walnut name. Nuts and their history

In common parlance, a certain type of tree (the genus Nut) from the Walnut family and the fruit of this tree are called walnuts. Once a tasty and nutritious nut was a curiosity, then with the development of trade relations it became widespread. Now the walnut is a familiar product used in the diet, clinical nutrition, in cooking and Food Industry. When buying a nut, the question does not arise why it is called that - it seems that the answer is obvious and beyond doubt. It turns out that the connection between the name and the place of origin is not at all obvious.

Homeland of the walnut

When there is no exact data about the plant, its origin is overgrown with legends and conjectures. This happened with the walnut - no one can reliably say where the culture came from. According to one of the legends, the birthplace of the walnut is Ancient Hellas. It tells about the love of the god Dionysus for the daughter of King Karius, the ruler of Greece. After tragic death beauty, in memory of his love, Dionysus turned her body into beautiful tree that brings delicious and healthy fruits. It can be assumed that this is why the tree and its fruit began to be called walnut.

Based on the results of numerous archaeological excavations and studies of ancient manuscripts, scientists concluded that the culture grew in Asia Minor and Central Asia. It is safe to say that the homeland of the plant is Iran (former Persia) and Iraq (formerly Mesopotamia). The most ancient nuts were found in Iraq (Shanidar caves) - they grew in 8000 BC. e.

There is a hypothesis that before ice age walnut grew in Europe, Asia, in distant Greenland and Siberian expanses. After that, the area of ​​growth has significantly decreased.

origin of name

There are several assumptions about the origin of the name "walnut". According to one of them, the nut received a “name” after it was brought to Greece and there they began to call it “walnut”. And the commander Alexander the Great brought the nut after a long campaign in the Ferghana Valley, in which nutritious and healthy fruits helped the soldiers to withstand all the difficulties. Their unusual properties did not go unnoticed, and the commander decided that a tree with unique nuts should also grow in Greece.

According to another version, the appearance of the name is associated with the development of trade relations and the spread of the walnut around the world. The fruit, which is stored for a long time and remains tasty, was brought to the territory of Greece from the Persians. There are mentions of him in the writings of Theophastus (370-288 BC), in which he described the tree and called the fruit a Persian nut. The Persians called it "royal", since it was available only to the nobility. Perhaps they called it royal because the Latin name Juglans regia in translation sounds like "the royal acorn of Jupiter."

The Greeks in those days were already famous for their knowledge of agronomy and began to grow a tree with royal fruit on monastic lands. Fruit-nuts grown by them and transported around the world by merchants were called "walnuts".

From the Greeks, they learned about useful kernels replacing meat in the Roman Empire, where the plant began to be cultivated, and the fruits were imported to European countries. At the excavations of Pompeii (the temple of Isis), well-preserved nuts were found, which were probably on the table at the time of the volcanic eruption.

As archaeological excavations have shown, walnuts appeared on the Crimean peninsula and in Tavria around the 2nd-3rd centuries. n. e. It is assumed that it came from there to the southern regions. The walnut became famous in England in 1692, in the middle of the 19th century it became known in the USA.

Buckwheat, the groats of which we call buckwheat, began to be grown by the Greeks, which is why they began to call it that.

Why we say "Walnut" and not "Greek"

If the place of growth - Greece - plays a role in the name of the nut, then it should be called "Greek", but not "Greek". There is an explanation for this and it is simple. In the period when the plant appeared in Russia, the adjective "Greek" was used in speech, which was considered correct. Over time, the norms of the Russian language changed and they began to say "Greek", but the people did not rename the nut, and it remained "walnut".

Now it remains to find out the reason for the appearance of the name "Voloshsky" - this is how the nut is called in some European countries, in Ukraine. In former times and now, the peoples living in the Danubian states were called "Volokhs". The Greek tribes were part of the population, so this name also applied to them. Among the Western Slavs, the Greeks and Romans are Volohi, so the nuts they brought began to be called "Voloch".

The Afghans have a walnut - charmarghz. In translation - four brains, the peculiarity of the structure of the nucleus is reflected. The Americans used to call it "English" because they brought it from England, and the Romans simply called it "nut" - in Latin "nux".

