya throws the wolf over her shoulder and carries her off the stage.

The wolf, addressing the audience, shouts: Ill come back.

Act 4

Musya comes out, sits down, reads the Bible.

The third name was Musya, she loved the Lord. And she only wanted to be always faithful to Him. She read the Bible and mentored her friends.

She was friends with wisdom, she loved chastity. Musya told everyone about her King Jesus (Musya, with a Bible in her hands, runs up to someone in the hall and shows something, then sits back and reads the Bible)

Suddenly the wolf appeared, and he decided to pester her (a wolf appears in wolf form and tries to pester Musa in every possible way), but she answered him - Satanyuka! No doubt!

No matter how much he approached, no matter how many words he spoke, she fought him bravely, using the word of God to fight him off (Big Musya, preferably, uses the Bible to fight off the wolf and drive him away).

The wolf didn’t communicate with her for long, then he spun and ran away.

Action 5

Well, what can you say now, I know that the hour will come, and we will find out about everything that happened then. And then this happened. Here are our two sisters - young women came out of the forest (Asya and Dosya come out. Dosya with a child in her arms, Asya pregnant.

Both are evil).

One speaks to the other: Where is that sweetheart, dear?! You and I have finished the game! I didn’t listen to Muska, but now I have Lyuska!

Another one tells her: the forest is a trap, the wolf is a bandit!

(Musya comes out and looks into the distance, as if expecting someone)

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done. We wish you, friends, not to have anything to do with the wolf; it’s better to read the Bible and burn for the Lord!

And one day on a wonderful day the prince will come rushing like a deer!

(The prince rides in on a white horse, takes Musya, and they both leave. The two girls left behind cry with envy) ..................... Three girls (Dosya, Asya and Musya) - script for March 8- script for March 8

Description: The skit was written specifically for a comic performance. Written with humor. Suitable for any fun holiday. Can be used on February 23 and March 8, for a wedding. Easy to read and learn. Written in the style of Pushkin’s fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”.


Damsel 1
Damsel 2
Damsel 3


Three girls under the window
We talked about one thing:
How to pick up a groom
To live better.

(1 girl)
I wanted it, girls
Live life like all queens.
My husband should dress better
Every day to entertain
Fulfilled all my whims
And don’t let me be sad.

(2 girls)
……………………… the full version of the scene……………………………

(3 girls)
It's not a sin to fly in the clouds
But will success come to you?
Where can you find these?
Modest, smart, golden?
Life is not a fairy tale, girls!
It's worth relying on yourself!

Guys are all fools!!!
Arguing with you is out of the question!

Of course you need a groom!
We must try together.
The goal has been set - go ahead!
Good luck awaits us together!


I was only able to agree
Someone started calling them all.
“Hey, Marina, Tanya, Ksyusha!
I am your friend, Andryusha!
Roll a ball in a bowling alley.”

“Oh, you are our dear, Andryusha!
How nice it is to listen to you!
Everybody's ready to play
We’ll be there at five o’clock sharp!”

“Everything is swept away, girls! (Andrey)
The guys will be waiting for you all!”
(1 girl)
“Luck has struck!
May we all become rich!”

(2 girls)
You have to work hard
Dress up well

(3 girls)
And let down your eyelashes,
So as not to take your eyes off.

Here are all three girls standing,
How beautiful queens...
And the lionesses are ready for battle!
The main thing is not to be lazy
And hook up all the guys,
So that it is impossible to stop loving!


It's time to have fun
Fall in love and make friends.
We played bowling
And then we danced
Everyone walked until late,
And we got along in character,
And in the morning they separated.

How long did the friendship last?
Maybe a month, maybe a year...
Relationships strengthened -
It's time for the wedding...

So the weddings were celebrated,
All the people remembered for a long time.
Where are our three girls?
What awaits them all now?

Our first girl
You've sweetened your life
They forgot about reality...
She quickly got tired of everything,
I suddenly became completely cold towards my husband
Now he dreams of something else
Wishes for a new husband...

Our second girl
Well done, doves
There is everything that your heart desires,
And the cottage is cool, huge!
Only happiness is so far away

End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to cart. After payment, the material will be available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 r ub.

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