The centuries-old history of the walnut has accumulated many interesting and informative facts about it:

  • the Greeks in ancient times considered it an aphrodisiac and called it the "grain of love";
  • among the ancient Romans, he embodied the goddess Juno, who patronizes marriage and motherhood, therefore, at the wedding, the young were showered with peeled nuts so that their marriage would not be fruitless;
  • in France, nuts in a bag were hung in the kitchen - this promised abundance, wealth and longevity, and young men, in order to seduce a girl, put a leaf from a tree in a girl's shoe;
  • under the crown of a walnut that grew in the Italian town of Benevento (XVII century), witches, as everyone thought, had a sabbath, and by order of the higher clergy, the tree with roots was uprooted, but the same “witch tree” appeared on this place;
  • during the Middle Ages, they were sure that a nut kernel, resembling a brain in shape, helps to cure various diseases of the head, and by the end of the 14th century, these statements changed to the opposite - eating a nut causes headaches;
  • the specific aroma of the leaves causes a headache, so travelers did not arrange an overnight stay under the crown of a tree, insects do not tolerate it either, so walnut leaves are used to prevent the appearance of moths in the closet;

» Walnut

Walnut is one of the most useful products on our table. Mentions of its various types are found in legends and epics, old manuscripts. Even the ancient peoples noted that this product perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.. In addition, each fruit is enclosed in a shell, which allows it to be preserved for a long time and not deteriorate.

Each type of nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of any type of nuts is their high calorie content and a large number of various vitamins that make up their composition. Below is a list of the most popular nuts.

There are practically no drawbacks to these fruits. However, it is not recommended to give them in large quantities children, and do not eat nuts for people suffering from food allergies. Although it has not been established that these fruits can cause allergic reaction but sometimes this can happen.

A nut is commonly referred to as the fruits of certain species. fruit trees or shrubs, which consists of a core and a hard shell - a shell.

In botany, a nut is understood as a fruit that is unopened, with a pericarp, inside which is the kernel or seed. Nuts include hazelnuts, hazelnuts.

There is also a whole family of Nuts, which look like nuts, but are not nuts from a botanical point of view. And all the other fruits that are called "nuts" are not.

The main types of nuts are:

  • from the Nut family- walnuts, black, Manchurian, hazel, bitter;
  • from the Birch family- hazel, hazelnut, Turkish walnut;
  • from the Beech family- chestnut, chinarik, acorn.

There are other types of nuts, which will be discussed a little below.


This peanut belongs to the legume family. It is eaten much more often than almost all other types of these fruits.. During the Second World War in the United States, it was peanuts that were one of the main products, thanks to which the food problem in this country was solved.

The composition of peanuts includes the following substances and elements that are beneficial to the human body:

  • antioxidants;
  • chemical compounds that increase blood clotting;
  • fats that are part of peanuts and products based on it do not contain "bad" cholesterol;
  • peanut butter contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • it also contains vitamins of groups E and B.

This nut is more than half fat, in addition, in contain such macro and micronutrients: K, P, Fe, Mg, and vitamins A, B. And a couple of Brazil nuts contain a daily dose of selenium for an adult.

It is this nut that is advised to use in order to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, as well as to normalize the level of glucose. Children should eat it to grow better, and nervous - to put the nervous system in order. To give the body vigor, it is enough to eat just one such nut.

Brazil nuts in South America are advised to be eaten by couples to improve their sexual functions.

water chestnut

This plant is an annual. The plant is attached to the bottom with the help of last year's nuts.. If the current becomes stronger, then it tears off the stalk of this nut and drags it along until the plant is nailed again to shallow water. There, the nut attaches to the bottom and begins to grow further.

This nut contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • phenol compounds.

All parts of this water plant are used in folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, as a diuretic, and also as a sedative and diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

The fresh juice from the leaves is helpful in the treatment of certain eye diseases, as an antiseptic in the treatment of bites from stinging insects or snakes. This nut can also help relieve stress., enhances immunity, helps in the fight against viral infections.

This nut contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. which are necessary for the fruitful functioning of the brain.

It also contains vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, as well as trace elements such as Fe, Co, Zn, K, Mg, Ca, I, P.

Thanks to so many different elements and vitamins walnut is recommended to eat with anemia, it strengthens the immune system, reduces arterial pressure. It should also be included in the diet of older people, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

This nut is another healthy high-calorie product that is desirable to have in your diet. But it should be remembered that because of their calorie content, nuts are best consumed separately from other products.

Hazelnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, various macro and microelements, vitamins of groups B and E. These vitamins support the normal functioning of the central nervous system, improve metabolism in the body, and prevent early aging of the body. Hazelnuts also contain vitamin C and nicotinic acid.

The fruits of this shrub should be eaten if you need to recuperate after a serious illness or operation. A large number of beneficial substances contained in these nuts, helps to cope with anemia, and additional vitamins are supplied to the internal organs.

By regularly eating hazelnuts, you can reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, reduce the risk of varicose veins, cleanse the liver of toxic substances, remove decay products. In addition, these nuts have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve feelings of anxiety, and improve sleep.

Although there are many varieties of chestnuts, sweet chestnuts are traditionally eaten. They are baked on coals.- This delicacy has long been prepared in many countries of the world, especially for Christmas.

Chestnuts are not nuts, but for their nutritional value rank among such nuts as walnuts.

Useful substances are found not only in fruits, but also in leaves, bark, flowers. They contain glycosides, tannins, astragalus, carotenoids, steroids, vitamin C.

Almost all parts of pine nuts are useful- from kernels to shells, resin and needles. And they all have a unique set mineral elements, vitamins and other useful substances, which together give Siberians health.

Fats, proteins and amino acids included in pine nuts are easily digestible, they contribute to the growth of the teenage body are indispensable in the nutrition of pregnant women.

Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts have recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, but have already gained popularity among customers. They are not only used in cooking, but also used in the treatment of a number of diseases..

These nuts are low in fat, but have more fiber and carbohydrates than walnuts, for example. However, vitamins of groups B, E and P, as well as such chemical elements as Zn, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Se, help to improve the work of many internal organs in our body. And saturated fatty acids Omega - 3 are able to maintain the youth of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.


This nut can perfectly replace animal proteins in the diet., it also contains beneficial macro and microelements, as well as antioxidants.

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in pecans helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

What is rich in this nut? It contains easily digestible fats, carbohydrates, thiamine, vitamin B6, Fe, Mg, P, K, Zn, Cu. mg.

B vitamins improve the condition of nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin. These vitamins also prevent muscle cramps and make tissues more elastic.

The substances that make up these nuts give a person a charge of vivacity, help fight cancer cells.

Pistachios are another type of nuts that are beneficial to the human body. In their composition were found:

  • oleic, palmitic, stearic amino acids;
  • vitamins A, E, B, P;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, starch;
  • Cu, Mg, Mn, K, Fe, P.

These nuts satisfy hunger well, give vigor, and also saturate the body with useful amino acids.


The trees on which these nuts appear can bear fruit for about a hundred years, and the yields do not decrease, despite the age of the tree. Fruits ripen for a long time - up to 7 months.

The composition of the fruits of this nut contains vitamins, chemical elements, various acids, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids.

These nuts have medicinal properties, helping with headaches, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the condition of the skin, helps restore strength, improves brain function, removes "bad" cholesterol. And it's far from complete list useful properties macadamia.


Any type of nuts is very valuable for the human body.. Therefore, they should be regularly included in the diet. Moreover, you can eat both each of the species separately, and several different nuts together.

Walnuts are very popular in Russia and other CIS countries. Perhaps, among all the nuts available on store shelves, this particular variety is the most popular and recognizable. But why is a walnut called a walnut? Let's figure this out.

Origin of the name "Walnut"

Perhaps it is easy to assume that the name "walnut", that is, Greek, arose due to the fact that Greece is the birthplace of such a product. In fact, this hypothesis is fundamentally wrong.

original name walnut in Latin looks like this: Júglans régia. And as you can hear from the pronunciation of the name, it is not even consonant with anything Greek.

Why, then, in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and many other countries of the former Soviet Union, this type of tree, as well as directly its fruits, received just such a Greek name?

It turns out that in the distant times of Kievan Rus, when such nuts were already imported in whole batches to the territory of the Old Russian state, they were supplied mainly from the territory of Greece. Despite the fact that later this product was delivered from other parts of the world, or at least Europe, the name that we know today took root. And that's why the walnut was named that way.

Origin of the walnut

As for the direct origin of Júglans régia, that is, the walnut, as we are used to seeing it, the opinion that it was grown in Greece is also erroneous. In fact, during the time of Kievan Rus, even to Greece, which is our supplier of such products, nuts were supplied from Sinop. Now this territory is within the borders of Turkey. By the way, the Greeks themselves called "our" walnuts a variety of names, among which the most popular were:

  • Sinop (by the name of the supplier's region);
  • Royal (due to its rather impressive size);
  • Persian (because nuts were also supplied to Greece from Persia).

Today, people don’t think so often about why a walnut is called a walnut. But this is not so important, because the most important thing is that such a product is saturated with the most essential vitamins, including A, B, C and E, fats, as well as potassium and magnesium. Therefore, it is necessary to eat them systematically for both children and adults, which we recommend to you.

In prehistoric times, ancient kingdoms, the Middle Ages and modern times, nuts have always been a reliable source of food throughout human history. In fact, the walnut is one of the first semi-finished products: it was not only convenient to roam with it, it also perfectly endured storage over long harsh winters.

Recent archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed the remains of various types of walnut that scientists believe date back to 780,000 years ago. In Texas, pecan husks dating back to 6000 BC have been found near human artifacts. There is no doubt that nuts have served humans as food for thousands of years.

There are many references to nuts in ancient times. One of the first is in the Bible. From their second trip to Egypt, Joseph's brothers brought almond and pistachios for trade. Aaron's rod miraculously transforms and bears fruit almonds, proving that Aaron is God's chosen priest (Numbers 17). Almonds, on the other hand, were a nutritional staple of the ancient peoples of the Middle East: they were consumed blanched, roasted, ground and whole. The Romans were the first to invent candied almonds and often gave such nuts as a wedding gift as a symbol of fertility. Almond oil used as a medicine in many European and Middle Eastern cultures until the time of Christ. Adepts of natural medicine still use it to treat indigestion, as a laxative, as well as to relieve coughs and laryngitis.

Concerning pistachios, there is a rather intriguing legend here: lovers who meet under a pistachio tree on a moonlit night and hear the crackling of a nut will gain good luck. In the Bible, the sons of Jacob preferred pistachios, which, according to legend, were one of the favorite treats of the Queen of Sheba. These green nuts probably originated in an area stretching from Western Asia to Turkey. The Romans introduced pistachios to Europe from Asia around the 1st century AD. Interestingly, the nut was not known in the US until the end of the 19th century, and only in the 1930s did it become a popular American snack.

Story walnut(in this case English) is as ancient as that of almonds with pistachios. According to ancient manuscripts, walnut trees were grown in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Nut has a place in Greek mythology: it was God Dionysus who, after the death of his beloved Karya, turned her into a walnut tree. Oil was widely used in the Middle Ages, and peasants crushed walnut shells to make bread. The walnut made its way to the New World faster than the pistachio, arriving in California in the 18th century with Spanish priests.

chestnuts for centuries formed the basis of the diet of the Middle East and Europe. People used the chestnut as a medicine: it was believed that it protected against rabies and dysentery. However, its main role remained food, especially for cold regions.

Peanut(which is still a bean) probably originated in South America, but came to North America from Africa. Spanish navigators brought peanuts to Spain, and from there it spread to Asia and Africa. Initially, peanuts were grown as food for pigs, but people began to use them at the end of the 19th century. Because it was not easy to grow, and also because of stereotypes (peanuts were considered the food of the poor), they were not widely introduced into the human diet until the early 20th century. Improved agricultural equipment facilitated growth and harvest.

Despite the wonderful properties of nuts, it is worth remembering that their consumption is good in moderation . They are rich in monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fats, they lack cholesterol and contain protein. Walnut famous for its omega-3 content, which is essential for heart health. All nuts are a good source of vitamin E. Include in your diet different kinds small amount of nuts.

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